THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADA. This year buildings costing $141,30 have been erected in '.he prosperous town of Berlin. The Chatham, Wallacelnirg and Pelrolea railway is a new project, backed by strong capitalists. Mr. R. R. Waddell, a well-known bar- rister of Hamilton, Out., died of at his home ou Friday, aged sixty years. Some of the extreme Radicals of the Whlteway parly in Newfoundland propose lo memorialize the Queen for Ihe removal of Governor O'Brien. A new company will handle the news business on Grand Trunk trains after Jan- nary 1, the company having secured in in- creased price for ihe privilege. Owing to the expected large demand for ice, for the ice cattle and forts in Montreal, and the open season, the price of u-. for domeslic purposes i* advancing. The farmer* in the neighborhood of Prei- oott have had an unuiually proapernus season, the output of butler and cheese I' jin (j the largest on record. Among the mail matter which arrived by the steamship Sarnia at Halifax on Satur- day were package* to go by the Canadian route to Japan and China. A motion introduced by Mr. Oeijardin* in the Quelieo Legislature lo reduce the sessional indemnity from $HOO to $600 ha* been given the six month*' hoist. Sir William Van Home and Mr. R. B. Angus have left Mortreal by way of New York upon a holiday irip lo the South of of France and the Mediterranean. The London Street Railway Company will carry schoolchildren to and from Lon- don West between N.30 and 9a.m. and 4 and 4.30 p.m. for a cenl each per trip. It was stated in Winnipeg on Friday that the appointment of a Lieutenant I .ov- ernor will be mad* within a month, and it is believed that Mr. W. B. South will get The faculty of the College of Dentistry of the University of Minnesota ha* decided to discontinue the use of hypnotic sugges- tion* in the dental infirmary. J. M. Rapport ha* wos $3.000 >.y walk ing from New York to San Franoioo stalling May 15, and to finish before De- cember .11. He had a month to (pare. The Denver grand jury ha* begun a secret investigation f the numerous murders by strangling committed there io September and October. President Cleveland has reconsidered his decision, sn-l has consented to lend a representative to the Porte'* commission of inquiry into the Armenian atrocities. The Chsmner of Commerce, of New York, has pused a recolu'ion favoring the ex tension of the Lexow Committee's investi- gation* to all departments of the City Government. The shipment* of Mediterranean iron ore to Philadelphia which have been entirely suspended for nearly 'wo years, in consequence of the dulueu of the iron business, have been resumed. Dr. John H. Durland, president of the Provident Bond and Investment Company, f Philadelphia, ha* been found guilty on the charge of using the mail* to further a cheme to defraud. The effort to prevent anarchists from coming loth* United States will be resumed in the House of Representative* next week. It is said a large number of anarchist* are about to leave France for America. Goodman Barnett, for 30 years a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, tie* com- mitted suicide. He went to the dock* of the Anchor steamship hoe, and, standing a* closely on the edge of ihe dock a* he could balance himself, (wallowed poiion. Then he fired a revolver shot into his i*ad. Judging from commercial telegrams, her* I* little n atenal change in the trade iltuation throughout the United Stales. There i* always a commercial lull towards he end of the year, and whit i* called the loliday trade i* of little real importance. The plan* affecting the new currency have CHRISTMAS GIFTS. If, amoog the namee on your Christines lilt, are those of a few friend* who have summer homes, the question of providing an acceptable gift i* greatly simplified even if the house holds "all that money can buy. If you paint, there is scarcely any end to the gifts you can make yourself. One which would be very charming to give to the friend in whoee houce by ihe sea or in Ihe hill* you have visited is a liny portfolio holding half a dozen water-color sketches of places near the house. Make the portfolio like the illustration, in one piece, each 5', by i>i inches ; the flaps, 1 inch deep, serve to keep the sketches in place. Fallen ribboni through slits to tie, after the fashion of real portfolio*. For the sketches cut the paper rather imal'.er, and when painting eave a margin around the sketch of at give variety, several east 1 inch. To the position Major-Geceral Herbert, accompanied by his aide-de-oamp, has Islt Ottawa for Vic- toria and Esquimalt, H. C. , to inspect ihs works of fortification there. He will be back in Ottawa by Chriitmaa day. Montreal is in a ferment now because a boodle enquiry, similar to that in Toronto, is talked of. Th* Good Goverment Association is said to be back of ibe move- ment. Mr. A. L. Howard, of "Galling gun" fame, intend* making application for naturalization paper*, a* he intend* residing permanently in Canada. He was born in -Sew Hampshire, Mass. At a meeting in Toronto the other night of the Canadian Cricket Association it wa* decided, if a representative team can be secured and satisfactory financial arrange menu be made, to send a Canadian team next year to Kngland. The Parks and Hardens Comnitteeof the Toronto City Council, has granted a lit* in the Queen'* park on which will be erected a monument to the volunteer* who fell in a;tion during the North West rebellion. In his speech on Friday night at Niagara Falls, Ont., Mr. Haggart, Minister of Railway* and Canal*, stated thai ihe Dominion general election* will take place within a year. Thi* mean* that th* (ioveinmeut will go lo the country by December, 1895. Mr. Robort Archer, ex-president of tie Montreal Hoard ofTrade, ha* been present- ed by the member* of the board with hi* portrait in oil, accompanied by a beautifully illuminated addree*. In appreciation of hi* service* in connection with the new build- ing. In 1873 Mrs. J. H. R. Molson, of Mont- real, gave to MoGill University the sum ol twenty thousand dollars to be used for the endowment of a chair of mental and moral philosophy. Mn. Molson new sends another cheque for a like amount to increase the lund for the sustenance of the chair. i.KEAT IIRITAIN. Horatio William Walpole, fourth Earl of Orford, died on Friday. He was K4 years old. The Prinoe of Wale* and the [>nke of York arrived in London from Su l'eter*bur( on Fridsy. Miss Victoria Vokei, who died in London on Tuesday, was the last of the cslsbraiec thealrical family. In the last five years fee* paid to oounse for the Crown in Kngland and Wale* amounted to $670,000. The Freeman'* Journal, of Dublin, says that, forged American bond* to the value o several thousand pound* are in the hand* of Belfasl investor*. 1 hs bonds were bought in the usual way. In November the emigration from (ireat Britain to Canada wa* : English, 46 ; Scotch, 'J.'i ; Irish, 66 ; and for the eleven months : Knglish, 15,465 ; Semen, 017 ; Irish, 976. Th* American line iteamer Paris, from New York, went aground off ihe company'* dock* al Southampton on Wednesday night, but was floated off shortly after noon yesterday. Two practical solutions havs been ing- gested for the problem ot the unemployed of (ircat Britain. One is the reclamation of the waste, and the other the afforesting of the wast* laud* of England, Scotland, and Ireland. IMTID HTATHL Cipt, John Pridgson, th* millionaire capitalist and vessel owner of Detroit, i* dad. Richard Croker and M. F. Dwyer are contemplating the transfer of their raeing interests lo England. Mil* Josephine Brand, of Lawrenceburgi Ind., wa* robbed of $10,MlO in oash on the street* of Cincinnati just before dark Thurs- day night. A long continued drought has prevailed in portions of northern Indiana, and inch i* th* scarcity oi water that there has been suffering In many places. Four hundred cloakmakers, employe.! by Mtrawbridgs A Clothier, of Philadelphia, went on a strike on Thursday rather than submit to a reduction of wags*. o far mad* no perceptible difference, and pinions are much divided a* to the ad- liability of the suggested changes. There las been no disturbance caused by pay- ments for the bond issue, and gold is being (hipped U> Europe. Cotton is now at the oweit point for year*. PioepecU are bet ter in the iron trade. Failures in ths Jin ted State* total 3X5 for th* week .against the same number in the corre* ponding week a year ago. Usually th* tendency of >rioe* i* reported as towards firmness, and hs outlook l* generally considered hopeful or business early in the coming year. Most of th* silk weavers ot Lyons, France, are on strike. Two transports with Turkish troop* on iHjard left Constantinople on Sunday last for the Black sea. Th* Paris Eclair state* that 15 anar crusts, belonging lo an organised band of thieves, have been arrested in Paris. Rev. Dr. W. J. riall, a Canadian mission ary, has died from typhoid fever at Seoul, Core*. He wa* born at Glen Buell, five mile* from Brook ville. A special from St. Petersburg say* : Thi Kussian press unanimously repudiates the idea of intervention by Russia in the affair* of Armenia. Compressed air a* a motive force ha* been adopted on three line* of tramway* in Pan*. A nugget of tin weighing five thousand four hundred pound* ha* been found in Tasmania. King Christian, of Denmark, is suffering from a cold contracted on the way home from Si. Petersburg. Counl Ferdinand de Les*ep*, the great canal projector, who was born in 1805, i* critically ill io Pans. Conventions have been signed by all the Australian colonies for the direct inter- change of money orden with Canada. A local judge in Germany ha* aroused general indignation by lining a workingman lor appearing in court in a blue blouse. Count Ferdinand de Leeseps, the great French engineer, who carried out the con- struction of the Suez can*), died yesterday. He wa* eighty-nine year* of age. Gen. (iourko, the Governor ot Warsaw, has received an order from the C/ar not lo interfere with the Caiholio clergy or to impose any orders upon them. lien, (iourko has resigned. Xekki Pasha, who i* said lo have been th* leader in the Armenian butchery, ha* been decorated by the Sultan for "suppressing the Hitlis revolt." The German Bunderrath is considering a proposition to increase ihe duly on cotton seed oil by about '250 per cent. This ill hit the United States another hard blow. Japan would, it i* said, accept 400,00",- 000 yen and close the war now if China would knuckle down and sue for peace in a way to suit Japanese ideas. If the war is prolonged the demand will be increased. There w* a disturbance in the new Reichstag palace in Berlin the other day, on the occasion of the first sitting of th* Reiohitag, owing to the refusal of Ihe Socialist member* to respond to the call of Ihe President for three cheer* for the Em- peror. In consequence of the cold, wet, Mason, and the consequent lack of flowers, the bees in France have not been able to make honey enough lo feed themselves Bee cultivators are supplying their hives with honey and sugar iu order to keep the bee* alive. sketches might be landscapes ; ons or two might shaw a favorite corner of the veranda or a pet fireplace, and one or two could nave wild flowers, if any specially lovely ones grow nsar the place. Outside the portfolio make, in a corner, a sketch of the gates or a group of the gable*, and put on in decorative letter* th* name of the place. These small sketches seem to furnish a nappy solution of the problem of giving sketches away. So often the amateur find* that to (ram* (ketches to give away is a very heavy expense, while she vsry reason- ably objects to giving " half a gift " in the shap* of an untrained ons. To an invalid this small portfolio would be very welcome, bringing to her the places she cannot go to see, and its almost imperceptible weight would be another advantage. A very pretty and useful gift for a writ- ing table is a letter paxL in a decorated ca*e 44x7 inches is a good si/e. Irish linen" paper (or what is called so) can be had in this form for abont 35c. a pad. For the cover us* Whatman'* imperial paper. Cnt a shape like the illustration ; along the dotted line* (core lightly with a knife, so that it oan be easily folded over the pasls- board flaps of th* pad. One sheet of imperial makes four of these cover*. Secure the two together by passing "baby ribbon" between the leave* ef th* pad, and tie at the top ; a few stitches before tying will secure th* ribbon, Use half a dozen lengths of the libbon, each about 1 yard long. Never try to economise on ribbon for decorative articlesof thi* sort nothing looks so shabby as a meager bow of ribbon. For the decora- tions, to be painted in water colors, there are endless charming deeigns. " Dresden" effects are so much used now, and theee are specially charming for the blotters ; wilb garlands of tl >wers run through with rib- bon bow* and ends tbs most delightful e fleet* oan be obtained ; or scalier over il at regular intervals a flower, slightly con- venlionalized. Remember to keep the color very pure and delicate, avoiding all realistic effects and strong contrasts. Ths ribbons for the bow's can combine all the delicate tmls of the painted decoration. When the lad ha* been made up, a new one is easily dipped in th* cover, and it oan be used in- lefinitely, Smaller pad* may be decorated t inguisher, and which it a general favorite. If " fancy farming" i* a hubby of the place, most amusing decorations can be made by using tiny radishes, onion* ur Urge straw- berries. Sketch on eyes, nose and mouth, make Ih* tiny root* suggest arms and lss. Several might yawn, and oue or two hold a candlestick. If >ou like, " Good night may be lettered on the candlestick in dnll gold letter*, with a tew louche* of the dnll gold en handle and rim. The paintiqn of radishes, etc., should be clone in very flat, simple lone*, the natural contrast of rosy aud green lone* being so good that no elaboration i* necemary. These are as grotesquely amusing as the well-known " Brownies," wilhiul in any way copying them. Photograph frame* re legion in these daye, but one which withstands the ravage* of dull can be made on a gray passe partont mal (lOc at a photographers' supply shop), and, after decorating, have a tramer make for rJOo a tiny silver "bead- ing" frame, with glass. Price* may vary somewhat in different place* ;lbu*e quoted ar* the average. The toft gray of the pasteboard form* a moat effective back- ground for decoration. Covers for the current magazines are made of brown or gray linen, made in one continuous pieoe, much as the pasteboard portfolio is cut. Th* sewing must be of the finest, the linen should be the smooth, fin* iinen, at about 60c a yard, in natural flax shades. For instance, a cover for "The Century" might have the name of the magazine and the decorative scroll work whish appears on Ihe actual cover this, in aepid or madder or in oliv* green would be very effective. A little Chinese whit* can be added to the paint* for working on linen, to prevent running and blurring the pattern. Sketch Ihe pattern* lightly in pencil ; with the lightest tin) follow thu; then, when almost dry, add RODE THE WHOLE WORLD WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. si and !*>w W*rM Event* ef IsUrrr.i l hmslrird BrlrBV-lateresllB* U.,, l Of 1 I'ioai Russians do not et pigeon* becauss of th unctity conferred on toe dove IQ the Scnpturei. The Imperial Museum of 1'irii contain* over '.20,000 (tone implemenu collected in various part* of France. Several Engliih sportsmen have started for Madagascar to engage in ex. pedilion* with Frenchmen. The Belgian GoTernment proposes to in- troduce legnlation for the amelioration of the condition of the laboring classes. E.'forts are being made to obtain a (team life boat for Flamborough, one of the mo*t dangerous point* of the V orkihire coast. Auetria U to spend $6,485,630 on her navy during the current fiscal year. The estimates include the coutruction of six torpedo boat*. After minute and careful investigation the Russian admiralty ha* decided upon the eiperimental u*e of petroleum a* fuel in ihip* of war. Germany will build an artificial harbor at the mouth of the Swtknp river in soutn- weet Africa, on the edge of the English WaalBtcti Bay territory. Professor /.acharin, the phyiician who treated ihe Czar, ha* the largest conaulting practice in Moscow, and occupiee the chair of medicine in the university of that city. the outlines and liner louche*. II simply I In sevral garden* in Lincolnshire, Eng- land, second crop* of plums have just been gathered. Some of the plums are quite equal to the August crop both in size and quality. Exclusive ot lalarie* paid to profeuor* managed two tints will be enough to give a moet satisfactory effect. Monochrome can be made as artistic and a* decorative as any other form of painting. All theee suggestion* an itrictly prac- tical; none require (except the sketche* first mentioned) any special artistic ability. Nor do they require a large outlay of either money or time; the merits and pleasure- giving qualities of at least a few have been well teeted in various "summer homes." PERSONAL. Lady John Scott, who composed the air of "Annie Laurie," and of the words a* now *ung i* itill living. The original song was in praise of a daughter of the lint baronet of Max welton. Count Caprivi had never been active in public life when called to ortioe in 1S90. But he took to iptecbmaking a* a duck to water and soon made a reputation as a trenchant debater. Richard Croker, of New York, is said to have at least $500,000 invested in horse* and turf and breeding properly, while hi* racing stable contains winner* that have earned nearly $200, '."GO for their owner. Captain Mary H. Miller, the first woman granted (at New Orleans, 1883,) a license as steamboat nailer, died the other day in Louisville, Ky. Her husband. Captain George Miller, *n old steamboat man.sni- vives her at the age of 86 yean. A new and myiterioua beauty, who ha* taken a charming house and lives alone in it, in London, i* causing a sensation in the Knglish metropolis, where it is known of her only that ah* is " Mrs. Sav- age," supposed to be from \Vaehmgton, Boston or Philadelphia. Count Cnnitantme Nigr*, the poet, at 1 reieut Italian ambassador at Vienna, re- lates in his latest book that a* a child of 8 he once played the role of an angel at some private theatricals, adding this com- ment : " As a child, an angel ; a* a man, a diplomatist how are the mighty fallen !" Among the bills of election expenses worn to by candidate* in New York i* one from Benjamin Zacharias, who own* up to t *-e Prussian Government expend* over $50,- 000 a year in support of the laboratory* connected with the medical department of the University of Berlin. It is stated that a man who is tinder trial for murder i Kraguy val/, ttervia. has confessed that overtures were made to him to poison wins intended tor the as* of King Alexander of Servia. In an interview going the rounds of the British press Mmr. de Navarre, formerly Mary Andenon, of the American stage. ay* she now look* upon her ojd profession with positive aveisiou. Two caravan* with gold and stiver have arrived at St. Petersburg from Siberia. Do* cam* from Tomsk with gold from private waahicgs, and the other with sil- ver and gold from the Kroosberg mine*. A Russian whaling and sealing company for the Pacific, Behring Sea, and the Sea of Okhotsk has been organized at St. Peter*. barf. The company's ship* will have the protection of the Russian cruisers in the Pacific. The Prussian State attorney recently pleaded for three months' imprisonment of a girl of seventeen who had spoken disre- spectfully of the Imperial family. In view of her ace, however, ihe was dismissed with a reprimand. The programme of the British admiralty fur next year include* three new second-class battle ships, severs! cruisers of a somewhat novel type and several other* of existing typee, beside* a Urge number of torpedo boat destroyers. Owing to the enormous expense which the undertaking would invclve, the project- ed railway from Sati to Kassala has been abandoned. A good road, over which troops and artillery will be able to travel easily, is to be built instead. Here is an advertisement from a London morning paper : "Dogs A young lady takes them out daily walking ; meals and toilet attended to ; terms from 2* to 3* 6d a week, according to the time required ; reduotion for sevenl." One of the new torptdo boat doetrover* 20 cent* (pent io oar fare, and William vum , vuo U ow vorprao ooai aosti Sohimr, xvho put out 114,980, 4ft Both built for the British navy attained a mean were defeated. The actual personal outlay I speed of ?J I- 10 knot* on two runs with and of Mr. Uoff. who was elected recorder, was '"> cents. OUT OF HIS MIND. ef mehian I'alver.llr Wbe Nimiirii Tn rerslstesillr. A despatch from Detroit, Mich., nays : Word has reaohud this city from th* interior of Canada that Carl Iteardsley, the young University of Michigan student who mysteriously disappeared from thi* city while attending the Cornell-University of Michigan gam* on Thanksgiving day, ha* been found there hopelessly unbalanced mentally. Young Beardsley wa* a member of the class of '97, and a student of civil engineering. Ovsrstudy Is said to be th* cause of his condition He comes of a prominent Indiana family, and is tbs late Senator Bsjardiley. a son ot in the same way by omitting the folding flaps of the cover. Simply paste ihe pad on the lower half of the cover. The ribbon how i* also omitted. Make a suggestive little sketch outside and put on a motto, such a* " Odd* and end*," or when found make a note of. " An absent-minded friend will ble*e you many time* for thi* small, yet great, convenience, The deeigns may be in black and white, though, of course, colors will add far more effect, and the size of the block, of oonrte, regulate* that of the (ketch. If you have a friend fond of botany yon may find an acceptable gift in the book called "How to Know the Wild Flowers." This ha* many illustration* in bbtck and while, to which you can give an additional intereet by tinting the flowers and leaves. Remember, however, that you are not painting picturee, but elaborating a semi scientific nook 7 truth of color, therefore, i* the thing to be sought. Use transparent washes, so that the delicate stamens, etc., are not lost under an opaque ooit of paint; work largely and freely ; avoid too much water on the brush, or the paper will wrinkle, and be especially careful to give individuality to the green*. Candlesticks, If odd and well chosen, are always welcome. Very pretty shape* oan be bought in Haviland white china for SOo andOOo cash. Paint with a flower sug- gesting the summer place, or to match the decoration of an eapeoial room. There is a ihape which comee with a pointed ex- MOTORMAN SERIOUSLY HURT. A Street Car relllstts with a Waxes) n.i Basmsel letnm Bsulalas Injuries Whirs) Nay Retell I illt A despatch from Toronto iiy* : An accident of a very serious nature, and which may result fatally to Samuel Clay- ton, 97 Mai l land street, employed a* a motorman by the Street Railway Company, occurred in Tannery Hollow, Yonge street, north, at 10 a. m. on Friday. Samuel Wilkinson, a York Mills farmer, wa* driving a team of hur e< sttached to a wagon laden with hay down Yonge street, and when opposite Koxborough aveoue>nd just at the head of the steep decline which commence* at that point, the bolt attaching one of the whilfletree* to the doubletree came out and the wbiffletrees dropped on the heel* of one of tht horses. The animal plunged forward, carrying the neck-yoke clear of the pole and allowing the latter to fall to the pavement. The end of the pole entered the grove in the rail, and in this manner the speed of the wagon wa* some- what slackened, until the foot of the hill was reached, when the wagon came io a stand still. Just at this moment the oar of which t lay ton was motorman, started down the decline. Clayton saw the danirer, and applied the brake, but the rails were slip- pery, and the car went crashing Into the heavy laden wagon. The force of the col- lision completely wrecked the vestibule of agam*t tide. The highest speed attained wa* 3t 1-10 knot* with the tide, or at the rate of thirty-four aud one-halt mile* an hour. Frauds upon a colossal scale hare been delected in the Italian railway adminutra- tion. The thieves for-ned themselves into a regular society, the membership uf which covered nearly every important station and office, and the frauds were carried out by means of forged passenger tickets. A Japanese medical student at the Uni- versity of Edinburgh recently claimed the privilege of being examined in hi* native language, which by the rule* i* allowed to all foreign students who are not French or German. The faculty were not put out, but found one of it* own members who could examine him. Mr. Gladstone can now be clawed a* a hotelkeepsr. Last month hs opened a hotel near the library he equipped with twenty-five thousand volume* at Haward- en and established a rate of twenty -five hillings* week for board and lodging and the use of the library. Reader* and stu- dent* have made it a success. An elementary education return just is- sued show* that there are 14,668 voluntary schools in England and Wale*, with ac- commodation* f or 3. 646, 830 children and an average at tendance of 2,410,430. The total income in the yearending August 31 was IBsXfcfVNQL aud the total expenditure $23,553,790. In dredging the harbor of Ki/.erta, in Tuni*. a silver sacrificial bowl was found which is the moet valuable piece of work- manship in the precious metal* yet disco v- the wrenched brake and the front of the oar so securely that he could not be freed until a heavy sledge was procured and trie brake driven back. Beside* several heavy bruises on his face indicted by the glass, the blow from the brake caused serious internal injuries which, it i* feared, will have a fatal ter minalion. He wa* removed to hi* home in the ambulance, where Drs. Johnson and Fen tun attended hi* injuries. Wilkinson's horse* succeeded in freeing themselves, and dashed down Yonge street at a lively rate, but were captured at Davenport road. The few passengers the oar wsre badly frightened when crash cam*. the the oar, and Clayton was pinned between' *r*d in Africa. It is oval in shape shallow " two handles and weighs twenty pounds! , SB - - ij |*wi4a*ua. 1 he inner surface is ornamented with a de- sign ID inlaid gold representing the contest between Apollo and Marsyas. Th* work i* by a Creek artist of th* first century after Christ, In th* KamAn Catholic Church at Cottbus th* other day athooking accident happened while a marriage ceremony was being solemnized. The) Wide carried a lighted taper and while leaning forward to answer a question put by the priest her veil took firs. She wa* speedily enveloped In flame* and became unconscious. Th* priest and th* marriage party rendered prompt help and bore the bride with her dreadful burns from the church to a neighboring hospital.