Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1894, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL, XIV. NO. 690 FLESHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 894. W. fl. THURSTON croft J "Full as a Tick." Yes, we are filled up with on? of the iant sleeks rvr SPCK north <f Tur- ontu. \V% have just placed (u *tock Six Doaerk Alunti C' looks, SELLING AT Onl J?l and ?l/Jr> a Piece. A splrndi'l stock of silverware has just Wn placed oa txLiilL Youig men, tbe wiuter seasou is spuroacliiag. Get your \VKDUIXO kerc a lara- ipiautity to select We have aometbiBK exquisite in LADIES' FOE CM AINS. KKr.ui:i.\<; < < f.s Armstrong Bros. - Flesherton. T Our Business Directory M AKU1AUK 1.1CKNSKS. l,,iI.U. or nixitalth* oAeeor rsaldeace of tbe inulmucneil. Couiiuiwionrr la H C../. (.onveyaacer. Ac. Notary public. JOBS W. AKJISTROSO. FtEssjB*rro. UfCl'LU>COR * YOVXO, rtaaXera. Mark.lale. do a enral bankmn bus. Mas. Hooey loaned at a reasonable rate. Call M K. HAMMOND. i>oat Uanter. Kiuiberley. Cotnmlf nloeer for aklni( Affidavits etc. Inanrea and loans money at lowwt ratea. Kxtcnte* Lean**. Deeds, Wills. <-tc. promptly, cbeaply and efficiently } J. SPHOULB, PortwatT. n*hrton. CoaimianioDtr in H .. Lie nard >actioor. Conveyancer. A t .rai*r and Money Lender. KeaJ K.tata aH ln>nnuice Ai;cut. Ded. MorvtaiMM. Luam. .iii'l Wills <lrawu up and Valuation* made on hortv* notire. Auction Kalen atti'iidvd to In uy part uf tlm Couuty. Mmn- to loan at low M* ra of liit"rt. I I OII.H:I..IM twu.U.I to visa promtuee au I <i*|wtch Charne* low. Aoeut (or the Dominion su-aui<lii|<l'iii|>aiiv. i-hea;> lioketi from t'lenhorton t" (.i\. i|"'l. < <lau< 'w. London or ni.yoftlje Hritinb |N>itx S'ai tii" lMtedlni| to visit Knijlalid. Snuland or Ireland, will p was* ak iati bfar |mrcha<ui i tickotn *lt}wnere. \l IS8 EDITH RICH AHlPrtON. r-uril of Bobt Uahr. of Bernn. (lerniaer. .malm. Mrs. Kradly. uf ToroatuC'onMrratorv Music (Vefaeealtarvi: Prof. Korneun. late of Toronto. iP<anol will renrtv. pupil, ia blNUINU. VIOUX. Pl- J W. KhOBT. Barrister, Solicitor. Conveyaneer. Kte. Pleiliertou et&eo Xtxt tbe post oOce Kpronle'i bulldlDf, en Thursdays. Owen Sound offlc. Krost's buiKlin WMHR, an Bam.tem. Ao'lcitors, CoDvei-ancer*. se.. Owen Sound. On.t Uarkdale. Out. : W II. Wmiiarr. I. M. LITM. X. H.-FlMlierton offlce. Ilitvliell's Bank. every Wednesday Acvr \\ - SMetseverrwntsASllswM Mon .lav n, each m. .nth. in their loin room rbristoe* Hlock.KIh*rtoa t r , M U u I Hellau.>. flu.. .,-,.i \\ liiu lleconlur. \IMIIIIK i:i,-ther:i iuviiwt. iv>y\r. , .. IV - "' lar 'uneJ1 me every fli an>l HIM ! rn i> . v. nni- In ach in Myroailafi >.:.'.-kt H |. u, s!et-t ilerev invirancri Ui.-.-t "icntlilv. the Wvduesdav n the Mu.l of ,a, h month. T\K HfTTOV. M. :> I' U . -M ' I 1 A S.Ont. KesitK-HCe anil nfBcc one .K'^r w; >t 'f the Mtil i ncn KiunnwBt. OBce day* TueaOay* 4.11.1 Saturilays. D ' M IV I 1 ,t S (Vt Fli\!r!an. 'irsen, etc.. oee Stratus u o-k. M Mi-!iaw'i boleL j.iiis v si \)Tr M 11. \:. 'uber Oillerariiv>.ir.Jc Hunn. Ontario (ira^luate lu AKiAicinn uf Ti.ioula K'uive ^lt\ i-l ip l>-|>4-ma, l'.i>t Ura*lutu M..'I ttebeol a:i-l Ho>|<ite.l.CbluaKO. I>iwae*af v. ar. now ai.d throat >pucla>llv tri-atod. IUi Uuco itaxw>-)l. Mit- FevennaniTliuiiKla t J P. OTTKYVELU Veterinary S mjron. Oraii-.iate of OTI-II.- x'teunary College,. Ke'Meuce- NiKt Joor i>( M.MI> piaoiait fait- J K 11YI.STI..YI>. M D . M. C. AR.Oot afra^t 1 "" at l\i-n- 'erlev. Hheuiuativ .ii-">aiie* iapw Thi ^ atewtalnDr ( hri>t<>..- H'l ..\,.i. ne*la> . \..ini.j . s ,, , \i,,tin brvth- rren invited huurmiioiu cnnu-i.i<ii \ * M P. H A meet ill their hall. C'britoa> 1 lllot-k t\vr\ fr-t ..! thli.l rhunula> u, si-h ninnib. \\ in sharp. Ma>Wi T. Clayton SecreUrv L>liN-v x'.rHnt ! v v ., i.e. l ,,, t|, P >|..,, r | e Hall. Ursi.r- lUuek, ri>hefwn, ,\,-r\ Kn l*y on o nefor tl',- full -. . pr' (aitvr \\ M - Ivl'H . \ I' 1". I D O K. i lajt . - i-Kil .v.-, v T'ie 'l . V .lialli (HviteO. P. . 'i o .\ \ i; l>. >l D K i: MYU\ M. >' r. l\ M.. *I.O. r. A S.. Out ' l'1-twitr !i"-' rail* ninh* or flnv . j-o.'H! IU ntU.ii.Wl. - -.ton N'ill.HI 111 I., ft, \V,xtll M '|a.l. WIITED SUESIEI 'Vs w ;,,. ,.f Ml.^ruv sf. ' K - ' I rni \ rui t "::KM v\i N i ,i.i r a INU I-.I^I I 1. M! \ \' . . .... v,. i .'\ !.i^. IT y Hi i^u It will I' V\ \. '< l . \ I lir-h The Hatks Nurse^ Cx. Rcchestar 1!. i Farms for Sale. swell. From our wen Corritpotuitnt. At the time of writing thert> u an ap- pearance of some more sleighing. We h.ipe thui it a fact aa uur town apj?ars more lively during tb time t K-KM! slei*hiDK than at any other. Messrs. Scheinman and Bemnme re- turned home They cuiuplain <>f waga beinj very low. Mr. Tito*. Guy ha* moved to hit house, Mr. Th'. Haniblm ha* moved to the tore and Mr. Alex Clark haa moved to piirt of the buildiag occupied by Mr. Hamblin. The inSat aon of Mr. Sktun wan buried her* on Saturday. Mr*. (Rev.) Jones ha* been unveil for a tune. We h>>pe stxi to hear of her recovery. Mias Mary Straehan left for T-nm' this week. The gwnul Inspector, Mr. X W Camp bell, visited uur si-hail Iwt Friday and found everything up to the standard. He gave the children much praise frth clour way they *p j ak out. Mr. W. J. Faurey baa been home for a tme. Tailor t'Uik ia going to keep ciirar* and Wl druika for *ale. Tbi may inU-rfe-e t nil* extent with our popular hutvl keeper. but "oppusutioa i the life of trade. ' Mia* C.mtU has left town for a time, h wan vry buay while her*. \Ve are pleased to know that under the skilful trvatmeiit of Dr. Scott, Mr. D. K Pret'-n's eye U well again. A free UIH rum from Maxwell to Sinu- liaiu|>tn on Thanksgiving day The girla pay fur the- horses' oat*. Hm Excellency, the G"Ven<r-Geiientl of l'anda, h.-wiu;; appointed Thursday, Nov. Aind, IK Thanksgiving Pny, there ill be hvld(D V.,)a special Thankngiv Hi'/ service m Sr. Mary ' church at 7 p.ra , in ttrateful remembentnce of all (Sod's mercies in the late abundant harvest, and for every iitlier bikvii of Hia lore. The wrwn will h preached by the Rector, Rev. John \V. Jonea. L. H. THAXKHOIVrjfO DAY, im- Uivrof a'.l. to Th we raia Our bart and voice in grateful praiaa, Tby conaciona care romovea oar far, Thy fouUnae crownt another year. W (lad IT Join to praiaa Tby Bam* Wbo art from age to age tta aam ; Our bopr. our thouffbt, oar to i and Th mitfbtv one to love, rwwaied. WORSTED scrrs TWEKD SDTTB ALL TO BE HAD AT l rising sun. Thv truth declares. Tby loee aaeb living creature sbarea ; Tby hand oontrela tbe rollina: aeaa, Tby voice speaks ia the balmy breeas. In all Tby ways with ain blow Tbou dos't Tby wooderoua uierry show. " by word of peace, Tky ebasteuinf rod, .1 like proplaua a (racijua God. rseootlu C. J. LEITCH, For sum For peace on earth and liajbt from For peasant f raea, for (tfu in store. We do this lay Tby name adore. May we ip Thee alone COL tide An.i ia Thy perfect love abide. Til snail wa may eaata oar tones to raise, Exsirewire silenre talla Tby pratte. CoJboru. Nov. liXn, MM. T WATSOK. > .in.l. I. lir. Merchant Tailor. PANTS OVERCOATS GO TO- Memrs. R. Stuart and R. Oenoe have returned from Muakoka. Their company secured seven doer. Mr. R. Filter jnve hia wtereopticon iMitertainiuent in tin- public hall Us: Fn iUy Mi:lit. t'oiwidrrnii; the very Kvl either the turnout was excellent. The enl.'itsiniiiei.t w.i.-. tlmrouulily enjoyable. Mr. Th". I'nuiliiity hait taken up hia annle wi:h us, ariiving on Thuroliy evei.n.g !:wt. The Muses (touM. from iu-nr M iikil.ilc. h.irc ..p. i..-d up a dress and inanilc-initk- in;; etil'i)Bhiiif nt her*. MIV Mauef. of ToroMo, i.i visfin< friends and rf ; atn in ibis vii.-ini.-y. Mi ,! M. Thuroton wastken u<lilriily ;iu.l eii-'inly ill "II T.uwiay MI..-I in.; .\i tune of i-i'ina tlie'e waa H slklit mi. pro- i-ineiit. Utt it will likvly K- me days before IK- !!;! i:nd agun. There will '-i- a ln.Hhiiin.iMi> we<ldii-g ;it the rev.iVnu.- "f Jas. Myli, Es| , en Ihii'Hd.y. l>e.i Vr \V. C. r.itf.y. of Thornlmrv. i!l Invomo the lutpov hnd><- iirnn and Mm* Victor a Mt lev rhi- band- m.ine Inule. Your or. hua not r>.veivtd in invitation t W pr.xei,', l.ut nil tl.e Ms*JS) wisiM t!:fin all tl>e li .i> im- Uta^ii*ablu in tho r IK* rvl:iri<>n*. I uiitieinr u d they mill .tke f.-iin at M u! dn'i- for |i.ite i\n I'Xtei.Jul til)!. Mr. i'l'tfeV IH to be v ll.'IVlUiud. :i- viiiin; ''>> > s highly JU'0"ui|.|ii>ln.'l. h.-tnd- * >ine iiul t IV i...!i!\ ^teemed 1-y ail win i l:i. In r. /"runt otr otr Cumtputulent. Two new h.'Use* have been erected in this place this avason. Mrs. Stam bunk iw'a and Mr. Weber's. They are very neat and hanHsxmie structure*. Three of our young im-n, who hare been working ia the obWr settlements, hare returned. They are Mesurs. Niac H Lev. John Gilbert and Alf. Dunlap. The buy a 1. ok hale and happy. Mm. Arthur Juhiutun ia visiting friend* in Sarnia. Tlie sermon preached here on Sunday by our esteemed inmiater. Rev. R 8. Rupert. M. A., was an dXrvllent and vivid pntrayal of the deairablu and per- manent good secured by the observing and obe} iiiK of the will of Uo<l. The iiniiiBter * wonl.i were earnest and elo- quent. Such word* never fall to the ground, but must inevitably reach the he*rtx of tbe listeners. An sccident, strange and distresMOg.of which Mr. Ed. Holley U the victim, <>c- cured on Saturday last. Mr. Hulley it seenm was enua^ed. in prvsvivmg some fruit, in an air tight vee*l on die stove. He unacru-rd the lid and the steam being confined until quite dens*. e\]winled so suddenly thai the youiu intn's face was 1 severely scalded. He is umler medical attendance and is as well as can be ex- ' pected. Mr Ribt. Pritchard.our yiHiog chemist, ws home on Sunday. Mr Y.-rk KicW '*>n. f Ohatswnrth. spent a few duvs lately with Ins friend, M>- OeO. Wsrling. Tliey t''k .vlvatita^e ' of tin* p'tiiwiit weather tj enj-.y the sport of h jn in/. Mn>. Sainul (i.lleit m \isilin^ friend* in WMrtoii. ThU we> k wune day a meeting will takw place for the riiul v-ttleiiieM "f the <n- ' erahip of the much talked aU>ur sdxie F. A. Baker YOIR- Fall Suits AND- Overcoats As I have started up in Merchant Tailoring. I have a tine line of black and fancy PantiU'ja.also Wor*ttls Sl.d Scotch Serjrs in black and blue. Before buying yuur Honda call aitd see me. The pncee an low as the lowest. Brinu in your cloth an<{ get it made up and tiircmod. All wi rk guaranteed aa unual. No charge fur cut- Unit goods purchased from uie. F. A. Baker Merchant Tailor f'AME ASTRAY- Came to the preiuine* of tbe nn lenlcn^l. lot :<V Nt con . T 4- s. h . on or about tbc I.'nb ut October, ono*- year- ol. I -twr owner M re- <iue*til to prow pruiwrty and take tbe MUM wat. UKO JOH.XMN. fleekertoa P. O. COLTI.OST Ntr\.-.l froiu tbe [>rett)ieof tbe anderojtu*d . aboeaKew \.<-vr-t>l.l flliv cnlt, l*ht bat. two biutl frvt whitv. roa-biuir. rattivr huht. lo(<>r- malion a* to IU wbenwbouU will b tbankfully receinxl br kuiiberl.-i N -v li fl. JAB. O'B|UK>. FOR ^ALE OR TO KENT A Ha\ , T. Wai-r rie>brtn. STRAYED church and churc'i yard. It i ileinhle that mi HIII entile utttlenicnt l-o alnnit and no di'iiil nuch will l>e the rv- sul' of the nii-t Mi. S4iiifh, of Rrsh-rNn*. K*s viitii'x her friends of thin place. -~ TI| < f our yoiing pei['K- auv ill with the ^*i k 4^.->f th* il'i l l I \ -. K - \ h-pi i. -I ew lauJtK). In! , -o :li ir wnv.i-.i Illl SHI Ulaukfulljr receivvtl JO8. CI.ARK. . *' Ihoronghbr^ I Be<k* -*lnri- l>..*r^ f on lot Hi, 000 7. Oaprvv. Term- *1. 1 -<tl tiiiie of swvlce. WN William J. Hetclier, whu w:is *r up froiw Vark'l.ile l-t week on ttie cd.irsfo of h! n-^ a 'niisgtv .<n>l liviinw ft.'in a lu-ikrlil^'r n in.-.l U i , ted t..he t-tl I'V tliv county judvr. ami .MI S:ttui- il:iv Ins c-xe oNine ln' His Mdtior, Juil^- v':f.i. M Tho prisoner. h Imd no oiun.-wl. |d,'Ted n t guilty. Tli- Sealeil ten.l* -. addrvune^l to & ' ., -. will be nrorivwt u buiUinaj adwtill m u u> t u.a i !,.( |.,^'in, ,-..,.:...'.. ^., , .. : .r .:..- I . immttoe .ix- I. acoe^'t i h,- loweat - t ninch. D M 1'i'cev lie. Out. Oct. -r. M ' ^ i r Hi.- Tlii J P MYUSH Yl I., UD.8.M.D. H.. Dei-.- VarMale l ," 1-t Slid TTI W.lB^.Uy -f cat-h inouth K'ekiiurwa Ksat- Ui|> ui. U.K ^^j li...riii . - (lif li.r ->f Yr'.-iii.'!, t h..n li I u IM Ih, ; . t.i l.. i. .n. TO KKNT- Ktorr in Feteiuaiu<ut;\ large yai<trii Vppl. to J. I'*, t. Feveithinv Oct.* A iMi-kinv;|ny nC--ii>l"li to trl^i:i|>li !< (lien niHini>;ei it V.ctou-i. iiituli C..liinil-n. nn-lihc ei.d- IHU "f it inc-SKgi 1 Mtid thf r< |i'y only m-cu- ii-i.i'tv -vi>iiN TSirv t'Hli- tliaf. tlii-< 11 the vc Ml H I'm M"T IK-III In-.t'i-n >.r < i|H.ll"'l in ill" mu il'i uf t.'le- j;ripli liist.'ty. The r .til tint !.,> l>v 'lu- . *inl Mt. mi. 11 i;'..'KNi n.i.f , wn |i..|f..rniNl >'\- tin- l'... i. il I'.iMi- l'-i and Cuniti'lan I'.u ilir l'cli-4 .i|>lii, ilie ,.nly ciiin|iiiiy na. tlii 10 :i! n ' i tfiiKiHvf.l.ut tlim a oni- VK'MII i'llld fl.lloW. Tll>' |>ri.H. 1111 it her w |ire.'ii'. \\ln-n ilie *-liteiK'''l Irni to the ci-Mtril for n ni.-ntti< she requested tliat if |..snl !. | n! in flu- pii-oii tail. ,r shop. . li.ol >;!. I Ins tune ill t! depai i nu-i t ini>- in 1'ie K>. .orinati>ry ut IVuetaiiL'Ui s'n-ne. Mr. Win lUttoii appeared for t ie cro i.. Kivtvher was Miitto tin- I,'.-- I .rout. ii y in l!W f.>r two ycais aiid ei\e.l.-i months wtiU'iitv in i;.--l lino dutii'X l lie |wst suininvr. T'lef* is ali> the oliai^e ayum*! linn in o.i^h case. > '. - KXKJK.KTIC MK\ til* if - -v k ml *>w I -t MU.vry n- . i pi. I w*H-ki>. r '.!-'ij and |MI n ^'.>A>,l .il t - . --i.*i V I \ ill.) \.'Uf >** fir M'f i'f >.'.!< m>fl). I 1 .- \i L' N M I|NKI:\ rn. \ FARM FOR SALE. v .-.. ivi nn l r -. con t, l*rolo-., 'i VI ere cleared I wood l w. II on pi . ..Iklk r. I . aui school couveuiem J< I.ot7 eon. 'A Ptvtvn. Bwiutoa I'aik r - -.

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