Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1894, p. 8

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THE FLI8H1RTOK ADiRCI OWBN SOUND, OKTARIO. IH The Very Bet PLACB IN CAKA1M TO OBT a Tkinojk IDS'IDSSS and T&ke a Round T^P 55tr _ __ CHI** Uvesinsrcial lJprlii)>ii" tn ( nn>. U>n ' tiid Morlhcrn HutiuwiiCulloin ; eiaralo* eiry tkms thoroughly, It we (Ml to produce th tuoi ihorouti.complt.. practical ami iton- .vaeourraol itudy : the bolt college premium in I i lie b*>t ii'l 11101'. compleUi nd must sult- si>Ufurullures,ud t||Uanoet, wt> will Rive yon * full caurn Kill.- Fur Annual Announce- meat flviaj full particular*, f re*, addrm C. A. FLEMING.! Principal. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Planing iuul Matching, Baud Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Grain Chop ]uug done while you wait, for Beaver tarns the wheel. T. W- WILSON Xaaacer A FAMILY GROUP The PHOTOGRAPH i /**%*%%*'%'*% * OALL.K1*. Y Is lully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? per- lect class of work. All kinds <j> pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing doob iii all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on 'the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. To the Public. llavinii Whittrn's blackainith shop f.-r a i.-tiii of yr r , I am nw in a to oaiArinall in my line. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed K.r a.irthin^ ia the black* uithinj line all UM I, A. BUST MARCELLA-A BE VIEW. ( Concluded from luit wttk.) The chapter dealing with the ni^ht be- fore Hurda fxt-cutiun, which Man-ell* apentU in the cottage of the diatracted wife, m perhaps the alrungeat certainly tho most dramatic -in the book. A> she situ by the bed uf Hurd'a '.lying child and Imton* to the tick, tuck, tick, tuck, which ineaHurea the before the awful dawn that dawn which I* to mak.> thm moaning woman a widow, the render feela the agony of her aympathy, and it is a relief wl>en the tragic momvnt come*. ' They hiuig over hin^forv'uttiiig every - thing but him for the moment, the only iitiMUunt u< hia little life ho came tint, even with hia mother. There was a alight uiovenient uf the hand. ' lie want* hia miimxU, ' * *aid Maivella, the tear* pour- ing down her clieeka. She lifted them and put thrui on hia breast, laying the cold tiMLri over them. ' Daddy, ' he whinperttd.lookini! up fully at hm mother, ' Take em lo daddy. She full on her knecit buiide him with * liriek, hiding her face ami ahuking front ln-<l ti> foot. Marcella al<>iu aaw the alight myst*nouB smile. ..the shudder of cjqmrtm life... A heavy MOUIH! wuni( through the air, a heavy repeated Hound. Mr* Hard huld up her hood and lutoneu. The church clock tolled . I'/lit . She knelt there atruck motionless by terror by recjlluctiim. ' Oh, Jim! " ahe whist..- r.-.l, * My .Inn. ' The plaintive toni- MS of a creature that haa not even breath and atrri'gth left lo cliidu the fato that cTUihea it Kr-k.- Mareellii'a heitrt. Sitni'.' Itenula the detd son, ahu wrapt the mulhor in her urine, and the only word*, that even her wild spirit could find wherewith toauMain thm woman through the moments of her hue- I iintU (U'.tili, were wirda of prayer the old aliuddering criea wherewith the human Huul from the lieL'iiintiic/ haa thrown ilsell on that awful enoinnpaHaiiig Life whence it imiue'l and whither it returnn. " Mnroella break* wth Aldous, leavea i > yc into hunnital training aa a nuritr, and the next glimpse wu have oi her in n a nick iinrae among the |K>r of London. Passionately devuiinii heriulf t<> ih. in, living amniiK them with only Mr<. Hurt! na companion, with uccftHional visita from former socialist fneudit who tind a militlc change unini: on within her. To their ruproachei who replioa, ''So far HH meann a (Hilitical .-y-'.'in tlm trampling out of private unterpriw mil coiii|n'tll|on,... I tiiul myatilf sli|i|iilin away from it more and in"r-...lht- empha- NIS tin what I will .-.mi.-* to lit leu .iml lest on iii>at:ssiiiii more and more on oharnctHr.' ..."HocmliMn it Hoeina tn me like all other intore>umg and iinportanr thins.'" to help a.nnuthiiig olae ! Chnatinnity begins with the |mor and division of g>M>da it beromeH the great f |.IO|N ity and tin- ft uilal suit-. "The muaders -they wt out to recover tliu tomb of the Lord '.- what they ilid wan to iucrea*e trade, and knowledge. "And HO with SuciitliMiii. It t.-i'ki of a nfH c.i .IIT what it inll do M to make the old Hound !" Meanw n!e llaebum ha*<Miten<d parlia- ment and as onn of a commission of 111- apectic.n, of c. -it in. London *n< <<<, dot UK nut ui'.. H v KIII.H t. r.iin Mmvcllii in hi r work Whnitoli, I...', la purxuinii lint tlanlunij c >ni mi acrcma the political heav- r i is, iuul m j nst about tciaclnu<e hut hiL'hxst UIIMM..II, in. I bo aculaune.d thn Ijtluir LawlaVi wliun lik a burnt ut inv'cor he Hinka in tho nighl of ahame nnd diahonor. Hut not Ic. foi,. | u . |,na ni.i.l.' n dic^gml tiyli 1 , both for ]> iwcr and to win Mai. clla. Mr. lloycf dien and the heiress of Mellnr must ngain take up the reHnopai- hiliiiua of IHMIIK a landowner. l'..n with what a (litfi-reht ultilude of mind to that of two yearn ago, may bo ^n. -c-c.-d by the followiiiK rcnmrku which ahe chanced to make cluinc... i li,< tune ah<i WIIH nnrsinu in l,..nil..n Tl 1. 1 DK to an old frii-ml Ijdy \Vinteibouine. while rrcuitiiiK at her lioiiae, the saya : "If you only knew how much more ponailile it 1.1 to think well of Ihe noli, when you arn Imm; amoiigat the |coiir,"..."ita when I'm o\er them annum the |>e.opl who liavo notlilni( that it el... M MI.' V!<NN| tn ie n.-niK.T that ill- n- are |>ri*oiis who li-- in Jaimm Street Iluckinuham nnle...It cinne.*, 1 mi|>|H>a of U'linj; all dny in tin.-,.- streela and honii'M, am nu' |ieople who live in one room -and no placoN to I,,- ntonr in or to reat in I come home and i>liKit over all tint beautiful ilressca ami huuaea anil uarileiia I can think of." "Hut. don't you fate the people that liave Hi. 'ii, , said Hetty, "No !...! only want, to l> mire that the. beauty and the leisure and the froilincni aremimrwhere not lost out of the world." "Mnw strangH ! in a life like v-ctirs that in. should think ao nicie.h of iln .../'..,,-. of I.,- 1 MI- piHir- nioro ihan of Hulleiim; or pain," said Hetty, muaiiw. Therefore when M-treellii goes bank to Mellor it la hardly aaioniihiiix 'Intt Nlot and Hhonld i-v-'ii'inillv "make it U|i" i-i the inUiiiae MtisfacMoii of those who adoin a atoiry wlrch eiidn well, >>!> i. i lia . n. ci purm t.uU oiu lo HA HOW TC>bat tf MMJT ntfier ebaMeters, c.f Hallin nor the) Cravens Socialist' in different linea, diainteroated wi/rkor* fur what th.-y con- ceive to be th ri^-ht nor .if boautif jl Lady Winterbuurne, and charming If.-tty VfacDonald and that enxaitinit youint athletu and block head, Krank LofMh But enough ia laid when I <M that at east one critic has declared Murcrlla t.< i- the greatest novel of the century iinco Aluldlemarck. Dor. HAS FOUND IT. Dr McCormack Tells of an Absolute Cure for Blights Disease of the Kidneys. i LETTER TO TOE P10FESSIOI. HlniM If n Virtln of Ihr anil a II. tl i, Invalid fur M<>n(b lit- in currd by KHiney 1'ilN. The following letter has bcvn sent tn ;hi paper for puhlicaiinn. The writer. Dr. A. (i. McCt.rmack, i- n graduate, of Mciiill I'nivcraity, Montreal. He has ill for Nome years, and is now, a suc- atful practioner at Richmond, Que., tnil oiv-u|>it-s a prominent position in the medical pmfewiun : Richmond, Que., Oct. 5th, 1804. To tbe Medical Profeaaiun and to the Public : 1 believe it ia my duty, not only as a iii.'inlier of the. medical prufcaaion, hut as a citizen, t'> tine every im-aiiN that lie with in my reach t . restore henlth, and with it happinutB r.. niy fellow heinga. Actuated by these Hentlmenfa, 1 do not heaitalc tit LM\ my uiperienca with Dodd'a Kidney Filla. Ab.iut two years ago I was taken ill with what I auppoiwd to he a bilhous at- lack, and following thia came La Grippe. I recovered, however, partially, but being far from well I examined my caae thor- oughly and found that I waa a victim of that dread de.tryer, Bright'*) Disewe ol the Kidneys. 1 onmulted other me-lica men and uaed all meana at my dispoa al to restore my health, but waa doomed to disappointment. 1 kept gradual!) growing worse until I waa compelled tt keep my bed. In March my attention waa called to the many remarkable curt". made by Dodd's Kidney Pills That Dr. Hoae particularly mtereatod m. 1 at once decided to give them a trial My improvement waa marked from the firat. I continued their uae, following m- eel lone aa clnnely aa possible, until I h.n t.tkt-n about a dozvii txiiua, which result.-.! in a complete, and, I am satisfied, per nianent cure. H.-f..rc cmimei.cmg tin 1 u.e of the pilla I h<td IH-.-II confined In my r.cfiii for four months. At thu prrsen time am will and able to attend to in; practice aa in the past. Another p-<culiar circumstances in con ii.-c lion with my case, waa that I hud IHTI a victim of dvs|i"|>Mii for 21 years Sncc- taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I have hat in. return of this diMeaatt. I, therefore do not hesiuie, aN a medicaj man, to a\ 'hat they will give iinnnpt relief in caae of dyspepsia, ah well as hein^ a poaitiv cure fur kidney complaints. KIT the lieu. 'tit uf tlm larv'0 nnm'ter o l-.|clt- tiutfering from the otinplaints, tl. tn give tiint ooninmiiicaiioii wide publicity. Yours ainrcrrly, (8 K d)DR. A. (!. Mcl'OKMHK. v!9 See OUR STOCK OF Patent, Strong Bakers', Straight Holler Flonrn, nreakfant Cereals, IVsHiciited Holl Oats, Pesai- Chted Hull Wheat, Farenosc, 1'eu Fldiir, Split Peas, Buck- wheat Flour and Groceries of fVfiy deHcriptioii. Wm. hl-ii Whroi' . OUl ul v<^<<*< <0|.-~ \ CONSTIPATION, ^BILIOUSNESS, r< DYSPEPSIAS SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONK>ILL ArnH CATINS) INSURES aOOD DI8L9TION Repairs, Repairs ! D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON, HORSE8HOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAND Repairs for Masse y Harris, and Noxon. Reury and Wilkinson Bros Farm Ipmlements. I*loirV8: Fleury and Verity on hand all the time.a'.so all kinds of repair* for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cntten, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing prompt); attended to. Special attention to tender contracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. ,u, JK..U/. -U/..M.. ^ ^ jH jd^ ^ Pointers ** CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. OENTLKMEN, Aa tbe season of snow i* approaching, we desire to drar year >j iltrntn.ii tn our stock of Cittere w i icb is now e< mpleie, having a large stock to *!- 2 fct i rom. made op in a of *\.y\rn anJ finished in tbe finest style of art and at prievs that ncfv cmi>tiiiito. In sleighs we arc prepared to suit you in light ur heavy. Ad work nia<l of the best mslrrial. Kindly give us a call ami be yuur uwn judges. ia believing. You mill find it to yonr luUnat to call on Flcshcrton. . T. \V r hitten NO SUCH THING AS OLD AGE To Those Who Use South American Nervine. A Lady of Eighty Years Permanently Cured by This Wonder tul Medicine., Tbre Doctor* Said " Old A ce Was Her Complaint," and G** Her Up Three Bottles of Nervine < iuve Relief Twelve Bottles Cured Absolutely. _^~ MRS. JOHN DINWOODT, Fleaherton, Ont VTordnworth npk of "An old sgs torvne and t. right, and lorely at a Lap- land night." And ilaewhsr thin same writer talk* of " An old \ft. beautiful and free." Tbre are eondition<i that come to the man or woman, though their y*a,r may border clonn on to a csn- lurr, hen in th* enjovmant of good health. In fret it i diflkalt to think of ome uf the old men nod w men on th stage of life to-day ava old people, there s*iu to be such a |-er*nnial youthful- nets about their every movement and Doe eomeone tell n that rae like this must be the emeeptiou and cot the rule witli thiwe who hate approached to or genr beyund the allotted three acore yei a and ten ? Nut KO, if ihey I a ve be- come acquainted w(t.n the virtues con- tained in South Americ'-n Nervine. Be- fore ua in thia sketch ia the picture of Mrs. Jehn DiUood_T, ( .f Kleshertnn, Ont. a resident uf ton fi.r forty years. No i>rs< n . u the uwn and country aide arouud is perhaps better known than thi latlr, and nono more hifhly eateemed. Three yean ago it wns her aad lot to lot** a daughter who had been all the world to her. The shock auetamed ly this went ctoropletely broke up the system of Mr*. Dinwoody. Sae u|c(.. sed her end had (one. 8he doettired for e*e year with tkree doateit, Md tt>e T ce>e SM- eats* , N.jutc ta> It waa one of old age and no one, nor onr medicine could do her coed. Msde of the kind of stuff that gives bvauty tos>g at any time *he did not despair. >h wu 11 ttufii.'i-.l to try Nervine. She t. ok three bottle*, > nd thia M auflicienb to ahow her that hnr end was nntyet. From there ho"btained relief. She per- severed, and in all V ok twelve bottle* of the n-.edicin*. with tie result that she is to-day con pletuly cord of that break* ing-up of the system that thrratenoJ her three years ago> There is nothing wonderfBl in the) fact that Mr*. Dinwoody would | ruclaiiu to the thousands of old )ax>|!o through- out thi broad land, that with old age does not neceasarily oome decline. (K-erup- itude and diseaae. ^Vhv h. ui.l we not live into the eighties and nineties, and ross the border of the eutury ? South Amennan Nervine, whether the) person bit youai)r or old, ;et* at the nerve centera, and when they ate kei.t in (ro- per condition the syotrm i a< !! able tn withitand direaae at eighty >.* at thirty. \\ ith thin prospect in view wt... would nut live tv an ld age and en.xiy the |>leasuiea of family, frivivla and av ciety, ai (1 take * pert in watching thn marvelous rrogreea nd develci ni.-nte cf theee clming day* of a woniUrl'ul eeu- tury, which marks a* nnt the ieatt of ivt ondeilol diso>.veriea, the diaovvary of beuth,

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