HE none. A Handy Pantry Cabinet. The illustration ihowi a nomem/i* cab- inet thai will bn iosiiui exceedingly ceeveu- lent 10 the pantry, fhe drawers above are IIAS'DV r .\\TRT CABINET. for bread, cake, pies, etc., while the receptacle* below that have coven, hinged to that they can be raited are for lugar, graham flour, oatmeal, me. , all right at band, to that slept are saved the House- keeper. Let lh work be well done and diet, aou, and other pe*)U, will not tiod ac- cett to th<! contentt ot the cabinet. Patching Stockings. " I waul to know how you patch stock- ings," said the visitor. " I don't patch very much," I replied. " Darning is belter for lioeiery onleM very very badly wore, and taen it it beat to cut them down.'' " li 11 look ac theie," and the held up a pair uf tine how, minus heels entirely. " Tuote could be patched if yon can wear them so," I laid, and then cut her a pattern by which the might model heels. These are cut at nearly like the real heel at possible, and are tewed up in an over- ana over stitch ; this leaves a flat seam and one that will not be likely to hurt a heel unless rather sensitive. The made heels are then slipped under the right place and are sewe.i down firmly without turn- inn the patch in, ai this woul.1 make a team that would be too bungl- ing and mott likely prove trying to the wearer, Thit it a good way to mend hose for th farmer boy, whose boots seem to wear Riot Pudding. There it bat one tort of .lice pudding that can be made perfects^ , and if tnese directions are followed you will have a creamy, delicious pud lin j at a result Put one quart of milk into a pud- ding pan, add about a quart** teatpoonfol of grit*, j uutmeg. qtarter of a cupful of layer raisins, un stoned, two tabUtpooofals of rice, and two tabletnoonfjlt of sugar. Do no*, heap the ipooot. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, axl then stand the pan in a moderate oven. As toon at the milk ii hot, and a little scum form* over the top, tlir it down, and tt'.r the rice from the bottom of the pan. Do this a* fast at a crust forms. The crust thoold be papery, and light in color. When the tn'.Ik begins to thicken, and the rice teems to coma to the surface, stop stirring and allow a ihin brown crust to form. Stand away in a cold place, to quickly jhill. Nuw, if this it too thick, you have cookd it too slowly an<i too loug. Ii it is thin and milky, yo have ot cooked it long enough. FLOTSAM OF ANTIQUITY. *. The British Museum has coint or medals of every Roman Emperor. Rotnaa ladies had sifaty p.n* clotely resembling the modern art cle. Many Roman bracelets have the form of serpents coiled about the arm. The Chinese claim to have specimen! of writing dating from B. (.'. .'_'' j> i. Plates fur table use are among tne arti- cles dug from the toil of Rome. Breastplatet inlaid with gold were found in an armorer shop m HerouUsiewm. Ancient needlet were all of brat*, and :a size approximated our daminf needles. THE HUMILIATION OF CHINA A POSTMASTERS STORY. i A Straafw Attack and the Dirv Re- sults That Followed. ( ! as t \aiias) |. PrrsBaaeail) talll alrtf R.I *i YM stipe r.r w.ir.nl.... John Chinaman, rumme; way from the war aud scare 1 out of hi* wits, u suing for the intervention of Ike European Power with large cenwaerciaj interest* in the F*r Kite. Jonn '..-laessn bat, as usual, a car i u p nis slwve in miking < u prayer for peace in this way I uere may be a con- tiderabi* chMacej Uf' to tn.it., ielay or deny hi* obligation! when his prupoeai* are put forward in * roundabout way. Th* terra* of tnrrender were n'rn laid befor* Her I tn > r ''> jnn. JUje.tr* l,,ve nuM .t to be bront by r" 1 "', " ld " C -m * '" '?" located in the township of Ma.d mand, Lor.; Roseberv under tne notice . i franco m tne coua-y oi Nortnumocriaad. After >r MarktUU Tni, ef ..I ISM- |.r r Ik Maael* <! Im au4 Wa i'orrrd l live sip ! aw< Tkr Ilttrl, i> ii.,a r a trlrail rltr>l Ike Way Im Kr aewe* artivlir from tne Ilowm.iavUle N Mr. Rotnrl Snarpe 11 a we., known resident of Starkv:..r, Hurham county, ho na* been living .n i 'anada for aooot He is : . Tsde * Mack- Over W 10 breast pin* in the shape ot shields and the other nations. Tbe rebuff whicn working there for \ :.m- he purchased a OUR SYSTEM THE BEST have been dug Dp in various part! of Rome. Several dozentof wooden and metal tpoont have been found in Roman graves. Nee lie* of bone, very delicately made, hate been found in the Switt lake dwell- Schhemaon found at Troy three silver ' vatet, etch 6 mchee high and beautifully i engraved. An onyx teal ring, belonging to an an- cient Athenian, was lately dug up near Athens. A drum of wood, witn oce .irumttick, was not long a s -o found in a royal tomb near Thebes. Tke I mi'.! Male* fsimsirr ..im >| be < kaitxrd *a Ike liar- a( ike rama lad PI ui Kver since the financial crisis of 1*93 in the United State*, the weakneet of the national currency system in that country hat been discusaed by financial critics. Its lack of elasticity and the natural curtail- ment of note* in consequence of the high w , price* of bonds are it* worst feature*. In Pompeii. looking around for a better tyttem the . Many pairs of tandals have been recov. backer! of that country hav* generally I ' red at P<"P- The sol** are ftttened with Da;is. come to the conclusion that tome tach tyt- &. ont of , mB ; eU . ,,id, n tly worn to tern at the Canadian on* wai superior, and keep off evil spirits, have been found in al tb* late bankers' meeting held in Haiti- ! the ruint of Nineveh. the British Premier received from hat rendered it necessary for the Chineee Government to come step iartner into the light, and inte rviewt have now been held directly with President Catimir-Perier and hit Minuter of Foreign Affairs. vfc-l DIHLOMACV u ovia-c'Ti' -. The Powert cannot well be called in b/ the beaten and humiliated party to the right. China went into this ar with the, sym- pathy of nearly all European spectators on her tide. Had tne fougnt and h tat an Japan that ty/mpatny wun.d have vaallv ic created. It wat a grand opportunity to Ji.-piy ttreugtn and consistency. But tne progress ui the r i>as <:isplayed, :n ttead ot ceiettial power, otfcc.a. corruption u. anything out a heavenly order and , m the part oi toidien and , etttoen. Chinese arm:tt have repeatedly J run away without waiting tor attack. The i victorious Japanese are now before Port I residence and sh., it Starkvi.ie. he worked at hi* trade and e taniiahed a nice bnauMu being otii ,.o irttoni and obliging ne w is well liked and wa* appointed postmaster for th* place. He was in tne but of nea th and w.th the exception of a s>uiht .iia trouble had no complaint ot any Kind. In me month of March, 1V-. ne :.-i i-i an auction tale in the neighboraood and came home in the evening apparently al' right, bat during the n:^T. wat Ucen i li a chill, accompanied with a violent pain which graduaay grew wort* and before morning he went into convulsions and became na- COSMeious. A ioV'or was summoned who bled hiji free y, which te*m*>i to reiitv* him for a time, aud next Jay he seemed better, and tne dodo- told nun ne would be all right in a~?ew day*. This, However, wat not verified, and altr.ougn he -ou'.d go around be was fatl failiLg in health and at timrt would be in an agocv uf pain. One doctor said he had sciatica, and another told him tntt hit trouble wat rne'imatmn of the spine and that be would never be more retolut:ont were drawn up for the ! adoption of a system similar to our own. Mr. Henry Clews, a financier of much ex- perienca in New York, refers to a change that should be adopted, which it on the hnet of the Canadian system. He sayt " Public sentiment shows a deep mteres' Loaves of bread charred to a majt of black coal have been taken from the Pom- peuan event. A pair o: irun tongs has been found in Athena. Several peart were diavovered at Herculanenm. Earthen dishet, large enough to hold the Ai tr.-ir and there ctn DO Ic nger be any . ,, do, bt,,n,,u,d their progr^nort. delayed!^: , tr '"' m *>' *"' b by Kurup-an lutertereoce, that P*km will l fall oetore them and :he Celestial Empire , [ to be bated not upnn the present na- tional tyttem o'. bond guarantee, wnich hat now become positively obstructive to issuet. but by a law that would constitute the notes ot a prior hen upon all the assets of the bankt, and which might, under proper safeguard!, be made to apply to ti e state .no-tly at the heel of bis note. The patches , bankt at well at the national. The interest may be made from heavy cloth, and the f> '" Wall st.eet in tome tuch measure of firmer the texture the more durable the | money reform centret mainly In the fact patch. Remember to sew the s?ani in th- that it would tend to greater stability in the money market and to prevent tne spasms of scarcity that come almost every full, and depress the rate S 114. uf interest iiuoey at otber thut A BIG LITTLE JAP. frlare It*. frltae Wlm-i. r ..r ike Wlaa heel in over-and over stitch and do uot turn the cloth in when felling it to the stocking. The heelt are the only pla*. that will bear <qOally the over supp.iet of patchmg.ur.iesa it may be the knees to long hoee. Cutting over hoitery is quite an aecora- pli*hm*nt, which is loo useful to th moth- er of small children to bi overlooked. One way and this is perhaps the simplest of all is to place a well shapvu lr tit stocking on the larger one which is to be cut down. Let the heel of the tiny stocking come Kisen from the people. I'niike moat of npposil* lhe real heel in lhe larger one and tBe ot be r men now conducting tb* affair* of lei the curve in tne instep form the curve I .. . t._ u... the Japanese r.mpirv, Count Ito, i rime in the little stocking "to be. Simply cut the tlocking out whole this will give a i iteam down lhe btcat oi the !eg and on : he under side of the foot. This docs very well for tiny stov kings, but Lir^er one* can hardly b- managed thit way. in quettioot of banUin* and currency : an oarcmtt of a lamb, were iound in the Pom enlargement of bank notet unfavored : suck p, 11An kitchens. Several kn.vet, evidently intended for table ute.have been found in the catacombs near Mtmphi*. The Imperial Museum of Paris contains over J'.'VKJitone i.nplrmenu collected in various parts of France. The wooden rollers on which the Kcyp- tiant moved their blocks of stone are to be seen in the Cairo museums. Several flutes, stiil perfect an1 capable if producing muicl tones, have been uken :rom the Egyptian cataooruba. Helmett recovered from Pompeii are of iron, anil generally very plain. They were not made for show, but lor use. Keys of iiron/.e and iron have brn found :n Greece and Italy dating from at least the seventh century before Cnritt. The oldest k- own coin cociet from China. It it brasf or Cooper, it a block nearly ..d weight about a pound. Some ot the little brands images of Chi- nese denies are tupposed to have an anli- ijuity of -.fX") yeart before Chris.. Many 1'eman driukinK cups have bstti found in the ruins of Penepout. They are and proper zeal tor the cause ot civiluatM viewing with the greatest anixety the riumunant progress o; the .lapauete, went out of hit way a little to enlist lhe co- operation of Kurope in order mat t cataa- troph* uii;nt be averted in tbe i"H: v l l- SOW HE'.i.IN'. finally he lust the i and often longed for death to relieve him of hi* suffering. About thi* time Mrs. >narpe wr'.t.- a .etter fr him to a friend for whom ke bad worked wnen he fint came out to the country, an i ir.i* friend tent him a couple of box** I>r. Wi.lianu' I ink PUla, urging him to g-ve them a fair trial. Before th* second t> -x w vs done he fell somewhat at the door of the "barbarian ' through her own Minister. But even tait is not .nougn. Whensne hat treatel -Japan at a victur better and purchased another inpplv. To deserves to be treated will oe proper time h ** tn '5 rv - M . r ^narpt coeitioaed UH tor intervention. Tbe uuauoo it aa extremely delicate one. Slui 11 may be made to tland another turn of the screws. W he o Japan u at the gate of Pekin, the nen the person. in tigut use oi the Pia. !':,1. until fourteen boxe*. by which tune be ha I com- pletely recovers i and it now at well a- ne was.aad hat lot alllhe atlhma triable at) well. He >sn-iw *ole todoaharddav's work. and is lou i in hia praises oi Dr. \Villiamt' wonder: u'. Pink i'i. a, As the reporter wat leaving a Mr. Stark, an intelligent farmer wno .iveii ."' tad vended all lhal Mr. Saarpe''iad said, and referred the - in tne neighborhood who kntw tne circumstaacet at well. < >ne who nad never teen Mr. Sharpe before would nolth:i>*. .k:ng al hui to-day, that he had come torou^u me or leal ne nat, at be Minister, is not of noble birth. He came of a middle-claif family, an 1 did not receive mvoive tome of the onlooker* Useful Recipes. Piaw. lloil a piece of lean veil unti tender. Take it up, cut it into stripe three or four inches long, and put it back into the pot with ihe liquor u WAS boiled in. with a teacupf Jl of rice to three pounds of veal. Put in a piece of butler the size of a hen's off : season with talt. pppr a nd tweet herlx : ttew it gert.v until in- rice is tender, and the w*ler nearly mewel away. A little curry powder in thit cou- verts it into a curry ai,-n. Prune Pu aMing. After the prune* have been noaice 1 and cooked until tender and the tugir added, stand them aside to cool. Cover a quarter of a box of gelatine with a quarter of a cup of water and soak fur half an hour. Stand it over the teakettle until dissolved and then add it to the prunes. Press them through a colander to lemove the stones, or, if you have the time, the prunes are a little better whipped up with an egg beater and the stones taken out, as in thit way iney are not to tine. When tint begmt totuden ttir in the well beaten whites. The gelatine mutt not be added to the whitee. but to ;ne prunes. Tbe mix- lure must he cool wv-n the whiles of the eggs are added and the whole turned into a mould to cooL Egyptian Pudding. I 'over two table- spoonsfult nf granulate I gelatin* with un cupful of cold milk. Let toak twrnty min- utes. Stand it over the teakettle until the gelatine is thoroughly dissolved. U nip mte-haU pint rf > ream, add to it half a cup- ful o: pow.K-r.'d sugar, one cupful of chop- ped dales and a teaspoonfu! of vanilla. A i.i the gtlaline, stir until it thickens aud turn out lo cool. Maraschino cheniet may be used as a garnish or chopped pistachio DI.IS may be sprinkled llnckly over. To Clean Alabaster. In reply to a tub 1 criber 1 give tht following recipe for clean- ing alabas'er figures, and add an excellent suggestion for bleaching ivory. Remove any tpott of grease with tpin:t.if turpen ;iue, then dip the article m water for about ten in. nates, rul> it with * painter's brush and let it iirv. Kur.si bv rultbing it with a soft brush dipped mto dry aud tine piaster of P.ms. To Bleach Ivory. Ivory tht hat be- come discolored nny b brought to a pure whilvnees by exposing it to the tun under glass, having first brushed the ivory with pumice stone, burnt and made into a patte hit title until he had fircvd the Kniperor thape.i almost exactly like our saucers. and the country to i eco^rnue his merits us s A pair of shear*, with bUdee 1" incnes slatesman. He was one of the pr.nctpal long, isamoiiif th spoils of Pjmpen Tne leaders of the P.eform party, who brou.:iu instrument belonged lo a tunic-maker. the revolution against the feudal uoi>.e to A por.iait of a man scralchmi on bone, a sufceetful termination. The Mikado apparently the thoulderblade of a sheep, then made him hit Prime Minister, which , wat found in IHJ7, in a SWIM lake d veil petition he has held ever sin -e. Couu*. Ito, lug. might in disaster tar as head of the civil admittration, it of the umr eminence as Marshal \ amaga:a in the riny. A man of targe and liberal viewt. . he recognized the admmnt.stive, judicial, ^ Th . twor |. o f th . j, cie nt Mexicans were oom p otei ; O f but of dint or obtidian, set m tllck abl)ut lhe | en g tn o( an or d ln , rv political and fioanoial departments of the Japanese Kmpire. and framed lit constitu- tion. He bat aluioit made it a new coun- try. He is the brother of Admiral Ito, who .-.I'nmaudt the .)apane*e tquadron and Chinese stomach will not revolt leek it held out by the v:ctr in The logical end it plastically between the combatant*. Hut lhat end mut: b* averted. The great danger it i h at tome misunderstanding or bungling be- tween me Kuropean Power* may open the door lo more alar : mg complication* man either Cbinrte or Japanese can bring abuu*. Th* peacemaker* tnuuld go slowly aLuu: their task for their own take*. China, a* a nation, it permanently humiliated, but not *:.; the very pictare of health yet ript for detraction. Her fai! would h.anl Mr, -v.arpe attribute the who!* cure endanger all the bvttander* and might " P 10 ' ""'* Ur. \\i..i*^. Pink Pus .ink* t tbe root of the disease, >ir: | sys- tem anil restoring tli* patient to *..:: and OUR DAIRY INTERESTS istrenjtn. H .-aw. of : -pinal . roubles, locomoior alaxia, -iti , men- matisn. ervjipelaa, tcro:u.< ua lonblee, etc., th*e are superior lo ail of - treat- meat. They are also a pe trou- ble* which maknlhe lives ot so many women a burden, and speedily ret to re the r ch glow of health to sallow check*. M< u i ruken down by overwork, worry or excee* will find in fink I'.ll* a certain cure. I by ail dealer* or tent by mail, pott paid. ka90e*H a box, or tix boxes tor by tddreesing the IV Will:amt' ' Priam's bottle," found at Troy, is of pure gold, shaped almost exactly like the how oottlet taen in drugtrislt' windows, and weighs one pound. Me Tkal r Ike I sillrd s.iale T%t Irar. It isno small thing for Canada that w* are now sending more and better cheeee to '.ireat Britain than any other nation lu the worid. Th:* year our export of this ai ucie to the Mot IK r Count:y wa pearly double that of the foiled State*, and it w gener- tint tied mat Canadian cheeae u svnonvmout for inebettch Although Amulett are now worn by roval noble .ought the battle in the .ulf oi I etchiil al the mouth of the V*lu River. A Curious Malady. The hjreee of New South Wales have of late exhibited a perrttent tendency to- ward blindness exceedingly bewildering to the local hostler and owner, and ihe with watt-r. I'o conceal antique ivory, brush out the orack* in tht dutt with warm waler aud soap, and then place the ivory under glast. It should be daily tx- posed to the sun and turned from time to ' ' * bui evi ih of the Melbourne Veterinary College, which hat subjected it to a thorough scientific investigation. It it found to be due 10 a native tobacco plant, nicoliana sauvioient, whicn the animals eat at their pttlurage. and which produces upon them Ibe effect wnieh the same plant sometimes products in men. The animals recover their sight when lhe weed is taken from them, and the case it a new illustration of the extraordin- ary usefulness of the inelitutioiit which un- dertake to give the mala diet aud disabili- ties of the horte the benefit ot scientific examination or tieotinent. I'nder the old modes of procedure, consisting in some respect* unfavorable, tne past ssaton ha* been a successful one to our dairymen. to have For April and May goods from ten to leu been handed down from father to ton for and a half cents per pound wat obtained, nearly awW years. | wrul( . Jn j. Jne M(l Ju | y prlc9t rkog ,a from 1 Several tacnncial knives have been re- ^j ^ e h Jo Dm< ^j ^ h%lf wnu> covered from the Mexican pvramidt. Ihey are pieces of flm:. fathmned" into the shape I'unng the drought ihere wat a marked of a butcher-knife ', appreciation of value*. Augutt cheese told ' Over 40.. diamond* are known to have | ' "> ** d h l -' ! ' l ' although th* pro been recovered from ih* rum. of Babvlon. J"" i some teiect tactorie* brought as Manv are uncut, but most are poli.h*d on | h'gn l ven " J h lt * nu - ' '""'t^ for a lime as 1! twelve ceol* would be reached, but th* expectation* on that score me Company, Brockvilie. ot.. nr Scnenecta.iy. X.Y. Kewre o! im ta-iont and tubttitutet a ic w -e i lo be "just at good." The !rus- elect: -n the wori.i iJ.uiiU hors--i>.>weri wat uuiit at Zurich. - * ::!. " l x ^-' Hood's After Others Failed 1% .. rVsKVUV^Ii I'tti. viiw WJa One street in Pompeii was called "Mret w . w aisappomte.L of Dried Fruits ' and in the thopt consid- , Wfc ^ ^xJl^ue In r eiablequahtie* oi nt. raitmt. plumt and , f ^, |h * t ,, wue , other fruits were found. However, the *e**t u retuits emphatue the tell whenever tne goods are ready for shipment. For their Many glass ornaments found in Ktruscan , , U ccess in this line of prtxinction. Canatii tombs contain small objectt or images in I an , have themselves to thank, they nave the interior. How the ornament* were g One scientifically into the business of made u still a myttery. generally in the administration of a bucket lul of any medicine al hand aud walking the animal up and down till it died or got well, ail the equine outfit of New South Wales might have gone s'one blind mm no body know the reason, jockeye.slable cow doctors, and owners teing ^ a like fug of mystification aud confusion. The incident enfolds a new precept adverse lo the use of tobacco by the lower animals which ought to have mr re t ifect than the long array of such which recommend man- kind to leave it alone, and which are to oltinately and persistently disregarded. l\>/.ent of Kronze kuivet and tpearhtatis were foun-l '. Mycenae, showing thai the time of the Trojan war was can tern porane- oux with the brunze age. Several Kgypttan harp* have been recov- ered from the tombs. In some the strings are intact, and giv.< forth distinct sounds after a silence of 3UOD year*. I >. ens of cow*' heads, in terra cotta, hroojf. >'>ld and silver, were found at M\ . r.e. liiey are believe-i to l<e the tymbei of the goddess of the A )>r*>D7* shield with central bost, a lar^;- ldrn, 1'ron/e ku.ves and several vases were among the treasure* found by 'vhliemano in th* ruins of Troy. An examination of the earthen vatet found ai Troy and elsewhere shows lhat they must nave ue n tuined on a potter* wheel, just at those nowadays. :i ' making liver UH* 1 yard! ot linen cloth have been Bueineesin the United Va. t es during :he uliri ,n,,i i ro ,,; mummy. The cloih m past week hat been dull, owing pniK-ijwnv ,,.,. ur ,. , !-, -^ ti>e c-.-eaecloth preten' siunrwha: : U is huer In quality. \ "tying li'lli! to political exciiemeuu Th* result oi iu* will affect the tone of many ni-s* men favorably, insofar as u it natur- ally concluded that for tome time a- there will be no further attempt at taritf revision, and no disturbances uf trade in lhat respect. Wheat i* a tride higher, bul the stock in tight ii unusually large, and l.w a< prices are t'ley inspire iii<c.>in:deuce. Corn and cotton hsve l*>th . led inc.), and the stock of cotton is so large lhal specula- tion it improbable. Tne oiitfiut of pig ro:i ' The Roman soldier* mast hav* been ha* increased, bul the tone f the markft is powerful men. Many of the swords that steady. The failures m the v.itea *re \*r*r, nav* oeen recovered from tomb* weigh i> liut compare favorably with the corn's- to ID pounds, while tb* battle axe* olten aejtjt with Itgt about t> inches ; ti .-overel at Her- .-el to IVwilia, who had s-.-rr.-hed her name on the handle. The sii;ns of wine merfh.vn:* in Hi-r\'ii!a- neuin and Pompon have been recoverd. 1 liey ^ene . . -'hut press- .:m irritpes, while tht juice rloe>i luto a heese, and have adopted THK Mi'^T MOKIRN VltTIIKDH. But they have no: yet by any mean* reach- ed in* limit of their success. Wun th* improvement* that experience will suggest, it n altogether probable not only lhat the tales will be increased, but that higher prices will be commanded New Xcaland i* th* only country n:.-\ i rpidly in- crtating it* shipment* of cheese to tne Hnti*h market, but it i verv :ar behind C'ana<l in the race for supremacy. It eemsstrangetii.il wu.l.- vi e are making advance in r*pect ol 0:1* branch of dairy- ing, we are n >t making much headway with another. Thit it because export* of butter are not <>f the uniformly high class that commands the market. Every peor shipment of butter it a blow at the repu- tation "i i.ii country. The question mv' yet arise whether in the interest of dairy- ing some (^nverniiiental *upervi*ion over the bul :er : It mint -o aiiniittid t ' our cheat* inter- est* hive ; tmly in-causo f tin- paleroai care Coverntiieut* have e.\ercite<i iheni. The -"arket for butter is miio i i 11 ger l in tliat lor choete, an i wilh a high data article th prolit.k'>.e. Canadian : t: -IHT-" snould be encouraged to go maud pose*** it. *> The Winner. Boss " >-et up fro n Uiere and hustle. Vn-ody ver woiiiucces* hy sitting down, OJtee llov "I'ldn't they' Wnai's the matter with the champion oarsmen and wheelsmen and |ock*ys and drivers a ui aunl, i'a til* to know J" Scrofula In the Nock-Bunches Cone Now. C. 1. HooU & O.. Lowell. Miss. : .emeu 1 frel th.U I ciuiiu>t say eooogs) f^vor of llootl's Sarsai-arllla. FIT flve yeji . 1 with scr uectj .-.a kinds at medlciccs tu.-h . . !i>l not >lo m any gooJ, aud when I com- aMciv. -. a 1 * SarsapariUa tbere wera :ny nock s-> sore that 1 could Hood's?* Cures :ct bear the sot Meet to . on* botiie of this nirdlcuie. the soreness ha4 g-iw. a::.l before I hail flnisned the sxwnd top bunches had entirely Utsapueareit." bu>>cilai ii . i>l>. * :u^erv il!e. Maine. N ' i.lo to take Hood's Sarsapa- nlU do itt>i '.< lndu'-e<l to buy any other. HooJ j P - tag UM peiUtaittc acuoit of UlC alltMDtt>9IMsV ,