THI JLISHIRTOH 1DT1RCI Ba.nlf.injf Office of GEO. MITCHELL A fsn.ral banking (HutnM transact*] Drf '* ><> and ctouqjM canhcd - uittal rat* Moucjr alwayi arallnbl. for Irgimlti b<UUn DUrpriM oflVn two door* uorth of Richard M A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. Charswtcrtstic* of the Pa.t Week arrfulU tilled for the < unoiis M ,,oi**t among tVoZj iciU he rtu\rged at Uu rate of lOc per luu fur ratk uuertui*. .1 reduction v?M I* made OH contract* far f <W ti*e* er eer. Mr. Ja. O'Brian, of Kiraberley. haw 1 >t a valuable 3 year-old mlt. S *dvt. Division Court will be held in Flther- dm next Wednesday, Slut iust. Warden Lemon, <>f Owen Sooiid, died Ut week. The funeral took pUc* on Saturday. F. \V. McGa* left Bro. Keefer, of Nor- w.Nid, in tho bouillion t the extent of a small piintiug bill. A new walk ha* been bail down in front .f ami around the Methodist church. The impri.vement wa need-^1. (Jet your bill haU, statements, and utionery of ll kind* printed at tin* office. A Urge stock just arrived lhi eek. Thanksgiving Day <i> Thurdy, Nov. 22. one week from t>-day. A union net- vice of all the churches will be held in the Presbyterian church on that day. An attempt wan made U> break int.) Mrs. Buliacr's residence a week ago Sat- urday night, but the marauders were frightened away before attaining their ob- ject. MiM Rupert r prepared to do paint- ing* iu o.l or water colon ixt greatly re- duced prices until Christmas. Samples may be aeeu iu Mr. M. Ricuardwm'* win- dow. _ LOST A long, brown lvly' scarf be- tween the Presbyterian church and Mr. \V. Pedlar's hill, C^llingwo-Hl nd, mi Hallowe'en. Finder will kindly Uwve at tin* i ffiee. If you intend having a al be sure and get ynur bills printed at thin ojfice, where we will give you a free advertise- ment, which is of more value titan the billy themselves. Should winter remaia with us tn> there will be something like a water famine, a* the wells are very low and not sufficient rain lias fallen during the fall to supply (he source. The uight school under Uie auspices of t he Mechanic*' Institute in proving a great succes*, about !J8 of a membcmhip a'tfi-dini;. Tiweday and Friday an the rvfiiiugH occupied. The clawes are held in the public sch-Mil. Agent MeUiil inform* us that the receipts at this station fat the month of October wore $1000 urvetor than those of th corresponding month U*t year. Both fremht and paaw-ngtr traffic were included in this increase. The demand for Ayer's Hair Vigor in such widely -separated region* as South America, Spain. Australia, and India haa kept pace with the booine consumption,, which goes to nhow that these people know a giiod thing when they try it. You may eat vhep food and nor be tenoukly hurt by it, but you cannot take cheap iMdioines without positive injury. If you iu any sul sti'ut* for Aver'* Sr atyiarilla, you du >o at tru- |*ril nf your health, perhaps of your life. Insist on having Ayer'*, and IM> .thc. The beautiful winter arrived on Satur- day and Sunday with a fill of n foot vf snow, and wade business lively. It !* caught some people short, fidgm< by the number of half -frozen tisvllrr wh.. piisned through !)< villago on Monday with buggies and h\r>l Iteming h- their lire*, not having tune to sare any of their clothing. The only article of furni- ture as*ed was th kitchen stove. Mr. Kingston's lose will b considerable over and abnve the insurance of $500, held in the Waterloo. Two weeks ago the Stay tier SUB was sold to Mr. Williams, proprietor of the Collingwood Bulletin. The people of Srayner did not reliah the change and were about to start another paper. Mr. Williams, therefore, resold the paper to Dr. Jakeway and Mr. I'eik iri.of Stayner, after only one week s poeaesaion. Dr Jakewajr is an entertakmg wntersnd the literary merit of the paper will be of a order. A fine deer took a tn< through the til lage n Tuesday, passing across by the agricultural grounds and through Mun- tbaw s fieida Master Willie Bmtham shot it as it crashed the road, wounding it badly, but it travelled off fast enough neverthelem. About tifteen sports of the Tillage started iu Uot pursuit buc got cooked down after going a mile or ao throegh the snow and returned to their several comfortable fireside*. Master Heatham and a couple of others con- tinued the chase. It waa an enormously large buck with a mauniucent pair of antlers. Something new in privare parties haa hit the people of Kansas, according to the Kirwm Globe. We quott : A "Hard Time" party was iriveii by Misses Cora and Rnaa Boddinitun, at their home, last Friday evening. About forty of their friends were present. The parlor waa lighted with the old fashioned tallow candles, the carpet covered with guondy sacking, aud furuiture to correspond. Some of the coxtumes. especially of the gentlemen, caused considerable amuse- ment. The principal game i>f the even- ing was '-catching shadows." Great memment was cauteU whuii the lirtesaa paaaeii around pop corn and apples HI the ..Id time way. Some very 6ne muuc waa rendered by Mim> Rosa Huidm^t'm and Mr S C. Landee, after which icecream uid cake wa* served. At a la'e lionr ail returned to their home* pronouncing the 'Hard Time" party a ^rand success. On \VeuiK>sday nii>l>t of lust wetk Mr. .lohn Walker, of Artemema. three ruili-s south <>f Markdalr, *as out to meet a fnend at the train, and on his returu home fnund that his buggy and uoqle hanirtw had oeen uken. \\ith lantern in liana he tracked the buggy for Soirn? distance. The fn|li>mt( iiioming he re- newed the search and CoiMUhle NoMo overtook hi* man at Shelburne, which proved t't be vuuthful Jack Fletcher, who claimed that he had just taken the con- veyance (with his father's horse) f* a few days to vwit a friend in Ora'iirerilU. He was placed in custody at Shelburne, and on Saturday CousUble Ask in of this place brouyhr him to Markdale Hero lie waa placed in the new lock-up (the tint occu- pant) which had u<> stove and waa cer- tainly very cold and Jamp wiih its cement do. if . neither was s stove procured until the aftrrnoqti of the following day. Snn-Iy the autlioritien are opeo to severe censure for such cruelty. A Magistral** Court was held on Monday s in. and the pri- nor committed to stand his trial. It ta a ad thin* to see a youth thus in the toils fur such SH offence. He hasn't tlie ap- pearance uf a criminal but rather f otiv lacking in intellectual facultiva. Stand- ard Win. J. SpMtce was iinf.i-.tly killed at Craiit's planiiiu mill, Toronto, Uat week. He Iraviwa wile nuu svt-n clnldrvn, who are in destitute circuiMhUiu-.-N We be- lieve Mr. Spenoe is known is this vicinity, having worked fur Mr. Sumon. .4 ?ro- t -n Station, a few year* apt, ~- . i *m. Bariy Monday inrain the UMidestce v l Mr . KiuRtUxi, of thsi uliat*, -- ( unJ to he on re and was burned tutbe 4 o u , . d . T.U la^^jr Utely MOI 1 S) itU Age Improve** Iu The Youth'* Companion soon to enter upon i' siity ninth year of publi cation, and as one nys who has been a constant reader of its rv>lumns for more than thirty year-, "It has steadily iu>- pr.ired year hy year " Its article* ti> day ovr the whfl Held of life and ex- pel trace, furnixhiiig a vast amount of valuable and entttriaiuinK ividing of a character ut found alarwhere. and of > Kreat a variety that The Companion m tereHts alike each niuit>cr ot the family. The Pr<|Mictiis for th volum-f of IS'to aBiiounceaa't unnnoal array of attract. o; fourteen serial atonist, a wealth i short jtunsa. snecdotr*, huiiiorous tkftchea, adreaturw*. seieiicv aud home atticlv*. uoily oiitorials un sll important quee- ti'u, and more than tr<> hun<lrd origi- nal |NH)in.< of the In^ clans. Kull | Pr.pectua and peciiiieu copie* suiit f m* on. avpl'cati^i.. New nbsetibsrs wlio send *.?& uuw will rocvive the |*per frw tu January I* I"* 4 ' 1 . D< l "" r<nr frs> I^COSMM every week. Fiuvly Ths Ywuth's Coupaniwii, " visiting " for the past three months. He says Mr. Mnler is " a decent mon, a decent mm, " but Billy got very weary looking at the county woodpile, oevertbe- Isas. Measn. G. Mitchell, P. Munsliaw and S. Pedlar returned on Saturday from a three eekn' hunting trip in Muskoka. There were six in the party, and they only succeeded in securing seven deer. Mr. Will Sullivan and liis employer, Mr. Larannt, of C^iliagwood, spent Sun- day in town. Mr. Ben. Healip and Miss Gertie Van- mnt, .f Fleahertoa, spent Sunday and Monday in Town with friends. Thorn- bury Herald. Mr. CHaa. M. Borea, of Chicazn, who has for the paat month been visiting his bruther-in law, Mr. Mark Wilson, re- turned to Durham yenterday, where he will manage :h ikstin^ rink for the com- ing winter. Mr. Boren has had quite a vared experience in running places of aniusement and pleasure reorts in the states, and will no doubt make the riok papular with the Durhamitea. The Churches Rev. J. Wells, M. A, preached an excellent ermou to the AOU.W. on Sunday from the text : "A father of the fatherless and a judge of the widows, is <iod in his holy habitation. 1 ' Psalms 6ti and 6. Rev. E. S. Rupert, M. A., preached a most vigorous and earnest sermon on Sabbath evening in the Methodist church, baling his remarks on second Chronicles. 33rd chapter. The sermon was intended to emphasise the importance our exam- ple exercised for good or bad, and how a bad son may be the offspring of <.>dly parents and vice versa. He showed in a forcible w*y how those who put off re- liitius reform am hindering othen, and that their subse^usnt conversion cannot erradicate the influence of put bad deeds. The preacher also emphanued the reapo- sibility of parents in bringing up their children, and said that had '.hra influence been'iuich as it should be in tliia Canada of ours during the past fifty years we would nut now need a jail aud crime would be unknown. Tb* rev. gentleman only Kpecinett two ;hu<gs i-articularly which in his i pinion were espeuilly per- nicioUH examples, irunely. sin^kin-j knd chewing, which he termed "heathenish practices." Whatever the audience thought of this anatheaia all were unani- mous m their opinion that the sermon generally was th tronuent, most timely and earnest that the rev. gentleman has delivered for ome time. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says : "Shiioh's Catarrah Remedy is the tint medicine I hare ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. - AVER'S SARSAPARILLA Mr. Wui Falls fwned rr-w Owen - Kf jJajr Ut, wlnssf.kjf. S. P. SMITH, of Towanda. whos constitution was completely broken down. Is cured by Ayer's Sanaparillo. He writes: " For eight years. I was, most of tbe Urns, a great snffsrer from coast) pay* tlon. kldaey trouble, and ln.1lr- tloa, so that mr ronstltutloa rrmrj to b eocnpleUly broken down. I was Indaced to try Aj*r* Sarsaparllla, aod took aearly ssvsa bottles, with such meetlesit results that my stomach, bowsla, aad kidneys are la psrfsct eon* ditun. aod. In all taelr taaclioas, a* r*f*lar as clock-work. At tbe tim I bctfaa taking Ajr's Sarsaparllla^ say wlgkt wae oaly 129 poands , I aow cant brag of UP pounds, aad was aerer la ao good health. If you could see me be-- for and after nsUtjV yn would waat SM far a travaUa'sj arlTscllsemisal I better* UUa puparaMoa^t aarsapartlla. *o b lb W la th ar*. toJa.T " Ayor^Sarsaparilla Boots Shoes Rubbers li 1m Fill Lius i( Boots. Shoes, Rubbers. vet shoes, Fslt Boot*, for fall wear. Call and try us. The Best & Cheapest place to get shod is at Prompt attention to custom work ud repairing. Ah, There! Corn* right along up to Biskerville It Co'. Furniture and Un- dertaking Warerooms. But Do Not Forget that oar display carried off three first prize* at tlie Em Grey Exiiibiuon. Stay And we will only be too pleased to show yon t'aat we have the be*t assorted stock in tins eetion of the country. There Is money iu it for those wbo d*l with us u our prices are the lowest. Special banrams in all lines of our busicea. Our molw Small profits, quick returns. J. E. Baskerville %Sc Co. Airs. \Vrijjht's Store, Flcslierton. We Lead, nnnnnnn/vp j OTHERS FOLLOW NJW that tbs season for ett<TauJ sleighs it approach^ w. wish ; to draw the attention of the public to the fact that we are now preparing a large .i.x . which w. will bav ready for in.pecvion in a iborl tims. and we will be fou&d lo the ' >oth m pn. alvle and quality. Yon will fled it to yonr interest to dsal with - M, as we ar atnnmeJ to do b lu i n ,.a,. We woal.l draw yor atte.tion to tbe fact -' [hat we toc.k hnrt pru for lb b.t exhibit of earnaj^s at ihe Et Ur.f EibibiUon . I p right deal lug . uur motto. Tbe hading carriage Builder. Read This: Many who Uke (lie Flesherton Adxance and read tli adverticmut from Dundalk Lave come to tlie and ars determined to coutiuue doing so. The road may be somewliat furtuer, but no matter how sliort the distance may be your dav is> of no further use for work by the time you bars reunited home. If the above be Inte. what matter even though it be se feral miles further, your team* may as well be earning money for ' you, and they will be doing so by bringing you to CALHOUN'S to do your buying. Tlie rush continues daily. If you wish tnends you will And them at C\l!ion's. The People's Patron Store, DUXDALK. ot customers to meet your DONT DESPAIR The Fall Fairs DODtfS', KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU Ate nwer. the aeaeu is advsnctnr. aud it is time to think about preparing for ths rainy sosaon. I bav placed stock a line selection of rubbrr* aod boots and ths of sll kinds which ill be sold at Uis very i-lowtt uriuea. I want your , trade and am bound to merit ynur c >nh dence. I hav* aomsthiug of ettra valve , in men's strong fall booia. I- wakv a . Hpeciasty. ul ovstocn work, aiW'iiae iotK ing but the beat ot stock, | tkefe . up.. M god, huynt w,.rkmuj>ain. iNd friend* will 14. litmus to be heartily wrl- cos**, bat- 1 wnb to make siue aew COUM in sa^i. jtv* a thai urdsr. . Flesaerta*.