THI FLI8HIITOR 1DVAKCI MTaCLUHD 1881 jfl'afoetnc* >-' LIU wr> WIBB.I.T AT TBB orrin. WBUB TIBET ruMuvroM, on. T w TBUI irteUy Advertising Kates Oetssss. t rear, SM : half set- 1 rest. Tr.l.n( ch.r^d a* th. rate T e.oM pr tin* tor r.i innrtloo sa4 1 ssh subsequent Insertion Tew .ship < eor II Vrturarttt town*i Town Han * i n the cbair Minute* of met In tho with the reers bers present. read and oun- irmeH A number of accounts were pre- vented and dealt with in the ordinary course. Petitions were read from R. Watson and other*, r* tr* plant ing, ask- in; for serrioei of inspector; from Wm. Oarg" and others, asking for opening of 130 sideroad from th* gravel road to the bsvck line Bylaw* No. 606, to open road arn-ss part of lot 28, 13lh oon.; and No. 506, to establish a road across lot 28, 7th eon., Glenelg. passed their several ',<,) ii . an-l becamo law. Kelts McMillsn- That the reere be rxiul a* follows: Committee work, lri-K, $1.60; attending to notice J. Taylor, ditch, |2; surveying rock devi- ation, 91: surveying deviation IrUh Lake, 92 ; total tfi 50 Carried. Kella --McMillan --That the following tie paid for selecting jurors for 1896 : T. >i,,|nd, reve, 98; Wm. McKeo, assessor, for same. 93; W.I Kellamy, cl-rk, for nun-, 93. Carried. K.-ll Thompson Tliat the com. ward 1, he |iil lor the Huperviai<in of ftpecial w.irk as follows: job at truth Lake, 91. 5G; letting and iiis|>evtiiig two other jobs, 93; t..tal 94 50 Carried. lt,-i M.-Milimi That the commis- sioner of ward 4 be paid M for services i -iiili'ii-.l ni connection with re|iring hridge over Saugeen on 70th Tarried. McMillan Best That Mrs. Thomp- son be paid for bru.t I fur Mis Hanlfy, ft 20. Crrn-<l. Ifotft -Thompson That the bill of \\ . K. K"nin..ii^h to surveying deviation n i r.a'1, H in anil de*cri|itioli, *t <lra- li iin'* deviation, and that the hill be p. ml ... >. n.|. n-.l 910. Carried. Tll'.inp* ni HeM Thai ('. Si-iii!,ui re i'.'i..i i/.fil to crowiway with cedar logs not lean Mi. in six incho* st tniailest end > I 12 feet long, 7 rods of rnml mi town- line ArifiiKtoin ami EupliNHis, for the I.H oi 97, KII|.|M.IM.I to |>ay half i>f the a .11. nut ('..I iinl. , K- U McMillan -Tint the Rucve is- . , .inter* on the Treasurer in favor of t .a truste.'H of the auvural school sectioim, II.-HIJ fur trustee*' rules anil amount of general acho >1 r*to for 181M, \\r. Tr.-iis ir,n vil .n . f Markd Ic, triiHUms' nio, union S.S. No. 1, A.,(i. and M., |.' ii 74. >M.I (,.r 9I2O.40 boiiiR amount <if -. -li..i,l dehunturu in luiul HKotioiiK: Tru>tM S.H N.I. f t*M ID (ion H. r*t IOO OU hae MkJ towaliae riahlishl Carried. Btat MoMUIaa That the onsnmia. aioner of Ward S be paid for special work a* fallow* : Tor attending to 3 small job* at different limes. $1.10 . on survey of deviation, lot 10, eon 13, f 1 ; on com Htee ArtMesia and GUnelg.Iriah Lake, 91 60 ; j,,b. on 8*ii(w>n bridge, Me. , total 94. 60. Carried. Keli.- McMillan That D. IWforn be paid 910, being Artemeaia's half for work done on townliae, Holland and Arteaseaia, Holland to pay other halt. Likewise one dollar for repftiring approach to Saii k -eii bridge north of Markdale. Carried. < Beat Kelle That the fullowing bills be paid : VYm. Reid, for. repairing three ewlverts on east back line, tX.flO; Wm. White, for repairing Saugeen bridge on west bach line at Bojd's null, 9S.26. Carried. Kella Beet That the petition of Wm. Cargo and other*, praying that 130 aidf road, con. 1, 8. K., be surveyed and opened up. It is hereby resolved that the reeve and Mr. Bent be and are hereby appointed a committee to examine said ruad, likewise the possibility of making deviation around swamp, and report at neit council. Carried. Kella-McMillan-That the clerk is hereby requested to notify Rev. Father Casaon to have his fence opposite lot 1, con. 7, Artemeeia. townline Arteiuosia and Olenelg, removed off road allowance, a* we find l>y the recent survey made aaid fonee is now almost on centre of road. Canted KelU Thompson That this council adjourn until the Inth day of December, then tu meet at Town Hull, Artemema, at 10 a.m.. for the transaction of bufl<ness. Carried. Teacher and Trustees. 3*1 HI Ml OS 1" HI ST 11 1*108 I'M fit! 171 10 VH JO 100 00 10000 ISO 01) IMOO loom 100 00 100 Oil loo on 100 OJ li> I 90 10000 an . 10 . 11 . 11 SSI SI . l US 00 A 4 JK. . 1 IM VI K ,irl School 14000 tnil i he Treasurer M ho ehy inntruoted i i |iU. the f..lloiii.' anioin.ts in btnk t i the credit of their proper sinking fui.d auOKUot *nd lo pny the, interest thereon li. 'ii ilue, fix: 8.K. No. 4, principal ami n.u-test, i::7 -'.>; 8.8 Nos. 5 a..d 10. n i, .1-1 1,.. 1 ..... I interest, 93211 M, H H. No. fl. , nifeipn! an.! intereKt, fl.'tt W. Csr- rt it M Mill.,, k, I, That W. H. Thurs t..u b paid for printing, II-' -'.' Car ncJ. K.b- Thompson Thst the repoit of c< .iniiUttv <p|ioiiitid at last meeting of c ..n. i! t.i SjMef a committee of council of e deviation at Irish Lake, be nid thst the proper course be now l.tke.i by itni c lunoil in un soil with To The Kititor / The DBA* Sn:, In |' over the 1 wt ciuiplu of isnuoK of the. local papers I And agreement* between some trustees and teacher to read something like the follow- inK : "Teacher of 20 yr- experience en- gaged at a aalary of $.'WO, incluJiui{ light cleaning-" "Male teach er oni-ain'il at a of 9275, iocludini{ the mine JIM! school repaim. " " A lady teacher holding a tirt clann non-prufus- sinnnl certificate oftVrH hrr valuable aer- fur tl, pinall yearly cinolumi-nt of Also an advertiauiiient in a lead- ing il uly rc.iiU thuK : " \Viinteil \.\ ITH nceil 111. ilr teacher, holding Normal School certificate, etc. Kalary not to ex- ceed 9250- " While this is characteristic of our own locHlity we inny wifi-ly infer that the rust i.f tlm province i* :i it an ex ception. A few remnrks on the above ituiim might not In- out of place. There are mainly two CKUMW in hritiginc about t!m new civilisation. Tim I'nst m the overcrowded stHln of tin- teaching profu*- MI. MI and the c<mnoquent uairer di>Hire to secure schiKila even at mnall remuneration HIM) tin- >.-.-. ml is the tendency, especially |.ii \;ulm_' inn 'ii^ i in il iH'Oii"im,tii reduce MVerything to a mercenary Imsii Wink' there ^1 1 ninny nolile. excu|ilions,it iHge|i uriilly true that men of the most merceii ary turn of mm. I nru unuakfuil an public clio.'l iriiHt.ui'H. Tin* may he for in variou* wiiyH. It U true that thrn is no itaUry atiuchud to the ..Hi . > t Ili'l .' l a :n HI ; til be I'll. 'ill:. I Illilu 1,1 ll.lll V hy eii|(a^in^ a teacher at a be^nrly N| ary. In section* mint |>articuUrly it U a thank ltN and uuini|>ortaiit oIKce, hence IIIDII who uru not wholly coiicrriinl about the saving of <|uarter of d'.llar, avoid tli re|>oiisibilitiMi of the Luaine^si. It is r. MI nkiili u, the tenacity wit'i which some hoardn of trustee* will stick t > a teacher to beat linn down 5 or 10 dollars. In a section of ordinary pr..portion, tak- ing ihii liitgre^ate of ratepayunt at 70, lht> abovu am unit ettects thu saving of the great Hum ol 7 or 14 cents as the cite, may b >. In other no Hs str> IIHOUH olforts are made to withold 8 > from the tmrht-r and thereby, by thin ec.moniiral stroke of bus- ineaf, unlargu tlie. fit. tuno ofoach ratepay- er by the lin^u HUIII of 7 H',']"r, winch mjanii collodion for 7 c.msecutive Sun d^yH. No doubt many tniHtees and i r.- |Myer.< lutvo not .inily.-il thu m a . i in this way or thu cxinditimis muht beaome- what ditferunt. The ci'iitlilionx inaeittd in the above, agieoinenta iniut cer- tainly h) very ilmur,*Mlilr. to the teacher alth.uixh he may think he in oMi :e.l (.. aocupt th.-ui in ur.ler t inture h'm a In, - lihood in his cherished proftusion. I HIII credibly informed tlmt in onu of these in stances the faithtul custodians if the sec- tion's interest spent throe laburioua hours in aetectmt a suitable mm frum upwards of eigHfr*applicinU and ihn very wi., I/ (f) dtcid'ed on th^lowjMt lUJile oaudiilste, whom they thought would be a IIIOHI auii- ahl person to ahift the reap .iisihilitioa take charge of this matte* oa4y the trus- * t They are the le^al riprsses>ts(e of the section or ratepajrers and are thus the only responsible partlee to the section in the matter V>f its property, while the teacher is Isse or more responsibly to the trustees. It is just as solid and leason- able to ask the teacher to btrild a school aad plot as to ask him to clesn or defray expense of cleaniqg and keeping , the school in repair. If the opposite were true the trustees duties terminate after having engaged s teacher at a niggardly salary. These fscts prompt one t > ask a teaching a profession or is the teMsW a common menial servant or a " Ja*lr u< all trades .' ' If these sre the new sn- ditions to be usbsjred in under the elastic name of reform it is high time that the iflier knew where he stands or whether there is really any justifiable ambition in entering the teaching profession. With your pnrmiasion I will conclude this* sub- ject in the next issue of your valuable journal. OMIKVIR. Artemmia, Nov. 3. t.r nrrally Prescribe*. THK IDBA THAT BRIOBT'S DilBASI CANKOT B ciKKli rBOVBH TO B A FALLACT. QVBBBT, Nov. 5 Local physicians are much gratified ovor the letter of Dr. A. O. McCormiok, of Richmond, -thu pro- vince, testifying to his sure of Bright's DiaesMc. by the use of Dodd's Kidney 'Pills. Since the introduction of the remedy in this city, many physician* have not hesitated to piescribe the pills, and numerous cures have been the result. This latest testimony, coming from so well known a medical man, proves that the local men were right in changing the old time remedies fur 1) xld Kidney Pills Hence their jubilation. Daniel Ritz. Proprietor and Publisher of thu H. unhurt;, (Int., Independent ays : "I was sutferiug fr in Dyspepsis mil Liv- er trouble, I took a few bottles o. Shiloh'a Vitslzer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it." OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Advance will club with the follow- ing periodicals this year at the figures given below Tlie Advance and Toronto Daily Newx, a daily and a weekly jui |. IT one year fur $1.80 The Advance and weekly (ilobe... 1.80 The Advance and weekly Empire. 1.80 The Advance and Montreal Star... 1.80 The Advanco and Farmem' Sun. . 1.35 The Advance and Ladies' Journal.. 1.16 The Markets. Ttukeys ____ ChickenN per pair I'.lrks l.,-i pill 55 to 65 to 31 to 25 to 49 to 14 to 14 lo 50 to 625 to 00 to 300 to 25 to 6 to 7 to 26 to 60 to 15 tu Carefully Corrected Each Week Hour ................. 9 300 to 9 350 Fall Wheat Spring \\ IK-.II barley Outs Heas Mm t .T EIJKII, fresh Potatoes bag Pork Hay pur ton Hides Sherpxkins < !rt . 50 14 14 50 525 6 00 300 26 6 8 30 60 10 BUY YOUR HARNESS Good 5to;k. Good Workmanship, Low Prices. Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness Dieting, Bells, Goat and Cowhide Kobe*, Axle Grease, ItlanketH, and everything in my line constantly on hand. L-uve orders early AH we ruln-il in thu fall season. are always W Moore ~ Uarnessmaker FLESHERTON. be uou.icil of tkje township of Olenelg t i of tell 1 repairs, >u , uuuii. \\ h, *h ul 1 AVEATS. I HADE MARRs COPYRIGHTS. Are now offering Mpe;ial inducements. This is the age of bargains everywhere, !>ut nothing has ever been heard of yet to compare with the qnality and prices of furniture we are selling every day. Our steady increasing business proves that our efforts are being ap- preciated. If yon have not called on ns come in and let us get acquainted. It pays to deal in a town large enough to support a healthy competition for your patronage. ^Ls PLES1JERSOIJ -OIK MOTTO GOOD GOODS, LOWEST POSSIBLE PKICES We Lave added to our stock tliig week a line assortment of a supci ioi hue of picture moulding aud mirrors. Oux* UNDERTAKING As usual, is receiving our best alien lion, coupled with moderate diarcsg J.E.HOORE&CO. N.NN1IKON fCO. hi wi$ * 11.75, hrats Ifrab il JI.H. It's Fir (His .SI. Life' Fir Cipis and IlltllS. Islrukii, Opsii, Eittilni Snl, lliska lidits' lutlis. ItitMt a Moseqaeaiast.-ahat gs*- : ' . menu, in ostler to b* ". ' cheap, ibonld he badly - cut and ill fitting We b.SY'cou that are sf-> insmgly oicely mad* and can Mil them at law than custom work costa to make up Then we have a bet- ter line that can be sold t tbe ordinary cost of making and tnnwniafc; aud will givw good satis faction in wear consid- ering cost. In oar large range of stylet and prices we ean hardly {sit to Bait any reasonable . want in overcoats. from email boys' sues to largest men'* sizes We do not eall one $4 50 coat* worth f 10. nor oar $7 coats worth 116, bat claim to give M good value as any clothing hoase 10 the country. Oar $12.50 men's Far Coats we had made specially to our order, they hare not been beaten in price by an % other firm in town or city and cannot be re- peated when sold oat. We have a very fine range of Men's Fur Coats, all new. The really beautiful design! in ladies' fur capes for the Mason have met a hearty ap- preciation frjm our lady customers ; our (-ales in this department are very encouraging. We have tried to bring new stylish goods with- in the reach of those whose purchasing means are limited. Wt do not look for fancy profits, but buying close- ly and carefully we aim to make ^a quick turn over at as close a mar- gin as possible. We invite comparison of our stock and price* with any other stocky. Such testa have been so decidedly in our favor go far that we feel as- sured we can give ex- ceptional tiiie value to our customers in tins line. Our stock of Ladies' and Geuts' Fur capa h immense. The few we carried over we will gull Mow cost, some at half cost. The new goods are so much cheaper aud better value. In cloth mantles we have some very cheap goods, but special value in a Hippie .Collar As traclian and Braid (rim- med Mantle at $ t 25. We have very elegant garments trimmed iu real fins. Hello! Farmers, Everybody. We want yon to see our cow oliaiiis, rope ties cix>M-ciu saws, axe?, dry and tarred buildii'K papers, and get our prices lieforc buying tlse- where. Selling off Our old tock of xlawarc at cost prire to make r"oin for new goods. Oonte %k>i>){ and get a few hargiLin0. Suapa in wall paper next week at Richardson & Co's