Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Nov 1894, p. 1

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Tirana. " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' TOL, XIV. HO. FLSSHERTON. ONT. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8 1894. W.H THURSTON EDITOR* " Full as a Tick. " Yes, we are filled up with ou j of the fiuest sleeks vr wen north of Tor- onto. We have just plaoad in stock I Six Dozen Alariri Clocks, SELLING AT Only$l and $1.2r>a Piece. A splendid stook of silverware has just bfm placed un Young men, the wmUr season is approaching. Get your WEDDIXO ICINGS here a large quantity to select from. We have something exquisite in Fl\K KEP.11R1XG AS USUAL. Armstrong Bros. - Flesherton, I Euicniia From our own eorrapatuUrtit. The yield in potatoes, turnip*, etc., when we take intu account the exception- ally dry period in the early part of the year, will strike a n<>od average. The potatoes, while not an large a* tome yearn, have been comparatively free fiom rot, leaving them drier and more palatable. Many have a particularly good yield of cabbage, so we may, if our taates direct, have the native Irishman's champion meal tatiea and buttermilk. Mr. Oeorge Latuner and two toni, Jonathan and Wealey, drui>uit, of To- A few gates were reiuured (by the own- ers). We are glad to state that Mrs Robert- son, who has been seriously ill, is now recovering. Our tinsmith, Mr. Jas. Gardiner, haa moved to fresh fields and pastures new. Ue has gone to Muskuka for a change. What we would like to know ' (1) Wbn IN Than|(jfiviii|f Day ? (S) If the Durham boys are 'trap- ped I" (3) When, <ih when will the next foot ball match between Prioeville and Durham be? (4) If any foot-ball club (Durham ex WORSTED SOTTS TWEED SUITS ALL TO BE HAD AT | ronto, hava returned from their excursion cepteu)ever flowed i viaitiiig team to | after deer in Muskoka with tangible proof of .success in the shape of twu nice deer. Thin pleasurable trip ia becoming annual from these parts an i promises tu be more eagerly patronized in the C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor. Our Business Directory (Sards. VI AKBIAUK LICENSES. I <! I Uv or QIK it at th a office or residence of tba undarnlgnad. DIVISION COURT CLB .COMMISSION KK ; n H.C.I. Conveyancer. a. Notary public- IOIIN W ARMSTRONG, PLHHBTO*. TLJ < rUA)UGH * YOUNG, Bankers, Markdale. do a genaral banking hu- n,- Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call V U. HAMMOND. t-oat Mantar. Kimbcrley. Cecomlrsloaer for takinx AflldavlU etc. Iniure* and loan* money at lowmt rataa. Kxeoutaelieaats. Deeds, Wilto, tc. promptly, cheaply and efflclonlly. J 8HROCLK, r. Plenberton. ConimlMloner in B. R.. Lie usvd >uotionr. Conveyancer, A prainiT and Money Lender, Baal Kutat* and Infiiranca Agent. Deda. atorai{et, Leaaw, and Willi drawn up and Valnationi made on hortat notice. Auctten SeJen Mtoudad to in any part of tba County. Money to loan at low at rate* of lutermt. Collection* tttanded to witb promntnen* and doapatch Cbarge* low. A|int for tka Dominion btoauiablpCompanv. cbeap ticket! from Klmbertou to Livarpool, VlaKn>w. London or any of tha British poru !< it.'" intending to vliitt Kniilaiid. Boollaud or Iralaod. will pleaac auk rates befora purobaaing their ticket* elsewben. TJB HUTTON. M. D. C. M.. M.C. P. A H..Ool. Prioavilln Haiidanca and ofllca on* door west of tke kletb- odiit rburch . K inroai. St. Offlo* day*. Taada> aud Batardaya. V|I88 EDITH HU'HAHDSON. fnpil of Boht. afabr, of Bariiu, <irroanv. (vlollni; Mn. Hraillxy. of Toronto Conservatory Munc, <Vnir cultural; Prof. Karrlion, latu of Toronto, iPiajio) will rocoivo pupil* tu SlNUI.Mi, VIOLIN. Pl- AXO and OMAM. J W. KROHT, HarrUtar, Holloltor. Convayancer, Kir. Klmhnrtuu ufflco Next the poatofflc* Hproule'i buihliud. no Tbunday*. Owen Hound Proat'* buildlnn. 1CCA8 A WKIGHT, Barrister!. Solicitor*. Convayancar*. eta.. OW,TI Soon. I On.t - Markdale, Ont. W H. v, IH..JII [ M LUCAS. M. *. Pleaberton offlca, Mitchell* Bank. vry Wedueartay. A O.r.W. -meets every flrat and third Moo ilay in sack moo tD, in thalr lodge room Chrlntoo'ii M.U.III. Oeo John. ton. M W.- W. J. Bellaiuv. flnanc'ar W Irwin Haeordar. Viiitinff Bratharn Invited. ROTAL TKMPLARS OP TEMl>KKAN< K --KBgul.r Council meaiovary flrataml tn'r.lTaaaJav avenlng In aach month. In Sproula'd block at It p. ui. 8*leot itecraa (luiiiraunal inaaU monthly, tbe Wadueaday pracadlud tbo IMnd of aaeh month. SONS OP TBMPKBANCK.-Tbls .... ,^tv meot* In Ur Cbrlatoa' Hall avarv Wed neaday aveataa; | a p. m Vl.ltfi.i, T,-U Invltad. lotarasM* In oonuacllou YM. P. B. A.. *>*! tkair kail, Cbri.toa. B>ok vri In* and tblrj Thurada> in J\B. CABTKB. M. C. P. A 8.. On*. Fhyeiaian. snrneon. ate. Klaahartuo ufllco Htrajoa b'owk. Kaaldac JOHX A. HCOTT. M h. each month. Baoratary. *ro. Hfcavp. M M Ur. T. Clayton PlNCB ABtlll'H LODOK. Ne. as- A. . * ui i. ^'K" tb * M " n l H htraiii'. Mlook. KlMharton, .*. r y Friday a tha full moon Hpronla, Raoratarv. bafora tha full moon. Dr. Carter W M R. J. H Mauiber Collage Pkyaia.* Sarcaosja. Ontario Oredoat* In Medicine of Toronto Uaivenity, Kellow.hlj. Diploma. Poet OfXtBt Medical ckool and Hoapltal, GMss*)s. Diuatiiot eve, ar, nose and throat Sksslally trskisil. Meal- deaceMiwli. visits P.sra*)as> tworeday* 1- I P.OtTVWILL, Mertawrv Sar t on >> of VMerlaarv Colle|e. H*a*oa- N*t osWl <* Moora'i piaataf fa/ttory J P. BAL.TTBAD. *M. D.M.C. *.,(Ja T M. UsUNaMM M.C.P. * > MAJaSHai.!^ J. * "* D. ft. let r Wa4ms4a* -a* k*avtra>< DUPPKBIN LODOR. Mo. IM.IOOP. utaeta In C'layton'i ball awry Too* day evening us s u'etock. VI*Hln brvthreueo dlallv D. LI IT,,, , N. o.: U. McT*visaj, Ha. SUE5IH Itoe of Nt'RHKKT STOCK or IMKD POTATOsW.Brkeh. PBKMANKNT u.l l'.\T UIQFOIIITlOtlt9ttOQPHK}<. Wasa* flv* vouacelvjclva tarrUory If >u wlak It will PAY vut' to wrlta a* lor taraM. Awd Farms for Sale. L*s M a*d M ia MM Ttk isaiisiliisj ha^^ea^LaW AS? * " ---- *~ k_ m * ----- --- ^ _^ VWWvaP OT 4I^MaVOTMa> *WW aa#J*Tren aMt^a SSS5 tax ainabor ,. fctat.. *,., , o at *ic*mDea*). rVskvrkaai. TO RBNT future. It i* a real pleasure excursion when aome captures are made. Mr. S. Pedlar in taking a little longer Htay, but depart without helping to defray their expenses ' (5) If the captain of the Durham team haa ,:rawl< il intu a bl and pulled the hole ill after him <u) If iii Markdale and Durnoch teitin wore |jaid tlieir expetinea or any part of it by the Durham club when the PANTS 3V8RCOATS afureaaid teaiua played the Durham tram. n c will probably return one of those days and report succea.. p $.- Since writing the first item of Many a*e the theories now-a-Oay. how ,, ^^ we have ^^ that uf tu successfully deal with our trauip pupu- lhe Durluiln ^ ym hlul Ula mal , JmaM , lat.on. The interest in our pedestrian Bonl- up , , h- ,,,,,, gl)d ^ y , or , he ,, lp . fneiKls has been an, used by rhe influx of - of hl ,,, |)1)Uellt . and the high this unwelcome element handed and ou 1 ragoous way in which some of them h%vu oonditcted themselves. One tfentlenutn of thm town undertook tu take Ins part in the solution of this prub- linn by sliakiiii{ up a hurinlemt trsmp, who peruidioally vinita tins reijju.n. We an glad to report no canualitiea only the uplifting of tliu lioary hair of the venerable tramp heavenward. laniitM-rl.-* M. Thuntun U visiting with Mn. J. her ton in It in rumureii a change about to take plavce in tuwn. next week probably. Mr A. M<-<' >mie!l had a match on Monday to uispove of his liock f hiMinesH is Particulars The latent cn-erprne in rhe wind here ()f tu^ys is the starting of a real live newspaper I Mr ( ., lrrl( . butcher , in, we underaUnu. die "Lying Sh.*t." I ^.ut , uke u , |ia ^fa in town. He under the name MIHB S. Watts, daughter of the Rev. J. H. WatU, who haa been recently super-, anuated. is visiting smung her nuuiy frienda here. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thou. Bradbury IN about to move down to i Kimberley. Turn is K good business man and a good shoemaker, and we wish linn greater success. Mr. Walker Sloan haa hxsii blessed with No. 2, a bouncing boy father's joy. We are credibly informed that the Vandeleur Cor. omitted a news item uf considerable interest, in his last budget. We understand that two powerful men \ n j, jj,,,, got into a nstie encounter over anme | ),,,, a goHsip that been around and that take up bin au->d in town. will live in the lettideuce lately occupied f ^ Rnkpr by Mr. \\hitby. A at{uirrel hunt took place on Wvdn Eilwiini <!rithniii, and Will Thompson. Mr. Graham's aide won by about 1000 Mr C . Knutt supplied the s'lp- GO TO F. A. Baker -FOR YOUR Fall Suits AND Overcoats Aa I have started up m Merchant Tailoring. I have a fine line of black and fancy Pantiuits.aUo WorstriU and Xo'ich Senres in black and blue. Before buying youi l!"o.l-, c;ill and *e me. The price* ax low as the loweHt. Krinu in yur cloth and get it made up and trimmed. All work guaranteed aa usual. No charge for cut- tint; goods purchased from nn< Merchant Tailor STRAY*!)- A K MM! ctory ia voing amuml here at I he expense uf une of our eMlininble yount{ ladies and the editor uf a Thornbury paper, which I niuat Herald. Tlin Editor of the aforesaid paper is a oonoiiiieur in looks and prize-takers are right in He Ottiue up front his lakeside week auo Sunday and touk the Htrtynd from thpriiiiunnf th un'lriKn- B.I. lot LH4. T. * 8. B.. nix *hM>t. .1 w. an.l Iambi). Information u to tbair wher*atw will bn thankfully rwwiveU. JOK. CLARK. Klu.liuri..n P. O. PIGS FOR SERVICE. TbuntleriiiKndbuuw tborouiibbroil Berk- shire boar* for iwrvicu.out) &xuJ auJ youi*K on lot 16. con. 7, Oiprav. Turin*, $1, oMh ai tlmaof Mrvloe. W W M.-.KS ynuiig way next, Vandeluur. _ _ fckV drive to KuRwoia, Now the pugiliatic lioiinn all went one ! the )lMlv h ,. a liltle neph ow about e,hl Please <.vo us deU.lH in your | y ^ tt M who openi , ^^ a,.a under- srandH two or three things, snd une of these thiniix ia that heii two young people are driving al'jng the, road they never knuw what is going uu behind, loams While paiuiin; through this villa|{e ths> rrcevlllc < t Prtceville and Durham foot ball played a match in the urounda Sealed tender* *ddriM<l to th . ami undored " Touilnm for tuauM . will b received until A p. m.. Nov. gBth foi l<uil<tmu 'IwullhiK liiiufiv according to 4 plan anil ^pacification to bit ftaeii at the IUADW.I'I ic- | villa. Tbe ooinmittve doe* not bind ltif :j acueiit ih lowait or anv tuuder. By ordar ol ' the uiauM buildinK uuuiioitUM uf K'.,luinb fburcb. D. McLaoD. Sw. Pricn? lie, Ont..Oct. , V4. latter butt Monday. The score was 2 to in favor of Durham. After the gamo waa over the Durham players aneaked off and left the vnutort to pay for their upper. As far aa we know such meaneaa ia without a parallel in the hibtoiy of foul ball playing. However, we undrrotahd that tliM is not, th- first time a Durham team ha* exhibited miaerlineaii in the matter of contributing towards the ex- penns of visiting playrr*. A few years *KO our junior baacball club received sita- liar treatment fntin their opp<-tients in the aforesaid town. It ia needles* to add that the uiiventlfinanly conduct uf the Durham dub will not be forgotten by PrioevilhUsK for n HIM time lo omie By LakinK a glance over our bunt fn-ni of the | younKtr waa perched on the bunny be- hind, and tha editor and hia young lady friend were entire y uncunsciuus of the fact until they reached their destination. The young lien, wan given rtxim in front on the return journey. It is said the lad waa aworn to the tricte8t secrecy by one of toe moit awful oaths ever administered U> a child by any editor. What moiueut- oiia aecrat*. what lollypop oonvonation wna overheard by him will nsver be) known until the day of judgment, or even ifiiejaavd at until a wedding i* annouaord. The W>> rode) behind Myles befurej he WM 4*Hverud. Vitut Victoria! Kh-wUsiki liir>l In a S-.oih Vumrioa" RhHUmatism Cure, tor a)|ld Nvuraluia, radioe,lly ENKKOKTIC MRN to >ll our clluiue and coiuplnta lin uf Nurnarv Stock kiid MMil putai oai. Ki wheat salary and coat- ! iiiiuion paid weekly. pa>m anil parmaneiit IHMUIUII Kuarantaad and euccaai aaeiiratl to I good men. 8pucil Indtiovio >ntn to bagiiinari y. Kxclmlfa tamoirty axpanvnaa not naoatear 1 and yuurown eholaaof nania Klvan. Do nut Orownni A Prpator KOfHBMTBB. M. Y FARM FOR SALE. Valuable farm for lal*. lot lot eon M, Proton, oonmiivinif of lOOMraa, of which Ml are claai*<! and raniaiuder gaod bai-lwood-bumt. (ioad i houM mid >tabl* and mod well o*> Hltuttwl about Q mlla* from Uuml Proton fMaaioti. Cburah and aobool* I Tarnir to suit purobeMr. JtHNPO* Lot T eon. la, Proton Hwintoa Park f. Q 8apt.4. t. CAME ASTRAY i* improving. Mr. D. McCuf mack ass added a mat veranda to the front of hi* nbsjUiitiitl faidnc*, while Mr. Hector McLean has made hm domicile sxmcoM- fottebte and usately kxikiiift by ekc*vating t oullar and huildinit a solid tt<tn foon- oMfcwt. Mr. Al. x McDonald is liuildinv S na) ki>l*%t for himself, ajiai Mr. Jat. Watsmi % kViUlHk*; lavdjr to >n*r <e uf net Kinross 'i.-t Thw ttori ui the Presbyterian ohurch ts alan pnprii,g for the erect IUH of a wvll- plannwd ami iiup<iaini( wlansei next sun- Hall..w -n pagaed off quiet M fjkual. the dis. iinm.>.iiVly <U*pP*ar. The n|l <*.*. Hreatly MJasJU. TB oMta. Sold J. .hn A. While, of Br<ib. ha. ni<>natr<i|)t in the shape) of a pm lew days W. TW animsl haa fWtvrss nd hatsui aiimlar t > thiaw uf a otaf. Ths sf*s and i,.-inls ara> iaoking. Thik is .MM of the vrsctest etiriositiss nt th age, and honld he a soore* uf much nveajte Ui Mr. Whit*. The pin beina niwS>>/b it*> ag*^ and ia baing dmly vi*we4lV*>anw from adjuiiiinaj ntnghborbooda. Picker- I..K Newt, Cama to tbe prmi of tba amkMeigBed, let t, con. i, Qapry, about Oo*. S, aa* o*w. >>w U m |uata.| to BTOM property, aay aipvnMi and tak* ibe *aai( away. WH. Osauapa. Waa w.l I P. 9. NOTICE. I MsMae. I* n~) nn mat I vlH oa b I . ipoailkle tor M* .1. iq mj aa ** 'I WB>^B> IXAf asVf Wf f>4*rfcas) kv a>y X sty Issillv Hfcusi aTaw. IhkanatJ* WaMtB, ** TsM'Wl ktV. Oekl ^sL 1 PRIVATE SALE \ltaanala, I also number of frm wink to aell bv prlvaM ss tfcey bave itlapoaaU of MM

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