THE FLESHIRTON ADANCE OWEN. BOUND, ONTARIO, I* -'r he 'Very JJeat r..U'K IN CANADA TO CiKT A lisiniss Ehcatiio, Take a Round Trip o. ';:..:.. _- t'<rilec.* and lainereUI Department! In Canada, then vll > Northern HnelMM Oollef* ; e*uilno every- IUK tharoubly. 1( w fail to produce tbe >i ioorouh, complete, proU.'' ami etn- . oourte <>7 .ttui> . the txMt ouilefe premli>e I lh bout li.l Kin* r.Miiplete and mott unit .l.lnrulture nd ||lcooo. we will (tve you (ull eourM KKK. Kor Annual Announce- ULI giving (ull particular*, I rew. tildreu C. A. FLEMING,* Principal. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. rarnagea made and Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Band Saw. ing, V-ood Turning of every dee- c ription. Planing and Grain Chop pin*? doae while you wait, for th<* Beaver turns the wheel. T. W. HILHO\ A. FAMILY GROUP OHOTOfillAPU ***/e>%%%^svvxf% H V 1> fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? per- lect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing-^ Uoiit in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. To the Public. Hnvinu n-nlfil Wliiiti-n'ii blackainith lin|i I. I H tcllll HI MUM. I Mill Illi A III It j. tiim in mttiuo , ill waiilR in my Inn-. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed Fur *.iy thin.' In tlie Unckmnitliinj line uwll 1,11 F.AJU.\r MARDW \iti. U'Uki VI ABMAO B LICENSES. limed dar or nlgbt at th ofloftor reeldi of the undernigned. DIVISION COUkTCLB .COMMIB8IONKR lo H.C.J. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public JOHN W. AHHBTHONO. - FUKI.HKIIH.N. UI-CULLOUOH A YOUNO, Ban\er, Harkdale. do general banking bu*- iaeu. Uoiiuy loaned >t a rea*on*ble rat* Call M R. HAMMOND. "o*t Master, Klmborlejr. Commlnloner for taking Affidavit* ale. Innuren and lomut noney at low**! ra,tee. Kieeatea Le**, De*d*. WIIU, tc. promptly, cheaply and efficiently. T) J.BPBOULH. PotimaMr,rie*berton, CvmnlMtODor ID B. B., Lie navd >uctlooeev, Conyencr. A prilxr Mid Money lender. IUal Ritate au-1 Innr*nee Agent. Pneda, MorVrane*. Leaiee, aad WIIU draw* up and Valuation* mad* OD hortwt notice Auction Sale* attended to in any part of tbe County. Money to loan at low- Mt rt* of Inter**. Colleettoai attended to with promotnea* and deapaiob Charge* low. int for the Dominion btaamebtp Company, ebeap tlekai* from ! le*hertu to Liverpool, Ulaigow, London or any of tbe BrltUh port*. Partie* intending to viilt England, Beoilaod or Ireland, will plemee a*k ratee before purchasing their ilck.ta elaevbere. M IH BDITH BI( H AMDBON. Knoll of Bobt. Mahr. of Berlin, German T. (violin) ; Mr*. Bradley, of Toronto Conterratory aliwtc, ! Vote* culture); Prof. KarriMni, late of Toronto, (Plaao) will receive pupil* lu 8IMQINO. VIOLIN. PI- A NO nd OKOAN. iHfrtiral. J\H MUTTON. M. D. C. M.. C. P. * S.Onl. Prlcevllle. Reeldence and ofloe one door weet of tbe Metb- allit Cli nroh .Kl nro. bt. Office day*, Tuceday* and Beta relay*. JJIl CARTBB. M. C. P. A B., Ont Phy*Iri*n, inrgeon, etc., Fleebertou oflkee-Dtraiu* b'ock. Kevldeooe Muntbaw'i botel. JOHN A. BCOTT, M. B. H*inbr College Pny*Ic. A Surgeon". Ontario Graduate lu Medicine of Toronto Unlvenlty, Pellowiblp Diploma, Poet Graduate Medical School ami lloipltal. Chicago. Dleeaem of eve, tar, no** tliroat *|>eclally trratvd. Heil- dcnce Maxwell, vllte PernnamThurd*>i 1- J P. OTTEWELL, Veterinary Burgeon. Ormdutte of Ontario Vvterlnary College Hw<dna Next door oulk of M.",n pianlnii faeti'iv J P. HAL8TBAO, >l. li . M. c. A B.. Ont., practlee* at Kim- berley. Khenui*tlc dlsaaiieff i cpeclallty. 3)cnti*tvy. J P MAKHHALL, L. D. H..M.D. 8., Dantiit. VUlte Markdale the Ut an.l :inl Wti.lii. ily of eaoh month. Klwherton- Kch trip on tbe day following. J W. KK08T, liarrletur. Solicitor. ('nnvnyancr. Ktc. Plwhnrtnn nrtli-e- Nrxt till* pnt offlci- Sproule'ii lniiliMi.i:. mi TlitiriKlay*. Owen Hound office KroBt'n lnnlilhiK 1 ic\s A WHKIHT, H*rrUtri, Ro'loltore, Conveyancer*, eto.. iiw.-n ttound. On.t Markdalo. Out. W. H. \Vi<Tiiin. I. H. LOCA*. N. H Plmherton office, MlKh.ll. Hank, emry Wednniday. SOCIETIES. An.U.W.-metM every nm anil third Mon . ilnv ii. moli month, In tbnir lortgn ronni i'liiiiii,.' Hlock.P1e>herton,al M.|i m cimi Jnlini"'i. M \v..\\ I H.'llnu.v, fln*i<r'er ; W. Ii win Hoeorder. VlnitlnK Kn<tliru InvlUrt. ROYAI, TK.Ml'LAKH OF TEM I'KIIANCK. lUflilar Conncll in>t ev*rv Brut and third: TnM lav rvcnlnc In oarh In KprnulK'n lilook it M |i in Helort deRn-e llnrorai n.tlih. tin. WetlnexUy preci.d I u the Vnri of eaoh uiontb. SONS UK Tl \ll'( n \sci Thin .o-iotv ineeto In i):. Clirlntoa' Hull .\.n \\.,| lay urnnliift at H p.m. l>n-tli- rnn Invited. IntDranre in YM.P. K.A.. meet <ii thrlr hall, t I IHi.i-k ever* f)r*t and thlnl Tlniin.U> In imrh inniith. \\iii. Sharp, Mtcr T. CIM..n ;*ry. )>K|NCP AKTHI II l.(.|i(.i v \ M '.,,...1 u, Mil- \U ..... ,, Hull l'l-"-k I Iw ,, | M ,i,, v ,, \ -- VannuMo, \\ H .1. nproole, K,.,.rf-tarv. , M . UE THE CL.LEBKATED B.Lau ranee F. O. Kax*Btedt, atolej Siucv tli. uinnierof '! 4 has joined the prucuiuiiiiii of aumuien which hido ill the nli-idt-a uf that myitery culled (he Pa*t that i .int which h but an exit- i-nce 111 the ineiiiory, or in tbe auuity reourd* uiadu by man called history we not unnaturally review it audit* an called uleauMiiw, for in not it the holiday aeaaon t Ah, well ' it iln- truth wvre but known ro<*t uf ui r not enrry that the time fi>r rHular rarnvet work hae come again. Wht-n one doM nut feel called ui>n to Kt \> " * picnic r x<' otf i<u a " pleae ure eirrii'M.," a* BaiiMUitha Alien re- mark* : IIKU i. ne U not under the dire li4.-eaaity of enjoying blinavlf at 90* in the *l:ade, when he doe* not feel tbe obligation roetiux upun him tu " have a good time " wnther he waoU to or not. If there ie any fora uf plwenre more wwuing thau a picuic I ahuukl like to knuw what it ia. One day twelve uomuujly cane girU eurted out in *earch i-l luu and tbt b -ilmx spnng behind Flcher's pond. It aeeut* that in order tu have fun people mual et, to the twelve carru-d nuu|<h dainUre to feed twenty. It 11 a well known laot that it is danger- nun t j go to the wuuds for aii afternoon nd nut have enough eatable* to laat about a week. One iiuuht easily atarve, expecully if one were not to be huioe till tea time Everybody knew juat exactly whom tbe apiin* waa. " Pihaw ! you couldn't HUM it," laid three in a breath, "it IK right over there," all pointing in different Uirectiuni, and each boldly HUM ted out on a voyage of dkacurery, and It was a veritable race to nee which would got to her goal hint. E*cl. had her tollowuijj but some of the more wary panned in the breathlew woodi to watch thu outcome of the rate. How they acranibled over logs, tore their long *kirt* which they vainly moayeti to hold up wuh one baud, whilitt they carried a baaket uf provision* in the ulhr. Abn> '. pr daughter* of Eve, to ee you in thi- the riltl of tho niiifteculh century alteui|iiiiiK to run through a forett, wuaruu.' the lung akirt which l>eluiii(a In aji age when wo- men did no Kuch ihiiitfB. To HII *x when he aat in thu luirei clumber of her iuoa'd caatle and vatchud her valUnt dt- leml.-i uallop away tu ti^ht > rival banni or to tuf cruHade a'<ahiHt tlie Turk. To nil age whvii a buaiueiw Wouutli or wmk- Klil lind ii"'. been thnU^Ut uf. But while the whirligig of time haa brought about different condition* for Kith uieu and Moinrn, man ha* aduuind hutdreaato suit the change, hiu dio>rUud thu clonk and uluuie ot the age "t chivalry and donned the Hber and i..,,v, n . 1,1 , u UMI.. .luuiiil, bu\ueK auit oi I..-..M). Hut poor OMI- M MH./II1 tllllkl llUutll Htlll flllowe lit IT>elf tu no tripped, and hampenxl in evt'iy epixudM m !itr liy lu r eiiuumbui- iny rkiilH ', a* if nature had not madu life it hard and diftituir ihng enough, the inUHt lift 1 il clog lii-i-i- t Hlnl more. Tin* coi'Servatitui ai.d (ear ft ndiuali* i not a bud trait in a woman, lieuintiiii( a u ii"< K to ihv very emonce ul feuuiunity, but to eXceM it puU a clog upon tli wheel of |irogrua and iheie in IKI wonmii " iiinunihuiiit but h.i: >h ca.i ruiHid the i'iiiancip*tiuii ot Wi. 111*11 to a i rit. un u. Kir,- by thoU|(lill<nui mil* or micrrilig auiild. SUMIII It. Anthony, it pi. u. i i of (he utfr(;v inovument airl one who ha* kulterud un all vanguard* mu*t *ulfer lor any piincipht, declare* that nothing i I|IIIIVM uch In i-'ii'.ni a* lo ximply ilrt-HM in .u. y pmticular unlike other |n-..[iU', mid xlie for ..iif M not made i>t thu niutl t . ilo it. Uut while like her we may i.i lUiu put our ciinviction* into praciio-, \vu cm ii prepitred to follow thoxu nolilu wmueii wh are uivuii{ thuir IIVUN to uiulvm^ a uitalile Hirst for woniuli and to tl.u aunihiUtioii of the limn nkirt. \\ ti'e nyin^iHtliy mill Mippoit and bu r>dy when thu time cornea tu lie mnonu tiiu pio^iei\e. Ill thu memory oi \\onun till living a certain articlu of dri-its w* nitrodiicud which lm Hince bucoine inn- v< ial anil w nhi'iit which no con- Miller* hertielf dieiwod ; yut then, a n... thu old cry of " Immudvily " "\oii will turn a woman into ainnn, ' etc , WHA i.nx'il. And woman IH jnm HH much ..- man now KM thun in pite of u.u oLmoHiou* Kimuut. AppropriajteiieM i* the kr\mm.r of goi.<l sti-. Hut, 1 n-,l>, IK U it,ipi.,,,,iiiiu t.. tiail rich material over il. n\,i\ iu-, i WIpliiK up the tixnttoloratiiui ot In,- v n iiuiptivii nnil thr,.i,,,, i hewer un. I ruining tilth anil iliaHMe into Mil' lionne ' \ t'l ilrtioty, i l.'Hiily \\ivnii-n re Ho l.,in,1,-,l l-i cunlom H in |HTnikt in doing thl*. U U appropriate to ehmb the i-oc- Mmtkoka oi Kiitfenia, wliihi the and mind aie unnamed in lifting a hkirt, when they chonld he lie nuil ex- ulunt in thu beautiea uf kurruundnuf Natuie * 1 it appropriate tn tiumhle in'o a boat ami tit thuni like a mummy while the bo'tiim of hn Hktrt Kaoomea soaked with waior anil Utter on ulnueil with wild and uliiif to thx miklea n<l IcMroy. tho aliutu ( No ui.u u ...uukuu kl ...^ tight uf a woman in her bathing suit bee*u*e ciutom has made it respectable. The long ekirt on tbe bicycle will aoon be a tiing of the p%t, and aoropne a man wan fined 926 in Chicago, the other day, for luughing at a woman in an appropriate bicycle coatume. What then do we want T We w*nt coatume havinga tkirt to the kner no longer (a* that ia the limit for hannoiij of proportion, for utility and comfort) for Htri'ft, IJUH lie , outing and lainy day* and for general houtework. I .n^ trailing draperiea may be re* rvnl for the drawiiiK-room, where they are appropri- ate and therefore in good tAHte. It ie oat of place to pity and condemn Chinese women for cramping their feet, whiUt we cramp more vital organ* and twaddle ouraelvee in long *kirte, for the Cbineee ie infinitely more cootutent with the mod M of her life. Hae is never a bui- neee woman, nor doi ab? uo to picnia nor outings requiring phyaical exertion ; with her it is the height of leuauco to be inactive, therefore he doe not ned her feet. But with u*, our clothing ia inconeietout with oar wratem advance- ment of thought and our atandard* of what a woman may be and do I hive no doubt that the long ikirt hampers women mentally ae well M pl.y*ically. When one omaiden buw a trifle may in the yean of a lifetime turn up to some thing important we can have no doubt that her ckirt kae tripped her in mure way* than one and we may even doubt her ability to achieve any real greaUneaa ham- pered by a skirt. Mow do not ran away with the idea that dreMinit like a mi. i> advocated. While mail have evolved a comfortable nd convenient coe'ume they hare ovtr looked tbe element ot beauty ai.d women may profit by itotr mutake. \Vhi-ii.M,* Jenneee Miller appeared bcfoie 4<N/0 women in Toronto wrarmic her tkirt t.. the knee costume, no woman was pi tar nt but what acknowledged it* beauty and the swett femininity of the wearer ana be weighs 140 pounds. Yea, the Drea* Reform mnvemrnl ie advancing. Recently <me knickerb>ck rd lady bicyciuu having ben refnit-d rii'iTtaiiiiiivut* un their tour thioug'i Kni/land by keeper* of inns, convened .t' their club to inaugurate the b'tilding < t houseH of enlertaininent in various citie*, for their own ami the benefit uf it.-i ociutie*. Dor. DONT DESPAIR DODDS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU __j by~ill dr*i- : n In" aiedHe*. of b, aU o. > ML uln o* " rie - IK- P>ie. or ah boxn fi.y;. OR. U A. SMITH * CO~ Toronto. AN BMINBNT KIHIiTBR REV. W. S. BARKER OF FXTEKBORO. Mr. W. & Btrktr ii minieitr of PwUrboro who has bj his treat earuoatntss and able exposition of the dootrmoa of the Bible earned for himself pUee amongst tbe foremost minisiers of Canada. Ho. with his most estimable wife, belire in looking after the temporal as well ae the spiritual welfare of mankind, henoe the following statement for publication : "I hare ranch pleasure in re commanding the Great Socuh Ameri- can Nervine Tonio to all who are fllicted M I have bron with nervous prostration and indigestion. Ifonnd very great relief from the vtrj first bottle, which was strongly recom- mended to me by my druggist. I also induced my wife to UN it. who, I must say, was completely run down and WM suffering very much from general debility. She found great relief from Sonth Amerioan Nervine and also cheerfully twoommenda it I* her fellow-sufferers. Hv. W. 8. BABXIX." It is now a scientific fact that cer- tain nerve centres located near the base of the brain have entire control ever the stomach, liver, heart, lungs and indeed all internal organs ; that ia, they furnish these organs with tae neceaury nerve force to enable them to perform their respeejive wot a. When *)> nerve eentrai en weeiensd r deranged the nerve force is diminished, and as a result the stomach will not digest the food, the liver becomes torpid, the kidney will not act properly, the heart and lungs sBff.r, and in fact the whole system becomes weakened and sinks on account of the lack of nerve foroe. South American Nervine is baaed on the foregoing scientific discover v and is eo prepared that it acts directly on the nerve centres. It immediately increases the nervous energy of the whole system, therehv enabling the different organs of UB body to perform their work perfectly? when disease a; once disappears. It grsatly benefits in nrie day. Mr. Solomon Boua, member of the Society of Friends, of Darlington. Ind.. writes: "I have used sis bottlee of Sonth American Nervine and I consider that every bottle did for me one hundred dollar* worth of good. because I have not had a good night's sleep for twenty years ou account of irritaiioii, pam, horrible dream*, and general nervous pros-J tration, which has beeii eaused by chronic indigestion and dyspepsia of the stomach, and by a broken down condition of my nervous system. ' But now 1 can he dowu and sleep ail I night M sweetly as a baby, and 1 1 feel like a sound man. I do nol I think there has ever been a medioioe [ introduced into this country, which? will at all compere with this M a, core for toe stora.-'j and jrvts.~ KOI l>.v Win. hnrtUon.