THI ?L18HERfON ADVANCI Office of GEO. MITCHELL hankl " in I .-It FLE&MER rMf . n*iB** t-*n a<*tpd ( i^r<ch,l- u..l rtn ay> available tor lagtaidta bu6lnw. ."' 1*0 laorm north r t Rica trdMH A Cn'i Vicinity Chips. *f the Past Week Carefully railed for the li'u\nnt HHIU** among lactU mil he fJuirgtd at Ute rate u( lOe per tt* for enck iiuertio*. J rvluftit* vM bt nui.i* on ountrntti fur HWIuvi r intr. D' Alton McCarthy, Q.C..M. P., will f;raially open the fall fair here at 1 p. a on Friday, September 28. Beat Manitoba Flour for only $8 30 at MBM Rupert will reannte her claaa in paiutiug t >n Saturday next. Txiod R iller Flour for .mly 9i.75 a bbl. R. Pedler'a Tlio VHitora b> the big city circua frooi thia part are not to numerouaai m former year*. Return tieketa to Owen Sound during the exhibition tUere will to iatued at M ngl<> fare f om all point*. R. Mr. Croly, of preached in the Preabyterian church at the prepaiatory ervic*on Friday. Tlie loij drought was broken by a heavy >(uwnpor of rain mi Friday and Sunday niglita. Since then tho air has been quite cuol. The rain was a welcome viaitor. The (irrey Aaaiaei opened before Mr. Justice Roae at Owen Bound on Monday, wren civil caaea, three of which were settled A ape:ial meetiDK of Springt>eld Pat. imn lodxe will be held on Friday even. inc. Slat mat., at the usual hour, for the transaction of very important boainesa. All meniberit are expected to be present. W. Buskin, president. Mr. John Pedlar lost a va!uable young mare last week. The team ran away, and in some unknown way ib mare broke her leg below the fetlock. VeL ennary Oitewell out forty pieces of broken bone. The mare had to be shut. Our thanka are hereby tendered Mr. R.J. Baakerville for copies of Duluth impera coutainnm graphic accounU of the terribly fatal tire weat of that city. MX-. A. M Gibson ban handed ua neveral late c..pies of the G!ang->w " Baillie " and OUagow Mail, for which our thanks aro also dis. There ia iiothuig to prevent anyone ooucoctiug a niiitiire and calling it " aar- .-uipanlla." and there i nothing to pre a person fruui itpeuding good m-niey in testing the stuff : but prudent people, who wiah to be sure of their remedy.take >ily Ayer'f SaraaparilU, and go get cured. Kev. Robt. U. Leitch, of Caatiet.m, pjuil a ahort visit to Sia parenta hute during the past week, and occupied the pulpit of tlie Methodist church on 8b- b^th eveping, preaching an intereitting and impressive sermon frun lvnmns 13 and 10 : "Therefore love is the fulfill- ing of the law. " Ayer'a Hair Vigor tuuen up the weak h IK roota, stimulatee the veasels and ti^suex wdicli supply the hair with nurii i inn, strengthens the hair lUelf, and adds the oil which keeps the shaft* soft, IUM trum, and silky. The most (Mipular and valuable toilet pivpaia'ion in the world, A youog Ud named Clark, living about two inilos north of the village, set nut a tire laat week which got beyond Ilia con- trol and burned tiercely over seven.1 nebs*. In his tndeaironi to put out the urn his lega t the kn*ea were ldly ' burued, necessitating the calling ID of a payaician to dreaa the wound*. A young soo of Mr. James Blackburn. 3rd line, .Artsmeaia, had an exceedingly k yarrow ewM|>f rum death one day laxt wtoek' by binu thr.n off a horse upon a ^toiie pile. He VH picked up Itmenaible,. and ruuiained m a ouiuatoan oouuition for ttwial daya. He M uuw iwonvering un. ner the careful attendance uf Dr. Suott, of Maxwell. The luembera of Ceiuie Grey plowiug i. ar ie]n;Hled by aUvilia mi-nt elsewhere to meet in Fleaherton to discuMi iiint.vrs appertaining to the society The county .<nuit has been withdrawn rhis year and the inot-t nn- lil tiit matter t<> be decided in whether a match should b>i held regardless of the above loas, or what shall be done with the fund* lillion MrCarthy. HP. will formally open the East Grey Fall Exhibition at Fleahertoa n I ri- ay. Sept. *. Harvest Home Festival. The ladiiM ot the Meth'tdiat church sre actively completing arrangements fur the Harvest Home Festival which will be held on Wednesday, Sept. lit. The pro- gram will conaiat of speechex by the following geutlemen : Hev. W.H. Hiticks, of Owen Sound ; Rev. Mr. Wellwood, of Meaford, and the resident clervy. Mumc by the choir. Tea served frmu i., s Adininaion 25 and 15 cen'. See bills for full particulars. The band will be present. Fun at the Fair. The directorate of East Orey fall fair are going to great expense tins year to secure attractions for the second day of the fair. They hav eiigaued the Parkor- Pnitello troupe for a two-hour exhibition on the Krouiidi, and Mr Jaa. Fax. comic, and Mia* La Dull, rlocv.tioniaf, for the concert in the evening. The engage- ment is beyond anything ever attempted hefure by a riding exhibition, and should attract a very Urge attendance. It will be a *<-lid day of roaring fan and at a very cheap te. The Parkor-Partello troupe of performers cotne very highly recommended an something very superior. They are trapeze, horizoutial bar and hiyh wire performers of the tint water. Bills will be issued thia week giving full l*rticular. In the meantime decide tliit you cannot iiiim the fall fair this year and prepare for a day of thorough enjoyment on Friday, Sept. 28. Fall Fairs. East Grey, Fleshsrtun Sept. 27 28 i ;!.-n .-U-. Markdale 8pt. 'M-tl Prictsville Oct, 9-10 Owen Sound Sept. 17 to 20 Clarksburg Sept. 20-23 South Gray. Durham . . .Sept. 25 and 2K Personal. Mr. \V e s. Armstrong, uf Lucknow, visited the parental home here during the past ek. Messrs. D. Clayton and J. lar visited the Caledonian ganiOM at Luck- now last week. I MMH Ida Diuwoody returned from Cul liny wood last week. Mrs. 1. B. Lucns, of Markdale, spent a week itu her parent* here. MLS* Marv Smith, ufTunmio, returned homo ou Satu:day. MUa Rupert returned last week from lier Hummer's vacation iu the Caixkill Mian May Dainude rviuined to her home in the city .m Monday. Mia* Hat tie Colt acoMupHini'd her. Mr. W. Clayton, ot Cornwall, in upend- in.- a week with Ins parents in town. Mi.tS Chri* Gjerdrum i xpendin/ htr \ MiMMon with frif iu!s 111 Owen Sound. MI.-N Helene. Gjerilruin l.-ft yesterday ui 'iiiiiix to reituiim her studies iu Wis- consin. Durham will purchase a fire It will also be nectruwry to build a cable i.iii,iv t.. HIM it up and down the moun- tain which xuparaui* the place Citrdwull Conawvativea have chosen W. IX WilluuKhby as their standard beaier. Ornn^eville i the latent dirrict to h infe-ti-d by "aiMKikx. " The people are trriihly cxciu-d over an app:it ition which is MI I u> have bean seen by a large num- ber uf penplu. l> Tlie MATTER OF F. Bruce Estate OF :% MCSH I*. The inherent In th* real wntatj* canfll*ti'iff of a houno and itore In tb* vii!*ue, of Kernaui. will tie sold Bttbe n*cn i>f M Kiohr<l"n on tb ITlii of afssrasov, o'clock in tb Farms for Saje. l.i t:itnd Mm th 71 onrBMipll of the tuwnlhi|> of ArtiMiiMU. two huuilrwl *!,... kuowu M Ibc Ivii'Kl'" k K-i*ti-. Aplytn ~" . r .heitnn. ** or. riwlnn *-<(( t ton Mertlnc. A luiM-tlnu Of til* IMnwini; AmoolaUon nf Cnutni (ir.'v will b*h*)d Iu at I |>.->i. ou ;spt. IITtN, bv orosr of the Pi Mlrinut, for th purpOM uf l*otl nil. .-r- n itkinu rran.>- nieiitufor tb* plowiiiK luatvli and arruiainc .ui-r bu*luM matt*, t. T H. S. kBLl J*. IHiqlt lutiiia it Xirtbb. McCullougr) annl Young's Hunk 1 fir THB TRIITKX iv t si.ii k JOH 4.\d ijrr AWAY wrr:i rnt \x- AlilNtlilf "NE. MfMHr. M. ' 'illi-Hii'li A i Jain, builta baiiUaouie new bauk ! ill({ lat VM: ". .' M I'.H Hot. !l.,v proven burs' u - .r Jay nmbt or early .V .; rniiii< buryla n- tered tln-ir ! 1.1; 1 [,_ .vaad proceed, d xtract all the I'icre cmitii the safe. They hud firat pron , a neigh < > \.rnilh sh< i u 1 a. n>b mil a i ;. tuun * livery su deaden tli. rault d * were : i an entrance r. 'ne safe mi*i- in that way The are was a ainall on*-. Tli..- :li.-\ dissect .-il and iutr.xlucinK th explosive at that point. HIM safe *as bauly glian , <1. after win ', -li- tuurauilera emptual t!> cash boi ' : 't , content*, in tin . r huod iif 9!NX>, and <lM.-tui|.*i. MrMc- Cullou^li ,u.ew K.ilinix i if the tranmi, ..... until he cam* down twu at 9 a. ui .-hen the ruim met in* gaze. To a rv| IUT of The Ailvairfw, li. . called upon him on Tuesday lie .uv"rl 10 take the n Unite |ihii . .nlxiiiu. " It i> only nine mi.ii' Ii * ,. ..-, anil ..!! I can <io i t _! t'.wurU ami mule tlie motley over again Mr. lining, rli other men;iT if the dnn, in tiny n bin ImlKlii' Two ynun.' men i:n U- ilruir *f ore next d<Hir -tltiun ilmt they heard the eipbwii'ii ainiai-n lard t*i uhmiles ax of (Unit* OIK- >iji lluig. '. '.t tliev gave n alarm. A bfnry tliuhder H'OUII was in provrw while the wurfc was being done, which .tccuuti in a muaxurs for the cane with which the thievm wcoeed- ed in their operations. There la alwolu'e- '.y no clue to th.- perpetrator*, bat who ever they were they timroughly under- stand the buxineaa in which tliey are en- Keller In H*nr> Diatrewiog K d- ey and Bladder diseaeit relieved in s<x hours by the " (ircat South Animcan Kidney Cure. " This new rem.-dy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeclin^ promptneoa in re.ieving pain ill the Madder, kinncvH, hack and e> - -ry part "f the urinary pawagen m male or ft- uiale. It relieve* retention uf |in in paaaing it alumat numediately. If you want quick relief ami cur thin m youj remedy. Sold by W. E. kiclmrdaon, Drugjjut. Mr*. I>i.u^:il!, of V L '-j)in, w. nt oi|i pickiiigberi-ie* a fe* days a^o wnli a pail attached to a tielt arnuntl ho w iw . In clinihing over *oui<j li>ga nlie fell mid re- ceived such i n June* that ciium-d her death before she rtuche'l home. Cre- mo<3re Star BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE PALL. To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try CLAYTON'S Because his goods are cheap and good, and has received a lar^e lot of fall wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. A, SD a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots 0:1 hand. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to m GO TO Thresher's Supplies. We have on hand a stock of Leather Belling, Lace Leather Mitts, Carrier Chain, Machiu.j Oilers, and tlie very best Machine Oil that is made. Tinware. We have received another largi stock of Tea Kettles which are jus; in sight of every ones pocket. A first-class tin one for cnly t&c., a heavy copper one for $1.30. a nickel plated on copper for $1.50 Crockery. 120 dozen C.'ups and Saucers just arrived, besides numerous Te i and Dinner Setts. If you ueed in that line remember to get them at COPYRIGHTS. CAW I OBTAJH A PATIMTT E?&'SX5.tto's5?5SSS XIWfMBMB IB UM pttBnt t>aDW*. u. ,n. Mru-tlr ewiMmttal. A II ..4ko k , la, lormBUaa aoaemina' Pnlf> sod bow to ob. - .,. ......... w^fontbe public with. oat en* to th* tarmiujr. Thu ivlmidlit paMr. )BiB*a^Bly.n, n tiyiimtrmttbbyfBrg* MSBSt nroulatlnn of any MintlDc work m Ui* world. 3_mr. Sample onp< Mn t rrm. *r**i a* >VBV.. ,..,. ,^ _^^^ Bnildinj K,iith, montblT. lio TBBT. WaiN) Dpi**, -J.I c*nu. Krery noaibw contain* twa*. : I plat**, in color*. Mid pntxncraph* of new Fan if 120 (cres for Farm lot No It, Coc* 1M. Tow: nhiu of Proto'i in the County of 4irv. cont*.iuini{ It*) t?r- m aoi*M uii-inr cultivation HI.. I fnw froi Ntiini|m or i-roneP, with lod b.iii'lniid*. <><HI h r 1 w.-"'l buxh conHiHtiru of untpiH l>4-ii nil. IEI'( Ivirrh , i D K<KH| o*tar nwiiuip uf HCJVI- l*Mif ti^H ./.- t r^*- rtim lot i* n * |[im.l 1 *iity anil in nnlv :t^nilit fn ni H i--n. rt^u ; ttou and ftbou' \ inilt* from Pn>t>!i Sbsttion . it)C P K 1 hfr* i* ..MW null nlv * t'din lot. A n "Mi titif will btt mvn aii'i tti i piirohswar will *jt it fhitap *vii<i ou ***v triu of piviiifUL Kur further p-vrtu-ulmrs apply t Hie owner. MRS CATHE11INK <n Furniture, Undertaking, Pianos, Organs, Se\ving Machines, Picture Framing and Repairing. Thia is our business and we try to attend to it. We are here to suit the pub- lic with nil kinds of anils, and those who need suits should be suited, so ca.l :id ?ec our display and get a hint or two about the prices we sell a:. WE ARE DOWN TO THE ROCK IN PRICES "When I was a Boy." V/" rites Postmaster J. C. WOODSOH. Forest Hill, W.Va., "I nadabron- thial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Aystfe -Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle curcil m.-. For the 1;. it fifteen years, I havp used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold. and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time, not conaideriug it safe to be with- out it." "I hare bera nslng Ayer's Charrr Pectoral In my family for 30 years, with th most satisfactory results, and can chflirfully rseommand it at being spo- cially Sjdaptsd to all- pulmonary com- plaint*. I bar., for many yean, mad* I ulmonaxy and othsr medicines a special niiiilr , aad I har como to the conclusion that Aye>r*a Cssrry Pectoral occuplea a position pre-mineju .or*r other medi- cine* of ths class. " Ch*s. Dsranport, DT.r, N. J. Ayer* t Cherry Pectoral \ rnsaral by Dr. J. C. AJOT ft Co . Low.M. Matt. Prompt to act, auretocurn And can drill as well as any one else, so jnat watch us di ill We have a stock well assorted and have lots more ou the way. S> c tlie tiueat display both iu quality and style at the t-'ull Fare ever shown in this country. In ti,o mdertakm.; Iin3 we are prepared to meet all requirements. Reuiomui' '<.. place J. B. Easkemlla & Go's., Purnitura Wa Opposite Annatrops Bro's. Jewellery Stove, Flesherton. HEALTH FOR ALL, Ilollou;iy\ Pills and Ointment. THE PILLS Pvrtfy th bknxi. correct all DitorJax* nC , I-ivcr, t*tnach, lvicln.y.- They liivli(prtv^n<irttortoha,Uh Dehllltated Cok*titution. and are in>*Juabl* In ojuj- tu Knuiale* of all *n> F>r Cb.liinu n.l th wod tuey r pno*l*u. TH K OIN.TMENT. 1 su Infallible rii'<1v for H<l LW. Ba.i l)ia->tH, Old Wonurt, Sort* ami U1*8r. It U Uaioun for <iuut ami Kbuuitiiu Kur i|i-orl*r of th <;hit it ba* no kqual. For SORK 'IHROA 1 .HHUA"CHl'f[ii.CO-U'GHii. COLDS. Giu.julir Swuluuxn, tail *U 6k in Unmnel it ha* no rival *,iul for cuuiiacto*! *uJuti9 ;opta it tuifn Ilk* a chaun MniiululnrtMl only at PrnlfvtMor HOLLOWAT'S RstabU*tiiaB.nt, 7H Xrw O.\IMI S*w^(lfBA?3 ^Td street), Lomton. 411.1 r MiMat it. 4l.. *W..><1.. I !*.... ami S*. eauh Bo or Pol. j*d ol all Mod , K me V*uilon thruuuhoul tho woi M. JunMlnok at tl LaM o IA* fuU and Bon*. If tht uddreu ii 1 < f font 'itrtet, London, titry art