THE PLBSHIHTOH ADVANCE OFFICE OP GEO. MITCHELL, / / r.s ///:/; r<>\. \ K.. .. -I ha iki ;. n imtms tran'Actod prm't< IIXIIH I ami ch c|uoi'sh.-ii n.-iinl rule* "" - lalil.- Tur K-ii'in.'i' IIUHIIIOMI urvm. twu<kwr* north cf Richajrmon 40o' Vicinity Chips. of the Past Week ;r.-r.i:tv 4'ulied for the runou*. ,mttr*x awumg toed!* tciU lie .U th' rulr of lile per line fur itutrHtm. .1 rflttftiun trill be <w aaUriicii fur lull Une* or urrr. fur Hale, in CAMS, tun pundi for oim dnlkr. At tliw office. Y.IU can got th old reliable roller Hour for ! per barrel ut Barnliuiwu'n. Haa the biiuhaiii(>tuu Ai-^ua foundurwii It luu nut ruufluil our wtuctiuii fur llireu MlML iiuhiii twiuihi|i c.'jncil will hold ita usiml monthly ouuioii on Monday next, :ird Sept. Thu !i>n-il tur :unl inuvb-uiwdud rain nrrivud yexturday in pi-ntty icunuruui up ply, -mil everybody w aooordiuxly joyful. School lnptrctir Cainpbull won in t.iw yenloiday uu hi* regular roumin. Hi* jiluHMant facu bnuhtaneU uur nuiiutuiu fur a short w.iii.- Tlio pruu list i> .ilenelij aii cultural nociety lias i MIIIC I" hand. Tin- t-xliibili'ui will In.- uulcl on TbuiwLiy ami r'nday, S,pt. L'O u.l 21 Air. T. Ki-lls w iii town on M> unity. II ID nx-u buying ajiple* lhi fal , mid I.H paying tlie H.IIUU tii;iue as KIVHII Ut year $1 to 11.20 per barrel. Still anouier uewipapur ha* been added tu ilu- nuiiiiMT publiHliud in thu county. Thin is the Ayton Independent, tho tint nuuilior ut' which i In-fore us. May th Indupeiidi-ut lliiuiiib. Mr I . wM on Krday last 360 cheese for which he i-rct-ived tin- |ilu:ii<mi- vniilly liigh i'1-ice of Kl^ ceiiU per Ib. The saleM during ll,.- in.inih "I AH_MI-.: .iiinniii: - d to about 86KOO. Thu laut sale wan in.-idu to Mr Hull of <iuvl|ili. Millinery. Mr.-* Triiu'.lu wikluts to infmiii In r laily frivlida that K!IU hart |K)iit a portion i.f Jant w.i-' Him IK put HI; in thin week it- Un;liii'.; t.liu -suli- upi-iiiii^* looking up all th latent iKiVultiea I' T tjiu fall season. A dose <.f Ayer H C'herrr Pectoral Ulu-n in liuiu hiiM pi- fl n! 'I iiiiiiiy " tit of sick- lies* nnd an:d liiinierou* liv.i. This provi-K tin! i, i-r. s>.i y ot keeping thia in- . .mi pal aide ini-iiiuiiie where it c.m !. ic'iilih .- ii ' -1 at Jill hour of the diiy and iii^'ii- Jio *[.( . I '-II do ""' ri y I" force food down ; !>ul. UM the moat otien- lilio n. <j ins for ustoiiiig tone to tl,0 n.ich How I \\li>, iiy talviny Ay-i .-* Sarnluirilla, and in .1 sui pi ] UIL; tl.ort . your ii] pi.-iitu- will imiiu a^Hiii, and coino to slay. At lant MHiiini <-f the Dominion parliti- . liulnii y MIIN plaovl upon iliu 1.1 to IMI calien mil tin- o)i.-;rrviitioii of tho 'lay wi.l i . . !!..! >.-|i!. It i a loul liolnliiy i: .s Doiuinioii d.iy of ti, lluvu LitiKiidalM !.. lot- mini- ID tlnuu model . .f tile ci.niiiy. Two wi.-i" i UL-couiil of bi'iiig under ;\y.u. Thin;. -i to Owtn Sun, inch t> luiili'iin ,ui-l Mcaf. PI. The (,cln. -ii "ii Tuc-mluy n*xu .1 ' ', ii visitiu){ . siiyn tho >l:r. 'I'hcU Mr. ' ' I'-HIMI iiiusl w well as tliu j out in <;ii,i.-l.'. i'.r Air. Conper (ll.'il Ut ' I. rUthi-r trivn^u t. i.iulil reappear after uv.i year* of nil. Ku-ii i tu much daniigo in the- Hiiiixniii'lii'.u' ..-uiitiy. Theu.itiTin.'iv dry wi-i her h. in parched t!io fmist ai,d si^il ai.i that u liix once started u i . aim .. in, pus i'.li t i pi en nt iu uproading. Tho .siimky uu. -pin i>- in tina \.i,.i. Moutiav WHH in. u, 11.1 uiibari.le pungent 'it phyrn weie dwaliowe.i i chbiikianil people ail carried a red c>nl, i.i. .. .!. uionil-jjoiie appt..i ...^c. Colt Lost. Strayed from the proinisot of the mi- ilfi-M^iu-d, lot 11, 8th con.,(>prey, nlxiut tlu-et- weeks ni{ii, a year old liliick (illy, white alrip on nose, inn, in crop|i<Hl. In- formation ax to itn wherebouiN will bu tluttikfully received hy KUKU SlKlKKiilili. Maxwell P. ()., Aug. 17. 1!I4. The Delineator fur October ii called the Aiiiiiin Nunibvr and ciiiit.uiiH nn nuns, i.illy largu niiinhi-r of iirticlun on iutenutiut; aulijucU. In addition to the regular fashion uiHtter thuru in a .special article of much value to inolhuii called Kittini; out thtt family for autumn and winter. Tharu are alio article* foi tlin 'uuMkuuper on Mttnouablu uoukerr. and much other valuable reudiii",. Addrens order* to The Doliueator Publuhing Co., of Toronto. (Ltd.) 35 Kichniond St. \Vet Toronto, Mnt. A di-HpaU:h UIHII Durham s.iyn that about !>.30 Mnudav nvi-ninj; tiro buntt nut ui McKechmo MW null. In a fi-w min- utos ii r.ipully spread t<> tlio .uij.'iinni,' pih-s uf liuubci. Tliu uveiiiiif being per- fectly culm grently aiwitttud tbe citiEuni in ouuHninp tilt) tire to thu luiuUir yard. Nearly all of rbis year's aawiitg wiui saved, M it WIM un a separate nidi ny nnd bttweou two l teams of water. At l'2'M thu tire it still raging but is pretty well uml.-r con- ti i .1 anil no further serious loss w autici- pnted M luui( aa the wind ktii-|n down. Anl WHS nciit fur to I'alinerniiiii.liui it did not arrive in time to \m of much service. Tin- 1. s, IK i-sliiiniml at fr.mi 910.000 tu 20,000. No insurance. Cause .supposed tu lie ificuinliiu-y. The (Jlolie on Monday cmituiued tivo columns about the now fainouH "gliottt" out in S. S. No. 10. OletieU. llel'urrini; tu i In- phatitciu picture M noUctnl in these columns a few weeks ago, Mr. James Knitter, uf tJayen Kraser. Toronto, t-x- plains as follow*: liu liitd Inn! Htich ilmiL'N liup>M-n to him, bo tuud, and hu showed a photograph ..I a coaching party, taken at Wie ttattt winx <>f tbu I uivuraity liiiiniiii^ii, 111 wbjich thu ti^urus of tbu (utrty were thmwn tuituiil thu wall, form- nix a very vuiible pliantoin. Thu rause, Mr. Fiaier aaid, was in nil probability tlint a miiall hole had been puiicturad in tli wood of tliu front of the camera, cauned by a fn-ily laryu Han^u. mi a bras* rinji screwed upun lliu wuod is called, buvin^ been re'imvud and a mnallur onu jut mi in uuch a way iut not 'o cover all 1 1. 1- .ild NCTWK- hulis, thus iuiiiiiiiin;,' a pii bull, ill' Ill-lit. TIllH Wliuld HCl 118 a llillM, fhus throwing thu faces on Uiu plate be fur** tiie ix|ji>hui-i;. Kiiribcrinnri', Mr. r wai of i-|>niiiin that tbu virlulu sur- t' Ihe bill winch IIUH IK-I-II iin-iilinuud IM beiny mi I hu wall in tho exact inl by tlu- liiix in ibo photngr.t(ih :is ;i ninl (hu face ol i tlic int-ii, preMiiiinbiy thu n in." most In tho triiii. I. m 1 . . n t iin/rtii mi tlie wliiiu nui fnou uf the and fr-Hn 'liero tin-nun UJX.M 'In- platu This six-ins a \ '"ry natuial \ linn i.f HII* |iortii(ii <!' tin- inystc-iy Si II it must iie ci-nfttsil tbiil it it an <:\ 'H y ilil tln>t t.lim iteci ulioulil in-fall thu i-tnn-i.-t ml ulun tho "liniintutl M-I..I..I linii.o ' n |>lii.ti'X'''[ H "''l- I'rrscnia:.s. Kruil Mm. i riiitud (riendu in Aw*.n- ioX List week. 1 nn<l obihlren r.-; tim- ed i" tlifir b.iini. in Toronto on Saturday li.--t. i A. nihir-.iiL' aoooliipaaiwd Mi -.M. Mr. und Mr. A. \\'i'iln, uf Timrn bury, sjient rf.uiili) Mr .Miirk Wil- Ulll. \'r K. '..!.-'., r> ,'! >. liirncii tu liis i .u T.i.-H.iay. . |.f T'M'll'l', ih iiiy n-.iit'.\ . , in.: i. i. ni'-i in I..WP. Mini Moffcio Waiiith, of lli.l-iliiis. m i I u- :t few w. i . K . with Ins |-i> - ro hi! wiil oaiii ;i fow io!;i jn:il Oxllogl opunn n M. 11 1 mill. riicil I!IIK wcuk M i^k.-k.-i, -a!i nisliu was c*ini|iinx with rclaii Mr. \\ -liss Juliiiston, and \! '. i. Itaul li-fi mi Muuday to Miss Maud Richardson is in Toronto this week into! viewing the wholesale mill- iners, with a view in supplying her pat- rons with the latent in her line. Mrs. R. H. Cook, of Klaslu-iton Sta- tion, with her dauuhte -s, Him Millie and Mary Cook, who we atlonding ool- iii Toronto, ana their aunt, Miss Cook, of Toronto, wore visiting with Win. J. und Mrs. WjwlHworth, of Hoskm ave., on last Suturdsy. Toronto Junction Leader. Oeorffe Scott, of Owen Sound, was drowned iu a well at SauU .St-o Marie. Daniel Hit/,, Proprietor and PnblUher of the Hamburg, Out., Independent auya : "1 was suffering frciu Uyspepsiv -uid Liv- er tiontiJu, I took a few bottle* ... Sluloh'.s Vitalzer and it cured me. 1 can heartily recommend it." Itoru. KXIIUII. At Kiiiilwi !.-> . Au^. 2Itb, to Mr. and Carpet aid Flafloel Heaving, Thu undnrnlguoil ii i>r|>ar:l do CsJi>tM>d Klftuiiul weavniR at *ll knit- un short notice ami r<MMonabltt tarius. Stistmtioii ^uarauteed. Orilmi* Hunt in by Rtwie will it*culvi prouiiitv at~ ti.utii.ii. Curru|>uuili!nrti ndtiu.uil. MIBb K. COi; ITS. Feb. 7. 8 iu. Farm for sale. I linruLv offer for itale Ir>t 31, con. H..\rteiuia, fuj iu coutuiuiiiK !(>.) Miren. Th /Arm it well watered and ha* a HIPU oirluunri tnervon. a luH liuuKe )nAlie<l aiul pliisCerfMl fn^iiiu, frainn Kitilu Mtid tmrn, >j 5ro* umU<i ciilUvation aud fr-u (ruui *iiiui|* auil Htoue* and tit for mower or retblier. Church on prtMiiiM**. For further iwriiculam apply at inUottloe or tu occupAt Aogllflt 'A IMM. 4 111 Harvest Time -IS Profit Time. trnd the Iw.-ii - t^, :i,:il Mix \V. HHrn Sinidny with Ko.lw.n^, Coiling Ko. >(l iwp. Mr. l>. Oswald, with M. K.chn Is ,n ,. is visiting i .Ii l.i.s piu-unui near i llll-O. I: \ Mr. Wi'iiwood, of M.. if r.l, and NIIS.-, \\ Wniuhaiu. are the u' M.. anil Mi.-, 'lit i Here is an offer by which You can profit more than in any way we know. 25 CENTS PAYS l-'Olf I \TIL- 1st JA3STY, 1895. Try it. ' " n lint it iiivunliiicut. iin> nn<l ynu \>i!l was H |iruKl.-ili!f INSTITUTE: RE-OPEIiS -Tti. .ill r- tlin <w r, h'.nor . . s Ait *- ... Ali l-oi- furtlli-r Hit... -in. ir i. >il a;i;>ly to W H. i I-'-' rroM FARM 10 LET. TV iiiH tinwi Hill rit '.,i- ir.l ami Wi in Ut .'on.. N. * T -. - m ..( ..-!>. U D-ll ... I. l> ' ' lllll t.lll-|t All- .j Jiyll.N VHIIi'T. <. ' ' BOOTS AND SHOES FOE THE PALL, To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try ** CLAYTON'S Because his goods are cheap and good, and has received a large lot of fall wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots on hand. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to, FLESMERTON. Thresher's Supplies. We have on hand a stock of Leather Belling, Lace Li atlicr Mitte, Carrier Chain. Machine Oilers, ami the very best Machinu Oil that is made. Tinware; We have received another lar<5 stock of Ton Kettles which are just in sight of every ones pocket. A iirsi-ehths tin ouu for only t?5c., a heavy copper one for |1.80, a nickel plated on copper for $1.50 Crockery. 120 dozen Caps and Saucers just arrived, besides uumeroiiH 'IV i aud Dinner Setts. If you rieed anything in that Hue remuuiber to get them at GO TO cAVEAi5,iKjt MARKS COPYRIGHTS. Farm of 120 Hires for Sab, CAN I OBTAIN A PATKNTf far * rporipno* In tlii patent boMocn. fnmmmnaL- tlon itrictlr o.nftriwiiul. A llni.HU.oki.fli formation oonowninx I'nlftnln ai..l hi>w to ob. ti n i in in mint fra*. Alto a aacalomM ut mecbaa . lo*l ami MMfintiae books MDltm.' r'i..nii taken tbtoiwh Munn A Co. SMotalnutloinUM.lrniin< thus are broucbt wldlr tfnr.. tlin puiim- witi>. out cnst to tho taTnntur. Thm mii^ii.hd naouT IwiUHl wMklr. ulonaoiir lllatr.ia. ba> by /at Wi Unrest grculatlim ol itiir acit-ntittc work In tbe world, vj a Tear. Soinpla ooiMee aent frvw Uulldliuj muolhlr, JrfjTa ^ear nipiea. -1.1 owita. Frier DUBlW oob utnl plates^ m oolora, and pbouvrai sea. with plans, onabling btuidera i it tmtanm aod_sore r..mraota. AddrMa * CU_ Haw Yoi-tt. T= ' * tu twito- Karin lot No. II, Coi,. 10, Tow. abln of Proton lilttiix <-..iitkitiiiii; lil acre*. 40 atre iin.lor uiiltivatimi ILIIU harilwood liutli sounihtli-K >f inaplA lu.-. Binl Imuli. with K IM\ rmlar HWaitip ul - Irnt larK'ti Hitu trm-t.. Ttni ltliii callty anit it only .i mil. . f r. i. tion AIM! auoul 4 mil., fi I'mton Stii! !'. Ii. i- -aw mill .nily J iiulo lot. A :: "i till.- will IHJ given aiut tha I'llKlllHKer V LI. Illl'l ..II 1'IUiV l.-IHI- ..I |iaviii.-nt. Km- fu:ili. |nu(lculain appH '' tbe owner, MB8. CATHKBIN ;in. Prici-vjlU r. o. JUM.-M. SOMETHING NEW -AXD- We Have Come to Stay. \\V tviph Ut announce to tin- public in general that we httvn pnrchut.O'1 and .iitiinit- in lliu s.niii- -: in.l, the I'lirnitiiro au 1 Ulldertakiug Im niir.i .in by Mr. M. Hiirrison in : M luiton. A luix'e and w. K Hi iii vv <><n\* iin.s iili't-iuly I)' . ii iniili'il to that pHTMMHl tVuin Mi. I!:irriMin. ii:ri still nmri' nn tin- wiiy. U',. will cany I'litiins, Organs :i:nl tho :-(tli;blul('il Sin ;.! SI-WIH:; .N/auhlin- :inil lr|i-i|-s fin 111 tin- niidi I t:ik;n^ .linn t hi. siii |/ii-M ii in iln* m: I .'i',' uiuilu, Imviu^ tiie linesl Ii. ;ii -(.- 1.1 Niirllii-rn Onturio, a liaiuUoini: olncU Ifuni .in-1 a ynin-; iu%n iifoul >:.-:in:.-ii-!. to manage fttuflrali -m-iilmii)^. Siisfaouou j^-.n FJ u:u- N.I ni'iiii IM i iji f). A'itli n I'lH'i an 1 at yo:ir .s.-rvki;. itciin-iiil),.!- \ ni -..'ill ID i.- iii-i,..- in ui w will il you iLiii't. V. V Jo notbtilir. nub )i-n t.iin : ; ni I wo will hiavis aor unsioincrs to be tli. i:nl \vi- will tnist to <>ur stiuij'liiforwani nnd our piit-i s to pL , build up oar Uadtt, (!o'.nl \\il! livm-,1 :i i. Turn oil >'.ii.- htit-l nnd follow your lui- iinniss rim si. - . y Jjtoi'o an I there- is \vlii iv you will liuil J.EBASIEBVILLE&CQ'S., ; \V.VKIOI;O:).M , 11KALTII FOR ALL. Pills and Ointment. TU K PI r T ,S v titu bluod. correct ail D.BUI -'.grt f a.iid ( i:-.ra' v - fciM . - >iv*lu.iWo In oul p. i. .; of nil ago*. I'm di ,.ln-u a. 1. 1 tii i: ! tboy aia priceleu. T II K IN TM riNT ii infaHlbla rain- Iv for lln.l I.c^n. Ma i Hi. *<, Old Woui-.d*, R.UII an 1 flrsrm. II it f i-.y iu< |jr (lout uu.. :>! i>( fi,- 1 i,,,..t it n. no i |ual. For SOIU-: 'HI /!<) 17 i:i;o.\-('H/TIX(J(.'(jHS. COLDS U'tun iui ilall Skin I)it>ua*w it )IM uu^lvai . anJ Jor ooutinctftd auliliJ jointR it 'i. u lik a tliarui Miiiifirtn:-...| KII.V M l'r..|TpHor Flul.'.uWXT lntabliKbuinnt, 7H Kew Oifurd s.r.-<-i i.i. .-.:::. O\fri AtroctK L<lon. ko;.l t 1 IJ-:.,i. UH t. itn I Ui. aa)i Dux ar Pot, ^ I ,, all M.a -..i VHII.IUIK lur.i^{lluJt Ml* wild. inuW ///. at l/\< Ltwl m> Utt /"* OTM Bjttt. If tht nidrtti it it t ; fi!,