THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Owrn Sound, Outari*, 14 IV Vety PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A D,9/-ough Iiu$inei Education. Take a Round TO ;s? - i i i i i i Colludes aud Cnsuitnarcial Department* in I'auiMi*, tbu vUit r-'.'i'Tn 1* i- " ; examine erery- tuujt; ;>. i..-unli.y. if we fail to iiroduee tho ujoJt ttt.ii'niu.i. <:uni|>li-t<*. practical and rt*m- iVt) <:<>i. .1 -t i U ; th tjtit uulleue prerui"i affn Tin- t>et au<l 11:01' complete ami tnu*t mt- ai^ofirnituro 4ti') !, lianctfs. we will giv you * *Ai lc.juriH FKK... For Annual Annuuuce- iowl.^ivm^ full particular*, free, acMrei* C. A. FLEMING, Principal. Eugenia Mills . AND Carriage Works. damages made and Repaired, alpo INauin^ and Matching. Band Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every dee- crtj?tiou. Planmg and Grain Choj>- pxuti clone while you wait, for the Beaver turns the wheel. T. \Y \\ 1 1 so > Manager A FAMILY GROUP pIIOTOfiRAPU i *.%^.'%.t>^%^'k.^fi, i i C9-A.LiL.l21t Y Js lully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kind' of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^ done iu all its branches. If you have shopping to do ^Mid pictures to get taken on ihe same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. TO THE PUBLIC. llnuiw rnutnd \Vliiii-ii 1 . lilackanil>k hop for twin <if ynar*, I am now In a poeltlon lo oa> in all wanu In iiiylluii. a SpeoiAlty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. I r aiiyilni,,.. in Ilir litiu-kmnitliing tin. call on F. A. BUNT, O|>|>mJe Ulotiardaou llai d M AKRIAUE LICtNbKK. luueddav or night at the offlcoer residence of the underpinned. DIVISION COL'UTCLE K.COMMISSIOXF.H H.C../. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOHN \V. AHMSTKONO, FI.KVUCUTON. M< CLLLOUOH & YOUNG, )anVer, Markrtale. do a general banking bui- Ineu. Monoy loaned at a reasonable nate. Call on us. |^ K. HAMMOND. i*ot Master. Kimberley. Commltilonerfor taking AllMaviu etc. Insures and loam money at loweit itttu.. KxecutesLeaaes, Deeda, Willi, etc. promptly, cheaply and efficiently. D J- SMIOULK, I'oM m alter, Kiciberton, ComtulMiouer In B. B., Lie nse.l >uclioueer, Conveyancer. A prameraml Money Lender, Real Estate an-1 Insurance Agent. Ded. Mortgages, Leases, aud Willi drawn up and Valuation* made on shortest notice. Auction Sales attended to In any part of the County. Money to loan at low- eat rates of interest Collection! attended to uh proinutuen aud elespatob Charges low. Aiiuut lor the Douiiiiion Stoamihipl uuipatn , cheap tickets from Flenbertou to Liverpool, Glasgow, London or any of tbe liritisb port*. Parties intending 1 to vliit Euglaud, Scotland or Ireland, will please a*k rates before purcbasiug their ticketii elsewhere. VI l^S KUITII UICIIAJtDBOM. of Kobt. Uahr. of Merlin. Germany, (violin) Mrs. Hradley, of Toronto Conservatory Music! (Voice culture) ; l'n>I. Kiirrison, late of Toronto, (Plauo) will receive pupils Iu bl.NOINO. VIOLIN. PI- AND aud OKOAX. T\U HUTTOX. M. D.C. M., M.C.P.A B..0nt.. PrlceTill,. Residence and office one door weat of tbe Until odltt Cburcb.KiuroM hi. Offlc* da jr, Tuesday* aud Hatunla) i. TJU. CARTER. U. C. P ft 8., Out Pbyilclan, turceo Flesbertou ottlce Strain! b'ock. Munibaw'abotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, II. B. Member College Phynic.A Hurgeonr Oradunte in Medicine of Toronto L'utvonlty. Fellowthlp Diploma, 1'oit Graduate Medical Hcbool and l!oi>lial, Clileajio. Dluaeeaof eve, ar, niMuauil tliroat tpeclalljr treated Real- Jnc Max well, vUlU FerrnhauThurKlayi 1-8 J P OTTKWr.LL, Veterinary Kurgeon. Oradnat* of Ontario Veterinary Collee. Rettdenco Melt door eniitl- of Moore'* |Mniu factory. J F. HALbTK.n, M. D , M. C. ft 8.. Out., practice* at Klni- berley. Kbruuiatlc dlieaie* < tpeclallty. J P. UAUHIIALL, I. :> S M 1> S. IVuliit VUltl Mirk.lalr the lit and Sr<l Wixlnoaday of each month oi tun lOacli trip on the day followiof. J W. KKOHT, llarrlnter. Solicitor, Contnyaucer. Ktr. Fleiharton office Nest the |>n*t office Kproulu'* bulldliiii, on Thuraday*. Owen Bouud olBoe Frot' liuildliiK. 1 ITAMA WUIUMT, llarritteri, Rolloltora, Conveyancer!, etc., Owm riouii'l. On. . Uarkdalc, out. W H \\ur.m. i. ||. Lrc. N. It I'l.'slicrton office, IflteheU'i Hank, very Wednniday. SOCIETIES. AO.TI.W.-ineeMevery flmt and ihlrd Mon , day In eacb month, In their ledn r.t.m ChrUtoe^ n.p m. it. .,. Johnitmi, M. W.; W. J. liwllamv. nn<nt<'r| W. Irwlu Uuconlur. Vliltlug HI,.||I,TII lnHel. TKMPEII\KCP Ri.YAI, HfK"lnr Council inf<.| i. v r> firt and third Turn lav nrenlna In eaiili ii>.<nili. In Sproiile'n at H ,. ,,, H<ilwt ilcRrra (laiuraneei m,-,.ti> nKintlitv, tlie prortMlhiK tll>' '-Mad of i>,tr!i inouth. SON* OK TKMl'KIIANCi:. Thin .oclely menu In I'r. ChrlMfM' Hull ,,,ry Wa? imday rvenlni; t H|i.m. V|ltli,|i bretli* rrnn Invited. USMMSSN . Y-U.I'. H. A.,iueetln (hell hi.ll. ChiUtoe'm Hlwk evurv flrtl and tlilr.lTliurndn) In aeh ninntli. \Viu. sharp, tlantor. T. Clayton, Hecietary. 1)ltlM'|- AllTHI-H I,()|),K. N,, x'U. AT?."* in u ",V7". ln "" M ""lo Hall. Htraln'> llli.rk. M,,. hprinn, , v,-r>- Friday on or bafOM lh full moon. A H. Vandnneii, \V. M. K .1. Hpiiinlp. Sft-n-larv UE THE CELEBRATED B.Laurance r. Gancy at tbe tiuund. 1IB ISINTCRVIEWHiDV T-irf }'I.1IM> IALKK rAKUONABLG ixKJOICIMO. Mr. Tliiiiii:taGaiiioy, 41. P. P , vi.iu'.l Owen Suuinl lust week tOf*Mp*nSw*S\*f his exliausavt) catnpaign, and I.e o is what tho I'laiudualcr aayi about thu uew muinhur for Centre Grey : Mr. Th,'ina* (.iftiney, the Fn'ht>r of tbe Cou'ity Cuuncil Mini now mciiil>er-cl>cc for Centre Orty, was a viaitur to the I'laiiiduatur itanutuiu Wodiiriiy after- uo,rn. He ia iu splendid huiuor iiirl JT.,- nounces the ulectoraM of Centre Uruy thu niott intulligeiit people un earth, lln majurity uver his nearest competitor was "iny .M'-', and thu vott* went to him rpoii- 11 uR'y anJ without uny expenditure of money on hU own part or on the part of other* for him. But more than his triumphant election did a visit of some 1100 neighbors from his < wn .and sur- touiitlmg touiithip* to hit farm, near Maiwell, one evening laat weak plt-.iso him. It a* a tremendous gathering, the H(Hikni)fii for whom afwured him that ttioy had C'liue to rv&HHure lain of tbe r appreciation of him at an old neighbor, as a worthy citizen, aud man. It apiwars the tou^ne of scandal wan freely uned attaiust Mr. Gamey during his campaign, though he iu the Father of (jrey county council an.) luu been honored for a uen- iTii ion by the puoplit of Otprtiy, itill he found Innuolf proclaimed by " party " trikora to be " crooked ott a rain'* hoiii " and unworthy to be found outside of a reformatory inatiiution. It tickled the member-fleet aliuoat to thu point of lock- jaw to hud that, after election, there was not the .slightest troth iu any of these campaign atorioa and that he was looked u r '<.n-as before election as plain Farmer Thoumt (iamey, whom some of the riii>g irencrntion apply the eiiJcarin^' U rui 1 .--.iiila CUus to. At OIIH lilllt', .-n tho . .tinu^ in i|ue*tion, Mr. Uainey feared bo would have to borrow a farm or two alon^-aidd his own to accumiixidatc the visitors with alanding room, but hi own broad acre<< sufficed to sorve the putpoae. A splendid evening was apent, aoiue who had not vntd for linn j 'iii'iii- thu throng to certify to his f HI i viable iiualities aa neighbor and public servant. There has been BO much vxcitcinfnt down Ouprcj- way since the eWtioii, Mr. tl <. ey, in ordur to find rt, sought tin* uiuiiK-r I'Hvirt, isipoiidiug K fnw da\t with u*. and recupentii>g iui >-i v. AnldHi about r.i'troi.n "K>I"^ l.ick Mr. (iamtiy grew iniiiirnaiit, ai.d d<-ui'in<1- d to know what a Ptfoi h.vl t > ito wn r either of the old parjina, " The fanneiR, aaid Mr. ( J.tmty . " M ill chop the heail off a ropreruiitativo why,|ilaj-it laloe .|iink.T thn one can aay ' J^k f{<,|-ins. .n ' In ilcpeuilenta inunii buinuH ; tUi-y uro not in |i.'!iuc a* a patting, and their intm- MUarv tbi'Ke of Hie )voulo of ihe Do minion, an both olJ partiwi are bound to bud out. a nU YMLAMUM F. O. Ka,xtedt 9 huh- Agrnl. A. 6. Bell, The tittwart fane TAVS A VISIT TO LTKU BY HU MA.W FRIKKIIS ON III- ItEKTORATlON TO BKALTIi Pictou N. S., July 10 O<id n-s onietimeii travels ait fast u bad IICWH, which ia provurli:ally f it. Many pu< here know thnt Mr Allnn Stew.ut ... Springton, 1'. K. I , hd It-en for uiai-y years afttictud itb kidney dise.n.0 and gnivel. It was known, too, tl,.i. last year, he waaso ld that public opinioi put him down an likely to die soon M Strwait fooled puMio o( inion thou^li for he beean usintt Di^dd'M Kid'u-y 1M1- atid ten tx>ss of them completely cur, d him. When he paid a liyn,- visit to this city a few days ag, he r.vei\e.l msny lieaity congratulaUomon hi' res torntion to health and im|>iovt'i'. npprnr aiii-i-. I)i..ld'a Kidney i'ilU have neter ' f.uleil to cure in this |>art of t!, t lloou i<> llorhrmrn. On.. i> .tile of Knulisli Spavin LIUIIIK nt completely rumiived a curb front my lioi-,,-. I t .ke pleiiMiru in roouiuuifitdl.iK thu remedy, a* it acts with mytterioux pioinpiiifiui in th* removal from hornet of linid, noft or oal louseil lump*, blood ajunni, splints, curb*, RWeuny, nutlob and ajnuii M UKOKOK KOHB, K inner, .M.iilvh.-im. Ont Sold by \V. E. .n. hi 1114 .i, Daniel Ititz. Proprietor Hinl Publiahf of ihe llaniburx, Out., In li po idem m\ "1 waa autrcrin^ fit in Dynp. p-m in.l !..\ or tumble, I look a few bott:.< . . Sml,.|i Viuliur and it cuioii me. I can lienuil) it." Notice. V UOUI.KK FLOURING HILLS MiinUolm Flour nlwny.un hand Huok wheat i{rouiid an.l lH>!lod. Tho only mill in this section of country that dot** I Inn fliMHof work. * ^\ I-l^ tirnoM. GRAND EXCURSION! To T:ronto Niagara * Falls. Tne I. O. F. of Owen bound and the various :own touili to Sbeihurnc. will (rive a (n.iu.1 >cnn>ion to Toronto an. I .Niagara (nils jer -'. K K., Btra < hi|>pjwa, Ciiicura <uu)Cii>u;a u <l Klci. trie Kuilua, . mm JULY 27 FB, to Julv Jnh "n -, . Bo sure you ask lor and get an I. O. Ir. excur- sion ticket, Fare Prom To Toronto To Niagara Fall* m ES SOUND ttaa t zjo CIIAISW.JKI'H ii> IM ..)! .1. \NDCtNTMEii.-iS 8 SO UKliKl.EY MAithDALK U.30 SUU -tM itOT'J.f iuu t.Ji IJC..ND.ALK SUU 4*5 OOKhKTTON 1.74 S.UO MKLANCTHON l.TJ IJM HELbLKNK Hi tU) Ctiildreo half price Do not min thic opportunity of a wins one o the greatest wouJei eft: Morlti.ami tbe bis toric urouu lofQuoe iHon tiiijiit9 audNia^aia. n.l Iliock H Mouuuient QEO.MENZII S. W.WIL8OV. B.EDGAR. C. R. F. 8. K. 8- HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DOQDS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Bacfiacho meant the kid' neya are iif trouble Dodd's Kidney Pitls give prompt rel,'tf." " 75 pr cent, of dtseart /'a first canted h'l disordered kid- ney*. "H/'ghtasaM/t try ta Aai'9 a healthy city without Bcii'er- aqe, at good health when th kidneys are clogged, they are the "^avengers of the system. "Delay it dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles remit in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brighti Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy. " "The above diseases tannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills an used. ' f Soli by all dealer* or lent by mail on receipt of pnc* 50 emu. per box or |U for !.to, Dr. l_ A. Smith at Co. TurueW. Write Lr book called JUuy 1 alk. Rheumatism t'nrcrt in a Day South AmenciM Kn -ii mat sin Cure, for R ieumt'*ni ami N- urnL-iv radically cures in 1 tn.fHays. IIK action upon the Hyfctem is reuiarkal-K- anil myRterioat. It removes at once the causn an<1 the .li- eaaeiium<y1i>itely di vip;i<iir. The first doe* Krmttly benefits. 75 oei U. B-ilii by \V. E. Richardaon, Druggist. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Rejoice Together. Vine Year Old Maggie McRitchie, a Victim of Chronic Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Completely Cured by South American Nervine After all Other Efforts had failed. The Mother, a Sufferer From Nervous Prostration and Indigestion, Likewise Cured. Hear What tbe Thank* lul Father Has to Say. MR*. J.VMES MrRITCHIK AND DAUGHTER. A trading local phytician, whoae profaiiion takes him among the chil- dren of tho various public inititutionn, remarked to the writer, that one would Imrdly believe that to many childien were atl'.-cttxl by ncrroui trouble*, which tap the lyitnu and prevent proper development. In many caiet the doctor* ate powerleu to curt) these trouble*. They can relieve^ ihe *ufl<>ring little one*, but in South American Nervine we have a medicine that doc* more than simply give relief. It* peculiar strength is that it completely cures where physi- cian* relieve. A oase in point came to us the 24th ult., in a letter from Mr. Jam** W. McRitchie of Bothwell, Ont. Ho says : "My daughter Maggie, aged 9 year*, was afflicted with nervous fainting spells for over a year, which loft her in such a con- dition of weaknei* afterward* that the child wm* practically an invalid We tried several remedies and doctor- ed with her in one way and another, Nit nothing gave relief. Seeing South American Nervine advertised, a* par Icularlt cflicaciooa in nervous dU- eases, I decided on trying it for hwf , and I must say that I noticed a decided change in my daughter for the better after she had taken only a few dot**. A* a rriult of using this medicine, si is now entirely free from those faint- ing spell* and possessed of that lira and brightness that i* the happy lot of childhood. I am satisfied it is an exnHlent medicine for any nervoo* weakness. My experience has been further supplemented in the fact that my wife has also been using South American Nervine for indigestion, dyspepsia and nervous prostration, and ha* found very great relief." Whether the patient be man or woman, young or old, South American Nervine provide* a complete mediant for restoration to health. It i* a medicine differing abaolntely from every other. A cure is effected by application to the nerve centre* of the human system, and science ha* proved that when these nerre centrw art kept healthy the whole body ii healthy. For these reasons failure is iapoca- ible. for ffca'e By AVm