Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1894, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE f AN' it IN -4 ..VH".C3 OP 6EO. MITCHELL, A gllu-il ill ti ': ::*; t Dm t- II I'll- 111' me. . illo for In,;:-.. t eiit.;r . Or Fir g '\ro ij >oni IK-I Vicinity Chips. of th Past Careful!? Cuiled for tae 4'uri<H. tt-uiitt** noil*** anting lufols ti:iil ie rJtargtd tit tin rate f Hk. JUT litie far tack in.iertiun. -i rWu.'.'.Vm wtU IK matte on i-tmtraut-i /or V>'i lint* or over. Mr. .!,,!. n Large *"d family will re iiiuve tbii month to Listowcl. Mr. S. iJ.imude spent ThunkUy ir','ht of last wek ill town. Mr. J. W. Henderson and Mr a. H. Hendenou, of Toronto, spfiit a couplu ..f days in town duriuK the pat week. A. S. Vand own tells the new Massfy Hmriii Seed Dull. It u the hwnt. Ex- amine it and y. a wil! be c-mvincwl. Uuds nu grey three j-i.-ir-..! i <:nl fur H il vary clieap ; 14 hand* liu-h ; will make a guod drivor. Apply at thin oUice. tice utml t" Uarn inillim-ry- to Mini Maud Ui/uaidMuu, ortuu. Shoul 1 nil)" KiliT desire to innd n copy uf'L'.io .v.hailiu a fric-i'l fir thu balance i'f tliw }', he n iiy <h a UJ.IHI the payment < ( ">') K t . Misvs. X I'm .t lljtnun, i.f Haii- i.r, hive leiwetl liie w ni'un uuiiri fi. in Mr. XV. H. r~i..s;:vr fur ii .enit f live yearn. Mr. \V:trliii|f has | i . ln.m new >( u the Durban ti < r >...!. The volitole wns iii.ninfjctu I l-v I'll.!, i if Fevers! i iii i, ui'l w.i .! .1 tho U tic u nu Tuesday. Mr. D. Clayton it no v visiting the winter fuii at Sun Fr;iiiciM-.-, :u:-i is ex- IMCtotl tu .i.TiVf h<iiii<! in ,' Kit tlm-o wi-eVs. Davi! will no* all lh h"W go- ing, ragardlvM nf any mi<i everything. I. B. !.:::., barrister, Ilitrlulale has $10,000 private t'und^ t lend nil farm inortKiini-s within thu iu-xt ft>w monthn t lowest curreut ratea. No uixiiuiisa- imii, no delays, ux^-enws low. Apply ai nlKce in Markdale during the wuvk or i.t Duudalk oilice ou Saturday*. A level -headed uxchiiitfe remarks : We arc told that thu Latin word editor means to cat, but in thin country it meat H to bi-ratch around like the dickens to get .s.'inoihiiiH to t-ai. All thu Ituj'H down our way call on FHI> TYi-KRK, the Tailor, wlicu tlioy want a .! Hiiit made. He agoudfa. Call in at Clayton's old stanJ. Mr. F. C. Bi-uu : !in nu I , a sctUu- t with hia creditors by which he it .enabled to retain hia stook, and will be li i.ily i-.. 'i;i-l for a short ti-ii i r*Mii/.iuu thenxui. Messr*. Diiinuilx it XVrinlit have *-cur- ed an en irinouH <[uantiiy of elm HH; and rave bolt* during tho pat wiiit.-r. ami li.ue on hand a iitiiuiunt <iiMi'lny to keep elovcn or twelve men engn^ -J of the Hummer. Judging by t!it) weather "f tV- few day:i spring li;s actually it. ' The einiv{ of thu biuckbird and roliin n< e welcooio Houurls, I. ut l hen- is a Lit . nf fear in every brc.wt I hut wo may h vu t I'iy >' >-5 when theoa't woui-i ho disastrous to jr.. p.. Sin-., is ia thu reward of luerit" not of iMSumptii n. Pi.uulnr appreciation is what ti'1'.i in the long run. For tif'y years, pooplo have bfon using Ayer's S.-u- i[)r; l:i, and to day it m the M ,! pu<i- ost in favor with the public. Ayi-r's ilia I'tiicH. You can uet a nico raw Sugar fur 3 cto j per poinH, a 2 trillion pail of Syrup for '.>."> ots.. ii:i'.! a ZM piuiid box of Raisins for 31.00 at M. Richardson & CoV M KirKanlsoii A On. bavu just ruceiv 1 advice of the arrival of tin- S. S M.i- from Eim>]>e, hringinir a large con .ii-iHii.-nt <>f Dry G-KxU f >r them a id *lnch ui'Lbo n view in a few days. Strain & Mootu IIAVO pcnud out thair ( >tock of furniture and undurtiikintt and will be pleased to have you cull and in spi-ct. They will keep the public well in i formed through the columns of The Ad vance froiu tiura to time. Me next week'* ormed The Jubilee colored ainxen | t-i befiii* ft fair-sized au.Jience in the Mctli- odiat cliurcli on Fi nitty uvenin;; last. The iiiu> part is Rpokeii uf as having I uun vi ry K"M!, iiinl the vocnl purl :IK f iir, l.nt. not letter than we have her- lu- fre Inn I in Kleaherion. The Saw of Ayer's Hair Vigor M a n-- fiued an<l-d"licate fluid, which di-en i ot ' il or lu-i: -me rjnciil by exp,.siir- to tho air, anil wliich is iw pi-rfcot a nu'xri'irir for tho -il H-ipplied by nat-iro in youth and hivilt'i, at modern chemistry c.m pi- diicu. The attorney gnial baa introduced * lull to rmtntiii the ebbulition of youth to acurtain dexreu with rvgnrd to the mar. i iajfe contract. No younu man or woman undor thu age of 21 yrars will hereafter Ira able to legally marry without the cou- ent of parent or ^utirdinu. No more rurmwny man ingea in this country ! The sumo bill nuke* it illugtil to marry under any eircuiuuuices UIIULT fourteen years of age. .N'-n loti!: go The A I vance received an offHT of ajvui tuing frmn a medical ririn that, when figured nut, junl amount nl to enough to pay for sefiag the type. XVitV out replying we threw the thin:; into the wiiMie btiskct. Since then we notice that Kline of our exchangei have accepted tins Kilt-edped forty dollar otter for a thousand inche* of advertising mid itru runniiiK the stuff. .Surely such mer. must place a tuiall value U|xm Ihe'r advurtiainf{ upace ! [t in the accrptance of such death-dealing rales by a Udrceiitagu of (he preu that is tl.rot tlins( t!iu no-spti|K!r buainetoi of l* country, and the individuals who no- ce|>t tlit'iii are duatr <yiui( their own biui new, ifth.-yonly knew it. For SaJe butcher's tools. Dem- ooritt wtgon new. cart almost new. youpg cow milkins;. W.W.TWMBLl Auction A puMic auction sile uf farm stock and iinplttmonts will bo held on thu farm of Mr. John Sayatu lot 11 c<m. W, ()spr-y. K:I I-', 51arch 30, 19^. John auction.-, r Spring Milliner}'. Mrs. Trimli'c baa returned from the city whore slu> b:is been attending the millinery openings and selecting hur ill fur thu u ing t.klo, and wi.sbos to nay Uall her cus- tomeas that for style and pin.-s she will surpiuu .inythinv in the ptst. The iL-k will be ready for inspection about thu first of April. Next door to II. ::ii))lu's sture. Now Books. Tnu following b.xiki wore a<kK-d last irut-k ti. the FluHliurtoo MechauicV In- tifut) : Kurtu-ius of Ulencoe, Lever; Tlio, n.y Novel, vol. 1 anil 2 Plii- Pariaiaiig, vnl, 1 and 'J, Lytton; iilX ai.d Circuit Riilur, Et'elratuit ; ti-.l-kiii mi. I P;il,-i';ic , 11 .lit-,- \VLtli Hun- t.-r Hiid Ti.ij>;ier ; Stoiiui of the N.ili<n, I >-.'K, l|.|n_:iry. ri;o<; iths, Rursin aud i'uriu.-al ; Sclii>u! and Schnolnuuters, M.i!.-r ; \ in thu Purest, KingHton ; Puri-ni-, .1 i ' i and Prairie, Ada us ; Biicc.ina !-..i.i-l MarnonorB, Pyle ; Cat- i. s lii.lri;,. ; Royii'l the Minialayaa, flodtlii- ; Ui^.aii and Warpath, Mi>|n- ; .'in! M^iynr of Lcindi'ii, I'.i.-m N;I.]I, iuta<ir I'.Kile, Cunstablfi of EtourUmi, P-.i- S,if, : -'i Miit. -h ami The OunsUble 'fiiicT"Wur, Aiiiswurth ; Anna Knren- ina, N:i[-<.l.-i>ii's R.uwiii!i Cainpai^i and T U'..i : lieu Hur, Wallace; T Hioy i!.t: ; M. Luvor; N i|i ileon, Morris; Hcnry{.if Xavarn-, Wilhcrt ; Wrirk, "ii.iii : !' ;h, Slebbing ; The M l;i-v,.|utiii:i mid the Thirty Years' \\.ir, r.i:ilniL.r ; FVaJerick the Great, L.III.-IIIMI ; Ciuo, Elliott's complete works, U v .,,'s. To (he Public. T%ko Kufiotf : Uaving hoard that some jargon or |n)ri!ia, being either malicious- ly d:xu i-o I, or through pure love of g< s jip, I:HVK IH-VD ci'culai ing stories, calcu- UtiiiK t.i inju f my hiMinesH reputition, 1 licix-i y wvn such interested paities that tinli.'ss Hiiuh ia stopped I will he com I to sjive them the li in-lit of tho Uw us regarding "slander ', as said stori-sare fiUi-, and fabrication*. A*iy in til it is w.inren, r>irdi>ig my bintrv bi-foiH ^ ht-rv, w.l! ' chi-cr- fiil'v f nriniduHl by ipiilvitiy t,ii m. in- .Mil .f r.iVi-i; 'li % '<'i;i f or ; intiid m heurd without buiiii- 'ir-vwn. T'n- nt-iry a r|Mnted ihi-t I b nl f .ih-d in hiiHinem !> fore coming here, and ben burnt four tiroiis is a direct "iie", and any one i:n!'_'ht reporting the xame, or any other Mlandi V..IH usuertions to my detriment, after this notice, will 1 o prosecuted. E. HAHIUHON. The Markets. CarefMly Correrted Karh Flour F..1I Wheat Spring \\ heat Barley Oau Peas . . . Butter Egxs, fresh Potatoes bag Pork Hay per ton Hides Sheepskins (xeeae Turkeys Chickens per pair..... Ducks ber pair XVool 9 3 30 to 65 to C5 to 31 tu 32 to 61 to 18 tn 13 to 60 to 500 to 000 to 300 to 25 to to 9 to 25 to 50 U 15 tu 330 68 ffo :n 33 52 18 13 50 5 25 00 3 00 25 7 10 30 65 10 MORTGAGE SALE TiluUi lillagi Pripirtj In the village of WALTERVHLE (belter known J Klin-burton SUtioni in the Tuwnnblp nf \ -Vuanoi mil Couuty uf iiry. I iioio Kill IM w>ld by Puliliu Auefluu au Saturday, April U, '94 t 'hree ..'oinik lu tli afternoon at Kuiimhi llolul. ill the villmiu KiluWll Klontlurtull Stu- virtuu uf p >wnr ot xeju containod in a rUiti nior-Kime win. u w.ll !> prodiicud at thu J, (bo fullooilitl villm| ppnpoJty : Vi I*KI. lut NI>. 11 OH Hi" N. \Vo*trly ililu of r'ront Hti vat in thu viHsuu of \Valu-rvllle. ma- oniiiiK u> a mp or pleu u( Ut HUbiliviBiun of pftit ul lot Nu I.AI in tun .Ird rmiiKVur colid S. V\ of (h Ti.i "iitn .inn S* U, tilt i; m road in thn U*wifc:ji uf Ariciii.'-! i,<nai)e hy Thomas B. Oil lilitn.l, KM| . f 1.. K.twM iilMi Uiinx fll<l in tho ltuiKtry oUtc Icr ili South KidiuK of tin. oriity of Orey on tin, IVth dny of ttvptoniticr, A. I>. IW4, Mkrupt tbftt niu^JI portion uf libout -J4 h> JO t. t bi etofore eolil aad and nmvvi ' off the H...IUI \Vi-ti-rly uoriwr. Bid lot uri|inally cuuuiuinx ul> jut I of an *cr, mor* or !. 1)11 will lot *w!<l to b erected a com/ort- h!i. liitory frame dwelling. 9D Uy . on rood -i n tauudation. ku<l lio frame wnldlu shop, 10 by 18 feet. TKBMS Twenty per oeirt. of the purchaM money to be pair! iluwii on 'lay of le. For bal- anoo term* will be mailo known at tnu sain. For further pnrticulani apply to or to SUTHERLAND * BPROUL, R. COOK, KSQ:. Vnilor'n Hollclton. Kloeheiton Station. Toronto St.. lorocto. Dated till, lath day of March 1MM TENDERS WANTED Tetidem will be receirwl by tho iiniloiiiRnid TrimUwe for the itrm tluii of an iiiMitiii lii Hi'll.Kil Hntllfl In K. S No. .H Township i>f Bll- plirwla. till March vftli inw. The lowent or HIT tuniler not niwuiivfipily accfi'Uid. }'lann ml S|M < iftitntioiiH iiiny bo boon at J. B. Faw- cett , Kinjuenay. E.OIMIKRT \ W. HClTT D. WALLACE Trimtoo. TEACHER WANTED AMintant Tosoher for B. S No. 3 Ti>wn>hip of KuphruU for :i innntliti Apply Hating Milary win yulifl.-ti..n to tlm nniianiKncd Truttevi- Jutiua to cuiuiuuucv ou April 1st 1KH. K. Gllbart ) W.S cot Truntto*. U. Wallace ) Kimlwrloy P.O. If you t!o not see cur new Wall Pap ex* of both Canadian and American man- ufacture which cannot be beat or beauty and price. WincLw Shades. Having just received our spring stock which we bot cheap, we can give you a landsoine shade for little Tioney. See ou r 65C. onr. !t is a dandy. A Glance Into our show window will convince you that we are dead in it for linwarc, and :ha: our prices are right. Two large crates of dishes ust arrived.) Headquarters or builders' hare! ware, spades, shouels, manure forks, plow mes and trace chains at We are offering a large quantity of BOOTS \ SHOES -AT- VERY GREAT REDUCTIONS. Call and see ua and iiiitpeu our stuck of MENb', WOMENS 1 . ana CHILL-KENS light, and heavy COOTS ana Wm. Clayton. OF ffiard Furniture People say that times aro hard, u;:J probably they are' Now, as a special inducement to buy now, I am selling lur- niture at Hard Time Prices If vi-u have a dollar to* spend in furniture try me, and see how far your dollar will go. Dou't forget it ! We have a big stock to choose from and will give yon the biggest dollar'*! worth you ever got. One pm lor suit loft at $20. Who gets it ? Furniture Man. RESIDENCE OVER STORE. LATE discoveries have absolutely proven that the Stomach and Lungs,aud indeed all internal organs are controlled by the nerve centres at the base of thu brain. The mttnu- ufacturer of SOUTH AMERICAN NKBVINK has studied this subject closely for more than twenty-five yt-ara, and has lately demonstrated that two- thirds of our Chronic J'iseai-cs, are duo to the irrperfent action of nerve centres, either within or at the base of tin- brain and not from the derangement of the organs themselves ; In-neo that the ordinary methods of treatment are wiong. As all know, a serious injury to tho iuul cord will at once cause I'AH.U.Y- si.sof tho body below the injurrd part, it therefore will be equally well under- stood, how the derangements of the THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE! TONIC A.ND t?TOIVf ACJI1 ana I-IVKJ* CUI*K. Thft Wonderful HEALTH BUILDER & NERVE FOOD". ( bronic lb*eas*8 are cauwd bj Deranged XerTe Otres at bat* of Brain- nerve centres, will cause the dorang tnent of the different organs of body which they supply with FLUID or NBBVB FOBCB. The wonderful success of Soutl. American Nervine is due alone to the fact that it is based on the foregoing principle. Tho use of a single bottle uf this remedy will convince the must incredulous. It is indeed, a veritable NSRVR FOOD and WILL RELIEVE IN ONE DAY the viried forms of nervous disease and stomach troubles. Nervous* Oiseases. Thin class of disease*, is rapidly iil- creading oacli year, on account of t!ie great wear our mod of living and lab- or impose upon the nervous system. Nine- tenths of all tho ailinc-uts to ADICM the human family is lit ir, aro dependent upon nervous ex:i;..isliuu, impaired digestion, and a do'., riorattd and impoverished condition of tin- blood. Tbe South American Nervine is a great nerve food and uervi- build- er and tins accounts for ;LS uiarvelottB power to pure the varied fniins of nervous disease, such as Neuralgia, Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, St- Vitus'a Dance, Nervous chol: : , Nerv- ous Paroxysms, Twitching ol li.oMua.- clos, Hot Flashes, Menial ' pond- ency, JTorgotfuluess, bl:>" -MJCSB, UcaUcssucas, Ncivoustuss ' i -nalej, Palpitation of the lieu; .Sexual. Weakness, etc., etc. Sold by WM RICH i 1C JV HEALTH FOR ALL. Holloway's Pills and It. wuwwrs Departu).cnt. TH K PIT r jS Pnrlfy Iho blood onrrect all UinorJurn of Liver, Stomnch, Kidii >< ana U They luvlort ami rostoro to lie*lth Debilitntel Cobttitiilioii^, in.l iir,- Inrali plaiutHlncirteuUU to Keinalps .il all nu>"-. KnrCli lil< -n it i ;lii- RRoil they i r r n r ( ) r N r i . ^ x T I 1 1 I > \ / L 1 1 I | j XI L an Infallible remedy for Hn<l Le. l< i Ur.. oii, oil \v..,,t, I . Horet a:i<! U!o-ini. Gout and Ubiiiimtimii. Kr .11 ur<lBri m "i- liurt i[ Ins no i | For SOKV 7/l/iO. !'/./:/:< ).Vf/f //fs.COCC/j Qlan iulsr 8wollltii;, anil all SXin !>!, .-MM It ha* m. iivl an<l fortoutt , jui.itu it ai-t* ilk., a , imi'in >rnnfactu l'i-o(Tsiior Hi-i.i." t .\xRsta'.' T Xcw \rrI Sjr,-- ilu'e 5IW. Oxford ^.rcrll. anil are sold at 1 1. )J<1.,S-Jd., 4 M ., ih...*^.. an.. . , x or I'ot, M \ii<l(>i- tliroilll.)..t ' '' />W.*. / "OH*.. -in (or -/AS .. at.

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