Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Feb 1894, p. 5

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THE FLESHtRTON ADYANCE BANKING OF Vicinity Chips. rhararlrristlrs ufirH- Past Week Carefully Colled for the CU.-lttB*. efeeu Hy l-<-ilt tciti be dsorgisa! at (A ntc .,/ .' )--r line fur inter hun. Jl reiluriin rill be en tutUrarU fur 1 >> Una or over. Oysters and fr.-sh fih at Mr. T.M.S. Bercn.ft, <>t Kugenia, died n Monday. The Miae Qji;t li-i. - 'heir Ureas i:Aiug L-ttAul.iUiucm in t..wn. Mrt. Buhner !iad her h-uid badly scald- ed uu Kn.Jay eveuiog latt. Rev. S L> f.&'iJm oc-'Bp eJ the ( ulpit of the MethiJi.-t church ou Sunday ov'g. Mr. Harrison, the furniture man, is now to Im found in Wright's old statid. opposite Anustr.m/s jewelry store. Delayed maili have prevented as from r*cei\ iiu several of our regular budgets ( uews in time fur tKi issue. Mr. F. U Ksrstedt w.U build a fine brick Muck this upmisj. Material h ordered and the c -ntract 1. 1. An *i!*nt tnr the Guuld Bicycle C., suld several wheels in twu on Friday last Thcrt! will be tea meeting in ihrf Me- thodi:-t church, Swint <u Park, on Friday evening, 16th iiut. A K>d program. See bills. Dr Lsbderkiu ud Mr. McKechnie hme Strain born nominated fur South Grey in ih- K.*fonu interests for the Diiminion and Local Lrgilatre respec- tively. F. <;. ha* opened up hia hrdwaro Stock in the building iii-x? <1 r south <if Mr*. Buimrr'i ^h<.togi.vh gal- lery, and will be clad to welcome old and uew customers tliere. There are still a larg- number of cub cribers who liavn not renewed for 1894. If su-li will kindly atu-ui to it during the arsssnt mth tb7 will confer a favor. We ni-.-d th money. A heavy thunder storm passed over ou Fri'liy uiijht. Great ifUAntitien of rain foil, but the sleighing has not been iui I Mimi, as it hard freeze followed the elec- trical disturbance. Much of life's misery n due to ind'ges- for wh can be happy with a pain in his stonmeh ,' Aa a corrective and slrei'ifthriiirr of the ailinenUiy orcans. Aver s FiJUaru invaluable, tlieir use being always attended with markvi benefit. "The stiike at Shane'*" u the liil* of a litlld U-ok jjst usurd by the Auirncan H Education Society. The book is wrrl! writ'en, and u calcu'atixl tukinJle a more kit dly di-|KitHiii in liie huu>an lircuMi for all dumb auiiuaU, par the bone. Several went out from Fleshertou to ! acl > letters out -I the the CamefDn concert Toexiay cvenin,-. at Unwell ' conform to the. rule*. We i>l 1'ailey will n;r><.-ar in th T .iwn Hall, uudor the au-;>i -. s ! Ouflir- !M b.dgv>N". l!. I (I ). K, ..r ! .l.y. i This Will Ic Miu lU.Uj'K coiii'd ap|<eai-ance before a fVi.Krt..n ut-r, XQ<1 she wi 1 undoubtedly b ith a ij<l li >ue A tea meeting will be held in thn Pre yterian church on Friday, F-b. '^3. Look oat for bill* this week giving full aoBOUI.Ci luer.t. Pruf. Kent gare a lecture ami exhibi- tion in tl:e TOVI-II Hal! to a iiunll audi- ence on Saturday evcian^. rl. Mali with aUftricity were quite . taming, rnp-;.-iaiiy to the Jounj? p> A* we ^'o to prcm .-n We<lnely after- noon it is imTrxmbU to tire this week the n-sult of -h corir.Mjtiun he'd at Rlc- lyn to (elect a candiiate for K.Mt and Centre Gry. A healthy delegation went From Arteiueria. To *e Pr->ptt I dvttire to publicly t tf my 'bank* to the peofrl-' of this Tillage for t!irir kind awis'ance in saving my etk at the late lire, and timely saaiatanee aobeequently thereto T the ladies who > kindly in- terested tbentaelTea in behalf of ray family, I am especially grateful. F. G ILut- Our congmtulationa art heartily ex- tendad tu Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Buakin, who, as will be noticed elsewhere, entered yesterday into a covenant to help each other over the totlaoote paths of life, and to share its enjoyments tocether. May the latter largely predominate. The young couple left after the ceremony to a wvek with friend-M iu Uuelph. d not supply sta- , including atitmps, to all regular i. but will uC pay an extra four cencs at this nd for the a& beta.' aii'.ed to ''Pleam o>mct uiistakes," - r " Plraae insert the f->ll.iii:.j iteai in your paper," s we bavu lately d->u9. We Icn.-w en -ugh to ili thc'< th.n.n c.thout betas a krd. Tho power* at >c aws hare 1 that the abo.e <|U;-Utioiu aie extnne-ius<ad uot allowabla. While we rhink th-y aru urawin-j the line ertremcly flue, and in ,i seuse attuoip'ing 10 c-t the press of Canada by savin? tki or that should nut be put in type, still w would ask all eorreapooslenU to conform ;i to the above decision. Otherwuc they will know why their cummaor -at: as dt> not appsar. The heavy snowstorm which b*gan on Saturday and finished its fury n Monday night was ^cnural over Ontario aud thr n<Htkrn states. Monday night's train from T >r >nto did not arrive hero until 8 a. m. ou Tuesday, and the return train from the Sound at 9 a. in. Tuesday's mail was only two hour* late, bowevrr, and matters have uow about ritrhted them- aclvea. N mails caosa tkmusjh ua Toss- dsy from Epping or Feversham. The storm was the heaviest we have experi- enced this winter, and there hav been some snort r rs. The liUtorical old Division Court Iniild- iin:, in wiiioh Magistrate Arumtrt n^ lias b^en (he p.-e^idirg eeniun fur so oiany yvr, LS now without a toi.unt Mr iiu rviroved ti.c cm tent* ou l>> t'io M<'m in-xt the jewellery s'ore. liuh will be much tr.--rv conva... i.-:it. tlK'n^h scarcely M> cmnv-iius. "Ba tcna do not occur in the blu<id or i.i the ttMies of a healthy living b>.Kry, ea!u-r >f maji ur \.\\v Inter aniuMls " S> ys tli- c< W ritvd Dr. K- ch. Otlit- r nstv 'hat the bout nictlicine to ren- der the r>'.M>,t jwrfcct'y imre aud healthy is The \Vi>mtn' Misim. r. r Auxiliary of the Mo h ilLst church, will hol-l an open meeting on Friday next, February 16th. A prog<-im of r*idii'|(tt, reciUUona and uiusic is beinjj prepared. All ar iimi to be present, neutlumon - wel! as ladiv*. Meeting to commence at 8 o cli-ck. A oolWt ion will be take* in aid of tao miit- ionary work. Mr. J. M. Thurston, of Kimbeney. who was a delegate tn the temperance convention in Toronto la/it week, had an experience with gas that he will nol euoa furgwt. Upon retiring one ni-Jit while stopping at a friends house on Par- i lament atiert he cart-fully :uriiwl out li.<- g*a. About two o'clock he was awaken- ed feeling intetisly sick, but noticed no thing peculiar about the atmosphere. He says the sensation wan something too aw- ful to describe. After some little tun longer the gentleman of the Imune was awakened by his moaniut;. and smelling gas proceeded tu investigate. It was learned tliat the bedroom d<>r had hem left sliglitly aj.v, otherwise we wuld nn doubt havo had a uwaih t</ chronicle in steal of an accident. As it was there was au invVi-1 around for a div ". Mr Thurston thinks there waa some JrVet ia the aaa fix ure which would not allow o. tli* us* being totally turned > Obituary. Mr. Joseph Legard, one of A -*. mesia's oldest pioneers, departed this K:J on Saterdoj saatmiug at the a^e of . :t >e*rj. He wss taken down with tr.fla>nu>aii,-u of the luints a few day* ago. and nctwith- .caudins; the beat of care sawosunbed to the disease. Mr. Legard was burn in Lincolnshire, England, and at the age of < 32 came to try his fortune iu thm great western land of promise. Peopl- i scarcely realiae these days the pnvauocK and hardships experienced by the men ho braved the srrnggle for existence in those early days. When not a stick of timber had been cut, or a grain of seed* planted, a few saen left their native Eng- lish soil and entered the primeval forest hrr Flesherton and the well tilled drum now are. Joseph Letrart) was one >f them, and long before Flrsherton had a building he purchased several hundred serve of land on the third cuocesaioD east of the T. A S. Road. Oue year after bis arrival he tent for his brother Charles, uow the omly survmiui member <( a large family. After keeping public boose for a few years at the Durham Ruad corners, he relumed to his farm lots, which he cleared and made one uf tbe best farms in the township. The nearest mill at that t.nie was at Durham, the nearest markets ShetSurne and Oran-jeviUV. and tbe near est puetoftce st Proton Station. No cash was obtainable for farm produce all must be taken ont in trade. A load ol wheat token to Sheltarne by an ox team, the ou'y means of transport, scarcely paid for teaming. Five pound of butter wuuld buy only a quarter pound of tea. Three weeks auo Mr. Locard called urum us and gavt many of those diy of hardship : to-day he is laid away with hu fathers after a life of weary tod. His three score years and ten had passed, and nearly every one uf his early c-.mj- . hail ;issnni on before. He wao .1 man ol Mr.ct intercity, honored and respected by all !i knew him- u man more <". H leav. > a witu and f mulv often grown U( children. Tho funeral took place Monday to FWhetton cenMtery. .. f Planinz Viilsi ami Car- rin^c 01 k . Knre-ia FIUCKS roa SELLING_OFF. In order to reduce our stock we are offering a few hundred of pairs of Boots and Shoes ^^^ at a very Great Reduction (for cash) about cost price. Call and see and we will give you good Bargains afc Claytons. Jides Wanted. Higheat pries in cash ( iud for Kkien and sh<-rpk>na. W. P. CBOSSLKT, Flasher- ton. n -JBE*. PEE M. '0 . Floor ng rltu In Ailemoiia, mi VTedneaday, Jan. 31,,Mrrt, U-lnvod wife <( EVtKier Jone, a^i-d 44 rears of pneuui n *. The funvtal t> nk I.LVU t.1 the F1vhertuii ceui- etcry ou Irklay, 2nd iimt. Dvcacd wan a M>K Latiniorv, an I lived ft KKsh ort-'iistiiti >n fur m.v<y yoarx. She leaves a family ~-i six cliilHr' n. all nnnnrried. MsjsA vnipt!iy is Mt for the btreaved r upland and faiui'y. Now Books. Tao following hooks tmve been added ' thv* Mechanic's Institute library durtog the |*at week : The Ho*i<-r S.h<i>l m.^tor, by Eglrsti>n ; KuddiT tJr-ig;rs Abioad, Stockton : Annual Magnwtism, Beunett ; Tld AfWr Supper. Jerumo K JeMino ; One Summer. O. W. Howard ; R udder U range. Stockton; A Borrowed Month, Stockton ; The McDianuids of Bailyuloran. Trollopo : The Scottish <',*- eiiantfr*. Juices Taylor ; Itcleu'* tUblit..n. J Correspondea T !)< iilWv> av iid us mat- trr by mail for publication i'l in uiinJ Ihat on'y such ipattt-r as is actually uitofeded fur publication can h* sent at- iivanuacrt]^ rated. Wht-n any- thing private is oneloned we are taxed fuiir cents at this end befoie the letter is delivered. Of late wo have ben con- siderably "annoyed in this manner, and sXimcefi- -v rd will totally refuse to take convalesce. Ki"l>i:ii.. p'aniDit and mktchin -...I on i .. M>r> wuo.1. v .'i . .11. !! !"' (tt.'II > f. < ti-t iiiain v> |>pn.< too* envy day l.. i Personal. Mr. H. Holmes ami Mr. Uutchin>n if H-Mihd'te, wvre oollt-rs ejsi Mi>n'.iy. Dr. Douglas, of the Wes'eyaa ')> cftl cullefN,, died on Suutday last. Mr. T. Clavton is in Tor.>nfc- tliia rk as a delegate to the Y. M. P. B. A grand lodge. Mm. R J. Brown, of Owen SnunJ is visiting with her aistvr Mrs. W. ti Thurston. Mr. \V. P. Crtwsle* and twn littli daughters visited fm-ods in Mtxiford last wek. Mr. J. Runsladtlor 1-ft last Thursday f r W^terlou.whvte he will ipoinl A iuut or so anioitK old association*. l:.-v. 8 D (Judin left on Mondn I. r Thrnbury. From theuco ho will vivt fr.t i! , in T->r n'n, Be!!evill and Ni w J<-ry. >!r. T. (iaiuey. reeve of iVtprev, was <Vhii,atu list c>kt"the Ci trial Finn erV Institute wl>ij!i met in Tor.n'.., a^ Wttll as tn the tc uoeratice convention. Rlr. A. Dnyurnn, the -tieittio wv'.l kin n av'ent uf th Sidenliaiu Mutual Fire 1 i >ni|>any. w a caller i"i r'rul.iv. Mr. and Mrs. Ihiyui-xn were A tailing frieada iu thm vicinity. We are extremely glad t learn that Mr. Wes. AruiHtrontf Is much unproved in health and will shor'ly rsturn bome t" THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE i TONIC AND KTOM AJII and L1VKFT CUK.E. The Wonderful HEALTH BUILDER& N ERVE FOOa < Ccatrc* nerve centres, will cause the meet of tb different organs ol tbl body wbicii they supply with Sum FLUID or Nuvi Foacm. The wonderful success of SoaU. I American Nervme ia doe alone to tin ; fact that it is baaed on the fort-going ', principle. Tbe na of a single botthj I of th id remedy will convince tbe most incredulous. It is indeed, a veritable Nvm Fooo and WILL RELIEVE IN ONE DAY tbe nhed forma of nervous disease and stomach troubles. LATE disco vents have absolutely proven that the Stomach and Lnnga^nd indeed all internal organs are controlled by the nerve centre* at the base of the brain. The mann- ufactnrer of Socra AMERJCAX NEBVI*B has studied this t ibject elo6lT for more than twenty-five years, and has lately ilemouatrated that two-thirds of our Curouic Disease*, are doc to the in-perfoct action of nerre centres, either within or at the baae of the brain and not from the derangement of the organs themselves ; hence that the ordinary methods of treatment are wrong. As all know, a serious injury to the spinal cord will at ouce eanse P*jtsJ.Y- sisof tbe body below the injured part, it therefore will be tqaally well umlvr- !>tood, how tb derangeuienis of tbe of diseases, ia rapidly 19. creswtng each year, on account of tb great wear oar mod* of living a>nd lab- or iinDOM upon the nerroaj system. N'.u.'-tentiiS of all tbe tilmenta V wutcn th liumB family ia h*ir. ay depcudcnt npou nervous cxbanstiod. impaired di<?Miion. and a deteri >rait<2 and impovn8hi>d condition of tUe blood. The South American Ncrvim is a great nerve food and nerve build- er and Una accounts for its marveloo power to cure the varied forms of nervous disease, such as Neuralgia, Nervousness, Nervous Prostrai. : -v. Vitns's Dmnoe, Nervous cboking.Ntrt- oiis Paroxysms, Twitching of the Ma*- clw. Hot Flashes. Mental Despond- ency. Forgeifulness. Sleeplessness, Resllpssnerss. Nervousnt-ss of Females, Palpitation of the Heart, Scxoai Weakness, etc., etc. - . .1 fey HEALTH FOU ALL. HoHoway's Fills and Ointment THE PI T T ,S the bloo.1 comet all D aenlen of '. Stomfmch, liLitlti> nncl Tby lnrlorat aa-1 rotor* to bet!tli D*biiita.l Coi.<tit irton*. aifl %.* la**lubla in cia- p:ainu iDc.aoutal tu Peiualoa >( all ago*. Fur Cli ; J. ju o i h w d tby - prievlvta. T H K o i N i I:NT .t.-i inrallib1n:*o>dvforIU.l bwr*. Hal HrMSS*. OM Wona K Son* si t Dears. Itisfwc Uoat and Klmmaliau. For ,li -oMart of tfcj Cbest U Uas i For SOffK 1HRO 1 1 llUn.VC H I TIS.< '-L'GHS, CO LL3. Qlau .nlar Swolliiica. aa<l all Skin DlaaawSB it haa no rivaj :i.l fur eoustartad j-Hiiis it ax-u like a charm Uaiiulsoturvd ouiy at PreSftaasor Hui.t.^- 7S Sew Oxford stro-t iu(-. 533. o\frd . street . Lond*a aiiil ara oW as la. l^J.. aM.. 4a 6.1.. lla.. lav. and Sh. oaeb Box or Pot. auJ may ba bad nt . i Mt- icia* v,jir tbroofbout the voil-J. itmtJ U4r .1* I... . r "*W H tv Put* an-l It- 'int. IfUua-llr'u i mt 5**, (.'xfjiit >'</?, L tt-lti.t, t'ley art FLESI!ERTO\ laning Doors, Sash, and all other Buildiu?; Supplies at - Eveiytbiug at Lowest Rates. Contracts taken an I Estimates furntshel for all 1 iuds of Building. Lumber Planed and Fl wing turned out while you wfulv Work a Speci " f y. u a call. J, E. MOOB

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