Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1894, p. 8

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THE KLESHER1ON ADVANCE < OUIlt) < tHIIH il from the Adrrrtiftr. Fifty-two County Councillors KBthered in tla- dm'; PKIIII nn Tuesday niiit, li.'lrl lint., i'id inau/uratod the w.irk of the yv\r with tlie usual hand bakiugB, incrn- and hearty good fueling which !- v. n . H-eiii especially to ;itt. ..." the Junu sry iiiretiux. At h-klf past seven County Clerk Kuth- erf-ir I t -iik lite criatr nn 1 naked for ii'-u- . ti.r Warden, re.-idtni: t'-'" statut- . it liy-law provision f ir the sainu. i .imituiiia were inn I* an follows : , I*m 'ti, Ret-ve nf Syd. iih:-.m, by ia. Mcl'hecnod 8in^- luliii Brown, HoeVK of D.i'i.m, by - Kmiiie, and Dickhon Victor Lui'A llcevc oi Norm -.inly, liy Mes-rn Clusholiu and Shenck. (itfo. Binnie, Reeve of Ulotiulj, by Whit- and Htaploa. M -i.-!.. Kiiinie and Brown withdrew th>-:r M.inii-s, and the ballot was taken on Meure. Lemon and Um. 1 . Mr I.. m.,n WSH \\itt 44 V'it s, aiid nn mo- t'..ii of Mr. Lang the election WHS made unanimous by a Htandiiu; \ M -virs. MePhue an I Sin ili.-:i e*-.,rr. ed tho vic'orioua candidato to the dais and seat*) him in the chair, after which Mr. Mcl'hee, standing I y his side, pm- nounced the following (Jivulic oration amirl general apj>Iau*e. TUir na cathrarh s^us a dhoinu vui.ii n th* nar huilludo chnmh.iirte sirrun a>hd chin*, eha in-) em chomn ii" tliam . hd a chuir an fteil dhruilih eira on ' main s chuir orm sun t.i^hailh William 1 .. n n. roann suidhe coiuh.-kirv It . donhiim,gu bhe nsfhir reaglilrtdli cir c.. inh-iirte seoramachd ghlais oii sun na bl iadhna mile an ochd ecud an ceither deug mm ce ither fnehead. The Kualish equivalunt is about OH fol- lows : Mr. Chairman and gentlemen nf the County Council of (!rey, I am not able t<i thank you fort In- kindness shown m in supporting my resolution t. Mr. Lemon, Reeve of Sydenhaiu, t the |. > -i'lii of Warden of tho County of Orey lot thu year 1894. Mr. Lemon acknowledged the honor (\ >ii> linn in a tnodo't s;cli, savin.' i'l.-it Ii" w.inlil do the best he could to wnrt'iily fill thi- [KitioD. The county had I Wardens since its mtahlinhincnt in IKMI. Mr Heachell wan thu hr-V thencamo Mr. Cart'iv. I lu-iiW.K, Fleshur, wl. the |ii>niiii.n seven years. I/iter Mr. Jarkaon had held it for rive years ami th,- la'eJud}re Lane -for four. Mr. <!amey was Wanlrn in 'M>, an 1 he was here to- ni|(ht hale and hearty and ai har<l a liiri.-r M ever. Continuing thu Warden extend e<l a welcome to all the new mi-moors snd the hand of fellowship t.> the u!i|, tlmok- '"1 hit fellow councillors for placin? I im In the highly honorable |Kinitinn nf \Vn d-n, and congratu'ated tlirm on the fart i 1 >t except for tlie vexed <|ti--i>ti<iii of aid to bridges uiirlur SedJ'Hi 5.T.'! A lln-ro w-.s nothing hcf.ire them likely i" ili-t'irb iln- harmony nf the C"U'ii-il. Everything rl* Was ap|>arntly clear sailin'.'. After the roll-call and minutes s njl't.'ii nf five was choson by Imllnt to mrike the standing committee*: for ihe year. The rivn wero Messrs. Clark. i->, LKHK, Road, snd Hinniu. WEtiMKKI'AY MoHM.til. The first business taken up was the |< senution of t'ni miiitiiiK mmiiii't.- '. i- pit by the chainnnn, Mr Clark. Mr. Kerr pnintod out that it would be well to sniil a railway commit tve to the lint thu yi ar, as there miiiht very p<iM<iMy l- wmk for such a C' mniittfe. Tlie was aix-ordinvly ref<trr>d livk for ii'iittii<l i.ieoi, and all IT n few Minnies iii'-rmiHsioii was again p**iciit- ix( )>y the coinmitti:ii iili tlie do in- I ad- dm. ill. Tl'o standing ' ' i >1"' are therefore an f. II >-.r< ; tho ohjilrmiMt having been duly K i t" I imuimliately lii'r thu ado|it'nii i f iht- rc|>"ri : FIWANCR AV|> AlKK'-iMKNT -Mc-Wirs. I'.nlntid, MoMMa-jnr, I ' .iii|.i .. II, M.irk, 1'lray, Minnu-, Slmii-,'V. '' .rk lu.'. Ornhnni, I'nn^i-, :- "i -. |ti .\vn, Chikholm, Agiifw, Kogi-iM, IVi T Hnk MI, John M c()"ii^l'l, M vi . IM\ ni.d Itaskitt. Mr. l.u.'j, i'! .iinii-ui. AMI III. I , Ko'xirt Mcl>..i,a!d, S limk. l'i K -acl, Stunrt, An i.'i "it. ''. (iraham, MuMillnn i M n, \\i. Imcroft, Hamui'l I 1 - ti-mi, I'nlinur and OoiiKiai*. Mr. Ir.-. i ,n. < \TT Phorrtii i Ja-khn, Kerr, A!hi>, .lolm Trtflford, M;ilo, l!aibic.ill>. VVostHway, Kli** l.i-n.o.j. ,- II.IM-., r*rent"ii, Ito .'<!, ll<i,n- .mil K.IU. Jan. Allan, Chi.inua'i. tin OATios. ,Mi>s,r-. Hinnii', \ Oampbell, Pringli-, .l.-i 1 lui, Sir , H IS, l'lrst.,11. tnnl. Kudforn, I'slincr, II. II, \\.st-u., n mid KulL*. Mr. AL'IICW, i IUHIMII:. rmNTisn. - M i 'ili.-iy, Ii-in, Hwiii"t"n, Kolit. ^i i'-ui.M, An, |. l^-inoii, M,(!iix'or, \\sln-. II UIIHS^ SHIIIIII 1 l> '|M >n .mil Ci i U-lray, i n.nn. I 'VMI'!IIt)ATII>!<8 in. ll<>Uil, (4aiin>y, Alliui, ' Hi'-wn, St--irk, < In, I llll.'nr, I ''ill '-In*, iV ' (Mark nnd M. ml*. .!.. ( i.nk, nsn. RMI.WVT'*. ^| -ii<i!m, OiHli-ii.. ; in, Ch irnian. I 'i ii-rk |>iaeu'od a hiiilj;ct of nioni nli'iii't in.'lii n - . (nun si v- I 11 -I iMtlllll,' t |*r > Sii g the I' ItH-Mt < itl V.iri, ,(l- > i , -I. IiiHpctor liii r's ro|)rt of tho sohoola in East (Jrey ; report of the North Grey K:um>-r's li.Ht., |i^;ier< in thocase of Ar- ilair liochiird, a lioy CDiinuittod to tho n.i Induttrial ; nu HIIIKHIIIOO- incut . f the K MI! lien IMI i- 'uveiitioii to he licld in T'lfiiiit.i, 1-eli. '.)tli ; an a t <|ih- i. from the M n'ur of Durham, for iil undiT Hectioii ,"i.'i3 a of the MM Art in Imilfliir; it l,r:'l;;i- n r tin '1 UJflpau Kui-r nt LamU. HI St. , in I'.ut town ; ,i,,l oth,-r letters and accounts, a!l of which wtTe rcfi'iTud t" tliuir lenpeotivo coinmi; tec.-i. .Mr. Sini; preHented n petition frmn Win. Kwart ior tin- continuation of his MUr'a li.-ensu. Mr. CUrk moved, seconded by Mr. Ms- Donald, that tho warden and clerk jn<- iiiJ furward a iiiu' to thu i-rnor General prating llrit the fihing n -ii'iiinl minniii.ilin,' White l.iland, (HI withdrawn from the lidnnd lisliin-.' h- ci'iiKe limits. Tli-- inoi'ur i-x| l.ii:n d that White Cl'iud which In-long* to the t-mn shi;> of Ke|.|ii'l nm-d to b p.irt of tho Ni'W.lsli India-i IVncMe, lilt 11 hMTi'li- tn tin- uuVi riiini nt liy the Indi.ii'. 11:10 few yi-am H^H, nnd h.-id :> HI 11 in lulu. Nochtnge had bei-n made ."!i to the tist'iny prn t-n which ttill ! liiiivi-ly to the liiiliairi. A white m;.n. < . i-ii il he lived on tb* island could Dot ic-il'j catuh fih in the ikdjiceiit waton and this was felt i I .ir t.. i's -.,!.",,. ut HM well nn nn fair t . -'n-niMii. A potiii-in I-M "f the tnH-iislii|i had Ixieii prenented in the K-|.|'.-l .nine kskii'^' ll.nt.Mich a memorial be fnrwa-iU- a i'l tin- Hid of the county council If tho ru'iiu-Mnii were ri-inm-ed tli>- In .iiriiit of NeW.-mh Keaervu Would ktill hav tho exclubivu nj;lit "f the waters roum Hsy unu (iiitfiihs Islands and lon^ th h"ri- "f I'll-. i lurite roserve on the main 1 uu' nf I'ruo-, ui well a< an ri)jli i'h thir white nui^hlxirs to tish muni Whtto Cloud. The rettnlutinit wa carrivd without dts sent and tho council adjourned at twelv ii n- M fcUKBMMY IVEMNO. I t--ii" '" i>nlr at 7.SW), when fr- MI luit-h f couimunicttiioiLs was read niid rcfi.-rred. Iti-p. Tin were pres:iiti-.l liy Chainnan ltv.'ii of Kosds ind Hriil'.'ei", and Chair man Clerk of Cunimuuicalioni and Mem On mot ii in of the lU-rve of Durham tin. Council w.-iit intii n.iiiiiiitteo on tin -.and liinl.jeH re|...rt, Mr. 1'rinuli taking the chair. The report re -01111111 nde (1) ill rili l i i. -e tn the 11 Allan McIXni^iill. Secretary of the C.tua !i. in", re<[Uostimr thu Cninu-il t< Mud a delegate to thu Convention <n K..fl'lmk-iii; ..n Ki I'linry '.Ith, thnt no action I. t ,!., -o. (2) That the n. . nf the tnwn of I 'url. un fur mil ill I'lulilm- a li'id'.'e u-rf{er - - A of the Muni- cipal Act hn laid over till theJuncHofeion. Hi ti'.-t i-lnus Ii iviiiij lioeu passed Mr. I'.M-wii 1 1 si- i .r_'iii- ll'.e cause of his Uiwu. He thought the Cnuiicil should prori.iiiiict- n|Hin 'he np| !.i-..!i-iii this session, or at ica^t give a rua"ii for not doing HO. If it w is 111. r>< iii'i.iiiintion that thecommi-t. Miintol lot them K.IV so in the rn|K)rt Now was the in.i..- In rail fur it In n ply t" a i [Hi Klii ui ns to tho estimated coat of ' '.i- hnii^'e he sni-J the i-nt,'ineur entlmftted ilu- 1 1. - net ure st J n- il tin- a* u'.meiitsi.l -J.-MH but he be- In M ,i hiui-elf that a irnn l.ridvje oooli be built for ft,5tK. The town, however, hud not fully decided as to what elns, of tm ij- they would put up. Mr Ketr *fiid the OMMMttM lud not Hiven any mi'ticn nt n-ttnii f--r lonvingov IT the re|Mi|-t. HI: hail the wui'o SII^L'.'H lion to make ns he. had mv-l" in th Thoni! liry Hint'. : . 1 I trie Cmineil M-III) down then own en-'i r l.i s. . win tin r I'lirlmm ws i-nml --t t-i n.| or not. Tht-r us imiise m \vaititiv in Kt.o if tin Act wa rnpeahtl. Il it were rrpoa'itd to-morrow n n.iulil nnt Iiiiil,-iiii i ni, u. -w that thi-ir claim and vstuntted were bvforu tho < '".Iliell. Mr. ll'-ii'l hid no nl.j.v?tion to this plan. 'In- I-UHI- WSH Homev hut different fri-tu that of ThnrntmrY No one hail ever ilnuind tUst ' 'in.iiliiir.T hridtio was long rn.>ni;li t .-..;,].. HUM. HIH e-mi. Tliv prosout hrid^n at 1'iirli I..'M f. . i l..i lk . Tho plan i. in |.|i> \iile I ( T :. I M (if only '.Hi flS'l, klld th. Dt plan M v r I i (r.-t ; I. it tin -in. ( hull n .i.ii'li' ii|- :i n m <i Is an to w'n.'ii'r tin y . hill -I . 1 'nil it. pi III or Unt, T?-.T" 111- man.i ' n-i u-r, ni,.l he th - 'dr out. I' v. ..iilil Ii.- ii'. u WH ar- Html- In till If i' l (.'I itiou f-tr ::,:.,. r v.. now T 1 .1 pri-uatily Nil . Mr. K.-li-' ih". i lit i .-. ii.. . it i-.iliii tslliii i ing .-I the Vet. Mr, : . and ilul in,', t'-rik ii , . VHI ' Oie - !XO!l * h.i.) thealm-nn'iit kad the apDearauce of being Mr. Uilray said the engineer had n-.t made . ti ut tin .il.ulineiits were UQderuiiu- fil, II they wore it tviis eai-y to .lump in atoiio uuil turn the eurrent ..(T (hcui. I . ily b r^plocid. It iMilil be well to seD.I i iih'-r .ui iu i i:n-< r or two ueoibrrs of tlie Council to itpoit on the nridge. An rnio:i'lni>'iit wsa introduced by Mfmis Kellxaml C. Lc-mon n<l eurrit-d, KI ; >.>intiuj{ tlie reeves of Uleur'g ami Artem-nia to yo down ,11, I eMiuiuc tux bridge snd collt "t in- ! ru.uti : f> u'certiiin whether it cu'ua au- I. r ihe Act. and to report at the June ses- ('i.Mi-.eil resnnjiog tb motion an wan aiiujitn) on motian of Mssirs. Sia RuJ ''full. nlni, '.iimi-il then wi-nt into Committee on t!i ('i',iiiiiuuiruti'iiii unit Memorials report, Mr. Caiupl-ell in the chair. \IAKBUUIUCINBK. )>sn*4.(|jr or nlhl at th* of&Mor rwltfcn** of tli* -';- DIVIrilONCOUhTCLIIBK.COMMIKfllO.'Sra '.a H.C..1. Couvnjiatieer, Ac. MoMi j pubtl*. JOHN W. ABMUTHONO, -*. McCULLOUGH AIOUKQ, Banker*. MsrkdslA. d* s g*D*ral hanklnf h*- IDOH. ilbutj loJ at s rnc-iabl ril* ( J1 LOST ORFil LI M Hill M inl ul Kenrn l(llllt). R.RAMMUXD. i"oat Usitor. Kltubrl*r. Ukinf \nWitt te. lMnri and loan* atlowestnUi. Uz*eaULa to. promptly . clMapljr auii (tB J^^ 1. Ki'i:o; I.K. 1 ioaer, Flebi-ton, Goran i-^loccr ID B. R., Lie nstj Anctionmr, ('..nv-ruc*r, A praisaraod Jlouoy i .^u-iw, i-.m. *.:.. P I iniuriutr* Aeut. t. : >.. t . l.^. w ills iirwo apai-l \:(i,,ns IDM uu fbortast notlco. Auction Kale, sttoudmt to fa anr part ol tin County. Hnurt to loao at Vw t rates of lutwait. Collectiont .ttoiH-J t, wi:l. promrtocw ..,! ., . ,\rjn Kiw Aent for thf bo-niuloti sj:-SBni!ii;-i',i:Bpaiy. tlcs*t> from Fl>borton t.,' l.iT.ivo.,1, Glasgow, London or anyofth* liiv.l.h por- Partira luuii'liau t.. v.;i ICnglanit. HcutUo.1 or tralsnd, will j.'riu ^k rtta* bfor* pqrcUuv,. thcii LickuU tlsawher*. fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? per fcct class of work. All kinds tf pictures taken and finished |l a style equal to any city vrork, while the prices are Lower. > I IsS EUITIJ 1UCHAUU80N. Puiiil of Bcb Ushr. of Ii.rln, n,.rman, (. MM. Krsdlev. of Toronto CoDMrralorv iii'.'ir,- . i.lSUdf Tiirnnin. (Hfrioi SfeTffa^BJ! 1 lu bLSOINU - " Jitdiral. l HUTTOK. M.D.C.M.. M.C.P.* 8..00., tnc an, I offle* on* door wj.t of tile Uul, om*.dy..To.J. oai.tCburcl,,Kmro t Picture Weakntu of Cody and Mind, Effct ot Erron or Excoscj la Old or Young. Robust, NcMs Manhood rally Restored. How to Enlarge nd Strengthen West, fixle Organs aiij I'artiof Body. Absolutely failing Horn* Treatment Benefiu in a 4 Men testify from 60 Statetacd Foreign Gxa tries. Write them. Descriptive Eook. a- alsnauoa and i-roofc mailed (uaUd) Uc, ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, h.Y. w To The Public. * Having rmto.1 \VblttB'> b'.ackmulth (hop fur a tortn f jean, I am DOW in petition to caterto all wsou In mjr liu* Sersesiceicj a Spesialty. J)U. CAKTBB. X. T. P. 4 8.. Ortt. riiyiloian. snrg*on. rtt He.hcrtou ofllo* btraiai bock. Br<li1ii done ID all Its branches. If you have shopping to du pictures to get taken or. the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- teg other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE OOODS KIDNEY .PIUS. WILL CURE YOU meant the kid- ntyt art In trouble. Dodii't Kidney Pllti tivt prompt nlltf." . . j f j 75 per nnt. of dittate It frit caused Ij ditordtrtd ktj- tttyi. ry to kwt a healthy city u-ithoi't tiwtr- aa f/c'Oaf htttlth whin tilt kldntyt ar etogyod, they art thi O/ the tystm. "Delay It danyerout. Hey- lee tell kidney troubltt fttult In Bad Blood, Dyuptotla, LJvtr Complaint, and th most dttn- gtrous of all, Brfqhtt Dittast. Diabtttt and Diot'tu. * >! n about ditmstt cannot exlit where Dodd't Kidney Pillt art uted. >f 1 t<vnll<lr*|enorMnlhrnuti!cnrvrpt r ,'"* '" ''" ?v f*' ^* '" ' ' ?"-* '. .* I ... luc^l* WriLftJ Uwk oOleJ k^l, x Talk. JOHN A. SCOTT. It. B. Member Collage I>h jHe. A Sur su on.. Ontario Oraduai. in Mw , loi K. low.blp Diploma door Veterinary Surg.on. Ora-luaU of On Voterinwy Colleg.. h.,.d.oce-M - u'-i ..f Vor-sp,anliig factory. J f H.UJ-.1 M. DM. C. A 8.. Ont.. prartloa. a, . lihi iimstlo >1ii^u M 4 ,p4Ki1ity. J)K MAUV M. ' M. . OII..-U.C.P.8..0,n .fhylclan v! 9,n- n. etc.. Honor Or..1,,.t* Women'. M, ,|,.| ^"'J. ?' - "' How . We.,,,,,,. l)twwj pf For , i n lint cull o Vaarantord- in tkt lxtri*mitki*y F, A. BUNT, OpposlU Richardson's Hardware tier* P f ABbHAiL. L D.8.M D.B,. I)c n tl.t. visrt, M.rW.t. U of each moott,. c-h-too -Ks*h trip CD tli. day foliowln. ..... ' J \T. Ki,08T, Harri.ter. Solicitor. C'oDTnyanpsr FlMlmrtonoffloe-No,, t h. p. t ... sp baUdlBg.00 l!,,,j. y .. o.,., 5,, d Krotft l.iil!.liu. \ t vs,U|l:<,i ' -VAM '-;", M.ik. \V.H ,. :tjn cfle*. vrr w, .],.. ,|. y . \ iff, 1C-' V '\N ADA TO CRT A yA Hminmt Take a I'cmnd atra sll . ':: !i. s it wo . ^ ::a!;i J. ^ - '" lpr - ' hv ilrOKu: '. I -kl. A SOCIETIES. I 'I'.V I T THE a i I o r. Makes all gat incuts of men's wear io the best stylo at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. Eugenia Mills ASD- Carriage Works. Oarriapeanmrle pr il i Placing nnd JvWHi:; inp, VVocid Turrit . itiption. Pinning nnd n<- . ae \\-l- i!e jcn Baver tarna UK T. W. WILSON ': juicer R . , pr.w. * aui lofv ttttntr v U J.HI -kr. n, Y k ' '' " * in lh..,r liil I 1 .>'rJ'T|,.,TBT Ii . . D. McTavtsb, livl;> , ; \M) GENERAL BLACKS I'ollingwootl Stive t, FLESH KUTON, - ONT urin,-i,f Waggon*. - : V<- -n i'u(o.l ii - . . . PM%. and llo\ Chain ceo. "- Mnii ed or te

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