Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jan 1894, p. 4

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TH1 FLBSHIRTON ADVANCE Advertising Rates: Li,lTiar. W; balfool.,1 year, *T qbtrV oJ., oo* year, SIS. |>Delefladv.tUernDt charged a* the rate t* A oonv. per Hue for flret Iniertloo aad > cent. eaeb eubeeaaeut lutertlon. TOWNSHIP NOMENCLATURE. It may bo interesting to many of oar readers to learn the origin ol township names iu this county. The township of Keppel was so named from Angtwtus Keppel, the se- cond son of the Earl of Albemarle. who afterwards became Visconnt Kep- pel and Baron Eldon, and who was first lord of the admiralty in the cab- inoUofthe Marquis of Ikokiugham and the Duke of Portland in 178J-'8S Derby was named after tho borough of the same name in England. Beutinck is a noble English name, of which tho two most prominent per- sonages are Lord William Charles, and Lord William Ooorgo, who were both prominent figures m English history. Normanby is a slight change from Nonnantcu. a township iu Yorkshire, England. Some l>avo t'longht it a cor- ruption of Normandy, but we believe it more IiWy to hare been taken from tho English. Sydeuham receired its name from- a district of Kent, near London, Bug. Holland was, we believe, named from a small district in the county of Lincoln, Eng., and not as is lomo- that uame in Earopc. Olenelg ia a scotch name and is so- called from its natural formation. king hilly in tbe extreme. It is large |y settled by Scotch. Egrumont is named from a imal! towu in Cumberland, Eng. bt. Vincent was named from an earldom in Britain. Knphrasia is probably named from a genius of plants, sometimes called uycbright. Artemesia ii a Greek uuine. Arte- mesia was Qoeen of Oalica. in Asia Minor 858 to 850 IJ. C.. and a man- oli m erected by htr was considered one of th seven wonders. Colliugwo:>d was named after Lord Colliugwood, who was senior officer Mider Nelson, and took command at the battle of Trafalgar afUr the lattor's death on Oct 21, 1805. Ocprey, Sullivnn and Proton *o can find no anl .ority for. but would be pleased if any of cur readers couW sup- ply the deficiency. Aaent the Fatrona. To tht Kdtior of Tut Advance. DEAD BIH : The recent election sampaign has discovered and dcir m- stratod a few facts to the observant mind, facts not gouorally recognized, and which it uiiglu b< w. 1! to observe in paesing. Many institutions, or or- ganizations, of all those that have some upon the scene of activities, but have loft their impression of good, to some extent at hiast, at some point of tin i history . But the great t nd n 7 has been and still is, to carry issuno to extreme*. Then, history disclosrs to us, follows their collapse. We need only glance at the history of some that bate passed in review m the re- eent years, to be assured of tho tacts. Now, in this Now Year's issue, an to who of our citiien's should sit at one balls of council aud governments, the fact has become plain that a new or moization has conn, upon the scene. It's exerting its in licence, for weal or woe, upon tbe body politic. The Patron, whose tentioles appear to be teaching out at every office iu the civil and political institution, wilb a greedy, grasping, unscrupulous, sulfijli mon- opjy, hitherto nnanproaobtd by any of U predecessors. We discern very distinctly the extreme issues this new armal or institution, ia bound to take, so note the indications of ita early col- lapse in oar own little world, Arte- meeia. Besult : A packed Patron oouuoil. May they govern wisely and well, vet if one studies closely the trne meaning of the term, Patrons of In- dustry, we shall find not many of the real Patious of Industry in the seats. An instance in oar own home wai d, No. 4, where the issue stood between Mr. Garr and Mr. Thompson, the cm qneet hinged on a local s< -called patron vote, for its nominee, Mr. Thompson. V. t Mr. Thompson, good man though he may bo, is only a producer, consumer, farmer, while Mr. Carr, although not classed as a Patron, jet is nevertheless, the truest Patron of Industry of the two, having uu the late years past, given more employment to labor industry than any ten so-called Patrons, of which Mr. Thompson is the representative and exponent. Through his sawmill brsiuess, manufacturing and shipping of lumbei. purchasing logs from sea- son to season, distributing thus hun- dreds ol dollars amongst the patrons and so helping many of them out of corners aud financial difficulties and giving employment in handling the material, \f> their ovcipluss Patrons unemployed, also iuli%' tho fact ot the various lines of industry required to be drawn npou continually to jup- port and keep in repair the plant IK - cessary to carry on the lumbering business, whilo being at the same timo largely a producer on the same lines as Mr. Thompson. It surely <s absurd to suppose that the farmer ;s the only Patrou of InduHtry, yet we hear it daily primmed, afltmmi'd and insisted, that tmch is the caao, by prominent Patrons, with whom it is worso than fo'lv to argue the point. Now we submit that if the coiinciln of our Canada aro to b? ruled by such a monopoly of monopolies, excluding uion of well Im nvn business ab'l-ty and intent ity. men of cx>l. ca'culat ing, shrewd insight and forethought, men of the businusaes and ar- tistic and professional lines, other than tho former, w" venture to pro diet, Woo to Canada. TRUE PA TOON. Osprey Conucll. The member* elected to nerve at the fortheveftr lK<t4, met in (lie Hall, Mnxwell, on Jin. 15th, to tatuU.niid nuveral mitdu aud siilwri li- ed the iitwubary decUmt'iiua of qunhtion- timi and doclivrniiiiii-of otBcu and leaving them flloci with tho derk, tmk their eata at thediuncil Uiaril, < fallows: Tlux. Uunxy. Koi'vi' ; Tr. K. PreBt^u, Depufy- Keevo; J>ihu Clark, W. J. MunnfjhHii an. I JoMph Tavlnr, OouncilLin. Tho Hi i-. r to )k the chair. Miuuton of U*t mci in i; read and aimied. CommuiiiiM-iotia Wi-ru read from W.H. Thuraton, bill of 12 CO, priuti'ig pldiiH- cite balloU ; 99.75, c.illuctor'it receipts. and pruitirw treaiiirurHXtarenieril* ; |3 27 election atxiunuTy ; J<4m ]<iitherinrd. bill $7 70, enlli rtur'i atationery ; from county clerk 100 come* of report of DfcUl committee of County ('i.uii.-il r H'ltmu ol Uf'iiKH ; Clork'n certificate of doimty retu'iiing ofticui*. p"ll c'.uik and [Killing li tin ; JaniK Putta aim D. \V Clinton, ;;'!. -:iti. Hi uf it|i|iintinent ax Amlit^in ; Kr<nn Sim(lu Tax 1'. iriou tn Ouiincil ; from Municipal Woilil, puiiliB'u'rn, re MtteorlpUuB j N. D. MoKinnon, bill $t!.50, ttn|'t ' Clt-rk. The fid.innin nccoimta wen) and the Reuro'a nrdor imoed : For pay in* nt iKillii"/ l>m>t!ix, (MIR H<>! JMH-ni f'l.OO, Dr. K u tt I2.WI, U Korni{)inn e2.00, H. Weir $200, E. IVU $2.00; P. iuty rctr.niiiitf i.flicpt* Win. Inkntor ?:! (>0, Jinlih GaujRy f,'J.OO, ln\ ig.QO, ft. Hiriso 13.00, Th.a. Scott $.1 00; |',,H Clerks, W. H. An .>tt |2 00, J. W. O.Mnry 92 00, A. M (} l!P fo (H) Irwin Morrison (200, S.nnuel * S "ott $2 00. Dr. S.'uW $1> 00, uo of Hall. Mnx- wll, for hiildinx n-imiimtion ; N. |) >! Kinnon, t'i 50, puKlA^ii t.un|)H furder!: ; W. II. Thunj'iin M per lull i,. ii i 143.24; John Hufn-rf, i,l $7.70; Thna. Soutt, fervirn in conn.viiiMi with rinbis- cite Voto, |5 00. Tho fnllowing exem|'Uoni wore ordrrod to IMS mada : JUibstt Sillyy ^fi 20, on avouni f 1" ru lii< lnldinv by tire; Oprej Wonleii Milln, pt. lot 13, 0011. K, $C.OO, ilntnto Inbnt. l!y law No. 314 painfMl, apjiointing Ruliert Ui TI'II, or., and Juiiifa I'otU, Auditors, also liy-law 315, appoirtiin; Samuel Titylur, AIWCM* .r, at a aaluiy of 9'.N) 00, ii>clud.i:g triMi'l .u't .lerviccK, abo by-law no. 316, app'.int'n ; Thoi. OHmey, TTio.. Scott, JX K. Preoton, 8. T.yl.'.r and W. J. Mona^haii, Public Health UIHourn The UX) coj>j> of rutxirt of committee of County council ru BlHPM of Refuse among the iniirubera of ooun- dilribution. TrH following iMinniittMra were uppoint d for the e.iirrrnt year : i >ti roadi and bruiffs W .1. Mouaghanv D> K r.-.t n an.) J. Taylor, on printing, the IWv , D.K.PrrBtii'i, and John Clark ; on Trcn - nrnr'a Mur;ty, Jowph Taylor, W. J. Mi.iihn aad J no. Clark, to report at in xt nioetfltt( of ('. iini-il Oouocil a.lj'innii'il to meet at F - Feb. 19th nut. Protan fwnnrll. Proton Council mt fur organisation at Hopeville on Jan. 15th, 1894. The fol lowing qualified : Samuel linger*, Revc ; James Co.'btf , IVimty-Keeve ; ThontiM Lnughhn, i;..iican McKenzin and Ooorge Water*, Councillor*. The Reeve ttNik the chair and the Council transacted buai- nM aft-r the Diinutea nf the Lait meeting of 1893 were read and Hivnod. It WM moved by (i. Wataon and w- eundod by D. McKunzie, That the bill ol Joim Rutherford, 92.25, for collector's roll,, 189.% be paid. J. Oorbtt, O. Wataon. That the road division be rvprraented, divinion 1 D. McKenzie ; D.v. 2 Sain'l. Kogi-n ; Div. 3 ('' Wataan ; Div. 4 Thotna* Laavhlin ; Div. - JIM. Curbett, for 1894. T. Lnuithlin, J. Corbtt, That the return of uaymenti to dr{wty-rturning officer fur munici|ml ulection, 1894, be re- ceived and fyled in Clerk's oftico. Q. Watson, T. Laughliu, That Sam'l. McLuhan ba paid >l.7"> for repairing bridge on townline Pru>n and Wuit Lut her. D. McKenzie, -O. Wataon, That Jaa. Cavanagh be paid 1 .!'. fur regiitration birtha, n>.irriM<< mid deaths for the year 1893 un-lnr aectum 30, chap. 40, reviaod HtlltUUj, Out. J. Corbvtt, D. MoKonzie, TUt Chrin. Julin'toii b |<(N.intea ioa6r for W94, at a twla-ry of ?4,1).OIV O. Wateon, D. MrKiMizie, "Kiat the reere and doputy be a committee to inv<*a- tiitate treiinurer'n securitie* and report at next meeting of Council. G. Wataon, D. McKenzie, That Jno. A. (.''Xiper be unpointed auditor of U>wn- hip acc<iuntH fi-r IC.'iU, and the teeve a[>- pointod Alex. (iilUupieat $6". 00 each. Cutltt, Lauxhlin, That the follow- ini; hu meinliurri nf the looil ISuard of H.-altli f. r ]S!i4. Div. 1, Duncan Mc- Knzie ; Div. 2, S. Hoen ; I)i. 3, O Watapa ; Div. 4, Joa. Cavaiiaxh ; Div. 5, J. Porbett ; Dr. Jaa. McWillianu, uu-di- ual lii'n'itii I'fl'.cer. CvrWtr, Laughlin, That By Law No. 34, for |>;ty of Council ; 35 for pay of Auditor* ; .'W', for uiiy nf Local Board of Health ; 37, for pny of Aj*"aor; 38, for pay of re-annual dua tax ; 3l>, for t>ay of Twp. Clerk, b.- read lt and 2nd time and finally panned. Lvighiin, Mk'Mir.iu, That tho trenmtier juxy tliu several partiea entitlod to under waincgi by-law no. 15, the total sui;i of t :-!''..!ll. .inel|wiidtnl sinjihia. Ourbelt, Lauglilin, the treat- ^urcr'a financial ntnt^ment fur half year ending 31. -.1 live,., IKH\, a* ti*fctory to the Council, be f)lel in-Clerk'a office. Lauithlin, -'.'nrliett, -Tfhat the Reere. Cuuii<:illr McKenziu and tlur Clerk be a deputation to meet Weat -Luther Council nt He.ll'.i Cornem. mi 31at of .1 m , 18-.U, in rouanl to Diuimv<e By-Law No. 32. McKi'/Jo.- Wxutoii, That the Col- luvvnr inn* fc. return nia r >!1 bo eiUind- ed to Slut of Jan., 1894. ('..rliett, WtldMH, Tliat tho 2 daye rad work charged againat Lot 3. Maurice :8t., I'rnton St. 1 1 1.. M. . rt-itnil aa done by pathuiitatur, ! xiruck ufTr<>ll. Laughlin,- Wat* n, That John Scar- let' ruc-ive ?2.. r >0 for uae of houno on uminaiion diiy for Council. Corbt,--Wai*.n, Tliat thli Council adjourn t'> meet at M.-t'ul'ou^li liotiw, D'inditik, <>n M-.ud.iy, th 10th day of Feb'y., 1334, fortown.ship biuineta. JanieM Cavanaxh, Twp Clork. A BIoomiBs; RBPOCTR rnoM niriSKKtrr rourm SBOW- ro nru KAI.BS AMD UUAWD RBHIT* run IIOI>'I'.H KIHNKV riLU Or TH KtroRTS HAIL* KEOElVKtl BT T1IR M \NI FilTl'KK.r-i Toronto, Ju. 18. J A. McDonald, a dniiKist a> \\ hitwond, N.W.T., write*: "Dodd'n Kidnoy PilU ara meti'iiiK with ifiswl aWHSM in tliianartof the Do mitiinn. My nlos of thin arti-.-lo are daily iiicp'ii--iv:. and it is wull nii/h iui- thiHsiblo fur mo to keep thnm in atuck." Frank Brown, drtijc^i't, of Shellnirne, Oii'.,wtitfM n?.<l..r recent date: "Pleaac dhin nii niMth'T fiv* ITORS nf Dodd's Kidney 1'il's S ,M i){litnn buxnH thia Hfternoon. They are uivinu grand wx.'in- faction.'' Tli^ne ['ills are manufactured by Dr I, A. Smi'h A- Co., Torontn, and are sold by all dca!r-d, or will be mailed on roeipf ot r<rice ; lifty cent per box, or si* lioxca for f _' &0 From our <>irn < ' irrtsiMmdt t, Tio homn uf Mr. Rilph Ontn WM the of a plewtnt gathering en Wodnea- day of lut weel- , it being the occasion of the marii.-.' of hi* div/h'.er MiM Jennio to Mr. Kui'ik White the obliging in ul carrier between here and FluaheHon. O ly ii.linritf friendH we>-e prenent. U-<f Mr. Brown jirffoinied the oermony. Mis* Rachel Lout:hed,coutiin of the bride, acted UN bridunmaid, while Matter John Onia, brother C the bride, Hupporeed tlie groom through the trying ordeal. We with tho youni.' ooiiple a long and prop*r- OUH voyage ovor the troubled ae* of nut rnnony. Mr. W. J. Shore is comfoitaMy >. tt'ed in hia new nuartra. Alaatet Herbort fawcett of Knntierley clerk* for him. Mra.Shore ia still ia v v delicatitHiealth. Mra. U. Marttirwaon rhile ohouping in the wood*, wi'k liefore laat, out nia foot rather evrly. Dr. Itunnutt it atteud- inu him. Mr. Tom Smith who ha* ttoen up at Nippiaaing for tlie lut niontii or two, turned homo Unt w. ok. Are You Thinking of buying FURNITURE? HARRISON OF FLESH ERTON, has a big and cheap stock to choose from. Pictures also framed, and furniture repaired. oui organs and parlor suites. EMEN, I desire to can your attention- to ray inter stock of Cutters, which will need no words ol reCv/m.iiendation from me, as I will leave the public. for themselves. I have also on hand a stock ot heavy sleign*, pleasure sleighs, market sleighs ind skeleton sleighs. All I ask is a call, and judge for yourselves: Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I ie- main, yours truly, R. T. WHITTEN. GENTLEMEN : DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I Lave taken over the Carriage and YYagou makiog bncii;r.j.s lately carried ou by Mr. Moore, and am now prepared to fill nil orders iu my line to yonr entire satisfaction. Hurhig latrly added to my si.\t'i n .c xrs' eipe- ricDoe in the business a nine mot -i V training iu one of tbe best carriage shops in tlio city of Detroit, where I succeeded iu carrying of! a first clasa recommendation, ought to be a suffici nt giuiuatee that all work will be done in a first clans manner. I uianuf.fbture Wagons, 13%'gies, Cutters, Sleighs ; in foot everything iu the car- riage Hue. Wood and lumber ta!;-jn iu cxchango. Kindly give mo a c&ll. I > . 13 1^ \ 1 1 1 . FleslorlOD. Next door to MoTavish'a blacksmith s.'iop. TTTTI COMMENCE THIS VV JL*i WEEK onr animal Win- tor Clearing Hale of Dry Goods.Clolb- log. M anile* and furs. Already ve are receiviug oonsignmeuU of Spring goods and room must be made for them ; our earplug of winter goods must go. Our stock of OVERCOATS was largo, and we have a good assortment still unsold. These we will offer on liberal terras of crodit at discounted prices, with furthar discount for cash purchasers who can thus secure whole- gale rate* for single garments. FT US. We have had a good sea- son's trade for Furs aud all that re- mains will be sold without respect to cost. Men's Persian Lamb Cape, prices (3.50, reduce) to |2.7&. Men's Persian Lamb Caps, No. 1, $G.OO, reduced to $4 75. Men's Persian Limb Caps, extra, $0 50, reduced to &5 25. Nutria linmitation Beaver fir. $4.60. red uoe to f 3.60. Nutm Imitation Beaver fur, 13.75 reduced to 12 76. L.i'ii -' Fur Storm Collars, $2.09, ..7.1. jU.GOaml $5.25. Ladies' Far Mulls, 80 cts., $1.00 $1 50, S2.00, 12.50 and $3.50. Ladies' Fur Miutlea, satin lined, $22 00, J5 (9 aud $27.50. MANTLES. At still further re- doBUQM aud Mantle Cloths, not many left, but at loinpting prices. OKEY FLANNIiLS at cleaving prices, from 10 cts. per varil.. IIKAVY FACTORY VLANNELS t 20 cts . 2ii cts. aud 2(5 cts. MEN'S WOOL SIliilTS and Drawers reduced to 45 els. MEN'S i:MON Sliirts and Draw- ITS, reduced to 25 cents each. HOOTS, SIIOKS ANDIiURBEi: S Mi n's and Boy's Ciura liubbtr's and Socka. The assoitiuent of sizos is somewhat biokeu, but we probably have just the siie you. want avid iu prices to clear, as we buy no more thi season. We have a full Hue of comfortable Frit Boots for old ladies, easy, dur- able aud warm. FLANxNELETT.8. Another large ooiiHigurneut just opened up 5J oeins, '*.cis., 82 inch goods only 10 ots., 84 inch goods only 14 cts. Extra value. Co. Improved Yorkshire Boar for The undonifineil )IK K tliorouglibre<1 Inipmv^ ! Yoikahlre l'r for krvic<i uu Kt !", <nj E T.4JK.B. Bur* atoekfMtar. Twuis *l. R ""r8 > can dud n il/ cuiployuuiit with uiui*J* men. ExDorl*nca not necewia*/. Hnuiisom* iin.f the temnflfr o f OTOT iSS yer e^|,- Ivnuv rurDunuil evury utsn. Choice ipaetaJ linen and control of territory. We hto or.r 70) a<-n.- of choico stu':k,auj cu uirv you many advantage*. Our modi of iiuriu ml retlto luu MlMinen U mporior. Call for our I mm* Tlie trial will cost }cu nothing Torwuto, W A N TF n B " ble m n to MW 'V /\J1 J CJU' oui- choice aad hardy Nursery ck, and Bood Potato**, full and com pleto liiiu. Xlany varlctlui can only be obtain d thrcagh urn. Cumininioo or uUry i>*M weakly, and promptly. Kxclunire and choto* of territory niven. Don't delay, write at ouo for ti m*. AUJW NCKSKKY Co., Rocheeter.N. Y. NOTICE. Roller Flouring Mills are now open for busi- ness, and in fall opsra lion- A .' irttf Class Mik ler has been employed, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction- Bring a long your custom work. Chopping dune at all times < A.B, Beii t - Prop, : ^V%%^.V% * *. eo%.-%f>%*% : /'or clubbing arrangements with any foreign weekly ap-v. ply at this office..

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