THE FLESMH ERT*N ADVANCE PHOTOGRAPH ^3 iully equipped with re- quisites for turning out a per- fect class of work. All kinds c/ pictures taken and finished fcj a style equal to any city \york, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^, done In all Its branches. If you have shopping to do tpd pictures to get taken on tie same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- Ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. BACK-ACHE , oooos , KIDNEY Pill 5 WILL CURE YOU A/rf- In troubl*, fhdd' Kidnty PI/,* glut unmpt rtllif." "16 p*r .wit ef ditnit l fri rit y A// /leys. Me -Kattnjfri tf tnt tytttm. " Onlay It dan gt rout. Ntg- Ittttdl nldntu traublit fttult In Suit flood, Dytptptla, Uutr Complaint, and tht matt dan- gtrout of all, trlgntt Dilttui, Dlaotttt and Droptu. " 'Tht about dlttattt cannot txltt Mtntrt Dodd't Kidntu Pi Hi art *ted. Sold by aJl eealen or et by euil oa rerelft of pries a. cwiu. BOT Wi er eia t w. Dr. L. A. fttMih * C* ICraiU. Write Cr i WosjeslleiamaayTala. try fe Am a without t*wf- ail, poorf Aa/f uAM f Ae *'rfny are loyytd, ttny art wen Sonurt. ntarlo. Vefy PI.ACB m r *MHa TO BT i Hiiii'>'n Education Take a Round Trip ana T al other Huelne.i <'<>ll.a. and Oernmiirclal l>epartni.iit. In l.'anada. then vUi sSu> s.trtiiciu Mulns College ; esaiuinn every iUnf thevmtChljr. If we fail lo the IL . r i > ewcn, eompleea, praaskeal ami nten eii roiirn. ..7 *tn'l> ; the lie.t relieve e I ' '. l>m>t and mnet n>in|.|ete and llio.t lull mtt*' irult. ire and ai>|illani:e. wi> will nlvt. a dii ) nrne KIll'.K r'or Mii.nal Announce ss>it .'ivinn full particular*, frri'. aildrens 0. A. FLEMING, Principal SHOEMAKER. I beiin Intimate to tbe Inhabitant* ka aad KIIYIBERL.EY I have started a shoe ebne/ and I sm *4 to 4o all kinds of work In this Hue. Itooti .nl Brines made to oe*e esi a*eiee Beaeirlng ieae every day. else Betnee rv"-J Cease to Iiradknry. at , . UmWkty A < rntonnrliin tionr The Parry 8<iund Star announce* the death of Mr. Juliiu Ainslie ou Dec. 28th. dr. Ai'isley wag a resident of Fleaherton or some years' and the following from be Star with refetoc to the deceased guiitluuieii will be of interest to our read- a. The doceaaed gentlemen was the second sun uf the Rev. VVm. Aumhr, rector, in be county uf Duwn, Ireland, and wag Kirn Inward the cluae uf the 18th cmtury. A tao early axe Mr. Ainslie eutured the Military College at Wovlwich, in due nno bocame Kttached to the Artillery soi- . ic,- uf tbe EiiKhiili raiy, aud was uuiont; thuve sent to guard the entrance t'i tbe :iUck Forust of Bul^iuin, so ax tu] ure .t .Sii[ioli"ni at tlii- tinie of thu Hitttiuof Waterloo, taking [MNHetuiun nf tins strate- gic point. From the c<m[>icious puoitiull a gruat port uf this famous battle was ob- servable, aud the deceased never tirrd relating the various iucidmiU uf that en- garment. Shortly after the cl<e of thin war and the retiremv nt uf Napoleon to St. Helena the deceased M< >ld out of the Artillery iii-ti and entered the I'niveraily uf EMinburgh, intending lu qualify eventu- ally for holy order*, lie prosecuted hit studies with assiduity fur a while, but lever took either his decree or oiders. Owing of an ardent and impetuous nature 10 enrly becniuo bitterly involved in '.he [i"tnn Catholic Eaianci|iatiiin strugule then takinK place in Ireland, and *s such wae a prominent and pronounced Orainte- nun, -ui'l his proudest bonut wae that his miiio gave to CrHiiueisin its lint tirand- Maater, in the pursuit of Richarti, the irst Earl of Ainsley. Since th"Si troubles erased and after lie paasagt) of the Emancipation hill in 1820, the deceased never held any further connection with the Orange order. Dur- ni; the same year he left Ireland in coro- Mtxy with his uucle, Captain Alfred Am- ilie, K. N , and visited Africa, India and .arts uf China. Captain Ainalie being irdered t thu North American waters, Mr. Ainslie accompanied him, and spent wo years between Montreal, Cjuebec, Halifax and the West Indie*. About his time, on tbe death uf his unc!e he x-.-itii , ,..-. ner of twu townships in (then) Lower Canada, and for some years follow. ed lumbering g'-'t'mg we*riud of a life 'or whicli he was unqualified he (old out attain and invented in a plut of land, >uilili!i,'ii and buaineas at St. Eustache, and was in a prosperous condition till the inisfurtUDrs ami losses attending the uu- fortunate rebel ion of 1837-8 reduced lina to the (Hwitioii of a poor man. Abont this time Mr. Ainslev visited the listriets ( Wmtern C\nada for the fit.t i ni i- finally anttled in the township of JliinKuaooutr, in the county of Peel, where >e married Anna, the youngest daughter of b. late Major James Campbell, with whom ! ll*ud for fifty-two years, snd had Issue ;hree sous aud too ibtuRhters, ai.d remark- able to relate his awn wss tbe first death hat occurred iu tbis fau.ilT during all tbeas ears. Oi this family the eldest SOD Mr. J. M. Ainslie is our townsman snd postmaster, In- youngest son is Mr. Alfred Aioslis of b" linn of Oilleepie, Ainslie it Iniun, wholesale merchant* , Toronto. Tbe two ilitnghter* bave always reeided with their parents, and are tberefoie residents of our .own. In 1859 the deceased with bis family ao. ed to Flesberton in the county of OreT where he lived till IMty, when tbe attrae iie of a new country sad its (rreat water la. ibt ies induced htni to settle at Parry Siiiinil, to whkb plac be became much at- tecbod, and always delighted .n sketching a pviul and brilliant future for our town In person and manner be w\e cnltured, n I'n.i il .mil retired, rarrlr Ukini more than a personal interest in tbe affairs of tKe town, aud iu tbe political questions of tbe coon- try, lie kept pan with all questions of tbe slay, whetler religious or political and while voting nearly always with the Con- Mtrvative parly , be reserved the right to place tbe in'erests of tbs tor n or country ai all times superior to those of either class or 'mil His illness was of short duration and was uot rniisidrrtxl serious till s short time be- fore bis dealb. He suffered veay little, and mtained lb full pususslon nf all his faculties till within a lew minutes of bis departure, ills Is'l words dintindly uttered wer Dou't you seu it? I see it t The sea ol H\*t '." Iii r few moments he expired as laoetully as a child. Engbali Spnvin Liniment removes al binl, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Spavin Curbs, Splints, King Hone, Sweeney, Stiflea,Hprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Couxhs, el.'. Save tM by u.<> uf one battle. Warranted the inoet wonderful I lie. nub Cure orvr kliowu. Warrauted by Riehardsnu A Co. llndrd. THE I'AISS THAT "N. K THOl'BLKU HIM, NOW THIII lll.l: HIM Mi MORK. Markham, Jan.Slh, 1H4. C C.Cunkliu g<l M, A married nun nnJ a iritll-kliown rBiulant nf tin. t..wii, IIH sutlrtxl at in |ITM<|H, lur yuir back, with IIIUIIHK IMIIIH in Inn lurk, which liavuutton laid lam u,i. About a year njjo h ."in-. tli idr.< time (hi mi |mln we e'l'li' o ,-iiinny t nut.le Acting on tine id, In- l.mi^lii HJIIH ..t 1> Mi.l'r. Knlney I'll -.ft.,,1, K. A. Miumi. druguiM hure, utud them. Tliru U,.-. cun d him a., tl.nt 1m ha< never hii<l any leturn of Ins P'iii-1 Riu, l'r<>|uivt 't mid Pnhliihfir nf the Manj(>urg. Unt , lmle|ieD<ieiit y : "I "ae ufTtTluy fn in Dye|Mt|>eii and l.i . r TrusjKlc.I .<ok ( hoUlu* of Shilnli'ii Vitalise MM! it cr*d in. I MO boartily r*o<>iniuiMl t " Itch, Mange, and Hcraiehes nn human or animals cured iu 30 minutes by Wi*>:. ford's Sanitary Lotion. Thin never fails. Warranted by \Vm. M. Richardson. Secretary Carlisle, of the U. 8 Treas- ury is said lo hare discovered that in. toid of a deficit of $28,000,000 for the current year.the shortage will be 37*. (XX)- 000. Captain Sweeney, 0. 8. A., San Dieyo, CaL. asys : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ev>tr found that would do me any Kood." Price 50 cunts. Sampson Getholtlz, A slippery Rock Township farmer, thought to surprise his family by sliding down the old-fashiomd chimney and impersonating Sant.i Claus. He made the passage all right until he reached the centre of the chimney. wht>r he stuck fset. tietholtz yelled for aid. Members of the family did not recognize the smothered voice, and ran fr.un the bouse terror-.tricken. Neighbor" were suuimoiided, nnd after much difficulty he. was made kuown. T'ie chimney was tore down level with the roof, a rope WM low- ered, and, by the united effort of three men. Getboltz was pulled out. Rheumatism Cared in day. South American Rheumatic Cure fo Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically com in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the syRtem is remarkable and aiyntt-rious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dissppears. The first dose gr atlv benefits. 7ft cent . Warranted by Richsrdnou A Co. Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Consumption, It is the best Cough Cure- Only one cent a doae ; 26 eta., 60 cts. and f 1.00 per hot- tie. Annual Meeting, The annual meeting nf the Rydrnh.i in M Fir. In. Co. will tx> bold In the Conucil vlmiubr. Owen Soucil. i>n Tbureday, 1Mb loit.,at tl u cluck 'Director! lo uaeel at the City Htel at a. m. H. URIO.Ucc Treae. r AVER'S SARSAPARILLA s. P. SMITH, of Towanda. 1'a., whose constitution WM completely broken down, la currd by Ajrvr's Sarsaparilla. He writn: " For rl-;ht ymn, I wu, noxt of the tlirif, a i:rrat sufTercr from rotlpa- tlon, kidney trouble, and Indiges- tion, so that my conitltutlon aecmcd to be completely broken down. I WM imlni .-il to try Ayer's SMupstrllla, and took nearly BPV.U bottle*, with inch xoellenk rcsiuIU that my tomach, bowels, and kldnryi are in perfect con- dltiun, and. in all their fnnctlont, eve regular M elock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer*s Barsapsllla, mj weight waa only 130 pounds ; I now can brag of 1DO pounda, and was never In go food health. If you could tee me be- fore and after nuinc, yon would want me for a. traveling dvertlaement. I bellere thl* preparittlon of SanaparUJ* to be the but In the market to-day.'* Ayer's Sarsaparilla Frepared by Dr. J.O. ArerfcOe..Lewell,Mes. Cures ot h ers, wi 1 1 our* you 0. McTamsli. UORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH Colling wood (Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT, Manufacturing of Waggons, Blelghe, Huggles I>I'|II.MJII>I, Ktc. Hoi's elioolilg prnmi'tly at- tniiiliiil to Huwiiai atteutlou glvuii to' oolitraot- M r l in ton. inr feet. LaggJug nnd Plw fhnlni oen- tantlysibuki4l. \M AURI.AOI UCIIieBB. Iseoed Aay or night at (be ofBeeo.- of tbe undersigned. n H.C.J. Conveyaucer, Ae. OHK W. ABMBTUONO. Not:- , u M, i i UAil't.H A YUUNG, I HanXers, Markrfale. de a geueral bn. . | nest. Money leaneil at a mawinable rale ' B.HAMMOXP r'oet Master, Klmberley. Coou <>'- > *>tur aking At3da*lts ete. loiinres ami ;!. i. at lowest rates. E Xven tes IxiaMf I Is, W ill*, ete. promptly, ebeaply aud *;:.. jviy. | t. BPBOULK, Poetij agler, PlrahvrUm, Ot>rua. !>!' ir in B. I.. LU fji.l >oot;oneer, Convrya -*r, A praieer aud Money Ix>.-i .jr, Keal B>-.*Ui aa-i asuranee Agent Derdi. Mortgage*. L<MWe>. aud Wille drawn up aud \ ...,t,,. .. made on borteet uotlce. Auction Sale. atuu<1wl te i; any part of tbe County. Money to luau at iow eet rate, of Interact. Collation. it ,;.| . to itli prouintbese aud J.|..i!rn < Via: k ' >ow Agent for tbe Oominioti ateamaliipCompafiv, lieap ticket, from * leeherton te I.irorpool, Ulaagow, Loodoo er any of tbe >;ritih i>orle. 'artie. intending to Ki.glan'1. Soollaad or reland. will piea atk ratae before pi.. c..Miiig beir tiekete eleewbere. M IbH KD1TH H1CHAKDSON. Pupil of ubt. Habr, of Berlin, liermanr. '''"llni efr. Hradley. or Toronto Conaemilon "-fir' voloe culture! : Prof. Kerriaon, lat. of Toronto, (Pianoi ; '111 roc.Ive pu|>il> lu biSGKUi, VIO1JN PI. NO aud OKOA.N. }K. HUTTOB. M. B.C. M.. at. C. P.* 8. Ont. Prlerllle Koidence and office one dor weet of the odlatChareb.KitiroeeSt. Oflee day., Tuoxtey. an J Saturdays. )li CAJtTEB. M. C. P. A 8.. Ont Phyeielan. snrieon, *.. Fleebertou offioefitralae t:ock. Bstlrteeioe Munibaw'sbotel. fOHS A. SCOTT, M. B. Member College A Burgeon* Olrti., . Iradaale In Medicine of Toront" r-:leenls}-, F.llow.ble Diploma, Poet Oradaele MjSSlssal Beboo) and Hospital. Chicago Dieeaeeeof ere, throat .penally treate.1. Heal- ence Maxwell, vitit. FenerMnua Tbundaye 18 r P. OTTlWEiL. v **e rtB ry Hurgeon Graduate of Outasio Veterinary College. }te.idence-Keit door south of Moore', piaitlng factory. f P. H AI.ST K M M. D . M. C. A n., Ont.. |.. aetlce* at Khn- rley. Kh.nmatie tU.ea.ef . eperiality. . MAHV M. HKAMIKK. M. D. O.M..-M.C.P. B.,0nr .I'livtlolau and Su r , :eon. etc.. Honor Graduate Woiueo'i Meitloa) ollege. Ton - ML Heeidence oppmlte flutter 1 ! lotel, Prleerllle. Dieeaeoe of Women and Children a specialty. Calls promptly attended u ij lit aad day. P. M AKKM Al .L. t. D.B., at. D. 8.. Dentist. Vlaltn Marktele ,he lit and Snl Weduotday of each nionil, Fleebertou - Kacb trip ou the day following. W. FHOHT. Harrlster, Holloltor, ConreyaneeT. Kte. Flesberton offloe Next the poet office Hpronle'i building, ou Tbnradays. Owen SouuU i-ITVwi Kroefs building. UCA84WRKIHT, ~ Harrlsten, Rolleilors, Conwyaneer*. , Owen dound. On. . kfarkdal., Ous. W. H. WRIOBT. I. n. l*vae. S. B. Flesbrrton offlc, Uitcbells Uaok erery Wednesday. Jlrcssnsahinq. J. Dressinakers.Olaytnn'i new Mock. Coats anil all kinds .if .''i! Mren. 1 clothing niivl* to order. Ciittlnn dnn by dressmaker'* numl.- scale. Fatrouagu soli. it.. I SOCIETIES. AO.l'.W. moats r.'nry flr.t and third Moa- day in erh i i... :(!, In tlivir linlge i.- Cirlstoc's ftloek.Flesberkni at ai..m -Win Wright, M.W.; W..I. HHU.,.v. flonc'*r W Irwfu Meoor.lur. \i~iio ;; iUTltert. ROYAL TV.MI'I.AKS OK TKMPKKAX. V. Mefnlar Cinincil ineetxererv TneJay rvMiiim; in spri.-ilr's block al f |> ir Helei-tOi-iji..,. o io u. :,, i iiii.|.t rooptlilv, tl' Weduoday |irn .'.'iiii.' (lie 22od of ach ininul SONS OF TRri-K\MT..- This soclet, meets ID Dr. Cbrl.tna' Hall eveiy WK| lay evening at 8 P.SB. Vi.itlug bwsb eren luvitetl. biaaiaaes in conucctlou. PBINCB AKTHI H l.OIH'K No. M, A.F A AM. input 'ii (he Masonic Hall.StimL Block, Kluaberton, every Kildav OP u before tb ful Uuoon. A. 8. TandaseswW.J( B. J. Kproul, aeeretarv. I9!TORFAIII1IMIIML mm mi Hirmi 8*% @& _^f /f - Wealms of EvJy snd Mind, ESeck ol Errors or Excesses in Old or Yoong. Robot, Nolle Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge a.ul .':rc~. ri rhen Weal., Undeveloped Organs in- 1 I'utiof Body. Absolutely tt- felling Home Treatment Benefiti in iff. Men testify from SO States sod Foreign Coat- trirs. Write them. Descriptive Cool, g pUnation sail jrooO mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, BfffUMY. fggir* Cure* Ge*.v,lnjrU<ii, flensjls UfMS. StfU l-r aii Drtiepm ee, a d a Law* Side, Beck or Ct.etatBUoa's SMILOH'S VITALIZE* -=. T S. nawims,Cbemnooi^.T>BtB_i M. P. B * meets In tbelr ball bleek, >err r o W. Warp Jluator. /weriweif' For Pyipegda. LN sm US' i UvuUo It eatii. PnasTtewj. iLoifiApmMi ^IMHTI. i you Cmtaurh 7 Try thso Beamedy. Itwflt relhsve and Cure yoo. PncestcSja. TbU Injector for Its weeeesful tnatiatatM rarnisbedttMe. BeaMaber.euJosVl ra auld ( a inuumnue to glrs> s % To Tho Public. !i Having rented Wliltten's blacksmith .bop for a tei iu of years, I am now In a iltiou to aterto all waiite lu lay Hoe/. 1)011 poeiti Snf isfar (ion 4. line cuU ott F. A. BUNT, Opposite Kichardsm's Hardware More .U THE T a i J o P. Makes all garments of men's the best style at abort uotic* Ail work guaranteed. A trial tolioitod. in F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. Carnages made and Repaired, alao Placing sun; MatcniD?, Band Saw- mt;. ^ ood Turning >t every de- cription. ri..iM!. t r and Orain Chop- Hi- ie vbiie jcu wait, tot the) Beaver '