' TH1 FLKSH1RTONADVANC Advertising Rates: OseOolaina. 1 Tar, tM; haJfcol.,1 yoa*. MT quarter col , on* yew, Hi. Cranilcnt tdnrtlMiuent cbarcod at the rU SI 1 0*0 U l-r hue for Brit luMftlua ud S ceuti ch uUequent Imertion. The Toronto Globe published a beautifully illustrated Christmas aup- plemeut on Saturday last. For en- terprise the Olobe people are always op with the times, and from a literary and typographical standpoint publish the best anJ ck-anent paper in Canada. The number referred to is especially a mine of pleasure and instruction. Tomorrow will bo nomination day Our Council will be slightly changed next year that is settled. Mr. Ped- lar informs ns that bo is not again a candidate, but that Mr. Oeo. Thomp- BOH will give it a trial. As to whether Mr. Thompson will have opposition, tomorrow alone will decide. There has been nothing new announced in regard to the Flesherton Ward, and it is just possible that Mr. Best will be returned by acclamation. To-morrow wtll make all clear. Tlio sacred Christmas season is once more with ns. It has every ap- pearauco of being one of the old-fash- ioned icicle-hung, snowed under kind which our grandfathers talk about see- iug in their sappy years. Let it be so. We would not care to spend Christmas in the south seas where tor- rid suns burn out ones eyes. We prefer a fair degree of frost, and rosy checks, and jolly bells, that laugh across the uow, and w intend to stay with theiu. We do not see that there is auy reason why everybody should not thoroughly enjoy them- selves ou Monday next iu the time- honored way. At all events we fully expect, and ardently hope that every one of our subscribers will have a vjry Merry Christmas. paid 91 (VI for repairing bridge at tot 191, C.>M. 2, E. T. and 8. Road. Carried. Mc.MilUn Kt-IU - That 8. Podlar be paid $H 68 being fur special work iu ward No. 4. Carried. McMillan Pedlar That Ainaley and Bproule be refunded $8.00, being amount of tjwnahip rate of 1893 on the mill pro party in Fletliertou on account said mill property having been destroyed by fire. Carried. Pudlar McMillan That the following account* bo paid : J. Bellamy, coal oil and glasa ?.r Hall, 75e. ; J. Butler, removing tree from road, 91-&0 ; Wni.Sharp t lettiiig and inspecting, 96.00 ; D. McDonald, repair* Priccville bridge, 2.50 ; Treaaurer, Mark>lal<, rent of Div. Court room, 96.00 ; J. Boland, letting job at Hogg'a mill 91 00. -Carried. Pedlar McMillan That the members of tire local Board of Health b paid aa followa for services for 1893 : John )U- aud, |2.tiO; M. ililuy, 12.50 ; O. Laiiiner, 12.60 ; P. Uolmau, 92.50; W. J. Bell any, 92.60. Carried. Kella Pedlar That the following re fonda b made : E. Lomai 94-27, ov*r charge in aaeessruarit ; E. White, 95-64, error in assessing personal property ; A. M. Bvntham, overcharge in asaeasment David White, overcharge in sane aameut Win. Wilson, jr., overcharge in aaaan munt. Carried. McMillan Pedlar That the taxes, 91.07, appearing on collector's roll against Mr*. C. Stevenson, pt. lot 21, con. 14, be erased, she having ben aaaessed in error, a* the property appears to be aaacaacd to J. H. Daris. Carried. Kolla Pedlar That 910.01 arrears ol taxes .'ii lot 22, Siuipaou strwet north Eug<)uia>, be paid to (lie treasurer of '.he Methodist church iu Eugenia, and this payment is inude in full settlement of al tax claims to date on said lot. Carried Kells McMillan That <J 33 and in tereat for nine years be tendered to th truaUHMt of the Methodist church in En genia, being arreara of taxes againnt lo 81, Pellusirr iitreet, south, Eugenia, claimed to belonv to the said church, am this offer is made aa a settlement in fu! of all claim* fur taxes or otherwise agams this corporation up to this titno, aud this offer is made without prejudice Carried. Kells McMillan- -That is the collect- ors on rates fur 1HTO have failed to collect all t hi- taxes on their several rolls by the time named l.y this council, vie., 14th Otf.--inl.rr, 18'J3. be it revived that the N. Philli j rwpeeUiu to opening ol th. >ntr lint ahoe Lot 44 ; froro Jno. Winding I |i the Year. ARTKMESIA TOWNHHIF I'm Si'lL TRANSACTS A LOT OF IMI'OllTAVr HI HIM Kurt AT ITS riNAL HBMMIiiX. The municipal Council of thu township of Aii oiiioaia mt in tho Town Uall.Klosh- rton, on Friday, Ii-i. 16. Present MesurH. Buland, IV.lUr, McMillan and Ratts. The minutes of November seaaiun were read and ounCrmed. 11 -v W. J. W,.,l.k-ll personally waited upon the Council in regard to arroar* of )Uxe* on Luts 21, rllu.i..r St., and 22, Hiiiijis. .11 at. Smith, Kiiuriu i The following oomumnicatioiu were preneuUd and read, vis. Ttie treasurer, financial statement of 18ft) . J . M. D*vis, ro taxes pt. lot 21, eon. 14 ; 8. Pedlar, report of expenditure of spooiaJ grant* ; Rev W. J. Waddell,re lot KIT. Jflmpwu St., Kugenia ; Ror. W. J. W.ul,.ll, ro lot 21, ivil.vi, r st., Eu- geiiin I I'r. Sprnuli-, asking refund of taiea of 18fl!l on tho mill property, Flesh- orton, on aocottut of fire ; W. I, Young, tr**Hurer, M*rk<lalo, for DivJHion Court room in Msrkdnle, aix seasions, 9*1-01) ; Thos. Butlsr, for removing trea from road, II 60; Wm. si,.ii r , for letting and inapitcting work on Valley Koad, apecial Igranta, 96-00 . D. Mel)nald, reiiairs to 9260; Local Hoard of tint, 912 no ; John lUillamy , Hall, 91 76 ; Jna. IxMch, lot Ml. on. 9, easf, aaid collectors are hereby authorized to continue tho levy and collection of aaid uii[i<l taxes in the manner and with the powers piovided by law for the general levy anil collection of taxea up to the 16th day of January, 18m, but nothing contained in this renolution shall alter or fleet the iliitim of said collectors to re- turn tlit-ir rolls, or in any manner invali- date or arfVet the liabilities of aaid col- lector*' Huruties. - Carriud. Podlar McMillan Th*' I'm resolu- tion Ui an niatruction to the trvasurvr of thia towi.shin to pay upon the order of the trustee^ of thu several school aectiona of thia towiwliips the sums following, be- ing the ainuunt of trustee*' rat*a and pro portion of general school rnte for 1803, namely : 8. 8. No. 1 9317.26 " 2 40000 " 3 407.30 4 30T..70 6 81' 1 26 6 3ft7.36 7 20H.70 8 20200 ff 318 00 10 236.00 11 40780 ' 12 Art. & Ulvnelx 700 00 " 13 34.80 1 Art. A Kup'i. 18680 Separate Kchiiot, Art. A (ilenelg 120.00 and that tlie Rev issue hia order for 9110.05 in favnr of thu treasurer of Mark di I.-, Wind amount of debenture rate ii 8. 8. No. 1, and the treasurer dedeit th o her debenture rated tu their proper ac ootinU. Carried. Thu business of the day l>eing ended the Reevu waa requested to vacate the chair and Mr. K. IU to take the same when the following reaolutii'M waaputani orrrietl : Podlar-McMillan Thst the Revvo John Doland, E<{ , bo snd M lierobytan dcn-cl the thanka of thu Council for th able and impartial miinuer in which h haa presided over this Council during th pst year. Carried. Council ml jouriie<l. iuatty asking exrmption of tnkes on sc- i>mit of havin< hia barn burnt. From Will. HodgHon re snow blockade if 16th side road, oon. 13. Kroni Peter Sawder, c-rt ilicate of per- oraianc* of statute labor of (!<>. Beatty, Lot 13, con. 3, 8. D. R. From tho treasurer re financial state- ment. Prmton Mnoaghan That the follow- ng named persona be paid for ime of halU 'or Council maetings : D. W. Clinton, 93 ; Korna^han, 93; Neil McLean, 9 Wm. Edward*, 9*2 ; aud that the Reeve i*Hue his order for the same. Carried. On motion by Monaghau and Taj lor, By-law No. 313 to pay townahip officers for 1893 waa read a 1st and 2od tune. On motion the Council went into com- mittee of the whole, on By-law No. 313, Mr. Monaghan in the chair. Council resumed, Reeve iii the chair. Speew-Preatoo That By-law No. 313, a* filled up in committee of the whole, be now read a third tune, signed, sealed and entered in ike By law book. Car ried. By-law No. 313 read a third time ac- cordingly. Taylor Monaghan That Richard Hawton be paid 94.60 out uf the general fund for work done on 26th aide road, oon. 11, and that the Reeve iaeue his or- der for the same. Carried. Taylor Mouaxhan That the Reeve be paid 94.00 poatage and 98 00 expensea to Owen Sound, attending tax sale, and ih.t the rl-ove iaaue hia order for the aame. Carried. Taylor Monaghan That Jno. Speera, W. J. Monaghan and D. K. Preston be paid 94.00 each fur extra service letting niad jobs, and that the Reeve iaaue hia order for the aame. Preat-iii- Spuera -That Ed ward Currie be paid 92 fur repairing bridge on Val- ley Road, and that the Reeve iaaus hi* order for the aame. Carried. Speers-Preaton That the report of Thoa. Stephens, tree inspector, be re- ceived and adopted. Carried. Preaton 8peerm That Thoa. Stephens be paid 97.00 for service inspecting treea. Carried. Moiiaithan- Taylor That the treasur- er's bill for 96.47, discount on checqnea, expense* to Owen Mound with county rates bt paid . Carried. Taylor Monaghan That tho collector be ui'-tru, teil to receive the taxea of Oeo. Heatty on Lot 13, oon. 3, 8. D. R , leas .">., being amount charged for sUtue labor, he having produced the pathmaa- ter'a eettificate that the work ia done. Carried. Taylor Monauhan That Elizabeth itatty be exempted 96 85 taxeaon lot 41 oon. 3, N.D.R.. havi.ig loai her barn by r- earned. Prmton -MniMghan That Wm. Scutt be xeutpwd 97 60 taxes on N i 10, con. , having lit his barn by tire. Carried. Taylor Speers That the cleik be paid ?.CO for aaaisting the troafttrer to pre- nr- Hnaiicial statement. Carried. Preston Munaghan That the clerk hereby instructed tn reply to the letter f Wm. ilodgaou informing him of the >ower of council respecting anow nadi. (,'arried. Council adjourned sine die. An immense stock of holiday good* just received. Call and make selections early BOOKS SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENT , AJ\ D FAJVCY GOODS OF ALL KIJ^DS- THIS IS Just the spot To get the best return for your money. + STORE, deputy roturn- >Uod for holding 19*, waa intr... T. Carr That Jas. Leech b* Boars For Service. Ta> unrtrlnd bas s well l-ri-.l lUrkihlr* lxjr n 1 a Ynik>hlr Whltr for rr(c on lot . oi.ii :. Atl IIMOI*. T.I 1111 SI. liit!y cull t tluiof trvic*. MOT. 81. i. FBMWICK. IM OOOUNT WITH TH Police ^ Trustees or TBR Village of Flesherton, FOR THE YEAR 1838. ursirn. Aocounti of ISTJT Orkiit.froin tuwniblp sttut* Ikbor Poll Ti LumbatssM TS.OO ... 1M.SB SOD 1.S4 Total aj80 . Lumber nalU.ct*.. for .i,lrwlk . ........ SI4S.SS Work on idlks ..................... .... SS 1.1 Punting ................................. * iiiMt^n lUtut* labor ............... ..10 lllui; rMU ........................... 17* IH UUtrlbutlns lumbor ..................... .. .. .40 Total ..................... . . J.1TO 19 Hulatic* un tisnil .......... l>5 TO Aar r>t|>Kvrr wantltm furthor Infurmatlou cm Imvo It bj applying tu any on* of th trur- WM. CLAYTON. PKTR1I II. 'I. MAS W. W TBIMHLK Tenders For Wood. Ti'iiiln wantad tor rmtlne thre* or toar t.ui .ii, ii oori'.* f wood.f n,l < f**t long. Tun- l,..r down sin) itaudiuf . To bo out on lot aa.con. II, AltuliiMlk. Nor. SI. r T. Cart. For Farm Waggons Democrats, Buggies, Carts, Iron Harrows, Trimming,Painting,and Horseshoeing, Lumber, Lath and Shingles and Farm Implements GO TO John H. Heard. j ENTLEMEN, I desire to call your attention to my winter stock of Cutters, which will need no words ol recommendation from me, as I will leave the public to judge for themselves. I have also on hand a stock of heavy sleighs, pleasure sleighs, market sleighs and skeleton sleigh:;. All I ask is a call, and jadge for yourselves. Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I ic- main, yours truly. * R. t.WHITTEN. a&d Notlje to Creditors. In the nutter of rrrfrrtlon Hoop \ VriHM-r 'o . of the city of Toronto In ihr roniilv of York. mill Kuurnla In the rounly ol" Cn-y, GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken over the Carriage and Wagou making business lately earned on by Mr. Moore, aud am now prepared to fill all orders in my line to your entire satisfaction. Having lately added to my sixteen years' expe- rience in the business a nine mouths' training iu one of the best carriage shops in the city of Detroit, where I suceeeded in carrying ofl a first class recommendation, ought to be a sufficient guarantee that all work will be done in a firut class manner. I manufacture Wagons, Unggies, Cutters, Sleighs ; iu fact everything in the car- riage line. Wood and lumber takeu iu exchange. Kiudly inve me a call. j . u T, -,. t , , ., Next door to ItcTavish s blacksmith shop. f 7 r**aNonc Ion f# Ollf MUCOOH8 lllf- t lit* past yeu.t* ' Onpry ronnrll. The t'oiinoil of Osproy mot in tho OraiiK Hull, Keverahnni, on Friday ,Do. 15' h, according to statute.] Member* lUlprosent, the Reeve in the chair Minutes of last meeting read and sign- a. Commuujcatlons were read from Jas. Tli Iniotvcnti hv made ao amlRnmout lo tnfor tho t:ruDt of Orwlltori umlur K. S O . 1SH7. i 'up 104 A niix'tlni; at tlic Crrdlton will b liclil ftl in) ofl1o. No i Toronto Ntrt. '1'or- t . it., i. n MotuVtj th* mil day of Ooocuibor.llWi. t :t oYKx'k, |, in . fur tb* appolDtmtat of ln> li>i tout ati.t tlir giving of Jh'tH'tiont with lefor- 9HOu tu tUS ill|>->al of Ul KMtatA. All |'i.iiin olaliiiliii to rftuk upon tin Ktt of tin* IIM..I \-f .iti mint flln tliuit ol&iint with DM, on or iKfum tln< >ith day uf l>w-iul>nr INK). (tar which iUt I will pr.xwl to .11 -t rib.it.. tlm K'tfeto. hsTlDK n!t,l to thoo* olaliiK ouly f whlsh I lill thoii hsvu uotteo. Hi ill. iTr 1 Toronto street, Toronto, Mh Do., IVJ. 1 The publio appreciate f%ir dealing. 2 \Vo enjoy the confidence of the people. 8 \Vu give highest value fur least money, 4 We refund the money if the goods are not as reptesent- I 6 The public appreciate en- terprine. 6 \Ye arc continually s'rpris- ing our costomers with uew and attractive lines at bar- gain priot'S. 7 VVe make goods that are warranted to war and givo prices that cannot be touched by other dealers. Thanking you one aud all for past favors, and still soli- citinsr your esteemed patrou- ag, I remain, Yours truly, E. HARRISON, Furniture Deal- tr aud Uudertaker. Poland China Boar Service. for The ii tul.irafRDl >: par* l.r ,! rolaud Cblaa hor fomervlcBon lot *.|S1, 1 1 i-ou , ArMtnnla T.im. *l I b .I-. >.>nn fure Yorkttalin. IVlmi.l CblnaMid Suffolk !- *!,. Vsii.|*lur P. O . D*. B. IMS- -' I U1LAIUM TROKOUGHPHIiD IEBRSBIBE HIE FIB SE1TKE, on lot 9B. lit N. D. R. 'Snlnins; Light" K.m.,.,l July fflrd. I8BB, l.rJ b) J Hlicphurdion. Waltvr'n fll, Ont. tuJ owner. Win. MMds, l'ricYill.., Ont.. sir* Kutr> i'ri* iimi>) -LIT.. aui m. t ua -aiun b (uffy U.A. Queii of Or.y. -IHHI-. by LorJ (utUwiHxi 74(1 . t)jf,,i i ii,.,,, i|, ,7 by BroB \,ui |i.-n,ik 4*w. OiforJ 1 ... ,..-, .' by Royal lixfonl -;:-. Hulh uiup.i -nr, .. bv M.>uaUln W.Ik. Thtrw. b ColLvinn - lUixUom* tnd b . lu.'ti Jck.- Hytclntli. by N\;u.-n. Hand* Torius, - SI at tlnM WM MKADSXProa.. Store To Rent. I fltor* to csat at Buajoula. Good stand. ]Hwt offloo In liuil.Uui IVucssloa. st oue. Api'lr to f. T. CARB. Kiif.aU. MT. SI