Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Nov 1893, p. 7

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IITBTtlii. r 8mi*k Bn>* im tk* OBV i Whan VUt M Ier Befo- ft* fftBftt Of IB* Smith, the noted explorer. ho* Urge goat, JOO /hea Htaaloy Si oat BMr* thaa tan* moatks ago, to the Caaoades ia eearcfc of ta* lost awn, Bad Bradoa, jt waa shfBfoa a for re* seem* to make > certainty of I oppontieBi thai the** two ad- apirils forfeited tr live* ia their enterprise, dark aad Bradea, tke two BMB who WM* loot, loft VaaooBver in the Sfriagaf 19Kit,-g **** rT *. MBrish to Chikotia, CUrk. aa,-s tk* Vicuna ColoBMt. WM BB BBfiator, aad his vident iateatioa w*s to make a roafh prespiet of tk* country. taking anm* alsrilinmi aad 1 ven with a view to report em tk* feasibility of UM rout* for UM Peece River aad Alaaka railway. He WM set seat oat by the prooactort of that lie*. bot took UM trip oa epecatatsea, jarokabty with a view to ailliag tko informaUoo thus afctsrssd at a later period. Bradea wu aa artist aad aeasmpiaiH Clark to mike sketch** aad take photograph* along the "^fe* provincial guimamiat hevin* deur- miaed to Beak* aa ettaaa pl.t o aatv* th* mys- tery. the melnr was pUeoH ia tha heads of Superintendent *. &. Hobasy. of UM provincial police, and it WM apea ha m aext manuag w* won so BBOwbhnd teat we ooold only opaa oar *y*s with much pair, aad eeaid bear them open for bat a f.w BMf .vsts at a tune. U WM eix day* before elsVuld see to proceed dowa tke (rhetor. ObaU w* have got dowa to th* green wood* w* weal a" saoa have is sum. a. but tke eoMUBt gUr* mad* reumery slow. They wore not well for nearly a month.wd are not strong yet. We eat aad dried all UM meat dear of WM. eeuag every v**Ug* r* witi a started away from there witk aboat eeveaty aoaads of dried Mat aad tallow. This,*, iredoo '.traight' witk AS OCTA4IOSAI. OKOT!I>BOO groups, for over two >.' "Tko at ream from tki* |daci*r run* north- mt by north, aad I though t it mutt b* th* OB* running iato tke heed of Ckileo Inlet, although the vegetation WM scarcely of the rigkt *ort foe UM eaat elope, bat I discovered my mistake after fallowing it two day*, when it carved araand to the south. It wees branch of the stream rua- iag into Jervia Inlet. "At OB* point ia this valley a un.issni ri*M from UM river to tk* height of about 2,000 feet. Half way ap th. preeipio* is a < U, a BW them. They BBokkfaek as >rk might fail to deaUy went but a skor d aavigateoa, aad seaiBg the gnat difiaaitaH shosd. tfccsr amvirieao short aad earot, kav* returned to stortod dowa the river. They have prob- abry apaot by rmaaiao; *g*iaot aaaagg *omo- taing mmch more liahi* to hapaen IB goiag dowa than iagog apatiMm. lad Utoloea- tiea of the cap abeejr* tkoy had aot gome far before apaettiac. That Clark, at lea**, who WM a goad laimajiir, ahowB by the oap, aejt; rifl* aad pmiaiioB* _ torvod befor* ha roaelMd TkB fact tBattk* caaao u not to be bean oat IBM new. Tko katr of tko amp bM obviooaly beea e*Utor groping akmg at night or WMotkerwiM ia a very aiatfMgn* ntaiHlimi T H '-"* ' pick*' ' P agam. M tkete WM BO kejak ^-^-v " Do,r>^ any other Udsaaia- ti* I thrnk that UM mea cam* to tkoir in UM< " " A >*oetMB that atpat by almost aU who vieit Gibraltar ia. What* are m* th* mea keys? etarea, aad a* mu.s ka* aeon UMSB ky travelers, that tke i.,veryaataBlae. Rigkt qaery ia iSe MB* of the attait MoaBt AhvUs or ABM Hffl, OB* of the Pttiwa - aaeTfrw ttan toGteal*artkoR "" thotr hack j*eaa ail'r * % aatiria*B pao tkreavk whiok tke aMakeya peav OB -er T bom Alrie* to Spaaa aae! a aativ* of Gibraltar, a Jiock he is laamiiiarly eaVed. r win toll yea Utet tker* - . always to bo awe carry m h*>* - jest before rose*, *wey ap UM top of the rccjc. If yoa wore took iacredalom or Oo ".a* 'iteat ley i. aw Bag aa air M L-U iod km wife to tk* werfl** fair. IB 1SK book* OB giimnj my wer* ilaniifii B> KagJard aa m< of TWmrr haw* ae^ifr aarrow lodge with some bmer here Bd s<l sni MBS that Stealey Dantk acted. The zploror.wko rotanod a w**k ago,haa made a very iatoresttaf report of his travoU to SapenatocdentHoMey. which ia ooadeaafd form, is M follows : "la acoordenos with yoariastructioo..on July 21, I parehs*ed prorieions aod outfit for myself aad *a* jnaa. for tk* journey by Squamiah to ChilootiB la asarek of Clark aadBcadaa. we Trimo jn.T 44 aad reached Squejnish oo tk* . veainf. of UM 25th. Xeit moraio'g w* stortod ap the river, reaching Jmmef. cam* .A^eooe, oa the 28th. botWvl larwai: t* a** CUrk, who WM at work ia in* wood* aad would aot return BBtil evening.. He did aot car* to go, however, expcoming Him**ll as satisfied tkat I would make a thorough search. , W* left tk* cam* oa th* moraiaf of tke 99th aad reached tk* lower portage OB tkooveauBgW tke .tUt, wker* we hauled up the oasme aad B*xt morning ttortod afoot. "We finished tka.pertage early oa August 2, aad started to make a oaaos for croonag tkeriver. From kere the Swash returned. He gave a* mesy wanting* to 'klosh uaiteb' ead shook our hands, M of moo k* aught BOt*M acain. 1 completed the eaaee oa the 4th and spent till the 9th search tag th. Bait branch bat foaad ao sign that they bad gone that way. "Oa tke morning of tke lOtk w* the river, aad carrying 100 pound* each. proceeded ap th* oaoyojg. Marching M a* ereal, ead reached tlM head of th* canyon a the evening of, he lit*. Here CUrk and Brad** started op tke river ia a nsnns, eajB* Indian turning bark. "OB tk* followiag day I picked eg. A OsUY TJTBBD if with prsk *B a bear trail oroanag a rook Aide; aocording to tk* Siwash the oap BiliBf* to Clerk ; A thorough search in tk* vicinity failed to discover anything els*. On UM l&ta w* reaohsj the reputed heed, of IBBSI travel, bat footed a* oeae*. That the reel bead of canoe travel here i* doubt f -il, for by ueiBg a tow line, tkeo or four I might be Bade then witk BBSS Only oao* I fob tko danger; it WM oa a bare part of the precipice; UM ledge aa oat, aad it WM aeeeeaary to climb o a hiher lode aad all deended OB a *maU tker*. We bar* either to tak* the ledge or chmb tae mountain. We asoi ied re favor of tke lodge and elisnl *d a rook siid* to naok it. It varied fitm a few uckos to aboat four feet m r. la some pUess we had no footing tad keag ea by th* break. My ni* troabesd me vary where th* hsafJBf work had to b* ma out, and it WM ir.sesry to climb to a higher todge, ead ail depended oa a cedar root aboat THE -i7 or oxa's n \.;rn, for there w*. no footiag. If tko root held, I WM all right, bat if it broke ! the veiy retcospeet make* mo feel aaraay, evea *it> tini here oa terra firma. We -.romid the stream ami took a glacial creek eoouag m from tke north, asd foUoW- e.) it to it* source la two ghvciere. We es- candtd th* left kaad gtacter, M *s imiag to come from tk* right direcuoa, and bad to deaoeBti . and vmp ia the raia anH MOW at BOW atyj* of tnast is ._ r ia froat tkaa at. UM back, m sat ea ta* reverse way than sntkorto. he interior n a g-eua; wiUi vary small extoadiag the lefegfk af ik* met from to kettom. Tk* reeeJt of thai is fiat the tea in pouring wil! not oserBoer. B*ith*r will tk* Warm work thnogh atto tke AeewwkisUem betag areak* oat kr EagtoBd, ospahl* of 1030 varikUems, aad congregate is v*ry~orefttly ahore the ha* where allowed to waader. but field to raeaalBB* tribe. e* fa:' of th family mys tkat the _ -tim-K^tWkfkBartx^ . tke foot of the glacier. Next day we took toe glacier te the right, Motadiag to tk* ramsi t e diataace~ of abaut six miles, aad MBBBded a icr OB tke eastern slop* four n-.ile* loef . Wo had o )'. J raia at the foot of i ion, aadbliliag Bnowstnrau at their tniU. and m :r tattered garments it WM very cold. A', the foot of t!e glacier. th* rock fermetton aad p eat growth showed w* were on the eaatora slope, asd, ia fee*, it WM oaly eight satles to Chiloo lake. Oa Ike foOowug day. .-'ep-eml^r '.3. we rtaih.ri to* Uke. Our goat meat WM done, aad gam* appeared to be scare*: w* ha d only about half ratioM toll we riiskai I he loot of tke lake, oa 3*ptonrt>er 22. Fir was th* oaly Umber Urge eaoagh for a canoe, aad WM very gnarly ead hard to work, and oar poaad aad a keif ax* very doll, it we* alow w ork. I v. very hard, however, aad had th* caao* which caa M hoard a dtetaaos *f '- w.o Tki* is doae by ill rtao; toside *f va* BMtal baib a perforawd revolving diek. Aeewpassmira-arebrougtrtoetiBgeg- land, wkiek is daeeriead M a really BOB* tksag, bask, pad of px pared eatBsm coered witk eaft eieth, which ia f the oever ead air chaaber, wcAtalaMStimpeMible. to peectar* it even witk aekerp awl To weight of tkiapad is "IOBBCOT. aedlhe cost :i -. The. Parsaaa window dreeecr CMS the world ia his Tanatiea. Ia the hardware Iiae he will tok* a few aruehm of oopmw. iron, tie or cMmsl. ta* fresh**; *r tke kdcktoat be can get. paae* them skeivM svered with jiimi.B velvet, aad UN* ap- peal to tk* beholder in a m dreamed of in aaother eoaatry Aa invention Is DBCBS; pat oa ia the shep* of e pair of ice toog*. wkteh hive in ta* jaws a weajkia*: *eai*. la this way the MM aet.m.ri.ilry wwsM9 aad tk* racer* t* < sjgkt from cart to ,'.11.580 eat *t the a* lame I tim aloe aaa loag Tk* whiaMT af a Hiilarir CBS be heard fankertkaa the tkamaer. ahoktiaYe to be a -dry | Leredtake -kottoi eead feet of Uao w. tk wmgkt i'*ia*d kaa bora kit dwwa iBto it witkast BMOtmg witk Mad M berth. Uat he caaidBoiar** two aay*. mar yearn, aad, it is half *fks>k3a. recoaUy appear* 1 , m paper "Less.*, the t3e of 3ip*mhr. ay wife. Whoever BM foamd her is hemved to ks H* wfll k* hsiliiBiry rewarded. A swarm of ties will I at a ear BIB sew aad *asMf wick ike tram. ** taoagfc is tke coBBtry for^ BOMS M rne Krapp gm work* eJaam to have .e<aileii a meeaus* wkiek waa real i M tkia tkaa it weald take I.900 1 the moakeys, at UM party, ha* tha* nooedf ^ waiahl* t* the at them, k it thty-eey thet they have aevac seta aay yoaag *aea akoBt, sot bs&sv* that taer* *r eay ,,iies' if then are any, are protected T Be-u.ii mar--* Uw, Vat weald a* doubt IT****" apUMproad -.- - ' - ".- K ; !^; farBBiaU The greatoat whirlpool i* offtkoV'erweycBMt. It iaaBBddy Mtweaa the u-J aad an leUad. aad wkea the ie OSM ImiiMB Bad the wad SB mipeea wtthstaad th* fory ** vTBaUaead karkakeve beea oeet asher* aad killed. Th* carreeti* esti- mated to rsa tkirty milMaa BOOT. aaiUmi a* la tko Saaiwick IrfiaBi tko appk kaa tree* of many and my BMB euia*d around witk tke rifle, i , " About half-way down tke Uk* w* had to stop a day and a half with hand wind Ia KngUad a BOW coal hod ha* boaa brooght omt *kick is a booa to UMM witk SBBBtUTe aerroa. It is aa ordiBary eoa) box as oasd ia tkat country, wttk meBiillH""* "'' *** * WT * M * " eaa* to b* t*k*a away aad replaced after j BBMBBBK. IWfaatare ism theaiMBoe wttkj ;Z*kftoa.b.^i. TMUdl-w.Ui ; *ad fall* oa srejeotaag "*. L obvmuag all .laiBsaii-. andevoa tkeakovtl i, lined with felt. L Tk* eewsef e aukautato for ladie rubber b Bublmhod in Eagiaad. It i* omposed^f j ^ two pert* Indie mhbir. of the rubber as bring tk* on: J wild monkey* in I be allowed to pea* i* peace aad o. MIB their brethren in Mllinn tko mile* o,' tke*. apple dmtr bmkroa ia Morocco | aiemelly be MBB. TWetoriM akoBt the meakoy* are. very I -tBA^^ ,Ured taj oato away beak t* ta* time { _TT Itaii freak Wbee BBMtack vrtaeaBeetooTeB tk* *** ea* dark Bight a sentry, wheaa peat (MM ,k. v. ..., Qaaa, w* slaadsBf a* tl - wkmtUag away BM*t arnry weetheertea the hills or paddle, bat had tke ceaoe been any when ia tkat Bart, w* weald kevo found IV Oa ia tkat part, the Ittk w* aad loagk wetor, BBOW aad alee* falUag ttH tkor* WM aboat aix iaoke* OB tko grooad. At tke foot of tko Uk* w* foaad pieaty of almoo. killed two half-deed oao* with a olab aBd feMtad aooardiagly. AiMrwarJ* meeting with Indian.. w boa^hi cam* dry eabmoB and bear*' giiMi (for tko lalaoa here are verv poor) to toko * a cram to Freakiia'a. We aloo bought overall* aad *oeka. for ear dothe* were tfatkof UM wwetoiatk.;^, rakaar. the) BOW fermala will be a ^ th* his M to be as BOtavttkei i welkmg toward tey. uaabl* to get kta,aBdj hi >yo*T-oi4 M tk* maaoet af tkeCkarkm m Xe York. Tk* kU II.. eaewar* tko roU *aU aad ia*. so fat t* hot SBartod ap to ro* off, with it stwkiBg oa hsi m Tkiitorri 1 tko eyea of tko emtry aaLoa eoBvertod poor Bag iato a BB*. wtth e tre- toapateheiawielaore* bat foaad oampod thetr, the fir* probably fter their departure. of groBBd that bad been burned a year ago, Wasaarahod the patch, sappering a camp fire might kav* spreedKBd burned their out- fit, aad tk nothing further then >a* had ca* kling after From her* tk* difioulUe. of traveling iucreeM uameoselr. Th* hillai-ie brush is so d*a*e aa to lea Jet travel almost eibi*. aad w* fenad BO evidence, aftorward that they had BOB* any farther. Abwva tkJsw*ritssiiinaisiiiBl patch- e* of e*ow oa tk* river Uv*l : then two larg* gl*ci*rs come into th* valley, one filling Untir*ly to Ik* depth of A*) feet, the river running kesMBtk. We reached tk* head ft UM Sqaamish oa UM 'J3rd. CJee* to th* sum- mit w* mom ill a glacier wkiok filled the valley. Tk* snsasty. in many pavae*. i* vary fine, and w* foaad laxoriea*, vojeta- tiaa eisaa U tk* enow. There are falls ea this rout* completely won oat. One suit will not toad a trip like this. M y Shoe* aad stock iafs wer* loaa; eiace doae, and I WM wear- itg goBt ikin BMOCMins that I saede IB th* BMBBtaias, aad they-were wora oat. Oar shirt* wf re done, and our ovaral 1 * too far gone to hold oa tk* patch** of round hog and goat skia. " We started for Frenklia's or, tke Urd, _ arriviag tkor* OB the - > *th : bat Sn.l.oe BO impas- | one at horn..-, lived by tke rifle UU Fraakba's rwards t retora. la th* gMirsJ eoarcity w* at* a markrat amongst other thing*. Mr. Freak- AToBi For many years tk* rumour of a megotfi- coat diamoeJ. said to be ia th* siimsBis laelliBBT as a far-sway rrgaM. iBdieatod by the *xpree*ioa " up ooBBtry." had tackled the ears of adventar- MMyh*dpM*ia*mrekof i BOB* \ ^ ^^ ^^^t, fired n. pise*, r*r hod com* witkia meaiershes distaDC* *f . "^ Tghat UM apaamrdo had asamd UM okui*iag'- t ' weUa. Ik* CBard took the alarm. UM Aboat tki* UBBB, kow*v*r, (ItVaU a Van Seikork got *aoa Thoa at IB Perkap* tkara m^mt, *r em* aiot* *uoaly iiaflMn*iaG*.taaBtk*raM Day by day aad BMkt ky it* tor bed tid* sweomt eaward aea- ever tko parckem aaaO* of tko vrUd Datck farmer . . Ik* track of UM dtatymd. Ho waadarad from tnt* to tribe aad from vksVage to vil- lag*. OB* day hopeful of *B**BM and UM B*xt diSBBBomted. At leegtk k* WM*aV|* rectod to* mcdtcuM mea,or a watok doctor. issuliatlTi "- Kafir rillB|0,aad.*ar*f "' eaoagh, after* good deal of palaver. d tke aaet, that UM *XM) or sUltsetino. aad t ,. . -_ water, woradifcataghf* drams wer* beat, *ignal go* Bred, and IB another e**rV MM 1^"- tea mmates the Go^Braor aad ksi There are few arm*. Tb* opoa UM mock IB- wiuTaMC .dier, ha o UM . o pl.,3fBllib*twe ) .<rfiowala.dmeoTer*dka "^ n th* ' wkich .very of riu*h I dwell that of tesiag ko ateaatkbaded Cnt korBt s( the Xil* iato em* of th* gr*B> of it* annual *er*i*w. *** AUSaJarash*ammr|oy Tk*BMa,te>B ikillna. ^^ kasVlBBt. iumV^I i~ ** * *^- ^ other UUSMB lie treated M witk treat keapitolitv. and provided M witk everytkiaf we needed e- opt meat, of wkiek he ked BOB*, w w* j ry BBWilbjM| toprt iobe |iu iliiH of a pur* while ewoae o *xtraordaary*t**eBdla*tr*,wkichke had had tke . .^ i m tarn *V*B*B, *a UM erai i Mg w.. - broad wavoa aerkl* 'akeeaotaak, and fowl *f every wiag w ,ver them ia cteWs. Nor UtU* doubt WM th* diamond r*ferr*a to. | ^IJ^, sk, Uihieitor aMBkev i im.ia. Tb* witoh aoctor, kowever. we* eT trims . , Blly M n^cfc of a mytk M th* K.rk*a *f aawiilinc to pert wixs it. A kigh price p.. D ,, l *s. " At tk* .nmmit, the pern break* off, a* It wore, a proeipet* of aboat 6OO feat dr eaat oroaatag iV aeaeiieg ptuglam that way impoeuMe, kma a mM> ooanea ia an tk* oa*% ifde, wkiok w* aeceaded in cloud* eaU rate, to tko .nmmil. aad de- KKoded BBoUMrgkv-Mr who*, etroam fall. into tk* river reaming iato Jervu Inlet. W* followoa tkki atieaja to it* enuro*. bouihi butter iactaed. sad started on Sep i we* offered. th*B a tomber for Kloea a KUso riser end K nigkt laiet M the sktiteat way out. There would appear to b. MO tmuru 19 THI BBTOBT that Indian* had faaad tk* BOBM of two Bear Chilee ktke.a* aetthar the Indian* nor Mr. Fraakba know aavthia*, tit. \\ arrived at the upper canoe Uadia* OB the KMSB a Kleea river OB October 2. aad spent two day* mak:n a eottABWood anos ; ami thereby Mvsd fear de,ys of vary BB tk* way a large glaoior Mneav aero*, the ceayon. at aaaagU r<<o. withUMkorijuata'.. aa>| about 910 feat atov* the bottom at UM Thisvail*yi wry brush/ and tk* travel is oBBeeqaeatly stow. There was no shja of anyone kaving a i si it ap here, a*t *vva SiwMh. IS* glacier at the h*d of this valley is tho mot ragged I have ever seen It ainMitt by great crtvamei two or three hot deep, ead fr*a dv* to tweaty feet wide, VstwMB which, tk* io* run. ap like -noun- tain peek*. Tk* Mrfao* of tk* Bpaor part of th* glaoier B\ always BMT* *VB, bat tk* mveaoM ther* are capped ovor witk tk* last BH*ni*l to* w, frwa a few iBckea to two or thr*o f **t in d*|B>> r*B^*rio vravelUaf; Mtr*o^^d*J*w*o, ItiStkoBMSt kat- ardo* travel oaeoaa toJertake, for mil iato B *JT*)**BX* MUXt CBBXAtW M.tTw. hign price higher *till : bat he Tk* Dvtckmaa BOW haammeexcitod aad offered him hi* whole pea of oioa. To thi*. had of B ity to be eddcd tke teat weugo* wkiek k* kad fiwe-J out for hie joBTMy, togokhor witk km appurtenanco*. Aa-i. at Uat, atrtppvd af all hi* beJongiafVi ear* hi. (an awl ammen . t*on. he departed, wi;h UM gam afely *a)*damwkor* about hi* pome. 1 bought aboat >! peaada of goat from the Indiana here aad atoned down the river on the morning of tke Jth. neck- ed tko lower lutdiag esrly in tk* afxraaea healed ap tk CJOBOO and startod dowa tke valley afoot, Kain aad aaow from here to the ooMt mad* travel Ji*s^r**ble. Fr*vi- *B* to thi. w* w*r* often dreaebed for a day or two at a time, bat BOW. for about never dry, l>ai*f_ be- kel*. We toa daye, we aid**7 keBoketa, taiast w*oe*.M Bath* way. bat at th*Tlthoar aftereeoe w* (go pi ABB*, P *v*ry M*B M iBtk* end at* every bit of it dowa to the c!ewe, iadadtog the ont rail*, wkkk I chea*d and oeoked with the res*. 1 hi* lasted a* aatil aeoa the neit day. Ia tke atVreooB w* firdod a Urfl* jlaoier atnoJB, and a tittU farther on w* em* to *loBgk tkat aad got mto at higker water, aad warn* TitR Several U*t*l w hav* gon*>rouh wiik tk* impetos of oar forward tkr*wa ** foot, 1 msUsBl. ia *v*ry aravaoM, wkiok hapaBBo* aet to V Tki* niMttr. wMek ia aboat *> 1*B Sa w* HUM* wide.w* SJMM mile. to uWsBBMBit, and d*o*ad*d oa the oppooit* eaMato *** ah* rre tko s. O*rpfowi*o* kaadN** of 4oBt ead greaadheg; Uiaa *M VBhadaktod, hat aboat ampiBg U*> t W* threw d*WB 4*r packs *ad, w<th a olnV eaMco, waded io and sooa killed crSaiBton. We Uvd oa the*) sad two groB* ti'l w* (eaoMd Knight, oa th* >th. From Mcears. Ward aBd XSOB wo b*Bgkt sunaties totak*MtoPwrtN*vilK there to Uke the fjiatm for Vaaoeavar. W* reeeHd pirt NerUl* on the iHh, went aboard tk* Coenox oa tko 3RU aad arrived ia \ an iver oa the 9oth at p.av Witk regard to VlarV aBd Br*da I fee! svK* >.or orr or S^VAHI-H v\t JT We nd* J*riK<-^vA<^ ,.*-v aea*ma,iB r rt > f*r oar heia* to th* S^eamiak, tkMfk tk*BmBr atrt Tb* bargaiB. BB BO, M tk* .t* was foaad, whea brought to tk* frontier, to be a bseautnl. lawless diamxadof the purest water, end worth fjytnnrt This diamoei wh*ck Bi aew us th* UMsunnn of the Countess of Dudley MKay booklled " the fctin.Uu. stoa* of UM diamoad iadaitry."-(t ; > J WorOa. a* BBBwreel mtlet aa atear. Tb* r*U dsaeer ia iBereasiaa; UM of exprosM* dnvoa by sMam don noi I MBMMsatalrak*. It a tot Jea^wd .-- UoomoUv* mirkt ho built w a up to SO or pemiMy li ai hour, if th* lta* were .tnickt. It curve* of :he\ieUBf hoe* whwkree oack speed* impoaual*, BBMM the of UMoagiaesaad traiM were akm far beyood what th* bridges aad r wey wooM hear. At the cm ' th* 100-aul* expne* would ty - Th* niessmry reUtioa of the- speed it accurately kaowa, a aad aot the waat of power, or from wiad iireasBr* or boi which !*U the limit (o m*ds A* UM fore* teaJisg t* th a treia naaiag at UM safari toat wvokl b* about ea as (reater tkaa that wkiek a train resiM* at erv* w sixty mile* aa hoar, it is f reseat UaM ca*ld not be Ufktoiag enpreei.' evea thv tro mo;or wet* sabUtuwd rugia*. Th* Haeo most ant wall rr. bat *traiglit*r tkaa wmld b*| any atodiaaktioB * tkair ateeent :< K !! thC I renwr wHaam of IB* fvejrfBl CMB* a special sers: ' ekjBUk to UM Times frw rwrther detaiU of Fn.' Kacban ^the>Bor*> vtaceo, RKerasaa- plotely " x ly b* . bepem Ftr* je*r* ago \ ij'e hoai's frc iatrwt aroand C*-<B..-, Ftu - ft. I. i.

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