\ "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES. HOT MEN.' ?OL. XHL, 10 64* FLESHBETOI, OIT., THURSDAY, BOTDIBERSO 1803 wawMww^aw^aw^aw^aw^MMwMMi H. TRUinoi, NEW WATCHES fx-k .4 CLOCKS in elenai MPAOtniO, AS USUAL* A SPBCIALTT. YOUR CAC or FIM A ramr, *cr WH i"li * -rt * vwU tUi^QPN"* " fa MMyt Md priH far Ur pmiae. "-. -, "U* w*nW hragWor iJ i* tk - fire Hate that it PPW atorejr about the Mr PM. who h< . TheahxutUkf autch * Mr. The*. 0k,-. o. th f th. MM fc . . Toronto , LADIES andOeutlemen ! Get your supply f BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from * which to choose. A LARQB STOCK, A GOOD STOCK. A CHEAP STOCK Be sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual done | on thort notice ftad in a neat manner. |MrMiiw, JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. fra. Mr. Gen, flyieg Taut u> fee the laet 3 Swmton Park, town Mr. Hrb. and Martwr Eddi. rt wwk. eTrrythiug WM Ml nfht ben b left for the uixht MM! iottd. of an hoor and a hatf not ' reetige WM left, excepting t<<>n of the flame and dam. the Water- loo Maiaal for * 500, and on the of $600 la Norwich Uuioo. The property n. !- utd at *400,aiid the !< i ooneequeoUy oer|6000. AoVUd to thie Mr. Wav Bradley, of Holetna, heU an mtjtert in th* ptunerty of eeveni keaUred, bet at. which corered the mount, to boae hut moBtb. The ' ttti a C. J. LEITCH* Merchant Tailor, WHICH MEANS THE BEST inently UM Hart ware and Crockery Department pnwrr to rvmun W. K FWherMd th Milling Cu. d%iTC to r hrvogh Th* AdvatMe tut TU.({ piuocrty tU th* tr*. 44 Tmbfe LM.r. 28 ct* eh to ft her of bap of chop, and two bap of 46 ctr to 78 cwj. Two Hartv, D. McTavisli, UOR8X8BOKR AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Coliingwood BUwet, FLESHERTON, - ONT Mufhctvrlncof W B*c ~ NOTICE. UiaisMTiirathttki Roller Flouring Hills are now open for bust ness, and in full opera Hon. A Hrst Class Mil- ler ha* been employed, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. Bring a- Jonsf your ctuttom vpork. " . B. Bell, - Prop. \ %%% %.%%%%%>%> , CbrMteM good* in On**. Hartley, Je* . r.L. L- Couk.y. McArth .L. tti Tryon B<-rt. \Vton, Juha Are WM nipp. d ahort K, the pc-mo t ac t*-n of the eifcianu Uut wrk. The <Urr should ke a warn all poiole pte- * ie takB to prevent fir*. The drect-rauf the Mill did a food t*m tt> the dam laet wek, Ut in oev opi*M it ah. .old hare rot M ronc'i MOT*. d eoaplrU job made of it when tbry Building oprmiom will b* Ixisk in FmnUoi or xt MIWBM r if all f. M w.0. t lMt Utrr* M > r J <)ij ( wndr oonidr*t>. n. Uii m..r .not. MMtord.le PMU WM t>. D a f* dj. hwt wrk. He (wk* w:i of G4 MiMSamh in and around Pk-shrrton lut week. TWnalraUnaruy had a ht'g go . ne nivfat art we> k, the "p-ayina gang fr.-n> Co!li gw.i, ' M -h.. T tvim tbrmeelvF*, Mr. J. McLe.4 fv k a trip u, Co * * " ThjM.k.lJlTll.g Mr. T. Bui worth ab..t luet * ! FW aw h*d hen r4iB , pietar, at m a r a MOOMWC iiiiw< Uw iMtnuMut hna> aatil h* ha4\ du Coppw . 6 ewM rolh) foe- 3 10 oral ruU. for ft corened whether or nut I good une. x a j Wilder* eappliea. c..ntracta teadeiul kr xweU fromytir At time of wntii.g w* are mock afiai4 ri.inxthe jl Uxaofcb-apgocHU Nr : ' gw la. week. Mr. Andrew Putt* cm <m a omll Wely, Our Literary gtk> tueoMMuee tkk j T" ii t.-r accaiii. Sc-.et v in which gooH tt ThnrwJay. The Re*. J. W J<HM* MK' t Luoi'on for tig* thcr* WM no w hurch Mm. .r, 0( .h beta rwjticM : ThM' WAJST^^^aX wIteMlfcxiBhea. Auwi HCBMKT (V. B..alM*,X. T. A doub'e funerl toi^l |.!ace OB FYuUy week. On th r Sinerair di*d f i . m t h kick receire^l ft cm a horr ho hai breu in piM>r h reo ivrd auch a ITljr.Iav *!>e aliv {< r wre both burtvd i.i the BeMef taHlx 9 I Kiii.py anil H!.ul,.r.; t- _ -.1 . * h"'""^ hv th " ' (; f / or ciuDomg anang^ment^t KisWyO***.* TI. with any foreign \v tk.v aiv ply atthisofl.ce. Most newt- j papers for the bakr,- c c this! b * lk *"* ""^ year free. Call earjy- aud get ' w*Tv* nlii"^, f* the greater value for jourr 04 ?* ** e'V \Tv money. " Isjf** aa^cm* t;,; i, >1U .- ,,. : ^^Jf W^m.