THE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out a per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished MI a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing doiib in all Its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. WE YOU BACK-ACHE DODOS KIDNEY .PILL5J WILLCUREYOU "Backache infant thi kid- truublt. Doddt Pllli fivt nlitf.* p* ctnt. Of diienlt It Jfrtt cauifd 6tf duordirtd kiu- nty*. "HlgMaiwttl try (o Auc a healthy o/fy mithout Hwtr- cgt. at gold An/f wtiti, thi kidntyt art loggtd, thty an tin Of tht lytttm. "Dc'au It dangtrout. Ntg- /-cf.rf kU*. v troubltt rtult In tad flood, Dyiptpila, Uvtr Compiaimt. and tfii mott dait- gtrout of all, Bright 5/ttatt, Dlabtttt an' Dnptv." ''Tit about d/taitt tan not ftltt DU't Kidntu Pill* art sMat' ' BoU by al aealen at Met ky eu> oa recent * Pjtae IP oni.. |xr boi or eU tu* ! u. i^"- TofaQ. Write C wen Hound, Untnrlo. 10 ^1(6 Vei'y ri.M i: IN i \NAII\ TU i.KT A Thorough Bunntit Kdratum. Take a HOC ad Trip Sh ;i^ ^^^^^^BH^^^^^^^^ti^i^^lMHMM^ I'llll. ^I.H KIM (Jouii'i'T.'i*' lit. |t*i tin* iiits 111 I'anada, Uien vitl< it s.iiilmrii I'M oit'-t (lullege ; exoiii me every tbliw tlitirnugbly. If wa fall tti |n...|iic II. t mo IhoroaiD, complete, praoUaal ami nxten Wrenourtenf ^ , tlin lieat oolteio IH..I..I .. eji'l n." uet i"l '-' ' f."i'l'lt ax! mutt tult aMe furniture an.l aiiMllaiinae.wa. will nlvu you 7ul I oourie Kit KB for Annual Announce ga.ea|, giving full particulars, free, a.l.lrtMt Principal. SHOEMAKER. I beg to Intimate t> the luliaUtaasa to and M'OUII'I KIWTBBRLEY that Ibavettarti' laslioasbop and I am p pie4 tu do all kinds of work Iu UtU Mne> Boots and Shoot made to orde> eat Shus*si> ooUee. Bavatxlagwana every day, also kanae repaUed Come to Brad bur's csd SeMe) rc wlit always ud me al aejao*. J.W.Wbltby, - ^ Cures CoatompU o n, Cooictui, Cronp, More Throat. 8o' l al Deucletseja a Curuoe, For a Lima Si.Ie, Back or Ghent ahiloh's Porous Platter will (ivc prat ->ri>f jr.! ion. sj ctDtS. GHILOH'Q VITALIZED. Mrs T. 8. HTT):lna, Cb-.ltnnooga, Tnn.,Ray9i "Sh(lok'lYttal'Lie,r't<A.\'Ll> ifY ilFK.' J . Itwlll llftre you Catarrh? TrrtLw Jferjorrly. It will positively relievo and Cure you. i'rlce dicta. Ibis Injector for iri sii'-it- Tul f rentrocat is furnished free. KcmT3i<T,f 'mob's ICi'mtUies are sold oa a guarantee to glvu sotiafactiou. To The Public. : Having rrnti-d WhltterTi blackuroltb shop fur a turiu of yrar*. I am DOW Iu a poiitiuii to oatorto all wants in uiy Hue. florsrioeioj a Specialty, Satlr*rtiun U For anything in Uu kackimithing (in* fall an F. A. BUNT, Opposite Richardson's Bardwar* store THE Tailor, Makoi all garments of men's wear io the best stylo at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. HORSKMKN ! Pay Attention I Having puroliaxed tlie harness bnniucsB from Mr. Clayton, I wrart to intimate that my en- deavor will be Io please ami satisfy euatninvrs iu anv work which may be entrtiHtcd to me. All kinds nf liorseiuen'i re- quisites kept iu stock, at low rates. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Maxwell. From nut own Corretpottdent. A number from here went to Markdale nn last Thursday. On Wednesday of Isst week a Mr .Hail- stone, of Pturv Swund,wed an^ '"ik away another of our young !.idi.-,in the person of Mins Kernaghan. The knot was tied at her uncle's, Mr. Alex. Hudson, after hich the younst couple left for t'.eir ionics in Parry Sound, accompanied by the bct wiahon of a number of friends. School is closed to-day, (Thursday) and to-morrow SB our teacher, Mr. J.L Wood, take* in the convention at Flesherton. The Advance teems to be a welcome Mit in our town. Neirly every' .ne taken it and claim they coul.l not do with- out it The Presbyterians had no service here last Sunday. Tlie sermon given by the Rtv.Stractian on last Sslibath was listened to with great interest. Miss A'.'gie Strachan is visiting at Wareham at present. The social at Mr. Ouy's on Tuesday eveiiini; wan fairly well attended. A number of the boy's and a few of the fair sex went to Feversham to the Army last Sunday evening. Mr. Alex. McEachnie, who went to Toronto to hfcve his eye operated <.n, has completely lost sight of the above men tinned member. Mr. Wm. Madill hss returned fr>m the west. His strength in, we are sorry to say, returning very slowly. your o 1 remain roHpcctfully, W.MOORE- Kluheiton. Jan. 24, 1893. ST AIL eniTicai pipnooe SNSMat or i in Sold byall l>raa(iiis,or by mail price ceou, lit bote*. *1 SO Ihe Clar Mil Co., Torou t.i, Onl. WEAVING. Barclay, Ihe weaver, hat mmovod from FI- urtotl ftnil <il"'noil III' hti^i.n li n Prloi near tbe I'restirtsrlaii otiuroli. lie In IT, parml tu .1.. all kin. I- of wnaviiiii.iif.rli an Aannnls, blau kets, full il'illi and twoedn CarpuU a Specialty. Any work Ml at Mrs. Win. \\ riidll't, Five br>r too, will reaoti me an. I be re'.urued home a fi " wovsa. All work (aaranteed. 1 JHS- JOHN BARCLAY Spavin Liniment removee hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Kli'inislifS fit m homos. Blood Spavin Curbs, Splints, Rine Bone. 8w-. Stillt'v Strains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Sav.' 450 by ue of one li.'ttle. Warranted the rn-t wonderfu Ulrinish Cure ever known. Warrantee bj Richardson & ('.>. Prirevllle. From or oio Corrtiftottdtnt. Tlireahinir is about ended for this a son. Ai far as we can learn the yield is rery fair. Mr .l.-ii a Mcftowan, our enterprising miller, hss'c .mirm t.M an adiniraMe road into ln mill. Mr. McAulay and 1 family left for Aluoma last Monday. They carry with them the best wishes) of the com munity. Mi m Alice V. Rosa, of SUnton, ptd brii-f visit to her parents lately. Mrs. Robert WaUoi., f Walter's Fulls, in visiting at her parental home at prfs nt. Mr. Keefer, of Mrnford, is Lulding a m riei of nu-etin.'s in tho Disciple's church i In-, week. Mr. K u an uarneat aod fon il.le speakir A number of our citizens went over to Markdale wrek to take part iu the Tliumpson demonstration. Itch, Mange, and Scratches n humsn or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- Cur I'M Sanitary Lotii-.i. This never fails W.rnti-ted by Wm. M. Richardson I- rot .11 Si I Ion from our own Kill winds, muddy roads and dark in 'lii are three unchanginK faota that wr nmy rxpeot for some time We do not think that fall t-athTao far can begrum bled at. We re mimewiiej sorry to re|M>rt that Mr. Hurt Thiimpson,Prtbyterian atndent horu for the summer monthfl, has bidden us good-bye. We trust his iiext course tliiMiixh t-'.IU-ge ill be suco^asful. Mr. 'I li..ioa Wyvill, of your town, hsuli'i oil Proton a Iwtter biminoss centre ,tn. I has aoonrdingly opuuej out a prnTii i 'ii store, llnvf seen none of the deliv e y boys around yet. May be ha ia like s mit* other pe.. pit; -has none .''h. i Hod|(ius has made for himself thn reputation of 4 being a good timber man, and has the contract of taking out a large quantity of square timber this winter. Wonder if the boys said any cuaa words whun Bob ii|-t Ihe pail of beer t Draw iiiK ties is a cold job. There are some mean ineaks around, % ho, if the are oauxht, may find a job breaking stone for a while. The other night nunieone tiled to enter the hotel, but their itttempt was discovered befoid- they succeeded. The brickyard known .w t*>i klutrU A Btairaon, * ill, after this win w; be known at Look hart's yrtl, aa Mr. Shearsop has ;in'n up flio business, and Hold his part- nership to Mr. LookbArt. .. We have also .another acconipHshment in this town n tlio aUaA* nf a barbbr. He in a n i H< nr^jd feH.iw :unl ilo.surves pat- roim.n. Urn sign will be seen mi Satur- Jav niglitirifc Sawdust A\ . Deservedly Popular. Our r-ader \.\\e !> di.uU rejul with literal tlit h.-i almost weekly ap- leanng in thin iid other I' jour- ial, r^yaniin^ curci of a rii t startling nature, made bv Dfdd's Kidney l'i!U. Thrse pill* have pruvm iheimelvrs to be a Cfrtuiu cure fui .-II ui-oaten "f the kid- ney* and bli"l, uch * Im-kadi-', rhc-um- tiitni, Uii-lit'n din. i<-, iii.ibte, diupsj, etc. E"(|uiry mnorg-t local d.iig/isU elioifs the fact, lliat lln-y havu a vi-ry 1< u sale, and are MI infallible cure for kidney di- ordt-r*. Dodd's kidney pals are manufactured by Dr. 1^. A. Snntu A C.., Toronto, and are sold everywhere, or by oi.ul <>n receipt >f price, 60 cenU a box., or boxes for 12.50. ItliruiiintiMii 'ured in a day. South American Kliruinatic Cure Rheumatism and Nrural^iit radically cure) iu 1 to 3 day*. Its action upon the system is remarkable aixl myatrru.ut. It remove* at once the i.iuse and the eaae iiniin-.n .:(:> diaappfars. Tlie first doae ur ally benefit*. 7"> ceuts. Warranted l>y Kichardmiii A Co. LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD. Ninon Debility, Weakntu of Body and Mind, EfiecU of Errors or Excesses in ObtorYosng. KobuM, Noble Manhood rally Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, l/nderelopcd Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- failing Horns Treatment Benefits in a day. Men testify from CO Slates aod Foreign Coun- tries. Writs them. Descriptive Book, cx- ylsnsrieq sad proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, LY. ; NOTICE. ! iitici is iirTk^u tkit Ih Roller Flouring Mills are now open for busi- ness, and in full opera lion- A / irst Class Mil- ler has been employed, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction- Bring a lon$ your custom work. J A. B. Bell, - Prop. %>%%%%%*> D. MeTavisIi. UORSKSHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT Manufacturing of Waggons, Sleighs, Bcggfr : I u Homu .hi.i-inn |T. mjtlv at leudedto. 8utial alteutiou given to ooatraa- o-l or teiKier feet. r.d Plow < hnlns cav .tuiitly ouhuiid. Unds for Sale *ARM iHror>*rtliie loiprOTod and nnlm proved ; also vUlayr proportion. Apply J. W. ARMSTRONO, FLKHHKHTU.N k\ Q. gard*. M ARRIAUE 1.ICKSSU8. Issued dT or night al tbe office or resideOev ) e nndentgned. DIVISION COUKTCLBBK.COMMIBSIOVan a H.C.J. Conveyancer. Ac. Notary publlo. ORN \V ARM8TKONO, LfcCL'iXOCGH A YOUXG. HanHers, ifarkdale. <le a general liaoklog (> nens. Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call B.HAMMOND. foet Matter. Kimborley. Cornmlnlone: For taking AfD.taviu etc. Innnreaand loaa* money at lowest rate*. ExecutLaMs, Deedt, \V Jl.. etc. promptly, ebeaplud efficiently. D J. srnOCLE, Postmaster. Fleihertcm. Commission*? in F. R., Licenced Jnctioner. Cooveyeaear. Ap- praiser aod Money Lender, Kel Estate n lueurance Agent. Dredi. Mortgage*, Leartu. anJ Wille drawn up aud Valuations made on iborUel notice. Auction Kale* attended to la any part of the County it >ney to loan at iow- est latee of Collections attend. -1 to with prom >tarM an I deapateb Cbarajee low. Acent for tbe Dominion fcteeuubipCompaay. aheap liukele from Fletbvrtou to Liverpool Hankow, London or any of tbe BritUb pw Parties iute^Jing to Kngland. Scotland or Ireland, will p eaie ,k rates before purcMung tbeJr ticket* eltewhere. \K. HUTTOH. M.D.C. M. M.O.P.* 8.,0nt. PrieeTlIle. Reeidvnce and offloe one door weet of tbe)l> IV odiet Cburcb.KlDroee St. Office days. Tuexi*yv au J Baturrlays. . CARTER. If . T. P. ft a.. Onl Phrmiclan. sonteon. M., rieeberton ofBoe Straios block, Hesliluuui Uuuibaw ibolel. J 1HX A BCOTT. U B. Member College Pbytie. A Surgeons. Onurlo Orm.luate ID Medicine of Toronto UniTereity. Kvllovntip Diploma. Pout Gradaate UedioaJ Bcbool and Hospital. Chieaeo. Diaeamof ere ear, noavacd throat ipscially trrated. Jbesi- Jvuce Maxwell, vieits Fetersbam Thandays II P. Veterinary Burgeon. Qradnate of Ontart Veterinary Collage. Besideaee Hoow lets occopiad by Wm. Bradley at tbe Urill 8bed J F. HALoTBAD. M. D . M. C. AS., Ont.. praoUcee at U bwley. RbeomaUe disease* I speclaJIt*. Jrnttetui. > P. MAK8BAIX, L.D.8..M. D. B.. Dentist. Visits Markdale tbe lit and Srd Wedneedej ul eaeb month KUaberton-Baeb |^p on taw <Ur foUewing. J^ W. KHObT. Harrliter. Solicitor, CoDTyaneer, Kte FleabertouofRee Hex* the poetoAc* proule s bulldiac, Tbnndaya. Owen Hound 1 UCA8 * WKIUHT, Barrirters, sWkMpn, ConTe<s*oen. e*s .. Owen ttuuad. On. I - - Markwes*. On* W. H. Waiearr. 1. B. Lr> . N. B.-rtesbettea ofDee, |fltaell's every Wednesday. J * K 4MJIJrO, Dremsiua*jam.riaytoa's MW '.te and all kind! of obildrene 1 clolhlng tna to order. Ooltlugdoneby eVeeemaler's cale, Fatrotiaxe eollclMd. SOCIETIES. AOV.W. meeureiy fira* and third <.< d*r In acb uioutb, Iu tbeir lodge roum < Ui (-!... Hl< ck.FlraliertoL at f.p.m. Wm Wright, M. W.j W.J. Bellawy, ftoae.'e>. W Iiwiu Kfcorder. VUltinf Iliftberu in ?!. ROVJL TKMPARS OF TEMPERANCE Kegular Cpuocil uieett eveiy Tnee<U . eveniiiK In^proule'e block at s p. u, Select ilgree iluiurance) met cuontbly, tki> Weduekday preodluc tbe Utud of eacb moult SONS OF TRMPKRANCB.-Tbls soes> meeti in Dr. Cbrlttoe' Hall efery W%.1 needay eveuing at 8p.ui. Vi.itlkg bretU rro invited, loiurance in cuAuectlou. lNl'K AKTHl'U LOIX1E No. SSS, A Y. A A.M.. m.- t In tbe Ma^.uk- Hail.SUai. . . Block. Klottbertou. every Kiidav vii -: befurt' tbe ful IDIOOD. A. 8 Vanausen,WM B. 1. Bproul, SeeretarT. J. B. 8L8 AN Kagsnia, lajt OB hand, aad Is* shingles, saaBi, doors ajki and plaining da U> aMsff. iu euaneetioB. Fill ui PfflUTS fir Tie undersigned offers for sale B kem Artemetta, M aeres. abeat SO acres eleared. bat an.-fi Kvll timbered. Good raefb east itwii 11.4 l.i- bara and frame stable, Aboatflve u-t*.* f ri.ui KUehi-rton. and I) mlleafrom nMBla. \ls C prk lots lax tbe town plot of turerk erea ft ] 1 Sfi t Sin lax tbe t US* aerea ft whlon