Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1893, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MBN. VOL. XI1L, NO 628. PLESHERTOH, ONT., TgUKSDAY, JULY 27, 189H. W. H. THURflTOH, BOI J254,cro. 25 per On all kinds of jewe Hery for the uext 30 DAY S. />. o-l r* Witches, Clocks, Chains, Silverware, ftv.>u bring. from OT 6*r> Corrttpotidtnt. The beautiful weather uf late haa been a great boon to farmers in the) matter of curing bay. Judging from newspaper reports there is every indication that hay at a c q Mr 5ich rt avjeoass both . . NOW IS yOUr tlUie tO es,people, for the stock must go. The best selection to choose front, in tnis section, tali and See US. Th " g * rden ^ the 1Tth socially and financially. Considering the Wet weather we hare ! had this euminer the rwerU remarkably enterprising quantity of urday and returned on Sunday evening. Our shoemaker fiuds business increas- ing an rapidly that he has added more help. Born -On July 18th, the wile of J. W. Whitby of a son. Mr. Walter, ear genial miller, went over to Walter's Falls on Saturday and returned on Monday. ARMSTRONG BROS., FLESBERTOV Mr. John M eOowsa, oar m n\ m , h shipped large lumber lately. Some snrak thief stole some parts green from our otrn Currttpondtnt. News kas been rather scarce around of late, however, the place is kept quite lively with picnics, as scarcely a day pas- sea but thorn ia one from some place. fast Thursday there was a large party from Mark dale also one f mm Dundalk . Eugenia seems to be a favorite picnic fall rig the other day. One evening recently th auditory ap- pendage of some of the villagers were aalutod with a succession of ear-splitting that wuiild knock the gab- and Gentlemen ! Get your spring supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from which to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK. and'other articles fro. Mr. W.. Mead'. ro d ' M ihe " * ~ ud the unsurpassed for natural beauty. Mr. Johnston, the teacher, has gone ' home during his vacation. He is -ery much missed among the young people as { he ha* become a general favorite with everyone since be came to Eugenia, and they are all looking forward with pleasure Mr James McDonald left for the lower i townships last Monday where we behave ' Be sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual on short notice and in a rreat manner. done JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. WHY IS IT P Why is it that Harrison, of Flesherton, sells so ranch furn- iture ? The answer is plain. Because the people appreciate fair dealing, and have found out that his goods and prices are right, and the quality second to none. W do not care to sell goods that fall to pieces before they are half rued, tor UM reason that oar reputation is at suke, aud we feel in honor bound to giTe good valne to our customers, and we can afford to do it aa our expenses arc small. So WE CAN LIVE AND LET LIVE. FURNITURE REPAIRED, PICTURES FRAMED, LOUNGES UPHOLSTERED. V 3 Undertaking carried on as usual, crape kept in stock. Residence alore> open night and day. Yours Truly E. HARRISON. JUST ARRIVED good wages are being paid this seaw-n. Miss Polly Brown, the emoient and attentive assistant in tke post office, ia taking* few days of well merited rest by *iailin>{ friends in Toronto. Mr. Jaa. R. Atkinson paid a visit to bis brother io Ch.-sh y lately. We an ayry to learn that Mrs. James Wacsn still continues to nave very pott health. r>rr>au. The Advance to*& a trot out to Ferwr- sham on Monday afternoon, and was j psesavd and surprteefl at the evidence of ' pnis|*:ity shown owt there in the erec- tion of new and thi> thrifty con- dition of in general. Mr. Peter Seoutettbnv, c*T CollinfW-iod township, is erecting a new store jiut north of the New Prints, New Cottons, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds and Worsteds, New Gloves, New Hosiery, New ParmsoU, New Ties, etc., *ud all marked at usual low )>ricos. We do not advertise oar prices bat everyone ia welcome to come and examine oar goods and compare the qual- ity and Price. If not suitable we do not ask you to buy, but we feel confident if yoa come you won't go away empty banded. X --- O - X hotel, on the "American" side, as the south side is dubbud. Merchant Bnu-e ia adding snother storey to his st-Te, which will gie it a much store command- ing appearance ; and Messrs. Paul Brue., the wagon oukers par excellence, are erecting a new residence. These im- provements are all takimi place on the south side ..f the river. The "Canadi- ans" will be obliged to look to their laur- eta. There ire, however, two good g>n era! stores on the north side, conducted by Mrssrs. Heitmsu and Palmer, and therefore things are pretty evenly balan- ced after all Mr. Griffin, who manipulates the farmers mill, is kept fairly busy these days. The regular monthly meeting < f the directors will be held on Saturday next. MM* Srwers. daughter of Osprvy's gen- ial councilman. T Sneers, Esq , met with an accident on Friday last. While assist- ing in the hay mow ahe fell off a swing beam and sustained internal iujuury of a serious nature. Mrs. Muiphy. an elderly lady near hero, died on Saturday I lengthy illness. The remains were taken ' t.> liloneta on Monday for inlerment. Mr. J K Henderson l.t an infant on Sunday last. return. week a number of men were brought from Toronto by Mr Morrison to work in the vepeer factory, but some- thing or other did not seem to agree with them, as the most of them took their de- parture in a couple of days. I think the gentlemen uf the firm will find out that the Eugenia men are as good and a t ieat deal better than they can bring from To- ronto or any other p'ace, if they treat them correctly. The fanners are now busy making hay while the sun shine*, and I think last week It saoiMt hot enough to suit any me. Tne hay crop is a splendid one this year. Berry pickers are now oa the war path. There is every prospect W a hah harvest of berries, bat the farmers' grain and i {) will suffer frm the pickers. Mr. A. Williams raised a IBM j frame bam a couple of weeks ago. Mr. ! John Bowerman had the contract. As I usual the fair aex was well represented. ' aud suemod to enjoy themselves immeti- Miss Toraao,ia visiting at Mr. William Purvise'i. Master Willie and Mies Mary Purvis accompanied her. Mr. Joseph A. Fonwick has gone to the vicinity of Brampton for a abort time. wesi OE> Sorcv, July 24. <Spe- ial) Satan 1 y night between 9 and 9 o'clock an accident occureJ at the C. P. R. slip, which may result in depriving Dennis | Oalvia of his right leg. Galviu is s dock 1 laborer and with the mt of the gang, was engaged loading steel rails on a number of vessels in th slip. The unfortunate man was in the hold of the schooner Au- gusta when a rail slipped ai it was being ' lowered and fell upon him, knocking him 1 down. Oalvin waa picked up insensible. Bis leg was terribly crushed. The bone was broken in three plsvces and the flesh was bruised and torn. Drs. Machell and ivmg j Q 1Bleroo were (^iiej i n j^j get the frac- tures. They removed several pieces ol kiiiitM-rh-y Frnm entronm Qnrreapa* Ifnt. Mr. R. Reefer took Rev. W.J. Waddell's b-ne from the leg The injured limb may yet have to be amputated. One ol Oalvin'a hands was also badly hurt by the falling rail. He hits a wife and fam ily dependent on him. The C. P. R. are putting in patent steel cattle-guards, instead of the old- faahioned timber aflairs. At s meeting of the Citizens' Comrait- woik here on Sunday the 16th in t. He ' tee on Saturday night to consider the prerchcd from the words "M^-ne, Mn, advisability of going ahead with a bicycle Tekel Upharain." He i* a Flesherton boy, tournament most gtsutying results and judging from the way he handled the j received fpm the members of the Can- We claim to hare tUe best general boot and Shoe Department ia town We text we predict for him a huh standing v .,jng Committee, and it was don ; keep the $4 00 kii boots, or the 60o. splits, which are no good, but I in the ministry of the Methodist church, | mo usly tlociHed to hold a big wheeling ! after he graduates. I event here. The dates wore not fixed Mr. J. M. Thorston showed us a stork docnitely, but will be either the of clover this week which measured 4 feet gth aud 9th or 22 ud and 23 of August, length. BEFORE BUYING YOUR- SPRING SUIT SEE OUR GOODS and PRICES Patronise the Merchant Tailor and make your best interest ours. C. J- LFITCH, Merchant Tailor. (Tards. M ABBIAUB LICENSES. or residence Issued dav or night atthcc of tho anrtoriMRiwd. II I VISION COUhT CI.KRK.COMMISSl.lN Ml io H C.J . Con veyeaeev. Ac. Notary public. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. - rusKXBTON. |0*KY TO LOAJT. we do keep the stock most suitable for the changeable climate of this section- Come along and bring your butter and eggf, will give -- you highest price and noble weight. - The Store on the Hill ? B. GK Evans. 2 inches in Mr. W. H. Thurston cam* jver on hia bike on Wednesday and spent * day fiah- ing in company with Mr. Forster froiu Toronto. Welcome, boys. Mr. A. Thuratou and Mr. H. Davey, of The Advance, came over on bike* Sat- Jako Qaudaur brat Haitian by seven lengths in a boat race at Ortllia eat Mon- day. Hanlan haa protected the race. A Bufialn man has sent a sum of money to Brantford for deposit to insure its safe keeping, owiug to the prevalence of fail- ures in the State*. The ssdsrslsjsii aaaa large aaonns BSSBMvtolaaaattBSTeawt. eej tows or larat 8 DAJIUDK, Fl E. H AMMON P PoitJfT.K!ni!>rleT. CommMDaer to* taking AfldaviU te. In*ura and loeju money at IOVM* rasas. fTS(iille I mil. tlMili. '. . eta. promptly. cheelr an.l K HUTTON. M.D.C. at. M.C. F * BssMsne* and oon OM doer wart of th* Uih- odit Cburob. Kinross Ba. Osta*dava,Tn*ilrs aa* assorlavs. M C. P. A 8.. Oat. Pkrmieian. sarswa. eta.. n MUD.LW . hotel, J P.OTTBWKLL, Vattrinary Snrjroo Ondoat* of Ontario V.Urioarjr ColUcv. arlassoi Bosss UStly eemsisa by Wm. Bndtoy at Ik* Dr ae J r HAL8TBAD. M. D . V. C. A B., Oot . praotkMS al Kiw. blr. siemsMi alaaassi s spaclamy. T P. MARRW tt.r. L. D.8..K.D. B.. Deatts*. Tlajta MarUaJe th 1st aad ml Wsnsday of aoh montn. nesWrtoa Eaak trip OB the day following. Segal. J W. FROST. rtanissar. Solicitor. Coanvaaeir. Kta nsssiilia nffli i rn> tb postoAc* Sproal* bnildina, on Tkandars. Owvs ioaail FroM > bull Jia. kUCULLOCGH, -v- -. Solicitor. Kte. Ones ever Itc- rarlaad's tore. Markd&l*. MoMy so Loan. Jl'CAS * WRIGHT. BarrtcWn, Solicitors, Conveyancer*, ote.. Ow*n doood. On.t - - Markdal*. Out. W. H. Wmmarr. I. B. Lcc*. H. B.-Fkwa*rsoa ome, atitchairi Baas, very WsdBesday. T} J SPROCLB, PoKtniastor, Flhrton CoromiMioDM in F. K . Licensed saotiosow, Coanyaaesr, Ap- prmisar and Money Loaxlar, Real stall atiJ Inrannes Asms. Deeds, Mortgagee. Iiassii. aad Wilts drawn up aud Valuations mads oa shortest notice. Auction Salm attended to iu any part of the County. Money to loan at 1 Mt rt* of interns. Collections attended V> with promotnees aad deepatcb Chsigll low. Agent for the Oowlnioa fclssmihlp Conpaat . cheap tickets from Fleeberton to Uverpoul i;i<va>'W. Loodoa or aa j at the British pores Parties latendiaa; to visit England. ScoUend or Ireland, will n'oaae ask rasas betare Dejnhasteft tbet' ttehets elsewksn. \

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