TH1 FLESH1RTON ADVANCE Advertising P.ates : Cue Column. 1 year. :-o ; half col. 1 year, Z7 quarter col . on* year, 13. Transient advertisement charged a* DM rate 0( B cents per line (or Ant Insertion and 3 ceut aea subsequent insertion. THE ROAD QUESTION. In order to get an expression ol opinion from some of our prominent men on the important question of bow oar public roads may be improved Tbe Advance sent oat invitations to number requesting them to place their ideas before the ratepajen through our oolumu.. Thus far, though sev cral hare signified their intention ol complying, few Law actually devoted the few minutes required to favor us wilt their views. We would once anore ask these gentlemen to give as their opinions, whether favorable or antagonistic to any views which Lave been expressed through these columns. Surely no more important matter can 1 e discussed from every point of view. A gentleman scuds us tlie following clipping from an American paper, evi- dently endorsed by him,and advocating state control of the highways : "The roads which the travelled American admires in Europe are none of them built by the farmer but by the general government until the imperial ex chequer took the matter in Land 76 years ago. The roads in England were as bad as tliuy are in this -jointly if not worse. Tli great highways which cross France in all directions in ' built and inaiuUined by ti,- cen- tral government. Tin- (tame tiling is true in Germany, Spum and Italy. Nowhere the- world <>vof lias iln-i> bceu population uf fti 'liters H<|IIUI ti the tafck of building uiu) i -I-|>MII in their own highway*. It is m . likely t.. bo trite of tin An. ..ic i t. .inn Him any otiic'r tiller nf i u< - . > <m. <i i luird work nml NIU > I crusade fur K id Wsls nm- tu * iniiMirUiii |> a. . .. , ii'i'1 i i for roads by tux * >x iii> .. .m.: < > inmniy In Ki (HIM! i . . 'Vniy p!i'iHiiii v.'ii .! i i '?)d. lyn a ux, win,*) (!. .'. i-i-,i. . ID all, nearly ||)MIIM)..M)II , u keep i i ordei u>- < oadi |MHS i>vi-ry I'.ii in i '.i ' .(.mill. former's waggon . i <.< fun, lax. I'lili * '!,< .- . I) li,. . Hlniclliin n( ni i U . onlof the renal t i<: viti.iu . . present agitation >viil -n. .* m,,. have ended lavii:u Uir rim '- as they are " T:, thi Klit roftHe l>ra HIB. Ker<-nll> I a good deal nf Hi'iitiuii IIHH I.,-, n drawn t<> tin- ,1 Unlt'm tlie road's lien, ami , ].,u|,, ,,. |,, , r , ,,( I ilil" llin|i>M.toi i' ,|ii|,l,i,|| ,. cited s Kill hi. r it; that we !.'<>. about ihc wutsl roada in South Orey. I li.ivw hn-n a goo i>vrr the Bounty. ml I m Kyierallv plrwil *<> Vt mi |n lli" ro.uU urnr lioin-. I .I,, i, t tliink Ibfv .ir.> ronoh w,,rw HIHII lh* average i.f lli o.iiinlv. I liHtu h ( >,.,,i ll.lrty wee.* ! lead on Vim rnwlii, (\ \\HH I. improve tlu-m. till)' IIIIDI Of Hlf lulinr m.\ nut liavi' "Hi.!, to Mierttiflc at it ti,.nl,l, iin|'nii.|it tutu lict-n MeMMpHabed, -.n I l,,.||,.r r ,,,|, wl ]| |,,. the oriier a UiiMuinnly develop**, and an we riceo.ue better |M>tr<l in mV"nK tlinii. I am nut uri> going into .1 l.t for II,. iin |iri>vmniit. to a lrn<- fitont, m desirable. \V pilJ f..r I],,. gravel road * .. ... deal more than it ia wi.rllt, with n pensive vtrai fur deviations Dim 1)1 uld never barn been load*, 01 ma.) In much butter advantage. Witness tl>* eounrotion between tb Villaj find Ihr Station. ... ,1 that hra-ihoe " dill iitof Ilia tillne. If the .'..Miti, .n bad Loeii on the *outh *ld the labnriona hill rfonld bave \tvfn eliminated, IT nearly ao. I ould kiltixn ih Ciiiinril, or road eomniii ulunrri In brenrae better polled in 10 noroi- i-al road making, and if a few oarefol men tmplnyed at tuliable dinlanoe on the ravel rnad uking ont lh bigRer ilnnM and Jivllin(( np with gravd tliat can be eaaily iind rhfRpIv got, Oi graTel road wonM b* lept to umrli IM li rr repair, and the i.iailn ")<*diu| to th* Rravrl would fin, I the brnefll i>( iaerrarcd labor, nl.ioh I. rnnoh needml. 'I bo demand for better rnadi and oeUvr non. ililioni of livinu for farmera ard labun'r* i f nerally la wld-prrad. Kmp ynnra*lf in ili front by aprradiug tonnd Ideal on the I.eit oirana of obtaining three, and yon will ' - " -i= .-. -..-> sisiaj vnw-wW, mill J \>*1 ll| >' doing t gmid work. Don't 1*1 any lltlU ' 1 i win iIUb TOD off on a tide or per rttftmat, f. W, Bicycle. A nan TO THB The Advance nun and Mr. J. Browa, of PricvUle, apont a conpU of dayt last woak at the mouth of thv Nottewasaga river. Leaving Fleahorton at 6 p. PI. on aicyclea, they arrived at lb " Mouth " at 10 p. m . by way uf Stay iiur, a diatanoe of forty tuilve. The roade were poor. We nii that since our last visit there Mr. Siiiiiinerfrlt had erected a hand*vm aonuuer hotel in the beautiful grove of pines bordering the rivitr, where he wel- come* vmitira in royal ulylr. The ap- (uMiitmenUi of the hotel are nrst clau, and the attentive proprietor dow a thriving trade. Our thanks are due fur much at- tention on the part of Mr. Buramerfelt and hia good lady, which will bo warmly remembered. On Friday Capt. Train took ua fur a five-mil* ride up tin pictur- eeque NottowaMca in liinhatidetnae n'onin yacht, to the old Indian burittl ground. This ia an ancient Indian portage and camp ground at the foot of the firit rapid, and ia aomewhat historical. It WM in all probability at thu very spot that Father Chabanell waa murdered by a renegade Huron while creating the river iu the year 1640. It waa alao here that a aroall Engliah venae). which bad taken refuge in the river, waa auuken by American guns in the war of 1812-14. While inapoctin^ the crumbling aand banki we made an interenting discovery, which waa no lean than a |.art of an ancient fireplace some two to three feet below the aurface uf the mil, and two thirda torn away by crumbl- ing of the bank. Thia was built up of tonea with mortar, and among tin- atnH waa found one half of sn ordinary red brick There were aleo found the necks of two black hottlea of an antique pattern, and a much corroded piece of iron nai . The tjuerf ariaes, who could have built this hreplaoe T Was it the crewi of the sunken vessel and her consort, who built a kind of protecting fort there at the timi T It is a I .fitut i f ul apot for a pic me, and wild atrawberriea fur desert were plenti- ful at the time of our viait. Mr. Van Vlack, fiahrruian, poatmaater, merchant, etc. , ia a HUM uf ini<uiniabl idriM, and the character of the place. He ha* a theory to account for the com- parative acareity of liah in that vicinity which ii mi'omi'Jin, to nay the leant. It la that the Hah are all innrxatiooiata ! He aaya that the pickerel and other In I will follow the nfta of lu^a which are taken to the American aide, and iiw-i return. He citea the fact that upon t i.i arnval of loga in Collinuwood harrmr yickerrl are alwaya plentiful there, wltcr they arrive in the wake of lar^e rafu.mitl he aententioualy remarks they fold.. the immiiirraule raft i<> the Auienoai. aide in a likf iiianinT. The ruturn trip wa* m i.l. , n Katurd by way i.f Cullmtiwuod, Thurnbury H. We found the KK| pro|i)e of t'u l.n wood bumly eiiganeil in iln-r liayio., . counted no leu than h''i.i-n tn-auti n' Hynimetnoa) Imyr <-U a'lrrnnniling t (jiand Trunk aiatiim. We were UMU |>l(MU<-d tu are thin e < ncu ( frug. thrift and pnperity Markets. < arclulli irrfct<-<l I arh Wrrl> Kail Wliriti .11.1 inc \\ I l' I.--. >t. . . I'M* Matt*. . flO'll . . Port. Hit , |Mir t'.ti... to .. ! 4 i t" r>uck> |,, r , -I to 10 to 10 Ir, 1.1 to n tn 7.1 to 1 ( Nntce f i i -siiluti n OUK tvrninr t' I'ni >ii|.i.p' .n iii \ 'jrwi, , , we will rihuolv |.ai tiKirsluii ill i', >i to tho firm w! ylnftue nt>ttl> lH'f,>-^' l,.,v ' Ui" after wbf . It Hi4 will rnrrr on Hi,, htiiltxji, . HOtiU ulyflU C4IRN8. Kugenia. MAIL CONTRACT. si . M.Hi TKNUKIts, addieMiHl to the Tout master Uunural, will bu tr<-vlvtiil at Otlnwa nil til n -r.. .- . I'.., lay, tin. iWI: JI'l.V. lfSH,lrtli oonvevanre of HIT &|MU,U\N Mail*, on p.i> po-l ruhtrarts lur fi ur M-I irom the lit (le tolT llOXt. I HvtVi'i'ii I'rlcevllle and Klesbarton rtatii K tnnrn |iur week each ay 0. Hetwdonill rkuley and Olatfl >t 2 times |> werk each wav. Prlnto.1 notices contain IIIR finther [nforina i ion as to condition! of |iroiM>ii .1 coiitinrtu i ba seen HUM blank fcrins of Ti.der may be oh tsliixd >t .lie I'oit UtRcus Hlunii tlie ronpectivv routes ami t tbli <>(nc< . f.-t om. Inipoctor'H II. () IIOTKIKK. Offlc, Htiatfurd 10 Pot Office Inipectnr June, 1N9. eS6-4HT. WEAVHTO. Barolav, the weaver, lias removed from Flesh erton and opunml up hnslneaa In I'rUevtl] near tlio 1'resryterlau ctinnh. ll Is prepare to do all kinds ot wosvlnti.siich ss flannels, I. Inn kou, full cloth and tweds. Carpets a Specialty. Any work UftatMrs. Wiu. Wright's, Flesber ton. will rirli me and b ii-'.urned lu.uie afte woven. All work guaranteed. Jun.18 8m JOH\ BARCLAY. Te following line have been added to stock this week, goods that arrived late for spring rade and have been bought at half usual prices. Simson's Percole Delaines, .ovely 34 inch dress goods at 15 cents, regular price 250. ; Brocade Lustres in choice colors at 9$ c.; Double Width Shot Lustreena 25 to 35 c. These lines are going fast. We mention the following as worthy of notice : Ladies under vests at ten cents or 3 for 25 c. ; Fast Black Cotton Hose,,3 for 25c.; Lisle Gloves, assorted colors, ioc. 3 pr. for 25, ; Heavy Cotton Socks, men's, 10 c.,3 lor 250. Men's linen collars, job lot, ioc., 3 lor 25C ; Gents Scarf Ties, job lot, ioc., 3 for 25c. Men's Straw Hats, 50. each Ladies Kid Gloves, J.L..25C. pr. pair, ; A fine line Bleach- ed cotton at 6c. or loyds. for 55c ; a lot oi umbrellas and parasols at very low prices, l;ght summer suitings all wool at 37c.; boys suitings from 30 cents pr. yd.; Sateen Prints clearing out at 150. per yd. good regatta shirtings 6 to 8 cents per yd.; Hochelaga check shirtings 6,8,&io cents; Flannellettes from 5Jc per yd. Our Millinery Department is crowded with orders. Our Boot and Shoe trade has increased this month 50 per cant. we have the right .,'oods at right prices, and everything our customers We buy every kind of >roduce at top marked prices. Firing your Butter, Eggs, Wool and Ret cash or goods is \ou please. "iigenia Kills aid Carriaji Works, W|.rlni position to .li> fialo chO|i|iloR< 1*0 ll kli<t o<ri r'.|i>- linking I ie|mirlti||, etc Satinfif tt.ui guarftntetoi n<\ ' III-H low. OlvM <i , ur trad* IB.I rnonur h in, i.| ri4. Grain cbo|i|ii>ii '*on iVil>. Will have ni'iri' t.. ti'll you 'In, i . >T T W. W|:on. I'r-ipi I '..r. T.W Wlhnn.iiiananor t I u(t<*nU. NOTICE TO_GREDITORS n the Mnltrr of Hrnry field of the Township of Oaprry, ilr NSJSJSJSJ, Notice IP hrbv fflv*n puraoanl to H. H. (>., *;. i:i.a|iti<> 110. Mectlon .IS. and ainenduivnu ifirvto, that all p*rtittft bavlnff clalinff a(tiiirt hn Kutnte of Henry Kli-lrl. IU. o( thi< Town up of oni.ivy. in thu County of Grev. far nor, who illoil on or about thv iad day of Feby V I) . IWI. ro rojuo-.|l to nd bv pout, pro >kiil, to Holxirt Waller. D. K. Pr<Mtniil <r eitlivr of them at tb tald Towimhip of ciRpn-y. Maxwell P. O , tlie xcanloni o hesalii ileeeated on or before, the 99nd day o 'ill', V l>. IWCt, tbetr nameii and ajldreeneft aor ill |>rUoul*ni of thir olalnia and tbe naturu I fin uncurlly.lf any. hal.l >iy them Mi't notlc* W further given that after tha t.- the Kieruton will prurerH to dlntrlbuV ' \Nti4*t* of the ald K*tate ainoniriit the per nn* ntitleil thereto, having regard ot >lv to the Ulin of which they iball have received notice m aforenald an.l the ftafd Kxecutor* will not b0 i n i I.I, for i In- Axeto of the nald etr > or i'>\ part thereof to auv |ieron or pemoni o ,vh,H., claim notion hall not have been reoeivei i.i tu, ni u aforccaidat the time of inch dli ill.iitloii iKiomad*. iwuii Siiinid. i J. W. KI'DST. nib Juoe 1WS. i Bolloitor fur Executor*. AUCTION SALE -OK- I1LIUU Fill PBOPEBTIES In the Townsblpa of Ofjrey, Rnphraala an I'roton. In the County of Ore;- Tbere will b MiM ..II Thtir'day thetth clay o* July. 1HB8, a n , . .-lock In the forenoon at MUNBHAW S HOTKl,, In tbe town uf KI.KSHKHTON b viitiin of 1'otn'rs of Hale contained tn certalt Mortcitgtn wblcb will be produced s t the Hale, the following Properties : I 1 A Hi 'K I, I I.i ts i:i and 14 In the .in! Concession Narlh o the Durham Koad, In the said Township o onprey, containing loo acres more ur lens Th fol .I.WIIIK Improvements are saltl to be o tli.> I-M'UIH,.*. about tv> acres cleared, bavin I'l-cctrtl tlmreoo a frame house, log barn am fraiuo liaru: rAUCKl, II Lot A, In the 4tli Concession said Township o Rnvliraala, cnutalnlbK MOaeres "' land, mor or lees. The following Improvements ara sal< to h,- on the premises : about U) acres cleartx having nrt'cti'.l thereou a lotf dwelling, fraui barn au.l ttone aiables unilerneatb. r VK( Kl. Ill Lot In the tttth Concession of ths aal Townablpof I'loton. containing 101 acres, mor orlma. The folluwliiR Improveroenta are sal to be on the premises : about 10 acres clearwt TKKMH -M>|>r cent of tu purchase inone to be paid down on the day of aal* For ba anoe terum will ba luade known at the sal*. For fin tlin rai ticulsrs sii>ly to JUNKS IlKOTIIKKH A M ACKKN/.1K Bollritors, Toronto St., Torwuto. Or to R. J flpruule, Knq., Plesbrrton, W I,. Toting, Kso , Msrkdale, 1-otwr McClrogor.hsq , Uundalt WOOL WOOL. WOOL. V17 A IV V B P, <1 FOR CASH AND TKADE. : laving placed in stock this week a lot of all wool Blank- ets, white and grey, also heavy Tweeds and Flannels, I am prepared to give you good value lor your wool. 10,000 dozen eggs wanted, also Butter, Sheep Skins etc. I pay the highest market pri:e tor all produce. My stock is com- plete in all lines, ami prices right. Call and see for yourself. T. HILL'S - - Flesherton. WHYISITP Why is it that Harrison, of Flesherton, sells so much furn- iture ? The answer is plain. Because the people appreciate fair dealing, and have found out that his goods and prices are right, and the quality second to none, We do not care to sell goods that fall to pieces before they are half used, for the reason that our reputation is at stake, and we fi-t-1 in honor bound to give good value to our customers, and we can afford to do it, as oar expenses arc small. Bo WE CAN LIVE AND LET LIVE. FURNITURE RE PA IKE D, PICTURED FRAMED, LOUNGES UPHOLSTERED. N. B Undertaking earned on as nsnal, crape kept in stock. Residence over store, open night and day. Yours Truly E. For Farm Waggons Democrats, Buggies, Carts, Iron Harrows, Trimming.Painting.and Horseshoeing, Lumber, Lath and Shingles and Farm Implements *J tiO TO John H. Heard. Carriage Making f * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutte*%, etc., all made in the highest style of t]> art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti mates from me if you wish anything in these Jines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, Or. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE KIMBEBLEY Boiler Flooring tills are now open for business, and in full operation- A First Class Miller has been employed and 1 will fuar antee satisfaction- Brinf along your custom work. Chopping done at any time. A.It.Bell, . Prop, FOTTCE. Idealre to inform e p ublic Ilia* I bav* pnr- cba*ed (lie flour, feed and grocery butlneet carried on by Mr. T. W w, 1 1. and am preparwd to cater to tlie public in a aatifaotory uiaua* I ho|K> to retain the ootift U>uco of all old pat- roue and to secure mtuy new ones by fair and prompt dealing, i'laou your ordura with m for: Xo I Floor Tf as n* low as thr Snijars. ditto. nr and Fruits In fka*>a. Vecctablen. I onfrrttonrry, etc. All ewiaonabl* Roods kept In stock. My boot and sboa bualuas will not b* ne- (Ivcted. but will be continued sam a* before Th<- Bent oftoodtt Lowest living prices Prompt delivery t>f orders *"Hll and! do busine*,* KBKS take* la exrhang*?, W-Barnhouse, - Fleshertoo