Ittfe ADVANCE LA fully equipped with re qUisites for turning out 9 per feet class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finishec LD a style equal to any city , while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on tlie same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Good News TO MANY I dcniro to call tlio attention of tin public to the fact that I liavcop* ul A General Repair Shop In connection willi tlie Fl.-sl \V. Mm Mill, and inn pnparccl to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turning - I'att< i ii n:iul' , :uul castings out on Lori notice. I liavo not space t<> ineiiti' n in (li'tuil the variety of worl- I can tlo, but anything you liavc ii iron i., w ..... 1 llmt roijuircfl m<>n<lin<; bring , . to tlic Fl.'sliiTti' win-re on may depend on yonr work douo neatly and substan- tially. Having emery whocN tiiilal')'.! for WAVV <; 1 7 MM IX. I will oialco tlmt a specialty for n few weeks. I'liaryiR low, but trim rtnctl) eatsli. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHER M Cwon Souiul, Ontario. The Very i 1 M i: is TASADA TO (JET A uijk Bminett f'Jurutiun. in4 v|< " " ollior HU.IUMM e)i El .1 Jhijiiuli ni' in i ainul* UHIII vimt very- II wu fall tu |ii>Niuca the '. I'l Krlli-ttl KDit Itxtetl- llie I i i;ulleae iiramiiee . loin ana tiiodt milt . t. w ill ( :ivo Ton KHKl ' i Annual Aniiuuuee ,givin( fall particular!, flee, addrun U. A. n.F.MlMi, Principal. fun. I I r SEOEMAKEE. . t Ultimata to tliu Inbkbltauts In and KI1YZBI 11 t i !. sai td *bo *lidp mi -I 1 ain pro . , iiut> * > all kiailtof wink In ttilalluii. iio'iii aii'l Hnoes n'<'o tu order oil iliorkist ..r. llt>slrln|iinne avury day. alao harnec i..olre.l. < ;<iinn H Hi u.ll> iry'x ul lUuJ ami you will !*> Hud m-> t lioi.i.-. , r Klmborley LOR* CURE. f 'ure CoBfTCtEptlaii, Conch*, Croup, HDD Throat. Sol;! by ill iJruixiui on a Guarantee For Lam* bide, B:k or Chut Shiloh'a Formic I ltcr Ul JIT JTU Mtitfjciloa. a} tent*. u SKILL'S VITALISES, Mrv 1: 8. IIi\wkln,rbattrr.< ocn,'J'euc.,(Uijj- Vtta'Acr'HAVLrt }TY J.VFE? I UxrnUo ltmc*lil. ,.. " rort/8;<r^a, I Ivor sr t c*lil. Frioo Mctx . tMney llLOIfscAJAFlRH lave vnu Catarrh T TrythlaKemrdr. It will positively relieve and Cure you. }'tiooU>c't. This Injector for tto r.u cae'cl tnuti; furni&hod free. Hetuoiat-r,bl)ilor>' Htmi-llc* are sola on a (fuaraiiU* tu giw satlsfacUun. To The Public. HarlDRrenUA Whittan'n blackmlth bop for a term of yean, I am now to a I'oiitluu to eaterto all wa&U iu uiy lluu. lioj a Specialty, KatUfurllon l.naraiii..d For anything in the badamithiny lint call cm F, A. BUNT, Oppoilte Rlobardaon 1 ! Hardwire (tore. THE Tailor, Makes all garmouts of men's wear in the bcHt stylo at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicitfd. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I ii ii ii __ i 1 1 : pnrchnscd tlic harness p from Mr. Clayton, I \vihli to intimate thai my en- ilntyor will bo to pleaao anil satisfy customer* iu any work which may bo entrnitcd to me. All kinds of horsemen'i re- quixilt H kept iu flock, at low raU-B. ^t Good workmtQihip yuaiuu teed. SolicitinR your orders, I itiiiaiu I . W.MOOKE- PletbottOD, Jan. 14, 1693. T UL CHITICLPtmOn UNO CM>N*I or ..ill I'y ill brumi.ii. or by mail |>nc to M rim., t.i'ix'. i> . 10. The Cl*>t Fill Co., Turonlo, Oat. The Markets. 4'nrHnli) Corrffted Earh Week. Kll Wilful H|.rln Wheat !(!) Oata liinter K.KK. froth I'otatiHW lias I'ora May pa* tou IIUl.1. --- I U A) DO .M T'lraeyfc. (Uiloken* pur pair.. Ouok* per pair Wool L, II 78 T DO DUO I M 50 10 IS BO n tO tu to to 1.1 to to to to to to to to to to to m 65 HO M M it 11 T TO 00 8 Ob 1 01 U 40 in British Columbia'a P*Mlbllltirs E. E. Sheppard, of Toronto Ni/lit, ha* recently runted the Pacifi coact, and writea very entertainingly " hi* visit. With regard to the farmin| poitibilitieH of British Columl.ia he ay The fnreaU of British ColumbiH are al moat tropical ; the flowers are iw Iniauii ful and as Hwcet-gcentod as those wliicl we take i>uch gret pain* 10 preserve in lint-liiiuHt-a lirrc in the East. One of the (litticultH of farming in tha-t land it thn trues an liig around an an ordirutty tabl are growing above treeH which have lying in the soil for a century, and the> under that tree you will |>erhap find mi other true ! It coats from a hundred t< two hundred dollar* an ai-ra to clear su<-l land ; this the people of Itnimli Columl.i, say in what has prevented it from becoin iniC art agricultural country. The ]KMI[>|I of British Citlumbia are unaware tha they afo telling what is not exactly true Biitibh Columbia was peopled originall; by miner* and half-pay officer* aul m -i who did not propose to peddle or engage in small taaks. In pnmf of this let uit <ji.i>t: the (.Mikoiliilitif.i of the delta at New Wvstininslcr at the mouth <>f thn Frajier where ^i oat fielda of a'luvUl loll have beet lifiipod up and which am be lx>ui<ht for a very few dollar* an acr*. On it you can raie small fruits, Urge fruits, gnuw, everything that should make a country rich, that should make the tftblr* of a jirnunce groan with plenty. They are reclaiming lands all through the province when; a plough can be put in immediately, and yet nearly all their fiu;t and vegetables are imported from Call fornia. Nubody seenii dispoaed to enter into or to organize the hunineiii of this sort of thini;. Tliere is rain enough if there U anything sgainst the Pacific ooaot it la too much rain but for the small sin, ill farmer, the man who wants a little pioce of land and is willing to work, there i.s no place like British Columbia. It U ao aaay to live there that men get lazy. The pofuibi'itioM of making largo fortune in mining ore no plentiful that the snmll farmers, the market gardener, the butter maker, the iimmifnctuivr of cheese L'etx above his buiiiiieHH and won't tackle it, and ovur the thoiiMtnds of miles of prairie and mountain they brinv their tiuttrrand i-i'He fp-in Ontario right into the heart of C'cilumbia, where irrasae* are more greon and more succulent than ii < Mitario and when- they lant th<< year ini.l. It irritated me to at-o people IK . leeting their opportunities as they aredo ing in British C'oluuilm. Slnjil ;,il- of fruit and vegetable are carried frtun '.i i fornia to Victoria and Vancouver ; loads of li.un unil liiu-i'ii from (>,o, carloads of fro/.'-n beef from Caljrary .-ire brinu fiiiptifd into tl.nt province (liey could raise vrrxtlniitz theuiavlven I tiny wi.iiiil on'y i-iuc tlii'iniielvfa of nulling fi-viT and the town lot craze nnd ?il ilon i,. lm>:i .-u. Thia lean .iy. n !! f.,ot-lo. si- Mill ilenT-'d t" lillll'l U| a bui>inua c r to huvi a miuli whu. tl. . r IM i m lie. ilv . I tin- round, where a hard win'.er ia the vxc- \ where 1 could raiav COWH and make bntur :>iul i-'.ii'i-M', ainl hiivr fruita ami v liles and everything tlmt nmko up the iicci'SNilies of it family and thn itu-M of an tortuiii', I frel |iui- sure I KJioiilil -.etlle in lirn i-h l 1 luil'i.i, Ihoiiiili U'tni-rn here mid tlur.' there are n ehaucti^for thn p<T n.,11 to K'coine eoniprteiit and for the nan with a cinpvti'iuv to ben me ricl). (hrlsllan The Study of tht Hiblo," Drummond Kirnt : Tho Kible ouue out of religion, not religion out of tho Itible. The i a a pr< duct < I' religion, not a cause >>f it. rho hisbirical lH>okn came oat of facts ; \otiunal Uik-- e.iine out of expi r- ence ; the letters omne out of circum tni,ein ; and the goapajh IMIHU r 11 tlnii' For tho distant pa*t llnro 1 .wi'l uinong the heat hen uationsn fiintll w.ri:i .-.tri'Miu, like tlie (HI i Sireiun in t' e d Atlanlic--a smnll stream ol n-lixion , ml now nnd then, at intervals, mm. i.ii, d H!OII|> by the K'resin, uttei.-.i tlieniielvis in wot. Is, mid it in not the words so much that are in^p.n d as the nell. Secondly : The** men wero au'.hots, they fi not ]K!lis. Thirdly : It is a great conveiii. n. .- ' t n home iepecta a great misfortune tint these Ixiol.x hnve always been bound t.>- I'therand r.ivrii out aa onu book, wl en iro not ; because that ha* lud to lie-a miHtnkes in theology and in prac- lifti. I uithly : The^a book*, wr'tU-n at !i'..rv;tls i flimiilivU of yearn, wore ool- i- t, d after tb-< 1. it of tha writer* were : nfter by human l.aiuls. \\here \teru the hooka ) Take the New Tri'amoi t. Then ntro fnur live* of . Duo wax in Kouio ; olio was in >oiiilii-ni I tn y ; one waH in I'liUvstiiui ; i.iti in Ai-i-i Vmor. There were seventy- lie letters. Fire were in Greece and Macedonia ; five in Atia , onu in Koii o The rest were in the pockots of private ndividuaU. In thono days tho chriRtmra k'ail'ireil up and down thiou.-h the HOI Id i\ehuiified eopuH of those leticr.', very UU>ll a* k.'"' I K'" 1 ' 1 ' ' '"'I've H, ei Mliolnnf nineiuli at thu pn soi t nine. Who made up the complete libl I It waa nver fiumally nuuU up. Tho tush i of ilie ditTeient ehuuhe* would draw up a bat tach of the Imoki that tliey bought ought to be put into this Us a i, tint. The churches also would gin heir opinion. Scholars like Jaroine oiild investigate tho aii'hentioity of h different document*, and tVieoaus* o t e general ooiioeniu* of the churvli in the matter. But no formal oluairg of he_c a n v; trer attempted, Thos. Crinpiii, nf N irm.'inby, wlii'e deai-.'iiuin; a hill with M heavy load cieaiu for the factory, met with ar accideut. He waa. pitched oft the loac which fell 'ii him, ^killing him instactly Itch, Mange, and Scratches on humai or animals cured in 30 minutes uy Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fa'l Warranted by Win. M. Richardson S. Perry, of Schomberg, waa prep.irii | some poiton t" deHlroy ratH around hu [in ins. s, snd | I;K ed it on xoine > i n pbttu and eet the plate on a table. 11 attention WHS called to another purl o the roi in f> r a moment ; ni.anwliile Inr. > -, etr old son Lofiun catne in :"r ,111 uiioiher r .loin, and seeing the breed on the pU'< to 'k a piece and put it in hi* avmtb HU eldeat sister at once to!J him t'e-i was po.Hou on the tread and hu spit it out, but h diwd in great a^ony two hours later. English Spavin Liniment remove* al hard, soft or callouaed Lump* am B'emiahe* from horses. Blood Spavii Curba, Hplinta, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifle*, Sprain*, Sore and Swollen Thro:\t, Coughs, etc. Save >50 by mte of n< liottle. Warranted the most wrmderfu lilemish Cure ever known. Warranter hy Richardson A Co. Henry Kidd, octogenarian, refiident of Mono Mills, is JUKI now engaged in the construction of a huge vault for the reception of his I cumin* after death The site selected i* on the rna>l under the brow of a hill around whic'i the mad winds jiut beyond the vi!lag< ,1 mis. K'dd's S pulcbre, which ia now nearly completed, ia built of red stone, well dresseJ, with an artistically arched roof. The dimensions inside are 16il2 foet. To hodiea have already been dcpoit.d in air-tight metallic csskeU in this tomb. The uld man is ipuite proud of his sepulchre and says it coat him $1.000. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, lud., says : "I had been iu a- distressed condition for three year* from Nervous- ness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspep sia and Indigestion until my health was _ .lie. I bought one bottle of Sou'h Am n lean Nervine, which done me more _ KM! thau any $50 worth of doctoring I < i did in my !:f. I would advi every weakly person to use this valuable ,n I lovly reme.'.y. I consider it the indent medicine in the World.'' A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant- ed by Kichardson & Co. A little item in a newspaper may nietiiiie make a Hum an eiirmv to the [utpvr for life, but it won't stop hiui frt rvaiJing it. It merely chan^t him fi"in r to a borrower. Kvery I >' < r can recall the names of citizens who e line under thin heaxl. Rhruiuatl^m <'urrd in a dny. South American Ilheuinatic Core for Hheumatism and Neuralgia raUicilly i."i in 1 to 3 day*. Its action upon tlie nyxtvm is remarkable and iiiysteri'iuv It remove* at once the cauao and the liseaae immediately disappears. 'I'M first done ur ally benefits. 7-"< ctntx. Wairautud by Richardson \ ( ' . Jsnies Murdock, a Scotch sheen f .Mount Forest, as;ed CO J'ars, was killed on the li: .ml Trunk track about < miles from that town laat week. K'S SarsaparilBa Is superior to all other pn tionsclaimin^ to be blood-purifiers. First of all, because the principal injjn-Uient used in it is t'\o c mine Honduras sar>..ij root, the variety richest in cinal properties. Also, bei Cures Catarrh J:. k ;SS raiscJ expressly tor t'.ic Company, is always fresh and of I!K- tu-st kind. With equal I'.ls.-rin-.ina- tion and care, ca>;h of t'u otht-r ingredients arc sclcclc J ana pounded. It is THE [\fjedicine because it is nlways the sjme in appearance, flavor, and i and, beinjj lii^hly coi. only small ilos.;s ai \ neeJed. It is, therefore, the most econoinioa! blood-purl ;k-r i;i t . U n< ' ; ''' .':'.>ur- i I,!;.-:, work Peasant, si,,;. r lcsl life enjoyablo. Il sv . impurities in the s>s' \[H-!s tlic.u harmlessly by the i. dianni-ls. AYfiR'S Sar^ip (ives elasticity to tae :.'.-,, and imparts to the a^'ej aiul iniirm, renewed health, stre.:i,".h, and vitality. Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ant * Co.. Lowell. Mm SoUby allDniwiata) Price I ><! Curtt other*, will cur* you LOST OF! FAILING MANHOOD, fiimril aod Ninon Deklflffc Weakneu of Co :.j : ! Tsetse/ Errors or Excesses in OU cr Vcung. Robust, Noble Manhooj fully R:s'orcd. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, I'ndevcloped Organs and Pins of tody. Ab..-.!utely un- &liDg Home Treatment BeieC/j in a day. Mea testify from W States and Foreign Coon- tries. Writs them. Descriptive Cook, ex- pUnttioa and prooft mailed (sealed) tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo. N.Y. SOCIETIES. R OYAL TKMFLArH OF .. Xecular COWMU mwi cv.ry Tueedijr v.mitiK in tipamilc a block at 8 p 8a!ect elrcrpo it SOWS OF TKMPERAN meet* lo Dr CbrlatM ne*lajr Teeing el | eren invited. lu&uraiiefl in y, ibw tiiliug tin- Htoil of lach rioutli. society err \v,f j l>rtb 1>I.INCR ARTHUR I S3S.A.F. * A. II . ni.-t lu the MM>nlc Ifall.Htrain'* Block. Floehertou. erery KrMav ou or baton tlie fnl huooa. A. 8. YanJiuco.W. M R. J. ttpruul. BMrrtarr HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE DODOS KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the hid- neyt are in trouble. Dodd't Kidney Plllt giut prompt relief." "To per cent of duaaae It frtt cauatd bu diiord<irt hid- " Mi'tiht aa wg.'F try to have a healthy city without ; a 7, at yood when thg art cloqgid' th*y art tf>a ^ of the system. "Delay 'log. let*(t aidnty troubltt fault in Bad Blood, Oyipeptfa, Uutr Complaint, anrf tht mott dan- aerout of alt, Bright Diteatt, Diabetes and Oropttt." about cannot eriit it/here Dodd't Kldneu Pills ere ufd. SoU Sy all dealers ort. . ( i.y r.:.ul on receipt Of port jo emu. p*r bot or u* (.T ?.,,<% -nnh ,V e\. 1 iTv-titg. Wnv r ^..j^ll^Ju.yXalk, D. NcTavish, iiolisKsinn-:' 1 ''- : ) GENERAL BLACKSMITH. FLESHERTON, - ONT. tetu i ml.' I or tial ai ytwe * >. >"' I'low l'hios stantly onhnn*!. FOR SALE 'r R - : '- tnwt- . III 1 1 4tt>M ttt'.'kv all t > inchvrton, Uarch SO, 1893. Lands or Sale T'ARV i i-nl finlni- J'l uoMd ; alao-villogepropwrtiia. AI>|IT J. w. Ai:rj.-vi HOMO. J. B. SLOAN Eugei.ia, t,as ou banJ, and for ai*, in^lto, aah. doom ami luwl>r. Turoiug and plaiuiUK duuw to ui jit, CUvi pia|