Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1893, p. 7

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THF. AKKA BW !' n IterelBf 4rro.t of Tkoai Dr. Stuhlmann, Kimu P.iiha's companion on his expeditions in the neighborhood of Lake Victoria, h*i succeeded for the first time iu bringing members of the dw*rf tribes (pigmies), of whom th* ancient Greeks related that they dwelt near the sources of the Nile, alive to Kurope. He exhibited them t*< ot''-r e"nin*; anJ gav iome interesting information li.out them. They are of th N^io type, and their lire i* that of children of nine years old. They travenw the <letu>* primeval forest* in troop* varying iu number from a mere handful up to several hundreds stop- ping for a while at places where they find animals enough to kill. The negroes who practice agriculture in the neighborhood suffer severely from their inborn incapacity to distinguish between meum and tuum, and Dr. Stuhlmanu's bearers often had painful experience of the excellence of the mantraps, made of cane splinters, with which they try to protect their banana field* from the little folks' dep- redation. The men are inveterate smokers. , Their pipe* are of primitive, but onijinal- construclion, and consist of the hollowed out (talk of a banana lef , with a liole bored in it* aide at one end, in which the bowl, consisting of a rolled-up banana leaf, i tack. They suck the smoke right into thsir long*, and blow it ont again IX UB1AT CLOCIM, an operation which is, of course, always Accompanied by a violent fit of conphmg. After eaoh such inhalation, the mouthpiece of the pipe stalk i* cut off. Their love of smoking; is instanced by the fact that, when one of them die*, they try to procure him the delight of smoking once more. ney stick the mouthpiece of the pipe into the mouth ef the corpse, and then blow through the bowl till the smoke come* ont of the noetnlf. The institution of marriage i* well knownto them, but iu obligation* Mem tobe by .no means strictly observ- ed, and there are people who at- bnte their dwarfish stature and other bodily peculiarities to degeneracy con- sequent on incest. They are suspicions, malicious, and cunning, and war with them is ranch dreaded. In the lecture. Dr. Stnhlmann said : "During onr second stay with the Chief- tain tlaaambiri, south of the Albert Nyaii- xa, thu Maniema made a slave raid in the some time in the wonnd it Cannes death, and even if it is quickly removed, it is usual- 1) followed by a strong purulent discharge, whi :h causes tetanus. With proper treat- ment, however, this poison is by no mean* dangerous. Our two female pigmies have learned the Sutheli tongue, and it is only when they think themselves quite unobserved that they talk and sing together in their mother tongue. The negroei maintain that they TWITIKRID I.'KI BIRDS, but the tribe* best acquainted with them know that they speak the languages of their neighbors. Our three, at least, have been brought up to speak the VVomhuga language. No one has succeeded a* yet even in fixing the word* which represent the numlier* in their native languuge ; prob- ably they are, like the Rushmen, unable to count more than two, all the numbers above two being called "many. " They call them- selves E*e, or Kaewe ; by their neighbors they are called Wambuti, Au, Ango, Wa- sumbe, Akka, etc. The name Akka is said to occur on an ancient Egyptian monu- ment." The speaker then recurred to tbe ethno- logical hypothesis that these pigmies are the last representative:* of an aboriginal race ; perhaps related to the Bushmen, who once peopled the whole African forest region be- tween the Equator and the Transvaal. To form a decision on this hypothesis, a far mi mi i ix. er TM CBAB. * I...IH. fttorv ef Mhili.m . Crrairsi < nmi A pamphlet purporting to give the true detail* of the assassination of Alexander II. of Russia has recently been published in Kurope by \ikolau* Nolowilch. The title contents of the room. Every Minister sprang from his neat. " A carnage ! Harness '." shouted Count Lons, hi* lip* white and hi* arm* swinging wildly. Before the carriage came I 'apt. Koch, spattered with blood and staggering, tnrew open lhe door. Re had just come Williams' Ont. ,aiid Medcins Company, of Schenectady, N. Y. Hrockville, and are sold uf the pemp'hlet i* " C/.ar Alexander HI. ! ' r l) II Uia '{;'> [<*t ln Katharine Canal. and Hm K.ilourage." The part of it relat only in boxes bearing the rirm's trademark I printed in red ink ) ami wrapper, cent, a box, or su boxes for $50. Bear in mind that Dr. \V illiams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dumn or hun- : md any dealer who olfor* substitutes ing to ins tragedy of March 1, 1SSI, tells the following story ; In the last day* of February, INK I. Petersburg was in a fever of unrest. The people talked and acted as if calamity pxr- vaded the air. On Feb. 2S there was a family dinner in the imperial palace. Dur- ing tlie conversation the Czar Imcame irri- tated by a frivolous remark uf one of the Grand Duke* and reproved him openly. As tbc present Czar mads some excuse for the embarrassed young man, Alexander II. i commanded : " Silence : Nobody asked for your opin- ion. You would do better to occupy your mind with affair* of State. To- morrow you may reign." After the '.inner Count Lori*- Slrl ikoff ap- peared and requeued Princes* Junewski to persuiule 'hu t'/ar not to attend a ceruiii military parade on the following day, but to defer the review in deference to the im "Hi* .\lai'e*ty u mortally wounded, '"> ^'i. form is trying u, defraud you and guned Koch. Retried to say more, but * be avoided. The public are also hi* e-or.U were nninlell^ible. Count Lori*- cautiune.t all other no -called blood MelikntTs whit* face became scarlet, then | builders and nerve tonics, no miller what purple, and he sank unconscious to the | name may be given tii-m. They are all ! imiutionn whose makers hope to reap a j pecuniary advantage from the wonderful AN 4 Vr \ CTF') M I D A I'T I? i'-putaliou achieved by Dr. William*' Pink All AfllAOllj I inln.ll L -. i I',, Is fur Pale People and refuse ill imite- __ | lions and ii:i>"titui*t. ' Giren | 1)r Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. \V-lliamn' Mrdicm Company from eitnor address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of irstatement com- Hestoml To Health Aftar Biae Up By four Doctors- The Kxnarkablr a.r *r a 's>lew -AMIrtr4 wtlk rnrlj"l. -ulT, r,,i- afclr Hkr U I:. in*r<-4 to Nrallk <! lx.r i. inu Hrr 4ierr Ver Ike fin ,,; iitiu r sTrrrr*. Dnnda* Star. During the past two years many of our I moat reputable exchange* have givttn ao- I ouunti of wonderful cures occurring in the I P** 1 , to1 ' localities in which they were published. paratively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. Tke Tallrtt la Ike %* rl<l. The tall buildings of Chicago will aetun ish visitor* from rural district* and mult These buildings are steal- framed, with an outer casing of masonry. pressmn that on March 1 an attempt would These cnre* were all elected by a remedy " ld ** "P n tjreat pads of tel snd cement, be made upon hi* life. A little later the y,^ nM made for juelf ,_, mo ., ,,.-.-. The** pad* are made by laying tllernate C/ar upon informed lie Grand Du.'hees Alex- he would not at- larger basis of observation would be requir- andra Jesephowna that ed than we at present possess. In any j n<i the parade. case, he said, ft was to be hoped that the " Lori* has condsmned me o imprison- world would, before tbe disappearance of j ment," were hi* word*. the last of the Wambuti, learn more about " How unfortunate !" *xclmed the this remarkable race than wai known to ! Grand Ducbesjs, " To-morrow my son was Aristotle and Homer Prof. Virchow is to subject the Akka dwarf* to an anthropo- logical examina'ion, ani will publish the | result. [London " Standard" Berlin Corre- spondence. w Britain ! It W ith a view of ascertaining how ths a/- ' fain of colonial dependencies may be con- ducted ao as not to entail a burden of expense on the home government a French commission some time ago visited England for the puriioee of studying Great Britain ) method* of colonial administration from a financial point of view. The published re- 1>-- port giving th* result* of this inquiry, con- oourae of his ' tains a greatdnal of interesting information. The extent of British dependencies is enor- mous, covering, including th* East Indie* I and the feudatory states, an area of nearly 9,OUO,OOU of square miles, with an aatimat- foresl, and brougllt back with them two i <"' population of nearly 300,000.000 of soul* dwarfs a man and a wcman bound hand and foot. They were from the forest north- west of the Kiska Mountains. We bought them, and succeeded sbont a month later in acquiring another woman from the Men- iema. They toon became as confiding as their natural shyness permitted, and went with n* to the East African Coast, The man was about twenty five years old a little over four feet six inches in height, and so shy that it was hardly possible to get him to answer questions. "Taking the growth and development of these little people into acconnt, it would not be correct to call them dwarfs since this term is connects.) with tbe idea of mal- formation. The height of men. The feet are thin and slender ; in inches to four feet nine and a half inches, but those who are above four feet six inches are probably not of par* descent. [The upper part of the body is the portion most fully developed : the legs .ire thin those of the woman, however, rather less so than those of the men. The feet are THIN AND SLINDKB; ft walking the toes are not turned outwards, kut inwards, or at least held straight. The gait is wavy and cautious, but not at feeble. The arms are well formed all the hands remarkably small, with elegant, rounded, whitish nails. In the whole for- mation of their bones is seen a similarity with those of our children. The head i* roun.lmh, although strong lateral projection* of the forehead and of the parietal bone cause it to look square. The forehead is high and vertical, the eyebrows are often strongly developed. The nose is oi the broad neuro type, and consequently the inner-angles of the ayes are'vsry widely sep- arated from each other. The eyes are large and dark brown. The formation of the upper lip, which stretches forward convexly, is very characteristic. The lips are uot very thick, and the peculiarity noticed by Kmin is clearly prscsptibls viz., lhat'their mucus membrane is rose-colored, wlulnt in the negroes it if very dark-colored. The hair in woolly, and as soon as it grows more than an inch and a half long it forms itself into little bunches. The roots of the hairdo not appear in groups, like the bristles of a brush, as is the case with many negroes, but are pretty equally disposed over the skin of the bssxl. " The clothing of the men consists only of a narrow strip of baat or innr bark from a (pocies of fig- tree. I never ssrw nmoiig tilt-in the smallest tiace of ornamental dress or tattooing. Their only ornament' are small holes in the upper lip, into which thin grass-stalks are stuck. Occasionally the septum of ths nose is also hired through as well as one of the ear-laps, through which they then thrust SMALL WOOOKX PW1S. The teeth are seldom filli-.l The dress of the women is, if possible, eveu simpler than that of the men. It consists of a cord round ihe loins, on which fresh leaves are hung ; these are fetched every morning from the woods. The men generally shave away their hair, except a narrow strip al'.ivu the right e*r. They are very dirty, and have an aversion to water ; while the* are very cleanly m.-rf MI, indeed, than the average Kuropean. When ilicy ie.'[> they diaw up their knees, and lay " band under the head. They keep up their fire* continually : they seem unal>k> toobtun tiro by rubbing stick* together, ami. therefore, when they change their 'era, they lake with them a torch, which they carefully keep glowing. Tb.-ir is a small bow with a string of rattan. Their arrows are carried iu a sack of raw leather, which they hang ovir one shoulde . They are uaually made of wood only, but gome have heads of iron, whioh they obiaiu by barter from the neighboring peoples. Their poisoned arrow* are deeply notched below the head, and often have barbs, so that an attempt to draw out an arrow causes it to break off in the wound. Instead of feathers they uses portion ol A loaf at the hinder end of the arrow. The poison employed is of the vegetable nature, and i* greatly (cared by Ube uaiivea. li i'. rsmauix In India the (J een's authority is paramount and the country is governed by a distinct ministry. In Borneo, South ind Hast Africa and on the Niger, are immense ter- ritories under the protection of tbe Queen, but managed by chartered companies. The rest of England'* vast colonial empire is to be presenleJ to you in his new capacity of officer of ordnance." " Humph! 1 never thought of that," re- plied th* Czar. " In that case I will not obey Lons, for nothing in the world could induce m* to cause you needless disappoint- ment." Un March 1, the Czar worked with Count Lor is- Melikoff until 11 a.m.. and signed the ukase concerning lhe introduction of the Constitution. He then went to his wife, embraced her, and promised to be cautious .iunng his absence. As he would leave, his little daughter Katharina caught him by the coat, crying : " Papa, you nave not given me a single kis< to-day." " What a terrible creditor you are." said the Czar, laughingly. " Yon do not trust me at all Well, give me your kiss, sad may it bring me luck." The Czar rod* ont in a those carriage, surrounded by Cossacks of the Guard. The imperial party crossed, on their way to the " ground, the Mala in Sadowaja street, which a mine had been laid by the that has made for itself the most remark able reputation of any medicine ever brought before the notice of the public; so remarkable indeed that it is a constant theme of conversation, and the nama among the most familiar household words. We refer to Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* for Pale . People. Many of the ^aoen published teld the story of people given up by the doctors, and who were on the very threshold of the other world when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I were brought to their notice. The Casea ' reported were in most instances distant from Dundas and for this reason might not ' be considered of more than passing interest. For the past month, however, the report was current in town oi a wonderful cure ac- complished by these sane pill* in the town- ship of Anoasler. It was stated that An. D. S. Horning, wife of a prominent farmer, courses of steel beams croeswise, one upon tiie other. Each pair of Bourses of steel is filled in and solidified with cement, and then the next two courses are addsd simi- larly treated. Each pad when finished is eighteen inches thick and perhaps eighteen feet square, but varied, lo distribute the weight of the building at about the average uf , ton a toot square, this peculiar pro- land. The bed of clay usderneath Chicago acts while undsr pressure like s pan of dough, or liks a blanket tautened at ths edges, and bald clear of underneath support. It is upon these necessary steel pads that tall buildings rise like steeples on every hand in the heart of the city, inviting the stran- gers to pas* up and down their light and elegant court* in tne swift express elevator* ,.., ,_ . , . , II VIII VUG IIV \Jl U1V,.*.,**W> , >*>vw . divided into self-governing colonies on the ^ fnhmnoa , o{ ,. flunl ly M d Ministers nn* nn>i unit .*rwn rallnniMInn Ul> ol nr . * . . . mi i ?- on* hand, and crown colonies on ths other. Of the former there arenine, as follows: N*w South Wale*, Victoria, Queensland, Tas- mania .in.l South Australia now about tob* bound together in one confederation New Zealand, the Cap* of Good Hope, New- foundland and the eight confederated prov- were born in _ neighborhood, and are presumably knewn Nihilists, although as yet iu existence was ] to everybody in ths country around, in- not suspected. The feopl* along the route 1 creases ths interest in the case. The Star cheered the Czar ai usual, and he recovered . man on arriving at the Horning residence from the fit of melancholy into which ths wss admitted by Mrs. Horning herself. She looked the picture of health, and it was hard to believe that she WHS the same worn- residing about a mile west of the village of ve ? rwh ', r . e P". 10 ** 1 - Copetown and .even mile, from Dund-Chad J. ":" ' *~* P^P "'' 1 " P' 1 " been ( ,Mvenu P bythedoctorsa,,dth.t..h e ha4 "d the high*et building in the world, u qeen cu.ed by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. So lh M mc Tero P le - Iu ">pnu>*t_*u>ry u great was the lote.-esl taken in the case that The Star decided to investigate it and a few day* ago a representative went up tn the Horning homestead for that purpose. In passing through Copetown he learned that very little else was talked of but the remarkable recovery of Mrs. Homing. Pos- sibly the fact that both Mrs. Horning and her husband were born in the immr.iutte . "\- , . . ~ - , upon mm uuvmrvu w IIBV inces composing the Dominion of Canada. J[ mltd b _ no bo.i y . A f ter had thrown him. The review was unc'is- turned bv accident. The Czar received and ' an who was at death'* door four month* congratulated the new ordnance officer, son ' ago. In answer to th* question as to of the Grand Duchess Alexandra, and sent 10 tl-.e Grand Duchess word that all had history of her case for publication, gone well, and that the apprehended attack Horning replied that she had not. " 1 un upun him appeared to have been content- I aider that my recovery was simpiy miracu (set above the corner stone. The ceil ing of the roof garden is 302 feet up in the air, and the roof itself is .TJ fest highsr than ny point of observation in the Audi tonum tower, aud 2S feet above any point accessible to the public in Chicago. Ths roof is entirely enclosed with sliding win- dow* and covered with its own roofing of heavy plats glass. It is provided with steam heating pipes for the comfort of visi- tors during cold weather, and is ornament- ed with flowers and plants. It u in reaJity an additional story, ths Jlst in order. Dur- ing the period of the World's Fur music and refreshments will be provided here for vi,UI)0 persons. This great roof chamber is reached by 17 All of these are locally independent, sspar at* governments and h ive their own Legis- latures. The Governors are appointed by tne borrow home Government, and support from their revenues Uie expense* of their personal ad- ministration. As to their military and naval defence with the exception of the British review toe Czar passed a few minute* with hi* old aunt, the Grand Duchess Katharine Micbail i owna : then he proceeded homeward. The ' gave th crown. They fiam* their own budgets, I ^^ , t hi ; command, drove through j able rec row money, subject to the assent of the tne 1(J- frequwlUd ttnettt where ths Isast "A y. frequented danger from the Nihilists was apprehended. At tne quay of the Katharina Canal a young man disguised as a peasant threw the first bomb. There wa a terrific report. The . , _. *, , , , IMlnll*. i.llWt IVI I 1UI t V|WI b 4.UV troops stationed at Halifax and at the Cape. ilnperial ollrrlw i y in ru i n . O n the pave- the self-governing colonies protect them- ... selves by their militia, their volunteer* and their armed police. These semi-independent colonies have a population of up wards of ten millions. The government in the crown colonies varies according to circumstances. For example, the Bahamas, Barbadoes and Bermuda nave two legislative chambers- one being a legislative council named by the crown and the othsr an elective assembly. Others, such as Western Austrahs, Guiana, Mauritius and Jamaica, have legislatures in part elective and in part name t by tbe cen The Cossack who had sat beside the coachman was dead. Two of the mount- not faraway Uyths body of alittle boy with the basket ol meat that he had carried scat tered in fragments round him. Tbe Czar, pale but sound, emerged from the wreck of his carriage. Gen. Uworjewski, -lio lutd driven up in his sleigh immod ately, ap- proached th* Cxar on foot, saluted, and begged his Majesty to hasten with him fr jm the spot. My place i* by the side of the wounded," Thee* elevators are run to a greater height than any in the world except those in the Eiffel Tower. They are forced to a dis- tance of 'Z58 feet, ai the speed ol 750 feet a minute. .Seven of the elevator* are run " express" to the teeth door and then begin to make stops at the higher stones. The view embraces ail Chicago, Lincoln Park on ths north, the World'* Fair ground on the south, the roofs of the city extend- ing to the westward, the T-shaped river, the magnificent lake, the breakwaters, crib*, ths curving snore and the varying collec- tion of shipping on the east. The ught Ions ; I give "Dr. Williams Pink Tills all ths ' ciedit. and I am willing that everybody 1 should know about it." Mrs. Horning then I _- .k. in.._,_.. history of her remark- following recover* : year ago I was taken ill with what the doctor called spinal affection, which finally resulted in partial paralynia, my legs from the knees down being completely dead. My tongne was also paralyzed. On the first ot July last I took to my bed, where I laid for fomr months. No tongue can tell wiial I suffered. I was sensible . *: * , __ * 1 J !*'* '> **J ' l * aiaw vt Kisu *wvuuisu\i ( tral government. Other* again, like New ; ,!! the firmly, as he turned to- Guiaua, Senegambia, Sierra Leone and Cey Ion, have a legislative council named entire- ly hy thecrown. Finally, at Gibraltar and St. H.-len thi'Sovernormakentherulesand regu- lationssubject to t-hesaoctionofthti Queen. In abort England'* colonial system is the result of patient and thorough (tody, an effort be- ing made to adapt the government in the case of each colony to th* needs of the people and in all case* she endeavors to give her colonies a sort of financial independence. The result of this is that but two of her numerous dependencies receive regular fin- ancial assistance from th* Home Govern- ment, and most of them are regular sources of income. France, not one of whose colonies is self -support mg, may well study the Uuglisli system. laiil <:<>rraiu<-ni la In concluding his article on " Ixxvl Cro- raer and the Khedive," Mr. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt says that in Kgypt to-day there is a growing desire for *omo form of constitu- tional governments Now to what is this desire due if not to tne mtl-ience of that very administration which Mr. IJlunt de- nounces ? In what way, out of ili>> <><)> of miracle, could a people like the Kkiyptinn* have caught tbe inspiration for any form of constitutional government had nut Kngiish itatenranship and mxthoilft of rule set the model before them and planted the longing for i> in fiieir breast*. Mr. Blivat calls ti'e young Khedive inexperienced, a* he must necessarily he, and yet he attrib- ute* to him idea* which he could never have entertained had he not come m contact with the mature minds of statesmen accustomed all their lives to constitutional government. He contrasts this boy ruler's eagerness to elevate hi* fellow-countrymen from ignornnceand .leg- r'i ition to the honorable status of inteln- ent citizB* of a free country Kilh L >nl Cramer's policy of repression, as if it were a recognized fact that, but-fur the presence of an English administrator, the Kgyptians weald have been already well .vlvance.l on the pat !i of intellectual progress and on- f ranch i"ini'nt. Ion) CMMIU-I'S policy has been, Ue says, to keep the Egyptians igno- rant, 1.1 1 <i.r il>, a* though this policy be con <?ot 1\ lieFcnlwd) were a new depart- UP in Egyptian history. The fflct is that, the ' -i\ capacity to apprei.'iate liberty and all t- .HI liberty implies, or ought to imply so far as it exist* in Kgypt, is .1 cnusrquance ol' a decade or so of acquaintance with Uni ish institution*. Mr. Klunt is not logical ami he is prejudiced. ward ths bodies of tbe men who were stretched on ths reddened snow. The crowd had caught th* murderer and he was brought by two Cossacks to the Czar. " V our name !" commanded Alexander. The man gave an assumed name. " Are you not ashamed of yourself*" The man returned no answer. As the Czar was about to enter Gen. Dworjewski'i sleigh he asked an officer, " Are you wound- SvlT" No, thank God !" was the reply. " Do not thank God too soon '." cried a man, disguised as peasant, from the crowd, and a bomb foil at the Oar's feet. For a niomeni all was hidden in fire and smoke. When the ir cleared, the Czar was lying in a pool of blood. " I am cold," he sighed, as he struggled to a silting posture. He was spattereti with blood, and his uniform was in latter*. Around him lay ten officers and soldiers, some dead, the rest dying. The uninjured soldiers carried the I'zar to a sleigh. "lam cold," he sighed again, as tli-y laid him among the robes. A soldier c >v- ered the Czar's face with .1 handkerchief. all '.he time and knew everything that was going ^n. but 1 could not sleep for Lhe in- tense pain in my head. Our family doctor said I could not live and three other doctors railed in consultation agreed with him. 1 felt myself that it would be only a short time until death would re- lieve me of my sufferings. Neighbors came in ; '25 or .'ft) every day, and every time they went away expecting that it was ths last tune they would see me alive. I quit taking doctor's mudicius and gave up all hope. About four months ago a friend came in and read an account in the Toron- to Weekly News of the miraculous re- covery of an old soldier named E. P. Haw- Icy, an inmate of the Michigan Soldier* Homf, M Grand Rapids. The story he told exactly tallied with my condition, and it ws on that account that I decided to give l>r. Williams' Pink Pill* a trial. When I began taking Pink Pills I was so ill that I could only tike half a pill at a time for the first few days. Then I was able to take a whole one after each meal, and have continued taking them. After 1 had taken over a box I began te experience a strange tingling svnsaiMxi all over my body, and from that o I began to improve. In a month 1 wold walk with a cans or by using chair, from one room to another. My general health also unproved. In tact my experience was like that uf the old soldier, whose case had induced me to give the pills a trial. While taking the pills t tbe out- set I had my legs) bathed with vim-gar and salt and rubbed briskly. It is now four months since I began taking the Pink Pills, and from a living skeleton, racked me***- repay* for the ascent. The Masonic Fraternity Temple Aseocu- i Uon, a company with a capitalized stock of !,OCO.OOO, in 'JO.iKIU one-hundred dollar { snares, owns the building. In addition, , b> the issue of bond*, the company has .raised $1,500,003 to meet the IViOU,<NM needed to complete the undertaking. The value of the stock subscribed in Chicago alone was fl.SOO.UOO. The first sixteen stones are arranged for office*, tbe foer next *uoceeiling floor* for Masonic lodge 1 rooms, cloak room*, an assembly hall, | a kuchsn, a smoking room, and for other uses : forming altogether, the finest all-round headquarters at the disposal of I any fraternal organization in the world. The young Ccun* GendrikofT mounted be- { antly with pain, I have as you see been hin. I, covered the Czar's head with hi hel- ! transformed into a comparatively well worn- met, and held his shoulder*. Capt. Ki.ule-'an. I am doing my own housework this bjakien, severely wounded, knelt an J stead- j week tn.l am free from all pain an I sleep ied the body. ! well When my neighbors come to see me " You are wounded, my Koulebiskien T" they are ama/ed, ami I tell you there is inquired the Oar faintly. | great faith m l>r. Williams' Pink Pills in "My God !" exclaimed th Captain, weep- > this vtion. and many are using them, ing, " what must be your Majesty's suffer- when I began taking Pink Pills I made up ing*!" ' my mind that if I got better I would have The sleigh had hardly started when the . the case published for tbe benefit of other* Grand Duke Michael hurried up, his face and I am glad you called as 1 ara sore I distorted and white. would now bo dead, if it had not been for "Sacha," he called, using the Cur's pet Pink Pills." name, " are you wonnded ?" MrJ- Horning stated that she purrhwed 11 My son, oh I w^ere is my son " moan I lhe v.nk Pills at Mr. Comport's Jntg store ed the Owr. A few minutes later he died. ; jn Uiuiila,, and Mr. C.import informed us Mi-antiine Count Loris Melikoff set . o.i- t | lft , n j g ,j e g { pj,,|, i>j||, | irg , suiting with his colleague* as to (he proc- ,3,1 constantly increasing. Dr. Williams Initiation of the Constitution. The first pjlls area perfect blood builder and s curing such diseases as rheu- explosion Bounded in the room like distant thunder. | matism, neuralgia "partial puraly?: -WhatWMlbrit asked a Minuter. : mo ter ataxia, St. Vitus Dance, nervoos "Nothing that we need fear, " replied ; roslra tion and the tired feeling therefrom. Count Lofis. " I assume th* responsibility > th<> ftflcr effecw of | R ,, rlp pe, diseases de- for to-day. Everything is quiet and sale, ' and the Czar runs no Nevertheless, the Count Kedoroff to ascertain wuelher all was well. Th* General, sharing the Court's assurance, squu sale, ' pen.jn.g on humors in the blood, such as nks whatever. , ,,.^,,1,, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills I sent out Gen. a healthy glow to pale sallow complex- >k* ll IB-All 9 ' . ' walked away leisurely, humming a song Ue had gone but a few step* when th* sec- ond and heavier e<pioeion came. The 1 sh.vk broke the windows and rattled the ' ions and are a spocitic for i l>c trmiblii pe- culiar to the female system and iu the case of men they effect a radical cure in all oases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excess** of any nature. These Pill* are initnui*. Hired by thu Dr. , Mr Simply Awful Worst Case of Scrofula the Doctors Ever Saw Cnmplftrly Ctsred hy Hoo;> S SAHSAPAS.ILLA. " When I was 4 or 5 yean ol.l I liail a crot- alous sore on the _. r of my li-ft hand, which Knt so hau mat the 'loclon cut the iff. an<l lalur took oil more than h.vlf my hauil. Then the sure !trkp nut on my HIIO, cante out nn my m-.-k .i:l faoe on botti nearly ile-4n>>.i'ii; !' ^i^lit oi on eye also on my right 'arm. lv<iort s:iiil It 'vaa lhe Worst Case of Scrofula thi>v .->! -aw. It w:w ISMSily awful ! Flv years ago I began to take Hoodki Sarsaparills. ::> I ("iind that tho sores were begls> nlna to hcl. I kep on till I hid taken tea ki>filf!>. *asi dollnr.: Juvt think .>f hat return [ KOI (or tiut ii:vo*lineiit! \ ike**. end per real? V. >. ui my Uinisi I. FoC Uni p:tt 4 yean 1 bave 'trid no sores. 1 Work aM the Time. Before. 1 CV..-.M ete ne work. I know not what to say strong CUOUR!I to expms my rt- Ituili- to If.., M|'S sar-s.paniia for my prtft eur. ' (;F...I W. TritNFR, Ksjmcr, Cal- way. Haratoga county, N \ HOOD'S PlLLS <> wnssa. hat *M ton* ib stanua. Try IBM. 29*.

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