Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1893, p. 4

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THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE FUEBHKBTON, - OUT f 'uWitrd ekry by VT H ft Adveitiaing Rates : Ooo Column, 1 year, *50 : lialfcol. I year, *9T quarter c il , nu year, 015. Transient t-JrertUatiient chanced at tlio rato at 8 coot* per line for flrnt Insertion autl 3 ceutj each ibM<iunt insertion. MORE ABOUT HOADS. This is the season of year road making and road mending ure put sued with vigoi or languor, as the case may be. It all depends upon waether it is statute labor or contract. This being the case, we have iltciiU-d to follow up our remarks of two weeks ago by a few more observations upon the itib- ject. We have yet to meet the man who is satisikd with our prepenl system. Then if thin dissatisfaction exists, why has not souir change been made ? We assert emphatically that if a change is ever to be made the people will have to make it. Thry jitcd net depend u^on the Council to do it. There is au instance- in this township when; a IURII served the for Hevciiteen years, and who thoroughly understood the iniquity of t!ie system, ;i!id worked it to li.s own advantage, nerer making thu slightest attempt to have it improvt-d, yet no soon as he has n. tired from tht) licit] shouts with Hteiiiormn voice that he 1ms "always believed the system ol ex;>oudit:irc laii-Iit ba improved," an:l that "'.luudrcilfl of dollars are frittered uway." Thai why, in all conscience, did ho nut in to improve it when ho had the op'));tnni'.y ;> Simply because the system ;;.ive him power to squander moiiry in order to purchase votes That is n;>eakmj plain, but it is % fact patent to everybody. In it, however, he was no better or woise than others Another councillor before deciding to offer himself as a candidate, was en- gaged in circulating u petition to hav< the ward ayitam done away with. lit then decided to oiler himself UH a can didato, and, although he had a larg< number of signers to the jtoUiion, sup jTcsstd it, and instead offi-i'inl Limsol for his ward and was el"cted. It ia i pity some man could not bo found U tal..' ip the Huliji'Ct whoro he loft off The ward jtys'.em miiHt bv uboln'i. i btforo anything pructicul can Uo> Year after year there is a large ex p, nliuiro of money II;H>M our road witli'.mt hutting benefit. When an ex It two hns lx en innile, in many eases it niiiHt hu Npplwnraltd the fiilinwing yt-.ti- to do the Kama work i\tr uj;i:ii. Tim township i'nes not tret value for t!io IIIHIOV it ex 1'iilcin^ all these tilings iu'o con 11, ami juicing m )! p'trtii'iil.irly tY'Hii tl.e i-x|vi-icuco uf [loinl* whei-i> th.; system h in hunii ti'ied.w,' b -lievo : 111 Tint vi e:;.mili Htt . f ;l!3,00l) nr$:V).!)iK) a,h) i tho road. 1 of thir lwn- 1 1 :ui !.! 00111- l>i tent overnuorg, would be on invest- 111. ut that wuiul i, u\.. tho people of th.' towin!ii|> (in- lliiit 111,1 ter any of tho rarronudiag towtMbipf) with i-y in p ii-ltr. D.itMilu of extra U- utioii, OWIMK to tin. very great saving in weir mi. I inn-, limn sivvil, sin. I tho nbility to handle larger loads, with many other ailv.iuittgM. iL'<. Tlio tmiu IM now opportune to lal.e tliiH in'iiii Mi.tii IMII iilriuti. 111,0 ir railway m.lrlitr ,m- < innim; )>< > chttineil, and the !nuii-l>i|> (iii.iuri H i tun- (Miitliiii.-i Tin' prom ise v.iis givt-n fm.i tin nnlway null >. m wi|v.l out our ' tion they iei| ii 11 < >!' e.iiiii - man wl o i.:ti'l I uet n-iw "m power," but hi- i .1 Oglll/e the niHli'i . > remise and tuakiug some permanent mprovemeuts. (8) Because other townships in this icinity do not aspire to securing en- iablo roads is no reason why this township should not. It would .surely lot only be au honor, but a profit to ua had wo the name of owning he best highways in the county, 'beio ia not a man but would feel a glowing pride in the fact. On the lla-r baud, outsiders who are obliged o travel our roads heap anathemas ipon them, au instance of which wo mve lately given. We will now leave the matter in he meantime. It is die duty of a newspaper to point out facts as it sees hem, but the people are the supreme aw. It remains with them to right .buses or make innovations where uch arc- found expedient. This rhole natter of road making is a matter of xctcding importance, as it directly fleets our pockets to a large degree, nd should be sluJiud with a view to ibtaiuing substantial roadways which will not riuire a continual drainage o maintain. The "penny wise acd >ouud foolish" maxim can have no more din^erous application than in came t pri-auut themaeUes before the Lord, ml S.itan citinu'alto amonp them," and what tuk place in the days of patient Job lakus plucu duubtleai in th year of grace, 1893, but we hope that all tects nd denominations can join in this "Chriatian EiuleaTor." Somehow I have not much faith m thet convention?. They arc expensive affairs, and all the u.imey must come from the linuwi of the working man. One may say that the rich i,'ive of their abundance, but where i l.i they get their richea ? It must be by labor. There are to be 26,000 delegate* or represent. in ve at thii convention and 1 IM lifve that one way or another $60.00 each at ail average, will be required to pay travelling expenses and board. If BO the question conn-s, is thu the beet use from a Christian standpoint that a million and a quarter of dollar* can be put to } Some of your numeroua reader* may probably furnish an ansirer. C. 0. M. Eugenia, May 29, 1893. Parka -Py Prayer. To tht E'lit r .; Dr.. ui Km I tee by y<>ur editorial i..i -MI iii a late imuu of tho Advance that :hu ' >: MH havq set apart a large tract of iun-1 in tho Ntpiaoinx ilis- trict for a "Park. 1 ' If the Township* 'here ure us largo as they are hero, (lie Pur,, will he nl. ut tlie sioj of our County of Grey. I hope tlii* U a move in tlir right ilirri ti.'ii. Public Park* are a real benefit if properly used, hut what if in a f-w HI- hear uf s nnu ''Land Gr.ib- KIT ' c -i' 1 - anil q Uniting oil thin Park, and after clearing i.ine of it, and putting up a ihanty and cow tttaMe m real lmh and fencing ll roiiml, claim the whole Park as his own, and keep poaaea- sion BIT. r.iii.^ly ! When the uoveriimciit laid out the town pint of Eugenia they roaerTeil leveml small Parka for public uae, but where are they now t They aio fenced an 1 oivupicil l.y purtiea whu have no rixht to them, only they "took them." tellit ill uf a time, when mtgkt was riijht, when "they may take who have the power, anil they may kerp who can," but happily we live in very different tim. >, and it u now a serious crime for one to take lj: .1... u-.t !>]. .m; to him. Such lieing tlio cane, what can be done wilh . who ili-'ilierately take and de- turmii.e '! y keen ( o aeaiion 'if laml* whirh belong to t e j.-ililic ? Such is the state of thu pulilio Par'u* at Eugenia. Thero 18 a uioo reaorve tuljoinmg our arluml yr. .tiiids. but il is fenced in and in ir-|. am) held l.y one of the citizeua as if it ui i ln< own. If tho public had their riylit thin t-uld winilil b.- a vi-ry pleasniit it for citix"iis nr vi^ifora and couM IHI used for fuol-hall and other nainrit. As things are at present the achool play uroiin.l it the only place open !> the pub- lie, and that of <-<.un*> at the option uf the tru-itot'i. Ki much for Jana jtra'ib- iii. r. I hixve not beun loni( in Eugenia, ami my uii.-ri-. .;ire hiu> limn a K"o.l ili-,il willi thr \.imii!, but 1 have Ixtm In ie |..n^ . .> that thegoi>J folka in and around our 'Viry" aio a Iiii<|{-Buffor- iiiK, UAtient iliis of |i.M.pli-. I iliiro say, Mr. Kditor, your reader* will war^uly believo that at the pi in in r! tlii'i.. .!. many hiin.lri-ils uf d"l- lu.. in ,i- ii. workin-; m M in Ku- ii by a coin;iaiiy oiico aupfi.woil to l.o weilthy ; il.iy .itior d.iy.weolc after w. k. ami inontli, (ayinunt U piomined, but. Mi.' ... promise* lire not kept, and it in a .ai many of the w.nktirn ar<i not mi'y mi I'M- Ii p.iy t'l.-ir just and hiwful .1 -'.'s, but iwn soirt'ly get an much an will "keep aonl MM body together. " V v and aj(iin on.. H'.O pose* an a "real elu i '.MM mm" vi .,'-. lli.. pi i.c and taken a prominent ,.-. in piotnotcd and sal- viitioii army muetin^s, pi. 'losing of ti.>ur<e t.. Li Ira lin.' hn hvirers on the way to heiven. Such iiiinintrations fr-.m sii.ii a man don't L'O far, Ami it .mid Ui well it' tin. next limn h.i uket tho ptwilioii of a le.nler, he tt.nilil take hi* text from H Epill>< lo the itoiiiaiiH, tho l.iih r!. ip'.T, at tlm .s Ii M.ISV. whuro he will lind tlit'an word.. : "Owe m> niui any- I am Hiire tlml to conform to tlnn te<l pr.ieii.-ally will do the liar. I- ikin ' men of Ku^i'iiiii more gixi.l tli.tu a win. In bug full of woriln. 1 ice thnni is to I* a large gathering of ( InisliHii Kn.leavoriTH from all put la of tin. world, in Montreal shortly. A t!ii organisation u, loinpiii-alivi'ly new, and very little U known iibi nit it, I think it would b,i well if >"U, in your wicle-l) i'ir rulated pa; cr.wi'i* to i;iv ui aomn mfor mation as t > ..* worLimt, the by wlneh it is ,'ov. rnrd, nnd how, and by li. .m tlnsi' IH||.. n, put in force ; there n.ii-t be some Itandald, nome rtu'ok>nirt'd 1,1.10111 and an . -. . . II. p.. it in not at nil din .nun >ti. nil, nor iu;nl it, .1 by any "rl nr. h court." We do nut lo .k tor |. if.- i ,.n in Hii.i orirauiiation. The I t.- Mr spmvei.n nnd in on< i.f hi* s.-r m .n- tli'il "t'lia is the aye of slum," and n -iwli " i< ".Lain' mom laiupunt than in ' o'li Ino.-lu-n In what in probably the i o I lent o-.k in tho oi ! .l re.ul, "N-w t i^ a tiny wiicli the SOIIN of (!.id I.AUE CURTAINS HAVE BE- ^*^ coma a ncc.essity in house adorn- ment. They give grace and beauty to the liumblent home and are within the reach of everybody. We have uiee curtains with taped edges at 45 cents per pair, better ones at t0 cenU, sup orior at 75 cents and curtain net at 10 cents per yard. Bnt the curtain? we have at $1 50 are a dream of beauty. In the Mantle department we show niveltits in Waterproofd, elegant and durable garments. The raids made on onr Millinery last wtek by eager purchasers deplet- ed our stock bat our sources of supply .>.n- but exhausted wo have novel- tied every week we bought part of a manufacturer's stock of paras ola and umbrellas which art) just m andean be sold at wholesale prices. We are just opening a new lot of midsummer Traits in new patterns and colors. The spring good.** unsold must now go at clearing prices. In Carpets and Cretonnes and Art Muslins wo have a large range onr Art Muslins at 7} cents are wondciful value. Wo have the new Oxford Ladies Shoes in colors varied shades of Red and Tan all sices prices from 75 cents to 11.26. In Dress Goods we still lead the trade. The lady who cannot be suit- eil from our stock (Mid there are some wo admit) is hard to ploaae. NOTICE. T. HILL Has now in stock a beautiful line of LACE CURTAINS from go cts. and upwards. Bordered curtain lace 150. nice goods.Art Muslins and Cretonnes. Also a fine lot of Window Shades, 60 cts. to $1.00. A bt of Wall Papers at your own prices. A Rrfnrm Convention for r't mil Contra ilrcv will ! Ill-It ,:> th" Town ha 1. V'lihort*>n, ..n Wi. I. H ..In' , :iv .MM. "I I > n , (Mu., fY the trtr * -tiou off general bualni*a May 1Mb, l*u. , p r . >' V. II V :. I MAN So. For Sorvica. Durham bull fortarrloeoa lot ilfVH ml range wolt uf tliB To.'i'iit .. nn 1 KTH.'i'tmm : See our new spring clothings. Children's, boys' tnd men's suits, all sizes and prices to suit. Other lines com- plete for spring trade. Highest price for bu'.ter, eggs and wool. Remember a discount for cash is given without asking for it at T. HILL'S - - Plesherton. FURNITURE SAL HO>Kll\ MONARCH For I.TVH ,. cu lrf>t 90, roa. T. ArUaiMia. MoiikUmlM>.nrcli wivn cat by Hrlnlow'n fm IIH bull. !turncniter. H won flrtl |ui>i it l'. Olin *..!! |irhii! lu>w dMl KtilhlbllloM *l yurllnn. and wnn at tbn Rranil i hlblt. b..tlDK hulli of nil VCT |.rnrluK I.I ill to i .- 1 1... tMwt ou ilii' Krouuil. Trrni. !. WM. T. CLARK, AprUUtJ I'roprl.tor. DESIRABLE Wood tf BEDROOM SUITES PARLOR SUITES EASY CHAIRS BEDSTEADS SIDEBOARDS HIGH CUTBOARDS HAT RACKS CRADLES, ETC. >i H * 2. 08 a2 o o ^ *^ ^5 ; * J *3 CO j .* ?* , <D O O 99 tf a w 3 S t3 O BX#X#XXXX*Xi Picture framing, furniture repaired. See my 9 .50 Bed- room Suites. Lounges from $3.50 up. f~ Undertaking Carried on tis Usual. Residence oFerstore. HARHISOH. \ For Farm Waggons Democrats, Buggies, Cart?, Iron Harrows, Trimming.Painting.a nd Horseshoeing, Lumber, Lath and Shingles and Farm Implements GO TO John H. Heard. Carriage Making f Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutto etc., all made in the highest st\lo of art, and at reasonable prices. Get eati mates from me i I you wish anything in these Jines. Painting and Trimmii>g also attended to. B. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, 0r. NOTICE NOT!CE. ooo \( it i:s In two ItlooiiH in C..;imi;wiKi,l Tuwiuthip, CBCAPFORVA8H. Ap;ily to Rev. G. E. Tbompsoo, Darenport, Out. C y A flood Cbno fur Wood Dwdvra. NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEU THAT THE KIMBERLEY Boiler flown) Hills are now open for business, jmi in full operation- A birst Class Miller has been employed and 1 mill $uar it n fee na tisf action- Bring along your cujstom work. Chopping done at any time. A.B.BeII, - Prop. I ilMttr* to Inform p nMic tS I h IcbamKl the flour. t*l an.l L.TIK-,. . carrie.1 on by Mr T Wjmll :i.( nn i>rj. tooatw to the public In a utlffac*or> uiao I bope to rUln tb cooBdMo* of .. old ron anil to ijcur* nuny new oce* b> fair ti.l prompt dealing. 1'lae* your ordor* with m* for: 1 Flour -MH. as low a* the lowcak Muar-, rtn to Hoar and \v4. Iruilslu Season, ' ill MtnontWo (ooili kr>t in .,.. K Mid iho bu'o ill not b* , but will b. continued iaina M Th- Brut Lowrtt llvlnc prlrrv I'ronint drll> cr> W. Bamhouse, - Flesbertoo

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