M E FLESH <;i< PON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLKSHERTOJf. A gen or*, banking bu*>ln*M trtniactart Draft-* Utue<l *aJ ch*qti* cubed *t nsu&l .Uone> alwstyt available for l*t<ttiiu*v ntarpriM. Urncc two doorv north of Richardson ** Co t. Vicinity Chips. Charaetrrlatlcs of the Past Week Carefully Called far the < nrioiK n*(*ei *memg Ittali trill be durgeil at At nte of lOc per line for tick iiutrtio*. .1 redwhan icill tx wuide <m eemtraett for 100 Uitet *r over. Stere!y milk cans for sale by F. O. Karstedt. We apiwar to have struck a week of actual spring weathar at last. Gardening and sowing the eed is the one thing uppermost io everybody's mind. MiM Christcna Richardson is rutting with Mies Allie GrifBtl.n, of Wslkerton. The last quarterly meeting of the present a .tiferenee year was h.-M in the Methodist church on Sabbath last. Insomnia is fearfully on the increase. The rush and excitement of modern life ao tax the nervous system that multitude! of people are deprived of K'xl and sufficient sleep, with ruinous mniequeiice* to the nerves. Remember that Ayer's SarsapanlU makes the week string, I?e;e II. Bedloe, Burlington, Vt. , had a disea-. of the sc%lp, causing her Hair to become very harsh and dry, and to fall ao freely that he scarcely dared to comb it. Ayr .-. Hair Vigor nave her a healthy scalp, removed the daixlrutl, snd uiade the hair thick and glossy. At the annual meeting of Fltnherton Ce:netry Trust, held on May 5th, 1S'J3, it was resolved that the secretary send an invitation to every plot hoMer to turn rat on the 24th of May to improve his own plots and the cemetry grounds in general. The agricultural grounds these evi-n- inRH aro i|uit* pleasant to visit. What with football, diiviuv aud bicycling the .Hceno in quite at* animated i ne. If the track were levelled iu some places aud s fsw stones picked off it wov'.d be a great improvement. Cannington villagecouncil, following the example of many other places, makes an annual grant of 25 to its Mechanics' In- stitute. When Arteinesi* Council was asked to assist in a small way towards the formation of our library, they could not see their way clear to grant even ten dollars ! Draw your own conclusions. The new steamer City of Collmgwood was successfully launched at Owen Sound <>n Wednesday of Ut week.- 4 couplu of Fleshcrton people weut up to witness the iiit. Guelph conference of the Methodist churce meets this year at Owen Sound on Friday, June 2, at I) a, m. A ballot will be tiken in tlie Presby- terian church on Sabbath next a. 111. for four now elders. Although the tLihing -easun came in a week and a half ngo, not much hta been done in that line. We have n<>t hoard < f any c:\U-hes w.'rth talking sbont. In fact it is thought that fishing i!l not be an good tlL-i year as foruu r'y. A garden [>arty, under tho auspice* of the LiidivM' Aid of the Presbyti run om- Kivi;ruii>n at Eugenia, will he held a: tl r F.ION "ii tho afternoon of Wcduwday the 24t)i May, the Queen's birt!id;iy. A time and a largo gathering may be reliei! oa. Diviainn Court was held in I>unJ.ilk on Fn.l.iy of hut week. Then' wire few cases <>ii the docket, ami the nut of these were unimportant. We have thought it not woith while to report them in full. Mr. J. W. Whitby, of Mauitowsninft, dropped in for n short ehat on Tueadny. Mr. Whitby is about opening out a shoe- making establishment at Kimlxirley. He i a n;t ve of Markd.ile, hiving left there nine your* ago. We commend Mr. Whit by to the good people of Kiiuberby.liuow- ing that himself and family will be an acquisition to the place, and parti -ulirly so in the work of the cl.u-r'i. We have received s couiniuuicalion from A gentleman di-lin^ somewhat severely with the propensity of one of our oorriMpoudei.'s to in lu'g>< in ru-ls personalities and inuend.is of an aggra- vating nature. This is a question that we have spoken of time and a jam and requested our correspondent* to avoid. Scarcely a week passes ti, but what we cut out items of that nature, l.ut some- times, through ignorance of facts, iteuin will be passed by us which should not be published. We would noe more rvijueit correspondentsts asamt us in free ng these columns from .-inythn.g offensive in the way of personal slurs. Send only l<*xitirnate news items, winch are always gladly received and read wkh pleasure by our subscripts. Elocution. The Ettie Ileit concert on Wedni>sday evening of last week was fairly successful. Minn Hext is a very plea>in< elocutionist, but the general opinion of those present was that we have had better here during th.. past winter. In ii^ht pieces ilia ap- pears at her best. Hoary scenes are uol her forte. La "The Kitchen Clock," and "OT Picket's Nell," she pleased the audi- ence very much. Her rendering ..f "The Chariot Race," while good, was uot as pet/ect as i* has been done hunt, local talent assisted in The entertainment Considering the amount of elocution which we have had in Flushertou during the past few mouths it u almost a matter uf surprise that the concert was so SSK- eesaful as it was, yet the Ladies' Aid of the Mstaodiat Church, under whose aus- pices it was, worked indefatigably and made a success of this, as they d all en- tertain men ta, and netted a small sum above expenses. I. II. Luraxbarrioii-r. llarkilalr has 110,000 private funds to lend on farm mortgages within the neit few months st lowest currant rates. No commiss- ions, no delays, espouse* low. Apply at office in Markdale dui in,- the week r st Dundslk office on Saturdays. Ent^rtainmaat. A garden party will be held < n the Queen's Birthday under tl.e auspices of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 1.183, near tlieir hall, Kella' Corner'. All are cordially invited to attend as everyllm.g will be dune to make it the entertainment of the season. There wdl be a base-hall maU-b between Mrkdale team and Eugenia team fur a pnsv of five dollars, also a foot- ball match ^unl other gim<M uf anisueineiit, with bicycle- ra. in.'. Music will be intrrspersed by tbe MarkdJe briss baud. Tea will bo .vrvitl at the prooer time. Don't make life inisernhle by absenting younn If from such a mng ninuieut entertainiuent. Aduuiwitin '.'.V.. children 15c. Uod save tlie (,'ueen. H.D.McLoroHxv, JOHN I<<>LAM>, Master. Secretary. Agreement. Following if a copy of agreement en- tered into between the police trustees and the Uiwiisliip council at the lust meeting of tbe latter, referred to iu last week's 1. Tho iil townnhlp conn.-il hr.-br agi'SSS Io Kraut to thu said trustees for expenditure UJNIII th* four leading tr**U tb rough said Til- lajju, tbe sum of cvnty flv* dollar*, aiuouut of the funds of tb* said towmhii. now on band. *. Tbe Mid polic* trusts** sgr* to expeud tbe aldov<-nt)r dollars upon Mid streets wb*r* required to u* repaired, ami during th* prvssatyaar to koep the said street* ID proper repair. 3. Tlio *ai<l council *rcu in th* meantime to Kraut a .t.i'i.hmj order for the sum of on* lain. In- i aifl fllty flv* dollar* out of special rate to b* drawn on by said truss***. i. Au I It la further afncd that th* saM trustees iliuil uotb* bound to r*palr Jamafss loo* by floods or other uuforetoeu orextvnstrs ilamsiios dui ini{ VK3. JOSJK l'u: IM>. WTJ.LUK CLATTOM. Bevv*. PKTKB HOLMAM. W. W T KIJIIH.H. I Submit it is not wnu'd for fnnners or Ihcrs to combine f.ir their own ]iri>tuc- n. I am therefore willing aud anxious business in the iui; Itiuvnt line ith tho f;iruier, and will give them the very best attvntiiui and valun fir their money. lvei:u-mlH.T an smiil^iin.itioii of capital is .oinliiiie to raise tho prioe of im- i, but the contrary, it gives you a g and reliable firm to denl with, who be able to give you that attention and oatisUnce yu urny re<iuir hereafter, xnd in event of a bad year aud piM.r ro| , the ability tu be lenient with their cuHtcm-ra. It is not a crime to be rich, but it U mean to be a miser. If, there ii>re, a ri;h man seen fit to douato large nu\n* to benevolent Mbjecto, he should not be condemned, bui should be, and is commended for so doing by all senaible people. Our goixis ate unetoelled- low. TVrnia easy. Don't give your oiUer until you have examined ou LOI <\<, aiid then place your ord ir with A. S. VanDuseu, agjnt Ma^sey Harris Co., l'l*sherton. F1eshertn cheese factory will begin opcrttioua on Monday .-x. The R T. of T. hld a little "At Home'' to a few frionds aftor their regular meeting on Tuesday evening An excel- lent luncheon wi provided by the lady members, and a social hour spent with raadiajfs, music, speeches, etc. The i'roli.l.iiM.n QIM >iion The peuplrt will be called upon, at the municipal election in January next, to vote up'Hi the question of prohibition. Should the result l.e overwhelming in favor of prohibition that dns not say that we will have it granted us). In fact, as a writer in Toronto Saturday Night re- mar.s. Sir Oliver has prepared anice circle of "soft spo's" and it makes very little difference where he falls. From the same writer we quote the following sage remarks with regard to the position of affairs. "Mr. Meredith and his followers seem likely to suffer must from what has hap- pened and is likely tn happen on this pro- hibition question. The Marter bill w*s rejected on a straight party vote. The Conservatives voted solid for it, and as that measure was designed to dose up all bars in the province, the liquor inter- ests will go solid airaiiut Mr. Meredith in the next electi n. Heretofore the saloon men have voted Liberal more through fear than love ; now they will vote that *ay without compulsion. Th> Conserva- tive party tied itaelf by that vote to a solid something that cannot be explained away hereafter, no matter what turn events may take. In alienating the liquor men sending their hearts where their treasure is they won no correspoodintf benefit, for the Liberal* outbid them in pen mat ket for temperance sympathy by uertxin feiijLi in the direction of total prohibition. Mowst did not tie himself and party to anything so solid as to incomnxxie his free agency next year or sny other year. He ill have a plebiscite taken and refer certain constitutional points for settlement. If there is not an over- whelming majmity for prohibition he will no' feel ju-tihrd in giving effect to so revolutionary a principle at is prohibition. If tlie majority U overwhelming, there are still Mine constitutional points whose srtt>ment ma* reluve him from the necessity of Liking fateful action. The saloon men will I* made to see that there are a great many | nulventurei between this bright May evening and the pasaag* of prohibition by Sir Oliver Mowst They will Come t > believe that their good friend the Premier is staring off raiit'ng teetotaler*, and doing it with rare daiu- tinew. On the other hand, if prohibi- tion does not come the temperance people will perceive at a glance that the fault lay, Dot iu S.r 'liver, hut in thu unsatis- factory nature of i ho plebiscite, or in a faulty constitution " Best Cure For All disorders of the Throat and Lungs is Ayer's Cherry Factor*!. It has no equal as a cou";h-cure. Bronchitis " When I was a boy, I had a bronchial trouble of ^uch a persistent and stub- born character, that tbe doctor pro- nounced it incurable with ordi::.i > iei::e\lics, but recommended me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I c!id so, anil one bottle cured mo. Tor iho i ^t til' -.-n Tears, I have used this preparation with good effect whenever 1 take i ! .id cok 1 . and 1 know of numbers of pccple keep it in the house all the t.ir.e. not considering it safe to ho without it." J. C. V.\..-d>.-.n, r.M., Fo.-est Hill, W. Va. Cough "For more than twfnty-Sve years, I was a sulferer from lung trouble, at- tended with coughing so severe at irrvs as to cause henu>rrruio, the paroxy-.ru frequently lasting three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral, and after taking four bottles, wa-s thoroughly cured." Franz Hoffman, Clay Centre, Rons. La Grippe " Last spring I was taken down with la grippe. At times I was compleu-iy prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began raking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete." W. M. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. AYER'S GURRY PECTORAL Prvparad hr Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co.. LowoD, HIM, SoUbyallDnie(i*t*. Prio* fi ; *u boul**, H. Prompt to act. ure> to otu NEW GOODS and NEW STTL E 8 In Shoes and Boots We are well supplied with new goods and styles to meet the wants oi our friends. In Ladies' and Childrens' wear we have Red, Tan and Black Oxford's. Lace and Button Boots, also Prunella. In Mens' and Youths' we have Oxfords, Bals and Gaiters. In Quality, the best that can be hail In Price, cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see, them as we want your trade ?nd can suit you well. REPAIRING aud CUSTOM WORK attended to promptly CLAYTON'S A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following Interesting testimonies : South American Nervine, the gnat cure fur Nervousness, Nervous !' mi- ration, Nervous Headache,, Sick Head- ache, Nervous ParoxyasBs, Nvrvoos i Chills, Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, i Palpitation of th Heart, Sleeplessness, Nervousness of females of all ages, Indi- | gestion. Dyspepsia. Burning of the Stom- ach, Weight and Tenderness in the Stomach, Wind upon the Stomach, Cat- arrh of the Stomach, Frightful Droams, < Nichtmare, Ringing in the ears. Vertigo and dizziness. Fainting, Impure and Im- i poverwhed blood. Scrofulous Swellings, | Consumption of the lungs, Female Weak- ; ness, General Debility, Broken Consti- tution. Chronic DiarrhoBa, and Debility of old age, all these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nerv- ine Tonic. Has your constitution been wrecked by an attack of La Grippe T The GKXAT SorTH AMEEICAJ* NKKVIXB TONIC will quickly restore your shattered nerves, strengthen and curs your digestive or- zaus, regulate your Liver snd purify your blood ; and restore you to prfec< soundiKtM again. This great Tonic should b- used after all sickness. lit xtwers to restore to health are simply wonderful. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown, Ind., says : "I ows my life to the Great South \inerican Nervine. I had been in bed 'or live months from the effscta of au ex laustive Stomach, Iiidiirestion, Nervous Prostration snd a ^enenj shattered con- dition of my whole -yiteiii. Had given up all hopes of Kuttiui( well. Had tried iirve doctors with no relief. Tho first ttle of tho Nurvino Tonic improved me so much that I was \b e to walk about, kiid a few bottles cured me entirely. 1 believe it the best medicine in the irld. I cannot recommend it too high- *. X, For sale by Gr~**lU, Ala., , . for S7 yeam the A JTOCAT* has pub- I"hed advertisements of various patent medicines, many of which were -xce&. tionally go.xl remedies] for the disease*) aud ills for which 'Jiey were recommend* But we hare not yet heard a* good re- port of any as we have of the Great South American Nervine Tonic, s large adves> tuement of which we publish on cxa second page. A lady subscriber in Louisville, Ky., wrote us some time ago asking to hare r. Stewart, the druggist here, to send her a bottle for her husband. In a %hort time she wrote again ordering two more bottles and said it was doing her husband good. A few days sino^ meeting one of our principal mez- cbatiu who had been in bad health many mouths, we asked him how he was getU tag on : Be said he was getting better every day, that he had found a patent medicine that he had taken taken se era! bottles of it and was going to coi tmue it, for he says he would not take a thousand dollars for the good it has al- ready done him. Inquiring what kind of medicine it wt>v he told me it wae the South American Nervine Tonic. m- bf> . Hearing so much about this great re edy we interv:ewed Mr. Stewart, and tells M 'hat he can scarcely keep a sup- ply on hand as it sells as fast as he cao get it. and all those who we it speak iu the hinheet praise of it. He says he ha*i sent it to Advocate subscribers in Florida, Kentucky, North Albany, and other places. This in no paid notice, we publish u simply iis a tribute to a deserving rem- edy, and if it is doing; good we are gliul that it is in the reach of our sick and suf- fering people. W. RICHARDSON, F/esherton. HEALTH FOR ALL, v llolloway's Pills and Ointment !., vor, THE PILLS M Mood. oono all Dlwrd*** ( Kltln',yi, titnl and are tnvaluabla In <ess> i*ntal* i\ia}***pran aM. Foe CbUdran sod t]>* tffA |.h*7 ra priceless THE OIWTMKIST -tiTr*T- '*'-' '-if. "n-* rr-irf. "-' ---- *-. - * "-* It Ufsmoa* las* aoo% aa<t Miswijsateiu. for .Iteordvncl tb* Cb*ut It ti.i* uo equal ForSORK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. CUL'KHS, COLDS aUadalarSw*IHn(*.aa<laM3kin IS baa no rival: and for contra***! ami stiff )o4n<* ( wt* Uka a obarm. Miaoio*as*yi ontv a* Profeiwor Houowars K*tabli*hmeat. . New Oxford Street < late 533. Oxford Ktre i ). L SSMiansoldat I*. ld., .*.. exOd-Uaw, Ik., and Ms. *aab Box or Poi. and ma? be tmd W*J1 Mt* letn* V*ndan .In.injboot th* World. * <t <* LaM 0* Pot* o*d Anns. If As addrssi ejo 53S, O^urd Htnrt, LunJon, Am on spucins*. Tbi Fkstntsi H1IITD1E ad IlllFiCTIlllli (a. I "Manufacturers of and coalers in Furniture of all kinds. Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, Scroll Work, etc. In our store we have full lines of Furniture and Undertak- ing goods, which we are selling at our usual popular prices. To this department we are giving personal attention our Would call your notice to our Carriage and \Vac;on Shops under the e ficient charge ot Mr. D. Blair, which is a sufficient guar .ntee that all work entrusted to us in this line is being done. Factory oppoite F*i*el>>-ttM-ln.n <Jlmtirch Show Rooms and Office, Strains Block, near Town 1 1 all. J. E. MOORE.