TRUTH BEFORE FAVuR." - - PRLSCIPLES, NOT MBX.' \TCL. XIL, NO 617. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893 W. H.THURSTOS, : ZcA SsgiiSfil 1 Silverware. A new and magnificient lot of beautiful silverware just re- ceived. The largest ever carried in Flesherton. Prices right. Call and inspect. ARMSTRONG BROS. Cucrnia From oar etsa Farmers ar* beginning U> fed dowa> hearted at the cold, backward spris*. ss a Uu spring generally the of a lat harveat. fiat Prov rich provtder and oae thing i* sere, what- ever cosBea is for oar good, as every bead* of gtaaa ha* its owa drop of dew. Mr. Saaatl Pedlar, ar., ia very poorly Sag friandi in this vicinity. The Doctor watd to wiaU the "birch" in oar P. 8. m days gone by. Mrs. Meldnm ha* been very aiek for i with an attack at ieiaric rheu- Tbe. veneer factory l.eHim a larger ' boiler pat ** also aome amsjtaaa* to it* maehinerr. It is d jiag tpieadid work. TbeUdie* Aid*of the Pnabytacnwi A and Gentlemen! Get your spring supply of BOOTS anJ SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from which to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK Be sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual done on thort notice and in a neat manner. JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. at i* tbe afienvoo and evening of thetweaty rowUk. lley extend a cordial inviation to all, aa a food tua ia ex- pected. Mr. Richard Hoy,of the Morey Corner, ia now able to be arooad afaia after hie very aevere attack of inaVanv naalkm of the luaeja. Hioaaelf and wife had the sympathy of afl UM enoimejaity ' in the aad low by death of their oldest boy, a fine little fe,ll-.w of thirteen yean of age, who waa called away aa aneUanlj in four day* li.kneei with : -*-TiiniitiTrn Uncle Sam* Mr*. Oeo. Moor, of visit lateiy to her si Wateaa. Saber, of Toronto, is staying with ttr, Mrs. Steele, at preeeat. Mtaase Brasjier. M. D. C. M., from the Woman's Medical Col Inge, Toroatoi, where she) has aaccesafauy her final exa*. with ant Mim&oaheriaceamiatl lislslsliiasad ia briagiag honor to ov httie huawas bar. Maw, Ella, *ad Matter Frank Haabaad peat Sunday with their parenta. Frank has quite a baaiaeea a^peaiaao*. [Mot* -The ah bat will afl be BEFORE BITING -YOU' XI- SPRING SUIT SEE OCR GOODS and PRICES Patronise the Merchant Tailor and make your best interest ours. 1 C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor.* . kcd like yard, planting ti**a, eta. LAWW Button, of Bolton, was at Dr. Button* for a day or two teat Farmers, Attention ! JACKSON the GREAT IMPLEMENT MAN Has secnred tbe agency for Flesbcrton ud vicinity tor the ! of Uw following Implements . NOXON BIDDERS, MOWERS and DRILLS. C*n also supply you with Wilkinson Plows. Spring Tooth Harrows, all kiixls. Chatham mud Speight Wagous. Br&ntford and O*nanoqo Baggies. Road Carts of all descriplious.Steel Windmills.ia fact every- thing the Fanner wants, anJ will not be UNDER- SOLD by any agent in the Count*. All good* guaranteed lo Jo good work or no sale. Will be in Flesocrtoa ewy Monday and Saturday. All oorrespoudenc* atnt to oar address. Mark dale, will ba promptly attended to. Yours truly, w JACKSON T - The Store on the Hill ? This month we wnt to give every one a clunce to try onr TEAS, which, we believe, for strength and flavor, beats anything yet shown. In order to do w we lav* BElli 1 P tl.mto tlu> following low figure*: Our 25 cent tea for 2.H. Our 30 cent tea for 27. Our 35 cent tea for 33. 2 cents a pound off, not much to look at, but when we tell you that any of those teas are worth full}' 5 cents a pound more, it makes? big difference. Try them anJ be convinced that we are telling the truth. Our groceries are always fresh. Nothing stale kept on the shelves, HATS. HATS. HATS. We have jnst opened 2 cases of imported hats. Newest style* in stiff and oft Felts, Fcdoiag, Straws etc. Highest prices paid for Produce. = Feaw,ck ia I>ut up a fine frame barn thu Mr. Plant eouteaipUt patting np a barn thia aeaaon. So doaa Mr. Walker. There ia tome talk of a paper mill be- in* atarted at the Fall* right hrk>w the grit mill. The y<.>ang men hare orgut>d their foot baU ctwh. Ith*kkrboy* will h* able to bo p anvm; 'jty if the) erxk taanw aroand thia part of the ooontry. Mr. Jake Wiliuu^ u he mag any at the anvil early and Ute. He miMt hare *uaft arrvMu uttenUi<CM or he would n t wvirk ao hard. Ha d.<o't prefrr a bacheW* life. Miaa Mmnie Can weeit t ta city onM tinM ago. She intend* wpeeidinf the aoainer there. Vim. William Wiboa ha* bee* my tick frm leerared teeth. r>Lo *u threatened with lock-jaw fron the ftxt* of them. Mn. Rutherfvxrd Kai been Trry poorly. Ska ia now gettin* brttar. The Lorera* Walk at the falla U *ll pa'rvoicrd by oar y>NUg people. Thty declare an ereniwjt walk the next lea: thing to a taffy party. Mr. and Mr*. Robert WaJaoo of Wai- ter'aFalk. were the |te*r* of Squire for a few day* hueir. K. W. as hmnBim at the Fall*. The regnUr quarterly aeroee* of the chwrchforthe Pncevills ear- Business Cards. DIVBUONCOlkTCL&KJL.COVMISSlCSIB ktaVJX.4 ffONKYTOLOAX. Fmm ear PWM Oorra*>*ne{ntl Mr Aadrrw Pott* left fer OrOUagwood ia BOW the order of the iOXT day. Mr. Brown N rviUMtamiioj; the ot>!d ve^ther i-f late the beautiful littie Ur*tica (Aouti- toba) baa inJ* it appearaaa*. ill n..w be in thiir glorj. Th fish "caught" in earn.?: Ut <Uy. for ere old "Sol" had hpe,l the Mai due* a gvodr/ nun-ber el amateer and profaiainail 6ah>raaei were giltiai; hooka and ro.U in readinee* and at the srry dvw were aeea ending UM*> way School Inepector Campbell visited oaw school oo Friday teat and reported every- thing good ahape. He, a* mnal. gave ahw for the dear sad forcible manner in which the children answer. MM* AgM Strachaa spending a few d*y* at Warpham. Mr. Richard Preaton sfwat a few dy* a* home lately. Mr. M. FWd * around again. Mr. Strachan and Ales, are around Arbor day wa* sot uassrisJ on bet Friday on accoaat of the mod, but w:U be aooa. MM Lottie Kertoo iwtarasd to Fkwh- ertoo last week. B. d. Evans. i to the bank* of the river to tht patience-trying *rvxkn ^> .: , number of .} t-i''d beaatiee were landed. Little IX nnie Tyfoa waa one of the trt I to try hi* luck n,l *uo<ceded ia hooking I <m that tipped the ac-Ua at lioaa. Not | so bad for 7 year ohi roaagtr. III. i* petting hi* pony tl own to aomt* thiaglike*peed. Nearly et try day he mj be seen perched in hi* superb Arm- strong cart handling th ribbooa ia a style that would nuke a professional jockey grow irrxen with eovy. The bojs of .ar P. & hare au eye to They have take* the. job ,-f the wood in the ahed ami intend l>urcha*ing a fnot-ball with the proceed*. Look out fr challenge*. Mr. and Mr*. Mortinwr. of Sholb*rn, were scayiaf in the Tillage for a few oars lattjgWek buainew reUtrag to the eauto of the Ut* Donakl MrLean. Mra. Mocrhaad left for CWvelaad laat to visit her daughter Mrs. L. Spring work i* now rapidly progress! . <e fr a continuatooa of the weathrr . f thia week. Tti ech.t.4 dispute rvfenwd to in week k-ttor ha* beea *atM**uriry t .nl by Inspector f*ampbaH oa ThunJay l**t. Tpoa intwtigau -o it was roaad that the ebargea nreferted ag*in<t I teacher were mere children'* stories aad Ucke4 any cvn.1naat.or, and Halves were fiuoU to have beea without cua*idTU <r and wen i groundlees. Mr. H.tiuilio wiltiwgiy that Dr. ht* of Pott BrX ia visit. a pvbHe aaolowy to thorooghly contincrd he was ia the wrviaj;. Mr. eJUMMiuea the achool whib her* andl ex pneaad himsetf a> being well pleased with the standard of tbe, sad altbooch the avaal sranqaility had been U hoped that ma.-tera wod before. He informvd the ratepayers preeent that the eJ staasard, the aeatneea and rlisaliaena o tbe *caool aad the school diciphW were qua! U\ and ia fart superior in many reepecta to other sch,>s in the eoanty. W ar* pliinJ U> report that Mia* Minnie Cameroa ie rapkily isaproTing in Toronto aad is new able to have the ho* pital aad hop* sooa to eee her at iHrdiral HVTTON \B> CABTUL M. c. P. a a, oat. ftjirii rnaimaaaai tum -, J P. OTTXWEU. T \fttri j r. M. D . U I'. b.n.v. Baiaai >aajnlalHf. Jcntistru. J.rMUBSaALU L V s M D. R-. Dialtil TMat M It* let aa4 Sr4 Wiamlay et : -..M-.,.- -Lk-2 ti.l-.-i. . Coe v-' - < v... t UKK-.HT Han >>, aalkiam. Cjcrrraenil. Oat - - MtrtaeJe. L B X. a.-neriMrtea erne*. HiMhea> J. sraovi-F. Ml put o* tk* Owuty at !*( >*!*. with M KMB at Jow