Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1893, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done ID all Its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Good News TO MA MY I desire to call the attention of the public to thu fact that I hive opened A General Repair Shop la connection witli tho Flcshcrtou Woollen Mill, and am prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turning- Patterns made, aud castings got on short notice. I have not Hpaco to mention in detail tbe variety of work lean do, but anything .you 1m vo in irou or wood that requires mending bring it to the l''lesherton repairshop Vuere you may depend on get tin;, yonr work <3ouc neatly and sutmtan tilly. Having emery win . 1 suitable for tf>V\V <U>t>f ITNO I will make that a specialty fur u few weeks. Charges low, but term e'jrictly cash. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHEE F Oil SALK OH TO LET. an Fu til.- be . lar-fl vltliin to inllot of Kl. lvut w.ter pownr mill sitn t l.ittl .1 at in. ' f tho dam. Wi -v iiii.-H, an tha land In pare*-. .- H.-IC upwunU mi |.iiri-lia*.rs. Tli- \iill.iv i..i-l rum " ilia wl,ol lonxth i.f tin. | la<'e. Tim in a Opportunity for famlllm to **onr* nniall Imina SMads with ahundant o| it Trm liboral. Api-ly t \VM Flathorton Stutioii IV F<JU BALE. At n Bnrtcaln. f/>t I. con. 4, Kii|ili,-a>ia. containing 118 aoroi S| 'liM.'ll I fmiii.- I. m ii , cltni.-.l. vltli uii.l.-r 1'i.tMiri, franii' kitrliun ic.iilu. water, ]< A I ..... t i^J acre . ultable for rnii.yr. \\ill INI Kil.l lmin<llatol al a aorlflr. Any pvrnon daalrlnu a (jmul plnce (liquid luvotigato. Write to JOHN MAIillN Kunenia 1'. O Owen Sound. Ontario, U ^he Vei'y I'l.ACH IN CANADA TO IIKT A Thorough liuiineii AWuca(ton. SHILOHS CURE. Car Cor TOf.otlnn, Con*!i,Crnip, Sore Throat. Sold by ll DmfgifU n Un'ranir*. V I. lire SiJ, Bicker Cl.tnL: .:oh' Poioua 1'Ii.itsr will five ircalMthfortiov as c:jta> eHILOH'8 ViTAUKBR. Mrs. T. 8. llawklTO.Cbatt.wvHra.'; "" ..tayei . r* J.I KB.* 1 tontidcr U 'fx-ltLSlrafiHliij fttwruafl' 1 ForJ^pcr-'i. UvtrwU-Jney trouble It 9iooU. Price vfl eta. rfrirnr 1 1 STB you i Inn. rrh? Try this ca-<!r. UwlB. 07 relieve cud ( uni ) ,\. I'ru o M cu. TbU Injector lor IJ sui-ec .4)1.1 tfatmcut I* fmrutsbod free. Kcmemlicr.Shiloh'B Kara-Ik* aru sold oa a (iiunmteu to give satisfaction. r Take a Round 'pip - ' To The Public. Raring-ranted Whltten'i blauktmltb ibop for term of yean, I tin now In a I'Oiition to calorto all wauti in my line. Horseshoeing a Specialty, BatUfnction Guaranteed- For anything in the backtmithing line call on F. A. BUNT, Opposite Hlohanlson's Hardware Itore. SOCIETIES. OTAL TKMPLA11H OP TEMPBRANrB. hegiilar Council meU every Tunday erenlnK In Rprouln'i I. lock at H p. to Siilect ilaRree (luturaucel meets nioiithh. the Wednesday preceding tbe Und o( each inontli. R SONB OF TBHrEPANCK -TbU ociety niet in Dr. ChiiJtoe' Hall orry i\V*>l- nmday avunlng at M p.m. Viiting brelh ran iuTlt*d. Insurance In connection. 1->RIN'K AKTHl'R IXIDflK So. 3M. A.F. * AM. mt In the Uannnlc Hall.Ktrain' lilock,Kli.brtoB, evry Friday on or I, ef nr tliefull monn. A. B. VauduMii, W. II BJ. Hpronl Beoretarr. THE Tailor, Makes all garments of men's wear in tin- beat style at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. BALE. Laruo store ami .Iwolllnij, at Flenhorton Sta- tion, fni ialo or t.. :..t ; tu unn parcel ur ran l.u Hul.'livnloil into A nlio|iit and a Hutu dw.-llinK roouiN, <ir in ..tiler manner K* may. In, afO'tto.1 - inlalil" fur Mturii. tailor, drexiuaker mid uiilllni r. Apply to W. HOOI .-|4Mtf rieilierton Station 1*. O 1 and iiunntN in vlmt ,.iainlne uTery ^^^nK>i)y It we fall In | i. I in . (he 1 1 hut fiu k i i-oiiiplatu, itraotlcal and citfii unuraeoUtiiiiy , thu l>t uollosn prunnoi the bmt >n.i ..... ~t . ..mi.i.-ti. anil mint uit ~ fnrtiltura nnil aiipliancon, <- will |(lve you full eourM Kill K Kor Annua, Announce Mil, Kiiun full partleulan, (mr. a.lilreee C. A. FLEMING, Principal. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I Having purchased tho harness businesa from Mr. Clayton, I wish to intimate that my en- deavor will bo to pK'iiso and gatisfy customerg in any work which may be entrusted lo me. All kindft of horgeinen'i n quiaitea kept in gtock, at low ratei. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting yonr orders, I remain respectfully, W.MOORE- Fleshetton, Jan. 24, 1893. Brownsville. owr own Currtpndent. Shure, Mr. Editor, and I'll bo after giving you lome news. Wull in the Kmt pluoe, I must give y jur readers an idea wlier* I live. Tliaru't a Uruwnnville in Norfolk, another in Pictpu, nnd Mill mi other in King*, and yet nnotliur in New WeKtmiuiiter. But that'll not tho pi ice at all, at .all. Sliure *ir, this [>lnce i not far in .in Drumure, wlinru tin y have the grate saw mill and whare the chopper h'u goue wrong. Wull now, pintle radef, you tuiglit bo nfttT likin' to hear how it got its name. Thi* I can a'ao tell to you. There wait a chap as started a iturc, and his n*nio was Brown, and be hung uut hu ait(n with his pame on it and I suppose "ville" was put to it by ill.- li.iys becaiiitv it is a villago. Wull sir, this lias been one of (he hard- est winters I uvur experienced and I am an ould man. There has not been the ikon of it since 1 mt here. There has not been a brunk since it begun, but grstu front and storms, b'lt now there is a bad brake aa it I* braking the roads all up. There U an influenza going around, sir, and T can toll you it U a bad t! .ng. I took it and since I had grip I never felt so poorly. The hoopiu' cough luta been here, too. I don't know bow it ia we have so many dweasea, or who brings it to ui, but I Mipj.u.ic it is the same in all towns. We understand our teacher ia going to have an entertainment in the schule neit Friday. George and Dan waa drawing square timber, and I can assure you their horses caught it. The plunging they got, air, would make you feel sorry for them. I tell you it is hard earned money. Earney Lapsley has trailed tho ould gray mare off and a grata mare she wan. I Haw tliuin, sir, take a load of fltraw through a dap* bank of snow. He had all he could do (o make them draw it out, for when oue whit forward the other wiot back. Mr. Editor as thia ia tha unit of tbe kind I know you won't ho looking for much and it may l>o you hav not much space. However, I would like you would giro UM a little space and make any corrections in my "pelting and ttich like. Another of tho old pioneers of Proton lias gone. He is the third in this neigh- borhood insidu of two yean, and his good companion, Mrs. McFarUn, lies in very poor health. I hope aho will get l.i-tlor. He w sick not 24 houis. He ate a hearty broakfiwt and wont about as usual yesterday. It was at the bams ho took sick.and to-day ho wan quite chatty, uveii tun minutes before ho died. There are but few of tho old pioneers loft now. The family havo our sympathy. [Too 1 ite for last issue En.] That AVER'S Sarsjiparilla CUKES OTHERS nf Scrofulous Dis, lirupliiins, Boils, Kc?.i.-mu, I. Ivor anil Kidney Dis.'aso*, Pyspopsiit, Rheuaiatism, ;;.ul (.' :i;irrh shoukl be Cvinviiu-inp that the same course of trvsitmcpl \viLl. CUKE YOU. All has been unid of t!io wonder- ful cures eitV.-ted by the use of Sarsapariila t!;irii':j ih- past fifty years, truth- fully i-.pplii'S t<i-Jay. It is, in every , The Superior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood MS AYKK'S Sarsaparilla is t.iken, they yield to this treatment. V/hen you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any cf the \voithlesssubstiuttes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no . purill.i, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, art blood-purifiers In name only, anil are effcred to you because there is more profit in selling them. Tako Sarsaparilla Prec. ,rrj hy Dr. ]. C Aver A Co.. I .-w,ll, MaM. Sold by .11 ; Prbe . , >.< boolea, j. Curea other*, will euro you I wiint) and District. Tlie Bruce spring assizes began before Mr. JuHtico Hose at Walkertun Monday. Harkwell's Bronchial Balaam will cur* c'lUijlu, ooldn, brunchitis and wthma. A terrible socidunt occurred near Jerueyville on tho 17th through which Mr. John DodfU lit his life. He went uut to fell some trues an'' one struck him mi the tup of bis hc.iii, fracturing his skull. Hia father, Mr. Ciuorgo 1> lives i short dmtunca fn.iu St.ijntr. Stayiit-r Sun. l-o'i. Miin^i", ami Scratches on human or aniiiiala c.irni in 'M minutes '.ijr \\.ml- ford's Sanitary Lotion. 'II..- I..I.T fails Warmi.ted by Wm. M. Rtchardsou The drink of whiskey which Council- lor W. R. Scott .f (.'rand Valley swal- lowed in Dr. (Javillvr'a drug sturo on the ni^'lit of thu last elrcti.'ii 1ms proven rather expensive for Mr. Scott. For this violation of the Liquor Liceusu act Magistrates Jnhiist.ui and Tolton have flued Scott |8& and c>ts, aiiioiintiii^ in all to $40. Sc >tt will probably appeal. Oian^cvilleAilvcrtiacr. A cablegram from England last week convoyed tht) intelligence to Mu?HrK ' Wilkiiiviii, of Toronto, sndB. \Vilkit,aoo, of thin t.iwn, that an a^ed bacholur uncle kad died and had left nn t-s(atu worth nearly |20,000, tn which thp above named gentlemen are the only surviving heirs. The deceased gentleman w.-u. t'ue etor of a large mining concern, alth lu^'h he had retin-.l fr< nn the management ftouie yean ago. O. S. Timea. KliriiinaiiMn 4'urrd in a day. South American Rheumatic Cure for Kli. umatism and Neuralgia radically curei in 1 to 3 dsya. Its action u|.n the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the Jiavase immediately disappears. Th hrat dose greatly beneota. 75 cents. Warranted by Richardson & Co. A sad accident happened near Neujtadt on Siitur.Uy morning whereby Mr. Fred Weppler, a atalwart young (jurinan, waa suddenly anil without a moment's warn ing unhiTi-d into the uuaeen world. The i|i> waa chopping in the woods with hia brother and in trying to start a tree which he had cut, hut which had lodged in another, he was struck to the ground and initaiitly killed. Hia head was crushed in. Chronicle. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley I nd., says : "I had been in a distrewec condition for three years from Nervous in' an, Weakness of the Stomach, l)yspep sia and Indigestion until my health was ne. I bought one bottle of South An. .r ican Nervine, which done me more od than any f 50 worth of doctoring ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuul.U and lon-ly remo.'.y. I consider it th trim. lest medicine in the world.' 1 A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant d by Kichardson A Co. ' On last Tucxdsy nighl or Wednesday morning, Mr. (itor^e Nolan of Totten ham wu awakened by the harking of his dop. , He got up and looked around, but lint finding anything unusual, returned t. bed. As the barking of the dog stil coiitinuud, howuver, he got up again ant went outside. Tho dog immediately pre I him toward tho mill, and as he reached thu railway track found a mai tying across one of the rails. He fouiu ili.. man '|inti unconsious, and had hin removed to his own houw and metlica asaiutanco WHM at once summoned. I waa found that lie hnd been bleudin^ freely, a quantity of blood having beei found on the truck where the nun fell Shortly after Mr. Nolan got the man away, a train of care enmo <lown tho road which would no doubt IIHVO cut the man t<> pioces had he Mil! been laying there. When the nmn became conscious in tho morning, he Htitrd that ho hnd been drinking with scmo other*, and hail beon turned out from thu hotel between 11 slid 12 o'clock p. in. ; that he got into Im cutter and started for In me, as ho thought, hut had actually diiven in the opposite direction. During the drive he was thrown from the cutter, which, with the horse, was afi.-r i,.l . found at Oaaaerley's diiving shod. Had it not lii-cn for thu barking of the clog and Mr. Nolan's praiaeworthy care and activity, no doubt the man would have been killed. Beeton World. Eng'lsli Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and from hones, Blood Spavin Curb*, Splintn, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Slides, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. ' Save >60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Warranted by Richardson A Co. of Business. undersigned begs leave to SIM qnaint the inhabitants of I-'li^h. surrounding country that !. ,h(k purchased the Flour, 1-Vi- 1 ac<l < . from Richard PeiUar, whro lif will contiime to keep on hand a good supply of Flonr, Feed and L" "it L'rices. Courtesy nnd Squvre IVal.i.g n;!l l>e the order of the dav at tlfr.ilci-.vou'> Store- W hope tliat the Old r iMi.iu f r- ill continue to patronize us and a spriub- jing oi new ones. Eggs Taken InTrade. Ple-wes' and Fords Flour Always on Hand. Died. Waiosrr- In lrt*IDMla, on Thuraday, March 83. Tboa. B.lwai .1 Wrlghl, son Q| Mr. B. Wilfbr, ag*l U rears, 7 mos, Wm Henderson. (Turd*. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. Co. OUT. ION COCM dJERX.COsr*lSIOr*. ul laai.ii Ai'pralicr fvr C U r, Com. A B. SoJ*ty Honor to Loan no th* Isaem or MABUIAUB HdTABT PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. Tb nn<I<%ign<>4 bs a large amount of money to loM t 60/0 on town or prop- rtT. B. DAJiCDK, nshrtcn. Twp. W.J. BELLAMY. Clerk. ArUmaala, C.-uo?ncf !&*, etc., prepared and property executed Insurance uYoll in 6t3l els** eooicanlM Mooey to W-nd at low*l rui M. R. HAMMOND Muter. Kiuibflrlcy. CoonnlMlotMr for n* Afflflawt eka. bwaree aoJ rao mooaj w.xt rate* g4>oreI aeix. LfoaJt, WUB. promptly. ittcdiral. DR. HOTTON M. D. C. M., U. 0. P. * 8, 0t. MM. vMV lUtiJaoce and (XBa oae door wt% of Ue Xetbodlal Chnrob, Kloroea St. OA<w <iaya, Turadaji aiMl S*tarda\ i. DR. CARTER. M. C. P. A 8 , Out rhyeictaa, tamea, etc.. PlMhertoo. Offlee Slislu'i Mok. Muuibw'e hotel. DRS. 8PROULB & 60, VarkilaU, ODt. Office Manly'e 4rn| iture. T. U. Bptooto, If . D., Etc Aani b... M. D.., late of TottonUm, Oat. Dr. Bn vil) be fonad at lb< Markdale HOAX M u IK m J P. OTTEWELL. Veterinary Huruton. OraJimtx of Ontario Veterinary CoUugo. Keldenc Houie lately occuylud by Win. llradlejr at tbe Drill abed. J. P. HALSTEAD, M. P., X. C. P. * *., Out .practises at Url.,. Bh^aul*. dUs^e. . .p*etai<* J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. S., U. D. B., Dentist. Visits Ma*k> iale the-lst xd 8*d We<ln*,ly ..f MM*, mall. yubrtoo Eh uip oo the day ollowlog. . J. W. FROST, Barrister, Solicitor, (',.. i. . aioar, rieshvfton ofllas Kxt the post Bpronl* s baihling, on ThtirbJays. Buasvl offlse Vrosl's^. P. McCDLLODGH, Barristor, 8<ilicitot, Etc. rarUud's stnr, MaxkJJ. Eta, ofio* Owa Olliox . vfT Kft. M HIHV to LOSA, WRIGHT & LINDS\Y, Barrtitun, ioliolton, oc . Oven s,.u:,d. O FlMharlon offloaal MltcrMll'o Inuik W.u1ne f savh week. Money to tuan al lowoat rats*. W. H. WRWHT, B. B. R. *T. Sproula, T>O3TMA8THn, Flaaburton.Corumi -*- >r iu H. R., I.ii->iinr<i A uclii. IIHC, COON wvauoer, Appraiser aud MOD*; LenJw. Real Estate and IniuraoAs Agent. Ds4g> Mortira^sa, Leases and Wills drawn opa*4 Talaatious mad* oo shortest ni.tica. A**-. tion SaUM att.-mlu.t to in any par; of tM C.mntT. Uooy to I'.an at loweat nttf 4 int.-r>at. OIUtious aitmdwi to prompto*** anJ dspath. OfaargM Ag*nt(oitbDa*BiDk>a Stn>sbipCoM heap tfekeU from Flabrton lo Glasgow, London or an? of forts. Parli.s InUndtug lo visit or Ir^raM. wiN pUaM uk < LtarfW * MktM I *

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