Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1893, p. 4

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THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE ri.EHHEB-rOlt, - - ONT. PoblULrd weekly by IT Ii Thur.nton. $> A dveitising Rates: OOB Column. 1 year, *iO ; half col., 1 year, *27 quarter col., om< yrar, #13. Traualuut arivertlnttineiit cliarcuil at the rate ft 8 ceuU per Hue for flrit iimurtiou aud 8 cvuu each hulxMHiuout iiisc-rtiou. LOCAL POLITICS. Political questions iu this riding are : 'Uinjj to receive a largo degree of uUcuiiuii, as it is allo v;ilior likely that the electorate will crc long bo called tc select condidatcs for the local house. The Conservative party ii East Grey is not so well organ- ized as it should be. There is too much disaffection evident too much indifference aud carelessness. These failings augur poorly for future con- tests ; still, we hope the lethargy will be thrown off,the oarelussuess rectified before the time arrives when such could work havoc in the party. There ia, too, a spirit of unrest in the political atmosphere. A sort of feeling that the eueiny ia an unknown quantity. This, however, is not cjtitiufd to auv one of the old parties, but to both.and is quite uatur- al in consequence of tho largo deflec- tion from both ranks consequent upon the Patron movement, which lias as- sumed a position that commands respect. This association, if wo un- derstand its objects aright, will bo nil with nothing short of an en- tin- revolution in tin- civil service ile- partmctit and in fact in the whole system of govri mm nt (If this is wrong we wish to bo pttt right.) It is granted that the Patrons are a power- ful organization in this tiding. At tlic late convention in Toronto it was decided to put up Patron candidates iu close constitnuncii's; iu strong Con- servative constituencies, Conserva- tive; and iu Grit constituencies, a <irit. This is a good idea and denotes a cleTcr generalship. Well, apply this to our own riding. It ia a iiionil certainty that thu Patrons intend to submit their platform to the Conservati/o uoiuinco, and iu tho v nt of his rejecting it nil! bring out a Conservative Patron to cplit the vote. Thin is the evict position of affairs, aud it must be taken into ser- ious consideration, and that by both tho old line parties. ... VVhilu both parties are oil the same footing, so fir at ilia above matters are concerned, there is a danger men- acing the Consurrative party that dous not uiuuacu tho Reformers, and that is the class of mun in the Conservative ranks wlio are disullWtr.l on account of l!u government's pon>:iol, and who desire a elmii^c in t.'io pivuiit>r- ship. This scntiiu.Mit appears to exist to 11 fuiihidcralilt' cvUntin thu riding, uinl will tend limn- tluu anythirg rlsr to WL il> havoc if it is allowed to llour- ish. If tlii'iv i vi i w.i.s a time in tho iy of tlio Con.-. iv.iti\o puily in lln^ tiding wliun it should bo uni'.r.l il in tl.i |n . -. ni in .mi i,', when so in my i < s arc \vli, -M.'i injf mil tltc r. ..I.IIM- i-iiiH of Ad.iiiu The habit ell dl.c's IKBl! tO tipilU till 1 be del in this age of I. !- 'II 1 ... We have gone thus into tliis Hubjeot In < tin! time is oop <; tune to plucu tho i xact position nf alfairs before the electorate. Let those nil i.i- n iir anil tiiin U u hails accaidin^ly. A HKKVK l'NSKATi:i). It is Hiifo to Hay that, for a Tillage dimeiisious, Dundalk has mcue litigants and litigation that any other town in Canada. Party politics of tho old unreasonable school, envy and personal animosity are deplorably rampant and appear to flourish like noxious weeds. The l.tli t news to httiid is that of the unseating of lin-vr llauhiiry on a trivial technicality, which trial took place before Judge Morrison at Owou Sound on Thurs- day last. A new election is there- fore on tho tapis. Mr. Hanhury is a Conservative aud his opponent last January was Mr. McGregor, also a Conservative, who brought tho present action to have tho Reeve unseated upon the ground that some Hanbitry suppoi te: s were not quililied voters. The judge sustained this contention and voided the elcctiau. Messrs. Mc- Giegor and lluubury will ouoe uiorc be tho candidates and the contest will be a sharp one, but we mistake the people of Duudalk if they do not show Mr. McGregor that designing people of his stamp are not liouizd iu that community. Dundalk is ac- quiring an unenviable notoriety for litigation of a not too honorable kind, and the better class of people there should make an effort to stem the tide which threatens to overflow the place. As in the case of all Hoods it would leave a deep nauseous sediment behind aud breed a pestilence ineradicable. A Drninl. 1'" the Edit -r of the Advance. DIAR SIR, I hare been informed that there is a report iu circulation to the effect tlmt my Uien are beinif ]>aid to the Iit-h Liike tuparate ichool, thut insinuat- iiti; tltat the tup|><>rl of any pn>i-rty I po-4 here would be takeu away fniiu the place. Tbi i* a palpable f,j|n,-lio<xl luauufactured l>y H<>ino uii8cru|>ul<ms | IT- >n with a view tu injuring my !M new* in this locality. I i-..ul.l not if I ihi-.l to au]ipi>rt tlte said sejinmto m-li<>,,l s tho distam-u U-twren it au>i Fli-slnTton ta- tioii ID too ^ However, I ilon't wish to, ami any tuxcx I have paid have K<>ne to t!i,- pul. he ., -honls and will cuiitiiiuo to FaniM-r's IMN i . >t,. To the E'lit:,r / Thr Adniiue. DBAK SIB:- Now, that theOuvomincnt of thin Doiiiinimi have il.-ciilnl to visit ovi-ry ol.-ctotnl ilistit.t tl.roii^hoiit the riiiintry this yrar willi a view of l.i'.inn- all cliw-e rtgitnlmg ilu> i|iifHtiun nf taiilf, how it ull'.'iti thu v*ti,,iis iinliiKiti.-s of this country, tlit-ir oKjcvt U-intf tn an lutii .iti.l ri'U i the UrittT in a inaiiiier that will give f.iir play to all und f\or to none, RhotilU wo no 1 , lie pieptr ,1 for the <|uoation 1 It ii my (inn opinion that t!ie farm-rt I tins part of the country ihould movt t iniiiM central placu where there ia ac- cotnoilntiun and intelligently dincu>B the matter of tariff an a inattcr of hiinincns, and thin without prejudice lonny political party, BO that wo may get to know what we should usk for and ho roaily whon the time COIIIOH t > prununt our cauae witluxit any division in our ranks. We hope to hear our locitl newRpnpuri on thi* THKH. Ki i i.> I !.. Mnrlern llu\c>. n, MaivlfJdth. The KXPOHI- TOK UK! wcrk piililiilicd an arii In on tlir i Vi lit.' I;\HI tl, of this city, which IIBS ci.iivd i-on^i,l,.ralilo >icil-.Miu>nt in llranifoi-d and dintr.ct. It appi-iirs Mr livnml lins nioiv Ihan his h:ire of nll'iMin,' during thu past fow yeai-n. BO far mis lui inn down from kidney .1 that he Imd hmtllo- p<>,M-rof Jus |mtl>i .11. d l..i k. He o mid only yot around wiih tltn aid of two iMiilr'u'N, or when assisted by kind hand-i. (Its d.alh wan daily uxpcrt.'d (In llui udviiv (.f hih vt ii'i- In- 1 1 ird H i.ld'a Kidiicv 1'i'K, anil to.n in all ni'i> i u li.i\,-,. Hi.-, improve- nii'iit WIIH in. vik.'il from the micoinl liox. II.- i^ n .u coiu| cuivd, and a living reaiitiiMtiy of tho cur*tive powers of that wonderful rantcil y Milltuory. Mrs. Tiimlih has rut u mod from the Oily and l.roiinl.t with her a Iwautiful uncut in all thu latest Mylos and \ ill hn prejuri! I intt: woak to receive IIIT Uly ft tends at h.-r Milliii-.ry Parlor. Noxtd-Mir to K ST9CK OF GOODS FOB SEE. /CONSISTING Olr DBY ClOOIW, OBOCIUEi, \ > OlotliltiK, l<oot, Blioos. Hals .* Caps, will bssolrtalarato on thu ilnllar. A i>len<lld oltanou (or auy )>ersou wishing to coininuiii]* bn>tus. W. W. TMlXllil.t. The Markets. ':irrhill> i'orrrrted Each Wrrk. full Wheat Sprint! Wheat lla.Ioy OHtu llult-r ' - s bag I'ork Ha\ l><ir ton HliBO|Mikiiii (luese Turkiivs cliirkriia |wr pair.. II l|-n ].t,r |'il Wool m JM ts 18 II 75 7 i-. too soo 80 e 10 :> 60 to to to to t-. to to to to to to to to t,, to to to H so f* 17 11 7 . T 2S 00 SOO 1 mi H 41- 10 ******* OF VALUAI5LE FAKM riiOl'KKTY Til K To\\ NSHIPOKCOLLIN<; Wnoii L'uder and by virtue of tin- power of pale in a certain i:nnt. .-, fr HI \\illiaiii I,ani! to tin- Y< ..' winrh u ill l>- pi >,iu, ,M at timo of tale. ttii<l on tit-fault UiMU^ ma'lt- i:i pavmont of tile moneys ttlurtbt mit-urnl. il.t-n- vri!) Do offurtvl for Male by I'uhlic Aiu-tion, by John Speer* An. ttonevr, at Mc<;irr !!'< iu the villaii of Kt-n rnlinin, i>n \S i:i>\i:si)At . tin* l-_'tli day ol Ai'illl,. 1*11. at 1-JuVliK-k, noon. the foll.ini; riu|>i>rty. iMiurlv . 'I IIP ->rutli half of lut nuiii bar Two, intl.u Hwveutu concritsioii of the Town khip of Cnlliiiiiwiui I. c ..n tuiniun nu aero* more or left. ab<iut X. uf wliii-h are aaH to have hern cleared. Ou the primiKu* are Raid to be a log houH an.) tlie properly li in a good farming district. Aim) at tttv same time and pluco an I nn Htunlar turtns. which will be mailo known at time nf nale, thuru will be offered (pr ial that valutlile (irnportv known as the "Alexander Mrl.a. lihin Kami' n<l In-iitK Uitx nuuiben 19 and IB. In tliti But'ond roiiceiwlon Huuth of thr Durham Huatl In thu Township of O|irey. con tAimiiK IWacruii mure or IOH. about 38 said tu be clearotl Thit pn>|H-> tv IK xituattxl in our of the beat farming JiitricU of the Township. '1 I : It M s ID per emit. at time of >al. and for the balance trm> will be liberal, an.' will be uia h> known at time uf aale. For further particular apply to Mil. JOSKI'H HKNOKUSON, Hob lioy. or to MOSS, I1AHW1CK A FRANKS. Veu.lora Solicitor*, Toronto. Dated 14th da> of MaicU. 1BU3. NOT:CE. Idefilre to Inform t> tibllc tha* I bare pur- chaatHl thu flour, tu -\ anl xr<*:*ry bualuosa carried on by Mr T \V>Ti,l. an I am iirvparcd locator to the public in a aatiafactorjr manner. I hopn to retain tlir'ucc ol all old pat- ron* ami to sucun- muiy new ono> by fair ami prompt dealing. Tiaco your ordurt with iu tr : \o. 1 Fluur. Trus UN low as ihr lowrst. UlttU. I lour and Frrd. Frnils ill Krusini. Vfi'lal/:cs. < .. H .1 <..I.IU. ConSVctluiu'ry, (. All eaionablugoo is a> ft in -.toek. My boot and >liu builuwt will uot b ne yleotod, but will lu couliniit'il aauiu aa bufuru The Krst IhiilK |r. !>. ipi iii i m-r > of orders Call Illld lo li:i.:in- W. Barnlioiiae, - Flesberton I). McTavish, HOISESH<EK AM) GENERAL BLACKSMITH, C'oliinijwooil Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. M*nnfor turitiK of \V4fyoti, HlolKlt^, Uu^^ii-n Ihmit itttw, It.' Homo ittioriru: proiii) t, n. IM| tu. Htx>i'ial attention fc.wu to contraet- * 1 or luudttr feei. and Plow Chains mu- st null? on hand. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE KIMBERLEY Bolter Flouring Kills are now open for *t ml in /nil operation- A h irttt Class Miller has bee , t cin/>t(^/r<l and I trill g'uar lutft'c wtiixfaction- Uring along your custom work. Chopping done at any time. A.B.Bell, - Prop. en Collapse! THE BOTTOM HAS FALLEN- OUT OF HIGH PRICES. Look out for BARGAINS at the Old Store in New Spring Goods. New Prints at 5 cents and upwards. NewJDress Goods at 8 cents and up. New Flannelettes 5 cents and upwards. GENTLEMEN'S New Trouserings, New Tweeds, New Worsteds. New and latest fashions in Spring Hats, Collars, Ties, Etc. -Call early and get your choice.- T. HILL - FLESHERTOn. FURNITURE SALE BEDROOM SUITES PARLOR SUITES EASY CHAIRS BEDSTEADS SIDEBOARDS HIGH CUPBOARDS HAT RACKS CRADLES, ETC. l*X*X*X*XXX*XiJ Picture framing, furniture repaired. A good Bell Organ 10 stops, for $50 00 cash. jj*r Undertaking Carried on as Usual. WANTED: Dry or green wood. Residence over store. IIKAKD'S CARRIAGE WORKS Haisfiotwrs of Vaggots Now on hand a number of Waggon*. Iluugiu*, Carts and Democrets. \\ i- are also manufacturing a ^rcat many more of the latest the latest patterns and best finish, wbioh we re ofleriug for sale at the lowest [irioe ooDslsU-ut with due ngard to worktuauship aud quality. Pouetuing uuprrior facilities for mauufaotmiiiK Carriages. w iuteud to ll very cheap for cash or approTfJ credit, aud by so doing we hope to in.itly incrraae our number of sales. All kinds of vehicles repaired at the shortest notice, paiuted and trimmed if deaired. Horse shot-ing a ipecialty. A first clars wood worker id now iu our employ. We want a two or a four noise power in exchange on a rig. J II IIEAKI). Carriage t * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutter \ etc., all made in the highest style of tho art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WRITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. FAKM TO_RENT- r, 1 , ',,-jr^" Two ami a half milu. Station. A^^ H08 WA1 . 8H . Ptioovllle,Marol.J,iaM. FOR SALE nr sale, or pxch!I>i for farm land, 3 n ilon. ru t j on ' joo I stable, all In ex- lleutoondl ' Apply te pa celUutoondl riiihron, Match .. 1W3. WM.CT.AI'.K. William*' Iloyal Crown Remedy, greateat cure on earth. Ouaratitcf d to cure general nervous dl>ility, rheuma- tim, Duralgit,,para^iu, eio. L. finds for Safe F' AIIM ' ' " . - In i I ml unlrn- I'" ' -.>. Apply J. W. ARMSTRONG, Kl.l'SllltK'l-OX P. O. BR.UVS are a n dlfr >rjrtb cur Uxi voraleaM at . l>, Ltxl Vlcocaud l ''"j n Mh.>,4; rtor. Uk wktii ol L.Kly or uilud naund liy ufcr-worli, e-r the ernna of !: u* ji'ulK This lUiij. .ljli- wluM:y nir.-t tha mmt obMiuulu cnxi wh. n all *Uwr TKlt.Mr.xra hi.t r*.!*d<nroto rolioTc. .^ild : T<lnia- (U at 1 INT I.K, k^, or ill for '. ..r mil l.y laall 7!) racl|>tuf prloihjiMUmiinsTUR JAMb MV I'll I,\K UX. TuriMW, O4. WriW fuc vain^hlit. bukl lu- Kaaherton b\ Win ltirbard*on. J.B.SLOAN" Eugeoia, lioa ou hand, and for ial*, shlogl**, sash doors and lumber. Turning and pU nittg done to ord< r. Chi'ppinK mill in oonntion. 1 MwohW - < <

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