THE tiTEEK'S NEWS \N\0.l. Petrolea claim* a population of 5,000. Kingston cotton nulls report plenty of orde.-s .ihtnl .V big provincial prohibition <!onvenlion ii to be held in Toronto shortly. Hamilton Board of Trade will eudeavor to have the P.. aiid 0. boat* call there thii Maion. The Torouto Salvation Army lias open eil in Toronto a refuge, founded on the principle of lien. Rooth'i Darkest Kngland ic Ii erne. H. P. Dane*' (porting good* store on Yonge street, Toronto, waa entered ouThurs- lay niaht and f I.'.HX) wortli of foodi ar- ned off. The Salvation Army of Canada intend holding a grand anniversary mectiat; in Montreal, extending from th * "tl to l h I'Ah of April. Mr. .lames Kilgour, aged eighty-one year* and well known in (juelpn, died sud- den.y in tnat city on Monday night from heart disease. Lieiiienaut-Governor Chapleau UM start- ed for t ranee. He .lenies thai he ha* any other object in view by hi* trip than the benefit of hu health. Toronto and Montreal capitalist* have purchased the "huckleberry marsh' in Wetland county, and propose vo develop the peat beds Mid to exist there. The Rev. Mr. Chiniquy, whose residence at *te. Anne, 111., was recently destroyed by fire, has returned to Montreal, and has decided to spend the rest of his days in I auada. "rge, the son of Rev. M. \V Mac Lean, of St. Andrew's church, Belleville, ha* just died at Riverside, < .tliiorni*. of coonutr.p tion. II* went out, there I.-'- -eptemher, hoping to l>e benefited. The f-ujflral of W. C. Mindsrloh, Imperi- al i.erm.ui Consul in Montreal took place recently and wa* very largely attended. The Consular corps and the member* of the Herman Society attended in a body. A single firm in ihe North west has order- ed from tbe Kddy Co., of Hull, Quebec, :K,UOO binder tubs for this year. In 18X9 the same linn sold only -31,244 tuba. Tins shows tliat the dairying interest is develop- atisfactorilv in the V.irth-wat. ter rliip canal, sai.l the canal would be of the greatest service to Canada'* tra le, aa it would give a mere direct acceea than via Liverpool to tbe vast manes of the consum- ers living in the manufacturing district*-. IMTUD President Cleveland was :*', years old on Saturday. The Honey brook coal mine in Pennsyl- vania is again on fire. The Clothing Cutters' I'mon in New VorL has started a wries of strike* for more pay- Howard J. Schneider wa* hangod at Washington the other day for the murder of his wile and brotlier-in-Uw. It is reported from Chicago that the con- dition ot the new wheat crop in the western state* is far from encouraging. Miss Mollie Neilsou, of Pitulmrg, ha* started on an attempt to fast .10 days. .She will get 91,000 if she lives through it. The extradition treaty between the L'nited States and Sweden ha* been rati- fied, and will come into operation a month hence. By a vote of .11 to lit the Minnesota Sen- ate has pasted the Sena'e bill, extending full suffrage at all elections in Minnesota to women. Robert. Springer, born a f lave in New- castle, Del. in 1774, and consequently 119 yean old, died near Morgan tow a, Pa., Fri- day night. The total low to 1.10 insurance companies by the great tire in Boston lately foots up $-.;!! 1. 4. io. The total insuran :* .-arried waa 91,JOO,<JOO. A sucoem'ul test wa* made in Chicago recently of the telautograph, an instrument which transmits by wire an exact copy of handwriting. Mrs. Frances H'ller, of Boston, said to be worth many million*, ha.i just married her former c-oai'ilman, who is much younger than hi* bride. Car!yle \V. Harris, the convicted wife poisoner, lias been sentenced to thi> eiivtri death chair in Sing Sing during iliu week beginning May S. I mted States Secretary Carlisle has issn- AN ILLINOIS MIRACLE, A Caie of Daep Interest tj all Women- **ved Tkroack a *! t la are al a Jw- aitr. Weak rale In a B>-plor klr <n,lllt.u Wkem Relief <*mf lumber B>mrkihlr Trlunipk f*r a tirral faaadlun Umi il i Du)>ui|iie Timua Among the peuuuar condition* with winch the people of the present age are endow 3d, i* a remarkable capacity lor doubting. A full belief only uomes after a careful investigation, and after positive proofs have have been presented. Current report s,ud there had been a remarkable cure in the case of a lady ot Savanna, III., bat a* current report is notalwaysaoonrale and a* the story told wa* one possessing deep interest for the public, The Times determined upon a thorough investigation into the matter. The result of this investi- gation proved that not only was the story true, but that the case, wa* even more re- markable than the public had been given to understand. Mr. A. R. Kenyon is the fortuuateowner of a comfortable house, well kept and with pleasant surroundings, situated ou Chicago avenue, Savanna. 111., and :t was there the reporter sought him '.o learn of tUe sickness of his wife, and the cure of which so much is being said. In answer to the bell a lady appeared at the door, and to an enquiry for Mr. Kenyon said, he wa* employed by the railroad company, worked at nights and was asleep. "Is Mrs. Kenyon well enough to see me '" the reporter than akad. With a rery snggejtive mule the said : "There i* no doubt of il," and mvitiug the reporter in, informed him that ihe was the in i|uc-stion. Who told the reporter'* mis- sion she said : "The statement of fauU as you have made il is i|uite true. 1 did not think my case wa* of special interest to anyone outside of my own family and trends, but if what information I can give you will be of any use to anyone else you nre welcome to it, 1 own my present good health to a casual glance at a newspaper, ami as with me some other woman may be fortunate.' Mrs. Kenyon is an intelligent .... 11. "*;. * *. I^CII W Ull I" *! HI IC11I HVTIJ ed a circular m regard to th, importation | My-like woman* and her home bea. of an-maU for breeding purposes, which modifies the existing regulation*. The iuturnal revenue collections in the United States for the lint eifht months of the fiscal year amount to $107, S'.l), .">_', an last year of Conflicting reports come from San Fran- | mg The ist. .lean r>,ptiit* Society is raakini: increase over the same period arrangement* for a grand celebration of the over $7,"<X',')Ol 1 . two hundred and fiftieth aunivorsary ol the founding of Montreal in June next. The celebration will extend over four da)*, .-om mencing ou June '' IV IVIietier, secretary ot the Quebec Board of Health, who wa* recently in Vic- toria, B.C., referring to the cases of small- pox on the steamer from China, savs the quarantine station is badly equipped and most primitive and mem -lent in every re- spect. A few <Uys ago a young nun named Eugene Btaudoin fell through an i'.-e hole on the Ottawa river, at Ottawa, and loet his Me. It was supposed by some people that he hvi committed suicide, but his friends have determined to take action against til* ice-otter* who left the hole unguarded by a fence. Mr. Van Home has written to tl.e Mayor of Hamilton, Ont. declining the proposal of the city that the Canadian Pacific rail city way sluulj opera: e a junction railway to Campbell* ilia to connect Hamilton wiUi "iuelpli. He thinks '.hat a line between ' t^ooksville and Hamilton would better serve the interests of the Ambitions City and of the Canadian Pacific railway. The Manitoba Government, after care- fully jonaidering the offer of the syndic ite which propose* le Construct a railway line from Winnipeg to Port Arthur if assisted by a grant of $440,000, promising a reduc. tion in the rate* fer the transport of gram, deoided to refuse the required aid. It is said the company will renew negotiations, reductions in fuel and lumber rates to be included ii its offer. i-KFAT BKITtI V lrd Salisbury is rapidly recovering from '.he indue- 'a. By the tall of a cage in a cnal pit near Chesterfield, Derbyshire, the other morn- ing, oight miner* going to work were in tantly killed. A special (ieneral Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church in Ireland, convened in Belfast, has paieed unanimously resolution* condemning Home Rule. The Federation of Lancashire Cotton Spinners have refused to accept the com- promise of the operatives, and i> settlement appears as far off a* ever. DeCobain, ex-M. P., who was placed ou trial in Belfast the other day fur an in- natural crime, was found guilty and sentenc- ed to one year at hard labour. The Cuiversity of Cambridge ho* con- ferred the degree of Doctor of Scionoe on I'rof. Virchow, the celebrated Cerm.tu pathologist and anthropologist. Lord Mo: nt*!<plien, Canada's only I >rd, haa got into hot water by taking part in the Raiiffshire election, which is con< trary to the etiquette prevailing among Knglisb peers. At the thirty-third unnual meeting of the Association >f Chambers of Commerce, held I'M London recently, a resolution in favour of preferential dut'ie* between Kngland aud Canada was rejected. The Lon.lnn Russo- Jewish Committee ha* aeut an appeal to every Jew banker in Kurnp* asking them to combine in Imyoot- cisco respecting the condition of Million- aire Mai-itay, one stating that he is dying of pent juitis and the other that he is de- clartil out of danger. The treasury department at \Vash.iig'ii i* informed that a fatal case of -'ho era o.-- cur:-!'' on the barque Helen, which recent- ly sai.ed from 'Iravesend, Bng. , and has ar- rived al Uuagamas, Mexico. Two paintings worth 915.000 have been stolen from the residence of Mr. J. Pierre- ponl Morgan in New York. An itinsrant picture vendor took them. He sold one for $_'.! snd pawned the other. Henderson Smith, aged 11") has just died at yuincy. 111. He was born in Virginia in I 771 and it on? time WKS in the employ of ieorge Washington. H had been a slave to tobacco from the of his youth. The Her. J. G. White, a Presbyterian minister of Stanford, 111., says he has proofs evidence of her great capabi litiesa* a house- wife. She told her story a* follows " I wa* born in Warren county, Xew York, thirty-three years ago. 1 WM mar- ried when I WM 19 anil came to Savanna seven years ago. With the exception of being at times subject to violent sick head- I considered myself a healthy woman that her husband still insisted in hoping against hope. Rut you can see the reiult fur yourself, and if miracle* are not per- formed in theee day* ' would He pleased to know how to describe a case of this kind. It is u remarkable case. There is no reanon to doubt the 11. -knees of Mrs. Kenyon and in juit the form she describes it. Hundreds of people in that immediate neighborhood are fully convrsut with the facts ot both sickness and euie, and <liscnss it with ymnathi/.ing earnestness. But few persons have gone so lose to the dividing between life and eternity and returned ; and from the fact* stated there is but a single onciusion to be drawn l'i. V.'iil- iams' Pink Pill* for Pale People di.i it. D . William*' Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder anil nerve rent rer. curing such diseases a* rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitns danoe, nervous headache, nervous prostration and Uio tired feeling therefrom, the after nffects of la grippe, influenza and severe cold*, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such a* scrofula, chronic erysipela, etc., Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions, and are a specific for the troubles peculiar to tile female system, and in the caae of men they effect a radical care, in all cases aris- ing from mental worry over-work or ex- oses os of any nature. These Pill* are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont, and Schenectady, X. V., and are sold inly in boxes bearing the firm's trad* mark and wrapper, at .10 ou. a box, or six boxes for *'J..">0. Bear in mind that Dr. William*' Pink Pill* are never old in bnlk, or by the I dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitute* in this form is trying to defrsud . you and should be avoided. The public are j also cautioned against the other so-called | bloud builders and r.erve tonics, no matter | what name may be given them. They are all imitations whose makers hope to reap a pecunivy advantage from the wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* for I'ale People, and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. , William*' Medicine Company from either addiees. The price a: which these pills are i sold make a course of treatment -oinpara I tively inexpensive asn.-ompared with other remedies or medical treatment. that the Pope and Crand Master W.,rk ii|> to live years ago. At that time I was very much run down and an easy prey to tbe ever present malaria in and about the Mississippi bottom lands. I was taken vio- lently ill and during the succeeding riva or six months was the greater part of thu time helpless. The local physician said I had been a footed by malarial ard intermittent fever*. I continually grew weaker and finally went to see Dr. McAvey of Clinton, ! la,, who is reputed to be one of the ablest physicians in th Mississippi Valley. He , treated me for a time without beneficial ef- i lects.and finally told me he thought he I could help me if 1 would absolutely abstain from work. That was not to be thought of. If able to go about I had to look alter my household duties. I then consulted Dr. Johnston of Savanna, My stomach would not retain the mediolne he g-iva me and he ' came to the conclusion that my stomach was badly diseased. Occasionally I would choke down aud nearly suffocate. I then went to Powdarley are in conspiracy to overthrow P r - Malouey and_he pronounced it a case of thi (iovrnment of the L'nited States. It is said the new I 'piled Suites cruiser Monterey i defective in several respects. The requisite horse power i* taut to be lack- i heart trouble. H<> helped me temporarily, ! bnt like the rest I ing m the engines, and the will, it u said, forfeit $30,000 ernmeut. contractors totheUov- bio-.v ii|) the (irant block, a three-storey brick building in Niagara Falls, N. V. , I with a nitro glycerine bomb. The bomb ' w a* found in one of the hallway* with it* fuse partly burned. "Squire'' Abingdon, backer of pugilist*. race hotee owner and gentleman jockey, and general exponent of faat tiring, died from pneumonia at New Orleans on Satur- day, aged 31. His income waa 1100,000 a year. Fourteen Austrian immigrant* who arriv- ed in New York by the French steamer La liretagne to work in an iron mill at Joliet 111. , have been neut back under the contract j labor law. Force hail to be used to get them on the steamship. Ar Elizabeth, N. J. , on Thursday night, Jacob K. Dundore ( captain of the coal barge Allentown, shot and killed John Cross, a boatman on board of the Allentown. Dun- lore, isT.'J years old. 1I>; surrendered to the police and informed them of the tragedy. Dundore says Cross attempted to rob him, and be killed him ia self defence. ing ._. ting Russian loans until the Jews in Russia arc given better treatment. Mr. Kdward Blake in an interview said that he hoped when the battle for Home Rule waaovoraud won he would return to his own Canadian fireside, which was still tepl alight foi him in hi* absence. Ou Wednesday three hundred Trinity College students carried the British flag through th* streets of Dublin, and, not- withstanding frequent anauUs from the mob that S'liTuunded them, niK.'oeded in bearing it back within the college walla. In answer ti questions in tho Knglinh House of Commou* Mr. Herbert Cardner, President of the Board of Agriculture, said the embargo upon Canadian cattle <nust be maintained until conclusive proofs of the iibsan' of dl-ieaa* in the Canadian herds wei-e obtained. Mr. John Dyke, th Dominion (iovern- igeut at Liverpool, in giviugevidence < House al Lard* ou thu Mauchec- Prince Bismarck suffers from fit* of de- pondency. Jules Ferry, the celebrated French state* man, i* dead. Two fatal cases of cholera are reported at Entrague, Piedmont, Italy. Th* Newfoundland* -overnment has decid- ed to repeal the famous Bait Act, passed five years ago. There ia great distress in Northern Africa, due to drought and a plague of sicknosa, Many people have died and ri. ii people are fleeing. The Chinese Government has doepatched fifteen thousand repeating rifles to the troops on the western frontier in the vicin- ity of the Pamirs. Charles de Lesaeps, accused of corrupting ex-Minister Baihaut : ex-Minister Baihaut, who confessed his guilt : and Klondin, the go-between, have heeu found guilty. Owing 10 the severe winter the Russian iinient will not be able tosend ships to represent that country at the grand naval re- view in connect .on with the World'* Fair. Th* lieneral Council of the labour party in Belgium have reeolved unanimously to proclaim a general strike incaao Parliament does not voto universal suffrage. An armed steamer, supposed to bo tbe Alexander, whirh left San Francisco early in the year, u in thn forbidden waters of Behring Sea, where it U supposed she is trading off whiskey for skins. A mass meeting attended by two thousand parsons waa held in Buda Peath on Sun.l.iy to celebrate the Hungarian revolution of i <. at which renolutiona were paaaed in favour of Hungarian independence. must stop all work or nothing could be done for me. AJ this tune 1 Im 1 grown weaker and plar until I waa il a deplorable condition. I had a continued feeling of tiredne**, my muscu lar power waa nearly gone, and 1 could not go up half a dozen steps without reeling, and often that much exercise would cause me to have a terrible pain in the *ide. Seem- ingly the bloed had left my veins. I was pal* as death ; my lips were blue and cold and I had given up all hope of ever being better. Abeut the first of April taut a young mm boarding with us received a Fulton, III. pa|>er. It was his home paper sent him by his mother. I picked it up one day and in glancing casually over its columns came across an account of a marvellous cure through the use of Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills for I'ale People. Candidly, I di. 1 not believe the story, and when my husband suggested thst it would do no harm for me to try tbe pills 1 laughed at the idea. He instated, and I submitted, but I had no faith what- ever in the pills. My husband sent for two boxes and I took them. When I had used these I waa somewhat improved in health. I continued their uso and I felt that I was growing stronger, my sleep refreshed me anil it seems as if I could feel new blood coursing through my veinx. I kept on tak- ing Pink Pills until a short time ago and I now consider myself a healthy, rugged wom- an. My house is full of hoarders md I superintend all the work. In other words I work all the limo and am happy all the 'nne. I am positive that Dr. Williams' I'ink 1'ilU for Pale People saved my life, and I | believe there are thousands of women who I would find great relief if they used them, j The sick headache* I was subject t<> have I disappeared, and have not had a single at- tacit since I commenced taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." "Were there any disagreeable effects from the medicine '.'" asked inn reporter, "Xone whatever," replied Mrs. Kenyon. " They are pleasant to take and the condi- tions imposed by the directions are eaaily complies with. In common pa-lar.ce I took j Pink Pills and they did tho rest." Mrs. | Kenyon stated that all her neighbors knew of her former condition and her restoration, and one of them waa called in, and when asked of liar knowledge of the oaso said : j " 1 have been intlmatelv acquainted with MM. Kenyon and know of hir illness. 1 looked upon her recovery as something marvellous. It i* surely the unexpected that happened in her case. Of my own knowledge I .-anuot say what the nature of her ailment wsa, but I know that she reduced to a maro shadow ; was the palest and most ghost-like person I had aver seen. Hers w* a remarkable caae. She would be helpless one day and the next would be sop. ervimng the work of her house, but all the time thore was a noticeable loss of strentgh and the un'.ural vivaciouanet* of her nature had disappeared. It waa gener- ally thought she must die aa none of tbo Shysiciana who atteuded her seemed to un- entand her case or help bar in the least. I waa told of the sending tor Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and of course thought it tbe whim of a dying woman, or perhaps a nign ritlBIB \M> . M-I Interesting Una. I r.mi ikr Yerlhwed * Paris).- IT.I.IB. ... Miss Kusaell, of Fergus. Ontario, has ar- rived at Regina ui teach in the Indian In- dustrial school there. Mr. A. Cooper Abbs, who was arrested at the Pacific slope on a charge cf embezzle- ment, baa been acquitted at the Kegma Ni w i '. P. R. depots are to be at oncv constructed in Brandon, Portage la Prune. Regina and Calgary. All these tewns are developing rapidly. Another Mormon immigration movement is in contemplation. < '. O. ( and, of Lee'* Creak president of tue Mormon colony m Alberta, is now in I'lah. He will sell oat all his interests in the United States and induce others to do the same. It is said he is a man of considerable influence. It is an extremely rare thing to find a Chinaman attempting suicide. A >-ase which occurred in New Vork the nthei day is reported to have been the irat recorded in the police reports of that city. However, when the steamship Kmpreae of India ar- rived at Victoria, B. (.'., on the morning ot the I. 1th, a caae of attempted suicide by a Chinaman was reported and there waa no evidence to show that th* feliow was tem- porarily insane rithui Daring the paeaage across li wa* eaught m Oie act of opeaing ' an artery with a penknife and waa prompt- I ly put in safe control. The Icelandic immigration aolieme ha* been entrusted by the i.overnment of Man- itoba to Capt. Jonaason, of Winnipeg. Corrmpendenoe 'mi been bold with the Island, and these advices have led Capt. Tonaason 'a believe that from l.OUOto 1,5011 aettlcrs will translate themselves to Man- itoba from tli* cold little continent of the 'north. Time* are now very much depress- ed in Iceland, and the people ot the better claas are anxious to get out of it. Capt. -lonasaon will go at once from Winnipeg to Liverpool and them will make all the prep- arations for the irausporatiim of the im- migrant*. Tho movement is expected to Iwirin early in the season. It is pretty evident that a complication of the Chinese problem and an aver-supply of whi'e labor is now fell in the city of Victoria, British Columbia. Upon the call of the mayor a public meeting was bald there recently at which a long resolution waa passed declaring that it ia prejudicial to the mtereataofthe country that men should lie induced to sell out their homes m On'-ar- 10 only to find themselves brought into competition with the Chinese labor upon their arrival in British ( olnnibio. The resolution also petionod the Dominion liov- eminent to increase the Chinese poll tax to .VHXI and otherwise to take steps to exclude this class of labor. One of the speakers at the meeting, a Mr. John Cook, said there were Chinese gardeners, cooka.nurse girlsC! and servant* in private families. From other newspaper reports an idea is to be gathered llial there is wholesome [ear ot the C4iineae springing up in the public mind in connection with the introduction of disease and the sanitary condition of the cities doee not seem to be over vigilantly guarded by the municipal health authori- tie*. No cause whatever is assigned for the suicide of Inspector William Pieroy, of the N. W. Mounted Police, at South Kdmonton. the other day. His comrade* say he did not appear to be quite welt during the morning and went into Dr. Baldwin's bed- room in the Hotel Kdmonbon to lie down. He had not been lonir there when the report of a shot-gun wa* heard and the posit;. m ..i tho dead man for he must have expired immediately would show that he had found the gun m the room, had put the mn/./le of it into his mouth and had blown his head off. The shocking affair caused a painful sensation in the neigh borliood and among the members of the force. Picrcy came from Ottawa, having joined the force in 1870 as constable, Aa sergeant he did good work along the line of the (.'. P. R during conatruction, aud particularly at Medicine Hat at the time of the strike in 1884. Ho received his commission after the rebellion and has since thun been stationed most of the time at Fort Sas- katchewan and K limiutou. He leaves a wife and family of small children. TvpheM r r *..| ike Kill. ... There is no room for aVoebl that in many instances typhoid fever is carried liy 'hi- milk can. Several outbreaks of typhoid fever in schools aud huapitals hare been traced to the farm or dairy, where the ex- istence of a case ot thu disease explained its extension to Customers supplied by tue dairyman. Hence, it i* ueoeasary not only that the cattle Mipi/ly^ig the milk be free from disease, bin that there be no puaailiili ty of diaease germs, typhoid or scarlet fever, particularly, having access to th* milk or milk pans or water with which it may be diluted. This can i>nly be done by a close and rigid inspection of the dairy aud all its surroundings. There are mute a number of case* of typhoid in Ibis city, and it is strongly suaperta*! that there i* some connection between the milk sup- ply and one or more of the cases. While typhoid is known to prevail where imperfect drainage exists, and sewer gaaes are usual- ly considered to be the caiue of it, atrauge to say the diseaae prevails where moat at lention lias been paid to sanitary matter*. It U a maxim thai no trap has yet been invented that will keep aewer gaa complete- ly out of the houae thai is connected with a wwer ; and at this soaaon of the year it ia more troublesome than at other times, tiy reason of the pipes being clogged with the accumulations of a long winter during which there has ben no effective rainfall or other means of clearing then. Now when t he melting snow and rainfalr make every gully a brooklet, it is a time of danger to the household. With the flushing of the rain tbe aewer ga*. charged with diseased germs, rushes through the open drama and rat hole* into houses, the heated condition of the air in wnich induces this gas current with which we are all familiar when we pull the plug out of a fixed wash basin, some whal modified and purified by th* water in the trap and better still wlien a defective point or leak in the soil pipe allow* it to e*cape free in an apartment. It ia of th* greatest importance that every cmae of | typhoid fever or scarlatina should be investi- 1 gated to its origin, whether it i* traceable i to th* milk can, to germ-laden sewer gas, oroiher cause. If the milk be found re- sponsible, il is the strongest justification for j the inspection that ha* been made hitherto, [ but the powers and diilie* of the inspector should be increased, and their exercise insisted npon. The duly doubt, an onerous one, due to the resentment of the dealers and the apathy of the public, but too strict csre cannot be taken that the milk supplied to the people is of thn purest and Healthiest lunlitv. A 4ivniarBI Leaa- lar%*. A proposition has been made that the Ontario government shall uieilge ita) credit to the extent of fifty million dollars for the purpose of entering on tbe loan business ou a very large scale. Mr.A.<>. Maclean, whu is the father of the idea, aays that Ontario farms are mortgaged to the extent of ninety million dollars to the loan cumpamaa. His proposition is that the ' Government should borrow the lifty millions referred to aad lend it at a rate of interest only large enough to pay the rpen who subscribed the loan. Of course the idea i* that the liov eminent can borrow ihe money ao much cheaper than the individual fanner that the latter would he greatly benefited by being released from the burdens imposed by th* mortgage companies. The argument is un- doiilitudly correct, but there is serious ob- jection to the government becoming a bor- rower and a lender for the exclusive bens- lit of one claaa of citimna. U might in a measure be considered an otftet to the protection given to manufacturers, but th* question is would it add materially to the ban-fit of tiis people It would certainly not affect the price of cereal* or of live stock, but it might enhance the price of land and would undoubtedly put money in- to the farmer's pockeU On the other hand there is th* brnul principle that underlies all forms of popular government, that aO classes are entitled to the same treatment that if the farmer'* lot ia made easier by legislative measure*, or direct government al aclien, the city man is entitled te the sams ittnsideration. In other word* if the agriculturist is given an opportunity to bonow publi" money on easy terms the city man who wishes to peases* a home of bis nwn should have a similar privilege extended to him. We pin m. faith to that good old principle every tub should be able to stand on its own bottom. >. Jfory r. O'FBlfon of riiraa, O., layi the Phy- mill look at her llk on* Raised from the Dead Long and Terrible Illness from Blood Poisoning li !\i t'urrd bit llttotl'f Mr-. Mary K. o Kxllmi. .1 vi-iy intelligent lady ol IMnii:k nhio, wm polsn,-.l while as- sisting phvsiclani at an autopsy 5 years ago, and "oou terriklr lrrr. broke out on her head, amis, tungi'" ami thrum. 1 1 or hair nil came out. She weighed but 73 IM.. ami saw no prospect of hrlp. At last sha began M take limn! S:ir-|ian!la ami at once un* prmi'il : <-uulil MHIII K>M out of bn! and walk. She *y + : '' 1 l>c<-nn- imd'.-i'v .-ureil by Hood's Sarsaparilla and an now n well woman. I w>lgh I281b., eat wrii ami do tlif work for a largo family. My rase SC.CBIS a womlerfu! recovery and phvstcUuis look at me in a-Uiu>liment as almost Ilk* eaw HOOD'S PlLL* atovlil be IB sraiy fa***) s**ck> * -it. t>ee uwxl, alwtr* rxtrree'.