TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XII., WO 61 1. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1898. W. H- THURSTON, E 'PROPRIETOR SOMETHING NEW In Jewellery. Just to hand at Armstrong Bros. Silver Watches at $5 apd 6 Eight Day Clock at $4-75 and $5. Other goods in proportion. Call and ex- amine. Repairing done as usual in first-class style. Fog ^- v^ BOOTS FOR 8PBIS si \iv AUTUMN WIST KB ) WEAR. 1 have a large block of seasonable goods OP band, such as Overshoes. Ladle's gentlemen's Missus' and children's rubbers for all ; a quantity of lumbermen's heavy rubbers and Sox. ladies and gents, something very suitable for Christmas presents. Prices Away Down. Custom work, aa usual, a specialty. Call aud examine stock and you will become convinced that it u to your best interests to buy from JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. Farmers Attention ! JACKSON the GREAT IMPLEMENT MAN Has secured the agency for Flesherton and vicinity for the sale of the following Implements: NOXON BINDERS. MOWERS and DRILLS. Can also supply you with: WILKINSON PLOWS, SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, all kinds CHATHAM and SPEIGHT WAGONS, BRANTFORD and GANANOQUE BUGGIES Road Carts of all descriptons, Steel Windmills in fact everything the Farmer wants, and will not be UHTD32R- SOLiD by any AGENT in the county. All goods guar- anteed to do good work or no sale. Will be in Flesherton every Monday and Saturday. All correspondence seut to our address, Markdale, will be promptly attended to, Yours truly, w JACKSON THE STORE ON THE HILL? I have just received 400 pairs of Men's, Boys and Chil- dren's boots, from the old established firm of COOPER & SMITH, of Toronto. These goods are noted for their durability and classed in quality Second to None in the Dominion of Canada. If you haven't done so, it will pay every wearer to give them a fair trial. A few pairs of Boys Boots left at 770., also Men's Long Boots Sizes 9 and io at $1.45 per pair. Clearing Overcoats at Cost Caps Away Down. Other winter Goods equally low. Just received two cases of SPRING PRINTS and FLANNELETTS. Call and see them. All classes of produce taken. B- G. EVANS. M*lntyre- from our oicn Correspondent Tho tine weather of late baa greatly re- duced tin- anow. Wood bees are very popular here just now and largo quantities uf wood are being cut. Miu Mary Paralow, of Swmtun Pork, wli.i liai been Htaying with hur Bister. Mrs. BlakcHti.ii, baa returned home. of From a ipecial CorrepomUnt. Mr. Editor Strong indications Wm. Silley and Archy Campbell have ! P rin havu rt8chua " T ' lu crowi * returned from Cockburn Inland, where here ' tlle r " 1>1IIB lmve me ' Uleir they have been .pending the winter in !? otes are welcome in the early morn. the wood*. i ^e long unbroken Minium of sleighing is Win. Carran haa also relumed from | drawing near iU cloe. The beautiful Ls Michigan whore he has been for two ' diiwolvuiK rapidly under the Btrtni-lheuing yean. He intends to go back again in a , rays uf King Sol. The riven are rush- short, time. "if! full. D. C. McFarlane.froni Muskoka.ia is- iting his oiotlier heie at present. The Buaines* has been rushed by the plen- tiful sleighing of tlio winter and large latter is in a very poor atato of health and stocks of logs have been placed ill the in thought to be Hearing the end. "'ill yards. We are pleased to report that another of our young men, formerly uf thin place, Farmers are preparing for active opper- aui'iis on the farms now, yen spring brings but now of Flow, haa left the ranks of , to W bustling activitios. bachelorhood. We lar tlie cheese factory industrivn Mr. Andy Pott* was married on Miirch >gg the attention of a number of to Mis Smith, uf Floss. The cere- farniort of thiti section and Fovemham ami Wo extend " Fevereham folk do notaucceod in plant- in^ a factory right away, our Mr. Hick- from ''"8 W 'H l >uan " his project u int.r '" tlw Advance recently. By t!ie way farmen.what about acreaiuery at Eugenia. Why not ? Why not utilize the old g. it null stand for thin profitable industry, to The Council of Osprey met in McLean's ma t e & tt nu.iiutiiejib of 1'aln.n vigorous mony took place in Stayner. congratulationi. Malcolm Mclntyre has moved the gravel road, into tho village. i imi Osprer Council. Hall, Mclntyre, on Monday, March 20th last. Member* all present, the Reeve in the chair. The clerk waa instructed to write to the County Treasurer and ask him what amount, and for what years arrears of taxes are chargud against lot (W, con. 1, 8. D. R. and lot 20 con. 12 and to erase taxes charged against lot 8. E. C. 10, oon. 1 N. D. R The Clerk waa also instructed to search the records of the township and find whether or Dot a deviation r >ad haa prugreuaivenoM not ? and prosperity ? Why Kimbcrtejr. From our own Corrapondeett. Mr. Henry Ellis has purchawl an in- terest in a butcher shop in Powaasan vil- lage, and Mr. Ellis and Matter George Stuart took their IOI.YW of us on Friday 'ast for that place. Meure. G. Uordoii, of Toronto, and T. Thacker, who left Lincolnshire, Eng., on 2nd inat. , reached tins place 2 <i.i_\ -. ever been established on 30th side road a ., 0>1M)d are the gu- . u of Mr.U.w.TuriMir between concessions 8 and 10, and re- port at next meeting of council, also to write to the local aitents ami ascertain their price for furnishing Wilkinson steel road scrapers delivered at KleMiirt t.'ii station, freight txiid, and to order 10 from tho lowest. By-law No. 308 to alter and amend By- law No 265, received its soveral readings aud passed in Committee of tho whole. The following parties were exempted from paying taxes of 18!)-: Flora Me- , l..t :.'', .,,. 7, $4,25 and Edward Rayner, lot E. 2H, con. 13, JW.20. Orders were issued on the treasurer to pay as follows: James Elliott, Duncan M. limes $f>o.OO. talarii :< an collector* ,-uid ?3.(H) postage e*ch,\V. H. Thurstoii 23.- .II, priming minutcH and Auditors' report for 18'.''.'. Council adjourned to meet at Maxwell on May '.'!U.!i next ;w a court of revision. Mrs. J. Mylu* i* visiting friends in Orangeville. Mr. T. Bradbury has leased his house to Mr. Jamiesoii, aud has moved to Eu- genia suburbs. Irwin Stafford and David Thompson leave this week for St. Thoiuan. Dakota, for tho farniMii,' pursuit*. Success, boys. rieahertuii siaiiun. From our ou-n Correspondent. Mix Williiiiim a most in utrui-iivo iiiid tidifyiitx sennoo to a large congregation here last Sulilmth rouriiiuv. Her text was taken from Matthew, Hi eli. 24 verse. This youn^ lady has kindly PrtcevlUr. different oooaawons, forwkioh thu citizens of this vicinity tetl most grateful. Key. Mr. T-'iigo will piv.teh here next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m. Mr. 8. Thompson, of Proton - has nioM.l to Kleshorton and taken up his abode in ibo collate formerly occu- pied by Mr. Latinutr. Mr. Thistlewaita has removed with his family to the vicinity of Woodbridge where he iutenda to reside. Miios good neighbor and will IK greatly missed around here. Mis. Morgan has been spMsVlsjl ft few inir mm < SorrMpOtufont, Mr. Wm. \\.-itson ,Sr., dwelling h >use, and part of t.ho i-uiiti u wont up in last Friday night. How the fire will remain a mystery as the family were away at tho time. The tire was discovered before it had made mm h ' headway and could have lioen easily put wecksjwith her daughter. M;s. K^an. out had there been plenty of buckets and Mi. Hogg is visiting with his family in water convenient. Nearly all the fnrni- Toronto. ture, etc., uf the lower story was saved, ' Mrs. \VillMu\cihus IUTII il timorously but the content-. .>f upper rooms were ill during the past week but hopes an- destro;,fd Fortunately both buildings now entertained of her recovery, and cntcnU are insured. Mr. WiUoi: M \!'i!lrn baa left the While Mr. John McLeod wits chopping bachelor's ranks aud taken to himself a in the bush one day last weuk his axe brido in tho person of MM YYilaon, of struck a limb and descended on hU foot, SinghaiuptMi. Oinjra%(llatiuD Wilson. making a frightful ({ash. Mr. Donald Cameron also put a nasty Hope th.- intection will .spread. Mr. House, of Il.tmilt.un, vinitod our cut in the aide of hia foot last Saturday town lust week in >|uet of some puKm at a wood splitting bee at Mrs. Robert- for tho Telephone Co. (Mil's. Mr. and Mrs. (jeo. Stone arrived Mr. Dave McMillan, o( Toronto, paid home from Ui-itinh Columbia a few day* a visit to 1'ricevillo last week on busi- ness. Miss Bella Campbell, of Swinton Park, was tho guest of Mrs. Marshall f,,r a few days lately. Miaa Aggie Cockburn is acme from bad oondition of the roads which prevents Toronto owing to the diatreating illness the usual traffic of telegraph poltw, grain of her father and mother. to. o. It appears Mrs. Stone had . been enjoying good health In hur distant home. The Station hat already asHumod a quieter appearance, consequent on the BEFORE BUYING -YOUIt SPRING SUIT SEE OT;R GOODS arjd Patronise tike Merchant Tailor antf moLe- jaw interest ours;. C. J^ LEfTCHr Merchant Tailor.- HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DODDS KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU 11 Bacfiac ha tht kid- ntyt art in trouble. Oodd Kidney Plll giu prompt nlitf." "75 per cent. of dittate it first cauttd hi/ ditordered hiJ- . "Might at well try to have a Healthy olty without nwgr- a'it. at good fii<i/th tuhtn the kidneys art alorjgsd, they art the scavenger* of the tytttm. "Delay It dangtrout. Heg- lasted kidney trouble! remit In Bad Blood, Dytpaptia, Liutr Complaint, and the most dan- garout of all, Briqhtt Disease, Diabetet and Dropsy. " "Tht about diseases, cannot exitt where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. ' Sold by >U <iealm or wnt by mail on ranipt pro y> crnia. per bux or >U f.T a.<o. Dr. L. A. Smith A Co. Toronto. Whu iur book cailtti kiUac/ Talk, AYEH'S Qherry Pectoral M cquaJ for the prompt n.-lief ,. Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Tlircat, Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, and other dor.i i^cinonis cl th.- .! lun^s. Tlie b<.:,t- k:io\vn cmi^h-cure in t!ic world,. .n Jed by eminent. , ar.d i.; tlse fa. ' ' ' -.. r.-:. Itso i!.in:cd n>eiii: . .-"senij the pli! L -i;i.i, Mops coughing', and induces repose. AYER f S Cherry Pectoral :-i!:cn for consumption, in its early .. checks further p. tlv <.li,-casc, and i:-. : the distressing and promotes re!'re.,hin!; -In- p. 1 1 is agreeable io the needs but sm. i!l cioses, n;u! iiiterlerc \\itli d^c-.'.i.-:-. or any of the regular or<j;uiic fu:ici \s an emergency medicine, evorv household should he provided Ayer's Cherry IVctoial. "II i\in^ us, -.1's Cherry Po toi.-il in my l.inuly 1. r m. my, I .an conSdenUy recommcml it lor all HI ,. mils it is claiinoJ to cure, iv with me, .UK! my fiistonuTs l^iikk tins p:<'^- r.'iiioM lias no coital as a cou>;li n:.'c, S. W. rui-eiit, yliioi-iislniiy, N.i:. AYER'S Cherry Poctcral ' l.y IH J. C. Ay JK Co.. I .>cll. M bold by all Unifrgoiw. l'r. |t ; HX bottici^ tj. .'.-onnp* to a-vi, sur to