Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Mar 1893, p. 4

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THE FLE3HERTON ADVANCE there arc some 8300 general stores outside of cities, towns and incorpor- ated villages, wlucblniulle mediciues. These will not stand idly by while the druggists pull their pockets inside oat. Nor will the people whom those stores accommodate I The Markets. rarr-fnlly Corrected Each Wccfc. Flour ................ ~ Kail Wheat Hl.rinil Wbet. . ) M _ M to to to A Circular Advertising Bates : One Column. 1 year. SO ; half col . 1 year. *9T quarter col., one year, >tt. Trauiiout advnrtlieiuen* eb*rst<t at tb* rale <tt 1 oeut par Hoe tar firat loMrtiou aud I ceute i-bsotjueut Insertion. The Ontario Legislature will opeu for business on Tuesday, April 4. An item of much interest to smokers comes from Qumcy, 111., win-re Hen- derson Smith, who has been addicted to the weed from his youth up, has just died at tin early ogc of i lilycais. \uothcr horrible waining. Daltou McCarthy has In n the most widely discussed man in this country during the past week. ' His somcwhai remarkable aud able speech in the House of Commons has been tho sen- nation of this session. Conservatives were holding tlieir breath awaiting the catastrophe, and Reformers were on the tip- to* of expectancy aud hope cast a lurid glare over their dolorous features. Tho "catastrophe" has ar rived on time. The "glare" stil flickers and flares like a will o' the wisp over and among the Opposition desks, but with a subdued light Mr. McCarthy's speech was a groat effort, uud one upou which he 1ms been much complimented, It was a studied pro- duction, but unfortunately its vu'iu- .was impaired by false figures, quota- tions and statements to such a degree that it will scarcely be preserved as in authority ou the tubjt-cts treated. Mr. McCarthy'!) motion askt-d for free 1 1. tile with (in-lit 1 !uUin, but did liot extend to a similar arrangement with the United Stales, for which the Op- position loni. They, however, voted to a man with Mr. McCarthy. The government was sustained by a major- ity of b'2 In face of the government's late statement that they intend going ill eply into ilu' matter and revising the tin iiV during the next fow months, Mr. McCarthy's obstructing position to-day is ceiUiuly accounted for only l>y the motives attributed to him when ho I'M si departed from thn rank iriU file, \i/.., those of pi<jnc. Other- wise this magnificently unreliable speech would iievur hive been deliv- ered, The (Initials of Ontario have framed a bill which they expect to see pasted at the coining session of the Ontario Ltwislaturt). If this bill is passed as it stands the common people might uii well migrate and leavo the whole country to (lib druggists. They are evidently on the still hunt for the ( aitli. sun, moon, stars, atmospheric and ever} other atom of tho universe. They want to prohibit ili>rt:>ra from putting up tlioir own pnttriptkMli to prohibit morcftnnU ' or any iu else from selling patent medicines and to kill patent in. .li cinus entirely. If any person is to be poisoned they wish to do it them- selves. They nro willing to assume all ruxpoiibibility and charge for it uouordiugly. Anything containing I in s.iliuiuii or otherwise, of any mliiiiu-.siiiial ijimutily whatsoever, liiiititbaili | i 1 by them, ttiultliiy . n ii i-i ic in (lit n. Delves tlio n..'lit to class anything which they please as "poison." Burely the pharmacists i>f Onuiio are a modest crew I In- stead of asking an ell a nl taking an inch they arc evidently reversing the onler. It in to be hoped they will not even secure the inch. The Out- in in Legislature is not such a fool set us to give these modusi druggists the in limply tln-y aak, or auythiug like it. (.Hir tufmuntiuu ia that in Ortario To the Dirtelort, Mrm>'rt, atul Friend* of Centre Orty Farmer't Inttitntt. GENTLEMEN, Believing that it will in- terest you to know huw institute work , rogroaaed throng* cut t'lia province dur iug the (>ait institute year, I bog luave to report .1. follows : The meeting of the Central Fanner's Institute, held in the city of Toronto, during the pant niontl:, WM a groat im- provement in ist iiic.-tiiii;*, fr.iin the fact that politic*, a* it regards favoring eitlior political [wrty, wure comparatively lout Bight of, and witter* interesting to t) fanner* of tho Province, were dincua- od without prejudice to either political party. Ainoujj tho many uliji"-t pi iced on the onler paper, tho one inimt |Toni- iiiuiit wan our trade r.-l.-itimm with tiruat liiil.iin.Hiiil how tin v i-.iiiid Iw iiupr.'Ved. It was decided thut tin- Unit M it uow in Canada n^aiimt Groat Britain, wiji tou high, mill M prejudicial t > the agricultural luU-ruHta of this provinre and the 8 well, coimrquontly the institute struck out in the direction of fm- trade, or freer tnul with the united kingdom of Urttttt Britain aud Ireland. A resolution waii paused iinpowerinx tho executive committee to take action. A deputation wan appointed to proceed to t >it.i*a with a view of urging u)H>n the Kvoriiim>nl the iiect-dsity of Initiating ill lli.- tiirvctiiui indicated. Tliia deputation of nine of the executive committee, of which I lull the honor of beinu one, ]>n>- i-.-i <lcil to <>tt;wa on the 7th inst. <M, our arrival in Ottawa, we held a private iii<-i>tiii|{, H.J tliat we mitfht got to un.l.-r- land fully what art it-leu of coiumer:u coming from Great l!i it.-iai into tliii coun- try, we, ai farmers, were interested in having re .me into .thin country fn-o nf duty. The result uf thii in- vvntigitioii was, thnt we, an friiK-n, f..imd we were not iiiu-n-ni.-d in having lli- duly trim. v.-.l off all nrtioli-H column ii MI Ureat llrit.tin, c .naequently we de- cided to luave to the tender mercies: < f tlu- pivt-rniiu-ni, the unditputed right < f placing whatever dutiua they thought tit on liquon of whatever kind, likewise silks, totxKxxi, cigars, et..:., while we ntr.iiv.-ly iiiv.'1-d upon tho ^'iverninent the necensity of allowing wooll.-ii, cot tun, and 1m. n goodi, in iiiuf it-tun-d in the united, king. d.. ii. likewise ir,.n to come into Caimda free of duly, o- with the tariff so subetau- lutlly reduced HH tn admit of a fair r..m- I>.-II|!.MI IH-IWVUII Hntith and Canadian uiAiiufucturer>. Thii, we hold, will fur townrdu breaking down the i;i>.it combine which lexitlation hat failed to i Ii, and of which Canadian farmers have good reason to ooinphun, beiidui we would Ii'- ablu to purchase theaa claactis of (iucKU lit prit-.'h greatly roducisl, uud further, it ihouhl go far towanla hi-inging about tho pnf orcut uil trude (no much i.ilk.-.l nliout) with lin-, it Id it.nn. AUo the United Status would nnt likely con it ii'lvimiMr to use ('anada better tlian they are now doin^. Tho deputH lion re tradu with the United State* .suggested to the govurninent that they riu willing to ajlovr American h$n.i to come into tins country free, on condition that the American! take our rggn on the aninc tciiiin. In concluHion, I might just ay that as a deputation representing the i u in. r-. of thia i'nivinoo, we were well received, and thanked hy the ininiiterH for aiming, and |>rimaod tliat our caunc would riTi-ivo the moat cin-ful oonsi.lor- ation l>y the government. For further particalars sou the daily Empire of the lili'.i inst. More l.y and by, THOS Kitu. 4 Protest. Hotlr IVUUJO* b Pork lUyparton Hi.U Owe Tuikcyi Chlckenn per iir I)ock sn U to n to 7 *5 to to SOB (0 M to to M to It to M SO v 66 U IS 1* TV 00 too 100 If 40 10 10 VALUABLE PROPERTY THE TOWNSHIP OF COLLINOWOOD Under and by virtu* of the power of slo In a certain in..rtnjT lr'iii 'IIflrn Lan to thr Vmii>m wl.icli will be (ntxluced at tliue of !. and nn default twiuK nia4ir In payment of tho nionvy-* ! ' nil. .ecurt*<t. thero will o ffervt) fortafe by Public Auction, by John Kpeem Auotloiii-vr, t McOirr'i Hotel in tba vlllanf> of i'DNKHDAY. the 1Mb day of AI-Hll.. 1 -Ul at 1 oc-lofk, noon Nit- f.illuwliiK l'i ' I . r t v iitiiu-ly ' The Kcuth half of lot nuni l-i 'I '.. i. .it..: Seveuthccn'-wwIoDi'f the Town III). f (' IHiiRwood, rontmnliik- HI) *frr* n.i.rr or !. ab nit M ot which are aalil to he benii cl.Mbrt"!. ( >n tlie |reraieii are aejd to bo a log and the property 1 la a food fariuluv li-ti i.-t AIM. at ill.- urae tium >nd i.|-u an. I ..n -initlir lanm. wlilcl) will be muli* known t tlnig of le. Uiere will be ollereil for al that vluat'!c {Topertr known M the -Aleun.ler Mi-|ji.-lilii Farm Md belo LioU nnmber 15 am! 1C, in tlifHecotid couctoalon South of thr liiirham Itnwl In he Towu.hip of (>prer. eon UlalMtWatNa more or l?a>. about 38 Mid to be elard. Tlii )>ro|'.irt in ultuatud In one of the bcmt fanning dJetricta of the Towoalilp. TIIK \IS ; -10 ir oent. at tbne of aal*. and for th balance tru> will be liberal, aud will be iu I. known at time of aale. For further |iarticulan apply to MB. JOSEl'H HEMUKltSON. Hob Boy or to M.ISS, BAKWirK t FRANKB. Yeudort Solicitor*, Toronto. Dated UlL da; of Marck, 1MM. FOT T .CE. T deal re- to Inform e n ublie thai I hare pur- 1 chaavd tb> fluur, feou and f roeery builaew carrted on by Mr. T. WrIH. and am prepared toeator to the publle In a utUtaetorjr uianaer I bope to retain the couAdeuoe of all old pa* rout aud to aecuro m wy now one* by fair and prompt dealing. IMaee yo Jr order* with m f..r: No 1 Floor . AM low a* thr lc> -.!. > ditto Hour and Frrd- in i> lined lioodit. All a**aonable goodn Up* iu >tock. M> boot and ilioe builueew will no* be n* gleetod, but will be continued Mine a* before Thr oM..oU Lowrst living prlrrt 1'ntmpi n-lh-r> wfararri i'all and do bulne W. Barnhouse, - Fleshertou Sudden Collapse! THE BOTTOM HAS FALLEN- OUT OF HGH PRICES. Look out for BARGAINS at the Old Store in New Spring Goods New Prints at 5 cents and upwards. NewJDress Goods at 8 cents and up. New Flannelettes 5 cents and upwards. GENTLEMEN'S New Trouserings. New Tweeds, . New Worsteds. New and latest fashions in Spring Hats, Collars, Ties, Etc. -Call early and get your choice.- T. HILL - - FLESHKRTOIl. FURNITUR SALE BEDROOM SUITES PARLOR SUITbS . EASY CHAIRS BEDSTEADS SIDEBOARDS HIGH CUPBOARDS HAT RACKS CRADLES, ETC. :#x*x*xxx*xi Picture framing, furniture repaired. A good Bell Organ 10 steps, for $50 00 cash. jlST Undertaking Carried on as Usual. WANTED: Dry or green wood. Residence over Btore. JjJ^ H ARR IS01T. IIKilt I 4 S CARRIAGE WORKS laDofactarers of i Now on hand a number of Waggons, Bougie*, Cart* and Democrat*. We are alao manufacturing a great many more of the lattwt the lateat pattern* aoJ beat floiih, whiah we are offering fur aale at the loweit prioe eooaUtent with due rrgard to workuaiuhip and quality. PuMeceing superior facilities fur nuuialacturiug Carriage*. Intend to sell Tory cheap for oaah or approrrd credit, and by to doing v* hope to greatly increase oar number of aale*. All kind* of vehicle* rvpairrd at the shortest notice, painted and trimmed if deeired. Hone shoeing a pecialty. A first clars woo<l worker is now in our employ. We want a two or a four hois* power in exchange on a rig. J II IIKVttl). '/.>" vi\ c Mi Tavish, UORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collin^ivood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Mminfaclurlniiof Wancniie. Rlelgha. HiiBl- DemooraU. Kto. lloru. uliorinu promrM; >< ti.mli'.l to. K|.p.-ial attention ititeu to coutract- i-l i.r l.'iiilor feet. aud Plow Chains ron- MtaBtly on hand. Carriage Making I f NOTICE DKAR KI>IT*B.- I uiulen'and a \ii;iir.iiiii etV..rt i* lioin^ nudo to secure a "lii|imr In- -imu" for n leonud hotel a' Flcsliertiui HUtion. In my liuui)ilu jiulj?- ni-'iit niioh a i -uiiau i-i n>.t roi^uhvil, and if grantutl, Wnul.l j.i.ivi- a nirii-, lli. in oiliorwixt'. PatUion i"i H.III! uiiglit tu in-i-t willi a positive refuanl from every DIHII wlu doairuii tlie bent in- terdati uf hU folitinrs. I truat sir that tiy tlui infliiumv of our t'in|ii.-r.tiu>u H-K-iotit-n, r.liiiilian iuiiii.ttri-4 and lli.- pixiplo gjn- entlly aucli a calmuity may b averted. Yuun fur tho right. A W. TONQE. Sir Juhn Thumpaoii arrived iu France Fiidny. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE KIMBERLEY Boiler Fhiirinj Kills (ire. now open for butu'ncxx. in d in full operation- . 1 h irst Class Miller has bee > employed and 1 mil guar- antee satisfaction- Brin^ alont your custom icork. Chopping done at any time. A.B.BeII, - Prop. * * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutter \ etc., all made in the highest style of th art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. TimVsr Wanted . We are jiaylug it>ot raxh for iuuneiliat de livorv uf tho followinti u( timber n ainl pi.. feet HII i J .m 84 ,>lepen 90 feet l.'ii In all Wf \\ i f .-i" i>i>'i-et 14 i .... i ' : lc> n- icli wi- am |aviug 4 e*a per lr\,.: foot. ii<i>.>r all to be reaeoBabls trn <)it an>i 111. I KM, I II ,II,.||,.S at -n.Hll . ..f ,1.. I K A V S.'il-i.i^ .MilN.|-i..| 'iiMation' > require a large quautltn ' imenaiou*. for wbloh we arv |-a.\iug :. c^uts i foot. Lands for Sale FARM r-roprtie improved aii.l iiiilin- )>iuvuJ. altoTilU):* piouortiuii. Apply J. W. ARMSTRONG, FLKSHeUlTON IV O. NERVE I BEANS I JJ N ERV US AN* ai a new 4s Lb aunt oeess of . Lost Vigor and i; nttcne va UM errors or a- Thi. BeouiAre*. , . UM louet obsttaat. oases hm alt ether rai4Tn*iin k faUed eteu to feline. :**lb-*rv- liela a ai PM Kaosate, or sU focj^ or sent btiaaU 9* reoeHit oT itccV, .JUfwaln,! THlTJ AME8 MlDICU>S i.v. 17 tb. inn. R. & A NEILSON \ William.' Royal Cruwn Remedy, iuatat cure on earth. Cuaraiiterd to ure general or>i>ua dvbility, rtieuma- m. oeuralgia^naralyaU, etc. . 1XX. TuruMw, UBA, Witt* tat nes|h >. eaU la Kvabertou bv Mui J. B. SLOAN Eugeuia, baa on band, and for tale, bingli, aatb. doort and lumber. Turning and pkiuiog Jone to or<I*i, Chop|*inx luili

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