THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE . - Oai*. Published weekly by W. U TtaurHton. Adveituing Kates: On* Column, 1 year, aw ; half col.. 1 year, *27 I lirtor ool.. one year. 1J. yrlent adYertlwMnont cbarcuJ at tho rate M !) oeau i ..r lino lor Brat inurtlou au J J cunt* tack *i.lM<:uenl Insertion. has The budget lelit * eiidnl lHt wrrk l>y a y->le which give tliu :u. lit m 'jnrity .f (A. The I .. n iWiiiguuhetl by some luaymfictMit speeches, among which ona by Dr Sprou'e t..k a prominent pUc*. The Manitoba school mutter is IMW before I'arliment, Mi. Tivrto having brought it into prom .nonce. 8 r John Thompaon, during the course f an alilo ipeoch, aaiJ that th were now taking tlie proper with regard to the appeal. As trus tee* couslituUHl by the Coufederation Act of the rigUs uf the minorities, Lhey wrru bound to hear that appeal, would do wlut the constitution tli.-in do, and iu doing that they .(.aid do WM right u becwvun all A coup'o of Canadian Mctliodint miuisleis Lavo lately rcceiTed "calls" to wealthy churches in the United 3utes and found it their duty to accept. One of these, upon application to the American con frrcnce, was rejected and had to return to Canada a sadder if not a wiser man. An American minister lit ft nail on the head when Lo said that "Canada gives shelter to many of our worst criminals.and should retain her best ministers ia order to protect her morals." Another believed in annexing Canada, but did Dot believe in doing it piecemeal in the manner proposed, thereby usurping the proper functions of the government itself. They were both right. The United {States has an able clergy of her own, and it is the duty of ours to remain at their posts and not go hunting the al- dollar. Dainude McMillan That the report if the i-.uiiiiiittco re townlino Proton and ArteiiH'fcia, bo received and adopted. t'.UTlud. Damudo- Pedlar That bill for tele- amounting to tl.57, be paid. ' irrn-il. PeUlar Kulls That the auditors re- >rt finally auditoJ bo accepted by .!u council and the auditors be paid the sum, &.00 each, and $2.00 each for extra ork'-Crncil. Ki-lis -Mc.Milhn-Th;it the reeve se- cure k-rfl advice re tho am -tr.:t if the p mte this council should pay to tin- trustees of the p-ilioe village of Klushertnn, nirl t.) what <-xl-iit if at all, is t!iin town.sliip responsible for accMunt within the linnu of the [x-lico village. OsnisJL IVdlur M.MiU m- That the reeve and Mr. Dnmude bo a committee to fin- ally audit the a-.iditor* n-p-irt. Carried. I'.i.iiinli- .McMillin the clerk l>e paid $2.00 for letter copying book for the- purpose of copying imp .runt lettei 11 of the clerk, in connection with r <m iiiunicatious of this towuHlup, also f 14 70 for the rejritr;. .ion uf 1 irths, deaths, and in.iiu.i^i.- as pur certificate of registrar l>enol, alao \V. II. Thurston for bUnk aK<-rt.moiit rolls, etc., 810. 25. Carried. Danmde McMillan -That the appro- priation for the year 18U3 for improve- ment of roads, culverts, etc., be 91000, and the said amount be apportioned to the several wards and the police village of I'll .lic-rtoii in ratio to their several assessments. Lost. DaDiude Pedlar That no special grants be made for road purpose* until the usual appropriations for road pur- pone* be made. --Carried. Bylaw No. 491, to appoint municipal officers, wan introduced and read a first and second time. The officers appointed by this bylaw are as follow* : OVEKMEKIW OF HIiillWAVN. n. C..1. ni..n. H. Irvlon, John Btoadwell, John I'urMt. W. J. Darli, \Vm Kliarp. Chaa. Bellamy H Sample, David KiliiM-ii. Ja*. Host. Henry Juhntton, W. Walker, D. r outer. ClirU Irwln, J.H laiver.I. Sinclair. U. TalboU, John fedlar, J.N. Alleu, W. J. White. Joeeph WaUon. Jr.. Kd. IloM. W. J. Held, Joaph UcLod. W. J. While. Wm.Hpeen. Wm. Wnjbt (remove lot Itt. 3rd to beat M), John Whlltaker, W. Wllco>, Howell, U McConke) lPrio*vllle), D. MeLaao Prlcuvillel, Joo.UeArtber, Uau. McDonald, Win. U**d> C. Vandlne. W J Hendeiton. Ja*. H.-n uott, li Tatton. Wm faltoo. Ja> Vaiue, Ja*. ry. W M.- K* n. J A. Illack. lit-.. Tbomp- Kleleher. Tho*. Ut-Arthur. Jain. .'hard. K. Hatljvrmi, AUt. Uvury.Jfti. kyau.Wiu. .'lark, John lUdl*). I<*n. Holta. Win Mucbaimn. H. JamletoD. Ja* McObav. Wm. Walker, R. 'al. M. Bean), T)in<i Dnulap. H. Oenoe. Wal- aci, AriniitronK. Ubl. Baiu. Freeman, Ixnna*. Joo llr.iniff. Hugh Walloo, Jo*. 'eillar. H Camubvll, Cleo. Uorley, (W. Clayton. V Holnian and W. Trlmbl*-, FluNfinrtoni, Jatnae liiinpblli, Jno. Adan, Juo. Hollejr, Wm. HI*- op, Artrnitvila Council Arteniutia Township Council met in I In- Town Hall, Fleshurton, i-n Mou l.i;, , the louve in tho clutir. Mnnl erx all present I'. .iiiiuunicaliona wore received u oin thr I'.-li.-r TruHtues of Fleiherton, . MiuaU-H f'ir Ih'.U; from James M.-Mul I i'ii and othurs, | million re> eiil.uxin.; of Mliool ruction No. 1(1; from S. buuiudu .in. I tin' r.r.vr, report on truuBun-r's Htfuurilios, stating that lhasw were satis- i ict"iy; report uf oomnsitlo* N sipendi- lire on town line I'roton and Artemuaia, hlsting that 1'rotoii had etpemloil 918. 40 murr limn Arluinusia doritig the post four years, and recommending mi ixpui Hiiiount. Accounts wure i. ml fr .in J. McArthur, expenses ro in v ohl Ration of ti i-:uurer's seouritios, 1 1 . 07; fioni W. .1. lliil.uny, regiatralious . f!47"; fr-ni W. 11. Thurston, HM KI..II I-..1U ikinl l.luuks, 910 - MrMill.u. K.lli That the i Tve ami i iiincillor l)*mml.- bu a committee to i.ii|.iii.. in' ' tl.o sulliuiency of treaaure'i -, .tu.l 1 1 [.ml at this . nun. il. t'.uii. .1. K, II- Mc.Milltii Tliut the i,. I*,. it of appointed t<> r |.ii mi tin- -H my ..f lin trvaaurur's Niuutius Lo ' C'arriud. Piiinii'l McMillan That no further j;l.uils In- to I'h'Khe l)iiydi>,ilnlii;riit, in-.' in t 'o:lin|(wood township. Wo 1. i < <u li tiiwiihhip ahoultl provide i.i ili> -11 -ovt n iniligniU. Carrii-.l K.1U l>,< Tlmt the i>i-liti'iii ol Jai.uis McMulK-n and othora, ro ivi Uir t '.i iiuim in school mmtioii* 10, !l,n.ul l>, bo .i-il an I tlio clink to notify all tho ...i f.ui.i < a i-|iiircd by law t< i.n-i.J next innuting of this o .nn -.1 at the In. in of 10 o'clock a. in , on tliu lint M'.'iiluy in A|.nl Ciii-runl. lUiiKido I'odlar -That i. I. .ckhart I, - |.iil $a.(M, htiinij half of culvert It.wnlino Carried. l'r-..n and Artomosia. ,'h*- JH>upe, C'haa. Hale*, John iiB, Richard inpb, . , Ward lii 1 1- u note* viRwcan. l-ol M H , K-nr. B. WrlKht. A. Uunnbaw, M. men, Thue. Klliotl. L. Virnt. Ward Sn l u Whlttaser, 1. Aauam, A Mulr, IJ.Currie. Ward NO.IH. D. Irwln, R. Bliannon, Win ilan. Wm. Hill. \\ ni I N.. HOeo. Moore, Oeo. Hlewart, C. W. ll.-ll. !'... K.I KOH. N\.i i '-,. \V II liritipuiil, J Hickling. J. II. Hluau, Geo. LUtuore. 8am 7'. Mr Editor of Ihf A'lrMtee. UKAH Sm, llu-ie win, an article ap- ill your colnmtiH xmio time *g signed X. Y. /., of which 1 am accuser! >t I uing the writor, Mhk-h m-i u- itiou am pri-|uiv.l to provu to thn natwf.-u-'ini if all parties coiKiiiu-tl, U absolutely false. Neither have 1 any knowledge ol the writer Win. Thanking you for Yonrstruly, JAMKM SIIIA, Shoemaker. FleHhortou Station, Feb. 'JH. General Krws. The inauguration of Orover Clevelanc a.i president of the United Status took )! i .- in Washiiigton on Saturday. A man giving the name of Frank La- I'age, shot himst'lf through the h*.id a NiHguvi Kails, Out., Sunday, and dii-d ii a shoi-t time. 'IliK t-imitut rt'i-oiiV shows that tluriiij is 1 1 -j;i iniil.-i iu i.l 42 female* died wh were over 100 year* old. One man livei U> be llrtand one woman was 112. Maxwell Srhvul Report- The foil.. win,' is the standing of Mix well school for Febrmtry: \ Alice Field 41>6,-Alox. I'.iraohan 4'H, (ii'oi-go [^'!in 4JI7, Jeremiah Kinj;- In. m :*;, W.llmm K.iirey 315, How .ml Hproula 1!47, (Jeorge PivsUm 17b, Chas. II. ii.n I"U IV U,ith clasiun (best 8) Ntlho McCallmn ~M(\. Katy Sheniman :il(i, Mmy Heron :W.t, Kllen Madilvn If.'H, Su.-l KI-II.IIHI.II .'110, II, r In- Kill. -vs.. 11 '_"!<, KitA Small 274, John 27", Wm. liny 'Jtill, MilL-njSproiilo-Jni, Win. Hheni- innii 252. Ill Best ;. Annie Wright I HI, MshelHtraohan .'l!'.>, I.i/./.i..(lviy 317. II -Uest 3. Kva Small 2U), John Chis- 1, it 904, .l.ini. H Uing 360. J. L. WOOD, Teacher. The Markets. 'nrerully orrc-lrd Knrli U ,- k. all Wlu-at . prlotf Wheat... la.ley lain eaa uttor tit;*, fruib !.... IV. IV, 65 !H 10 75 _.... 7 so lay per ton B 00 Hi.le. 500 heepsltiua. 60 louse 8 'urkuyi 10 hlckoiu per pair SO incki [.or pair SO Vool 18 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to t* to IW IV. . so 16 4 JU If. 780 on 100 1 on 12 40 70 10 I MI*0 1 * T A. IVT 1 DHSE3ERVEO AUCTION SALE OF TAIA'ABI.K FARM STOCK, AND 1MPLEMK.NTS, ON TUESDAY, MARCfl 21 ST, 1893 Tl.i- u;.-l rtigned lias received instiue- lions to offer for sale on lot 146, 1st weet P. & S. R.. Arteuiesia, the following fsrru etoek sod implemrntH. riz: | 1 r.ln -k niackPrinoe.rlMnRR; 1 Blaik iiare. by I.ur.l DerbT. rUin|&; t Honm tv I -.>! Mny, ri^iukt 3; 1 Dnvlac !ior*e riling 4; 9 Man* >v lx.r.1 Uorbv, ri>li i. -j ti\>ciug clu bt r>..rl>) ; 4 Uow. (uppuiiwl to be In calr, 8 Helfurn J: S btoer* rliing ft 8 K|.i iuij ealvee: 91 Rreedina ewer; 1 Lumber wacou. Democrat, Platform acalo, Pair bob tleikdm, LOIIK ilelch, Plow. Oraln drill. Turnip drill. H-jne rake. LAod roller, MauMiy tuowlu^ uiacbine, klaaaoy Man*V,i H nearly new; 1'atteraon chopper. ack, belt and hrpuwer; Kloury cuttlug boi. Kluury naiig plow. 9 furrows Fani.lni: mill; 9 ietUoaruew: 1 Hroad axo. Hay knife, Crowbar. Hay rack. Hteneboat, 8 Pig r*c\*. a quautlty of amber, Cant book. Chainn, Cultivator, Pick, itoue iludge, Orhiding Hone. 8iui*r kettlv. Grain oradl*. Crooncut w, * number of chain cow tie*. Milk can, Wtiiffletreee. Nockyoke. Hako*. Fork*., many other articlo*. ill will 1 1- sold without rearrre ts the proprietor is leaving the farm. TERMS -All sum* of 3 and snider, eaih; .ver thai mount 19 monthi credit on apurofed loiutiioUM. Tperoeut . u: r caab iu Una of ML Sale at 12 O'Cloci Sharp. THOKP WRWHT, Proprietor. J. W. MORROW. Auolioneer. NOTICE. Idvelre to Inform n ublie tha I bar* pur- obaaedth* Bom, fed and grocery bunlu carried on by Mr T. Wyrlll, and am prepared to cater to the public la * latiifactory manner 1 hope to retain tbe confidence of all old pas' roo and to secure m uiy new ooea by fair and prompt dealing. Plaoe your orders with m* for: >o l Floor Trad, AN low as thr lowest. ditto. Flour and Feed- Fruit* in Keanoo f i'vnned Coodn, t'Onfectloaery, etc- All ***on*ble KOfxl* kept lu *toek. lly boot and hoe builnen will not b gleeted, but will be eoDtlnued eauie a* before. The Brut of Coodi. Lowmt lit lute prlf e Promnt delivery wfordrrs C'all and do biula4* W. Barnhouse, - Flesherton D. McTavish, UOI5SESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT Manufacturing of Wantfoaii, Rlelnhi. Dniuocrat*. Ktc. Hun* iboelug proiuptlv a4 t-> n. led to. Hi.f-cial attuutiun iflvtou to contract > 1 or tender fuet. and Plow Chains COB* tantlyonhaad, NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TKE KIMBBBLEY Holler Flooring Kills are now open for business and in full operation- tirst Class Miller htisbeen employed and 1 trill gnar antee satisfaction- Bring along ycur custom irork Chopping done at any time. A.B.Bell, - Prop Sudden Collapse! THE BOTTOM HAS FALLEN OUT OF HIGH PRICES. ,ook out for BARGAINS at the Old Store in New \'\ : Goods* New Prints ;it 5 cents an-1 upv/nrcs. Nev/JDrcss Goods at 8 cents and up. New Flannelettes 5 cents and upwards. GENTLEMEN'S New Trouserings, New Tweeds, _ New Worsteds. New and latest fashions in Spring Hats, Coll?rs, Ties, Etc. -Call early and get your choice.- T. HILL - - Wonder^ of t^e World ! The Egyptian Pyramids. The Mausoleum erected by Artc- mesia. The Temple erected by Diana at Ephesus. The Walls and Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Colossus at Khodes. he Statue of Jupiter Olympius. The Pharos, or Watch Towers of Alexandria. These are all great wonders, but the wonder that concerns the people of this district is how HARRISON OF FLESHERTON can sell his furniture so cheap. and Inspect and: iGornpare price? Others. Il Troflkle to Show MS. 1EDB01K SD1TES {10.10 Cast. /^-UNDERTAKING CARRIED ON AS USUAL. Residence over Store. ]5J. HARRISON- IIKilt IKS CARRIAGE WORKS iaDnfactnrirs if laps i [irriajos, Now on hand a number of Waggons, Buggies, Carts and Democrats. We are also manufacturing great many more of tbe latest tie latest patterns and twit finish, wbiuh we are offering for sal* at the lowest price consistent with due regard to workmanship and quality. Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing Carhsge*. w intend to rll Tory cheap for cash or approved credit, an<l by so do!ng we hope to greatly increase our nuuiUr ol sales. All kinds of Tthicles r. pir.-d at the shortest notice, iiainted and trimmed if deairtd. ilraa shoeing a specialtr. A first olars wood worker i* now in our employ. We want a two or a four horse powvr in exchange on a rig. J. II BEARD. Carriage Making t * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutto \ etc., all made in the highest style of th art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti mates from me ii you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. Timbr Wanted. We r*> paying >ot rah for iumiedKte ilo llverv of .- i.illowi.iic v iudi of tinibar vl* heeoh, Maplx. lurch )la**wood, Elm. Hum- look, Taiuarr..- ami spruoiv Length* and pro} portlonea tlun : i plwe* H feet lonii, 4 pierui IJ fret. S piece* 90 feet, S piece* 94 feet and 9 K !*,- 90 feel IUIIK. In all we waut 9UO plere* 19 >*t long. W place* 1 feet. 300 piece. W feet, 9UO nleee* wfvet IUK ami luu piece* SO leet long For which W* arc paving 4 ot per level fix't. Timber all to be reaaonably itraiRht aim sound and 14 iuclio* at toiall end. Da<-p of de livery at H A A. Neilioa*' UUbsFiolO* v t*tli.u W* alvo require a larRe ijtiautitv of cellar, aanie illnu-niliMK. for which we are paying A cent* per level foot- Lands for Sale properties Irnpror*! and unim- proved ; alio Tillage propertio*. Apply J. W. ARMSTRONG^ rLMSHIKTOMP. O. NERVE BEANS XntYI BBAlta m a SOT SI* the wmteaw at . Lget Vlcor >a4 Nenuu* ' enuu* uT. 'KaUiu Maahoud; nMon or rniud ourae UM moel ohfU ol bod t ! ovx-work, i UH vror* ot * > at rxitk. m* r R. & A. NEILSON Feby. ITth. 1808. Williams' Kyal Crown Remedy, greatest cure ou earth. Onaranterd tn our* general nerrous debility, rheuma- tism, neuralgia, paralysis, etc. IT* hatchutedenalo relievei M *1 PN pMkara. or aU f p of JHSS Kj tAinmtnt I . Tomato. Omt. WtU* tot pampbtaa. Kenhprtou by Wm.Hlcbardaoa. ~ J. B. SLOAN Eugenia, bas on hand, and for tale, hingU*. uh doors and lumber. Turning and ('laming done to orJtr. Chopping mill ia eoan^tton. t March K)