Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1893, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XE, NO 608. FLE8HERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1898. W. H. THURST05, SOMETHING NEW In Jewellery. Just to hand at Armstrong Bros. Silver Watches at $5 ard $6 Eight Day Clock at 4-75 and $5. Other goods in proportion. Call and ex- amine. Repairing done as usual in first-class style. $ From our own Corretpondent. We hae not heart! anyone grumbling about the muddy roads for suveral weeks. Very contented people an we. A rains tor in rimed lu on Tuesday but. The new church is completed and ii now in readiness for opening: as toon as a settlement is made. The architect called upon the onmniitte last week. The excitement of the times is created by the annual sale of grass seed, which is a good price this year. Mr. B. Bst, of Sydenham, ipeut a few days lately with his brother, Wm. H. Best, of thii place. Mr. A.Siiaw,nf thw plac-J, visited his pareutal home near Bratnptoo last week. Miss Ellen Lawerenoa has returned from a week's with friends in Hep- worth. Wno drove the sleigh load to the U. L. a short time ago t If J. J. ha* been hybernating? (E. R. M. A J. have been just aching to see him.) BOOTS FOR Kl'UIS'1 Hl'MMI-K W INT KB WEAK. I Lave a large block of seasonable goods or hand, saoli as OversLoet gentlemen's Misses' and children's rubbers for all; quantity of lumbermen's heavy rubbers and Sox. ladies and gouts, something very suitable fur CUriutmas presenU. Prices Away Down. diatom work, as usual, a specialty. Call and examine stock nd jon will become convinced that it id to your best interests to buy fiotu JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. THE STORE ON THE HILL? I have just received 400 pairs ot Men's, Boys and Chil- dren's boots, from the old established firm of COOPKR & SMITH, of Toronto. These goods are noted for their durability and classed in quality Second to None in the Dominion of Canada. If you haven't done so, it will pay every wearer to give them a fair trial. A few pairs of Boys Boots left at 77c., also Men's Long Boots Sizes 9 and 10 at $1.45 per pair. Clearing Overcoats at Cost Caps Away Down. Other winter Goods equally low. Just received two cases of SPRING TIU.NTS and FL^NNELETTS. Call and see them. All classes of produce taken. B. G. EVANS. Furniture & Undertaking Show Rooms - Strain's Block Ferrrsham. From an orcational Curresfotutfnt. Mr. F. C. Bruce, oar genial merchant { was on the sick list last week, with a slight attack of la-grippe. He is getting an >und attain. Mrs. R. Erana. of Bolton, and Mix* Winnie Shore, of Tbornbury, are ruiting their cousin, Mrs. Andrew McGirr. The Fevertihaui associate >n Patrons of' Industry are organized ajain. At the regular meeting last Tucsdy, two dele- 1 gates, Bros Hudson and Little, were appointed to the township convention at ; Maxwell on the llth. Mr. R L M,.-!irr has leased the "Benver Hot.-!" for a lenu of years. Mr. llu.'li McKenzie takes possession -n April 1st. We are S'irry to Ime you Robert! Hyiuon is very active around these parts lately. Last Wednesday Mr. Qeo. H. Hudson was married to Miss Susie Stall, of the 12th Line. Congratulation*, "e! CM Weather and plenty of aleiiihing [an >w] is the ordvr of the '..i y. The miller has departed ami Mr. Artn- triti.k>, f 'Mn.ri ' ury, is now in charge of the rollers. IVitN - !n rVviTsham, Mn. II. Heii- maa of a d.-m.'-;. r. Mi -s Margaret \Vron, sis.'er-in-Uw Mr. H. Hi-iti:i.ii], ni.-t *,f!i a e accident a w.-ok a^o Sun>l.iy by being I kuit-kuu .I..WU k!i<l run <>rr by a cutter. She is now > n -he mcml. Maxwell. From our OWH Corrttpondtnt. The weather is still very changeable, but we hare seme satisfaction when we know other places are as unfortunate a* this. There Ls considerable sickness around here and Dr. Scott is kept busy. The foot- ball concert was well attended and nearly $13 realized. Thin was ood when ws consider the small admission fee. The Rev. V, Woodger is holding special meetings here. We wish him every success. Mrs. Rev. Hudson has Wa unwell f < r a time but is recovering. Mr. sod Mrs. Guy Jr., and MX. and Mr. Wright t-)k a trip to Tbornbury last week. Mrs. Scott of Mclntyre baa been the guest of the Dr. for some time. Another young Dr. came to town not long ago. Mother and sou are well. Mr. Jamas Kinithom spent a few days with frieud* her* U*t week. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Field visit, d frieud* st Badgerow butt week. Mr. W. \V. Trimble h<w taken bin departure from am on* us and moved t< We ai-o sorry to low bios a.- he is a < .xl citueii. Miss Mary has returned after an extended visit with friend* in Alii* MI-. A nisei inn of the Patrons takes place in the Orange Hall here on Su run lay of this et-k. Mias. Lind-t Schemiimau haa H"II>- Ci'llii.jjw.xx!, where she haa secu- position Mr. II irry Owon hat left us an 1 none ti> wi.-k nrai I*r. ton. Tl:- : '.In* place still prayur uit nt.ngt every Thursday Factory Opposite Prosbytei ian Church. " J. B. MOORE, _"-.-. Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, SASH, DOORS, Etc Etc. Having opened out an entirely new and attractive stock in Wm. Strain's block, we ask old friends to give us a share of the ir patronage, assuring them that we will at all tim.-s be found as anxious as ever to give entire satisfaction both as re- g.ii-is prices, quality, and atten- tion to all details. J. E. Moore, Proprietor. o:ir uicn OrrMyixv/- n t. V, eil y : Lui'l the "beautiful" piling up lovely. If it continues to descend in such prolific showers we shall be under the uecesoi.y i.f cutting a hole through t!ie riM.f uf our wi^waiu to permit egreM to tin; oater world. Of course shovelling U the oriier of the day. (Wo d.ui't do much uavying however). As for our wood pile, (,or what there is left of it', dear help u ! It remind* one of sli ilown into a siuiill dry-dock to get at it. We will be thankful when spring couoea, that is, if th Hood dooau't dump th<j rt tiuiiu of our f.iol into the Sau^een. The other day wo caine aor>- the fol- 1 'wing meteorological Round Uobin hy tan, vu: January, snowy; Fub ruary, flowy; March, blowy; Apnl, showery; May, dowery; June, bi.*ory; July, Moppy; August, croppy; Septem- ber, poppy: OctolHjr, breezy; November, \\tiv, -\ . 1 '. ,.t!inber, freer.y. Mean. Try on and Cole are e;wh busy laying in a <j;ood supply of ice for next summer. N^thin^ like st >nng up a few hundred cubic feet of this cold weather in nadiiiesH for the hot weather to corns. Mr. M. Reiloy has purchased a high priced well-bred Jersey cow Mr. Robert wntson, of Walter's Fall*, spent a day or two lately wita Squire Fergus. -n Mis Ktiiin.-i F.-^UVII, who has been ..caving with her laotln r-in-law Mr. R watwn, returned home \atf week. WHAT WB W(.iVT.D UK.B Tl> KNOW t Th of ''Fi.w! If tV.o (> -e will ^atl on '.ho From or men Mi*. M !. 'I, wife of Mr. Pnnald McLei'd, -I nil lost week. Sho has bsn <reat sutfercr for a uuuiL'Or of T*M* from that gainful di^eiue, rheum.-iM-m Her hands And foet were twted .nit of thfir natural shape t<y its pva;-es in hit joint*. IV.-ith r^nlt-.'il from 'he diseaae goiag into the heart. She Ica'ea an aged husKai ! ..-..! .t lar^e family, a'l <: wh.'in huve re;n'he*l manho<l or woman o mourn her departure. Mr. Win. M.'Luren, sr. . is very low. Tcn.i MePh-ti!. w!u has suffured much fi' 11 a ilisenaed l>oiie in tier ieu. i* aijiin able to w.i!k around without pain. TV M -Williams, of Pundalk, was th physician who attended to her case, an I we th'nk ho deserves credit for the he hits sh. v, n. \Yhoopitig cou^h Ls still in the Th>' worst cases of it we know of are Fl-T. ' ^Tr. Ar.-h. Fer- guaon: snd Elsie, youngest child of Mr. H'i;h \Vil 11. n. llr. (!e >. Far*!ow aiiJ Mr. He:u!etB, of Da:l:ilk, have taken the con:ract of Mr. Scarlett's hotel. It is expected to be a fine building and will bo quite an iinpri.Ti'ieut to the appeanr.ce of our village. Mr. Evans, tit the I-.itl^v Dny fith, spent a week in this vicinity dur- ing which he preached a dumber of times, baptising two, and pa^d on to labor in other jkirti. Mr. John Ru*sel has proourvd the ser- vices ot M,r. RuU. Paralow, jr., for thw incoming summer. We think Mr. Rns- sel U in luck this time, as Robert hat; the reputation uf being a good and faithful lab- Ter :w well aa cheerful and agree, able companion. Mrs. viii Mrs. .loiiii Wright, an.l family, . li>h. h;ive btv '* j,, this ; rliH Diit.oan M >.Mlan :s -:inv<;ll a' See The Bargains Hlorsteds Overcoatings Sweeds 8$c TO CLEAR OUT BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK. C. J. Leitch, Merchant Tailor. HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE OODOS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU " Baehat ht meant tht kid- Htyt art in trouble. Oodd'i K.Jnei/ Pi'l/t tint prompt niitf.* "75 per etnt of due nt It first caused} by ditordtrtd kiii- ntys. " Night at wttt try to Au. a healthy o!ty without teu/er- a i, at good health w ken tht kidneys art c/oqrjed, they art S..ldby!Urmltroi- Pr. L. A. .s botik called ,:h ft co. the tcavtngert tjf the tyttim. "Delay It dangerous. Hey- I at ttil kidney troubiet result in Bad BlooJ, Dytpeptia, Liter Complaint, an 4 the most dun- aerout of all, Br'jhts Dtttatt, Oiabett* and] Onpsu. " "The about tffteastt tannot erist where DoJd't Kidney Pillt are used. * rnt I'y mtS <m ranipt tv>x . r tia f"r $*.to^ | Turuuio. Wriu tat st Cure Fsr : .rs of the T!- s is Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. It has no equal as a cough-^ Bronchitis ' When I was a boy, I hada br trouble of such a persistent a:>: born character, that the doctor pro- nounced it incura '!(. with <-' remedies, but recommended mo to try- Ayer's Oic-rry Pectoral. 1 did so, and .rod me. For the last years, I h;ive used this pri-parati, K-xxl olV.'i t whenever I take a baJ coM. ami I kito.v of nnmhors ol" poop keep it in the house all the tin- rin^ it safe to be w.- J. C. WoodM%PJL, Forest Hill, \V. \' ;l . Cough " For more than twenty-five >-ears, I waa a sufferer from lung tended with coughing- so sever* at time* aj to C.IUHO hemorrhage, the pan>\ frequently lasting three or four hours. I was induced to try Aver 'sClu-rr toral, and after taking four bolt Vs w is thoroughly cured.' Franz, Clny Centre, Kana, La Grippe " Last spring I was triken down :\'.\'\ la grippe. At times I was completely \'d, and so difficult w;is my .i,< that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cage, I procured a. bottle of A}-er' Cherry Pectom!, ami- no sooner had I bejjnn taking it than. relief followed. I could not Selic the effect would be so rapid and tto cure so complete." W. M. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL IV-fcred :>v Dr. J. C. Ayr A Co., Lowell. Mx , . . ..-<;. Pnc* $i ; vi bo. Prompt to act, cur* to euro

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