THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO, MITCHELL, FLKSHEKTOX. A svo'tral l>aiikin businMM trnact<t Druft < itlllil ami c-llmlUHll rarfllrlt at UiUl rtx aloiiiiv always available fur lKitnuatu buiineM tut -i-ii.i^- Orric Ktwj doors norUi ol Hichaj-<lon 3t Cu'i. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the lieu iiotife* among loraU triU ' lmrji-d at the of !<*. per line for ,,*erfu>H. A rtil'u-tiiin tri'W I* ma'lr on enMtraett for l<>" liiuu or uvr.r. The Streetaville Review is uow a 6C column, eight page peifitr. There are two advertisement* fur teachers in this issue. nship Council will met-t in the H.U1 011 Monday next Day one week from to- day. The Advance will be issued and mailed on Wednesday. Flealiertoo cheese factory ceased oper- atious for tUe season on Monday, after a very successful sm star's work. Mr. llenuU, uf the Eugenia hoop aud raneer factory, will with Uis family take up his residence: in Kleliert >u this week, havini; reuteU Mr. Win. Elder's residence. Mr. AVm. Elder aud family left on Tuesday evening for California. They were joined in Toronto by Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Middaugh, of Durham. Kev. Mr. Cobblexlick occupied tbr Meth-xiifit pulpit her* on Sunday even- ing last and at the station in the after HOOD. Rtv.A.W. Tv>u,'e officiated at Iu istio^e. Quarterly services will be held in the Mi-th.xlut church, Kleahejrton, on Sunday wit aud the regular busings* meeting will be held on the Monday following. Banker Mitchell is now domiciled iu l.u iif w residence, which is a "thing of beauty," and we trust will be a "joy for- ever" to hi* jolly bankership. The Fleshertou boys acted like law- aLidmg littlo gentlemen on Hallowe'en by remaining at home. So far as wa can learn uo pranks of any kind were played. ' Division Court will be held here OB Friday (to-morrow). A larve amount f business will be before the court, among which are some intricate appreceiative, enthusiastic and highly de- lighted audience greeted the Misses Joy, uf Toronto Cuuserrator/ uf Music, on their first appearance in Owen Sound. Tli.-se young kulies are very highly spo- ken of. Not only a pleasant, but a very "Joy"-ful, time is anticipated, so come long and henr. For the cure of headache, constipation, stomach aud liver troubles, and nil de- rangements of the digestive and assimila- tive organs, Ayer's Pills are invaluable. Ucin^ sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take, always reliable, and retain their virtues in any climate. Overshoes, rub ben and felt booU. M. Richardson 1 Co. have a full range of these goods all otfiered below manu- facturer'* list prices. The deer hunting season opened on Tuesday. Hunters will do well to' re member that they must not kill more than two per man or the law will be after them with, a 'good. There is not much danger, however, of any one in this vi-. cinity transgressing the law iu that res- pect. The wisest course in politics 'B' to vote for the beat man, and you cannot be mis- taken. So, iu the use of blood-puritiers, you can't be mistaken if you take Acer's Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that it is the best the Superior Medi- cine. Try it this month. The R. L. Milligan dramatic company tgave three nights' entertainment iu the Town Hall the latter part of last week. Mr. Milligan is a comedian of considerable merit and hit company U very ^ood indeed. The plays given were Kathleen Mavourneen, Tea ni ghts in a Barroom and Uncle Josh. taken. In the aftei noon the friends will gather at 3 o'clock for social inter- >urse, and tit make the acquaintance of ur new pastor aud his wife. All friends are invited to brinu their baskets aud ome and have a pleasant tune. Tea at o'clock. Mr. H. L. Stephens, of Markdal.-, vis- ited hiuniu in Meaford last week and while there did some salmon trolling. Out of thirty ca'iglit. twelve fell to Dick's share, two .if them 10-|<oundeis. Wagon seat lost Lost, between Bee- croft'* hill and Porleous' corner, gravel road, one wax<< seat. Finder will iiiucli oblige by communicating with R. D. Mi'Mrum, stage driver An auction sale uf farm stock and im- plements will be held on the farm of Mr. D. Whyte.U 12,1 N. D. R.,on Tuesday, Nov. 8,at 1 o'cl>ck p. ni. Mr. Whyte is leaving tli farm and everythinx must be sold. SoebilU. D.McCormiuk. auction- eer. R. Marien, of Montreal, will beat tho Mirkdale House, Markdale, on the 7th and 8th of Nov. to buy heavy horses. Farmers, winter apprxaches, sell your surplus horses aud save thirty dollars Worth of feed. Huiitenare now on the tramp. Thu following uen'.Umen left Kimberley on Monday for Nippissing, whcm they intend to get their full allowance of deer- name- ly two each : Mr. John Plewes and sou, Mr. U. Knott, W. Stewart, KS.J.. aud Mr. Knot. Thompson and sou. We CXprct another shipment of those men's SI<>K Loots, at 91 50, in a few days. Any sizea bespoke will be reserved wbile stock laatit. M. Kiehardaon & Co. It is becoiuintc quite the fashion now I'll farmers to band themselves togi-tlu-r and purcliaio threshing machines. One was delivered at this station >n Saturday to a farmers' syndicate composed of Messrs. T. Wright, R. and A. Bentham and others. Do uot forget the concert to be held in the Town Hall <>u the evening of Thanks- giving Day Of the Misses Jy, who are to eontiibute largely to the entertain meut, thu Owen Sound Sun says: "An It may seem somewhat previous to talk aoout municipal matters at this early date, but Councillor Davis believes iu taking time by the forelock, the bull by tbe horns, or the locomotive by the cow catcher. He announces that he is in the field for second deputy reeve of Eupbrrsia for 1S1W. lie may get there, and bo may get run over. All slZCS of b,j)Y and girls' boots, long and short, sew >'., pegged, rivetted and screwed soles, in cowhide, calf, buff, xoat and kid leathers, at prices to meet any competition at M. Richardson A Co's. The Advance bai been shown plans of of a very haudnom residence now being built for Mr. Wm. Bradley, in Egremont, about thrwe miles from Holntein. Mr. Wm. Ciark. of Flesherton, is architect. The residence will cout. about two thou- sand dollars. Mr. Brudley will rcinovi his family from Flesh* rton <ts n on a the residence is complete. A pair of boots w.-ll made, good solid leather stock, in all niZ'.-s fur women at fl.OO per pair at M. Richardson * Co's. There is no secret or patent in the pro- duction of "Myrtle Navy" tobacco. It could be produced by any manufacturer, but no manufacturer could make it pay at that price, unions he could purchase on a lar^e scale and sell on a large scale, He could not sell below the present price without a logs even if he could pure hast on -in' lowest advantageous terms. Ti get a lari<e market therefore, withou winch he would have no inducements t< go on, would be the work of many years That is the reason why Messrs. Tucketi \ haw the command of the market, and they are wise enough to know thai they can retain it only by keeping thu price down to hard pan figure*. As a result of the assault case notice! in these columns lately there will be tw canes from this section of country to be tried in Owen Sound. Irwin Kawcet had John O'ltrien before Markdale may iatrates last wek on a charge of stabbing Faw-.-flt claim* thtt in the melee O'Hriei used a knife on him, and on this charge the tiiiiyistntti'.i found sufficient evidenct t send Mr. D'Hiu-n up for trial. Bui was accepted in each case, at .1 the las act will be pUyud in Owen Sound. Thi feud is a pretty "kettle of fish,'' and t say the least is a disuriue to both parties As to the KUilt of tha respective individ uali, that will be determined by the reg course of law. BOOTS & SHOES The Markdale Standard migleada Is readers by staling that it requires '760 people for an additional ili-pir y reeve uow instead of 500 an Lereto- ore." This is a mistake. There lias >ecn no chanice in the number requir- ed. Majcr Rorke introduced a bill ast session to the end indicated, but t did nut become law, aud the figures remain 600 aa before. Burglary. Burglars appear to be out in force in this county, and must of the towns and vil- lage* hare lately recKirud riaita fmin these gentry. Fleiherton'a turn came mi Wednesday night of last week, when Mr. 51. R. Richardson'* hardware aloft \i*aa entered and about fifteen dollars' worth of goods taken, including four or five pound* of gunpowder. The thieves thou adjourned to the p"*toftice, where an un- successful attempt was madetn blow open the safe. A hole was drilled through it, but at this point tbeir drill ap- pears to have broken and re- mained in the hole, thus foiling the rascals. None of the villagers .-aw or heard anything oat of the way, and the thieve* escaped without an alarm beinij raised, but with precious little booty. It appears that they then drove o Jt to the station, entered the school house there and warmed themselves. On the fol- lowing night, Thursday, Mr. Hill' (tore in Markdale was burxlarized, about Iwenty-bve dollars worth of stuff being taken. The Advance has been requested to make the following announcement : The usual thanksgiving service will be held in tin- Baptist Chapel Thursday (.veiling, Nov. 10. at 7.30 p. in. Tho meeting will be laricely missionary. VV'o have inter- esting letters from our own lady mission- ary to thu TtluKUes, Miss Stovel, of Ml. Forest, with missionary readings, facts, etc. A thaiik offering for missions will Address and Presentation. ' In Tuesday evening, 25th ult., the members of Fleahertun I. 0. O. F., to gether with their families, met in the lodge room of the society for a social ev- ening, during the course of hich Mr. William Elder was the recipient of a very handsome gold watch guard from the (numbers and the following address : To Mr. WMiam If. KUer : DKaa Buorna, We. the members of Duf- feriu Lo.Uie. So. 1W, 1. O. P., baring leei tied witb the deepest rugret of your Intended r- moval(ruui our midat, bug ta tender you and your estimable wife our heartfelt condole* anil sympathy In tbtt wd bereavement you have luitaiued in thu lose uf your beloved laughter, alurtul ; and wbilo we bow ta the will of tbe Supremo Mutur. we deeply deplore your los; and wbilo we extend to yuii our earnest and heartfelt nynipatliy, we commend you to Hun wh.< <loetb all tbiug* wall, aud o charo with you a hoim of reunion iu that world where tbcre U DO ujore sorrow. And uow, dear brotbvr, aa this may be our lat tiiuetiug in this, our lo.lge room, wbere for tliu last Urn yom we have to often met anil held counsel together, and wbere nouo havo UDOD utore wel couiu tbau younclf. we beg you to accept thu mall tokeu M a remeuibraoce of tliu bigb estueui aud lore we an a lodga bate for you, an< our earaent prayer n that wbererer your lot may be caat that God may be witb you and preserve ejid keep you , aud If we uever meet in lodgefon tbu eaitb, may we meet in tha Grand Lodge abovo whore parting will be uo moru. W. MOOKE. Recording Sue. We have heard of some very fast re- cords in threshing this fall, but the work dune by Mr. kobt. Wright's machine at Mr. Lome Fulford's,on the Itith of this in )Uth, probably has never been beaten Mr. b'ullord had a very heavy cr->p o (joldun Ciiant oats, over 100 bushf'.i i< the acre ; these oats wero threshed b; Mr Wright at the uniform rate of spei'< of 10 biuhels to the minute, thelRK) bush els beini; threoheU in exactly one hour .Mr. Fulford te!U us that tive men were attending bolua, and yet the urain was being spilled uo the floor. [Thornbur> Standard. 50, Wanted. ( TELEGRAPH 1 POLES From 25 to 65 feet. Highest price paid. CASH 0.V DELIVERY At b'lt-shtrtoa SUtiou. For P&i-ticu lars see Juo. D. Egau, iiiercbaiit FlsLert,ou btatiou. J. D. MORGA.N THIS PHETAKATION Acts directly ou the stomach An 1 i<"omot<w tho healthy action of the liver WITHOUT ri'KUlKO. For Sale by all Druggists ARD Wholsalt br LOIOOH DKU9 Co., London, Oa *5 1 FOR THE FALL To the people who want good Bootfe and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try CLAYTON'S Because his goods are cbeao ud good, and has received a largo lot for fill tfesr of Boots, Shoes, Clippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Lorrg Boots on liand. Ctntom work and repair- ing promptly attended to. f L.tNH JKT<_>Sf . THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE IS THAT WE WISH TO LET THE PEOPLE <now where they can get the best value for their money. Oar stock is cart-- fully and well selected, for we BUY only what gives the best Wear. A Urge stock of Rubbers and long BOOTS will be on hand for fall and winter use. We have a well assorted stock to pick IfROM. Repairs and custom work attended to as promptly as ever. If you want anything in the foot line call on JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making ^^ * * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these limes. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. IGS FOR SALE. pics FOR Ooe well bred BurkiUiiru hour, fit for urvic*. lo HOUIH TOUIIK now* lor brwxlina pornoM*. ,\lnly at lut*N. 1). H.,or W. MEADS, Pricovillv P.O. SALE. Lam* Ktnre and dwollinK, at FlmhertoQ 8t- inn. toi iml or to It ; in one (wmul or can b uMMdodlatoJ tili'MH an.l 'I MS* (Iwelilnn room*, or in <>thr inaiim-r M may bo aonwi - mitablo for store, tailor, dmirntkar n.| milliner. A|>|>ly *u W. HOUO. M|>tMtf Florterton Station If. O of { Business. FOR SALE. At a Bargain Lot I, COB. 4. Euplirania, containing IV* aerea. 13) acres cloaruil. S|>l<-i.<lnl fratnv barn Wuli). HI lit itable uuler. Orchunl, ^UIH! wattir, li>^ ll.niKi'. frnini' klVliiMi iilv.Jl AlMiit IKJ cr" Miitat'.'- for i.'|n r Will bo *ol<l i'jinicdiaUjl\ at a a. M:K.V Am IMM-.JI. loelriDR a oood place nhculd luvu.tiuato. Write to JOHN MAI. ' . O rE uuderm'tftietl begs luare to s. '{iismt tbe mbabitaiitii of Flcolierton and BUrroundiag country that he ban pnrchiuvd tb Floor. K-d and Grocery Store, fr<>tu Riclutr<l 1'edlnr, iire he will conUnne tu keep un baud a good supply ol Choice r'lutir, FeU and Uroceris,at Luwest I'ricts. Courtesy and Squire I)sliiig will Iw lh order of tbe duv at Store. \V hope that the Old u ill continue to patronize us i>n<l a spriok- ,i<:w onea. U SALE OR TO LET. poll SALE OB 110 <-re Unl within two inllooof Fle*hrton. an exculleut watvr pownr null lt at Littlo K&lln -iimii i In' plnuu (t. head of water on tin! wlinel t iiniiuDt h'-iuhl at thu ilaii). Will bow>l<l in I block, or tin- mill-wto by iUe'if. ami th.-uiml MI parveiil fruui ona acre upwwils <) HUH I'ltirlifcuen*, Thu \' alley roft'l ruua tbrouKh the whole loiiKth of tho place. Thin i a (jou,i opportunity for fauiiliuH to necur0 small huiut. Kt*4iH with ahuuilaut Aiiiiply of L'OX| wu<r Triu l>*r). A|.|.l> u. 'WM. HO<iii r'lnl)rton Htatioo P. O EACHKl: WANTED. 'T'EACll Ell V Wante.1 t.'clmr for S. S No. 11, ArtvmMia. county of Urey. luihhiitl WCOIK) cl certificate luiiim to comiiieiicu iii'l Jauuarr. !(*/. Apply atatinu Mlaj-y W UKillU.K WAKLINU. -. , i. i:n \. Vmii r. Oct. 17th, I UN. ocfJUtt EACUEK WANTED. r PEACUER Teacbor. h.>].ling third clans cortiflcikU, for I'nion School Section No. 1. Arteintnl* aud Ku phrama, iliitio* to connneuce 3ud .January ooxt. Vi'l>i\ to Trutee, or communicate witb JAS. STKU vltT. Bee. uovsm Kimberley P.O. FOR SALE, BELLAMY & HENDERSON. TOWNSHIP OK AKTKMKSIA. 21. 1 S. 1). H . '> acre* bush lot. 7i ":t. i V l>. K., IUU acrc iinprove.! bulldlos. K. pt, 37, 7th cou., 04 acre*, but-h lot. OSl'KKY. 1.1, 10, 2 B. D. R. 100 acres. Improved. Ho biiihliiiR. 3. nth Con., bimh lot. 1 1. Mih Con.. buh lot. I r. I u. a>.i..irri>i.T, Narkdale has 910.0CO private funds to lent] un farm inortxAKes within the next few months at lowest current rates. Nu commiss- ions, no delays, expense* low. Apply M office in Markdale during the week r st Duudalk office on Saturdays. Eggs Taken in Trade. Plewes' and Fords' Flour Always on Hand. Wm. Henderson. QAJCTTION! E1CH I'l I .. OF THE Mjrrtle ITavy T IS MARKED IN HKON/.I. LETTERS NONEOTHERGENUINE SOCIETIES. ROYAL TKMPLARH OF TK.Ml'K MANOR. Kfiular Council ujeeta every Tuemlay evuuliiK In Sproulet block at H p. ui. Holect (le<]ro iluiiuraiicvi meet* monthly, the Wednemlay preoedlUK tha find of each iiintu. SONS OF TKMTKB \NCB.-ThlB aocintv uiveM in Ur. C'hriitou Hall every \v -I- newlay oeiiinu at H p.m. VIitil;K broth oren invitail. luturaliouiu oonuecllou. 1)H1NCK ARTHL'It IX)O(B No. .CM. A.F. ft A M . meet in tliu Maaouio Uall.Hti am H Block, KliwIiKrton, every Friday on or before tbe full moon. A. S. VaJiduteu, U. M it. J. Sproula,