Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1892, p. 4

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h fc FLESHERTON ADVANCE, ron THK Hfdrnhaiii St.. Flohrrlon, Ont. Terms of Subscription : ('{)) l*r annum utien paid auit-Uy HI Advance |>er annum wliou not *o paid Adveitiamg Kates : Ocj^Columo, 1 year, 6U , hall col , 1 year, #J7 quarter col., onu year, 1 15. 1>enlnnt advt-rtlHiinoDt charged at the rate a4 A cent* per lino for flmt Jiinartiou aud 3 ceutt |H>( linevach aubaequont iiiavrtion. V, H Till ESI 0\, Editor aud Proprietor Tllos. MAVNK DALY, Tlie newly |.[H)inU.Ml Miuintor of tha In- terior, nd M.I', f^r Selkirk, Man. Mr Dly i* in liii 41t year. l:\ILWAY MKKT1NU. A niccting was lie-Id in Mnrkdale uii NVc-ilntada} of laal wi-tk, of tliosi' in tlic propOKul Ml. Forest, , I'ricbVillf.Glturoaden.Mark- ildle. Kockljn and Mcaford railway. The gatlitiui!? was a largo aud rep- .j i stiiUlivu one larger tlian the pro- UiOU'raanticiimUHl, probably. llicre WEB no Liihiueia of any particular _v-iu-nl transacted. It was decided tu upply to the ucit session of the LcyisUtinc for u Ixjnr.s. Kiit!iiiMsni was not at fever heat, except, in ca.sti (if the Mtutu'l contingent. ii'd by Mayor Johnston. The Ml. Foretl ri-jm -iitaiivo atscrted in i.o uncertain woiils that that town \\ >ulJ not nssitit. N. McKecliiiic. ! (., M.IM'., who i ptt !'' -1 l>iu- ., wan vciy. >'iy cujtious. It in IbungLl Mr.' would litit- to tco lLo line run tlirou;;li (icnroaden, \\!.i'H'i i- i! i.-, in order to boom I..-. piu[>eity tlit-ru. Tl.iti may bo a i.iiwtaU, but lu- was very i-aittions.und would 111 tl'i- liiunic.-i[.alitics \ ;o their little pod.i lb >"l. t h'f >:( ftp I ichiny the Lci,'iilat:iii-. Mu!,il;il. tlcev not wiint the railway and would ,-ive a cent tmtaulj it. It was uko ilicidfd to btih:int to the muni .1 uouncilb uli 'iij the |'i- i i.'.u u:i invitation t>j pay the ex- I .-os of getting a ri'tn.-'.vul of tlie i ...irler.wliicli has l..i> >! A!' Mt. I-IIM st, Dtul.iiui, till-in. . , iailw:iy,ih in .i i:itl.< i- .sickly con- ili'.ion, and it waa tin- opinion of a (;i<-at Liuny p:c.-t'iil ll.ut it would i rn cover. Now if llie &! I i h- but iiiv.ii il II. : lifitun und Arti iiii-.ii.-i to ptrtioiptU in kbwgntnd b :.' ni<- l!ie rail,,a> won!d, no doubt, i thitf. Flcalitr- i . .. . I. i i \;i. i .. i'i-c iii railway wirepulling, a:.d no dmibt lier expcri- wmild have bet n valuulilu in r ui .. .u ui:.. M. ..I ii<l H i nttlQ ..iu.Hiii. The el. itruciiiiii of the village of I '.on by lire lust wc-uk slionld act as u pointed wuriiin,- to oihtr villa^rs un without lire prutti-'i n. 1 .1 .'hciiou lias had ni.i-iy II.UTHW and |., cscapi s herself, hut haa il.itb far wauk-d oil' any nwful cat.m i. . -pl.u of ll.iti iiuiuni [Stiiiit! day it uill c.iuu , ui,J \vu will not. bo pi-epar- i<l i'i:i- it. Nol lung !,/, a nulling wan called tu discuss tliis matter, but i-.i- hiuiiHBH men did not lul.u Biiffic- K-ni iiitcrusl in the >i:il'jtct to attend. Cliould a C()utUx''aI.i'>ii tuki> phu-,. llu .-n- ( people would bi- lnnLin^ f,ir and r\pi cling tb en. union ,)/ iiiit:.idi- KVmpathy and aid, and v.iili wl-at dc- aree of justice it would bt liaid to dia- cover. They evidently think it better to pay enormous insurance rates than to put the extra ratee into taxes for tbe protection of their own property. hard, S|.;u in Liiiiiiient remnvet all loft or calloasod Luui| and fruni honea, Hluuil Spavin, Curlx, Splints, Iliin.' Uone, Sweeuuy, is, Sore ami Swulluii, Coughi, etc. Save #.V) by ue of one hollle. Warranted the most wonderful lilfinish Cure ever known. Warranted by Richardson & Co. 1 1. ii. I-I..TI Ktation. liy Our KrjMirtrr. Mr. Ludwii; (Yirn, uf the Railroad lintel, has added a m-w puiiip tu the IUIM nest. This l<>k* bettur than the ''heir i'tn" was linn- Mr Jiihn K.MII haa purc'iast-d the On tnrio hotel and is niii'X to apply for licence t<j tt-ll Kri{. Tins | l^cu requirt-B two luitfls in the winter month* or Uryei stables. Mr. R.T. Legate haH been ill fur tomo time, coiisei|iit>ntly the mill ii at a stand- still. We at- pleased to see th:tt Mr. gate is iniprovinu, aud *i!l suou ho able tu resuinu his duties a^nin. Mr. John Mitehull, that !:.; man fr"in Duudalk, in licre n-^ain on thr iiimk-t liinnr.' yr.nn I'.r .Mr. Sain Mc('iilli.uul). Mr. Cole is llicro too, aud prepared to pay tho hik'hvxt market |iric-e for every kind of ^rain. Wu liavu one of the I't-nt markets in tin- ci'iinty. Mr. Ali-x.ii di r, th popular orcanizer for the Patrons of Industry, nave a lec- ture in tin) Oran<;o Hall on Thursday viiiiig Irat, to a crowded houae, and succeeded in or^nni/in^ au asstx-iation here with JIM. at prfaidmil, Andy Cull' n, vi<-|.-pr-i Vnt ; W. L. \Vrij>ht, w ntrr; Di>nald Mi I^-od will care for the i-mn, whilo Will Stewart will rp mi acfiiiiit nf it : IS'ili Wright ia Indies 'man, and will << mluct and ^nidu tin in through tlu- trvini; initiatory r. i. ninny ; <!i:i.i^.- MuC*DS> lll permit none to oiiti-r r retire without the i|> lerly pass word, tinleiw by the dircclMii of tl.i! prfiiiiU-nt. l^'.i^t- inci'ls ill the an^") Hall i'N<iy \\'.'.nesday eveniii'.'. Mias C. Wool'. ki-'jis tin- patron at"ie, This t.ui L. mado a \i-iy int.r. HUM tint; if all v\..ik ui.itiMlly and Ikdil t.. it a Mutual luipiotnn, nt A>^"ci.iii"ii. l!y int. icb..i.^ni_- iili'iit tlii-y m.iy l.-.iin a ureat di-al, in d have H ini.Xi'd piojiam <>r a dui>atu '.r.-.uiiiiially, h.,li \\.ni, ,i I..- a very i; '! way of paasin^ a long t-vcn- uiX plttHiwiitly anil piolll.tbly. Buildil'B ' M-i.iti. n Li. i- bei-ii r. it'n i slow diitinu the ouiiinitT, but tl . i. : - l.i-rii a 1' t "I patching il.iiir. Mi.^- sti-r llvinpliill hail hit I. I thur-lMwtili-il. no IIHS Andy Kti'lt-ii^ lini-d up, .in. i U. CiM.k liuilt HI uili'.ii *.o tin. t"i-f. \\f tliiiik it In n i I .r u ii' i rn.iinrl.t. N",vvi->uit hi-. it aint u IH-IUI!}-, 1ml it may hold salt or i- <>il. Mr. .l..liii Cili-hritt (i- nin-l not call him the Mayor any morr) has nailed an otlii-r uton-y t" liu house, and -ill nhl lixcd It up. It I M.k* I. in. no-.,and IS oi.e of the bust houses in thu nlU^c. The Head I . hia ml Of thn r.'iN.ti Mwllcal Company It now at Toe- out... Cai,, anJ may U consulted either ! pr<.n or by letter on all rhronlo dlaeaeei pe- ullai tuman. Men, joui K ol.l., r nitddlf at*!, !"> Ami theinaulTea nerrmu.w.'ak and vxhautt- e-l, who ar<i hri'kon down from tfsoess or over- Woik. r. lulling 1. 1 n an > of Id, following ini pt" iiif : Mi.ntal ilFpreaiiou, prezuaiure "lil ttfe, loaaof vitallly, luea nf memory, bad drau> i diim.a^,,f mrfhi. palpitation of tho I.eert. ..m lack or energy, pain In tlio kt.ln.ja, io, plmpleo on tlio faca or Iwly. itc:.!u< Of peculiar iit'imlloii snout tbe iciutiu.i, want lof Hi. ,,1/an.. <tiir.i:,,..K, n.,,k. l,.[...o the eye*. Iwii'lili,^ of tho inuacloa, e>e Ilia, aud le< wbj'ic, l>.Llifiiln. ae, u,|H>-iti lu thr ui-li:e, IMP uf will 1"< Wvl , I,-: Vl M'.-l of tju i,. u l|i t||J aplnn. wak au.l flabby iniiclue, <llro i.i ! <.u rsaUd ujr aleep. i ,,,u 1 ' ' i. .iic tin . iiiiude, ' ' I liuiper. auukmi >,>< iDrroaoded nil i I.K.., i ia. i.. ully luohlnn tkln, el<- . are a' i -- u.|.l.iin of noriou. il,.|,llity Hint Uia.l to 1) Ml. I iValll Illllr'.. IMIII'l 11,., UNllllg 01 'Itjl l,,r ..i liarln lul it,. in,|..i, ,.,,. tv tnno inn wauee ! eoeesqnexioe. 'I'lmnewliollirouKb al.i. aouroltUd lu IKI: mn. ., may In, ii. n.i..f,,rni heAdjroaradilresaforbookon all nt'oaeee |>eniliar to man It ., .k , , i.i f r i b'al- e.l lluart li.faMe, lli.i nnpiuiiii uf w)u.-ii tie Skl;> be<tla, liot nualimi. MI. I, i,f |,|r,,,i| l (1 t u ba1.,lu!l |nin In llinlf-arl :(li I.. i. ^H..IIK. F,'. i m. .In I, ii iilr.lli'i'oii, I t.uni'li .jalfker kMi We Aral pain alxml I... in..-t i.,.i.r. a*o^ eaii loully be cum No ciiio pay. Buna foi honk A.IJre-l M V. LUIIilN M UM dum U A>. loroiiio, Canala. |Jael)Mi, AUCTION SALE - OK - - FURNITURE STOCK Tlie KlorU i r, ' 1 .. 1, ,1,1:1111; in lliu II.H. 'i, ! KHlaliMif II i . ' r..i.!i.. ..... ..!.! nn. I Undertaker, nesliert on, Out., will i. -II i.> p-.l.:ii. an," ..... uv a rnto on lliu . al I. in |>laco ol biiallii-i. i.i tii.i of Flesherton, (ii,., , HOVEMBEB H'sl, At 1 II .! . k |. U KtlH'll. ailKiUllll'il- I., !.. aft fnlliiwK : Kuriillin . taktnt! li"i. '. #I|MII . FoUl - an elct-lltfiit <>)i|Mirtuiiltv fur a.i v uiic i.- ir.":ni.f ri-'-iii L i k H K I I. UK llit'ftrt "l"-iiitic. at 1 1; I- 1 < i* n i ' |.|. isi;i,.i, -|i,,. |n mi ,,.,ii ulnrl. in. I..,. i HUs Imv li.'.-ii ra,rii-.l ." 'all I" r. >,: ruaoi.ii I. S. t. i , ( M flu i ni..i m, I il n on n| |>lu hliaii to II"- A^ wl.'.iu also fui t'.ifi infiii iiiAtimi a* ! ' bail. A. H. V\M . \ 1 I- It U ft o*ruln antl p OoM ID UM li*a .UMl ^. lr eur foi i tli iu all l ti SOOTHING. CLEANSING. HEALING. Instant Relief. Permanent Curt, Failure Impossit ' Maar lo^elled etoaaaM ara ati lay*, i . of ..u ' iti, ,' L M 1 atba. aanl*l (Vd..*. I ..109 MO. . any .( IfKM or .njri-! .jUiutoeit, " j.nir h. c.urrh. MIC! !. >u.,| U.- no DALN. Lt -' ;lwtlwl . M In 1^.1 r, ,..! in c.'*rit., f I- | or will ' FULFORO * CO . Brcekll!t, Ont. fil NEVER . FAILS Sarsaparilla Is superior to all other prcpara- tionsclaiming to be blood-purifiers. First of all, bix.tuse the principal ingredient used in it is the extract of genuine Honduras sarsaparillu root, the variety richest in nuJi- cinal properties. Also, because Cures Catarrh JyS; raiseil expressly for the Company, is alwuys froh and of the very hi-st kind. With equal discrimina- tion and care, each of the oth-.^r ingredient* .u I .-.vlecteJ and com- pounded. It is THE S uperior becau . ii i . ;ihvays t'uc same in :ippciir;ii;vc, II. nor, :t'ij ctkx't, and, lvi:i^ hijjlily concentr;'.tctl, only small ire iiCL-il-.-d. It is, therefore, t!iv 1110 .t i-.'oiuni-.ii.-:'.! bsOod*purifief in i'\i>;.iK'o. It PllfOO rn.ikcs nour- UU: 6S ishin^, work ^HRnPIII A Pl--nt. sleep OUnUrULf. r.-freshinij, anJ. 111'.! i ni.-v.'' -U . U MsW !n.-- :i!l impurities in :hi- >y>toin a-id expels them l-.iT-mUly by tlv natural fh:iii:u-ls. AVAR'S S.:r>.ip.irill:i (jives .l.i>li-uy t>> tlio slL-p, and imparts to th .- u^-.-il aiul int'.rin, riMiowcd he^Ui, strength, iind vitality. ,^i SarsapariRIa PrtTr<..l -n IV M . Lowofl. MAM. S..U !.> .lil)tii|c>rv>i>i l'rii.-$ii alt Lutllea, J. Cures others, will euro you N K\V Sllol' M:\V r,ooi>$ mid I.ATr.ST STYl.KlV MR:-. TIx'IMIJLE is de- lighted with the selection of all the novelties in Hats and Trimmings made for her by IHT i:iil!i:iri v ! u\ rr in Paris and other folding centers of iashon. Ladies, now is your time if) on \v.:nt Fomethin^ artistic. Leave us your or- ders. Next door to R. Trim- Me's genera! stcrt;. Hew Goods Arriving Daily at Hill'l. Varied (jualitics andqunntitie.^ <n c-nsonable good* have been opened up, and the > iv.o is bound to sell them. Tweeds, and other dross ..joods.l weed Suitings, Panting-, Keady-rrnde Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youths ; Bot>ts j Shoes and Rubbers tor Men, Women and Chil- dren ; Crockery, Sets dishes in st)ne'.var* and china, Gro- ceries, Tea, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups.Can- ned goods, Cheese, Biscuits, Lard, Bacon, Coil fish, Coal oil, a quantity of Hardware an 1 Tinware, Tea Kettles, Steamers, Boilers, etc. Any quantity of Bat- ter and F g^ taken in exchange No trouble to show goods. Come in and get my prices/ T. RILL - - Kleslierton. FLESHERTON HARDWARE HOUSE. HTOVKN and oruUTIXii GOODS. ouira, FOWDBB, SIKT, SUKI.LS, UllASS SHELLS. II ARDU \|;K. SAWS ,,,,a SAW. SETS. AX1.S .,! HAM'l.KN, ^PAIES, IBOTBU, F. G. KARSTEDT, KKNCIM: wi:;}.;. FKNCIM; OILS, MAL OIL. MACHINE OIL, RAW OIL, BOILED OIL, TUUPEXTIXK, VAKX1SH, UEAUV MADE PAINTS, \\IXDo\V til. A-- L.VMP .KK>D3, ETQ. Flesherton. Notice to the Public \ The I'lcsJurlcn Milling //.it'://; r f-nrchascd the ml. Icr jlonr and sJU'-mtlls lattlv .! I IT. K. {-'les/ier, are K' making all necessary rc- paiis to put them tn thorough ::>ihliii'ni for turning out first class W9fm^utdjof that purpose tctti- :''//;(./ to close th>, mills for a time. They are twic Vpcn and are under the ni'inagcmei:! of Mr.J. \V. Fonf, a first class miller of long e.\- piricni v,//:' i^h(ctfiilly solicits the public patronage in those Highest cash price paid lor wheat that the market will \l, and custom saving done as usual. TK FIBIE1TII liTIS B. CAVBATS, . TRADE MARK% DESIGN PATENT* COPYRIGHTS, eleV r Infurmation nn.l fr- tlandtxtok wrtte to MLNN & CO.. 361 HHA1>WAT. Nw ilcat bureau f'>r MourUx pateota ID Anjri*. rery peteut takn uut by u la brouykt hefw e i*uu)l by a iK'fiou tlvoo trev 01 c*ioj^u U- Uet Lanrrst Hmilatlnn nf my rtontlflf pen r In Of ..rl.l. M.|MII|II|| HI:i(lratiHl. .V.. intnlU'ail uui skmud h wlihout iu Wen^ij. J.Ut* s .-; tUO all uu'iillu. AddrtM VII VN A IX), aj,Maw Vutk. Tho Public. Iin\i-i>-ri.nt I WliUtuu'a lilai khinitli Imp l"r ;i t. mi c.f yam. I aui m>w in a I'oiitiuu tu fmfiiu all wauta in uiy line. ing a Specialty, s.ii:-i;u lii.n Oiinrnnlrod. ^ b\>r -i.'H/f'/iiMfy til /At- /ill' 1 <*'(// t'M ' > F, A. BUNT t - ()|!|K>t ltt> Klchanlaou'i Hardware itor c NLRVil " ^"* v * I IlKANH are a MW Ala- leontf thai niru lb>. ituriaani uf iNarruuS IM.ililir. Ixel Vigor aiul lweak:H-ej if botl> or mUid oeuaad ll.y uT-oik, oc lh arri'ia or ti- e^ ^Jt.a.-o( yuuth. Ihia Rur dj al- k.lut y n ..i IIMI in J k I'ttlinou caat4 abeti all other TKBATMRHiti Iwfit failed ri-D lo rvlierc. rxtkl by dnif lute i 41 ir pavxagff, i< *ix fur $.% rr aenl by mail oa ilKWii, S TMi:jAMI.SMKnK-|.\i | l ".. i 10, Ont. Witt* fur by Wiu.Kltlisrilion. HAVE YGU BACK- ACHE OODDS , KIDNEY .PILLS/ WILL CURE YOU "Back ac he me ins t/ia hid- /u-i/s aro in trouble. Dodct's Kidney Pilla givf (,10'nnt relief." ' ' 75 per cent, of diseast Is Jfrst cc.uied bg disonlord kid- neys. " Might c.% well try to h.ue a healthy city without teivcr- a'/e, a* good health when tht kidneys art clogged, they are <^c scavenger? cf the system. "Delay It dangerous. Neg~ lee ted kldneu troubles, result In Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and] the most dan- gerout of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Drepsy. " _" The above diseases cannot exist where Dodd't Kidney fills art used. f S>.U Sy all d....lfr oriK-nlbyinaDonrevcIpt of pru-o 5,1 ci-nl^. per h or aut for $a.(o. l>r. I.. V Srnhh .^: C ... I cr,. HU* Write Ljt buuk called Kulncj Talk, Flesherton Meat Market C/uistoe's Block J. C. ADAM3. . Proprieepr AU kivJs o huil.1. FM in (Vice in lrn<Vf

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