Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1892, p. 1

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Jlftrance. TUI;TH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." 70L. XII., NO 589. FLESHERTON, ONT.J THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1892. W. H. THUR8TON, Armstrong Brothers, THE JEWELEKS Immense stock, low prices, good workmanship, satisfaction guaran- teed, all work warranted. These are a few of our Qualifications. OCTOBER. X X X X Mount /:.<n. From or ow.t Currttpondfut. A painful accident occured near \V:m-liam last Week by wLiicli James i Marshall and liU sister, who were 'driving from their honw m Proton to 'visit friends ill Osprey, receive^ severe injuries, although it is thought both wilt recover. The homes of William Inkstcr, \V. J. Hi-uderfon and I'li.i-. Mi.-Mill-.iu have each beon brightened by the presence of a baby girl lately. Mr. S. Sheardown. James Love and Mr. Dean were absent in Waik- crton list w?ek attending tlie"Bolton case" We nnderstaud a settlement his been arrived at. Mrs. Ross who has been indisposed for some time is now getting around again. Mr. Alexander, ot the Patron of Industry Associations, lectured in the school bouse here OR Saturday evening last. Judging from the will till. (1 house at.d alteutiou received the farmers are awaking to their in- terests. Thrtshiug is now the order of the day. The potato crop here is much dam- by rot. In the luujoiity of CUM : have scarcely enough p< he is an upright and obliging person to trade with. o Mrs. W. Ellis returned fr m Mus- koka lagi week, where she had been visiting her sister-in-law, Mn. W. Stewart. Mrs. Thomas Wickena has been visiting her daughter in Ohio. She returned home Saturday. Mrs. Gaadiu is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Tliurston. Mr. Fiddis has renUd .Mrs. Qaudiu'a farm. Overcoats, Long Boots, and Cloth Caps, For the Men aud Boys. Mantles and Mantle Cloths, For tlie Ladies. These are Spscialtiss for October W. W. TRIMBLE, Strain's Block. left nuhaiiuid to stcd them again in the spring. Mrs. Henderson, Sr., of Warcliam, is at present very ill. Two doctors have been atteuuing her. We huoc to lu-ar of her recovery soon. Priceville, From our otm L'o In answer to that little itain headed "To our correa|)Ddents ' winch appeared latt week, we | n-aui't tlv followiii)( bud- i!-i : The topic of Jiacusgion tlna wcelt.ii tin- | r< [. .sell railri'iiU li' in Ilolsteill via I'i i< i villu an.l M.irkdale to Meafoixl. The Uurhiiuiite thought tu steal a march mi <<ur bur/ hut Wednesday at the":i>) cinifub htl.l ill Mai ku.ilo, but imagine their ciiimttrualinn to see tt-n sturdy re[jrt;si-iitative of the litile hill- lidii village walk into the meeting, not- Wlthsluiiuit,^ that they Here left i ut ill the co'd as far as a formal invitation was nu-il. Till' scheme, whether vision- ary or not, has already resulted in nusini; tlu- price of laud alonn .r near the up- p'Ute. >ne fanner hw added ^TUO C. J. LEITCH'S You will find a. full lidfc of all the latest woollens, and you will find it to your ad- vantage to purchase your ordered rlcthing at the Men- chant Tailor's. Kob Roy. .. Cormpwtdet. W.- have had very pltasaiit weatln r[ lately, which his beeu taken advan- >f by tin 1 t.mniTs in getting lliep- potatos st)rcd. Tlie rot Las the largest half ind still tlit-y are go- iug after bcini; stored away. Tuteshni!,' i* the mum topic of tin- day around In re You cannot Lear any thini? but the burn of the Are arriving almost every day. \Vc do not need to tell you that the qualities nre good and prices risjlit. Every one whoever visited the store on the hill knows that we cannot l>e undersold, We do not deny the fact that any quantity of cheap trash is offereil at lowei figures than \ve can offer pure goods, but we hold that Tor quality c ' man can sell you cheaper than we do. AH we ask is a call, and we are certain to convince you. *Dress Goods Department* We have a good assortment in all leading lines, from the loc. goods to the best all wool Henriettas linings, buttons aud trimmings to match. *Flaiwels aijd Staple Department* You can get anything you ask for in these lines. In Flan- nels we defy competition all-wool greys, striped fancy shirting Flannels, and sheeting Also full lines of Flannel' etts, Shakers, Cantons and Unions ; Cottonades, Cottons, Shirtings, Linens, Towclls, '1 Dwellings, E:c. *T\veed and '(Worsted Department* We can't tell you much about these, but an inspection will convince that the patterns arc the latest, and qualities and prices right, also full lines of Gents' fine furnishings. iiiiichine. '1 he giaiu is iu better con- dition than was expected and is turn ut vciy well after such a wet liarM'st, whieli makes tliL 1 fanners look a little more jolly. 1 understand that they have pur- chased a new ttu- horsepower tl. in;,' niachiin- in the Uristow gt-Uh mint, for the purpose of d<>iiif; then own tliiishiu^'. Tins will be bcttii known hereafter as the Messrs. T'li- tow 'llm-shim; Company. \Vo have to congratulate Mr. James I'aiituriuan ou another increase in hi-i family Mr. Alfred I.iukie. from Chicago, is \isiting friends and acijuaintuiici .- arnund lit H 1 ;it pii i-K'tit. Mr. Archibald l>.iner is building n line residence in L!ob Hoy, which ail. Is to the number as well as to the grandeur of our ti'utrisliing little town. Mr. Alexander Fletcher, who K')t badly shook tip by a team niiniiiiv.' away, is now able to go around again. We. are nil p'.cabed to see biiu around so soon. \\ <; had another visit, from our wiirlhy Inspector Mr Campbell latel), who found everything siii>f;tc'oiy in- side and out. which s|mik.-t Itronplj fur our teacher, Mr. C. Cameron, who. we undorstiind, has been ei'fjaged fjr another year- to the price of Ins homestead in antici- pation of the idveiit of thu"Irou Horse". The f'.llowiti,' ventleuicn romposed iln: ilie urle^ittioii to dehbunUe on the "Hubble" prnjcci, m. : M-sri -lin. Me Arthur, b M : Nul MoKnni u . John tin '.jer, Wm. m, - . M. I'-.iey. f. i:. Jwiitjkjjlev. L- >lc- L " -i .in-! Dr. H nit-Hi . - Kru!y the yemal propneler of the Uoyal Mail and paswrn-^er servx'e Unik wru IM-II to Klfsru-rti.n Si.iiiou Mr. Mal- M .'lie vill.ii-v pi<htici:in,w ho 1.1 en ii-iile to Mirln-an MiMcolin, who M .in all i-oii-i-l, thoroughly inf'inned ! r of (irits, will be much nnsnedt ui the .-iK.'ial circl.-s of < rpn^MMuMftpoliticiai ^ whose | ruf.'Uiid ihitcoursen will he at dis- oiiint now W,. \\ish MX-vhu abundant i I "ncie Sain s lioinains. It ^.4 traiiNpireil tlmt one ot the visi- t. i- it our Kair, beconnnti tini hi'nvily luaded in '.lie ii|'p*r stoiy, waixtt-red by imstnki- n ' i . -nutii shop and laid d..wn t-i rest. Subsequently tho door of tile shop * li i-kt;d and in tile iinirniitu tin; I. lad 1 I acclmnahan found himself - 'in-ly incarcerated within stone wall* and tntrrtd win-l-.w.s. However, lie wa* sooit liberated from his impromptu |Tisn anil Heiiloli his way lejnunu, iniii'i.s Ills 'MI. .in.l no .{..iilii thanking Ins stars that in 1 hadn't J"t in a " rah 1 coop." Mr .In -. .Mi Arthur intend* purchasing a -Nn-k of ^ii ids for Ins store tlii.s week. The lortuian of Mr. J. D. Hrown's i !;,! .-l:iKll>llii-iit h.ii ,nte.s(i-d 111 a l-rni i<- w ( ') hi'e i:a^ winch c;tn knock the bi > ii 10 a cocked hat a far aa is loiKernnl, only tUe former re- i)init a little more ' wind ' even if tho latter has a pneumatic tire. " -Siy, but lie's a flyer. 1 ' eh L .'I Mr. John Mci'-'wnn, our enter)irisini{ miller. i strcii^theiiinx' hi.-i iniil-dain by !ir ad.liti. li of another pier. The partial eclintw of the sun last week HS duly observed by the juvenile aationo IIKIN ..f'our 1'. S. with their kimlu-rlcy. Vi-<im vnr fV.n. <;"""'''' Gloves, Hosiery, Rushings, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Ribbons, Collarettes, Bibs, and ninety-nine other things. Space will not allow us to mention the other departments, bat if these few will remind you of something you are need- ing we have done well ; if they will convince you to try the Store on the Hill, we have done better ; and if they will strike you favorably after inspection so you buy, we have done best. All are welcome whether to purchase or simply to have a chat about the weather. tbc siurv on the Hill- B. O. EVANS. Business lias boon booming around town the past two weeks, llev. Mr. Uud.lell has been lilting np S.piiv S . .vart'ihousi- fir u MMMMg*,VilMll he will move liis family 1 1 tlm \v. t U Since now iiujr-oveincnts Lave been added to tlie Sc|:iiiv's house niid grounds he tliinks (n-rlmns it would bi. advisable toi Li in U> g't married in- stead of gointf to Muskoka ad In thought cf il'injr. A uo\v |'ir\i t li. nee is beiu^ inadu iu front of Mrs Magee's lot. Ov oterpriwu Mowktcptr, Mr. IU11. lias b uglit the Kiist null from ^Ir. IMewes and will put rollers in. This will be a great UuilH t} the towu and snrroiindiug country. Vi- kuow Mr. Dell will succeed iu this as .Miss Cirsce Johnston is clerking in Mr. .J llmwii's store. Mis ( : rt:iM Li'oil, who is attending Owen Sound Col ci;i.ite Institute, spent a few days at home last ueek, .Mis. and Mis.-. Mutt f Hnltonville. IVel county, are the guests of Mrs. Dr. Hntton. Muss Tillie l>et. toucher in the junior drj.'t of our I", s.. has resigned her po.-i- tion in order to alteinl the Toronto Nor- mal school the tint-term of next year. Mr. \\ J. lil.ikrj.ton has be as priiioipal of senior di-p't for Messrs. J. Sni.pson and K. Ruil.-y are I'lit'in.' new shingles on the roof of Mut- ter's tldl. Ihu ditferent societies will] now have solid comfort overhead. Editor Knt.h- l-e and wife of the Mark- ii.i!.- Srain'.atd |-anl a brief visit to friends in liiM villaifi! last Kruliiy. Mr. and Mrs. Will nun Ferguson are in Mauitowaiiin^ with their son, Mr. Ed. r-'eruuson.who is very low with coiisump- tioll. Mrs. Mortimer, of Shelburne, speut a few days lately visiting friends in tlie vil- Mr. Simpson niid family have moved tlu'ir bi irk house on Kincardine strret. Miss LIU 1 1 us! mud, O f Flesherton,paid a brief visit to her parental doiuicil-j laat week, Mr Alex. McAuley, of Olean, N. T., is visitiug with his parents at present. ILEKONE PILES. mm n.i-U . It >in. I . I'l-- ! 'I ti:ih II ^r. . felt wmit a. ii. ft i - . . - ' \v r s 1 1 DoadSM ktix-i.1. Loll. ..,. unl. 1 AT HilUt: '(il!V I In w in. -i am i' ' (Men. eMtabl. IniM-iit ! I ^ -liuw^ K u i aut! hhoct. : M" Jt.lti.YHOC'SK. N. B. We guarantee satisfactior. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Fins no '.-qiiiil tor the prompt relief and speed} cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, ;ind other dcrungcmenla of the antl lungs. The best- kiunvn cough-cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the favorite preparation \\iih singers, actors. preachers and teachers. Itsootheti the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, slops coughing, and induces repose. AVER'S Qherry Pectoral taken for consumption, in its early stages, checks further progress ot the disease, and even in the later s!.it;es, it c.i -es the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. Lt is agreeable to the taste, ivcds but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or anv of tlu regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine, every household should he provided witL Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Having used Avers Cherry Ptv- toral in my family lor many yi-.-ii -. MtiJently recommend it the C"mplaint9 it is claimed to cure, lii vil.- is ii.eriMsinif yearly with rf, and my customors think thin prepa- ration has no equal as a cou|(h euro. - S. \V. 1'ari-m, (Jin vnshiM v, N. B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral l.v Dr. ). C. \i*r & Co.. Ix.wrll. Mam S.4.) hy all DruK^MK. Prm- i : < bullW. )>{. Prompt to act, euro to CW.-M

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