Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1892, p. 3

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A GLENGARRY MIRACLE, Mr. Jninrs ami - Wonderful :; turalioii lo Health .tn-T Tarn- Iran f |-rlfls iBsensl. I. Illl. ! I.. l.*.n'.. llr Trll. III. I il.- tr III* Brretrrjr ami Ht u. rl Work l ike W.rld III. M-r. .. 1.1.1 Irre I'r. .. K. ,,., rl. r OTTAWA FKKK PKWK. The town of Alexandria. om .V mile* oath of the city uf Ottawa, on the i 'ana-la AlUuliR Railway, h* '> n comp etely as- tonished, recently, at the ii.arvi-lloui ex- perience of a young man, who, after bar- ing teen bed-rnidri fVr nearly twelve rnuii'.' -, and nis pr'.v>unced mcuraUe, by Mootrtal anil Aleiandna doviurs n now restored to complete healtu . strength. M' James Sands i* a young teaunur, well k:iown and extremely popular thrown- out the country side, an<i fan ilium and wonderful recovery have, i-er. n iee-i till are the c.ilei topic* in the tuwn and neighborhood. The stry of hii miraaraloM cure having reached m-.iwa, * menr : o[ The Kre Hress staff journeye-l to Alexandria *>tl.riC WITH -Hint.- lo tbe same breed all al, I,. 1 , but changing to a fresh nun <-r two of the same breed from : year. Il 4 sider the - - 'utionaii'l ijual , -, Mes th* ue will predosain- and sought out Mr. -an Is for th* purpose . , tfae offa . of ascertaining the truth of the, slaUineiiU -j- he H1lUil ,.u, l<Jtr made regarding hut recovery Mr vmdi * - a slimiy built, boi wiry-looking young saaa of abnat 3-J year, of age, and wneu i. tbe newspaper man the bloom of health was on hi* cheek and hi* whole frame - > dlsigusof unimpaired vitfor and vitality. Tbe newspaiier man 'old Mr. Sands the object of hi* visit, and the latter expressed his perfect willingness to give all the facts connected with his case. "I was, "said Mr. Sands, " a complete wreck, given up by the doctors, but nvw I am well aud again, snd gaining strength every day. I was born in Lancaster in l*f#>, and up to three years ago I was always healthy and strong, living in the open an and being well-known throughout tbe xrhole county o; i.iei . It was m the winter f l VI taat I first felt signs of incipient paralysis. I was then leamster for the sash and dour : . here, and bad been exposed to all kinds of weather. I Ihen experienced violent twisting cramps in my right hand I was in Cornwall that winter w .n the tint stroke fell, and remained there for three days before I knew anybody at all. A medical man was called in but could do nothing for me. After that I came home and appeared lo get all right for a time, but after a few days tbe old trouble btvan again, my band continuing tiie twitching and crasr.p:i ^ that had. preceded tue stroke. I'p -o twelve months ago these twitching tits were the only symptrm* I suffered from. Then in August, when 1 was in Huntingdon village 1 sustained a sec .nd stroke, and remained unconscious for about seven hour*. A doctor attended me and I r. . ered sufficiently to be brought home. Af er n y return hwine the paralysis steadily gained on me, and I lost tlie u- arm and 1X entirely ; my ug'.t eye was dis- torted and my tongue partially pars,! . . was preecnosrd for by an Py- sician, wh*.- treatment 1 caiefullv ed, but it had no edect. ! worse, and about a month before Chr last, 1 went to the Kngh*h noapitalal M-.i.-. real. I'ro: S'.uart and all the doctor* came .trmin I me, a* mute was a curious case, and the pnxea-or treated m*. All the : could nixe Hi- 1:0 satisfaction and did no- appear to understand my case. I questioned some of them, bat they told me it j a hopeless case. I remained in th* hospital a month, wi'hou* ihe leasl improvement, and was then brought he me. an>1 remained m my bed till May day. I bad constant medi- cal advice, but continued to ijrnur worse ami worse. My right arm wilneied and I grew so weak and uselees ti .at 1 could not turn mx-elt in bed. Meantime I t'a i tr'e.l all soi . of pa-.'iit n;e -iiciues xxithout the least effect In M v I saw anadvei tismenl of Dr. U'll'.ianis' Pink I'tlU in the papers, and said I would Iry them as a last retort. 1 had heard of the wonderful cure* xt <rk.- i by I'll. It Till*, and told my folks to . some. 1 had not taken tb . * nen I Ifl females, correcting irregularities, an,f restoring the function*, and in the case 01 iien effect a radical cure-in ail cases arising from overwork, mentei worry or ax cess** of any nature. In fact it may be said of them " They cease as a aaesi aaW a bUuiif lo men Keuir :.. life and These Hill* ar* manufactured by the Dr. William*' Medicine I ornpanv, Breekvillt-, (hit . aud Schenectady , N. Y. . and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred and th public are cautioned agairst numerous mutations sold .n this nhape) al oO cents a box. or si/ boxes for i. and may be tad of all drugguts or by mail tiom lir. \\iKiams' Msdu::ne .y. from euner aadressv, Tbe price __. J- . l _ . at whn-n these pills are sold make a court* j trength. At ail events ... / give of treitiii'nt ,-omparlively inexpensive as . .^y acti.e annoy ar. e. \- compare I with other reoieaie* or medical i we go n:to a new xhibu treatment. j some <-ar;ositr. Tny sumcLiines come an.i -ct us and our work, m ad us without pe.rce.p~ c -.. ana BrWJlOZ ahwp. . ,-. u. like great doiri. Iti-ivesone W , never breed of sheep yo-i intend to ! rt:r y h<~rri->ie "feelicg of uise.-urity.' I a. carry .,u*uh,ifitu to oe thorough -d s'.. sure you, when r THK-.E M'.v-TKRS oftw - ..~isb~snoe ariMui'i yoi r body, sod without, even t lary " wa^ " of his Va: ! iwship. Tbe shark wil: swim away BOttgta when be lias tim-ue i his .:js: - least n~ always I. as cione f> witn me ' f ll>r. ! - irallaa Walrr* very common all along the oast of Australia. They become mor* numerous, larger, and more voracious the easror we go to trie e<--iator. Passenger. who make ocean vjax--s may often se- them from the di-.-k m iheir *n.p ; but I see them ui tn.'ir i.ative element. A day sel- dom pauses when I am at work tnat I do ot Me some of tnese creature-!. Tny do not seem to recojrniae a diver wnen clad in nis diving dress a* something wnicn . (o eat. Probably he is mistaken for sosne - great seamonster, wi-.n whom the you I rr.ran in the wa'-er. Von i 1 with Iigai upwards, aad anything dark Jalohe* tne eye. Kven a oinp*t.veiy mail nsu make* a mallow . at Tact attention. I taw la- waistcoat a.moat a* toon ai . . u i..- . trk eonv in toward* tr-. w. i . . boosi inaking of them, and !. i not ueiiev* taere a* a siiark within a mile of m. I was . re i fr a s>.:ond. At on oomoat tnere wu ; i .-m ; t the ne- lea teemed to be alive wi'h these hioeou* creatures, head in the ciear vrncr i <raistc>-.- : to >tnk the f*fmon:. HV> n*>< "III I- I HI --L-| |i- f h. of v the would jut a< aoon not measure h.- had been Weil wette-1 . a ~ of nine or ten feet long turned ov> r and N -i the waistcoat and - H- then sunk leisur- n and Isvy ! There was no ! * rv( wafh wers alike ' Dolled. Tiien I thi-i/- :i'.\ut was ner. and I wa* II urn- my wore. ! rlij'. i wa* : - I observ- ' ed tht- -r aud sma.ier sharks i .<J' e ..y 'nil...---! m .-,ni Kal. - time* they were &>i. .- ; at ither tirnci thev had descende<i 1. 11 on a .-vel with rny head. There was no - ai.ce - oue*. a* early a Auguat. But the general choi - loeacot want inch very arly lamb* in thu cold climate, to mk, the loa* of many early ones, so doe* not let the ram* run with the general flock till Septemoer. All ewe lanvj* oi th:s year'* breetiing are kept from bred till n*\t jur. It never w.!l pay to mate ewe Iambi nf thoroughbredn till they are tally developed, or you w.ll let flock gradually, but surely run down in <|uality. here is n S i ;iti-e ram to run with tne ewes, a few choice and a>thou,-h ac . ... _. .. I would not l a o or three old ones, as early a.- en i ' whan you jjo down : a u -.- . , : toun-i* nnd ba.f a- io/en i>i % ' an -i - . D ,. snarks .- nave evidently selected th' __ . us as a i This is awkward. Perhaps ibex have ' '"- rolling of the animals in the still served th* disturhan'.-? at the bottom -.soire. In the sea. and like marine constables they " are i moved far . - away fr waiting for \.a- feilun : w.ere I stoo.1, until they disa). nun in. Inji u au awkwani expenen.-..-, \ '' tne gnat u; ' il for thee shark. : . -y say al' aniinil* have a fear of man : bat snarks cannot rrcnx,ni*e a In breeding for market or export only, man in r. diver tcoe-.ame. The. one can do very | P"** Bor >" us in our ..- . bred ram upon ihe. heep of the,. -ountry as "n>pl- ignore us. Ue have! be very generally bred by tue ordinary farmer. If -*r*'l ll'n. w%lkis round about these ewes of Ibis class, having' alreadv two \ >**y P'^ without dwturbm^ them. ! . -n-ctst crosses of a down breed on the-: - xaewnally used a small crowbar as a we- bu.-v h had. they are generally to be . y ; " 1 " ick a small snark on the nose en. ugh to *-ar-. in for breedm,; up a flock WMn " *nnoyiu me witn his per,i* of .heep. the males of which should be all l nc >' Tne *" Wl11 * n tarn " a caslnted. an 1 ,.: nuke about the fiueel - '* - ru n - ' oli: ! "' nowever, inulton sheep for Britun market*. Troes lke trv In > -rowrmr .. a :.ark ten feet the** fiirtbec up with Ltowu rains. . ".er h;.s ru*.: away, l>e mignt returu produce from this ,-ros>will be 4 uu-k grow- for , fl rtn r luvestigatiou. I ave bad many nasty adventures with my occupation : I they will be in piine condition for exporl reeolect one that gave me a cjnsilerable r.r. tai> by the early *i .- vs to reach had been engaged I up a he recent me new Pre-. :-n - . jjilnhlniiis m m ssisiisa ifci age rlsi Overacea- larv has elapsski s.n : James : Ia .r. < At r^rth." -vh: :n wu too nrs'. attempt to firm . . < rsjstioD in acooHsno with the . of science ; <tn e tnu S'i'/wilg nas swdo vast stri-le*. and b'S follower, nave scosjsji to s maa* o: . * ; not pnissan I'.tyrair aad K- aoi now scnool to w. have gone be- . -'* nave ascert .1 a~.- - sc : . i an - froioB be-^n. . -itCUa^e. t: . iw%y 1:1 ier r *\* : . w sea rr -*.t- *1 ac- : - I : w can ascert . > u' it Uaka* to form a sedi- i can a^ure out wnen tno proctMS of wearing away sad ndtpo- A* -.c rest 1 can on y conjecture. I pre-um one was k i '. .-! i ig fel- low wno had *w -. several other sharks, slide over in to* di- .1 which the coi.bsxtant. Tney had irooe. pay their last lo one of their friends -perhaps to - >* maws, neud tne d:v*r rotated manr other tales, and impar-. ;.i to me many curious c:r- u /: h.s life under lh ssa, to i at some other perio-1 I may be per- 1 tu refer Kaoeath has been s* .i to give us a gi.mpse of snark-lif* permitleu for e' ery tnaa to see. m a rtasonabio - atta.n ui ) feet. The :na- ad. . i'. ,.uis ...-,_ *d down as sedi- isMed M tte rale le m other |>ls>eo*. Sir .- . down from tost.- i*in*p land which ha* been c% ment in river, nas been if rs, w wnre the land was more stubborn or tosB -. it has tauen '5.*J yean to lower thesurfa-.-eoM foot. The depone most b . ia'-.on. I -.bat - MdioeutAry rock. aav grovn > foot in 7 <" year*, otaer. h>vtakesi rise taat aei^nt. Thus '.ne !- t f Wi- -- I'"'/ . -uck has variM " yrtrs. I . <i tnat too or a cy :; .u- gorrs sssiosi of Tno er*. ma' urin*a.-ly. feeding reaaJv. and by ' ' -*-l the time they are a year old, if we'll fed up, * w! "" It I < hsBie .' Tver rould appear tba: a ' .,' x the markets there during April an I May . "*'>' ^k* " * enlaJge a little harbL-ur over the spirit of the dreams of tho lly |...yng pirti.-ular attention to this mat- on the coast. 1: w< . -y t i. ,. ^^ aati-Canalian paper in Xw- ter an'i having good comfortable quarters, h r ole n<1 P ul '" tn -tiarge of d.namite. < f^ndlain*. 1 e {,.-<* . organ and plenly of fee.1 and care, any intelligent Th ' ln tn * v n ,an make mou-v on of sh^. f. *** '"< f ' l ' r we le:t >* <"* ^n V>4 Jo ing on a moderate acale. aud help to enri :n ""Hi 1 " -i at the same time. The older -.- we- '" -'""- - ' " - ays a may be 'li.posed of as mutum lor home con- sumption, or the surplus .tuck disposed of uh to g-> in for breeding and :ec<iuig a* he did at the bcgimuaf. ing the crop year I'uiled Kingdom imp. irte.i over 1 lushtl.ot wnra'. countiug wneat aud tb* e 1'iivaieut of dear ui wheat the largeat on record. The requirement* of Kuropean countries for tbe current year areesti-i > from figures arrived *: 1*11 i.jvern'-ien-. Urea: Briiari ha. iiu.--e,i from *.{,UHU,Ui 1> to . - an- 1 Wi.l i'iip.-r- I - <'. !()> hecL.-ll-re* l.'is.'r.N.IB"! to ! bssshei. r i > impvr-. I'-." ".<.) hectolitre* anv lias prortu -ed fmm 34 ( m. ,<) t... ;:.. K i '.iMIhec-lolitres Mi.-MO.. ' AMI will i-nport IJ.l <. Italy's crop u p'ace.i at 4 ..mi imiiort-s i - to |s,u< ht^tolr.-cs i~ . fur ).i.>.-ters. Mortuu^ morning 1 had r . a pair or; ni'ire o: -h- r cr .tiich I sent to the surfa? in a back ::unf * i.h I nnw refer, I walk- 1 - ug the le-lge and ran my hand >long ' <er side. I was surprised t, Bnd mv hand scraping wna: 1 took to be ID . rock : - I W\S I.-K.|-K1*D still more when I observed my hand groping u'.n of a great sSark bad reiired to rest in this cavity antipathy ' The shark must have been as much alarm- est in h.-r I ed as I was, for It ma.- - obvw i. place an : wall o: ocean. 1 > mewasgreater eoneeqnesK than I omid have believed, an i evu yet i exeu do not car* to think about it It is aeoesaary to say that I did uot re- turn to tba: iedge for loUters for some : tim. occasion, a big fellow came . alongside me w her *mg. 1 stop- which e - pr-m:-r, Hon. R the treaty with tbe I' was never coaflmed, p^blislM* tiie following: lignifican: editorial oader :h.- heading : " A OSUJWItii SB1TIXIIVT. " " It cannot be denied that a growuig . sentiment ex;ts her* in tav,>r o ; colony. The a* tit tide to- - - .-.- y but surely nn,lr- rtSle .-baBKC : and we vnltire . -..i- .talesman who leans a party at tbe next election in support of ' noion witn I 1 - nion. will ria --' a very tninorily, if not svrtnal major IfsSMWCTS. S A r ;.-.:er- eet in h.-r aUain -.'... .-muses are ibvioos. Fiiwl, the colooy's want of m j j*i.ce with tho Impentl liovernuieut, in sjsjsjmesjce of our numerical weakness, a exempi.ried in 'he matter of the Bond- onxention : secun-lly. our commer- < 1 social relations wr.h Canada, tate nr interest*, and th* timilarity of our polr.ical and national institutions : j v now sWsMHr m pro- : : course, aod steppe 1 back i^uiei -n on III luiu aar. 1 :. .,: M- rearer. I then thot'4 i- > . er fecliug tnan o*ity WM moving him. As Ire . the rock. I cuuld retreat no cam*- on 't this city lay in ashes and ten tbou- f our people were homeless. Canada's .-- ..m b. . : . -:i i : 'Hodlssra. It is locked in memory's trrasurv house, in I her warm nesvrMd pso- lenuelve* saall keep the key. In a found myself improv:nx.*u.l this .ieternnned - .ndim mi- to continue their t-.-e. Mystien^l.i ira.iu t" ' '"" hec'.olilrc* ally returned, the muscles of try arui a:, i leg became mvigorattd and stronger, and I was able to sit L.JI. 1 sull continuetl taking the Till.* and .-ainin.- slreui{tM, up-:: at last I was able to i;o about, and tinauv to re -at harvest -the i;ri:n :< [ . - I - IB! I oft I J v in i total i:iip.<:'s turn t... mv old plaoc t the sa*h au.i d,~T the', I H.f-si.,. n - , I.M I . .. . I ( wp tk PUss for while, - M rot tee! so well, so I :. . . _ their ue. I n feel as well as ex : perhap-< not quite so strong as formerly.! It has been ir:;>.iesib!e to proc :. an see uiy ri^ht .inn, wi ich xo. . y any wuliered. is now all r^lit," and Mi. Sands i.ed out anuis.'ular l:mb, h:cl. >. - - kiiown to the Ijave done credit lo a blacksmith. Ii, r, |uy along n, \\ NCW that it reporter Mr. Smds se>id b . stnuk I'.akn, his trouble brought on t.r.i^i p.m. a's>itth be^ 'illy. ':it instead of apprvwchuig i- suie<|nent issue we shsll have more to say : t see . : about this inlcreetius( matter." he turned his side and he^an lo rub M ^ _ ^ up ajaiuv. me. 1 haa a SMU^.. jumper " in I IKM-I my hand, w: '. Id J poiui out- | * have : ess. ._ r : . ' : . . ^ : . . i g.aciai action. as>d Ike fnquent ssibmor*Mi*i 1%-i.i. alternating with tne emerging of con'.inecits out of to* seas. Tnea* may have r-tar led tbe growth of xdimeuLary rocks. bu-. *.ne- .aan. t naveaccwstrmted it. A .: i.Jy or" foeoJs -.ra-.n-- . iai- formity with watch ihe work of cree'-ion proeee<xe<a. olBss) HBs) hegesi te ooserve tnere "as been no cbaage in tne forms of a: r. a. . ..:-. A f*w sp:cies bar* diAapp<ared : pot oae new specie* has Ijeen evolved. Net only i j wetind lae !> aa-1 flora or an.ienl E.yy" a* depi.'. - . . - ' - "i-i idesmoal with inoee t: country to-day, but shi.s which BBSsaMssvl OsV MM before the ice age an i (rw IB an ocean wnuee bed overlay tn .ntain* ar precisely th* saru .peciee that are fouad in th* be>y . and the water* of the Cheta- psake. It is evident that there has wen no esseatisU change in the cooditione of life . - . - i were riist create,!, ye' how vast tb- snort- eft perioi which we can assign to th* ^ap .* from inat remote epoch. Utt . ^ the ., . - - 1 - r- _.<>; plane*. The er* which preceded lae age of civ;!u*i man. with it* vast ri er* .4 d >wn liiuvial floods to the ocean, and the burstaig forth of mountain rsjagee ' "n'-ri ^arth'scrust bas'ieen pa:u i to toe life. But no one ha* exercised ii' pencil oa that preceding age, when the > made way : >r clumps of stunted i .- :. a:. . < ed tne glaciers crept down from tne north, an i . > vast sheet of ice half a mile thi.-k drove mankind with tie mam- moth and -..-- -ei::vievr. lo those .'i}runa-.e regiooe w . . a. escaped tbe >f toe lest ice age. Nor have we any tad r\ II there > iat .-hi'ijt . monsUi .-p iron. lie took it like a . . - lire to the weather. " 1 an iy s 1 ho, " th i I'*-. " Ink P ' 1 ,'xve my wonderful restorauon. ItvsuU-s ihe : .rex'nienl 1 had lriel elec -.<atent infernal al : . .it > ra;<i,.l progress) > . stwardd ' . 1 not permit ine o sen' - i vithout ti- ling 1'ink Tills I Ivgixn lo mend, an t they tries, .in. I but laxe uik'ie a new man o' me." jpape:- . ' 'n then called "n cholera i -lip was aa Messrs. Otrom Bro*. A v.'o., widely ki oulx applied to th- is, and inlcrx;, i tat ix f, Mr. Smith, as M his kn I IM [ nai.y ^ ' Mr. 9 iltli wu. fully couNersaiit maiikui'l. witli i the story v Mi. San, is. i said, that Ivr Lr uf Our *r last. Gentlemen liave before now atlmpte<l to anted, as pat an eu-i to a miserable existencs; oeesMsj I he so.- Itand. Iwas .adiea whom they desired to ned ha.1 th^ wretchedly bad last* to marry eoSBSJeW* 1 ! else, and iadiee have been known to return , neut in the case of gent!m*n. . to couten plat* I ie be- ; :iper. I suppose he must : - . .. to be mar- | felt easier for the opera .:ter . time ried. and to a -. > > or two further a ne* visits !r,"'i 1 - . *. vivo; - > ' : T I wu , itcli him for a M -- t - r J hn - - > '[ ir* two ma ! lens who vowe-i s<->leniuly to ..-x h otner that if either were -. , would at once < Cement [ ope sided and. mor- u-y r l heat swarmed wr. si-ivs. T h is is a page of history whi. yet to b* written, i>ut the materials a. . cumulating, and the historian will not be looj wanting. a<. 1 In - : evi . -d ten deucv of t. [ HP- kuown thtoiu. . I'.miily. In to . drift v if maiix ,e so noe : was in ihe . ibal ]>.^.i;i . .epres- the . in his ex |n-r;> . - 13 com paed thst sold so well, or gave such geixial sat- : with r>! ." '.in !">' isfaction to those using th-in. a* ever}-- |Kuti -n ,: those 111 <ges is now , 1 thitik h- must h.ive rev.-oia:sel me as a kindly and etlectsssl scratcher. ; or .kin disease, t , , . * <, I in^hl L in that .'ill. the l-oat -erle<I a' charge o: dvnann-.c m because the punishment fails on the innocent j sheep s head: l lie .irse at- : : we The remarkable poml *r>out - threw in t - :nsel --wr." v. l!-e *v iea-1 was > of much all shark. In - 'euumentalily k tne plot iu.l fragments - -'lv. and en hearing o! Miss Park-' , Jose I in* -i hot haste ! t', an a mini:' I ' >:'.h sharks * ' U design on her N 1'hisexpenen.v own over , . . > upland at all is DO' apparent. A few : 1 words of it | itrate induced the too excitable BeUu where g'oxxsiis; ivprl9 ate he vi.l ,.f cell'-nt results foil" use. I'r. \\ iris' I'nik Pills are not a | . cine in ihe seine lliat word is uu.lerstocd. . result of years ,.f e\[jneiKV ' at the present ti ni< I cii fill investi^at arv not a xvoi -- ative meslicine. but act ; -a' '--'- "-'"-- at the time of the p.-cvioin enum-ration Th- rAti<- o! rc- :\ Ai.-.'S j-er cent, in UM t-. tiriu'. I V1 . ihe Mood and nerves, u\" < con ('.itueMls re,(Uire,l to cnticii the forner and si"inu'.A!r and restore the latter. For all d;s..<e depending upon a TiUtted i-oi.ilition r-f the hl.:od or shattered uerves, they an 1 ui inrailiiv ren'e-ly. > . ', ili^ease* as tbe<e pei-d.lx x -:tent : A ,\ >. l :' -! ; | v, i hcuii.a' :m, seta tica, nervous pro-stration. i:< ache, r*.fc, chronic erysipelas, : They arc a tpccitic fui tils troubles peculiar bi-r^u, i:ti l,lU see theee cream:- >. 1 remember once I -tune to see a battle between a i ' .. al- thoti^ 't by any ni*aus -Jiink the f "Ms;:;* _ in this way. I wxs "down" at ^ -,f a ketch o:T tiie IllawarraCoaet \ , i > . - is us ;..', keci'in me supplic.l witii air. as a whole, there were loo person, to , ^^ l ^ . wUr> . : :,'ken . ' ili.xt r. inensA-0-l vessels passing iu au . h.irbonr. x- ' or A *rti: something I water above me. I il.d n it know what it was ''i-.- time, but I learned alter wants - - parts of i x Knur i very ii'y. for |- ^taucc theie a>"e jnl) - to a f.|i.aie mile: in .Vjy,! ouix '..'i, vi Iiix, '.V, aiul in Sr . . 1 but II. , :cs. cn the other h.xaj, have '.!<' fH-l -U .1 ',' ,X s.j . i wtth 1.1S7 . ml Kim r nativ! shor. iii>l a .- to promise y her who'- w xs thf. n aOOOraaBM ier vow, she ' --veral with offers of i> . . - >1 now t<et- ter her Knglish friend and neglect -.heir .- - ' nd '.hat there is a good deal of ronun - to be <t>t veu so commonplace n * MS is not contingent upon sur- roundings. It is s.My a exmdition of tbe heart. The reason some chilJren sre so unman- ageable i* they are chip* off th* old block. It would > hile to la)>or if it pro- ful"wlio you are down iu the water Juced nore**i 1 but the joy it bring* eoal beloiiging to one of the men. It i* , unnl-r V>lih ( a|l!r Thlrtrs. she-p and cat-.le farmers m v . a suffer very nucu from wao o: - . . in u-iler the herder* A desperate *o,x>unter toot t > . rte>l in - 'rum Perth, - large ca>:tle- ; -a lioin were N th n. pursued a baii'i ,; these black cattle thieves t es there . Hered the while* by four to ine. The thieves were in the sx'tofcotr;: - m.l 'pursuer* while, then used the.r nrvarm* to . < r s. ...... _ were t. :ier*. A \ . , some others, bu p o wer i . . tee aoytlting ed to rest. Beat 'a rriiil. The seas from Madagascar t and from Japan to Ne i infest. i -. > - Among the ": -s'. puisviidus of all X - . i - * . trine . and fru k BM > .-!) any creatu:- on. \Vhea - . - . i i i, as ^xll as eight uiailrr u-u; . - s

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