THE WEEK'S NEWS. Mr. Justice Church, J Montreal, i* dead. Coal ha* advanced t%f7 a ton in London, Ont. Mrs. Hervey, who founded the Hervey Institute for Children in Montreal, is dead. Eighty percent, of the Manitoba wheat crop ha* been harvested. A resident of Hurton street, London, claims to have struck natural gas on his property. Within the last lew days Me**r*. Gold:e ft MrCulloch, of <;*lt, have shipped about Ji) safes to St John's, Newfoundland. of Bradford, F.r.f., ha* been called to con- 'filthy, and f-ar* are expressed that sider a proposition to wiud up the company will bring cholera to this continent. they owing to it* IOM of busine** through the operation of the McKinlcy Act. The announcement of the death of Prof. Henry Ncttleilup of Oxford University, who, it was said, had died while attempting to ascend Moot Blanc, wai incorrect. It wa* the professor's brother, wno is a fel'ow of Balhoi College, Uifonl, who died from A novel tight is presented by the Decamp- ment at Lyons railway station of a number uf Jews from Odessa, whom the steamship line* refine to lake to New Vork on account of the quarantine there. A company has been incorporated un.ier the laws of new Mexico for the purpose of putting a big international Jam across the cold and exposure while attempting to make I'.io ' '-rand for purposes of irrigation both in Mexico and the Cni'.ed >f ate*. Tbe Krench Government received an orLcial mvr.ation from Wajnmgton to *nd the ascent <jf the mountain. Mr. Kdwards, connected with the Koglish firm of KVAIIS k Sou, while uu his way .. this country fur the benefit of his health on : a squadron to take part in the grei: ua. a. board the steamer Lake Winnipeg, took an ! review he h-ld in New Y .r 1 * bar- overdose of chloral, from theefle.. t* of which | bor and the vicinity in connection wuii the he died. It is supposed that the pitching ThsC.P.R. has leased the Montreal 4 .V" 1 ?' ' tbeveMelmad* h.m pour into . th Mr. John McDougall. proprietor of the was ordered to take by his physician, be- came fatal Western Railway, running from St. Jerome to s.. Agathe. for five years. i * **?}% h ." *?* ST^L^!*!*? The British barque Newtield has been wrecked near I'ort Campbell, Victoria. Kleven of the crew perished. At Sarnia the other morning George Nicholl, while eating, was choked to death by a piece of beef lodging in his throat. Alphonse Lar(ue, son of 1'r. Laroqne, formerly medical health officer of Montreal Committed suicide in Montreal last week. Cclumbuj ceiekrat: n Te fkelere, The despatch** from EaropeaD countries where cholera is raging are aumuiently alarm- log to create grave fears lest the dread scourge should cross the Continent and once morr appear in Canada and the 1'nited States. The continued exodus of Russian emigrant* from localities where the disease ha> been more or less prevalent l-r two years, has been tallowed by outbreaks in many : pean seaports, notably Hamburg ' In tn latter city the disease u already epiderc : . and many d-aths have occurred, principal- ly in the over crowded districts wh-.-re toe dirty and ti.thy err /ran u are housed previ- cos to embarking for America. As Ham- burg is in direct communication with Cana- da by a line of stamers to Montreal, it will require the utmost vigilance on the part o( cur Government la prevent cnolera from getting into Canada by the St. Lawrence. As for Toronto, the J/an points oat that if '.he disease should com- her* :t will IMTtl' -T.TtS. A terrific ramstonr. caused $100,000 da-n- ii;e at Koasalia, Lower California. California fruit shipper* rannotget enough car* to transport their stock. Three men were killed !> a collision be- tween freight trains near Hortuu, Kas., the Pear* m.l riesi*. These receipt* are frjm thit ex -e'lent senu-nioutDly publicAiioo, the Housekeeper: 1'KtK PRESERVES Pare, quarter, and I commit its greatest ravages whtre privy core, boil for bail an hour m enough eater pits are thickest and where people are care- to cover them. Aid one pint of white j less about jarbajfe and uncleanly in their I sugar to each pound of fruit. Flavor with nibiu, wooM hjver over ti.e tf -^..v bt,^ t||UW -iWI the juice of lemon*. X\ heu the p;ar are ; our Don river and our Ash bridge s bay, so ] mother, to -Jie black other day. cooked soft, pour them into jar*, and tie them up when cold. I'C.IK M .KM.iLjiut. Boil pear* with the skin ou ; when soft rub through a sieve. For each pound of pulp take three-f of a pound of sugar. Stew slowly uotil thick, stirring constant! D Kurope, where the disease has asserted : itself and oegun its bill of mortality sixty or a hundred deaths a day. it is in the . . o? Ha.ii' ur^. where ! foreign emigrant* and others crowd :n un- I wholesome ^uar'.ers, taa: thing* are > ' Comparatively few cases are reported m the I >' Llchl Brewa The progress of the light-brown shoe) movement tu.s year is even more noticeabi*) than it was last ye*r, which may have been the first year, if ;t were no: the secoud_year, of that movement in thi* vicinity W e are aasured that many thooaand* of pain of . - -ioe* ha v* beea sold here sir t-ie opeciof of thr spring trad*. The . majority o: the wearers of them a.'e ' but many women are also know i JM. :* them. If the movement in their favor ofc tin ies to grow as rapidly as it has grown for the pa*: two or three years, they will be the ordinary wear of -ity people befote the bell* ring ou: our iwindling century. Ttie movement 1* interesting. It ha* ad- vanced auietly. There ha* been very talk, and there have been BO lecturers, so tar as we know in favor of the cause of *hoe re- form. Without saying a word about the sub- ject., a multitude have put off the ' - pa*, on the light brown, and proceeded about their other buatne**. Few -f them, o far a* we have heard, argued tue case - oi their own mind*. They pre- ferred the lignt brown, f'.'i one reaeun or We pronounce no Caledonia iron works, Montreal, is dead, L'. S. l>eputy Marshal J. S. Hamilton ha* aged 67. He came from Scotland m 1 S3S. I b**" ihot b \ Moonshiners near Crocketu- Charle*. son of John Davidson of Toronto j Vllle> Kentucky. Customs House, was accidentally shot at | Heavy rain* and cold weather have great- _ . .. _ . _ m ^ Longueiul on Tuesday. He was tiken to ly dartuged tne uncut portion of the crop* u.nt of vinegar, on* ouu'.-e of whole_ clove*. I surely as th* night '.: Montreal hospital. About :<U,OOO.OOO bushels of wheat, it i* calculated, will ls available for export from Manitoba. Thi* tallies with the immense yield of last year. A lad named Thomas Hingham fell from the mountain brow, Hamilton, the other d*y, a distance of forty feet, and received injuries which endanger his life. Orders have been issued under the alien labor law prohibiting British Columbia In dians from going into the 3u:e of Washing- . counties of Kuisas this summer. ton to pick hop*. A nuntl>! . ^ty compo^ of five > Georgian bay cawmill owners want the men hu been found muruer< 1 on tne banks in North Dakota. one ounce of suck cinnamon. Boil the The Metropolitan Opera Hou*e of N * t> on* hour, steam the fear* until soft, York was burned dowu on Saturday. The : l:l " the syrup a few minute*, los* is estimated at 130.'**). Fmwa-x PCXK.H. Drop .iuarters of pre- The western coal agents in New Vork 1 * rT *' 1 F luto " Dtf T^LS*! wh 'PP J have advanced the prYce. to tre we*t -J5 c "" u . d "% - > uu wouM ** "*""' cent. a.d to Buffalo : , cents a ton. ' , . t^SSai l^.-Dk^v, one At Dwiver en Tue*day night Thomas ^nd of sugar in a quart of strong vinegar. Smith *hot and kille i hit wife, from wnom ,| 4vor wi;ll ,,,^t. cinnamon and nutmeg ; he had been separated for tome time. rt lt cjm< w 4 ^L FM>! rllw ,j rm p^p, . Texas fever has killed 9UO cattle in two leave : he stem* on, nd drop into the tyrup t I'l Ki.tii I'l.Kj Seven pound* of ripe or new portion o! HI.TJ-H.- . pear*, halved, three pounds of *ugr, one j feet follows cause m cholera visitations u In I aswcuted has become permanent.;. tne great religious festivals The regiH of the H." scar.-* c: h.s sacred rtver. the Hangej. is reeponaible tor a very large proportion of :ne cholera out- break* tiia: -Ave :a*e.' place in past year*. A tew hundred thousand pi'.gnms g*> to Hunlwar the place of pilg-;niage at the source of the Uange* every year, more every third year, t.!l tn.ire e-ery sixth or j ninth year, and ful.y three uulaons aseem- ble every twelfth year. There is always their choice : while reform, v! it be a reform, has adected the leather trade, BOemakerV trade, th* shoe - busmes*. the shoestring busices* sag business, and tne shoeblacks' businee*. It . -- -.-.. f thing this brown shoe* movement, or cause, or reform, or prop- Some men have mad* money by it. while other men have lo*. x \ e shall neither encourage nor discourage it. Bat there is food for thuug- ' brown . . | tudie*. m it. By the way. why does not some popular lecturer, who is hard up tor an attractive theme, take Jp this movement and deliver a course of ill- ustrated popular .n> courses about u : He . talk a-XHit it for sn hour every night .ign the week. take up in a few moments juid put m a jar: cholera m the foul cainpmg grounds el the 1 nine morning*, when ti.e syrup pilgrims, and it is general!;. -*-k by eiDort duty on sawlogs reimpo*d. All the logs arc being rafted U) the other sideot the line to be stwn. A -cording to the cenu* return* the aver- age wages paid in !>>! t'[iiai;l jfi'tl per annum, and lu lyi, f".'?-'. or an m:rease of t-'tV per annum. Hamilton City Council has dnvded that the I'nixn .la.'t IIUK'. iw carried in all pro of Carey Creek, Terr Five men were shot at New Orleans on Tuesday night in a row U>t ween striking switchmen and nou union employees. The IMU Lumber Company, of Eau Claire. Wi*.. has concerted the Demands of r.s ineu tor eight hour* a day at 10 hours' pay should be thick. Put into .juart jars and seal hot. FEARS >->:> Wim-rri- CU.IM. Pare and quArter l*u nice pears. Cook until tender in a little water, then remove to a platter. Make a syrup of one pound of sugar and a pint of the pear-water. Add the juice of two Unions and the grated rind of one. Cock the pear* a few mmul-s in this syrup: the caravans to I'eraia and other places when the pilgrims returu. At the beginning of : his year one of the twelve-yearly festivals was helJ. Since toen we have heard from lime to time of the smjuMer'.Mg e\i$ier.ce of the dread epidemic m lenertn Frcm there it tascrep. to Rjs*is. and found a fer- . I und among the poverty- stricken. i.i :ed KuMiau Jews, w-.o -.A.e in American goods passing through i . . > then ren.ove to the >lish in which they are { turn carried it to Western port?. ions in that city and m advance of all ; in bond will not be affected by the other tUgs. lation proclamation of 1'resideut Harntou. Thomas IK>onelly wa* struck in the head the low ocean freights at Montreal, the cat.le triule i completely demorAli/ed, an.l the l>oats leaving for at Lansford, Fa., on Saturday and land are uot being; well filled. | shortly afterward*. The schooner Speelwel!, of St. John, X. | At the requeet of clergymen of s* n Fran- B., was found abandoned in P->t.<n Bay the Cisco, abo a -,M> business* house* closed on other day. She was loaded with shingles. Thursday to enable their employe* to at- The fate ot the crew is unknown. | tend revival service*. Th* net loss of nineteen of the principal i Mr. Sweeney, who wa* badly swaulteU in English rire insurance conpini.-* in the \ ButMo by a striking switchman, imiicnant. recent tire at St. John's. Newfoundland. ! l v .letnes the runmiir tiiat h* wa* bought by reaches close upou t'l IWU.OUU sterling. tue railw.ys to declare the strike oil Wellington and Waterlm counties report | At Jo**, ly n. ,, . P-en Howard, colored. an abundant yield of wheat, with most ' who was un.ier arre*t charged with shoot- other crops an average all round One farm- er in Waterl.o had .15 bushels of wheat to the acre. Cupt. Warren Baker, of the schooner Brothers, is under Arrest .- with fleecing Halifax underwriters by tow. ing awav merchandise from his "ves*el, allowing; the schooner to go ashore, and then to be moulded. Soak one ounce, of gelatin* one hour in enough water to cover it: when dissolved stir into the hot syrup ; let boil up ; then turn it over the fruit. Dip the by a pitched ball while at the bat in a game mould in cold water before putting in the mixture. When cold, turn into a disft and serve with whipped cream. Thi* is nice for Sunday d:uuer> as it may be prepaied vituniav. and it t* very nice served with thick tweet cream. I>\KIP I'IAUSI. S.mply pare them and sprinkle with sugar and nutmeg, adding a few spoonful* of water. ToCANPmiw. Pare. cx>re and >;urter them. Cook until done, adding a little sugar . till the can* full, beau careful to have all space* tilled with juice ; then screw on the covers and set away in a dark claiming full insurance. H.-n. N"*ll'W has consented to U 1 pres- ent at the ureu I*rohilution Convention to U- field in \( .ntr-Hkl on s.-ptenilvr A' and i'i. A welcome will be ten lire I to the veteran teni;ivrnce orator, who will deliver an ad- dress in reply. p. ace. I'l ix Vk*nvrs. To remove the ing James Townsen.l from ambush, has beiu .hot to death by a mob. - ,., ^ ^^..^.^iv renior , th . , kln , The shi[. Alamcda. of Philadelphia. *n t [ pi am , ,c*. 1 only A few at a time, and the scho.ier Mali of Orleans, outward it you do no' cho.i e to remote the-r. bound, c illi led at San Francisco th* other each plum with a s's-al fork. Allow one .lay i ii't. Trener and two men of the pound ot sugar to eacli pound of fi nit, an.l Orleans were drowned. fc lJ ,, n ly t fr enough to trie forrie t> di* A car loade.1 with ingot* for the Carnegie solve it. When it boils, put in the plums works was blown up, it is supposed by and -over closely. As o..n as tliey re ten- Ho-.teatsad strikers, at Pittsburgh Pa., the der skim o it! y into iai. hiling them other morning with dynamite or some other alx>ut two-thirds fulL Boil the syrup rif- hij;h e\\e. teen niimite* longer, then poor over the A sailor uamed lUvni M wcaw was struck > frmt - filllo < tbtf | by a heavy pulley Hock whicii fell upon his S* FIT I't' KI KP Put n pounds -e is every reason wny pjrt* of entry 'D this side should be well guarded, and, humtniy-speakm/, our mim imty from cholera depends on the vigilance and etTec tivenes* of our quaran e. If the system of inspection an 1 disinfection is sufficiently rigid there is uot much to fear So far a* we on tbi* fide of the Atlantic are oeaeerne 1 there are several pomts in our favour. The period of incubation of the disease. for instance. VAr.ecfrum twenty-foa.' hour* to three d*y*. X> infected person therefore can reach this side bel'ore sutfi- >ipto:us Kave developed to ;uie him an object of anxious regard to the medical attendaet*. A priTria-y case is sure to manifest it* true character be- fore the ship reaches land. COM* ot -iusMM contracted -u. th* vessel are also most > , to show themselves in such a way a* to demand an.i receive proper treatment. Then agaiu. the lime of the year is advantageous. No douot th* out- break of cholera in t' .:.* is due in some measure to th* wave of heat from that continent ria* b**a amdering. and the like cf witch ha* not breu known for many years. With us the worst of th* hot weath- er is probably past. We are also much better able to cop* with the di seise than we were in (>t'J. the date of the U: serious visitation of t he kind. There was an pi- dent.c of cholera In !--. .t did not F. N Gisborne. who with Cyrus \\ . Fit-Id _ 7 '"Tw*JwiVH\'tv'i'i\imsifc aa *> H *>tt o *- w nii'ti i, ti* divided the hoiio.-* of promouug '.lie tint , ago and sailed away from Ail I'u.-le Sam's Atlantic cable, died at Ott-v;t, Sunday, at (asteet cutter*. This IS the same K-hoi>nr which xn.ied5.Vi,- mg : the ast time th* yrupshould be ;hick wortu of opium it Hawaii A few mouth* n> i rich. Put m gla* .'AM an.l seal. midnight. Me li.i.l 1-en for fifteen year* *U|-rtn tenden t of (ioveriiinent tele;ra|il.s, i and only a week ago returned from a t Mir ot inspection of ihe Gulf signal system. Me was TO year* of age. Chinese inspector* aero** the lire have informed the cmt.'itu .'rpArtment thai em |lo\es of the (.'. IV K h.ive been twnstiug i'l.ii.ese tn pass over tiiat road into the Tinted StAteij. IVputy d-IUvtor Tinhy at M.'ntrMil him |ie*n inifructed b\ Acting S.-cretarv Sn.uil.iin,; to i.lace the nnt:.-r before the C. I*. K ortieials. Tho C;tiia>lian I'acitic teann-r KmpreM W .1 iinn. hicii tail* I from >lon< Kon^ en July *>th and rnve I at Vancouver, 11. C . I fasteet cutter*. N tr Cato. Cayiu-A county, X Y., the in cutt'nc bind cut the hand I- > . Boil until soft, rub of the man wh - wa* feeaing. caught up the Ud n cylinder, where lie wa- brother of tin- Imy tetvier down an. I stab a pitchfork bet. TV inv Uilberl vl. Kice accidentlly intruded on one f the secret m.-etnig* of the striking miners in r.-nnessee l'r\. -ir.nen< su<|iected that he WAS a spy, tie i Inm to A freight car and set t'ne ,-i C'-m^ down grade. K o was dragged st feai'ul M \ . I in through a colander an.l allow seven pounds of t'Jg.r for ten poun !s of pull*. B.'il untu thic*. stirring ing. Amcli* Hues, the "The v^ui.-k an such a sensation youn, d the *ho*e created ha* au ..|xlk> (.rMrlker*. A certain class of laoor agitator* are much addicted to assuming that the domi- nant Kutiaient ot soc.ety, the public oputoo taat prevails asaoag OMB who are not tBg*4*d ID nsijinsl labor, is uolriendly 1 - - * condition, rh it this is not *o i* suttkieot- ly indicated bf the general spirit of tohr- ance that is >howu toward s:riker* even w.ivn tneir demands aie no; reasunable and their methods are nvt justified. A great deal of Allowance is made on the ground that in cse tueir conaiuoo i* a hard one and tneir advantage* few. and a general sympathy M felt for every etlc/i: taey n:ak . iiuprovement. Almost invariably when tnere is a demand for h. .j-er wage*,for saorter aeon or kr better co*hlit>o*M. the sjcsMral iflspul** a O*M of eocovracesaeat and A } ' . . that soBkohow in the distribu- tion of the pr.veetis of products lauur u vs not oa "* w -ol* get it full share.wtiil* capital gets more thin its share. It may not w possiOie to justify tui* feeling by an analysts of th* conditions that ex- II. -. '.: ..'. 1 fact that grea*. tortune* are tr.a.le by many W IBOS* who ciintrvl capital and ex corporate poer. w:i:le u ae .: ;:-.e ing people are forced to lead lives of" hard- ship and poverty. But wtat-"ver . of the it and whatever may be its ju*t.. at ion, it exists, and public sentiment is A ready to take the side of dissatisfied workmen when trey make complaints and demand*. The presumption is apt to be that they have reason to cvm-.i'.ain and to make demand*, and that their wrong* should t>* looked into and reme.he.1. If em- ployer* refuse to listen to them or reject tneir .if: 1 , kuds w.lhout wherein thev are i: n reason A tie. and they resort to Strikts. :. e first tendency of th* sentltaont in their ii'igA'corhood ajui intkOMMnui:.iy at large i to their side, if througn their unions they would make every effort to . formulate th*ir grievances And press them m a peaceable in aimer And make it clear ' that they are tignt and their en-ployer* in i the wrong, they would obtain th* full sup- port , . .'.nion and mak* steady aa- | vance* in the line of improving th* tern* , aud conehti.'us of their fn ploy men:. But there should also be a wil ingue** to aln- dou C!A - shown to .v unfair aad to article u. the Septem'oer North American dou claim < Keview. on "l-uovence vers is Ignorance. " ] l^ints UVK.II which they can 'we proved o b* heu the A r Hinding curse lie was out so that ie*. Ke ( lipped in tlie white of an ir e plum 1'Uttei- 'n..v l-e irA.le of the i iite: 'aking tin- juice for jelly. Kllb them through the colander and.%ll.' seven pound* . ir u> ten pxKinds palp . ctK-k until re A! thick, stirring constantly, lliouud cutna men. spice and cloves improve iu deeply I have h,. t . . and alVrcti-'i.A'.e re'.af.ctis with many children, b. ill Imys and girls, of widely VA: e.; r turrs ; ! I the conclusion -. tneih dtjsjsonstral.oo* s against l-i the case of atu>ks upon jxfrvns and property it is inevitaUe that v opinion should be against t"o<- encs:e\l in tx- ktisv it is no looker a CAS< between en Thurnday evening. WAS disc.n -re.l to lv t: e rope eaugilt i> telegr.iph pole and wound on fire when eight Iniudred miles troni kohvim. The g.Hl seamansliip and judgment of the captain, and tne excellent discipline of the ciew. averted wli.n threat rne.l to lie a >ery serious disaster, and the tire was riniHi extinguished Theothovrsof the Inland Kevenne IK-p*it iiient AH- c.illeetuik; further .impies oi milk in the Urge cities ot C.kiivla, with a view to then being -e i .ind the publication of tile returns. Mr. M \c Far lane, cine! n i ly<t, has just receivo.1 from Scotl.nd of ll'.- successful working of a nu-eb . . milking apparatus. Mr. John S|>eir, of New-ten F.irm, tllasg..*. one of the tenant fanner deie^.tes ot lvn>, tested it on :N cows with inost safisfactory results. >r nuiTiis. It is imported th.kt U'r\l S.ilisiniry ot'e-.-.l a p*er|te to Sir Kiederiek I.eighlon. presi- dent of the Koyal .\c.lemy, but lusbiotlu-r a.Mileiniciaus adviM-.l him te .t.vline i lu- ll onor. Croat Britain has received an invitation from the I'mte.l Stt. s i lovrrnment to tako PAI t in the nival parade in April net', in connection with t he Columbus celebration, and has i. vepie.l it. It is stated ih..t Mr. C.l:x.lstone lias ttrit- ten to Mr I A ls> uc lie re saying th.kt he .kKme i* lesponsibl* tor uot prt->enting Ins name, and that the omiui m in no wise it-fleets on his public career or service*. The- i,iieen ha* rei|usle- 1 Ihr Homr Sear*. tarv to convey her sympathy to the widows Aud children of those who lo*t the r lives in th* recent mining accident, knowing well what it wt* to I. we husWnd an.l children. A meeting of the shsr.'boldrr* of the Sir Til us SU. Son A Co.. pli-mu maniifaelurers. life w-is sAved, though tn awiul experience ha* reduced Ins weight .V pmtuiis and turn ed his hair gray. IS .KNKK.ll. Tlie i 1 '. nl re ;rns show that on I'vietdav thete w.'ie .'i.-Wi cases of cholera in Knssia, And -J.tV.'.i ,ie*ths. MUii.l It. fli r.-jv IT.'KI- And Rice *-'- - .... i i. ... >. tV^ .^ i..i ............... O^r.tlc A* A Limb- But so Iiuou'.stvti - WhAts ti.e trouble, Mrs. Mul.-aht * His >.'ut isl.tid Wen Iwauiig you ag.ii-i, the I'l " Aii, imi'ii, inter !ipeak *v tnmsilf a* a i-rute. M.'iohel is as tm.ler he.i:te.i a cratcher at ivei diew breath. It s his way. I bo Vnu-er of Afghanistan is prepAtv.l 10 \e k..o ] He just kno.-ke.i me down and * KI.MI* without tr..mi.led.-.i me. Uhiulesh - wailing (04 KngUki.d. action. =.. tie a. a lam K K .e , so immil-.te, ye The report which luis put into circn'u- lion that cholera hud spji-Aied iu H-vaiia is untrue. A I.isUui newsi>a|H*r ami.nn.ces that a portion of Portugal colonies me to W sold to meet the interest on the exterior debts. 1'ho'.nelAti rel^fls under I'^n. Cre^j r have cap'.U'e.l several cities, aud Luciano Men.!."* ha* declared himself dictator of \ e;.e iK'la. A Itnda Peslh des^teh s.,y. the town of t , ..'a,.,, w;ll U . | Hult -.> AustriA,, ,.nd ^>vt envha/a, OOBtalalBf 4,OUO inhabitants, has hs-en almost t.-t illy destroyed by fire. Tlie Maniinsde Mores, who was on trial in Paris for manslaughter lot having killed .M uve.1 is that this natural curiosity of j workmen and employers or > growing mind* in regard to all subjects <"' Then the interests wise the truth kuu . \ !; "e 1 wi'h I. Ml' 10 Mrs n t, 1 I ' ;. i*^ . .Kir unions it-.inng the \\ -rlti . r.sir lie pro- motor* ot ih. selie ne are 11 union men. Knropvan arm> ' ; vr< AII i sprt:ng :nen - in an luteraalioual teog- .stance ice which w ill li* held the tiist reek in Oct. l-i The r*ee .oure will K> . ' the liighw >\ s Ivtwee-i In-rliu and \ growing miiuls in regat .1 to all suDJ .-. by ol ier people with a i I and judicious tolerance, an i sat - disclosure of as much oi what is the tri as the grown person in question think* . . t-reheiidiuf. Of coarse, la the moral *\l.i of voui .; girl*, due reference sh -uld bo ha.l ' .ractertstics K'th of an.l mind. Some nit. and Wneti: by knowletlge wh'.ch W.-..1 i only n A.'.d disturb those less th.<se w incli are .nldiily e\ . nn- . ;ve. 1'hit w.nch ac.vrxling U< my . should lv avoi.led. :s i syste m whtch all mstriictiou. or at ... . -- 'es of health and !.:e. h* been rigorous \ atcd. A no .edgeottue IAWS w physi > ..-ems to me n r ;^ht oi every thinking being, but the only means by which p.vyle wi.l ever be bi te l.H>k simply . w:- v. and inn. 1 > certain tiiii.ismentA. t.c'.s. upon which rest* the whole structure of existence. ' Captain Mayei in a duel, ha* been Ae.iint- ted. The jury *lso ac.|nitted the seconds, who were arraigned fer eomplicit\ in lli* nnn.lei. The Chinese Minuter at tierlin has left for St. PI tercburg, it is understood, witli the intention of demanding that Kussi* withdraw her forces from the Pamir*. P.unig the Auslriin military n.Aii.-uvres at Fn*nktr.-hen on Wednesday, the heat was so tornl'le- four orti.vrs, eii;ht >>r porals and ten private* died of sunstroke The condition of Itiissian .lews who j)iws through Pans for (iennn o'licetsand the pri/es, a^t;rei;atini; fkV.^Hi mAiks. will i-e distributrtl by Km prior William and Kni(ie>tor Francis i,<ep:' Among the six n-.fti wlio cov^r 'he dist.uuv An latemiptad (M*tHitstV< Little f>.-\ -i > ^lan:n. .im I 'most well ' ' M.unnm " \ e<. nn pet : the doctor hi* in the sli.>: test time. Vhe two p-irties of ; got all the pow ilcr e .:ul he contestants start simultaueou-ily theti.-i man* irom llerlin and the Aiistriaus from Vienna. All the .-tli.-er* will ride in full inn form and will be unaltonde.l by o*rria_e or grooms. Among the men now training down their weiijht m anticipat: -n of t lu- rid* are Pnn.-e Frederick I<O|KI.| of 1'rus i. and Ouke F.ine*: tiueiither of cx-hlrtwig- II .stem The distaiu-e to be covered nn'est Although prvpvwed at nrt AS a t*^ of strength n.l cn.lnrsu-.ce ,; , A. ilryu.en. slvut titty othcers of eoch party are from America I. exlreim^ I ;h ' 'S"> r > ay* he 4 St." laltle lv>v " Vheii pie ASK- iro>e vy be.1 up to the win i . Mamnii U :. vr. mv Little l : oy "I want to shoot orlth* re*t ol thoee fire cracker* ' s of the Andaman Islands The art- repv>rted to le fast dkMppjMrMf. All of them on two of ihr islands are and only a few reutatn on the third. Oul\ a niA'.l uuniVer of children are 'v,u, anl they die m lufjuicv. coatBiun.ty Ivcome involved, and the con- text is <j[.nst the supreniA.y of law aud the protection ot , - s as N .tel- cn perm:-. <: sy -MpViliies to inter- fete with hisup| . leofmain- taming Uw ana public ai;tn -r.ty. Kvery- U-.'.y k . - : ,- It 1 . . . \ . - . . for auy body. V ' ' 1 . "S, will ::: .: . . . KM * -.i.low o-l.l will tust t-eto-e ram and a pair - - vcome al- most lvg.O' on the *p; .1 <> eith- er. - '> < .\ .- come to the eimtle c -u- > th.t t for it*. > wise. \V heu - - - are . . - reaciy to set A ' ; pro*}vcts m our West AT* .::i. --t t>iu which -IV. the presint .rop the p: . cu:, u>l i .iowu .' ir*l - . .-at bulk ot the eutne crop will be sa.e.1. and the balance a'r.i -t W\v>u.l the I* injured '> > ; ; ng operations, aud all coi- nor- '*. Truly th* - "tin'.; on M.mtotxt thi* \ear. < text to l>e ai least IS or '.M i~ .w