THE WEEK'S NEWS. The entire town of Red Mountain, CoL, [ has been destroye 1 by an mrwndiary fire.; !* 01 .. -. homeless. CAN ADA. 'J'he Royal Military College, Kingston, is to be lit by electricity. The recent prohibition rote in Manitoba carr ed by at least 14,000 majority. Ki^ht women havj now been heard from who claim Telegnph Operator John (>reen . as vheir husband. ; = fn from S'o.'J in July to VJ..1 Mr. James Berringer, Aged abr>ut 60, was killed by his team running away tho other , ( , ien r r ( '; U lnn : N w day, ai'out three miles from Wateiloo, \ Wlawa. Over 100 cars have Veen burned by strik- i OTTAWA, Au. I,".. John W. Taylor, of inpKrieA Lehigh switchmen at Buffalo It Salt Lak City. Utah, a large, bluff Wast- is feared the trouble will become even mve e: ">, who u Buhop Taylor in fact, aud Bnghain Voting's suocesaor as Ont The Lindsay Lumber Company's mill at Kmmouiit was destroyed by lightning I'l Wednesday's storm. Los*, ^'JOJMX Alexander Willie, late of S mltSte. Marie, was acciiiently drowned in the Assinilx>iue Rirar at Alexander. Mrs. iminnnt died in Winnipeg on Tues- day from lockjaw caused by stepping on a rusty nail, wh'cli entered her f.'ot. Mr. Oeo. Lawrence, the defeated candi- date at Kdlarney in the recent elections in Manitoba, has been fined 200 for treating electors. Thu Industrial Exhibition Association of Winnipeg, will apply to tne Dominion Uov- eminent lor a grant in aid of next year's lair. A movement is on foot in Kmgvtou to raise S-Jo.OUO for the purpose of making an exhibit pertaining to tne Thousand l.aii.u at the World's Fair. Toronto University graduates are talking of erecting a statue to the late Sir Daniel Wilson. C. M. Bligh, a commercial traveller, was run over by a street car on King street. To- ror'o, and killed on Tuesday afternoon. The body of Henry Lloyd Broughall, one of the victims of the Port Union drowning disaster ou July 1? lost, was to ,L. ; floating in the lake in Tuesday. John Kw'ding died at Keulville, N. S.. Monday, aged 101 years. He remembers tbo.Shannon-Cheaapeaketii(hl and the bring ing of the captured vessel to Halifax. The annnal meeting of tho Dominion Alli- ance will be held in Montreal, commencing September -Mud. An interesting and im- portant programme has been prepared. The Manitoba Uovernnwut'i crop bulletin for August gives a most promising account of the stale of tho crop* in the province. The m July was specially favour- able. The Methodist ministers of Winnipeg hate organized a Ministerial i Amociation. wilii Kev. J. Srmmeus as pie- sidenl, and Rev. W. N. Januesuu a. secre- tary. Andrew Tweedie, a well-known Mont- realer, was knocked down the hold of one rf the Allan liner* the other afternoon, and died it the General Hospital al nighu L)S- York, shot him self on Friday night in denver, it is said, with suicidal intent. lie was addicted te intoxicants. At Cam I en. Ark., on Tuesday ntjht a negro named l',b Jordan, who had insulted a white woman, wan taken from olli trs by ma-iked men and (hot to death. Twenty Heaths have taken place within m accordance with a telegr m from Sir Alexander T. Ualt, met Mr. Taylor here and introduced him to Mr. Dewdney, Mm later of the Interior. Mr. Taylor who the ugii a Mormon is of course not a polTga- ist, lias all along i;iveu his fostering p\u-r- nal i are to the colony of Mormon* which has of late years srtiled and thriven greatly at Lee's lake in tUe North-West. Tiiese Mormon Htiers croaked the boundary AR1DS KISIMi !\ FdUCP. White Domination in Cental Afric* Threat- ened- tlie past week in Helmitta, manufacturing ml Canada a.ud bought their lards from \ village near New Brunswick, X. .)., ami ihe Sir A. T. JJalt's Company, the Al- I local authorities fear it u cl.olera. ; berta Railroad Company, which connects An ep.dei ic oi suicide* hi broken out in Berlin, and during sit days no fewer than * r - Y twenty two persons Kvin,- in the cily and the suburbs- killed llieuuelves for more or less trivial reasons. During the present year the ascent of Mont Blanc, one considered among ihe rarest of achievements, lut been successful- ly accomplished by five <ieMiiins. four Americans, thiee Frenchmen, aud two Englishmen. William Cuddy, brother of detccti o bsea quite in agreement as to the doings of folks on other plaaets, and this has caused , no little confusion in the scientific world. If Flammarion now discovers that the in- habitants of Mars are, after all, the kind of folks that would be i|uite overcome by our superior intelligence, the mvesligttions may proceed to the finish, and communica- tion may be established between thu planets without any embarassing results. Hut that is not liluly to be. Flammorion will hardly discover anything that woold cast discredit on his former writings and render them unsalable ; aud Prof. Wig^uik's recent discoveries so nearly coincide with the revelations made about Mars in lh iimoostretion'has developed"inio'a miieral interestim and remarkably cheap books of j uprl , ln ,j O f tn e Arabs of Central Africa his French contemporary that he might ; against white domination. Th Aralm have really nave saved himself the labor of dis- covering things for himself. Herein we are able to measure the great zeal th it character- iz-s all true investigators like Wiggins. Whatever Prof. Flammarion may have lately discovered on the planet Mars, therefore we may be reasonably sure that he will not I ailrr R*e,ssallaa n> rml I prt-lac l> Ife-Oarr .r M. ..- Trade 'Hard ricblla; r\pm ,|. A Brussels, despatch says : Despatches from Xau/iliar bring uew of a thrilling character. The \rab insurrection under Roumaliza has spread from l'i>i;ijy k to Stanley rolls, and wliat was merely a local The com piny disposed in thu way ' of a large part oi its land grant from \ the Dominion Government. Some ol>- ' jection w.n raied a- first lo the settlement of on I'^u territory, but au en I wa made of it when ihe Mounon col- . on'sti undertook to forsake their polygam- ous practices and cniforrn to the ordinary [ evory<l;iy idea of the marriag' state which ' prcv,u! a m this Dominion. Bishop Taylor | f ud this evening that in his interview with , Mr. Dewdncy he endeavoured to impress. grown desperate, owing to the evident deter- minat ion ol the white* to suppress the slave trade, by which tiie Arab* have accumulated their wealth and established th<*ir oower. They were greatly encouraged i.y the dia- asler to the British under Capt. Maguire lait December, when Capt. Maguire and two other Knglishmea lost their live* come forward to upset the facts that arc two olnor rjlgl ,,nniea lost ttteir lives i now established. Mars will certainly be I , contact wltn ,la va traders, and the \rob. ignored in the future by really popular I were , tlU mor it rengtaen*d in ueir t luocess- - rf j r r j wrre vu* uii Biruiigia science. We may feel sorry for the people | hostile attitude By the more of Mars, but it is their own fault that in junice to ourselves we must cut them. In view of this valuable information, which will make great changes in the study of has jomed in the maurrectionary'mo'ven; agronomy, the curt remark mode to a new* Md dec l are d his hostility to the whi paper reporter by Prof. Cuddy, of Toronto, a contract or. of the firm ' npon that Minister the heaeii :iol elfects of Pt.illips A Cu-ldy, at lh Michigan Stau vhi.-h wmild result from certainly greatly- prison, was Lil> I on Monday afternoon by n~.le.l alterations and amendments in the a life convict turned Henry UiacUmau, who existing (juarantinc regulations affecting is doing time for murdering his wife ami rattle cnmmg to the colony from L'tan. It: ion of hit peop'.e, h said, u> go I ful attack on Fort Johnson. It js feared that Rachid, the nephew and successor of Tippoo Tib at Slap ley Falls. einent . . - . **" ( Vne with whom he has pretended to be on term. Washington Observatory that he could not, of [ nen<1 .hi p . A conflict has taken place and understand the |reat public mtervst jnjhe . lt ; , knowu Ior , oertamty that three whites. nppamtion of Mars and that no special phenomena ha.1 been observed or expected, is simply amaziug. family. IN GENUAL Four thntuand cabmen are oa strike in the city of l\r.a. Nearly fif'.y p>r c-nt. of tliow attacked by cholera in Russia die of the diseaw. is the intention ex'ensively into ranchm^, but the deferent restriction! and severe I'usuxns il'.itieirn.vie such business unprofitable and almost im- ' poasible. Among other concessions, he ask- ed that a system of irrigation be estab- , tinned by means of canals and waterway* It is reported that Rnosian troops are | , M u, in ,i uiw farming overs large tiact of being rapialy moved from TurkeUau to the |n 1 that ii at present arid, and compara- ! lively useless on that account. With these rrtrn IB Ikr ^or:h TTr.t Hem. Donald Ferguson and Re. 'and probably many more were killed, ind 1 that the Arabs under Rachid are now n full control of the Congo at Stanley Falls. The followers of Raohid are armed for the most part with improved European rides, and Rauhid lias for some time past been s> large purchaser of ammunition, nis eager- Hon. Donald Ferguson and Rev. A. E llkrge purchaser of ammunition, nis eager- Burke of Phace Edward Island, two of the |ieM , t hu respect has aroused some sus- delegale* from the Maritime Provinces re- pu .i on among the whites, cently takeu to the Pacific coast by the j r WnBt nM fceome of the European rssi Canadian Pacific Company, were in Toronto i Jcnt who represents the authority of the the other day on their way home. Mr. Congo free State at Stanley Fells, is not Afghan border. The German authorities are taking ex- treme precautions against t'ue introduction of cholera from across the Russian frontier. aud othrr considerations, he is in hopn that there will l>e a large intlux of immigrtnta from Utah, who will settle dowu around t tie ,-. n ' colouy at Lee's Lake, and become useful The Pope complain, bitterly that ihe : , ltlzenfc I n viewof the propoMi-i ,rnc.t,on Italian (.ov.rn-,,nt pu! . no ,-urb on tho work B ,,hop Taylor ca!lrd>on Mr H.g- enennes ot the Churc^and that he is more ^ bepartment of Ra-lway, and a pruoner th.n ever before ^ ^ no[ ^ d-nulM W]1 , & doD- Another collinion I. a* takrn place on the ' thn - . Xezatash Pamir lietween Afghans and I: i< sians, and the situation is ueromtng very serious. Owing to the continued drought great Sir. A. T. i. alt is taking a great in tcrest in Bishop Taylor's schemes, and he telegraphed Mr. Hsinea, of Toronto, engin- eer of the Port Huron canal, M.uhi^in, and of the St. t 'lair tunnel, to meet the Bisnop on condition thn he woul 1 leave France ceased leaves a wife and two children. "* * r tBrn . but r fu e<1 th "' Mr. James Connolly, of Woile Island, while driving from Marysville to his home, ./as killed by the accidental dn> haree of a no official announcement of the presence of un, which slipped from the seat where hs the disease has been made, had placed it. f it is reported in Fez that the Moorish Mr. Kdwin Word'n, twenty-six years of j Ministers wh'> prevented the Sultan from age, son of the United States Consul at concluding the treaty with England each Wallaceburg, Ont., was drowned in the river received t s J,000 for an agent of the French near Sarnia on Tuesday night. rowboat which capsized. distress prevails in many parts of M-xico. j here with Mr. Shanley. It is said tha: the In some districts the people are slowly Buhop, who has an exceedingly keen eye starving to death. to Imsinew, has a scheme either for taking Klward P. Deacon, who slew bis wife's ' w Sir A- ' r - * :J , 11 r llro dor fr gelUng panunoor. hat been offered a frcn naidon ' ***! '"1 1 "" 1 r * l f r ** ' his own from somewhere in Ltflhbridge coal district down into the States. 4ke>t Ike P;.i .n \lirm. \ great deal oi valuable information ha. been made public in the last week about the planet Mars. To be sure, some of the old- fogy astronomers refuse lo admit that any ! thing new or startling has yet been learned, and even withheld from the eager public the results of their oltsrvations of the planet in opposition. But those are the unenter- prising and uuimagmalivs fellows who care !'.. r is the ex -Provincial Secretary of the late Conservative Government of the Ialan<l. They expressed themselves delighted with the trip and amazed at the immensity an.i richness of the prairie country. Father Burke paid a visit to ths settlement of Scotch crolier* in the neighborhood of Moo*- omin, and brought from the settlers a peti- tion to the Minister of the Interior asking for assistance from the Government so that they may get n.i of the debts they were obliged to incur to enable them to make a start. The crofters are said lo now realize that it was not pure benevolence or anxiety for their welfare, but a desire to get nd of them so that their holdings might be trans- formed into deer parks or Urge farms that prompted Scotch landlords to assist in trans- porting them to the Canadian Northwest. There are 9* families in the settlement, 6U known, built u feared that he has perished. The greatest an viety is felt for the safety of the expeditions unde' Capt. Jacques and Capt. Joubert, which were sent out to sup- press ' tie lave trade. It is said that the insurgent Arabs have sworn to exterminate both of these expeditions, as a lesson to the whites not to interfere with ths traffic. It is known that at latest accounts a large force of Arabs had gone in search of Jou'oert. Mauy Europeans at Zanzibar are inclined to charge the Portuguese with having stimulated tne Arab rising and supplied arms and ammunition to the Arabs, in order to drive other European nations oot of Central Africa, The Arabs in Zanzibar do nwt conceal their satisfaction with the news, as there is deep irritation there on a.-coun: of interfer- ence with the slave trade, which interfer- ed business both at Pemba. The clove trade is in Dozens of fa'al onsen of ohoiira are known to have oc-urred in St. Petersburg, though He was iu , Government. Hanker U'oliT, of I>r'.in. Germany. wtv> At a joint meeting of the Ontario Veterin-! 1 . 10 '* 8 "''' !' ' *!"* *" COf " Bnl '" > '".Kl j only lor l-guren and measurements and the arv Association, the Hog Aasocia- ! U:ptiger. have been sentenced to l.i v- tion, and of cheesrmakrr*, held in I.on<ln last week, it was decided to ask the IK.n.ui ion Government to pay full value for dis- | ease-infected hogs that were destroyed, in- stead of one third as at present. Confirmatory advices have been received In Vic'oria, B. C. , of the burning of on In- dian village on Quren Charlotte Island. The | On Saturday a dvnamitc tire wa* started bv Christian Indian* from exploded under a Ushtonal n il servitude and loss of their civil rights for lift years. News from the Congo country indicates a general rising of Arab slave traders i:id na'ivis against th- whites and some fight- said to have taken place, the Aral* dry bones of science, and are very jealous, moreover, of the r brilliant and enterpris- ing contemporaries. Scientists of this kind are always averse to telling what they kn->w quickly enough to maae the informa- tion available for timely and lively articles in sensational newspapers, but happily ther scientists always willing lo ... tell a ureat ileal more than they know, if to cartridge was , Mt:eMArT| . ,, r , Ur to entertau, the public. """' I Through the rovialious of these benefac- Vancouver, who objc.-tecl to the hanging of which i a summer resort for the aristocracy i * ; *, h , dad bodiet on poles, that being the tribal of Europe. Three persons wore killed, many ; . ' wanner of burial. woundeil, and the cafe was completely Wheat cutting is general in Manitoba. The sample is the very best quality, and thoee most competent of judging say that a wrecked. A despatch to the London Standard says that 'JO adults, 10 children and numerous conservative estimate of the yield is 20 bnsheis per acre for the entire province. In at uouz. i oun i, some districts the yields will be easily 30 mad and U-yu U d recovery. bushels to the acre. Because her fath-r whippen her. K'.la animals were recently bitten by a md wolf at Lodz. Poland, and th it ail are now raving tne ( i rst , t |. e f of news alxni' Mars, To 1- Through bun an race we now hvi learn about Mars to know that it would l> unwise and unpleasant to puth the invettifi^iou in that direction farther and to attempt te establish come '*' with the inl\,i!iitaut.< ' eininetit Prof. \Vi Catholic and 34 Presbyterian. Each daoom ination has a church and pastor who loeaks the GaeUic tongue, and naturally they de- ^ t ae^esseTcon.htionV'owins: to~ths) I sire to remain where they are. Each head )ick of labor and many of the planters ] of a family was advanced Saw before Isaving ^ noth but ,', ^fronting them. In Scotland security foi the repayment ol this thu coni ,, * on of afl:url ,|,e uprisin, of the amount being ipven in the shape of a mort- ' ,i ave . tra .], nK Arabs has the earnest tym- gigs upon each crofter's h.-mes'ead and the . of , h< llave . owmng Arabs, and it is improvements made an.i to be nmde there- ^fUmt that the insurre tion has ramifica- on. several craters murmured agams: ihis tl(JM . xtcndlDg (rom Zanzibar to Angola. arrangement, which burdened them with debt at the outset, but they were pacified wi-h glowing pictnie* of the great things m store ' (or them, and told that the chances were the money would never be demanded of them. the poor Scotchmen nud that the land company not only demands pay- f , painfully shown than menl .>f lue oriitiual advance, but nteiest and compound interest as well, ami to get rid of this intolerable burden of debt the crofters an willing to abandon their nn proved farms aii.l everything else that they theUtX)rotfmmiatlno .. to ascertain whether can si are and |.ake up new firm, providea ^ > W indl ,. trlml tilKanlent h ad they can get them in the neighborhood of the churches and schools they have built. | j The petition wluch Rev. Father Burke has I laid before the t Government sets forth that I the crofters are entitled by law to lake up second homesteads in addi they now occupy, but that homesteads cannot be obtained m th I The Caere h sad Ihr W.rlTn" The divergence in the United State 1 * be- tween the churches, e\en of the most liber- al class, an-i the workingmen was never clearly or more painfully s by a recent investigation made by the Mas- ,1 Association. Ths n.|Uines Ui preach- ers and church officers and to tb oil .-ITS of lth the flklllog off , ohar ch r|w repUes^do not mdicate wtat J2K Mntfui l d,^n- ff b indirectly they , law to Yaks an " hiU ha<1 cffeCl ' bUt ^^^^ lnc y , brought much more significant information J"? than could have been inticipated. There- 1 suits of this interesting inquiry are set forth are M tiorth , , nd Uhor number of Tkt formation on Monday attention to < bur the .)> Ths Kippeoa limber limit* of the ettate Cruse, the 13 -year -ol I daughter of Henrp " Judge" in IV f the late David Moore, of Ottawa, com- , Cruse, a Misaimppi river bottom farmer, | have already pri>.ng eight berths, wluc'.i covet all area of shot herself with a target rifle, inflicting a fly miles each, were sold by auction on wound from which she died on Saturday afternoon. The eight berths were ' night. sold eu bloc for 9-J.V3.00U to the Moore J uio 1 1 It is reported that a party of marines from not by ws Stock Lumbering Company. I the Unitep Sutes worship Vorktown rire.l aronom' The Scandinavian, which arrived in Mon- ' several rounds into the United States pilot niyslerio Ireal yesterday, brought out .VI boys ami hip Polar Bear, at (>inalak, under the (iris, ranging in ag<-s from eleven lo m belief that shf was a British vessel violating teen years, who were gathered up in the | the sealing regulations, districts of London by the Collage H.-m.-. i They will be placed on farms and in homes principally m the Koslern Townships. CHF.4T UKITIIN A cable defpatch states that Lord Chief itrarp- DK1D A! K I MOX. MM Twj Justice Coleridge is about to resign his of- The Mnimlsr rale Whlrh Mlrhlswa . A Ltnciug, Mich., despatch sys: Earl ","' Pn. an 1 Arthur Kurtr mvt witli death in is -pok.n of as Ur ,, u , e ye . Urday I hut . , coiuc r, tantif'- i r r ' fice, and Sir Charles Ri kis successor. , Th< ^ cach of whom wa ^^ s Mi.s Philbrick, who with Miss Woods ol(J> ,,.. p !. ym atei. They were miw.l tht; wock was so brutally assaulted at Chitlehursl last Utc :u th , afternoon, and aiihoufch a larp; 'l ua "'' Wk, is dying I crowd of i:i K hlK>rs searched fo. them until *' The Duke of Devonshire, formerly Lord nrdni^h' no trace of them was found. Al>out . Harimgton, was niarue.l on Tuesday to , I o'clock thin morning the I*rice boy's father Countess Louise, dowsger Duchess of Man- thought of an unused ice ch^tt at his house hotter into which hi* children had at times crawled Kev. Robert Baynes, of Brantford, Kng.. to play, and on opening the ch'-<' the two has been committed for trial for assaulting boys were found dead. It was evident that. !* two little girls. J after Ihe boys squeezed themselves into the The Vuko of File, speaking at the Keith! 00 * th - >ir movements caused the cover* to ' attle show on Tuesday, said he was convinc- , ' !l - nj thc *f on outaiile cover .d that properties of various sizes were more el <** A ov " lh tapl- fastening them in s. dwirable than the solid o\i Thrown estates that escape was impossibl> which were tho pride of a former genera- tion. Michael, Harkins one of the Fenian con- spirators of Manchester, England, who nerved a loiif; term of imprisonment for complicity in a dynamite plot, died in A despatch from Ottawa says : Nsws : , Philadelphia on Friday. Harkins was par- has reached Mr. A. Raymond, of Welling- ' ^.i doned a year ago by tb* British Government ton street, Hull, of the Horrible death of his (lorrr son in the State of New York caused by an encounter with a bear. The young fellow has for ome time been workfng on a rail ; That he h way at Tuppor's lake X. Y., and last day, iu company with a friend, he ascen led a mouutam close by in search of blue^cr- on the plea that he was dying of cousump- tiop, winch diease caused his death. STATKS. Legal Murphy, desperado and murderer was hanged near M t. Sterling. Ky. , on Tues day, by an armed mob. I oroy Bell 6 yean of age, died from hy- drophobia in Chicago Saturday night, aftor six hourt of 9tiTerin< Six hundred puddlers employed in Iron The HI :! VIII l!\ 1 i:i IK Trrrlble Kale oe* a i .t..;. I... u \.irih-n Vw lerk. la.l It, !h ha ries. After rambling together for -.>m nas of hit fa pursue with rt mannen and c. We do not doubt into print Uter time they sepirMed and lost evh < : ier. His fnend reached the camp wfely tr*.rds mt';"for"K!ra- .vsmug, bnt yoiioK Raymond s non-an^ar- j of t .. ' '"'*y ' science -' . . ance caused much alarm and on M - mills of Lancaster, IS.^Jiavs accepted a morning a searching party was deep- hed. I After a day's search they found the *<\ f the unii.rtuiiate lad half eitan u ol damage to roots and other grow- j laree bear keeping watch over The ic T >pe iu several counties of Oluix | young fellow was 16 years of ago. . reduction from $4 to 93.06 a ton. i;rashoppers are doing an to know v -> it'asaf x ;"Jud<e.- :V laiuicariou sxcj '