THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTO\. a uDrl banking btuiueu tranaacted l>raft>. i*ue<i and chequea caahod at uual rate* Monet alwaya available for legitimate biumott enterprise. Orrici two doom north of Uichardnoii St Co*. Vicinity Chips. rartrristtrs of the Fast Week Carefully Called tr the Curiou*. r?Kji/i' tt"ti''fj amoti/7 lotalt trill b? i-/i.ii-.;..J .it the rate of lOc per ' ra-k i/ r'l-M. A retfWfum m>i>Jc UK toii/r<<;tt fur 100 lintt or over. The Dundalk Herald will not publish this week. The Oransjville Advertiser takes its an- nual wi-ek s holiday this week. Tho arbitrators re Thornbury bridge will meet on Aug. 31st for deliberation. The young men who have been camp- ing in the viciuity of Kimberley returned home uu Saturday. T Collie doit 3 mU. old, neck and paws spotted brown, bob-tail. Information of ita whereabouts thankfully received by J. Mi-Arthur, lot 9, N.D.K., Arteuieaia. LOST Ou Sunday morning last, be- tween 10 and 11, on gravel road between Morey house and Beaver bridge, on l*th con., a il.rk blue double-breasted Melton overcoat. Leave at this office. l.B. I in-.i -. l>.i r r i ^1 r. >l .1 r k il I , . has 10,000 private funds to lend on farm mortgages within the next few month* at lowest current rate*. No cominiiw- ions, no delays, expenses low. Apply at office in Markdale during the week or at Dunclalk office on Saturday*. Toronto Saturday Night published a beautiful cut of Eugenia Falls last week the best we have ever seen in a news- paper. The Advance will reproduce it next week. Those requring extra copies of the paper should order thaiu immed- iately, price 5o., or * for 2.V. Mr. Fred Armstrong caught a peculiar fish in the Beaver river near Kimberley last week which measured 2ti inches in length and weighed 3.J Ibs. It was an ugly looking fellow, and nothing like it bad ever been caught in the river bf fore. Consultation of an encyclopedia revealed the fact that it was a ling. The tluu; was toiled and made into soup for the hens. Tho result of the recent annual exam- inations were published ia Saturday's dailys. So far' as we know only four from this section t have paused. In the the Primary E. MuNally was successful. Senior leaviug A. Wright, U. Wright and R. Wright passed, all children of Mr. John Wright, near this village. The young people have our hearty congratu- lations.! No man ever smoked "Myrtle Navy" tobacco for a fortnight and then took to any brand in preference to it. It beam its own testimony el~ its qualities, and it is testimony which is always convincing. The smoker who uses it is never annoyed by getting it sometimes of good quality nd sometimes of bad. The arrange- ments of the manufacturers for keeping ita quality equal are very elaborate and complete:, and are the results of many year* of experience and close observation It might be of interest to our readers to hear about a little trip which we took last week to Slreetsville and Toronto per bicycle. Leaving home on Thursday morning, we took dinner at Orangeville. upper at Itrawpton and went on to Strectsville, m-here wo arrived at 8.35 p. in. The actual travelling time for the 70 miles was 9 hours 'i~ minute*. Con- sidering that this was done on a solid wheel over some of the worst cycling r-'.uN in Oiitatio, the feat was not one to be ashamed of. The following morning Bro. Favvcett aiul ye Advance man rode in to the city, a distance of 22 miles. Wo found the harvest down there finished. A full grown specimen of felix domesti- canuv Ivlnnging to one of our citizens, was aid by somebody to have swallowed A snake the other day. Three or four of our seienU'io and arclwological young men divided that it would be a good act to liberate the snake, or discover how far the process of digestion had progressed . Kitty was accordingly coralled and run into the morgue, where she waa de- spatched and diuected. I' poll inspuc- ti M tho snako resolved itself into the head and winga of a bird. The students, not t bt entirely disappointed iu their search, decide*! to utilize the body for their own benefit. Tlie skin will accordingly be tauued and made into a pair of ear pads fer the scribe (it will require it all) for winter use. The bones were well boiled and the archaeologist will pnesets the ahull while the other bones will be equal- ly divided between the doctor, ambulance driver ami owner of the morgue. Fresh Fish. Frrah fiih delivered in Fleshertou e?ery Thursday at Munshaw's hotel. T. A. FISHKR. New Butcher Shop. On Monday of next week Mr. O. Keefer and \V. \V. Trimbie will open up a butcher shop in Strain's block, where a supply of tint clasx fresh meat and fish will be kept constantly on hand. Also salt meats of sll kiudi. The Law on Betray Animals. The laws of Ontario provide that a person taking up any est rayed stock shall _;iv.' notice i-f such taking up by publish- ing a notice throe times in a weekly newspaper, if one is published within the section where the eatray waa taken up, and if the property is Dot called for within three weeks after the first inser- u-.ii of the notice, the tinder shall go to the justice of Uie peace and take <<ath to the fjudiug and advertising. If the property is uot claimed within one year, and should not exceed $50 in value, it then bi'longs to the party taking the iid up. If over 950 it ehall be adver- tised by the justice and sold, and ex- eeeds of all expenses shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any person tak- ing up any astray, and neglecting to cause the same to be advertised and ap- praised ahall be liable to a tin* of $20. The estrayal applies to any other prop- erly which may be found in hie manner. Personals. Mrs. C. F. Stewart, of Gait, ii visiting at Mr G. Stewart's. Mrs. Jas, Tucker, of Greenside, is vis iting relatives near town. Miss (.'lemma Armstrong is visiting friends in the city this week. Mr. Frank Vanduseo, of Chicago, is visiting his parents iu town. Miss Hattie Sullivan is spending a couple of weeks' iu Toronto. Miss White, of Wiarton, was visiting at Mr. J. B. Hoard's this week. Mrs. Allen Pike and son, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. Win. Clark. Mr. John Bradley spent a couple of days with friends in Durham this wok. Mr. George Bates, of Toronto, paid a hasty visit to friends in Flesherton last w.-ek. Mr. J. H. Heard, of Toronto, spent a few day* with hi* uncle, Mr. Johu II. Heard ,ar. Mr Will Keefer, of De Kalb, 111., u vuitin., iii town with hi* parents, Mr. Goo. Keefe:. Mr. Albert Beecruft returned last week from a lengthy visit to friends in Port Huron, Mich. Hon. John Carling, Minister of Agri- culture, passed hero on Saturday on his way up the lakes. Miss Buggiu and Mr. McMillan, of Owen Sound, are guesta of Mrs. M. Richardson. Misa Christena Richardson returned from visiting friends iu Toronto and Brighton last week. The Advance is very sorry to learn that Mr Win. Wright, Back Line was*, is seriously ill with inflammation of the lungs. Mr. W. Yokes, of Chicago, is in town this week looking upon old friends. Mr. Yokes was formerly in the employ of J. Gordon , here, now of New York. Mr. John Bradley and wife.of Orange- Mil. , accompanied by the Misses Minnie and Belle, and Master Percy Bradley, were callers at The Advance last week. Fall Fairs. liuliiktrlal .................. Toronto ............ Sept. WoAtorn ...................... London .......... ... " M..i,li-eal ..................... M.., .......... South Ovey ................. Durham ............ Kst Urey ................... XU-Dberton ........ <il<-nelK ...................... Markdalo ......... IVntial ...................... Walton Fill*. ... Hi-out Northern .......... CollhiKWOod ...... VMIJ Hi'i.-.- . WrtKlKin ...... St. Vlm-.-ut ......... Mvafonl ............ W-* ArU-m.-sis ...... ........ Vrienille .......... Oet. 11 1* Kui-hmtia ................. Kocklyu ............ 4 Colllllgwnod ............... C'larkubnri; .. fioU'ii ... .......... UuiuUlk ............ " t-T Valuable Farm For Sale. S-1T W-iM 14-HH ft-tt tt :W 7 ;*> Ttin nn>1i>ri|)nei1 wlhea to dUpone of hit Vftluahltt farm, on Lot 39,ct>ii. U. Artemela.con- Diotii-n of um acres, ftt iwrea of which ia ck-arail, n<l hHlo.- It ncr.-t hunlwixvl m-J 4 SSTSS vamp. Tht- place ha> on It a Irauu- bank barn. in well watvitil with cik an I |MIUI|> an, I veil i. \V1ll be iioM oboap. a-) tho proi-riotor i^ U-Kvinc thin part of the conulrv For futthor -Mara apply to L. J. WILLIAMSON, Lady Itauk 1VO, Out. COl \TT t M> IHSTRICT Bread has been lowered to 10 cts. per loaf in Owen Sound, for the tint time in several years. Fine ptsaches are grown in St. Vincent township and shipped, according to the Muaford Monitor. Mrs. Michael Q. Mills has been grant- ed a divorce from her husband, "Prince" Michael, now in state prison at Jackson, Mich. Dr. (Jeo. S. Patterson dropped dead in Owen Sound last week, supposedly from the bunting of a blood vessel iu the head. The editor of the Clarksburg Reflector says he is troubled with nervous proatra- '.'i'. tetanas and spinal meniucitia. Suffering subscribers, ! Only savan is- sues of the paper out. What a list of ailments he will have before the year ii done. Mr. Park, leader of our Village Band, is authority for the *tateiiHut that Dun- dalk Band now has the best set of in- struments aloni; this line of railway. Am-'iin the four clarionets ia a silver one worth one hundred dollars. [Dundalk Herald. Miss Mary Agrfr. of Toronio, who has been recently rusticating n.-ar Dunedin for the j,'o.>d of her health, died, while visiting her aunt tu-ar KL> on Thursday last, Deceased is a sister of Benjamin Agar of this village. Cree- more Star. In the orchard of Mr Win. Fiddes.con. 1'.' Brant, may be seen a Kraft inserted May 1st with four apples upon it varying in circumference from 3 to 7 inches. The graft is 5 inches in length and f inch iu circumference. - [Chesley Enter- prise. A rather peculiar circumstance is re- port*. I from east Darlington. Thomas Thomas waa awakened one night recently by a painful sensation, and foun I a couple of weasels in search of blood, cutting hu throat. Painful wounds were inflicted, but fortunately the bites were not fatal. On Wednesday of last week, a union picnic under the auspices of the Farmers' Instil ute and Patrons of Industry of Uutfeiiu county wsa held at Shelburnv. Hundreds of farmers and their wives turned out. Refreshments were servod from well-laden tab.'cs, and speeches were delivered by Dr. Sproule and Jainos McMullen, M. P.'s ; Dr. Burr. M. P. P., Mr. Mallory, fraud president of the Patrons of Industry, and others. Although it wits understood that political topics were to be eschewed, Mr. Mallory kicked over the traces, and politics ai.d penunalitina were gone into. Rain fell heavily, but the warfarj went on with honors about even, until finally the band played the National Anthem, and the bedraggle*! and mud-bespattered crowd dUpened . [Representative. Yesterday a young farmer named Clarke from Car); ill, near Walkcrton, came to Mt. Forest with a horse which hu had bargained to deliver to an old country buyer named Watson, who agreed at Clark's to pay f 140 for the honr, believ- ing it to be sound in every way, and left 95 to bind the bargain. On seeing the hono here the buyer claimed the animal had spring-halt and would not take it. Clark then Rave the buyer a blowing up and so-ight a lawyer to see if ho could not compel him to take the horse and pay the price agreed upon. In tho meau- time Watson went and tried > lay an in- formation against Clark for secuting money under false pretence, but was in- formed such a charge would have to be defended at Walkarton. IK- then laid a a charge against Clark for abusive lan- guage. The case was heard by the mayor at once and the defendant was lined $2 and $5 costs. We beliove Clark considers it useless to go on with his cano against the buyer. [Mt Forest Rep. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This flUK \T tol > III ('"UK. this suocosa- ful I'ONSl'MiTIHN CTllK, is without s parallel iu tlip history of in- ilioino. All ists .no nutlioii/.il to soil it on it foti- tive guarantee, n tost that no other euro cmi ucci'Mfnlly slauil. If you hvt> a CoiiRli, throat, or r>n>iu-hiti*, USP ;t. (or il will euro you. U yosir child has the Cr>up, or Whii'i'inn C')iiiKh. uso it promptly, and i siiKv If >- . Iros.l Hint insiilioni disease CONSUMPTION. PON'T rut to ue will cur>> you or cost M.-tbinR. Ak your Vrng j Ki-t for SIULOHS Cl UK. I'n'ce 10 ct*.. I 50 ota. and $1.00. I( yonr Lungs arc sor or 1 Dack laine.uaa Sniloh's 1'orous Piaster. lo. A large assortment OB hand, also a lot of Men's first quality Home Made Boot*. tUTTH'S, Fleslierton APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY origin* I coter. Sloes falling of kalr. Ksepe UM Scalp dssn. Hakes hsir soft and PlMit Promotes Qrowth. Jruff - IU tctioa la mamUo** in my >wn GUARANTEED The Canadian Government baa pro- hibited the the importation of rags from Germany and Belgium as a further pre- caution against cholera. A BE NOT a Psr- ! fative Medi- cine. They are a TUNIC and Ksooii- vncoTOB.aa supply m a rui the (tards. DR.WILLIAMS' ALE .EOPLE ClfCDV Hill Who flnda bin mental lae- AH nltiea dull or failing, or t the Blood, eanof diaeateet ouniinj Pooa and WAT- BLOOD, or fruia '.TIATKD Hrieuiu In le BLOOD, and alao gorau- and BVU.D the) BLOOD and < STSTBM. wha broken down by overwork, ::u ninl * oiry , diaeeaet eicvuve .Mid IndiMre- Uone. They bare a ,sr' in-- Ac-no* on > Siut c u. SYSTSSI ot men and ajometi^ jrMtoriim LOST nooa oorrectuic ail tlUUKirLAMITIM and his pbyttckl p.-w, , take thee* . . Pit.Uk Tbev will roetore bis toMeBMgies, both pbysictl :ii mtatal. EVERY WOMAN presalona and irn-fiiiaiiin-t. wlilcb entail iick:i--M when neglected. If AlIHa HCH should take thaaa Ftua TUUrlll slCII They will cure the re- ulte il youthful bad habit*, aud alraueTtben tbe YOUNG WOMEN ft tuaku Ulvni rugular. For tale by all dmggisU, or will be sent rvcaipt of prico lillc. |wr box), by ad'lrneaing HtU DM. WILLIAMS' MID. CO. Or-xInrM*. Out The Head Of tbe I.ntvn sfdio&l Cooii<aay l now onto. Oa.ada. and may W eouenlted Itbat ta IMTK.ID or by letter on all ohrenk diaaaeea cuilar W) man. Men, young. otd,or mkldle aged, who and themeolraa nonrf>ua.wak and eihuet- O, whoaro brokeu dowu from ttgtaa or ofer- work, reaulting Iu many of the following t]-m- |>tuuu : Montal Ji-i>reealou. pronialurv aM <, loeeof vitality, loea of nuimory. Bed dr.waa dJBiniaaof elbt. palpitation of tbe beart. est- aloni. lack o( energy, pain In tbe UdBefS, kteevUchu. yimplae on tbe face or body. Itching a* peculiar actuation aoowt tbe croinm. wetst Ing of tin- organa, diuiaMe, tpecki bWara MM yea, twitching ot U> mueclee, ay* Uds, ted laewbera, bejiltflrincea, depoaita la tbe tin*, on of will power, tendernee ot tbe aealp mfl an. wnah ami 3abby mn>cle*. dealr* to ilieg. fai;iirutob roetedby <Io|>. ooo.pon, ,l u ff- nntr of hearing, loae'>r vu<<M.deu< for eol'ioia, en linl'llity of tvujper. uoke eyea Mtrivun.led wJth Lr IMKM CIBX-LI. oily looking nklo. etc., are all >niptuuia nf urwua debllilv that W.! to IUMIIU aad death nulern ciiied Tbo r'Jng Ot rtlil !,)., haiing lixt Ita tauiioii **<irv raaa> t'- -i wna In oun*u<iui>ac. Thoar who " ^fc abuao ooiunoitted In lgnora..^i may bo pwrmaa* Send your addt jea fur book on dt dl-oaaaa iwKiiliar toman Uuoka aant free aaaV eJ Heart Jlaea*e.the irmptuuieof which an faiui tpeiia, purple llpe, nutnbBee^ palu^alaaaw kip beet*, hot flunhoe, ruah of blood to^C boad. dull pain In tl>nhirt wILb beata in T>s r,-.,1 ami lrrei|ii!ar.tb<i xwoiid heartbeat ial** . than tha Ant, pain about be hreaft none, eta, oem 1-oniUvely be cure Mo oore, u> beja. Wixl for book. Addrasa M V. LUbOX, u *?i iKxiaU Are. Toronto, Canada. DRESS MAKING. MK8. O.IKKPUl'M* to annonnca to tho peopleof Kli-slmrt' .1 mid VK-IIIIIV tint aba 11 Ti.'i'ar-'.l to do tlri*nniKhinK to tho nu tioti oi tlu-^i' wlio mi v t-ntriiNt h>r with their M.U-IH. Tht- liitrst fn-hion |>tau>ii alwnvs on hand. s i^'i*>'t h-ii i;nnraiiU>ctl. Vcrv n-njtoa- l-i" i iiul i>>si,li-noovpr Miu-hell's BaknK, Rlebardeonl blook. Klonhnrion. inatrae- tioiioulToii in titUnit ami cutting by Scale." Owen Sound Collegiate lostititi Rr-oions Monday, AUK. t>tb. Th litft i':iii>imt frHoul in tht OF in. H I sl'M i \ ; i > i x I 1 '''' .ve veara has taken nn r Cr- tlfloateathaB any other ,-lio,>l in th J'rovine*. j: P-'i'H 1 1 ,u- :it'il Ti-ii(-*i,-i H' Kxainin.,- 1 -:i- au-1 t Art School Kxniuiiintioiiii. 1 t"niv-r-i;ty Miltiioiilatiort 1-iiDlM-m I'lilvormtv Kxiiniiiiatioii* 4 Firat-elaw Tuachen Certlfioases u i-ciaiw " .<) Tlur<|.i>laK " "^ Art Bsbool OerMoeasss ......... \n> F<>r furtlu-r iiitonnation apply to I. M LEVi>. D. R UOBIK. Principal. 8.v of Hoard JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. T.'.v Co. GKKT. DIVISION COVKT CLKHK. COMMISSION H< in H. H., Cunv*- >'an.'t-r. *. Agent for purchase and Ml* of laii.lh. AjiprUMtr for C. L. C. i\ui 1' B. * S. Society Money to Loaa on t ha -inMt rjuonal>l* t0rnm. ISICRR er SIAKKIAot LHKN8E8. SOTAKY PLBLIf. MONEYTo LOIN." The nndersigned has a large amount o( money to loan at rio.o on town or faru proptrty. 8. DAMCDE, Flesberton. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Artemesia. Conve\anecr Inanrance sgect, etc. Deeds, mortgager, Vtaws, ete., prepared sad j>n>perly rxecutt-d Ineuraoce sflectod in tint class eomoauies, Mom-y to Uod st lowest rates. DR. HQTTON M. P. C. M.. M. C. P. 4 S, Ont., Price v:lli>. Resilience aud Office on* door west of the Methodixt Cburcb. Kinross St. Office day*. Tuesdsvs and >stuniaf s. DR. CARTER. M. C. P. & 8., Ont. Phrsician. snrgeon, etc., FleslwrU-n. Uffice-lstrain'i block. BetiJenee Munobaw a hotel. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, Markdale, Ont. Office Manly 's drug i r>. T. S. Sproule, M. P., Etc. Angus Ego. M. P.. Etc.. late of Tottenham, Out. Dr. Ego will be found at tin Markdale House at uigUt. Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario VeterinaryCollvge. Re*ideno~ First door south of Letch's tailor shop. Pleshertou. J. F. HALSTEAD, M. D.. M. C. P. <t t..0nt..practioe at Kim- berlsy. Rheuraatio ditaasoa a specialty. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. S., si. D. S., I' M *!. Visits M.,ik dale tbe Ut iiul 3rd \\\-dueday o[ eucb mouth. Klet-Lertou Each trip uu tbe day J. W. FROST, Bsrrigtor, Solicitor. Conveyancer, Eto. km otHceNuxt the pott ol Sproule'* buil.ling. on Thursdavs, L>wen SouuJ ulBue Front's biiildiug. P. McCULLOUQH, Barrister, Solicitor, Klc. Office over Me- Farland's store, Markdale. Money to Loan. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, Rarrii-or*. solicitor", etc.. Owen Sonini Klolir. ' , MUebeN's bank, Wedui of i-aoh wft k Money to loan at lowmt i . W H WUI..HT. 8. B. LiM>sjtT. R. J. Sproule, ai'MASPKR, Fleshcrlon, Commission- er in H. R., 1 i.umd Auctioneer, Con vcyneer, Appraiser nud Money Lendvi. Kcul Kstntti auil In^urmino Agent. 1 Mortgaged. Leases and Wills drawn up nud Valuations ni:ido on slior'.est notioe. .Auc- tion Siting attend- >1 tn in any pan' of ih Coniity. aloney to l->.m at lowest nuts ol iutn>st. Cwilt>cti.>'i Attended to with proiaptuemi uii-1 <lenpatoii. Charges low, Agent (or thePomininu StonmsliijiCompanj. Chsp ticket!) (loin Vli -Hhfi ton to Liverpool. Glasgow, London or auv of th Briti.-b orts . r:rtic inti-ndhig to visit Euglend, Scollaud or I.-i-liind, will please skrats be- forp&Tcsjasiug their tickets olaewatre,