Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1892, p. 4

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T h FLESMERTON ADVANCE THE ADYASCI U p-it i ..4 Kvei'V 'l^htiroday, Faow i ,! Ornui fttrett, Flakrrtu*, Oml TIHM, (( I per annum 'ieu paid t rlrtlj *V -" f*' aan, when nut to pall. col. ADVKXTISINO HATH*. .ma 1 year. , I *'l col., l *.. l. do , aT TraneUi.t a ImrttaemonU chanted at theiatt of trta ue line for Ant lowrtU.n and Seta, p-ji la* xeh ialue.|i:ei.t liiMrtlun. W. II. THURSTON. Kditor and i'roprirlor Grip of last week lias a lonesome shadow flitting about its pages. Last week's number was. we believe, the * uumbrr priii ii oiiiCC the cstab . liihment of that journal in which the .-lover pencil of J. W. Bengongh did ^tiot "figure." Mr. Ikngough baa rn- r*:iroly Revered liis couuection with * !ri'-, and other cartoonists made its pictures last week. Tlie number wai f'.urly good, too, but it will never con- tain the same animated laughter-pro- voking political "winccrB" which J. \V. IV kniw BO well how to lay on with liis pencil. liengough 'was the founder, the father, the ppirit of Grip, ntid lit cannot bt H'.kuvd. We can- didly hope Grip may survive, but it is a serious blow. en in the colder parts of the Doinin ion In trder that Nutseryinen and Fruit Growers may have an oppor- tunity of testing them without delay, a selection including the moat desii- ftblc vine-ties lias been inude.of which buds for immediate propagation are now available, aud will be distributed under iuHruction of the Hon. The Minister of Agriculture free of charge, on receipt of the application by the undersigned. Applications should be addressed to tllC IlORTICVI.Tl-RlST, CENTRA! ExPKI- MEKTAL FARM, OTTAWA. These will be filled in the order which they they are received, as far as it is possible to meet the dcmaud.using our best judg- ment in selecting suitable varieties for the various sections. Care should bo taken to preserve the names, so that a record of the be- havior of each variety can be secured for the purpose of future comparison. Mahaleb, is nrohal>ly at present the best available stock upon which to work these buds. In the absence of this they may bo set upon stocks of Mn:zurd,JiirJ Cherry (1'runnut /Van- *i/lvanic'i) or the Common Ked Cher- ry, with a fair degree of success. JOHN CBAIG, Jlortieulturiit. spending her holidays with her par- ents at "Brabnrn," left on Saturday to take charge of her school at Thistle - ton. Mrs. J. Matthewaou, of Yaughan, was the guest of her brother-in-law, Mr. O. Matthewgou, the greater part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. McCartney, of the Irish Mountain, visited the latter'i parents on Sunday. We regret to have to announce that Miss Maud Dalley is very ill at pre- sent. Mr. S. McKnight, jr., hai the mis- fortune, to cut his hand on a mower some weeks ago, and has been laid up ever since. We hope sxm to hear of his recovery. A slight mistake occurred in my correspondence of two weeks ago, iu the personals. It was Miss Clark who visited at Mr. Malthuwson's, not Miss Clash, as it raad in the paper. TV tite EJtlur </ Ttu Adnnift. DBAR SIB: Kindly allow me to make a few remarks concerning some insinuation* which C'.H. Stewart has -".Inown out regarding luilk tcul by mo to his factory. lie came over to my place and complained that the iuilk4ested only 8, 3 and 10 i*-r cent. n jH-ctively, on tach of the precccd- ing days, and as the COWB were just being :nilked I usk.-d him throe times to gj over and test the milk, but he did not do so. I called in a few days at the factory and he reported the milk all ri^ht, but in about two weeks he came hack and complained that one can tested 14 IKT cent., while the other only ('.-ttd 7 per ccr.l The difference as I then told him was canned by taking u pail full of milk, on account of leak- ing, out of the 7 per cent, can nficr it had stood over niglit and uniting it into the 14 per cent, can. The per- centage of cream verities my state- UK lit. If jon take the average of tin- two cans, 10J per cent., it gives just what C. H. tiUwart himself says tha milk was testing, vi/. : from 10 to 12 per cent., for as the 14 per cent can contained twice as much milk as the 7 per cent, ciui.had it been mixed the percentage of cream would be over 11 per cent. I asked him again that evening to test the milk, but In did not do so. I stated that I, as well as the other members of the family, were leady to take oath that to the best of our knowledge the milk always leaves the milk stand as tho co'vs c\e it. The cows arc pasturing on low marshy land and may not give as lich milk as those on higher ground. His blatcments were made entirely without testing the milk, except that he took a bottle home with him aud tuid it tested H pur cent. He also agreed to test milk regularly every morning to ascertain if possible what was wrong nrl how much it varied, but this he did not do, and lie now cays he is not required to test every moiniug, yet liis wurd is all I have lor it that my milk varied from B to 12 per cent. I sounder (MI. Stewart IIUH not treated m<: in a gentlemanly manner, not to speak of a Christian spint. and now there arc two courses 01*11 to him, eilbcr to withdraw his insinuation or ]>ru i >-u te Hccording to law. S. A. TUUUPKON. Hardy ('hcrrlrn. TII Hit Editor of The A'iea>tet. PKAR BIB. Permit me through the columns of your valuable journal, and on behalf of the management of thecx- cuision to Niagaia Falls next Tues- day, to tlmnk tho members of the Masonic nml Oddfellows lodges of M'lii town for their great kindness in cancelling their proponed excursion to Owen Sound. As our excursion is costing over 1500 in guarantees, and being such an expensive affair to UP, wo appreciate all the more the with- drawal of the excursion, which was unknowingly proposed for a conflict- ing date. We trust m the future to be able to reciprocate this kiudness, Yours very sincerely, THOMAS NORTON, M.I'. Chairman Niagara Falls Excur. torn. /'/" out oirn CiirrttfMjiul' -at. Last Monday m-lit Mr. R. T. Mc- (iirr returned home for a short visit. Mr. T. Henderson, Torouto.deutUt, made a short visit at his sister's, Mrs. John 1'aul. While there be broke the record of teeth -pulling, having scored a victory of over eighty in one day, and that before tea time, which speaks volumns. In fact, so good is he at removing the offenders that others Are inclined to get theirs out for the fun of it. \Ve understand tha directors of the 0. F. M. Co. are on the outlook for a tanner to take charge of the oat meal mill. A full stock is in at present comprising besides hides and sheep skins a good range iu old iron, wool pickings, horre hair, tic. A farmer's herd of cattle got into trouble, alias the pound, in this village Lilt ly, aud it cost tlie farmer just $23, or the price of one good iat steer, to coax them outagaiu. Osprey does not allow wild beasts of any description to at large. again taken up their residence liere after the holidays. School opened on Monday, and he is again wielding the birch. A Boy'* Awful Drath. Cm. Aiii., AUK. 14.- Lorcy Bull, C yean of age, died of hydrophobia lait night after 1 1 hours of agony. The boy was attacked July 11 by a laryu dog, which tor* hia face and throat in a savage manner. The wound*, however, healed rapidly, and nothing more was thouxht of tho matter until three daya ago, when the boy complained of feeling ill. In pita of medical aid he grew rapidly worse, suffering from convuUioni ao vio- lent that it required the strength of icveral men to hold him iu bed. The I'aaUur institute had declined to treat the boy, uiilptt it waa proven that th dog waa mad. Wlien the kidncjri arc clogged. Rood health ii an itii|XMtibilty ; hut wbeo working |>rii>t*rl> the revera* U tue can*. That dull back-act.* th kicluay'i crv for rulinf If D.xtil'i Hl.iuey I'illa areua*d toe rinult will be luarvalluuv. We Biiiphatically tau< that wo hare u.-v.r known a CKs of ki'lut.y duaeaau that a rxirtia- tebt uiv of Utx!d 1'ilU will not cure. To JfurnryiiifH and Fruit Grotetrt : An important feature in connection with the Horticultural work, during Ui pant live years, at the Central K\ I iiiiieiiial Farm, Ottawa, has benn the testing of hardy forms of the Muiello Cherry, lecenlly imported In. m Eastern F.urope. A number of these low growing, partially dwarfud varieties have been in hearing the s.t ;wo years and give evidence of haidineDH, M^iir and firoduc- This apparent hardiness of tre united in many instances with gcod quality of fimt. renders it advis- able that they should be diiMoiuinat- i d ht as early a dale an posibl f especi- ally iu th* interest of the fruit grow- FTIII* <"*' !' it (.'orretpoudeHi. Haying will soon be a thing of the pait. Full wheat is mostly cut, and is a good crop. Fanners arc in good spirits over the prospects of a bounti- ful harvest. There were several very F. thunder storms during the past weak. Tin lightniii^ wai something awful. With the exception of a few trees struck and grain laid flat, there was no benous damage done, although other places around did not escape BO well. Mr. Joseph Fonwick's little son met with a sevrr accident oil Tuesday evening as tho thunder storm came on. lie took one of the horses out to water at the Beaver river. The light- ning struck the water and siumied the boy, causing him to fall into tho water. The horse dragged him over the river, which is pretty deep at the Uiil;.! and full of largo stones. All thought the child was killed, but uu- der the skillful treatment of 1 >r. Carter he is likely to recover, although badly burned. The school haft commenced. There is great rejoicing among the scholars at the return of their former favorite teacher, Mr. David Wright. I think ho will be sure of a good attendance, as I am informed some of our young Indies arc going to avail themselves of his tuition. Hotter look out, Mr. Teacher. We Lave had a good share of visit- ors from the city this season. Among them was Mr. Charles Jordan, of tho Union House, Mr. Thomas Spcncu and family, Mr. Will Purvis, Miss Pool and Mrs. Crockett, of West Tor- onto Junction. Home of our yonng folk went out near Maxwell to gather huckleberries one day last week. They got such a lot they wore scarcely able to get thorn home, but then they were hustleis and had no girls with them. Mr. John Williams got his orchard pi itv badly wrecked by the storm on Monday night of last week. Mr. i'ii ley got his hay stack blown over. Mr. Robert Campbell got several fine fruit trees badly smashed in his orch- ard, also. \lm .-I every one had some slight damage done, but fortu- nately there was no loss <>f life,so that wn hav great reason to bo thankful to tho Giver of all Good for His pro- tecting care over ua during the dread- ful storms that have passed over the country. Epplnc. From our mm Curretpmnli-nl. Harvesting in progressing rapidly here iu spite of the wet weather. A laige amount of grain was put undor cover last week between showers. Miia J tunic Gih ay, who Las been Head Of the Lnbon Medina! Company Ii now at Tor- onto, C'aaadA, and im\j l~> eoneultad either In permon or by latter on all chronic dLlaeacM pe- culiar to man. Men, young, old.or middle-aged, wh> nod themavlTee ui-i \..u.w-k and eihauav- ad. who are broken down from ezoeaa or ovar- work, unit ting Iu luauy of tho followlnc ptomi : Mental depreeiluu, preinatnre old Inuof Tltality. loee of memory, bad drnaio I dimuciaofaigBt, palpitation of the heart, era ulona, lack of energy, pain In tho kldueji, headache, plmplee on tb face or body. itching of pcoitllar aanaatton aoout th< lerotnm Ing uf tun nrgana, rtixxlneea, epccki befor* '-be eym, twitching of Uio inner!**, eye Hd. and elaewbore, baalifuloca*. dofxpifta In the urine. OM of iil i>ower, teuuernee of the elp and pin*, weak and flabby mr-clo*. dofl:i to l~*e, fcUaretobfl reatodbf sleti, eon>ilratlon. ME ttn.' at hoarlcR. louof voicx.dralie for aolitude. excl'.Ahthty of touip*r, sunken ovw surrounded with r.i" x . niri.a nlly looking itkln. etc . are all tyniptome nf nervoQ* drbility tlmt !re>.l led. The Markets. Carefully Crrr-trd Earh Wr* It. <50 to . T6 to 7! It to 7i Klour Fall Wheat Wheat Ba.ley.. OaU. ... Huttor ................... f, frenh ............. Potatoe* bag ....... Pork .................... . Hay par ton ........... Hides .......... Rheapakinf ............. Oeeaa ........... . ........ Turkey* ................. ( Ijirkeni per pair . Iiui-k pruair ...... Wool W 14 10 6 00 00 300 SO 6 40 M 10 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 4-1 r. < 14 B so a oc 1000 a oo i oo 8 10 oo eo r. .'., , cuti'.>u iialuic- irM f -v Relief iinruo diate. Tliii preparation fills a great and lon felt waul tmimtf tlioo who iuTr from pilej. It ii a remedy of the hixh.--t want, *ffective anit reliable, and haa uiore than r:itt the autioipa- ti.-MH of thoao physician* who have u*ed it la l'Il,r.hi :NK IS A I'OWTIVK CUBE wl.i-n other treatments fail to relieve. Testirucmaii fur: ft. For sale by druuKiitn. or l>y mail on receipt of price. \v . T hTlioSii. Manufacturing Cheiuiit. 1H4 Duiylae itreet, Ixjmlou, in. 1 M N OORE & W1U80 Miiuufitcturers anc 1 Dealers in alt kinds of Building Materials. lr,ntr and death IHI|M> rui 01 vital I3roe harlBK l.Mt lie taotlon rv fvno- kliiiherlry. From our ir.i Currrtpoiid'nt. luiuberK-y has been alive with pic- nics i asiing through. 'I'iin last week n party from Flcshertou were here Thursday for a few hours. Mr. Wes., Joe., Fred and Karnoit Arm- strong, of Fleshrrton, arc camping in front of air. Hutd's farm, along the river. They report having a first- class time. Minx E Gordon, of New Vurk.and Mix*. M.Dauindo.of Fleshei- tiui, have been visiting at Wodehouse, and calling on the campers in Kimberley. A leap year proposal is threatened one of our young men if he is not a little more prompt iu attending to business. NVe arc pleased to notice a decided improvent iu the sidewalks. If there could only be more laid it would be a gr*at improvement to our town. Mr. I'roctnr has been finishing hii house. He has it beautifully painted inside, and is now bricking it. Mr. Graham has had considerable trouble in repairing his mill which was burned down. Most of the ma- chinery was not injured so but that it could be used again. The smoke stack wax put up, hut a heavy storm came and blow it down. It was ow- ing to it not having been fastened securely enough. It was raised again Friday." Miss Lily Graham is visiting friends 111 I h ,n i;vill.>. The E.L. of C.E. held their month- ly butunes meeting last Monday even- ing. The following are the officers t lee ted for the next quarter : Rev. W; J. \Vaddell.Honorary 1'reiidenl ; T. U. Cairuthcrs, President ; H.Walton, Assistant 1'ivsi.lent ; G. Thurston, Secretary ; J. Graham, Treasurer. The iton wanr In consequence. ThtMewbot abu*e eonunlttml In ignorane* may be pcrinaa- ently ourM. Mnd your a*Mra for book on all rti-. pemiltar to mn Ii .k> lent frne eeal- 1 1 Hoart dte^aMe. the lyruptoni* jf which are faint ipelle. nurplo Itp*. numi.nee*, palpitatlm, k1;< braM, hot nuOiM. rn>h of blood hi the dull pain la the hrt witb bwale strong. Rough and dressed lumber al- :cays on hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll \-urk, Balusters Newell posts, Hand railing, Pence picke.'s, in fact every thing needed in building or repairing. Alwaya coiiBiill un Lcfnrr yon tart nt work. A large qiuuity of BOaaontJ north dlii>n> pine ; nltn pjno !nt!i nml nl lowest prices. Extiiuatog civ> n. . tl.tnth. Ant, |.i" '- i b brMrt bonr. caej roeitlvoly be cure No otira, u pay h-n.Uoi book. Addr.w M V.LUtOX, *t UaO ikiuell Ara. Toroato, CauaOa, & hi Factory, MOORE & WILSON. THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE IS THAT WE WISH TO LET THE PEOPLE know where they can get the best value for their money. Our stock is care- fully and well selected, for we BUY only what gives the best wear. A large stock of Rubbers and long BOOTS will be on hand for fall and winter use. We have a well assorted stock to pick FROM. Repairs and custom work attended to as promptly as ever. If you want anything iu the foot line call on JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making $* Menfurd Itoad. Fn>iu <Mi-i<ini ('..rrMjwm<O>if. This neighborhood was visited on Tuesday morning, the 9th inst., about '2 u'cluck iu the morning, by a regular western tornado. The thunder and lightning was fou fully sever*. Rain fell in torrents, accompanied by hail. The wind was more lhau fierce, tcai- ing down fences, forests, fruit trees and buildings. Very fuw escaptd without having thoir orchards more or less damaged. Mr. William iluti-.hiu.Hin had a frame barn blown down and so badly racked that ho has had to have it all taken apart bcfo: e it can be raised again. Mr. S. Ocborno has fitted himself out with a new threahing machim . Look om for big work iu that lino. Mr. J. M. l>uus family has been inc t ttt^l by the arrival . f * bouncing hoy. Congratulations Jim. Mi. E.N. Hi.. Ii is down lo Prump- ton visiting f. lend , for the g .. d of his health. Mr. Wickham aud family have Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESH ERTON, ONT. TO THE PUBLIC. Having rented Wlutlon i I.Uckumlth *hop for a 1. .11. i of yeara, I aui now Iu a |Hitioii to cator to all wauti Iu in; Hue. Horseshoeing a specialty. C A U T I I M II I'M (. OF THE ttatiHfartlon tinaranterd FOR ANYTHING IN THE BLACK- SMIT11INO LINK CAT T . ON F. A. B U M T. Ol'l'Oalte Biobril*OD'i Hard war* I NAVY IS MAKKKU T.&B. IN BRONZE LETTER*. riONE OTHER GENUINE

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