Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1892, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE HEALTH FOR ALL. Hollowa) s Pills and Ointment T HE PILLS Purify the Blood. correct all Disorders of 1 -i > ! . Stomach, Iv idn' 8, and 13o\velM. Tuey mviiiorateanlrmtore to health Debilitated Conatitvtlone, and are invaluable tn com- plaliiti mcUental to Female! ot aJl mm. For Children and the aged the/ are prieeleu THE OiNTMEM T an lufalllble reined; for Had Left, Bad Hreasts. Old Woindi, Hore* and Ulcer*. II U famonn for Gout and Rhenuttina. For dliorder* ol the Cheat It bu no equal For SO RE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Ulandulu Swelling*, aodejllHktn ntneaiee It hai no rival; and for contracted and stiff Join ti tt act* llio a clierm. M Annfacteueil only at Professor HOI.IWIY Establishment. TH, New Oxford Ntrrrt { late 533, Oxford Ktrcet ), London, and ar sold at la. Hd ,S. 9d.. 4. (VI, 11". 8 . and Sfc. each Honor Pot. and way be bad of all Med Icnif Vendor* throughout the World. Purchasers itundd l<>k U thr Labrl <m thr Pott and Bore*. Ij tht adJrett u not MS, (Ijtfvrtl Strerl, Lundv*, thru art spwiott*. . J'l. <,"., .<' Jl'C. 4". 4't, J*. J"- -"- -'"- f"' *"' -"._;*. ^''-O"- ^^i'-^'o^/if w'/^ CARRIAGE WORKS Minofaclurtrs t! laps i tamajes, Now OD hand a number of Waggons, Buggies, CarU aud Democrat*. We are also manufacturing a great many more of thr latest the latest patterns and Lent fiuuli, which we arc offering for sale at the lowest jirice cuosUtent itb due regard to workmanship and quality. Pussessiug superior facilities for uiaunfacturing Carriages, wo in tend to bell very cheap for cash or approved credit, and by so doing we hoiie to greatly increaiw our number of iale. All kind* of vehicles repaired nt the shortest uotiee, (tainted and triminud if deaired. Horse hbm ing a jK-cialtT. A first ebwi wood worker in now in oar employ. We want a two or a four horse power in exchange on a rig. J II II I 1 K l>. Owru Hound, Ontario. 'Tlie Vei'y CANADA TO (1ET A Thuruuyh Jiniiti$ Education. Take a Round" Frip SS^H'SL.., ( " and Common ial Dcpartmeot* iu Canxla. thun Tint tlir Nortliurn HUMIIO>I> Cullive ; examine *v. ry tlilni: ilKiruuRhly If we fail to produce the uioet thurouifh. . ..m ]!.!. practical anil . it. n eive oourm <(t!,.i> . tli lxt colleiit preultee lH-t ami inoxt i oiui'lt-t.' fttiu litoet ult- able furniture aod eftpllaooea, we will |lv roej a full coiiri* KHKt. Kur Annual Auoouuce- nient, (jlvlntf full particulani, free, a l<lree> C. A. FLKMlNCi, Prliiripal. BUYERS Of dour, groceries, feed, etc., should ex- amine Wyy ill's Stock Lfuru i>urthajiiii','. H keeps constantly mi hatiil, No | I lour v| HI p, r bbl * a- low us I In- lv r-f . ditto. Flour and feed I'rnltH In Keasou Caniu'd . <<)<!.. i,:il. rt ion. r . He- All the best goods at right pricoa, which I am anxious for ail to tout. T. WYVILL, STRAIN'S BLOCK, KLKSHKKTON. Fggt taken Iu exchange for goods. D. NcTavish, HOKSE.SHOF.J5 AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collingwood Street, FLESHEKTON, - ONT. Mauufacturinxof WairRnnn. Mni^hn. Htirti.". l).Tn.Tt", Ktc. HorHl nliixiiiK |>rnui)'tlv t tended to. F|M-likl attention Kiveu to cuutract e'l or U'tiili-r feet. unil Plow <'liniiiH con- Mtanlly ouhund. SA Y! Farmers ! Business Menl Everybody I Thr ii'i-1i.ntii5U""l lm Kixi-u-d a new carrier* iiiannfartnry ami repalrlog ahop In Flonhnrtun, wht-ie you can gut your repairs done on short notice and ou reaitotiaMt* terms. atria- Trlittininic, I'nliitlnc. Krpairlim. and ererythlng Iu the run lag* limiting line, llneni a gall. Hatlfactlnn guartnta4 Shop over McTaviah's Black smith Shop. i;. I . UamiUoB. . ll.liei, Lands for Sale *' Kreferstse. laipreved aal sulna aN TaUtM* IIVfiTUei. ri I. fV Ul Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turninfi; out 9 per- fect class of woik. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing do lib in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. NERVH I !MK UF.A.XN re a raw am- i **** V * ** I.XHWT llut OUT, Uw wonlnam ot ..,.,,! ltoliil>. Luet Vlsuc ami ; i..'. i.- the _ cr mind ourd l>f orvr-wufk, or lh emm ur n PoveMetif rtiuih. The) Rou.nljF ai^ UM ui.t ulMiiiale r**pe *bn a.l othtw an railed n to feUwe. -M li dne> Mut hr O'i! 00 ifeBMBnicnNS WnM lur innniil b WniRIohaiasuu. 'H Appeal. The hearing of Miaford's appeal agaiuat the equalized asscBsini'iit be- gan at 'J p.m. yesterday befor hit Honor Judge Creator, each munici- pality of the county being represented at the court by the reeve or some duly authorized substitute. In Iho opeuing proceedings his honor ruled that according to section 71) of the act the judge in the case of an aj>i>i'iil waa required to revise the whole equalization of the county, aud stated that when the case of Meaford waa dispoHcd of he would hear any further appeals which might be pre- sented. Mr. \V. J. Hattoc appeared as so- i -itoi' for the town of Meaford aud called on Mr. John iiutherford an first witness to produce a copy of the by- law Using the cijuallized assessment* for IMt'J, wherin that of Meaford ap- pears as $721. USD, aud alto the local rolls for Mr. \Va>t,town assessor of Meaford, then testified regarding the valut of proj>eities io that town. Meaford property wat assessed at its full value, yet the total la?t year was but 012, -li.V Mr. Watt deposed regarding several lots iu Meaford which to his knowledge had been sold lor less than, and in one or two instances at only half their ansested value. These weto all in good butiness or residen- tial localities. In reply to the judge he said he kiiow of no recent sales ia the town at more than assessed value. In the townships adjoining so far as his knowleiiga went, they asaetsed con- sidcrably lower thaii iu Meaford. Mr. Howes a*ked leave to put a question or two to the witness and asked him to estimate the aasttsittd value of a certain farm iu St. Vincent with t> view to show that he was uot ported on the methods of assessment iu tho townships. Mr. Watt's answer, howevtr, came exceedingly near the murk. Mr. (iilray, who represented the County as cross examiner, asked the witness A number of pertinent ques- tion!, the answers to most of which we are uuabie to give, as they were entirely inaudible at the preta table. A question regarding the carpet fac- tory elicited tne iuformatiou thai bill two men were ut wurk in that estab- lishment when last visited by the AsicRKSor, the agreement between the town and the proprietor having l..i 11 allowed to lapse. The County Council being desirous of a httlv time for consultation before cross-exuinining Anther wit- ni. -ises the judge adjourned the hear- ing till Tuesday morning. On the of the court at U a. m. on '1 m t.tny Mr. Ilattou announced to Hit) Honor that an agreement had had been ai rived ut, and Wanlm Cochiane H a I the following : May it please your Honor. We, the in ves of the several niiinicipal- itiet of the county of (irey tince tlie adjournnu'Ut of the court yesterday nut in committee to coutider the mallei of the Meaford appeal. After u\o hoins s|.*nt in committee a tub- coinmitttt was appointed to confer witli the geutleuitu from Meaford. The cuuimitlee of the wholt agam met, winch reunited iu the following agreement : In view of the gnut depiecialion iu the value of lauds winch has taken place tiucc lh last nine years, the committee are unaiii uuiusly of the opinion that the equal i/.ed asscssmeut of the county is loo high, and that nearly every municipality appealing therefro m would secure a reduction. That to pro. ci-i'il witli the apjicali would be likely to uausn ill fuoliiiK to arise twtwsuu the rep- resentalivos of tho varinua niiuiicipalitioi which Mould bo inimical to the best in- UreiUs of the country, without any basis Iwiht arrivod at that would bu satisfac- tory. Therefore the committee and Mcs- ford JIAVH agreed to rei|U<mt your U. n. r tn reduce the equalized assessment if by $50,000, aud as tho U.UI am. unit which the county funds will bo reduced ih.Ti l>> u so small wo would fur tlier auk : your llmiitr to make no change in the rate ; also each municipality topay ihtir own personal costs, and the county, tho judge, clerk and crier. Signed in behalf of the county by Ju. (Whrans, \N'arilen,and fur Meafur-1 by 0. A. Uruirn, Itesre. His honor agreed to the proposed tettlrrucnt staling that he would have a calculation made to see whether it was worth lulu altering Ibe rate to oovrr t) s rc<l notion. Hs remaiked that the eounl; 1'iould tako means to verify Its figures. rr.'iu evittence ulaoi-d before him while holding Cou't of I'.i'ti.iou iu Msaford lately be wan qaite persuaded that thu Uioul HIH meiit WM too hl(h, and he doubted Tory much if property there would bring its as- sessed Veluv. A* to th towushins Lc could not sneak having DO evidence brd re him. The matter is tbas settled at small ex. peuse to the eoaat;,tbon|jb the eott to some of t'ii' municipalities will be large. Nor- mality alone had a. veil witnesses here in- cluding the rreve and eletk. The settlenwut bowe tr, while sabmitted to b all as perhaps the easiest way out of the difficult.', does Lt appear to bs> very popular in the coaoeil. A mw valuation seems the only prospective way to get things unuing svrnly again. O. 8. Adrartiscr. It is aid that tho i.-l..n 1 of Sanglr in the Malay ArchipU^o has been destroy- ed by a vulcanic eruption, and that the whole population of 12,000 avult has per- ished. Four children were burn to Mrs. Jolui Harkins, wife of a Philadelphia me- chanic, on Saturday. They are all girls and are doing !'. It It wuln u4 iCMdr "i> CoM la tae Iiaa4 & C^uiib tn J 1 1 CLEA.CSINO, MEALIhG. Instant Rkti, Permanent Curt, failure . . . blll> hwki ml ipl Uoc. Mum, fitl ttf T. t*. If jou kit III , ..14 l> h.1 n.ulu IE utrxre. f.4- it4 br otuwnyu and AIAL IUI.M it loll I't all di FULFORO A CO. Brocktlllc, Out HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE 00005 , KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache tht tcavtngtrt mtanl tht kid- o/ the tytigm. ntut art In "Delay It trouble. Dodd't danqtrout. Neg- Kidney Pillt fiut ttcttd kidney prompt rtlitf." trouble* remit "75 per cent, in Bad Blood, of diiean tt Dytpeptia, LJutf frit cauied by Complaint, and diiordtrtd kid- themottdan- neys. gtrout of all, " Might atwtll Brighti Diteate, try to aaut a Diabtttt and htalthy elty Dropty." without tewcr- "Tht about agtj at good diteaatt cannot health when tha t*itt whtrt kidneys art Dodd't Kidney clogged, they art Pilli art uted. Sold by all dreJere or eenl by oufl on receipt of prit jo ctnu. per boi or eu fur S.<o. Dr. L. A. Smith ft Co. T|. Whu r book called kidney Tlk, SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Tlili OIIF.AT ( 01 (,1I( 'JUK,tliiueccii fal CONSUMPTION ( I KK. is wiUiuut a parallel in the biaturv of mrtliciue. All ilruKxints arn H uili<n:/.i-l to sell it on posi- tive gnnrsntee, a test that no other eur can saoceibfully stand. If von hate a CVi./li. Bore Throat, nr llrouobitis, us it, for it ttill cur* joa. If jonr chilli Las tb Croup, or \Vlio<iuing Cough, ua it promptly ,aud nlief ia snre. If yu drvad that inai'lioui dises CONSUMPTION, M.> i mi. toseit,it will cure Jim or col iiotliihx. Ak your Drug crutfor SHIM ills ' I UK. I*ric 10 eU., 60 ets. and $1.00. If ynr I.uugi are tore nr Uack lam,usri Sniloii's Puroua I'luater. V BICYCLES THE U. UN TO THE I U0\ I. In t'.ie great inter club race at Button on July 6, II Oouillc, of Aurora, who waa mounted on a COMET, took flrtt place, doing the dlttauce, 1C) mill'* In M iulnuts and 36 woouda. A COMET also won the S nille race at the aame place. The Comet is without doubt the best wheel iu the market Comet Cycle Co. 24 Adelaide 8t , Toronto. W. U. TUURSTON, Agen^Fleaherton. AT 1IIMII MM, I hare now got my nw premtnes llted up and aui prepared tudo all buiinut* in niv line wiUi natiioanddMpatcb.andatn in bettor ponitii than ever to attend to the want* of my eartom- en. Avowing huioe<u >huw> a growing con- fidence. Wet your boot* lud liot> made al Ute MtabllskaMirlof N. B. We guarantee satisfaction. Scientific Am.rleaa A|Moy for Oldest Terr the Information ird fn> Hwirtbuok write to INN A CO. XI Bte'AUWAT NIW VoBK. . bureau f . to Amrieex err patent taken oat by u U bn.iwht before/ e pvotto by a Duties given free of cbarvo 1C UM Scientific JUur dam Lanest eOeoletlon of ant selenttBe paper In tbe> world, Boleodldlr llhutrated. No InuUlneit MB ho3d be wlUiovi It. WetklTjM.oV rear: fUO rii monUu. Addraas MCTO * CO, PuflUiautt. W BruaJwr..New Vocfc. Good News TO IMA NY I desire to call the attentiuu of the public to the fact that I Lave opcued A General Repair Shop In connection with the Kicslierton Woolleu Mill, aud am puj-ured to do all kiuds of -Iron and Wood Turning Patterns made, aod casting!) got oil short notice I have not space to meution in detail the vanetv of work I can do, hut a>uy thing you have iu iron or wool that requires mending, bring it to the Flesherton repair shop, where you may depeud on gettiutf your woik douc neatly and substan- tially. liaviug emery wheels suitable fur I will make that a specialty for a few weeks. Charges low, bat tcrtaj strictly cush. Yours truly, W.H.PLESHER CONFIDENCE The confidence of the public is something every man must get betore he cau successfully serru the majority. Last Year It was my one great object to put such workmanship un every <.':irtnent made to gain the favoi- and coutidenca of every wearer. My Ambition This year is to turn out two suits for every oue last year. My System Of cutting is such that it gnatantees a fit every time. No need for alUir- ationi ; No need to replace by an- other suit fur I have faith iu mygctf to he able to give atttufuctiua <h aud every time. Bring your cloth.merchant, aud es- tablish a cluthiug trade for yourself, never before known in Fleaharton. I'.rin,' your cloth fanners, try mo and you will rcturu satisfied. F, A. Bakev, TAILOR Farm for Sale At Bargain. tot 1. con. 4, Ruphraaia, ci>taiiiiuK 146 aorfn, ltf> acru> cluared, Spluiidlil frame barn Uxrti! with Htable un<lor. Orchard, good water, log bciaee, frame kitrhon ICxMi. About 60 eort auital>l for retinr. Will be eold iiciuedlatel; at a i rltlre Any perion Uesirlpg % Kood plee shcnldiuvebtitiate. Write to JOHN MAKTIN Mna'ii\ P o SOCIETIES. SONR OF TFIMPKKAXCK.-Tbls aorlw ieot> In Dr Chrlrtoe' Hall crery Wetluee a*e*eain<attp.m. Vinting brotheiu invtvcd latttirauce In connection. ROIAL, TBUPLARS OF TKMrKBAJICaX- Hcijular Council uivcti every Tuesday evoai- la| In fpronle'i block at 8 p.m. Sflnct deee dnmimnoe) uivxti monthly, tho Wednevdaw precedmi; the tlud ol each uioutb. pRINCB ARTHUR I.ODOR NO. 3t. i F I A.M., uievlln the Mawtnte lock, yieeherton. e*ery Fr Sill nwoa. A.J VaMjuiea wonte Hall. Hsnaias r li'a v on nr belnsessis i.W. M..B / 4s*3e

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