Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1892, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS. CANADA. There hove been eight desertion* from H. M. 3. Py lades lince her arrival at Mont reij. Gunner Jacornb, of A Battery.was drown- ed at Kingston the other atteinoou. His boat capsized. The 13 year-old son of Mr. Philip Arnold, of Baden, Ont., waa killed by a train on Wednesday. Angus Macdonald, of Wolfe Island, canght a sturgeon weighing 200 pounds on Wednesday. The four-year-old ion of Charles Under- bill, Ridgetown, waa drowned in a cutern Saturday evening. Rev. Thomas Coiford, of London, i* dead. He wa* one of the oldest Methodist min- ister* in the country. Two tourists, J. W. Alwell and T'lomas McCullagh, of Clarksville, Tenn., were drowned at Alexandria Bay the other day. Mr. William Webb, of London, Ont., in his 88lh year, has just been married to Mrs. Way, aged 46, of the same city. The men working for the nail trust firm* in Montreal have gone out on strike, a* a new scale of wage* was not acceptable. The (Quebec provincial police have been armed with Winchester rifle* and oi her per- fected weapons and will have target prac- tice. Smallpox i* epidemic in Victoria, B. C. There is a general panic. Fonr hotels and a number of boarding-houses have been closed. John Delaney living in Bayham Township, Elgin County, was instantly killed by fall- ing lieneath the wheel* of hi* waggon. John Wilson was instantly killed in a runaway accident in Camdeu Township, near Tamworth, on Sunday morning. Samuel E. Herrington, a G. T. R. em- ployee. r;as run over at Stratford the other evening and terribly injured. He will probably die. Wm. Benoit of Paineourt, nineteen years old. accidentally fell from the steamer City of Chatham on Monday and was drowned. Mrs Elizabeth Sutherland of Woodstock, aged 73, took a dose of carbolic acid in mis- take for ginger, and died in half an hour. During the year ending June 30 last Cana- dian sUMmers carried 12.373 passengers through the Sault canal. American steam- boats carried 13,317 passengers. The crop report* from the Province of Quebec state that the rain* have not done very much damage, and that the prospect* are still good. A terrific trrm swept through the Prov- ince of Manitoba on Saturday and Sunday, doing a greac amount of damage to build- ing*, crops, and live stock. One thousand pilgrims to the ihrin* of St. Anne do Beaupre have just returned home. The pilgrimage i* reported as result- ing iu two cures. There i* a grain blockade at Montreal, resulting from the absence of demand from England, where the people are too excited over the election* to attend to lupines*. Jeffery Toland of Pembroke makes a statement that eight years ago he set tiro to ! the steamer Watertown at Cape Vincent, ' one man being burned to death. George E. Griffin, proprietor of the restaurants and bars of the Senate and House of Commons, ha* been fined $30 and coot* for a violation of the Liquor Act. The Ottawa Government has again warned , employes of the Civil Service that the exer- cise of political influence to obtain increas- es of salary or promotion will not be permitted. Isaac Flewellyn, a farmer living near Har- risburg, was killed by lightning on Monday evening. William Williams, a farmer, was instant- ly killed at a crossing on the CM*. H. while driving home from Woodstock on Tuesday. The Manitoba Government crop bulletin just issued gives a very favourable account of the condition of the crops. The Finance Committee of Montreal City Council has recommended a gift of |10,000 to the St. John sufferer*. A man died at the Toronto General hospi- tal Tuesday night whose body from the neck down had been dead since Saturday. The Halifax Common Council Tuesday night voted $6,000 to the St. John's fire niicrvrs. an 1 the Mayor cabled the author- ities to diaw on him for that amount. Probably the biggeit convention of the year will be held in Toronto on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October. It will be the celebration of the centenary of the advent in Canada of the order of Am-ii-nt, Free and Accepted Masons. It ia expected that not less than 43,000 Masons will assemble in the city. Prof. C'oleman and Mr. Louis B. Stew art of the School of Practical Science, Ot- tawa, and Mr. 1). I'.. Pruyn, of Picton, Ont., compose an exploring party on its way to Mount I'.rown, British Columbia, to ascer- tain the e\iii-t height ot the mountain re- ferred to, which is supposed to be 17.0UO feet high. At the international Y.P.S.C.E. conven- tion in New York Ontario won omj inter- national bauner and Manitoba the other t r the largest proportional gain in member- hip. Max Goldberg, who started a brickyard in Berlin, Out., a year ago, after borrowing all the money he could, skipped out. wan captured in London, wtd now repose* in Berlin nil. L. W. Fish, shoemaker, of Ridgetown, committed suicide on Sunday by taking J morphine. Discouragement on account of j an expensive life insurance policy is said to havo been the cause. The Macdoiiald Monument Committee >f Hamilton on Saturday selected the model or the statue. The artist. George E. Wade, nf London, Kng., will deliver the statue into in the fall. 1'he Canadian Pacific Railway Company propose to establish an independeiitentrancc <nto New York state by building a line from Woodstock to Niagara Fall* aud cross- ing the gorge on a bridgo of their own. A terrible smash-up, caused by rattle on the- tra. k, took place the other morning on the Canadian Pacific railwuy wharf at Mon- treal. One man was killed and two othovs, r.ll of whuu won Healing a rule, were in- , jured. Property to the value of about $30,- 000 was destroyed. GREAT BRITAIN. Right Rev. Angus McDonald, Catholic bishop of Argyll- and the Isles, has been appointed amibUhop of Edinburgh. Lord Winmarleigh 'John Wilson IV who was Chief Secretary for Ireland in IM>. dieil the other day. He wa* 90 year* of age. Lord Salisbury ha* instructed the British charge d'affaires ut Washington to ask the United Slate* for an explanation of tho seizure of the steamer Coquillau in Port Ktciiijs Harbor, Alaska. The Inman Line steamer City of Chi cag<>, which went ashore nn the Irish coast near i^uen>town. wa* totally wrecked by a gale on Wednesday n.ght, The crew reach- ed the shore m safely. The export* of cutlery to America in the past three months from SlieiiieM amo"n(--<t in value to 33,000, against 21. (WO for the same period last year, but the volume of trade is still less than it was prior to the Me- Kinley law. A* the Bishop of Killalne wa* driving to hi* residence the other day in Ballina, a woman rushed out of her coituge and threw a pale of slops in his face. This can scarce- ly be regarded, like the Gladstone ginger- bread incident, as a mark ot esteem. I.aac Conk A Son*, prominent cotton broker*, of Liverpool, have suspended pay- ment. A syndicate has been formed to take over their whole interest of 110,000 bale* of cotton at the (truck price. This cotton will be unloaded t the rate of 2.1,- 000 bales daily until their interest is liqui- dated. At the request of Lord KnuUford, th Colonial Secretary, the Lord Mayor of Lon- don lias opened a Mansion Hoime fund for the relief of the St. John's Nlld. . sufferers. The Mayor of Liverpool has called a meet- ing for the same purpose, nnii the Allan learner Pomerauian will carry free of charge gifts of food and clothing for the sufferers. The election has *omewhat unhinge I business in the cattle Ira le in most parts of the country. In L ,ndon, on Tuesday, M"> Canadians sold freely at an increase of 2.1. per eight Iba. for prime qualities. Seconds maintained the previous price*. In Scotland rate* varied. Price* were itrong at York- bill, but at Glasgow for a tine lot of Cana- dian* the price fell 40*. per li-ad. fMTF.D STATES. A bad form of hoe cholera ha* broken oat on the farm of the Hudson River State hos- pital at Poughkeepsie. The hop growers of Central Xcw York have combined to hold Ia*t year's crop at advanced price*. The Peruvian, of the Allan Line, which reached Father Point from Glasgow the other d y, had on boartl a* steerage pass- enger* 43 Icelanders. A terrific explosion occurred at a powder mill twelve miles from San KrunMsco Satur- day morning. Three white men and two Chinese were killed. Race trouble ia threatened at Jackson- ville, Fla. Forty armed negroes have been arrested, disarmed and placed in gaol. Stale troops are on guard. Edward Nelles, 23, of Krant ford, fell over- board from a steamer off Chicago, in lake Michigan, on Saturday, and was drowned. The body was not recovered. Richard Van Horn, the twenty-year-old on of John F. Van Horn of lacotna. Wash. , formerly of Belleville, wa* drowned in the former city the other day. A bill was passed in the United States Senate the other day changing the date for the dedication of the World's Columbian Exhibition from the 12th to the 2l*t of October. The Hritish schooner Eliza Edwards was fined at San Diego, Cal., on Saturday, >!.!((> for taking on a cargo at Santa Bar- bara without complying with the Customs regulations. Mr. Cyrus W. Field, the well-known pro- jector of the Atlantic cable, died in New York on Tuesday. The Pennsylvania State Militia arrived on Tuesday in Homestead, and quietly took po**ession of the town. It i* understood that warrant* will be at once issued for the arrest of the leaders of the striker*. A battle occurred between union and mm unicn men at the Frisco gold mine at tho town of Gem, Idaho, the other morning. Four men were killed and 20 were seriously wounded. The non-union men surrendered. The little daughter of J. H. Guthrie, of Brown .-ounty, Ind. , mysteriously disap- peared Tuesday evening. The only clue is the report that a bund of gypsies near Buf- falo, Ind., has a child with it. Parties are pursuing the gypsies. The body found in Park lake, Buffalo, on June'.'X, bos been identified as that of ('has. R. Drake, a highly respected citizen of Ham- ilton who had b-en missing for some time. He had evidently taken his own life while suffering from religio-is mania. The Catholic missions near Porto Novo, the French settlement in the Bight of lien in, are reported to have been destroyed by the Dahomian*. Pere Delfosse, Vicar-General of Rennes, has been fined for preacliirgsennon* against the French Government. This i* the first prosecution of a priest of so high a rank. The French transatlantic steamer Marechal vJanrobert lias been sunk iu col- lision with the Freuch ironclad Hoch, off 1'lanier, an island in the gulf of Lyons. Seven persons were drowned. The federal troops in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are said to have l*en defeated in a severe battle. P.-iaoners taken by the rev olutionicta Iwd their throats cut and other barbaritie* were committed. Emperor William of Germany has for- warded to the Grand Lodge ut Freemasons inSlrasburg a present of 5,000 marks in rec- ognition of the assistance given by that organization to German immigrants from I'.in.s. Ravachol, the Anarchist, murderer, and thief, was guillotined in Paris on WlTiiKK U1ILT01 MIRACLE. Th- Trrrihlf Ssifferlnjjs of I.:iar W. t'hiircli Front Parah MS. < rii.linl liv a Fall .iri.irn Vert -He prnHs Houllm Iu n II. i<iil:. il .111,1 Is UlHrliarjnl '!< 1.1 -MIT.- .I-I-.H .-..n. H.inili. Without Mi-op and it Vlrllmur Vrrvum Pr islr-itlou Iu ti-i-.iniil < I Ills 1lir:i. 11 l.i is I urc. is In . :l^al. .1 l>y a Iliui-s' Brpurlrr. Hamilton Times, June I Oth, 1VI2. " In the spring of 1887, while working on a building iu Liverpool," said Mr. Church, " a scaffold on which I was standing collaps- ed and I fell to the pavement a distance of forty feet. Bruised and bleeding I wa* picked up and conveyed to the Northern Hospital, and not one of the doctors who atii-nded me held out any hope of my ulti- mate recovery. The base of my opine seem ed to be smashed into a pulp, and the efforts 1 towards relieving the terrible agony I *...- fered rather than towards curing my injur- ies. I had the constitution of an ox though," KutuwMuou lu rmrim oil i icsiiay i / . , , . i * j i i_ morning. He refused the minislration. of | ?I^! !^, m ! 'j e f e ^^ Ct * J _ 1 . t< T t . he / religion, aud was blasphemous almost to tile last. As the knife wo* falling he criea out '-Vivo la Republique," and the next second hU bead wan rolling inlothe Uaiket. A terri' le accident is reported to have happened at St. ( ;.-i vais les Buns, a fash- ionable summer resort it Savov. Glacier* and no ona on earth knows better than I how greatly you have been helped, and not only you but other* in the family who were thought to he going into a decline before they were restored by taking those pills." Some of the particular* of the marvel- lous rescue of Mr. Church from a life of suffering having reached the public, a reporter of the Times thought! t worth his while to investigate the matter for the benefit of other sufferers, and it was in response, to his enquiries that the above remarkable story was narrated by Mr. Church. Taken in connection with, the reports of other equally remarkablo cures the particular* of which have been published from time to time it offers uu- quenioned proof that Dr. Williams Pink Pill* for Pale People stand at ill , head of modern medical diicoverie*. T'ie neighbour* generally were very out. spoken in their astonishment at Mr- Church's miraculous cure, all who knew anything of his case having given him up months ago as rapidly approaching the portals of the great unknown. He looks far from that now though. His eye is asj clear, his cheek as ruddy, and his step as) elastic as a youth in his teens. He was for seven year* a member of the Life Guards, and the speaker threw out his cheat and I nd lor me t me conducted a gymnasium squared a pair of shoulder thai would have' '" Liverpool. He expects to gel hack to done credit to a prince amonir athletes, ''* beloved athletic exercises this season, " and as I seemed to hava a tremendous '"' '" much elated at the success of hi* n life ihe doctors took heart and i treatment. the villave. A hundred and eighty lives were lost, and a large number were serious- ly injured. EnglisL Politics ami Religion- The political campaign in England begins to have an agitating effect on the religious press over there. The London /mi./* pre.-cibing a daily reading of the Sermon on the Mount by English electors, goes on to say : " We regret to be assured by unionist reailera that their fellow-Conercgationalists have shown a tendency to boycott or ostra- ci/e them. We should be glad to attribuie wa week* I far recovered For twenty-six in one position, disc-barged a* being as Harrison Bros., James streel north, from as I would ever be. I whom Mr. Church had purchased the rem- weeks I had to lie e ^y, who iurllier verified his statements. and any to In reply ta the inquiry by the reporter. plane me on my back made me scream with pain. Throi'gh eighteen months after my discharge I wa* unable to do a itroke of >o you sell majy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills? 1 ' Mr. James Harrison, of the firm replied: work, and could with difficulty make my i "Well, yes, rather. A thousand boxed way about the house, and then only with ' don't last long. You see our business is the aid of crutches. Twice during that time largely with men, women and girls employ- I underwent operations at the hand of *! > n 'he. big factories and mills in this lo- eminent surgeous, who were amazed at the and the recommendations we bear fact of my being alive at all after they had irom tlle * 9 Pople day after day, month been informed of the extent of my injiiriu*. after month, would indeed make the maim- On the last occasion my back was cut open I facturer of these wonderful little pellets) these impressions to an excess of sensative- j anil it was discovered that the bones which I think he was a benefactor of humanity, ness. In any case we hope that, when any I hail been shattered by my fall had, by pro- ' Several cases have come under my own no- Congregational home ruler is tempud to in- cess of time, completely overlapped each ] tic ' women, poor, tired-out, over-worked lulge in wholesale vituperation of the ntbcr. forming a knuckle that you see here," creature*, being made "like unto new" by and Mr. Ch'irch showed the reporter a curi- j tne <" f these pills and I see them passing ms lump near the base of hi* spine. "All ' to and from work daily and looking as in wholesale vituperation of the unionists, he will at once recall the names i men like Dr. Da'e and of the late Dr. A lion. " The l'hr\*t\nn World replies ihiu efforts to straighten those bones continued though life was worth living and well worth to those who aro endeavoring to i unavailing, and finally the doctors told me '' to - in all my experience in the drug divert the English nou comformists that in the course of a few months paralysis business I never saw anything like these from their purpose of supporting Would set in and my troubles would be in- ! P'H*." and Mr. Harrison related a number Mr. Gladstone by exciting their fears of I creased tenfold. Their predictions proved of cures that had me under hi* observa- Konian Catholic oppression of L'lster Prot- only too true and liefore long I wits m slants if home rule for Ireland he granted : almost as bad a condition as ever. No " Non-conformists have learned that the tongue can tell the pain I suffered as the wrath of man workelh not Ihe righteousness disease progressed, and eventually I decided of God." And they have come to under to come to America. So in I MUD I closed tion in addition to that of Mr. Church. Dr. William*' Pink Pill* for Pale People contain iu a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and rich- ness to the blood and rest ire chattered errors of Romanism are ! up my affairs in England and on arriving in nrre. They are an unfailing specific for ' Halifax, so done up was I with the journey su<;1 ' diseases * locomotor alaxia, partial across the ocean, that I bail to take to my paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neural- bed and was kept a close prisoner for several rheumati* n, nervous headache, the stand that the rendered most harmless by freedom of opinion, freedom of discuuiou, ami absolute equality of civil rights. \\ e have frequently shown that no scheme of home rule ever yet suggested leaves the weeks. Having a brother living at Moor- tii-ld. near Guelph, I with difficulty accom- slightest loophole for the intrusion of priest- | dliihed the journey there and tried to do ly assumptions of secular power. can scarcely be too often reite And it i some work. My utmost exertions could ac- after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, and the tired feeling resulting from nervous pros- tration ; all diseases depending upon little, however, and a* the *- humor* in the blood, such a* scrofula, irated that the j complish but , , Nationalist movement, in Ireland is itself result of my trouble, nervous prostration, , chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also testimony to the capacity of the Irish to reject Romish dictation. Had they been amenable to Papal influence in national affairs they would long ago have thrown over Mr. Parnell and have patiently sub- mitted tu the coercion act. ' Mr. Cleveland's Anretter. Mr Grover Cleveland has the good for- Pasteur i* ill in Pari* with a mild form of cholera. Cardinal Krancisco Ballaglini, Bishop of Bologua, i* dead. Eleven people were drowned in a boating accident ut Stiaal'Urg, Germany, the oilier day. The Venezuelan consul at Paris has been advised of the defeat of the rebel forces in hi* country. Tho separatist movement in Norway threatens to end in the disruption ot the empire and a war with Sweden. A Calciittadespateh say* the native Indian press is jubilant over the election of .Mr. Naoroji to the Imperial Parliament. The French Chamber of Deputies commit tee to which the proposal for holding an exposition in 1UOO was submitted has unani- mously approved it. Since the Franco- Prussian war Germany ha* spent $2,200,COO,000 on her army au.l navy. The Government railway work* at Bros- Ian, Prussia, havo been burned, causing a loss of two million marks. Nineteen people were killed and 40 injured by the explosion of a steamer'* boiler at Ouchy, on Lake Geneva, on Saturday.. The Austrian Government ha* sixteen German students' clubs on Jlh ground that they had become politic ociations contrary to law. one to be able to boast an ancestor with a* Canadian experience. His g-eat, irreal grandfather, Rev. Aaron Cleveland, was the first pastor of the first Presbyterian church at Halifax. The rev. gentleman was invited to or ganize the church, and he left Massa chusetts for that purpose. On Ins arrival at Halitax the building was not roady; h- therefore preached "with great acceptance, 'e so the local chronicle say*, in the Episcopal' church every Sunday afternoon. The Cov- ernor wa* very friendly to Mr. Cleveland and his congregation; it is recorded that out of the spirit fund Sl.OOO was given for the furnishings of the Episcopal church and $3HO to the furnishing of the Presbyterian church. After five years in Halifax Mr. ( It-vctand retired owing to the differences of opinion between the Presbyterian proper and the Congregationalists who came from New England. There he joined the Epis copal Church and was appointed by tho So ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel to a mission in Delaware. This i* possibly not 3 good story to relate during a Presidential aimpaign iu which the great, great grand- uoe is a candidate. It look* too ''an.Mhan pun too Britih. But it may as well be add- |>4 that the Halifax experience of Rev Aaron waa enjoyed prior to the revolution, and that even if it had been otherwise Mr. Grovcr Cleveland could not help it. i in- M.-II.II. n i -..,,, i, Not long after the Duke of Wellington finisned his campaigns he began to he pes- tered by begging letters from alleged old soldiers, who declared that they hail served with him in various wars. It was to in- vestigate the claims of these mendicants that the Iron Duke founded the Mendicity Society, which has existed ever since : and Quceu Victoria the other d.y, increased her subscription to the society a* an acknowledgment of the assistance it has given her in investigating thousands of beg- girg letters that are continually sent to her. Similar societies are carrying on their useful work iu sev cral of the large cities of this country. Tho idea of tho basis of them is that promiscuous charity is an evil, as it fails to discriminate lu-t wecu worthy and unworthy object* ; and thousands of charit- able persons, who have no time to investi- gate the claims of those who appeal to them, nod it a great convenience to refer the ap- plicants to these societies which they help to support. Knowing that, if tho cases are worthy, thjy will receive the attention they deserve. Comparatively few people, lave tho unthinking, give their money for charitable purposes nowadays without tak- ing pains to see that the disbursements aro well applied. Mam ma's Answer ia Not .Recorded- Little Mabel, five year* old, i* not to youna but that ihe has picked up some knowledge of tho way* of tho world. She wid to her mother the other day, after a fit of deep musing : " I say, mamma, who waa papa before he married us ?" "Who was papa? Why, he was the same man that lie is now. " " Yes, but what was ho to you? Was he just a man that you mashed ?'' in its worst "form assailed me. 1 remember *pecitic for troubles peculiar to females. such once being overtaken by a thunderstorm M Jppre**ion*, irregularities and all forms while about a mile away from the house, ' of weakness. They build up the blood and snd while I wa* making my way there I full restoie the glow of health to pale ind sallow no less than eight times, completely pros- cheeks. In me c*e of men they effect a trated by particularly vivid Hashes of light- , radical cure in all cases arising from mental nmg or'heavy iar* of thunder. About a ; worr y. over-work or excess at whatever year and a half ago I came to this city nature. and secured work at the Hamilton For.-.- These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Works, but before long had to quit, because W" i I liams' Medicine Company, Brockville, I could not atlend to my duties. I used Ont., and Scheneetady, N. Y., and are sold to think that if I could only get a ln boxes (never in loose form by the dozen little sleep once in a while I would feel or hundred, and the public aro cautioned better, but even that boon was denied me. against numerous imitations sold in this Night after night I toned from side to side, ' bp) t 30 cents a box, or six boxes for and every time my back pressed the bed 2.80, and may IK- had of all druggists or the pain that shot 'through every limb was direct, by mail frrm Dr. Williams' .Medicine almost unbearable. The doctors prescribed Company from either address. The prico chloral and bromide of potash, and tor at wnich these pills are sold to make a weeks 1 never thought of going to lied at course of treatment comparalivuly aiex- uight wi.hout having first taken powerful pensive as compared with other remedies ot doses of either of these drugs. Towards i medical treatment, the last these doses filled to have the desir- ed effect and I increased the size of them until I was finally taking thirty grains of potash and ten grains of chloi-al every night, enough to kill a horse. I became .10 weak Tli? Lone Widow. Clergyman (solemnly) : "I greatly sym- pathise with you in your atHiction, madam. tha* I could hardly get around, and my but you should not abandon yourself to lower limb* shock like those of a palsied grief. You should know where to turn for old man. When everything seemingly hail consolation." failed me and I was alxmt to give up "what Young widow : " Oh, this is so sudden, seemed a vain battle for life and health my I did not think you would care to marry a wife here read an account in one of the widow with three children !" ers of John Marshall's wonderful means of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and although I had lost all faith in any metlicine I resolved to try once more and accordingly procured a box of these little spa per* of i by meani I'n.k Tills "irom Mr. Hainson, thedruggist, 'owing figures : and commenced to use them according to the directions. This was in October of last year. I had not taken them a week till I began to feel an improvement in my general health. In a month I slept every night like a baby. Tin; pains left my back entirely, and by tho beginning of the new year I could lie on my back for hours anil never feel the slightest paiu therefrom. It is interesting to observe the ratio in which different elements of our population aro progressing. The census affords the fol- 1W1. UW1. Native horn in ovory 1(1,000 S.iiVi 8,,'itW Born In England wi ;fti Horn in Scotland an 270 Horn in Ireland 3I 130 Bora In Nsjwfn ndland - 1 " i Horn in oilier Hriti-h iM.x-ion fl 6 Horn In K i ii-oi i in countries HO 91 Horn in I nit.-. I suv- IT'I 1S1 Horn in other countries IU 41 It will Ira noticed tiiat the ratio of native born English, Newfoundland and European Prior to taking the pills I suffered terribly with tils, many of them so severe that throe people is increasing, whilu of Scotch, Irish, or tour men were required to hold me. The United States and of miscellaneous people pills knocked those all out, though, ami the time I used them I did not have even the suspicion of a fit, and as for my weight, well, you will hardly believe it, but honest- ly, in that lime I gained forty pounds. Well, to make a long story abort, I went lo it is decreasing. Going to Heaven can not be worked as a side issue. Tho average life of mechanic-, and trades- work again a few months ago, this time m men is barely two thirds that of farmers, the Hamilton Nail Works, where 1 weft as yet perhaps it seems to them as long, drag- shipper, and I have worked there steadily since the first day I went in. Loot fall 1 waa too weak to walk a mile, now I work from 7 a. in. to 6 p. m. , and my work is no child'* play either, I can assure you. I handle about 500 kegs of nails every day anil each keg weighs onu hundred pounds ami ha* to be lilted a distance of from five to six feet. All my renewed strength I ascribe to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which I consider have worked won- ders in my own case. For anyone troubled with nervousness, sleeplessness or loss of strength in any way, in my opinion there ing it* weary length without air or free- om. By flying to the aid of St. John's, New- foundland, in that city's dire distress, Cana- da ho* laid up for herself a crown of roses. Our people aie not rich, as riches go in the more populous countries of this world, but their wealth is more fairly proportioned than in any o'. her country, and they have hearts heart* greater than their riches. No sooner was it known that St. John'* had been destroyed by tire, that '.2,300 houses had been destroyed, that 11,000 peo- ia nothing in existence like thow pills for | pie were bomeles*. than relief measures restoring people who are thus atllicted. Yielding to the advice of friends, who claimed that my renewed health was not due to the Pink Pills, I quit using them for about a month, but the recurrence of those terrible fit* warned me of my folly and I commenced using the pill* again, and I will certainly never be without them in the house.' "Not t I know it, anyhow, remar ed Mrs. Church. " I know only too well tho good they have donu you, and you would not have been anything like tho man you aro to-day if it had uolbeep for those pills, were taken all over the country. Ships -.vcn- loaded with food and clothing, com- mittees were appointed and funds collected. No time was lost. Hardly had the dire new* become generally known before aid was on the way. The movement wa splendidly spontaneous and once more the strn-iger without our gales i* reminded that we Knglish colonies aro of one family. Hard word* may INI heard on the dcnwatio hearth, hut let tho storm* or t.'ie blows come from without and we are a unit in self de- fence. God be thanked '.hat it u TO, and may it ever be.

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