*' . THE WEEK'S NEWS Coal ha.i been dtscovered at yu'Appolle, j| 4| , The four Lancashire wearen who recent- ly returned from Brazil we receiving num erous donation* at Southampton to enable them to reach home. Tlw news of the dis asters which befell the party willi which l ^ {o , ar t "" e connected has 1*1 ii, MPsel of almost completely slopping emi^ra- tic, ii :o that country. The powder works at Monic. IV, ex I _ i _ i . i i__ _ i_:ii:__ __i Fall wheat i. looking well in Waterloo county. The I.'. P. R. land department in Winni- peg old nearly 25,000 acres last week. ' ploded "the other uay, killing st ven men and Joseph Sn ith of Calgary drank a.| i..nti:y wounding five. Louis Abertm was handed at Freel..,l-l N. .(., the other day, for the murder o-' Mrs. Charles T. Leonard. At Dover, Del., Corn M 1^11111:3. i^ed 1-', jumped a rope .101) times in a ..-i.n!c"t wiih schoolmates and is d < in,'. of methylated tpiriti and died in great The people of Fort Krie, Out., have de- cided to build a town hall at a cost of Un ihnuvund dollar.. A woman named Duuaull romnutti.-d sui cidc t Quebec hy culling her throat with a carving knife. The cstimaled ileti lee y ,n tii I'mle-i Slates poat-ollL-e department for tue fiscal Four valuable hor.es lielonging to Charles year l"yo !)1 Dalglc-ish were burned to death in a fire nil (Seorge M. Merry, a variety actor, shot < iv-terfield on Thursday night. In the first half of April .">.l!':t immi- grant* arrived in Manitoba, giu<t l,:ivjm the corresponding period hut year. Energetic action is being taken in Mont real to suppress ti-- numerous lotteries which exitl in that ci;y. Henry Koch, formerly of Liitowel, died in Minto Township on .Saturday from the effect* of kick in the head by a borne. hi* IS-yearold wife in Ib.stuu last week, from jealousy. Merry 1.1 it i.rg.-. It i* estimated that 'J.Vi Ir.r* wcrr lost liy the Mis:s<ii>pi tlcods, whiie :',.<> umilie* are homeless anil in need of food. Thelirain Shoveller*' I'uioii of [infTaln luu decided not to permit Canadian* to wurk in the Uuff.ilo elevator* this )r.ir. A number of ian*-iitiis employed ir. BurTalo are being discharged daily uwing; to wi/.l twenty European* at \VJ yi^fe, in eluding several DUOS. Fin: at V >g'>ya, Japan, on Mar>:h 'A'. de u-oyed Ue lompi. aad tower aud I ,.'*> house*. LOM .*:).>).'">. Tl e ofh".al iuspector in lunacy at Mel bourn ha* declared Deeming, the wife murderer, to )>e sane. Felipe Mono*, the Anarrhi't now under arrest in Madrid, ha* confessed that at a recent w<-ret Anarchist meeting lot* were cast to decide who should kill the hoy King of Spa. n. It 1-1 expected that the workingmen will rot b alluwed to hold processions anywhere :u I .-riiuny on May day. Russia -1-1.1 adopted a number of drastic measures which mdica'e thai preparations are being made for war. It i* rumored in Berlin that the second daughter of the Duke of K.iminirgh is be- trotlied ti t'ie Orand Duke ol Hesse. In ii Uttle belwren Britisli troops and I.ii"l;m.<. Wtween l.unule and Dimagiri, in i"u: the Uttir were killed. Tin- Spanish Budget ijominiltee ha* com- pleted us work, and in spile of all efforts to it is said there will be a deficit Hon. .I. A. Chapleau hoe so lar recovered he li ' a enforcement of the alien labor that it is expected he will take charge ut the \ "riling to the oljscrvatiou* compiled at the Lick Obstrv.v...r\ . SWIH .-onu-i, di*- covered las', mouth, ha* now three *. tail*. Mexican revolutionists and I'nile.l ^ ..- -. Customs l>epartiuent next week. The death is announced of Senator Stev ens, representative of the Bedford di vision of Quebec. He wa* in hie seventy eighth year. The amount of revenue received on ac- 1 ' ""P* "*f n eniuunier near count of the Chinest poll tax at Vancouver I 1 -" were kille i. l,ut the loldier. last month, is */JO ahead of March last >eor. ! were nmlll > ***** <> retreat. JohnU.mper killed his wife and terribly The .lock of Mr. T Love swell known b^ ni , .u^ier at IJrnoklyn. X. Y. He Red Bank farm was sold by auction .t Mont nfttl ^ a dr f jlki an<1 rivw ,^, to ^ be- real -.lie other day. lhe prices fetched were Mule m , ^ nol inU lunl _ ma good. ...... .. . Mrs. hmma Hoy, tlie wife of a firmer A r : -h vein of nickel has been discovered , iv , Mar , ' Mich ,.,,,,. jn . , ute ,- on a (arm tw, miles south of Keetratin. It , m . nu , derangement d, owned her eight wsaid the ore will jield a value of $48 per ytmr . oM SSJCf in a .pnng clo In the family residence, and then committed aui- The Ma- donald Memorial Committee of cide by throwing herself into the water. - ton gave the older for tho '>> Mrs. .lames Robertson cut th throat of other day. It will cosl not more than U I. ,, thret week .. gl j uby at p ort land. Me.. Philip Powers, a Crimean veteran, who the other day and then tried to take her was in the battle of Inkerman, at the taking own life. She is msine. of the Retlan. and at rialaclava, died at hi, L . nder lhe mfluelice of ]oany ^drink, borne u. W nidsor, Out., on 1 hursday. ,, ohu K , ;< . wt( , t Uytou> Omo> th , othor In a line fence dispute in Maryborough day. shot himself and hu> wife dead. They township on Saturday, John <ieorge (hot hod ix-en man led I'lyeirs. Daniel Kby with a nhol guo. Khy U in the - ril .. ., e . im . n , p Oreaburg me other d*y doctor care an.H.eorge is under arrenl. UlllU . (l M Baltimore, -'. 1'U immigrant*. ;he The new steamboat, the Garden City, laigest numSer ever lamled from onhipat built at Toronto for the. St. Catharines, onetime. Th"v are mostly Cei mans. r.ironto Nav ;.,,, Company, N , r , NUry ^ ^ handsuroeyoung woman was .ucceufully launcheu from the D ,ty ,>, Soul!, Carolina, jumped Jroii, a -e-.-nd !um,ardtheotiier day. storey window of the New Wk Iving-m MH*W AT III BUI lit Tkr ranlstc WUk ib. "Bally BuOUa" 4 Urr Jelly < oMBtaitdrr Lint winter, a* wa* duly chronicled in deipatvhea at the tmn-, Sir Provo \V. Parry \Valli*, Admiral of the British fleet, died at the age of lUOyeara. This caused a good many changes among the Admirals, among others the recall of Vice . \dnui al Sir lieorge Wiiles Watson from the Bermuda station, where he had IXM-II for the past six years. Thi: Magsi'ip o! tho ti. c - . it Bermuda wa* tlie Kellerophon, an old style, graceful ves- sel that had seen service in the Crimea, and M known throughout \..v world as the " Bully Ruttian. In his six years' *ojoiirn abroad the "Bully HiitHan at llermuda A iurral Watson had made himself ex- tremely popular. He had got about him a statf a* jolly a* himself, and the jollity of the orii :ers seemed to ha>ve communicated iuelf to the men, so that la the whole iqua- dron and in the forts and in the hotel* and cottage*, wiiure the guests from all the countries in the world were enjoying Ber- muda* wonderful climate, Admiral Wat- con and his officers and bis crew were re- garded as the jolliest, most agreeable peo- ple on the lace of the sea. A* for th- toi ..(ii m <-IK Aim >i i K- *T*>KII 4 Brill, k Trawp ftlrasaitblpliu an I .**. The British tramp steamship Walby, Captain Ugg, has arrived in Philadelphia from Aguila*. a small town in Spain, with a cargo of iron ore, after an eventful nass- i-irmg which death from starvation stared the crew in the face for week*. On February 1, with exhausted saiion and the vessel almost a complete wreck, Ber- muda was reached, where th* vessel effect- ed repairs. On January 'J. the Walby sailed from Aguila*. and since tiiat lime misfortune* seem lo have followed the vessel on her passage to this por'. When in latitude 3'-', longitude 3D, while breasting iieavy sea*. the ru Ider head was wrenched from its hangings, and the veisel became disabled to *u Ui an extent that all hands feared the vessel would founder. The \Valuy m her d-rp'y submerged condition wa* most of thn tune wholly at the mercy of the waves, and all efforts lo eax her posiuou went fu- til'-, a* her head could not lie kept to the lee. For weeks she drifted in this condition. |SV VI fcll^ 1 t V* 4^ fV*. -"I* J '^l . ,(C -"'* . . . miraJ himielf. with ,,.rse voice and his | * nd 1 a11 llnl1 . tlme , not * **"*! WM , ?* n the, harbor and on land t; .11 everywhere, and wbeu the day -ame for the Belleropho'i to take her departure there were great preparation* to give Ad- miral Wat *ou a rousing farewell. The yard* and rigging of all the eighteen eU were manned unlil they seemed to In an interview with hi* brother on Sun d.ty Kavuhol said that he wi-hed to feel > the pulse cf the revolutionary movement, and he rinds that u doe* not beut. | One item on '.he programme of the Span i-ii Anarchist, revealed by Mtinie/, was.be . placing in ! holy water fonts of churches of a newly invented bomb that would ev- picdc after a ulicrt contact with the water. A letter from S.mo.i lays Kolrt Lewis nson, the English novel. t. has gained | an influence over the natives almost eijiial i to that pnsseswd hy Malietoa, and he a , trying to make them wear clotaing and to ahUKlou tribal righting. be made of human being*, .houldertoshould- IHacing (!ood Friday', service* in a :hurch er and one above another. The officer* it Auglesola, a vidage in Spam, while the. were on deck in full uniform and over at pries* wai praying before the aJiar a man the fortification* the soldiers were on parade, uppoeed to be a lunatic cut off his head As the Bellerophon weighed anchor and set with a single blow of a sharp sword, and out on her long voyage the war vessels be- made his escape through the frightened con- gan to salu'.e and the big gun* of the torliri- gregatiou. cations sounded melancholy an ! echoing ex- it is stated i h;it th cagerneos displayed pressions of esteem and re. by the French to attack tne Kiui; ..f l>ho < The Bellerophon wa tiiially in the mid*l of the seventeen vesiels she had consorttd with so long, and wa.* never lo see again. All ilu sailor, in her rigging, at a giv-n signal, cheered as one man. and the sound floated out over the waler. Then, at the rising of a flag, the thousand, of sailors in the rigging of the seventeen vessels answer- ,ed this cheer although the thousand throat* were one. Han Jkerchiets, cape, hands 04 year., that seem d to have been all sum- mer*, he was, in lhe language of the women, " the dearest man m the world. ' --J when lhe news '.hat old Sjr Provo W ulis wa* dead and tiial Admiral Watson and the Ilelleiophon and u. jolly crew > would have to leave was spread abroad in I " tu t '" V* "" "i even the captain 1 there was Uni.-i.ta- "'"*"?*; 7 g v "P "P "f rescuing port, tinally the weather l<ecame moder- te and a temporary steering gear was rig- m.gh: ..-ome to lieir aid. To add to iheir misiia the provisions were becoming ex- hausted, as well a* lhe fuel, and the men were reduced to one-third ration*. : \VK rr IIOPK or tat A~ HIM: LAND. As the day* of struggling passed on the liny has leen stimulated by reports bro'ight I'V iiiiooiuiuried and traders to the effect i tiiat the King has an immense treasure, th? accumulation ot two '.-enturies, tinned at Aliomoy, the capital of the country. ged up by which the ship could be guided, as long as th- sea remained calm. These conditions did not favor the unfor- tunate crew long, however, for a heavy northwest ga!e sprung up and tin* rudder head which had been patcned up again gave way and ihe vessel was once more at the mercy of the sea. It was only under fa-or- able conditions that the Walby <-ou!d make any headway and Bermuda was not reached until February '23. She resumed her voyage March M) snd was j> . : to return on April I'.'. Permanent tepsir. will be af- fected at Philadelphia. I : i. i M I Lit >l u,.lb. r lul ..r .nv -i 1-1 ,n. d*rnl I I. ! l.u > ill il i. br la lias already been swept away. 1 lie "i o! i .. ! navigation Uw rencewill !* the signal for th beginning kilu .,, jn , ne , mlm very heavy export grain trade. Al- - ready about ^,OOO,OUO boanels of mil have Iwen lim.ked lui llie 1 St. l.twrenre route. Mr. Frank T. Sliutt, chemist of the 1' in in-. n Kxpfrimental Farm has su'uuitti d <. which were fvic" sprayed with I'ri'H given, in a dedicate c.n-iniea: analysis wniii-.t rinding the sligiuest trace of arsenic. Mr. V.inllotne. prnident of the ('ana ilian Pacific railway, is veiy .anjitiine as to this seivsou's imiiiigralioii. H.irmg tl:- past sixty days the company lauded nwr Sute " t; " Xl '""" rllt jf* '- -ettleisiu W inn ,.,.:. nes of the v.ctj** of the N lynching I,OUO (raaou, airatbi M W. Kdgar the general passencer is thus settled with the Itaiianl. She was era. cd from I men have tiilhtini; lictwceti lu \Vyominjf, and the WAT 1* ll'it vet ended. A New Oilcan* despaU'h says patvnger train N". '.', notthioind i < the 1 I eiilr.il Railroad, wan held up l.y lobbers \\ e "ne lay night and robl e- A* a lesult o: the (^lei celeJjntliun by Hungarians and Italian* at lla/vhon. I'. LUC man was killed and another seriously stabbed in the bock and may die. The Washington Po.l ssvs the I'nitc.l e. d t" |M\ to tlie New Orleans waved, and from the shore came the rlutlering of smaller haudkerch.efs and smaller hand* and gay aunshode*. And ... Wluieasearchparty U iryiog to tind some otticvrs ued the haudker.hief* in quite an- trace of ..vcr 4>KJ unfortunate* wii > w.-m other way a* they saw the "old man ' on n.n lost September In the ill fated brig t.he deck of hi- old tia^hip, turning away Tahiti at ine moiitliof the'iulf of < 'alifornia. his ne.nl and shuHmg hi* eye* from " lhe the owner* have tit vd out another vessel for ,1 d daz/lc '' of the suu for a moment. the same trilic in liilberi Island natives to The Bellerophou was soon out at sea. and supply I .intern 4la coffee plantations. The vessel selected U the tramp steamer Mont- serrai. which gind n itoriety last year i.y carrying arinji aud ammunition to lhe t "nil- ui, ii.su. gent, and a car*, of general mer ch.ndi^- ., which the consignee, ni.id. * , f orluue . T,,, MonLrnat will sail on \|,-n ,Uv. .Mtei.vbly for Nanaimo. Bnti-l, i '..; then a graceful outline against the horuon. and then a spck, and then only :i -iwn i-y the cloud of smoke which was soon dissi- pated. As may be imagined, nobody waiparticu- i larly glad to see the new Admiral, who of 1 course could not take the place left so tor riblv vacant. He was to come m the Blake, uinhia. but Ibis trip is a mere blind, she a bittle ship, the latest and newest and .il there, l.nt Will then shape t d;re, : , wi [ t esl ard tiue.t in the whole navv. One ! and-t. were she will ,| av i'.,. v uw 4 cloud of smoke on the hori .1 I oaid til > islanders. Her true des /.y,",, j^d then, with sirong gianites. they tination Hjiroved l.y the fa -I that iie taken made out a low-Uin. ^stless, un- . pa>..-ng" s the King of Butantarifad his gllj ,,ly looking craft much like a shaved and , P rt >' shorn bulldog. There was nothing graceful I nere are immense profits in tin. " black ^u'l th.Tn 'w rtagVlnp. rTothing ofth."ea*y; t>H"r -.t.mcnu. - - <-'lub,s that a Liberal Secretary f..r IrUk Momr Kiilr. The declaration of I" Inter Loyalists . t iheir representatives *i Beiisjit that they will use all mean* in tn.-ir to overthrow Irish home rule if en i betide* preventing n* enactment if poMible, ha* caused a great sensation in Imperial political circle*. Threats of tins kind have been heard before, but they have never been formulated by any representative tody of Irish Protestants. No one pretend* to doubt thai the Irish Loyalists aie in earnest. It is known thai they ire armed and organized and ready for *a struggle whem ver a home rul Parliament should attempt to assume s:ith"rity ver them. The number of men the Loyalists could put in'-, -he Held has been variously estiu.ated bull- i : .111 4".'sj. and some ol tho estimates go a* lug 1 , ss 6U,OUO. As no > nine f. -r home rule ha* concluded the placing of a military force under '.ne authority .-: '.'. Dublin Parliament, a re- bellion m I ster would have lo b dealt wnii hy the imperial forces. 1'. is not that the official organi/atinn of the m above ihe rank and tile is Conservative in sympa the l>uke of Cami down. It there are any Li'-entlsv*- epaulet* they take care to avoid the dis- comfort that would attend un avowal of The general talk in the . . .Ml i. callel in tl,.- - -llv way the- lW.iler,.phcn*alu,n the water. i.i _ __ i__ i_. .i._ T_ U..:L.._ *.. . , . r .' .* . lynching I ?5,OUO trances, and that thetfUir W. Kdgar the general passenger is thus settled with the ItaiiaiH ;, t ,-nt .it tae Ciand Trunk railway, died the H , of st L . M , ,, , ^ other day in Montreal He was born at wh<) ^ ^ gu h) , n.tuite. for neofllic drink h.ibi 1 .. to<ik u disc of laudanum oil Friday ev cuiug with suicidal intent. Mart t.i In llainenburg has juit died in tin* Mt|tncy hospital. The hy an in Montreal. He was born at Fig., in K4I, came to Canada in IvVi, and entered the service of the ' Western railway. Trouble is feared from the Indians on the I'pper Skcena in the North-West. The i. " v eminent agent has a member of the tnt.e u, cusuxly on a charge of murder | . and ,,..,. four m ,, nlh . he kepi |,,m,ell .live hi. fellow-tril-esmen threaten to k the ,, y ,,, ivi . vl|lg toiH , to hi . ,^ MIJM .. h throui(n , funnel inserted by the doctors. On Saturday evening \Vtlliani Colby, a vniti^ man employed on a farm near I'm t Huron, Mich . dt-iilierately lieat to death with a neck yoke another farm hand n. - .- 1 Kichaid ('ink. titty rive v . , wlni had accused him of" hiding in the mom of an I tin- men who lost tlie Tahiti hope to make up llitir loeaesou this venture. There are agents now in the i-ilbcrt 1-1. in- ployed mi: Dimple natives to sign contract* wlr.cli - .-n-:^n th.m to a living death "ii in .I? --^ic p!ai.'..<t:"ii-<. The contract e-oiupeU them t > work on planta T!ie lilake was built for busincM, aud very uj'.v liusim-ss at : i at. >nd .14 it came nearer I i the holes in the side* long .. ;.HIKIJ cans, t|inte uitTeient from Ihose of lhe old Belleroi nf course lhe tu-w Admiral musl be re- 1 with all th* formaline*. So the gun* the lion, for five years t from .*J to *."> per ' , vtr , got re , l( ly on tl.e seventeen vessel. 10 agent if the prisoner is sent south for trial. Severed boys were shooting with a Flo- bert gun at n murk in the back yard i.f .t pnv a. c residence in lx>inu'ii, < >nt., ou Mon day, when Fred. Wilson, thirteen year, ol a^r, p.ved between the pointed wea|>oii and the target. The bullet, a -mall cue. passed completely through his Injdy. lie bly die. v.lil pro'.'ahly '.II' VT l'.lilT\l\. th- adopted daughter >! then employer. At Niags.r-1 Falls Amen ..M ".Jci'on Fi i day nii;lit John \Villinins and Kdwanl ('!<- man, colored navvies, 14. 't into ;i i|Urrel r a game of --ard. The cj urel wis re- skull. Willi.im* M m ciuigr of a dootor and Coleman i- n i.e-irge Tie. tie, and Keulwi. >h.-, kle fell fron the cupola of the new Hotel \Vhlilorf in New VorK, on win -h tiny were working, eiashol thin.igli a couple of icallolda in their descent, snd i>y lhe tmu> they reach*! the ground were crushed out of all shape-, sherkle'i l-dy ;iN.i "truck :i ll irtr >ml Her Maies'.y accompanied hy Princess Beatrice, united Toulon on Wednesday. Rev H. Allon, for -J-J years editor .! I he Bewed on Saturday inorninf ud C'oleman l.i i.'uaituly r.ev:,, M dva.1. ' Williams in the head. fracUmug hi Mi> Amelia U. Fd wards, the welt-known Knglinh novelist aud lecturer, i. dead. I f:veii'y of Fdmburgli hut coll fci led the degree jl I.. L.U. ou Su- ('harles Tuppir. It is stated thai H 'tne ->.-. i-c'ny Ma ibcvrsSjiM dcld'-d to i clean- Mrs. Florence Onhnrne from gaol The Committee of Knquuy presided over i l"oe hi* srm. by Lord Wantage has slicited the opinions ()|i\er Cuitt* IViTJ, the Lyons. X. Y . cl lea.iing i.-.ili:ary aathoraiea to the effect tram robt*r, giveilns k.-epeis n put. ,. tht the British winy at present i in a tcr , end of troul.le. Uesliowoenpeci.il .iniinwty iiblv state of ineth'cienry. ,rd IVputy Collins, v. l. Arrested hirti. I'hc stiike in the Oiiiham coal region \\ ' u n IM.M! H mv.-n him he fifes the c-i- .till continues. Il is intimated that'-n-- -u wlncli r. i served at Collins, and the loss in wages to the mn.vis during the tivo , other day was aUmt lo dowso tho deputy weeks that they hve bnon strike amounts with omc slops, when Collins drewhure- to a millio'i and a qnarter pounds. In accord with the notice ^i\ en l.y the Federation of Master Cut ton Spinner* the n .1 .ri'.y of the cotton n ilU in the Federa- tion v. civ stopped on Salt nl.tv, throwing many thoiiintls of people out of employment in Ijkncashirc and vicinuy The trouble among the potters of Not t'> Stairordshire is still umeltle.l, iii-d '.' i,'"< ' hands will be thrown out of work at the close of the month nnlc-w the employer, anil volvrr. 1'hiK had the desired effect. IX '..\KK M . '.he employee, come to terms Sir Michae-1 Hicks-Hcach Wlieves there i. real ground for a gloomy trad" outlook tor H'I commie season. While the McKiuley tariff had its effect, he livlieved the deprm- 'ic.n was mainly prodvMea by the want of in toieign oountiies. Ihe MiVaithy wing of the Irt-h {-arty has split into f our MCtioaW. one headed i-v M I _ . Cholera i^ pi.-i.lun{ alarmingly in the Punjauli district of British India. Thcst iteoi alsitto OrossjO, Itra/il. haspro- laiiinil ilxelf a republic under the uame of Transatlnnlica, 1'iie dimculty regarding American mis- - ten in the Caroline IsUnds has been satisfactorily arranged. In the ILihein .tn villatt.* ot Molliken 10 hull* * were 'turned and four per-tons lost then livesv A hitch IIM occurred tuish I The mimiug of Uua I German frontier cause* ,ea,le,[ l.v Mr. | K dk.y Mr. John in i in- . and lln.i-:i tiff ps < wl* discus- month. At the enu of thai time tiiey are to be re- turned to tlictr home* free of charge. It i* safe to say that ' or in -ie that will be stowed away in the stifling hold tti-1 between the decks of tho Mont wt rat not twenty will live to see the contract expire, iiilbert Islanders are home loving people, and have no idea of what the contract they alls for. Thi* the agent* carefully con- ceal from tin-in, for otherwise, they ku-.w. not one would go on I ward the steamer The .Momsvrrat will My ihe Hawaiian ilaij to avoid any i-omplication with :! American authnriiies. Her owners aud her crew are - .ma. llrmUnl <M<JUI. IIKIIII described liy a BiownsviUe. per spiung up in a single night and proportions. A pliy i; . 1'ian.i i: \ :i a:i in- -IK:. ' -d i' ind de i it to \v -t ui.'hes in circumference a:i.l 1 - w.-l^li I (H.undn. Tl.e foundition of a church at 8an C.'in >, (uatcmala. has heen shifted seven inches by the iiv,.t s .ii tw.> immense white ^'tim trees, which towei nver 1UO feet aliove the pin- nacl. of the church steeple. Kach of these immense tree* average twenty feet in di.im- .-:,-r. \ .tiling to a bulletin issued by the \ :can i.eographil Society tiiere is no iinmediaU' danger of the present generation being crowded off of the continent. If five acres of u i omul were allotted to each per- son, the three Americas could .vconimcxlate at least 2,00,OllO > OOOBaft*\ A l-'.'-n ! ; 'tiicroscopist calculate* that there are li-.'c.iio.noii nariaite* to the square inch of S'nut i>i corn a disease of oui moil mai/.e for which agricultural a^tnce is yet. diseuvered reruedj.^ A rancher ("brocoman ") neat jp^haveit. New s,,uth Wales. Australia. "' Leo.1, has seven horses i* "j* pastures which have neither ears* "" h ' the harbor and the soldiers lined up on the fortifications. Presently the big gun.* on tho great m.uon: v were booming away, A little gloomily, a little croosly. and not al all jollily, while lhe smaller gun. on the w ar ships were cracking also. As the Blake up a big collar of smoke rolled away 1 1 mil her side and then a long bright flash, keener than the bright sunlight lloshmg on the waves, and then 'hose on sea and shore heai.l the roar of ihe kjuti *o;;r. hoarse, ugly, a growl of surly warning, as it seemed, that the days of a jolly admiral and a crew on a jolly flagship were over. The bull dog had drawn back his !ip and had show n hi. teeth. W'-uid rind it s difficult lask to direct operations of the British irocps against l.oy alist rebels m I' later, as the lane- wuuid undoubtedly march under the Knglish tlag AH I cl&itn lo be friendly to England and hostile only to the Lhil.lm Parliament. Ail these possibilities are being eagerly canvas- tin- ConiMrrvaiive*, and discussed with uncoiKfi'.ed anxiety by the Liberal*. Meantime the I'Uler Loyalisl* propose to ap|>eal lo Kcglish Prolesianls generally, . :y .he Nonconformists, to aid in preventing lhe calamities which they claim home rule would bring upon the Protestants of Ireland. l.iniiu - Will' stun for Life. Tommy L. Dyer, a fourteen-year-old boy of Hull'Uit. a ivuni'.-rin^ t->n forty mile* ^ah^ie. Maije. M ;ch.. had an excil ing adventure on W > -day. in which he narrowly e caped i'eing devoured by a couple of big grav : - Near the town i* t lake of considerable W .intern ss<l*>t>orer It is rather an incredible thine lo find aa organization of women seeking t" open still wider the gateway to divorce, .tud lo de- grade marriage from a sacra eut, a union which under all save the most fortuitous cir- ciuiKtaiufn shall be co-n^ual with the live* ot the (.at lies, to the plane of a mere mater- ial compact, to be broken al will. Vet the Hi's alliance of Chicago, after d:cus sion and debate, (.asset! a - tion* the other day the last of which declar ed " That the unitual consent of the parties^ :edi I* considered s good jn und for divorce M for marrnge. The parties being t'! years . : i' their niulual is lufticuni ground fr marr The resolution simply declare- th.r vv lien a id and wne agree to separate tiie law extent. {.'. W l>yer, father of the boy, is _ in charge of HuliMtrVs lumbering operation* ,'houM yield to their wishes "and grant th lhrc. At the request of his sou he caused (divert*" Thi* is stripping nialrimo: * haU-iutte track to be cleared on the lake those attributes of sanctity with !ncfi th* by a mow plough so h:<t boy aad] others church has clothed it. ami > could enjoy skating. \\ dnssday rfter- M mfe-guard for women. II- rj Tommy was oui alone at the end of the tcMk furthest from camp. As K 'begin to grow dark the hoy wa. about oLart for home when hcw.ts -.titled by the howl of a wolf no: far oH, fo:io-ed m,taiii;> by of tfc( . ^hojigeurged by the \V omitn-saUkeJ another. At the same time two lame and I wouW ^ l;1 ,f or(una tJ forsociety a* a >) ociology show that among the people who regard marriage as a purely material on . easily terminated, the .latus of wo- man is dec'adcd ami n.iseialiie. The effect them has eyes a. pink but ha. do upper t*-" 1 ' Thu and orni '" r - tny albino 'is Ireak I he mom- i port* .1 loll (if II.M* of the third wing arc knuwu as the N.-ntrtU. and th. fourth consist, , ||,. , wUlultaW .!.,. month. n M. Cai.hy tat! his Ihe gruin lion. KII>.-I.I v ill be I P 1 ') ' - "< *KOIHI : bee, Mneteen, arrd w, he says, strikes the air "at the > -nd: tho wild th. p'^* 1 ". eight, tiid the os tonic: U an rok* *uh -I' i: III! ferocious timber wolves made their appear- ance a abort di.itan c ; --v >v . The boy, aware that his life wa* in danger 'at once ougi'..* ,\ ,'v in flight. Tin bntte,. half faim.hed", luring -' intent on hivm- - '-- - ed in pursu feet of the fug all the strei but felt most bitterly by wcmeu. pv.-kiug coml'ination ha* . *d by the salmon caoneis of _^,, , ,. ' i , . ....... t e-r a c ^- .* cr. ime he distanced his pursuers, but he soon ^"'""ation i* to better ' , soon began to lose hi. streuRth, and llje h.mgrv I animal the Kugluih market the. animals were soon close l*hind, with thei'r ' , th * out Pt. The caniicr. are'm, ^T.? 'f llk ''" !s "f n'ro and their | _*?* u> ke *P tllc *;ree*net, a,,.. hanging out between cru.l glwteniua teetii. The lad continued hi* exertions, however calling loudly for hel).. At last, feeling t l.u ith of the panting bciit under oalh at their pack* are. IX n Ala-- inl u **My i*ni)