TML WEEK'S NEWS. MMMftl Seeding will commence in Manitoba next we e k . The H :lop murdsr trial cot the country *,* i. The total debt of the city of Montreal amounts to $li>,OOU,OUU. Uin-e shipments of oats and eggs are being made from London, Out. , to Liver- pool The proposed Northwest colony of Russia Jewish refugee* will be located at W bite wood. The iron tug Tippic of Vancouver, B. C. , sank with all on board in Knglish liay on Thursday. Col. Hodgetts, formerly of IT. M. pension staff, died in London, Out., the other day, aged !)5 years. Mure pressed hay it being shipped to the United states from Kingston this year than for many years past. During the last three days '2,172 imit.ig- rants have entered Winnipeg for Manitoba, and the North-west. The Macdonild Memorial Committee in Hamilton ha* raised subscriptions amount- ing to $0,000. Mr. S,. B. Harman, ex-treasurer and ex- Mayor of the city of Toronto, died on Sat urd'ty morning in his T.'lrd year. Manitoba Legislature has set apart 20, 000 towards an exhibit from that Province at the World's Fair in Chicago. Seeding is progressing in Alberta, N. \V.T. Mr. T. ( .. Hodgius, of London, has lately shipped three carloads of horses to the old country. Two girls named IL.nley in I'handos, Peterborough County, are suffering from hydrophobia. One is very : ioUut and will die. Mrs. Susan l)an died in South Yarmouth, Elgin county, on Friday night, aged 80, bar ing lived on the same farm UO years. The body of John McKvoy, a moulder, was found in the canal at Montreal Sutur day. He had been missing several months. The ice dealers of Toronto, eight in num- ber, hav* decided to form themselves into a joint stock company, with a capital of 1 100, 000. Robert Maxwell, the (irand Trunk em- ployee who lost both feet in an accident at East London, lied the other day of hi* in- juries. It is estimated that six hundred and fifty mile* of railway will be bnilt in Manitoba and the Territories during the coining sum nier. The Finance Committee of the Hamilton City Coun-il has decided that the rate of taxation for the year IS'.rJ must be twenty mills on the dollar. At a meeting of Grand Trunk officials and men in Stratford the other day, an amicable settlement of difficulties was reached, as far as that division of the road i* concern- ed. Lieut. Vol. Massey, of the Sixth Royal Fusiliers, Montreal, will command th Bui- ley team this year, with Major Macdonald. of the 48th Highlanders, Toronto, a* adjut- ant. The British Admiralty has notitkd the Canadian Pacific railway authorities of an intention to send 203 men in charge of three officers from Halifsx to Vancouver about the middle of May. A deputation from the Royal Humane Society waited upon the Attorney (General the other day, with a requeit that the de- horning of cattle commission iright also consider the question of docking hortus' tail*. Mr. U . C. McDonald, ot Montreal, has given $H.~>,OUU to Mciiill Univerxity, to bo applied as an endowment for the mainten- ance of the Kxperimeiital and Ku^ineermg buildings, which were founded by aim. M r. Chapleau, who was taken so serious- ly ill in Montreal on Mon.lay with congestion of the lungs as to cause serious apprehen- sions for his safety, is recovering. A report by Lieut Col. Otter to the Militia Deportment at Ottawa, that has just been made public, shows that the Queen's ")wn Rifles of Toronto was success- ful in winning the efficiency competition for the G/.owski Challenge Cup. depu tation waitx-d the other day upon Mr. Kali, the Quebec 1'roviucial Treasurer, to urge him to remove the tux on commerciel corporati >us. In view of the provinces liea.'y iudebtness he held out no hope of being able to comply with the prayer of the deputation. I.IU. \T IIKITUX. ^^' Sir Andrew Agncw i dead in London. He was horn April I.', isis, mid fought in the Canadian rebellion of Joseph Joyce, a Parnellite. has been sen- tenced to be hanged at Cork f,- the murder of Patrick O'Leary, an Anti-Parnellite. The celebrated Woods will case, in which Mrs. ParneU'a right to a fortune left by her aunt was disputed, has been settled out of court. It is reported that large quantities of Per siati opium are being imported at Boston, where it is used 111 the manufacture of cigar- ettes. Miss Williams, the servant whose name was mixed up in the recent Kussell divorcv case, has brought a suit for i'10,00) against Karl Russel for slander. The will of the late Charles H. Spurgt-on has been offered for prolute. The person- alty is declared to amount (x> Cll.lbX), and he leaves everything to his widow. The North Cerman Lloyd steaii-ei- Ki.lct has been floated off the Atherticld ledge at the Needles, Isle of Wight. It will require an immense sum to repair the damages the vessel has sustained. The Kev. Sanm-l .1. Cotton, of Carnogh, Ireland, < h ui;c.l with causing the death of a boy in his orphanage by cruel treatment was found guilty ou Tuesday of manslaugh- ter. Rev, John Ooodall was tried on Tuesday at the Stafford Assi/cs on the charge of hav- ing assaulted Mr*. Siddalls iu a railway compartment last January. He was found guilty and *cn tenccd to ten years' imprison- ment at hard labour. Sir Charles Tupper will leave London si ortly for Madrid, hoping, with the aid of re British Minister there, to induce Spain U> continue the iestul favouied treatment of ( 'anadian products in the Spanish West Indies. Mr. Patrick O'Br'en (Parnellite) member for North Mnnaghan, will introduce a bill in Parliament entitling British soldiers to wear the shamro.-k on St. Patrick's day and the rote and thistle on the St. George's am! St. Andrew's days. The Durham miners aro quite out of theii leaders' hand* and scenes of violence are h*ppuiug daily at all the idle points. A is in progress on the question of con- tinuing the strike, and it is believed the majority will favour giving up the li^'it. The frequent outbreaks of disease among the live stock of the Kuropoan continent has forced the Knglish Government to issue aa onii'i stopping the importation of live stock from all Kuropean centres. Thia l-:.veH Canada in the sole enjoyment of the privilege of sending live cattle to England. I' SITED STATIS. Pat Rooney, the actor, died in New York Monday afternoon. Near Canton, Mo , a containing eiaht colored men was capsized. Six ol mini were drowned. Joeeph Francis, the venerable founder of the United Spates life-saving service, is at the age of ninety writing bis autobiography. Walt Whitman, the American poet, well known as author of " Leaves of Grass," died the other day, at the ag of eighty-three years. King Toiibrino of Butaritari has arrived at Sail Francisco to secure the protection of the United States for the Gilbert Islands. The stenmer La Touraine, at New York from Havre, made the trip in It days 'J.'( hour* and .'<0 minutes, the fastest on record. K. I. Vlagg, a new York merchant, ac 'I'lentiilly fell overboard from the steam- ship Teutonic en route to Quecnatown, and was drowned. The bodies of '.'.') of the miners who lost their lives iu the great coal mine disaster at Dunbar, I 1 *., on .Fun It!, 1HOO, were recov- ered the other c'ay. Bishop Jones, a colored minuter, was shot while conducting service at Allaiu!ale, ( i. The in urderer, who tired through a window, escaped. Clau* SpreckleH sugar refinery in Phila- delphia was turned over to the Sugar Trust Situtduy, iu consideration of I7.UUU.OOO in trust certificates. Rev. Jabez R. Jacques. D. !>., Ph. [>.. L L. D. , formerly of Belleville, and of late vice p-esident of Honding College, Abing- don. 111., is dead. During the eight months ending February .Nth, 30!l,4*4 emigrants entered the I'nited States, against 'jU4,(.*J.'> during a similar period a year ago. Kev. John Jasper, coloured, a^ed HO, author of the great ' Sun do Move " theory, wan married in Richmond, \ a., on Thursday evening to Mr*. Mary ' >ry, tiO years of age. A prairie tire has burned over several thousand acres in Nebraska, and several farm liouee* have been destroyed, as well a* some live stork Chevalier Domimco Togeti, who did a great deal of noted painting in the Catholic church** in Rome, died at San Francisco on Tuesday aged *>. The Pawuie Indians in Oklahoma have been indulging in the ghost dance, and threaten to go on the warpath. Troops have been sent from Kort Reno. At Columbia, S. C., ou Tuesday Klisha Young, Ike Young, Hoi man Noble, Alfred Crosby and .Martha Young were sentenced to be hanged on May '2/0 for murder. They boat Alfred Mel'a.liley to death with stones a year ago. Three children named Bruce, living in Shrevepori, La. , were left at home by their parent* for a fow hours. The house caught tire and the children were burned to death. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stewart, of Millers- burg. Ohio, went to Limi on their weil ling tour, put up at the KuchUd liouse, blew out the i;a when they retired, and never arose. Cot to, who was sentenced to death for murdering Frank Klosa, with whose wife he was criminally intimate, w.m electrocuted in Sing Sini/ Monday. He was given five elec trical cont.icts. There are still six boJiei in the Hill Farm mine at I 'unbar. Pa , and it is expected ID days will elapse befjre they are recovered. The search for the bodies has cost the com- pany ?-JOO,000. Two men broke into the residence of Mrs Mary Larsen, a wealthy lady 80 years old at \\illiamburg, N. Y., the other day, bound and g.igged her and stole from her IIOHOIII, W.WO I" f 100 bill*. Rev. Rodney D. Robinson, of Clarkston M ii-h. , has been suspended from the ministry of thn Methodist Church by a committee appointed to investigate charges preferred, against him of immoral teaching and unmor- al conduct. President Kliot, of Harvard I'niversity has crea eJ a great deal of excitement and much antagonistic feeling in some quarters by comparing the early Mormons, who founded a colony in religious enthusiasm, with the Pilgrim Fathers. The body of Mather B. Uawson, who was drowned in Hutton lake, near Laramie, Wyoming, has been found and identified by the clothing. Dawnou's life was insured for ?!/;, 0(10, and 9I.~>,000 was expended in searching for the, l"l\ John Lingemau, a youna ciank, has been arresled to. annoying Mr. Jay (i.MiMs family by ringing the door bell and asking to see Miss Helen Gould, claiming to be her lover. In court he was so violent that a straight jacket had to be resorted to. At IVrt Huron, on Thursday, the l-yenr- old son of James VVakeman fell from the top of a fence into a pn in which were a number ol Si. Ki in.ii.l ami in, ut iff dogs owned by JiimesJ. Lynn. The dog* pounced on the child anil mangled him so horribly that there is little hope of his recovery. is i KNKKAU Fifty persons have been expelled from Afghanistan as British spies. King Sacity, of Crobe, West African, an important alley of the British, is dead. Scaling vessels returned to St.. John's Xewliiundliiii'l. have made large catches. One thousand cabmen in the employ of six cab companies in 1'urn, struck on .Satur- day. Baron Albert Rothschild, whi ha* bean ill in Vienna for a long t me, died the other div. "ix persons weie killed by an avalanche in a gorge iu the vale del Blois, Venetia, on Thursday. A stringent guard is kept about the hotel U Kyi-res, France, where Queen Victoria is An Ancient A/.tec city ha* been discover cd t wi-iii.) feet l>elow the surface of a desert in Vn/ona. The Czar of Kuieia sayi lie does not care whether Von Caprivi remains Chancellor of i ..TIII, m y or not. The American archa-ologist* excavating at Sparta have discovered the circular build ing mentioned by Kpimcnides. Six tram wreckers were ;au^ht by soldiers tearing up spikes near Leon, Mexico. They were immediately shot. Buenos Ayres claims to have $-'."), 000,000 worth of crops remaining for export, with bright prospects for business. Five persons were killed and *> y in- jured bv a lire at Amsterdam cans..- uy the explosion of a barrel of benzine. Prince de C'himay, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, is His son and succes- sor to the title, married Miss Clara Ward of Toronto. The Credit Lyonnaise, one of the largest banking housea iu Paris, was shattered by dynamiters on Tuesday It in stated that Pope Leo has deposited in a bank, to be paid to bis successor, the sum of five million lire. Russia has sent 10,0*10 doused rifles to Turkestan. The Turcomans inland to revolt against the Ameer of Afghanistan. In a tight between United States troops and the Mexican revolutionists in Lower Texas, two of the latter were killed. Four, three and two year*' penal servi- tude were the scutenics passed tho oilier day, on three leaders of the recent Berlin riots. The recent engagement* in Northern China between rebels and Imperial troops resulted in the slaughter of thousands of the revolutionist*. The new extradition treaty between France and the L'nited States was signe.l in Pars the other day by M. Ribot and Mr. Whitclavr Keil. An enormous death rate among the per- secuted Jews in St. Petersburg is only averted by the continuous charity uf rich Knglish Jews. At a moss meeting of workingmen helit in Sy.lncy, N. S. W., a protest was adopted against the introduction of coloured labour into the colony. Great excitement has been caused in Warsaw by the appearance of German bal- loons, under perfect control, hovering over the fortresses taking observations. Deeming has confessed that he killed hi* wife and children as well as two of the Wlntechapel women whose deaths were ascribed tu "Jack the Ripper." Emperor William has accepted Count von Xedlitz's resignation of the cflice of A IOSOVSBIY rn. ilaiin ,.i. , .1 iti.r n..., * Ibe -I.III-I.T KIMIII- l .. i iir.,, .. The question of the transportation of the products of the country arly became a subject of the deepest interest to the later settlers of the North-west. They had not piven it any consideration in advance of theircoinin^, because without personal x peri, nee i: was impossible to realize the full importance of it ; and their minds were no doubt absorbed in anticipations raised to 'lie highest pitch liy the descriptions of the '; and magnificence of this new territory. The sobering influence of a year or two's settlement brought them to a live- ly sense of their isolation. When they be an to realize that all, or nearly all, the pro- fit on a bushel of wheat was required to pay the charges of its transport it ion to the eastern markets, they found themselves con- fronted with a problem which involved MBKlor- , us^ KNI i:s to tlieir future aud for some early solution of which there was a very real and pressing necessity. A brief study of the map sulli- ced to convince them that through Hud- son's Bay and Strait, .1 anywhere, must lie found the new and shorter route to Ku- rope which was to deliver them out of bon- Such was the simple and natural origin of the scheme of a Hudson's Boy railway. But there was the question of the naviga- tion of the Strait that had still to be rec- koned with before its feasibility would ta determined. Modern experience in rail- roading made it abundantly clear that there need be no difficulty with the land portion of the route, for it hod been demonstrated in numerous instances that engineering skill backed up with capital could over RIVKK VtVliiATIOS from Kort William to Montreal; Trince Albert and Edmonton will gain in triuispor tation the whole cost from Winnipeg to Montreal, whether by all rail or mixed rail and water. No enterprise* can abolish dis- tances, and thane advantage* will remain to the Hudson a Bay route whatever happens. Railway competition and the enlargmeut of the canals may eventually result in reducing east bound freights to a uo'iit very much below existing rales ; but to the North- weit Territories a* a whole there will be a saving at all time* and under all circum- stances equal to the ttntire cost of trans- portation from (''rtWilliiiiii to Montreal in many instances equal to that from Win- nipeg to Montreal. The advantage to Manitoba will be less in proportion as it is nearer to Lake Superior, but Unit it will always lie coimdriable is a* evident as the broad principles itself that distance regulate the cost. The ed'tor of this maga/.ine, in asking for a short paper on the subject of a Hudnin's Bay railway, ilid not, the writer ventures to think, expect or desire a discussion of such details as freight vnd insurance rales from Kort Nelson to Liverpool. These will probably be a tulle higher for a year or two at tlie beginning thau are those on the old established St. Lawrence route. The reader must settle what this difference is likely to be in Ins own mind and according to his own judg- ment : what is intended here is to point out aa shortly and clearly as possible THE N.UUKAI. ADV ANTA1JE8 of the northern route. and to show that these must inevitably tell in its favor when the . -mi.' creator obstacles than any that were likely to be encountered in the prosecution of this enterprise. But the navigation of the Strait was a different mutter, unless practicable all the achievements which were possible on land would go for nothing. It was dependent on conditions which science was powerless to influence. Investigation road is in full operation. It may be said, however, that there are no extra hozarnsu'l the navigation of the Bay and Strait; on I danger, dilliculty or condition of any e ' that will r ami inquiries relieved score, and established the Strait was the anxiety on this beyond doubt that I makcthuse rates higher than fiom Montreal, excepting it may be the newness and strangeness of the route ; and th-sc, it will be admitted, will wear oil with time. There is a popular misconception of the naturu of the counlrv tliroi^h which the railway is projected, tiie impression being that it is sterile and altogether untr settlement. The reports of the exploring parties that have been over the route- convey a different story. Along the whole line of the proposed road the country is fertile, well timbered, and in every way tit for cul- tivation and lor the support of a large population. Only for a few miUs near the bay itself, is there any ex- ception to this general condition, and along these the country is muskeg and conse. quently useless. This testimony lias re- cently been continued by a Northwest veteran, the Rev Mi. M, l>oue;all, who hud been over the route and was surprised to erati'on of'other means to relieve the heavy j find how far his preconceived notions uf tax ou the industry of the North west the whioh is unavoidable with the present faci- lities fur transportation. The favorite a id the most important of these is the enlarge- ment of the Welland and St. Lawrence .!., u, penmt ve**el* suitable for both , ^ k navigation to pass through NAVHiAlll.lnV HCE4N HTKAMERS for a sufficient period each year to justify the construction of Uio railway. Tnns was Us way made clear. The entire route was demonstrated to be feasible, and it only re- mained that the enterprise of man should proceed to develop it. This stage having been reached, and pend- ing the operations ot a com piny that was chartered some years ago to build the rail- way, the public mind turned to the consul i i \i * i i . U CO* 1 1 *>U* 1 i **. M **,*- Prussia Minister of suclniMtical affair*, with ., ut breaking bulk, an.l thus to establish public fducat.on and medicinal atfairs. | unint^rupu-a communication between the A telegram from Mr. Charles Kmory bead of Lake Superior and Liverpool. This Smith, who is in Russia directing the relief w . m |J practically be making ocean ports ot measure* for the famine sufferers, states jf or t William and Uulii that relief will be needed until June. A Paris journal declves that a bo ly of AnarciustH has b*on discoveied by the police who intend using poison instead of dynamite to carry out their aims. Gen, von Alvcnsleben, who w*s in com iiiaml of the Third Army Corps during tho !> ui o Prussian war, died on Tuesday in Berlin, aged H.'l year*. It u reported on good authority that the _ th, and would doubt- Feas have a most beneficial influence on t he quest lun of rates. Independent railway communication between Winnipeg and l>n luth is a feature of this ambitious and pleasing scheme. The adjoining North western States of the American Republic are taking lead iu the agitation for the ENI.ARilF.MKMT or Tll ' AMIS. finding tho toll on their products, notwith- standing the keenness of railway competition ' ' -'-- '---- of . IIARAfTKR OK TIIK i HINTIIV differed from the actual truth. But this is of consequence now only a* tendini; to cor- rect an impre&mm that ha* been doing the country an injustice: it i* not expected , v .,,. hi. I r.*r than a tar 'regard for the labor Czar has had ,t serious quarrel with his t .. brother, the Grand Duke Vladimir. who the farmers will warrant. The inflnvnce that these are bringing to bear on the National (Jovernment ha* already produced i 1 .* effect in respect to the Sault canal and the deupen- :ig of the river channel below ; but it i ill prevail to the extent of compelling the of a more comprehensive policy Is to doubt. Wi.ut has resigned all his offices, intending to live abroad. The excilincnt in P;iris over the recent dynamiteoutrages continues u> increase, and il~ / I- a l_ A L. ' the feeling against the AnarchisU i, very bitter. The police ai-e making extraordm- ary exertions to bring the guilty parties to justice. Franco has refused to apologise to the British Government for the arrest of Mr. Pi. pin- and his In. tber at the Autcnil races on suspicion that they were Knglish pick pocneia. Mr. Whilelaw K-id, United States am- bassador to Kran.-e, was banqueted by the American colony in Paris the other night open ~ j j . . the Canadian Government may be indu. >'! to do, toward* meeting the wishes of our own people, can only be a matter of conjee lure : but in view of the already large public debt and of the growing demand for economy in all branches of the public service i* at least doui^'ul whether the country will be in a hurry ,. undertake the expenditure of so enormous a sum as would be required to provide unbroken prior to his leaving for the land of the Stars ' mi vigation for serviceable freighters be- and Stripes. I tween Lake Superior and the Mersey. The Portuguese traveller. Carruago and i The advantage which would reult Kilos caught an Arab slave-hunter stealing I. .1(111 natives from Mugo, on Lake Tang wore killed and the to the Northwest as a consequence- of bring- ing ocean navigation within such convenient reach as Kort William, would be incalculable and it is one which there is great reason to hope the future hai in store for it ; but it will come by stages, or degrees, as the en- largement of the Welland canal has been progressing during the past few years, and according to the resources of the public re anykik. The raiders natives liberated. In the Lower House of the Prussian Diet the other day, Count von Uulciiburg an- nounced that tho Government had deter- mined, on account of the opposition with which it was receive.!, to withdraw the Primary Kdn.--iti.ui bill. This statement was greeted with mingled cheers and hisses. Referring to the recent political utterances of a priest, M. Lou bet. the French Premier, said if the existing laws did not suffice for . - , the purpose of preventing lh pulpit being ' pressing for it, for in these modern days it turned into a political trihune, the ( iovern- only ? h"" who a*ks is Risen, ment would close the churches of offending ecclesiastics. A disgraceful fii'ht-, more resembling a niunler than an affair of honor, took pi. tee recently in Coblenlz. A merchant named Wtinmann met Lieut. Salisch, and accusing him of undue intimacy with his wife struck him on tlie head with his cnne. Tho officer drew Ins sword and killed the meidi-nt. ng venue. The people of the Northwest could wish for a more speedy KF.AI.1/.ATIOX OK Til* BENEFITS, to follow so vast and important an enter pri/.e, and they will be wi not to But whatever increases of improvements may lie made in respect to eastern outlets for the Canadian North west, the supremacy in public interest and importance will remain ( with the Hudson's Bay route : it will hold that settlement in those regions will keep pik.:e with that of the prairies, although it is not unreasonable to suppose that a rail- way may work a wondrous change even there within a few years. It is too much the custom to regard a railway to Hudson's Bay a* merely afford- ing an outlet for thu product* of the North eat. No thought is taken of the immense riches of the Bay iUelf and of its v%sl re- gions, all capable of profitable development. Of the metallic ores, mug iclu iron is known to exist in large quantities in the vicinity of ('heyi.-i.i.-ld Inlet : and hcrnmtile in bands, usocialcd with sandstone and shales is found on Long Island, near tho east main coast. South of tho Bay, in the direction of Like Winnipeg, a large deposit of granu- lar inugnetitu has been discovered. Trace* of copper pyrites have been found on Long Maud, and also on some of the Ottawa Islands, the new name given to the ^rnup, long known as The Sleepers, lyniK well over towards the east mam cuast, and about a day's sail south from Mansfield Island. This was a lilwrty taken by the officers of the Alert expedition of 18X3, for what reason, especially considering the in- appropriateness of the new name, it is .iilti cult to understand. Band* u! dry bluish- gray dolomite, '.'."> feet tin. k. have been found at Little Whale Kiver and rti.-hmund Gulf, on the east coast, containing galena in the form of branchen, some of which would weigh lie >.... .1 la t.,.-li Mr. Hayeed had come to the city to sec the sights. Among the ninny limits that. attracted his notice wus a doctor's sign which ica'l : " Dr. Jones' office. Between nine and twelve. " "Office, eh?" Well, I swow to goth 1 ' ejaculated hi*. " So they keeps doctors on in this village, anil lets 'cm oil only be- I ween nine mid twelve. Won't that in ike M in. U'H eyes stick out when 1 tell her on it:" order of things, to go into tho pockc* of tho producer. Going farther west and north- west this advantage is conc.'.ixiii'liiigly iii Te l.Jii. In K.-i nil .leased. Kegina is 1 ,7* ' miles di.U i:il from Mrs. Gramercy '' As you wished to see Montreal by rail, and it is less than VlK) him on business, I'm very sorry my bus- j miles distant from Hudson's Hay ; it band's out of town and not likely to return ' 100 miles nearer Hudson s Bay than it is to for a few mon tli!-. " I Lake Superior. Prince Albert is n n .1 Mrs. Malaprop "It's provoking, of to Hudson ' Bay ai it is to Winnipe course, but I should n't allow mysolf to f... I ihe same of K.linonton. In the <*, of iiisappointiid. You would IK- surprised to ' Kixma there is the Having of KM i-. kn ow how many personsare away from home railway haul, together with the lake, ,M L|, UN) pound*. That at Kichni.'ii.l was I'oui.d to contain 1'J.KI ounces of silviw 'o the ton. Silver has also been found NBAH TIII MOI I U ofCreat Whale River. Banks of gypsum from 10 to 'JO feel Ik, -,'h occur on liolh sides of the Moose Iliver , the upper purl is mixed with marl, ant. only the lower h.klf consist* of solid gypfMn, which is mostly uf a light bmish-gray col-n ; a small proportion is nearly white. A su-ilai .le posit is reported to occur near the f.:>re of James's Buy, between Moose Factory and Foit Albany, an. I it has been found on t!w Ottawa Islands. Mica ol no-id quality k found on the north side of the Strait, speci- mens of which hava been carried to the coast by Ksqunnaux an. I shown to passing ships. The natives believe the discovery to l>e a valuable one, probably from lit* eager manner in which the H|>eciineus hnv been examined, and when axked to indicate tho locality, they reply With a vagueness whioh would excite the admira'ioa of a civili/ed miner. Graphite kt also reported to exist ill the warn* region, and asbestos has been fnun-i iilli! Whale i:i\eraud on the Ottawa Inlands. These are the principal imnePkl .ii.icovenci thai n.iv.i been ma.ic, nearly all ol them by Dr. Robert Bell, Assistant Dir- ector of the Canadian ecological Survey, whose explorations in those regions cover a i iiboi.t twelve yeirs. The bay is rich in .salmon, seal, porpoise, whale and walrus. ( 'o.l have not I n met with, so far a. known, although the favor- portatiou from the head of Lake Superior to ; u < oo ,i (> f tnat ^ h t | lc ^,,1,,,, louml in Montreal. Whether that saving shall bo greal ,i! mil ,| lu , cl .. |<ock ....1, an intermi one, two, Hvo or ten eits on every bin hel ,,..,,,, | mv ,. i,,.,.,, ,!<,. j,, J amcs of wheat, it, will be so much in favor of the ft | b*UtTad by mai 'hat the orthodox northern route and ought, in the natiirnl co ,i f rci) .,, n ,,. t i,,', | M>i , i H .hot suci gth. nc-1 by the tact that tht-j- come insr the Stunt in the tielil against all rivals. This will be en- tirely owing to geographical conditions, agamtit which no enterprise however great can successfully compete. Taking rlminlon as the main central point, of the wheat pro- ducing urea of M tintolm. it will practically be as neur to Hudson's liay as it U now to Lake Superior. What this means iu favor of northern route, will instantly be seen lien it is reini-inlieie.l that .1 port en tho Nelson Kiver is as nour Liverpool O.H Montreal U. There will be a saving of the cost of trans- large aumbers. A UainnulHX iii' I .le.-tn [ T p .vo|.rth to t fll , Oil. m-d uow, taking the gold cure." -[Life. (and Codling to the hold clerk when ho register .,i lit. -i his visit " l l! li.-r -i, ic,' " tha I am the son of an Knglish dnkc, Joncber know." All rijit." 'eplii ,1 the rler.-., " ' v;i't l> frnid. I'll not f\|i,me you ,f you ke^p , | "ooj-d piinl .1 weak in a/