Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1892, p. 2

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THE WEEK'S NEWS. OoJUMal Sudbury it to he incorporated. The Klynn nickel mine in North Hastings haibeen \alued al f 100,000. .Mr .lohn Blewelt, one of lhe oldeti merchants of Napanee, died si.ddenly last wok. lUt Portagcites are greatly excited iver an alleged discovery of gold in that BJs4hM*> hool. So far$4..VX> ha* been subscribed toward* lhe proposed Sir John Macdonold memorial in Hamilton. There are .T.' applirantt for (lie petition of general manager of the Winnipeg In- dustrial Kxhibition. A petition has been presented to Parlia ment asking that Lake Sitncoe be stocked with bass. James B. Stacey, a Hamilton mattress maker who cut bis throat last Monday, baa died from his injuries. The Manitoba legislature, it is expected, will giant 25,000 for an exhibit at the World's Fair. The''. P. II. land department at Winni peg sold IIOII.IIOO worth -,l land, mostly to actual settlers, during February. From January 1, INfK), to June .10, 1X91, 2,637 Chinese immigiants entered Canada and paid f 131,000 to thu revenue. Collingwood rate payen on Monday voted almost unanimously u spend $l. r >,(JOO for the purpose of dredging the harbor. Iti* U-hcvc.l in Kingston that the con- true! ion of the proposed railway bridge to ('!> Vn c-nt will suou be commenced. There arrived in Montreal on Monday on their way to Manitoba and the North-West 120 immigrants of a superior class. F.iiftagements for carrying grain are re- ported fiom Montreal at S. to Liverpool and <!la>gow, and 3s. 6d. to London and Avonmouth. Hugh McDonald, who cariied on business in Kingtton during the war of IMJ, dn <1 in Fit/roy Townthip on Saturday, aged Hi.'i yean. Mark Dyer, late of lhe Core of London, hat ju.t die 1. a;ed H'J. He was a tint cousin of On. lieu Butler and wot born m Uiicbec province. Dr. Keating, one of the l t known medi" eal men of litielpli, died while silling in a chair in his office on Saturday night. Heart disease. Sampson the American " strong man," is being tried in London, Kng. of i lie It. on charge Ceorge Woodyat Hatting*, M. P. for W orchestershire, liaa been tentenoed t<> five yeara at hard labour, tor embezzlement. The Prince of Wales anil I'rinceai Alex- andra of Denmark lave been married 1!9 years. The County of Westmoreland, Kag., has been declared infected with foot and mouth .Use. Prof. John Cairn*. 1>. U, L L. 1)., ot the United Presbyterian College in Edinburgh is dead. Mr. John Dillon, the Irish Nationalist, fell on an icy sidewalk in Dublin last week and fractured bin shoulder. Mrs. Oiborne, charged with perjury in the Hargreave jewellery case, has been sentenced lo leu mouUis imprisonment at bard labor The leaders of the Oppoailion in tho Rug- lisli Hume of Commons hsve decided not to take any action iu the ISeliring Sea uiatt r for the present. The fanners in county Tyrone, Ireland, have sustained severe lowes through tho heavy tnow itoims that have prevailed there. Thousaud* of ahuep have perished in lhe mountain... litland Francis Morltnd, the Oxford tutor, lost week pleaded guilty to blackmail ing members of the m.bilily, and wan sen- tenced to ten year*' penal servitude. A* Moi laud i* now 65 year* of te this u equi- valent to a life sentence. The I . ii..|<in m d.ty Review after refer- ring lo lhe " iuevilable impertinence of the American*," goes on to remark that the simplest way of scllliui( the matter wmiil be to throw the responsibility for breaking the treaty on the United States and an uouncc Fnglacd'sintenlijn of protecting the sealers. Mr. John Burnt, the London lalmur leader Mr. Lathrop Cooke, of Lewiston, paid a vitit to Suspension Bridge on Tuesday, and during the ilay went down to the Niagara river bank ostensibly to view the rapids. Me hat not tince oeen aeen, and it U sup- poaed that he liat committed tuicide. is I.KSKILAI.. The Czar's birthday waa observed with fettivitiet at St. 1'etertburg on Wednes- day. Kmperor William it confined to lied. Hit phyaiciaot aay he it suffering from a alight cold. I'rof. Stevenberg, the eminent Daiiith specialist in diseases, died Utt Sat- urday iu Copenhagen. Tiiera have lieeu 230 death* from typhoid A in I HIMIKI IW CKMTBaL 1 1 UK i. OBC r Ike Weallklesl * "' >' .. I. nrr !! I" Jala 1-MlM. The cable deapatchet have announcad tint Or. Finsch intends t ) enter Africa with a ttrong force, for the pur pore of joining Kiiun I'aaha and aiding him iu hit enterprises. Dr. Finsch it only '!"> year* of ace, of medium height, and strongly built He hat made long journe>t in South Africa, Chili, and Peru. Kin scientific specialties are botany and oimthology, and he it one of the few very rich men who are devoting their live* to science anil undergoing many privations and aitcomforts in their zeal to make dis- coveries. The lari'e expedition he is fitting out is destined for Lake Albert and Wadelai, where Knim is supposed to be now. fever in Villa Ltrdo, Mexico, within the Early t | 1HJ ,, Jjr. Kintch wan to have I order to last few days. Great distress prevails among the work- ing claisesof Lubon and J,he situation grow, worse daily. On Xeptemlwr 22 Franee will celebrate the lOOtb anniversary of the founding of lhe tint republisr In Polan.l lircn billeted on lhe inhabitant* prevent revolutionary plots. It i* reported Belgium will invite all lhe powenloacon'creuoe to arrange some action against the Anarchist*. The (irand Duke Ludwig IV, of Hesse DuniKtadt, husband of the late Princess Alice of Kugland, died last week. At Rangoon a Dacoit prince and five other IMTMIIIM who participated in a gaol revolt have liecn sentenced to death. Twenty armed men made an atlempt on Saturday to raid the City of Almagro, ir. Spain, but were repulsed by the gendarmes. Several Russian Ministers asked the C/ir to place Count Tolstoi under arrest for pub- lishing letters about famine. The Czar re- fused. There has been further frontier fighting an audience with the new Khedive, Abbas Pasha. He hoped at that audience to gain the favor of t he young K lie live for his enter- prise, and if no, to start from Malindi, a little north of Mom'oana, on his way to Kmin early in July. He intends to offer th* com- mand of his expedition to Major Von Wiss- niaiin. With the Khedive's consent he will who will carry small bore and magazine rifles. He has bought four tame tlephanta for $5,000 each in Bom- bay to carry the guns und other heavy bag- gape. Thu expruiw* of his expedition will be enormous, and he will bear the entire cott hin-.telf. He it well able to do that, be- cause be it worth several millions of dollars. On reaching Kmin he intends to place his expedition at the service of that leader, and to co-operate with him in any project Kmin may entertain for the developement and welfare of his old province. in MH> u i CBEAT mi i r iv Am I'tiavallltiz Bra.irl fr s CklBese on Ml al HUUK lioa*. Several months ago the Imperial Chinese (iovernment forwarded a request to the British Foreign Office, that a Chinese usui should be allowed in Hong Kong, Sue* lireat Britain obtained, the condlsiou of this Itland in 1*14, the hat rigorously en- forced her own laws upon all citizens of htrown dominion! and upon all Chinese subjects who remained upon the island. The inland was several years ago made a Crown coloi.y , and a separate (> overnor and Council sent out from lioir.e to rule i', the previous military government being dune away with. All tho civiiirenl nations) of Europe and our own country m-nl consular lepresentativea to the new colony of Hong Kong, to look after the interest* of their respective coun- tries. China, having ouly shortly before ceded the island to Oreat Britain, did not think it inrun.benl upon I.ei or even advis- able to establish a Chinese consulate, and thus the Chinese subject* living in Hung Kong have remained under the English law*. The foreign ] opnlatiou of H -ag Kong, exclusive of the military and naval garrisons number* about I2,UUO, and the permanent I'hiiu'-e population more than 'JOO.UOO, and to this might )>e added about '.25.000 living in bouts and engaged in trading with the fort* in junks and sampans. The Chinese element has always been unruly and mure or less riotous, and the military garrisons have been kept in a state ready to enforce the civil laws. Several formidable uprisings have -done the British ofncialt the necessity of retaining this part of the population firm- ly within the scope of both the Knglish civil and military laws. The granting of the request was in consw- Hrliriii;t Kea Mealc An Inn-Iran Vletr. iKroin the Boston Herald) The teal fitheriet treaty, which the Uni- |quenoe" violently opposed by the foreign tr.l St ites Senate now has under consider*- ; press throughout the East. ' tion, has to be, or should be, treated entire- ly distinct from the correspondence that say* that the Lilierrl* have a great chance in the Lutbii country against the British. "s taken place between the KnglUh govern of seizing several seats held by uniting the ( Four Sepoys have been killed and six wound- , meut anj our ut * ueparlmtjnt, relative to labour and the Liberal vole. 1 lie people of London, remarked Mr. Hum., do not care a straw for Irish Home Kule, but they do care for social reforms affecting the well btu:g of Londoner*. I'MTED STATKS. Senator Morgan lias introduced a Cana- dian relationa bill in the ('. 8. Senate. Buffalo's |K>pu'ation it placed by census enumerators at 2NO.OOO. M. McDonnell has been ap|x>intcd bishop of Brooklyn, N. V., by the Pope. The entire village of K'lgar, in Marilhion The (irrman steamer Messina foundered olT the Sciily lalands during a recent gale, aud only one of the 22 men* on board saved. An investigation is being held at Valpar- aiso into lhe death ot another American sailor, said to have been caused by the brutality of Chilian police. While Ititliopllaaparitsch was celebraling tbe extension for anolher year of the mod us vivcndi which expi-es by limitation on the lint of next May. The two matten are en- tirely different, and opinions may vary re- specting the merits of on* or the other of those two distinct issues. As to the treaty it seems to u' aud He say this at a news- paptr that has urged tune after time for the last ten years, that is, since these seal " ing (xpeditions *int started, that this should I" made a subject of interna- It objected to the establishment of this at a precedent for future cases which might ar se aa foreign posses*:" ;i and inteiests increase in China and other semi-civilized countries. The British Foreign Ottice realized fully the gravity of the alep and its probable bearing upon British trade m China, but unwilling to run the risk of offending the Chinese Kni|>eror by a retusal, and at the saiie time desiring to conciliate the feeling* of the foreigner! in the Kast so far as possible, decided to frrant tho establishment of the consulate for a period of one year ; ml at th* end of the lime to with- draw the perniitsion, if matters were found .. i . j .- , iL . , . * maiier BIIOUIII \w miuie a sunieci 01 inierna- i uiaw vnr LH.-I IIIIMIUH, u inaucr* were lounu mass last ; Sunday in the cathedral at Agram t|onij .j.bnu^^h,,, the 'rauficalion of not to be satisfactory to the colony. Thi. Austria, he wi* struck with paralysis and . . ,,. ., , , . , ; The t'ana.1 an Pacific railway aiithorilie" ' county, Wia., hat been wiped outhy fire. Mr. Wiiiani, state superintendent of edu- cation in Kansas, was formerly a brick- Kyer. The New Vork Ilopublican State Con- veiitiun bus en lotted IVrsident Harrison for rleny the statement that the company in ten >d liuiMing a line frnm St. I'aul to Kegmt. A new telephone company, to be known a* the Montreal Telephone Association, bat been formed in Montreal for the purpose of reducing ratet. Mitt Annie McTorma-k, formerly matron f the Children's Convalescent Home at Ot- tawa, was found dead in her room at the \Vn.d-or Hotel there last Saturday. A colored man ran amuck m the itrents of Toronto on Sunday and fired at everybody he met. but fortunately without hitting any- body. He waa finally arrested. Mr. II 1*. Dwifrht't appointment president of the Great North \\V,teiu Tele raph ( 'ompany in tiicceiitioii to Mr. ('rastut Wiman, n-iik'iied. hat yivn n*ncral satis- lation in telegraphic and Imtinena i-irrles. TI.e Cuns/lian Inttittite on Saturday '! ptrd a petition lo the Dominion UOV.TII iiient asking that a law be paarnd rn|iiii ing all peach tre*t imported to be accompanied by a clear hill of health. Three of the I'nion Steamship Company's steamer* are tied up at Vancouver, 11. t'., the engineers and firemen having Iwrn call- ed out by the local union. The trouble is alum I wagel. Civil rervioe employet will have from now on to pay postage on private correspondence, and persons sending letters to members ot the seivice at Ottawa must also pay. Frontenac Poultry Association will mak* an exhibit at the \\ orld's Fan. About WIO Ontario people left the I'nion Station Toronto, on Tuesday night to settle in various parts of Manitoba and the North- west. Mr. J. H. H. M ol*on, one of Montreal's wealthy citizens, has donated ."Lli.crfio to wards the Chair of Kngliili Language and Literature in Mc<iill Cmvenity. It it expected that the Prohibi'ion Com- mission, of which Sir Joseph Hickton it chsirmoi), will meet in Ottawa in about a week or ten days. Mr. Peter Chevalier, uinely years of age, was crossing the I. mud Trunk railroad track at Stoney Point, near Windsor, the tilhcrday, whon he was struck by a |>aaaing Irani and fatally injured. Mahlon A. Swartr., who rrnided two miles S"i, id .! of Lambeth, dm., sufirat ed his l.-lbes with < oal nil .Saturday aud then set lire to them. Ho was burned almost to a crmp. A petition was presented the other day in the House of ( 'nininonii from the two (.rand daughters of I,aura Sevord, the Cana- dian beioiue of IHI.'t, pra)ing for tome pro- vision for their old agn. The Axncnlture and Arts Association on Monday resolved to recommend the appoint ment of a special commiakioner for Ontario at the World's Kan, and to subscribe $10,- (100 towards the erection of i building for show purposes in Toronto. " Prince" Michael, of Flying Roll fame, turns out to be a native of Canada. His lather wa* Kev. Thomas Mills, llaptmt, who took up land in Ysimoiith township, Klgin eoiuity, in the early da\s, and was a most estimable man. A Kidgelown ditpatch uyt Jamet Page, when swallowing a raw ngg the other day, gulped .I.. n along with it the top of a pep per castor, whirh lodged in the larynx. The holes in I be cover allowed him hi breathe mill il' ti'is rished out the obstruction. fell senseless before the altar. The Constantinople police have known for same time that there was a plot to aasaimn- ate the Sultan. Last Sunday two men were arres'ed who are bel'eved to be io the con- spiracy. >his treaty foredooms the United States < information wo* communicated lo the re-election. Three n'groes charged with murder were taken fiom gaol aud shot by a mob in Shel by i ..i.niy, 1 1 mi. The Kentucky Legislature has passed a The Dlifaare I* Ike Can. government to a defeat on its main conten- tion, and this, as it seems to us, for no other reason than the desire of the present secre- tary of stale to put the nation behind him in the maintenance of an untenable posi- tion. We have from the first intisted that the maintenance of this important seal indus- try (and the witer of this having passed ('hinete Kmperur, and after JueoonaideratioD by the Imperial Cabinet, was declined and the request for the consulate promptly with- drawn. The Imperial (iovemment consider- ed it beneath ita dignity to appoint a Consul on probation, and aa the British Foreign Office penisted in the limitation trial of on* year, China refused to make the appoint- ment. One ctnnot do otherwise than Many readers of the CVw;x>nion may have . ^ een the transit of Venus in IHHii, when th* **" monlll U P U lhe .*' 'nds in be- aprove the dignified conduct of the Ch earth's beautiful sister placet, moving in its orbit exactly between the earth aud the sun, appeared upon the bright disk of the hiring sea 11 in a position to speak with , Government in this matter. The nrranjie tome degree of personal knowledge upon ment with regard to Hnng Kon^ wai one of bill prohibiting lotteries of utj kind in that latter in thu ahape of a round black spot- a tale. i world in silhouette. Although almost ten (inventor Urown.of Kentucky, hassigned ! year* have elapsed, astronomers have hard tho Lottery Hill which inslie* dealing in the ly yet completed the compulations and din tickets a felony. New Jcney peach prophets piedict an- other big crop this year. The simmer* in the Star mills at Middle- boro', Mass., have gone on strike against poor pay and liard work, The Boston Waiter's Alliance will go on strike because two hotels have ordered their alters lo shave off their brsrds. At Titliii, Ohio, on Tuesday Walter A. russions rco/iired to give us the best possible this subject) is a matUr of international quit) rathtr than of international law ; that to hate our claims to the exclusive con- trol if these fisheries upon the shadowy transfer of an archaic right to Behring sea alleged to have been possessed by the Rus- was know ledge of the sun '. distance that can be,"!*? ."""">. " * unwarrantable derived from the observation, made at thai ! h '' l "'8 ' ." ""' f m-'-jo and incon ,,,.. | elusive ui it. character aa would be claims Prof. Anwcr. ha* recently published the 'V**'? *' "'* P re *' nt '''X " P "***'. 0111 . . D results of the observations made by the Cer ' ll wil . lcll .. re tej . olly those half conoessioni which are more pro- ductive of 'hssatisfactiun and ill feeling than would have been s total refusal. There are many cases in which it is virtually impos- sible to grant to China the full privileges which we allow civilized nations in general, because we hold her customs and law* aa barbarous. If China asks these privileges th; best course it lo give a decided refusal, snd thus end the matter. What the future effect of this breach of man astronomers during both the transit of "P"" the uthori/ati.Mi of the Pope given at friendly diplomatic relations bet ween lireat INS" and Die nravions transit of V'.t the time of the dicoverie* of Columbus. I Britain and Chin* will amount to, cannot be Sn lyilt-r, Co. 's confiileiitml clerk in ay \\all .r. M. . Nay lor haul ware ttoro, thol Iwo of his em- I'lo \ ert, Kdward J. N'aylor and Bin ton W. Crobaugh, ami T. \V. Downey, a fellow- clerk, and then killed himself. There is evidence that, in view of the in- creased traffic which will result ueit year from th the rai IHS'J and fie previous transit of Venus in 1*74. After carefully c< inparing the meat uremenlt made on the two occasions, and correcting as nearly as possible all lhe known error*, he finds for what it known as the sim't parallax H.KSir. This simply , urB " ""!""', '" meant that half of the diameter of the earth ""'*" " as aeen from the tun would subtend an The five poiiut contained in art. 6 of the ! foreseen. The pride of tho Chinese lias treaty that is (I) What excluaivs juris- | been seriously wounded, and should an diction did Kussin pusses* and assert? ('_'( ' occasion arise by which this fancied injury How far were tlu-ic claims conceded by may be returned, China will not let it pass. Oreat Britain* I.'!) Was the term Pacific j The reluaal t > grant the coun.nlship hat), ""ty ' 1*J3 intended to 'however, greatly pleaawl the Chinese in- include llehring scar (4) Did not the ritfhts , habitants of Hong Kong who infinitely pre- f anulr of eight lecoudt an. I eight hundred and eighty one-lhouiamitht of a second. The distan.'o of the sun, a* indicaled by t " the uM1 P" 1 i.M What right has the . be A'orld's Fair, lln employes on all ! the parallax Driven above, ilway linen leailing into Chicago are TOO miles. But owing to th in 1S07? United State. in li< hring Ma outside of the ordinary three- ' would I* mile limit'- i be interesting theoretic organising with the intention of making adc- in tbeoti mand for higher wagen than they are at ed the. parallax in uncertain to the extent ,,[ present receiving. The bariju* Liberia sailed from York for Lilwriaon Momliy with SO n immigrants fron Arkansas. A Detroit dc*p.ttch says 1 1 women from iwmg to lhe probable errors "> n 'l"ms, bu t they are each aud all whol- ivat ions which can not becorred '* a " n K !" practicality. about one four hundredth part either way New "<> that the true distance may 1* as K real as ' egro !,W,7(IO miles, or as small as Ul,.s_".l,70o Toronlo i Klymg Roll disciples. I there laH week to join the miles. Thi* (ierman computation makes the sun's distance somewhat leas than has iii'mlly IM-I-H assumed in the recenl text liooks of astronomy. Other measures baaed on the Suppose that it could lie proved that Rus- sia did assert and exercise exclusivs juris- diction in Behring tea seventy yesr* ago, and that (irs.t Itritain recognized this in a treaty made in IHJ.V This would not prove , fuaal has tended lo coucilate this class of international right had been e:a the people, although at the expense of tbe good will of the Imperial Government. British rule to Chinese maladministra- tion and the extortion always practised by the official mandarin*. r*rol>ably the larger part of the Chinese populaliou of Hong Kong is com|>oaed of |>-<>|>le who have re- moved from * 'union and other cities to escape the yoke of Ciiin<*e government, and the prospect of a return to this by the establishment of a consulate was by no means favorably received by them. Its re Kven if Russia and England upon a certain course, France, (!er- many, Italy, Austria and the other nations l.i;> AT IIRITAIV. Tin K...I I of Denbigh it dead. Laid H.Miip.lcn. better known as Sir Henry B'und, formerly Speaker ol the Kng- huh Him e of < i. inn. i. in, is dead. The fitut meeting of lhe newly elected l.nnclnn l 'imnty I 'nun cil wan held on Tuesday. I'he Ci.iiniv wot orgai.ired by the selection l.y the (.literals of Lord Hoselieiy as chair- man. The I' K i |er. The roof of a paper mill near USchester, ' transits ol IH74 and 1SVJ have varied from "[ I|M> T r ' d * ou !^ ", ot . " hrW ' ^ if a11 N. Y., fell t lie other <ly, killing All>ert !l| .H.'id.lHii) mi:<-s up to 11.1. 12S.IKIO miles, the Caul and tenously injuriiig.Iolin Sheik. ! number generally preferred being about 92, A big discovery of gn',d qiitrt/ hss Ix-en ' 000,0(10 miles ; althonh the distance corr* made near ooltonwiiod Springa, east ot San Bernardino, Cut. Archbiihu|i IreUiul of St. Paul, Minn. , will be made the second cardinal of the United States by the Pope. mile* spomling to the parallax adopted for use in the nautical almanac i* about tf.'.tOO.OOO miles. At first sight it may appear *urj rising that there should be tuch wide differences in the various measures, but really the dif- Ihe rights contained in these five point*) United States, it would merely lead to the ti .uisfer of lhe sealing vestelt lo the flag* of other nationt that is, of (iermany, Italy, France, or perhaps Brazil snd the killing of seals would go on as buskly as ever. As a matter of fact, we do not lielieve international tribunal would agree that , e - A h teen-year o d yoloiire.l ,, I was | er encet are not as serious a., they appear , MrUI " " lt "" ml r 'K ht ,* " lgU><l ln B<h . rln mchea at Kvanville. La. mi Sunnav fnr , . i TL- _ i j. i /... .. I sea which were coinulctelv ^nlai*omstir tti I h - N ' i i.l li i i i. l - i It hat come to light that children with ac- cidental affections of the nostrils which grow cronic IMK-KIIIC stupid. All ill-working mucous membrane is enough to make a child a dunce. It may be that snuffbecame the rage iu Kurope toward the end of the seventeenth century becuiise it stimulated this member in the noses of august and il- lustrious persons. man of keen and Bonaparte, wl:o was a ptroapUo*, i<-\r lynched at Ryanville, La, m sea which were completely antagonistic to l chose, William Slat key, the .Urged jury briber and writer of Crnnin deicoy Idlers from Ca- nada, has sin rendered to the authorilie* in Chicago. Thomas llerklvy, a well-known archirlo- ?ist and art lover, dir<l on Saturday in 'hilodelphia. Hn collection of antiquities it a notable one. Prince .lohn Kobieski, a grandson nf the King of Poland, hat IMWII nrresti-d at Mount the course of every year, owing "" of the earth's orbit . do n li - " Ki.-.>, N. V. and wa;on. .hargetl with stealing a IUM.-.C u' i ' . 'I K'linhnrgh will confer . >r I.. L. U uo Sir I'hitrlas Tup Mrt. Sarah Altbea Terry, of San Francis -o, wife of the Isle Judge Terry, has bten committed to the lunatic isylum in Stock- ton as insane. (trace M.Kinney, ai. opera singer, and I!, v. W. K. Stearley, were married in ( 'love- I. mil on Wednesday night. The bride was on her death bed at the innr. A train of 2.1 cars, containing 12,000 bushels of shelled corn, has been made up by citi/eiiiof Bliioniinxton, III., for ship- ment to the Russian famine sufferers. The widow of lhe late Jelferson Davis has |.iuiii(hi mil lo n i ut t i from the Belford Piililiihing (V $4, (KH in royalties on the lx>ok of memoirs written by herself or her isbaiid. Fred. ,1. Hamilton, atone tims connected willi the Canadian press m Toronto KM I Montreal, ix>nlracted typhus fever in New N ork recently while visiting infecteilhoiises, mill died on Monday at Mm th Brother It- distance in to more thsn error in question, and twice as great aa the difference uelween the extreme measures. n,. i.c-i ., ,i. r u r , , , . A living cal -uliting machine is making Parisian* open their eye. and ahrug their shoulders in ama/cinent. He is not a French- man, but an Italian, horn in Piedmont, and | *i"'.' seem* to u* that the tieaty ahould have j looked for. Trie with insufficient nose frankly stated, a* m a minor degree it does ventilation* was liable to get into the bin* in art. 7, that th* subject matter at issue i to loose presence of mind to have a hear- was the need of providing tome international head, and to take brandy to keep himaeA protection for the fur teal*, by mean* of up to the mark. which their existence could be maintained ; ' Manhal Ney had a poor nose and a weak lhat experience hadshown ih.t thealaughter character. ' of them by fishing cruisera was attended with great waste ; that it was impossible lo discriminale and that there named Jaiiiies limndi. When lie was a boy he antounded tlm good, simple countrv folk of bis native pUce by reckoning up their ac- iniintswithoul us of pen or paper and willi lightning speed. Then he set. out on his travel, and at every place lie stopped cre- ated * furore by mine feat of mathematics. But lie did n >t nave much of a chance lo tax his miud wit It lootings of hi. own fortuneii, until *>ill, the famous caricaturist, took hold of him in Paria, and procured him un en giigement in thu cafes chantants as a light- ning calculator. He i* being taken more se rioualy now; scientific men are speculating as to his methods, which he i. wise enougn to keep secret, and he is being likened to '.hat wonderful mathematician, in\entor and me, liamc, ('hailos llaggaqe, though the re ports of Inaudi's performances hardly justify the comparison. Inaudi's genius secmt to be wholly mathematical, and it it wonder- ful enough within those limits. Though he has no knowledge of algebra, and in fa t ha* nn education at all to speak of, he ha* no ililli.-nliy in mastering the most dit> ult Lyii-ition and in allcojinlioated problems. between the tex< was reason to fear of He was incapable of conceiving a plan and needed the *timulous of battle to clear the cobwebs from his brain. Mtssena, the most resourceful ot all Bonapate's mat - shalls, was large nosed. So was Bernar- entire extinction of the species dotte, the most clver in intrigue and the tin* method was continued. As least given to hero worship, tirambetta lhe parliet chiefly interested, both in tbe had a large nose and a tmall amount of and the prepai ing of those tkmes, , brain. The same may be said af the great- tin- representative* of the American and the e.t literary arti.t that Franco ever produc F.nghsh people wished to arrange with all of I c ,l - Renan. Jules Ferry is small brained the nalions of the world some form of mtr- , ami big nosed. Jules Simon hot a liia national protection which thould safeguard | brain and a big nose, and it tk- Ihit great and valuable industry. If the treaty had been drawn upon these primary line*, an outcome of tho deliberat ion might have been looked for which would cause no offence lo the United States, for reason and common sense are powerful factors in a dclilieration. As it is now, our contention is seemingly made to chiefly depend upon the piesent exiitenc* of a moos grown, if not exploded, national right. HI-MI > M. Stanley, the explorer, and his wife sailed on Tuesday for Kngland from Adelaide, Australia, The tempt" picture of a saint on iho wall of hit house with .m almonav. e populace at Knaco, Peru, has at ted to burn a heroiic who covered the all in all, one living Frenchman. of the ablest The I'riu -ess Clementine, whom I look upon as a woman of great capacity, has the large hooked noae of the seventeenth century Bourbons and t'oinlcj. [London Truth. The Legislature of New South Wales has approved a bill for the settlement of labour disputes by Courttof Arbitration. A committee of tteamhoal men U Mil- waukee has appealed io the United States district attorney asking that enjoyment of ( 'anadiant on lake steamers therv he pro- hibited. The attorney concluding that he was powerless to set in the matt.-r.the boat- men will appeal lo lhe soli :t,,r of the h-- tury.

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