THE fLEsHERTON A D VAN CE AT AGAIN, I nave now Kill my new premlwn fitted op and aia prei>ard to do all builnee lu my line wltb mul lieapatcli.aiidain in better poeltiun thaa ir to attend to the wanUof my euatoui- re. AKn.wInf buaint'aa inowa a (rowing eon- BwMM G et your boot. aud n on made at the wtabliahwentof W. N. 13 We tfuaJ-anled DON'T READ THIS. THK OLD RELIABLE Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co., y*ar* before the people. la 50 per cent rheap- er thau tin- nut cheapeat, and aa nafe aa the "t. Toe only purely Xannera' C..MI f lu line part of Grey. nimiU .tin tluO tor 3 yean in the hiurteiit lie Volley ilern lia> t-ver i % ' l>am inmirea |>an on I HoUl . at two tliirdt the actual talue.and Inraaeof loat l>a the full amount of the riak. V A DAYMAN. Airi-ut. - Walter 1 ! Fallt. Scientific AMriOM Agency for _^.JT, . TRADE MARKS. DiaiON PATtMT J COPYRIGHT*, eto. For infnrmatlaa and free Handbook wrtte to ML'NN * i n Ml HHOII w* T NBW Tna. OMeet bureau lor eecnrlnf patent* In AMrtoa. Verr patent taken oat by ue U brought before Ike public by a aotloa HUB free of chain a IB the Scientific American Irr et ntralattno of aay Menlleyi aer te i the worM. t-plodldlr illaeirated. No lntl)ynt uii ehoeld be wMkowt H Weekly M.wfa rear; II. kl til utootha. Addreea MUXNA OCX, rX-lllu, El Bruadwar. Mew Tgrk. CARD OF THANKS. The umltrdnDed daalrea to tbank tbe paople of Flealirrton and urroundin country for their very liberal pali-ouefe during tbe year 1801. and aollcite a continuation of tbe aauia Wiauint my patrone oue and all a proaperone year I reuiaiu .lot*. Nmlth, Bout A sinifiiiiiLrr. Fleiiherton. TO News MANY I desire to call the attention of the public tu liiu fact llial 1 have opened A General Repair Shop Bora. EVANS In .MI Tii'jra-lav.'lrrl init , tbe wife of B.C. Kvan>. of twlni, Loth Iwya. Married. TM()MI'h.)V KH1> ^At Klenbertoii on tbe itllil Hint., by tli,, Rev John WolK M A . IVjyd Tbotn|>ou, of r Itnlieru.u. tu Kwlly Keid, of Arteuiefia. HOMJNOKR-DOMKKTV At Der Ix>l,e, Montana, (in I'utjvlay. March lot. Mr T Hollin- cer. late at KIei,rW>o, out , to Mia Uay Doherty, of Deer LoJa. C In Position FOR- rilTI.RAPIING M.4 RVANB-In Pleaharton.on Thuraday Jr.1 Innt.. aruM, iufant auu uf Mr and Mr.. B. U. Evan*. Honor Rolen V FL.ICSHK.RTON. claaa Bert Arunlrong. Walter Blakler. -AND- Position is Everything < . v I .1 .1 : if v Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to pel taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. In cnniiiriiiiii witli tlie Woollen Mill, and am picparcd tu do all kiii'U of Iron & Wood Turning. I'm 'c i us iiiadi*. ;in 1 casting! got on hurt iiuih-i I liuvy not upace to iiifiiiinii n. ill tail the variety of work 1 can tio, but anytlnn^ you have in iron or wood Unit rn{iiiifK lirinu it to tli* FltfRherlou \vhiJ you may ili-pnnl on ^ vour work done neatly and rtnhntan- lially. Having emery wliueU kintaiilu f<>r --/V\V CilTMMIXCJ I will make that a special!)' for a fiw wc kn. Char^ci low, but tcrnm triciljr cuh. Voiim truly, W.H.FLESHKR W ^ T I C E I To ynmiK men I!I-MI i ii; tn learn tin- art i ' rmti'itf I IIHVP (Icciilcd n inxht Bolnxil for that pur jHit-r. tn c'liniiH ucc on tln> lirnt clay of Jnniwij.lintiiiK tbrongli lliu wiult-r iiioiithlt. 1 will ^'ilitraiitcu to Iruin any MIUI t >"IIHK "" in fn'i" one to twn riinntliH the nrl <t cutliiiK.HO that IIP will be thin to command from TtO to 40<lnllarH a week Balmy in any iii\ in Citna<U or I'mtcd Stairx. Now, fiinner'it aon, evorjlmdy, dun i mi -i iliJK K|'Iiiii'liil cli tniT. Yon will iifty in tin- city $H U und $50 for ixianl while U-uniMi-: to cut. I will niHkf llic- price in roach of every ymiiij limn. My lyntvui uf yanm-i.t (lie only niin|i|i lit lynti- ..... I nrtu^l iiii-aaiirriin-iit t-n-r |nilin-i il wliern - iMirc lku run be a|i|>liril In tin- ilrall. Aa t my lnlny aa an eini Hunt -..I',: culler I can i(ive tnti in. hi. n fiMin RIIIIII- nl tin- IcinliMK null in I'm. N.' i iinil I inlt-il Si ili-K, IIIIVIIIL' arrvi-il uli-iiL' ti-nii l (eM tailoring in Kii|:laiiil, III -ill lliil'irn VIMIM, li.ivln'.' taken inv ili| luiim u ik cntti-r n. I. u'l.'M, Kiiuliiinl. 7 yi-itra ,., I will ilufy miy cultrr lu Oanaila in coin|it. S|.r.-il U-nni willi Tailort tlmt navo )aleini that it. n't ]>r >vu Kiicceaaful All inti inlnii; tu l.iki- (lvi\nl.i','i- uf tin* |>lfli(lul i-liaiii ii wmilil do wi-ll in p.. HIP i-urly or r.irri-N|.ninl In- I will only Uku n Innileil iiuililwr nl |iu| ilv Adilraaa all litllere. to l'\ A.. IliiUff. Tailor. i)ox ' tys o i n Hound. Ontario. 10 Tlje Very 5Je^t I'l.AfK IN CANADA TO OUT A Thorough Jittiimu t.'ilucaliv*. Take a Hound Trip o^I.' u l',,i <",.IUt.-i anil Kara Strain. IV claxa. Sr. Alice Moore. Kre.1 Hiiroule. Mamie livattv IV. claee, Jr. Hart Kield, Florence Kicharilaon. HlaiK-ln- Hamilton. III. claoa. Hr. Jaa. Fit-Id, llelle lij' r.lru'n. Alfn-l M ...... III. cla. Jr.-Ailani Clark, litrt LarKi. t'lara Strain Hr. Vnd Lucy Klcliardou hlta Damuilc. Kiiiifntun. Jr. iiifl -Violet Lever, Juaie Blchardaoo. Hvunie Wilaua. V claM-llura McMillan, John M-l.., I. Martha llri..|.-r ,L. . . Julinaon. Walter Nlohol. IV claee. Hr -Hai it MrUillaii. Jamei Atkinwn, Klla llu>baii.l. I'-u-r McKeclnile. \VMIiam O. Wataon IV. cla>. Jr. Ktlibcr.. Oli|.baiit.Jmiie Mrl.ijiii Peter McArtliD , Donalil Cameroo. Katie McDonald. III. rlw.Sr -Willie .-v. Frank K-'ile., \^jm McMillan, \:ini- ilc .tl.lau. Jecinio ('oukny. Ill.cla-^Ir. - l^ouiwa Patterau-i, Annie Ji bi.n.u la la:trM>u.Uagi<i> UcLaoch Ian, alary K UtAiihur. W. J. HLAJUKTUH, Teacher. c.'iiinu rrml l)t.|>artuii-nt lu Canada, tben \i k it tin- N"rtln-Mi Itur IIICIH <'ollifit- ; eianilne every- t lili.i- tli'.i - '.i hi . If we fall lo |>roiluue> the moat thorough, uomplet*. practical ami eitn HIV*- i rMoffitud*; the Iwat c-olleite pienlaea I. h I I hi- t>..-t all. I liio-t ."Illpli-tr all.t lli""t null alili- I iiiniinii- in. I ali|.lianci*a. we will 1 1> you a full boorwn r'KKvl. For Annual Annouucv iin-iil, glrtnu full uaitnnUm. fire. a.Mreaa C. A. FLKMINd, I'IIIK l|iil. m win mm, ti k 11 (list liur. h. I l< -In rion T>rotm Hii'1 iimittU ninlilnK hi All it lirftarho^ h- , i'i-l lrli Niillit tt-inl.-.l f> |>iinptly mi't KMtUfA. -tl'Hl ,:iuii iiliti III (irlllli IIM Ii K hint- lii (i< t up III tfOtwl t\ Ii*, wtirl. cloth i* tivouytil I- > 'V<M1L I llUVr- !!> MwH-lirtHl ffOlll M*Trllin< <tf)tiiniMll tiittaKrii' > fur * uprlor lino -f or drf>(l COT.WU. A |nll .' Ul The Mai rii ( <>-iiio|n>ni..ii Klizabrtti l!i-lu i, whu rtct-ntly married a wealthy New Ymk lawjer, upeue ti.i- Manh nuiobir of tii Ciwino|ioliUn ai'h an aiiK-lt- mi tin- < I.II-KIII! Cathedral bi-auti(uily illustrated Iroui pniituKrapha. A I. mi H.i I eau, tlie x C'uuiul (iem-ral to Luuilou, c.iu iribntea M>UII- ^x-r> u al muimacvnoe* ol ,.UB of llit- granJ J.nm-n nl Kuglaud at wlwke) liouac he an -m 1. nary, under llu- I'll" nf Ntrttwurrry Hill uiul the Couiite \Valil<-gra\v," and girtd tlie Uttr hxlury ol Uir uvi.ule ii-pnli n.-i- ..( Huracu \Valp.ilc and in .li-Uiii-'Ui-lir I uwiit-r. Stiawbrrry Mill duriuR tlw n-tiinii- of tlw Cntinla> WaMrgiavr, wa IIH- rart of the cn-arji of K-I.I liali K.-i-i. l> . and Ueu. HaJt-au'ii article la full of iutTealinK peraunal anre<li>tvi anil ubevrvktiona on tbu manner ami *ouiU>tiiH of what i> cailnl auoii-ty in Kuglaud. Mr . Hi i of Mucknwr. i- <iiirlMii.m i-x IL.II inaot. aud friend uf Koyalty, contribute! a (.a|'r 011 Kit life when officer on tin- guaida,giTiu|( ii.rnleiitally much infi.rniati.-n ou the rualoiui of the crock Euxliah ri-i i-nt of a quarter I a erntury agn. M. H. de Yoaug. euuiniiaaioDer fur Ike \Vi<rlil't Fair frnm C-lid.i nia,hai a moat i>itere>tiug aiticle on ipiitunii, nkvlching thv biiUiry 1. 1 their ri-i .in I |>ri>Kre*aiTe dt-relnpnit'iit, and proving aa far aa bald Malitir can, that ih (Jiii< (- ' Hair will >urpa all |-n - C d j OQtf I'lif His .-C i:n]*-lV inn tine article ari- fiom |Htn of Harry Finn an.) adr<|iial<-ly din|'lay to the re>aiUn ul arcliiteetural glories of tbe Fair buil-miK*. I'atienco Stafceli.n'a nturr, "Tlie Trailing Yuw," ie coiH-livltil, Kill (Incur Kay AUiiu a|'|M-aiii with a ilelinhtfnllr ainiihinK ami anneal aketcli i-niitl.-.l. "An Archbi- ili..|.'a I'nvunnUil Mmnpnt." Mm Sn-'a Mi Mtuily it a iron) <>f cryatalliutd utiaratn>ii and culor. Cliirli-s E. L. \Viitijate iiirn uim f hit careful and pleaaant atudiea uf tlie limt-.ry of the ta^u in "Fair liii-viiii U|H>H tlie Staga." Tin- other |iapera in Una iiumlwr, an- "A in.-lit Wltb n Lci.ita.rd," a ino n.inu- aiivt-nlure in i'i-\l..n ; "I'nhlical Cevrtnon* i>f Tennitil," the great r.nti~>i.ii <! I'uncb ; am' a |ia|iT by tb Kititor mi th |irn> uf "Aerial Nava-.'atioii," wliiih tin- Ci>aino|nilitan haa aet m.-lf lo t..lte if it ran. The <le|irliunU are continued by I>r. IlaU aiid i .1.1 Bank from oiir utvn O The u. .iii Of the I.ub'.n Ue.llcal Coni|>any In now at Tor .int-i, Canada, ami may I.e < .inniilto.t i Hln.r In imratin or l letter on all curunle dlaeaaee p- nihai to man. Uen. vi.uiig. ..I.I ..r middle agod. win. fin. I tllrniiifllvi-* lii<rvou*.wi-iik au.l f&liauil ml. who art hrok*n .town fioio e|.->ei or oTer- M k. . .-- <i|. un; m MiftiiT t.f llie full.iwlug Mvni ptoini : Mental dfpntiMiion. prL-maiurn old tfe. lima of vitality, limn t<f memory. I. .it drraini, .limiiiuof night, palpitation of the hoart. tin- minni. lack of ,.iimv. pain lu the kldneya, liea.laclie, |)ini|ilt*M on the faro or |M>.|V, ItrliliiK illar Mniallon aeout ll-e aerotmn, walut IllH "f the organn, .lir/-.ln.., |MV km iM'fort. tlm eve*, twltohlnif of the iniiHolea, eye 11. In, ami ulMwhere., <le|itiltN in tin- HIM.. uaa of will power, tunderuefl of thn aealp AH.) pine, weak ami flalihy innnclea, ilralre to *l-i p. failure to be rratt-.l hy nli.p, txintttl|>atlt>n. .lull i..-. of LI-MI I UK- I'.i-n "f vol. r .li**ii(i fur Ht.lltutle. rv.'ltiiliilitv of tf liipoi. stinkrn i-\ri MI i (omul. > I wltll LK1DBK i inn .. .1,11, itv.aio 111 ajniptom* nf uervoua e'l-l.llitv that li-u.l i>. 1 1 an.) it.-Klti iinli-oii cnif.l The n|tHi>R or vlt.) lurrn Imvlm- I .-I it-t l.'ll>l..n nvnn fin..- tn >n wantiH i" ...... >|. i .. nt-e. '1 hone who through l.n^i- . i.intiiiti " tin iHtioraliro may In. I'L-rinan i-.l Si-mi your addrnit f..r ho..V on all . |>i-i-nli.ii to 111 tn It.iokn Ht*ut fine aoal- t-.l II. 'nit ilix.'it-..' |i,.i HI ni|. i.. 111, .,r whiuli are faint ipelU, pnrpl* ii|i, IHHK-I... palpn ,ki|. t...nti. hot HIIH|II.I.. nmli of l>U,o.l to tho Mill pniu in tli.-li-art with ht*at-t nlini<. rapM ami iritiuUi t l.i- .. t.inl heartbeat qtlti k. than tin- flii-i. pain at. out tin. hrcitut bowe, etc., .-an |. 1..- . ii. No rure, no pay. H. -n. I f.,. t... k A. I In ..M \ I.I'hdN, M Mao .I. .n.ll Are Toronto, i TJanlyW. HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloway's Pills and Ointment THE PILLS Purify the blood, correct all Uiiordera of Liver, Wtomach, Iv uli* v-. and Uowel*. i'bty mvii;. .rat., an 1 rotor to health l>fl>illtatl<ontitulion, and are invaluable In '. plLi,t inci loutal toFemaleeof all <e lor Children and the aged they art pricolew THE OINTMEM T aal.lallible reuieiijr for Had Uega. Had Itremat*. Old Wc-indi. More* and l/'lcen. It I* facioni for ( MI 1 Itlivumatiitiu. For Jliurdere cl the Cheat it bai uo equal PorSORK THROAT, 1>I!O.\ CHJTIS. COUGtiS, COLDS OUndulM.rHwollinKn.aud all Skin DlMaaea It has no rival; and for contracted attti etil Joinu it acts like a charm. XI tnufactnred only at Profeiaor HOLLOW ai'a BaULtiahment. 7H. Mew M,,r,i Street < late 533. Oiferd Street >. LontUa. odar**old atli. IJd. . ae. *!., 4 6d , II*.. 22 , and 3*. each Box or Pot, and may be bad of all II od l.-ini- Ven'lora throughout tbe World. ./uU look it Ou L.iM cm tkr Putt atul Bora. t, Oxford Strtft, London, 1} ttu addrett it not PirXTIMO. TKIMMING, HOKsr.SHoKINli, WnOD WOHK. Sheep Strayed. Htr*vil frrn tin- pr IU.WM of the imderi|{n*l atwut < h? itiii twn < WA thiMtp nrm one \nrnr i>|<l with iU>k <'. :mi|f Uil , Ilia othftr a whit* ht,!ii | nfni iiiMtii'h * to tli MI i whw>rot'"it| wtllhathni.kfi.1U nr.rirwl l.y IH\A SMITH, It JM 7lh -""i ArtHiiii'nla II ft t a Ut FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBER. LATH. 1JHINOLE8' JOB WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard s Carriage Works, FLESHEKTGN, ONT. rtCkVI! LAUD HOLI -KKM MOWBRS. 1IINDKR8. Our Waggonii the Best. r Beig(ie!i the Bent- (Mir Cutterii the Best. Our Improved Harrowa the Best. 8TBAW CUTTHRS, TUHNIP DRILLS, QANO PLOWS MISH and Masti r Stten, of Wit wan ouli t"\> <i-.lii|', are vi-.iun^ friuiiJa at Lady liank ami Fever.ham. Mi . Julian Uuvidson lia retiiriied to Nebraska 1 Ins was Ilia third visit in a f i w yearn. \\V arn glad to ec Ins Denial face and kindly smile. Tho' III' llBB I" i II 1"H;; ill tllO di 1111:1111 of I'nclu ISani, 1 lit-af lie lias iit-ver taken tlie nnili of allegiance. Ilia ln;ut evidently tin us to Ins niitivf flag, ai uiKgnul to the pnle. He dul nut lake In* brother back with him. Many of lliosu fritndi are glad to ee him retain a :'..'>.l incanrt> of In altli, and oontiniif in till iv nn>st useful post aa Krauze timiiu^er at Fi'Vt-rsliaii). Si-vt-ial of tlie n sitlri:I art' Raid to have had rnnrcis r.'i removed by the travelling Dr. Mcl'lirrsmi. A crippled and needy man w.n around lately. IIIMM:; received the emli.ifceim nt of u leaihli^ society mail. I'm his profiunty and Rgnnstio pn^- nacily rentier him not a desirable in- mate even for a night of any homo that lias a regard fur Uod and father land. It ii deninthle that (hone who move as Iniilris of uerret Hoeiitios should have f-iiiin tiling more than 'brother- liond" before they give thuir infuruia- tion. FORJ3ALK. That rtealrable farm oooipoMnl of lot iiortlihalf of 30, roil II, Arlviuusia. an. I lot I, ci.n la, Ouprey, la hurt.liy orToro-l fur M!I>, onri taliiniK ;<'.! aeroa more or li stone heaaa ........ n. ~ frniue kltoht-n, Lank bain. 40 I Ml, atabln, 17 i i. ipli'ti li.l |'i IIIK cr. t k botween home and Lain, and j;o l wall, almut 190 at-rra rlearnl and on 7" a niowt-r can b |>rat- el Raiy teiina to tlm rlnht man A KOIH! clianr,' will br ((Irf n. Apply ou the |>reinlaoa or Lady Hank P inarlfllin I VTHBWELLi The Safest AND moat powerful aUtcratlre it Ayer'l Sr .apnrlllu. Vounj and i.M arn ulio U.-uolitJ by iu use. For tbd eruptive dia. eaacs peculiar to chlldran nothing Uo is so eCectlve us Uii* mvtlicine, whllo It* agrcr-a- llo tlavor makea It easy to admio- later. " My little boy hod targe acn>fu- looa ulccnun hli neck an. I throat from vrhtrh he auffnred trrribly. Two ph.Tak-ians attendt-tl Mm, but ni>|rrew conilDiiallj tirs>u mi. In tlit-ir care, and everybcxly . ip'-rti'il lit- v.oulll die. I lleyl lirai'll of I;, ti :imrValil.- flirt-.i f (Tt-ctctl liy Ayer'l Stranpaiilla, nntl durltlrtl to liavo tnj It.y uv It. Mit.rtly after he began to t;il. > lint iiin'.ifliir, the ulctra com- itieiu-eil lii-nliiii;. ami, after tiding several l.IIlr^. I..' .i.-i t nlirrly riirni. He U) linn aa liH'liliv atnl ilrong oa any boy i-f hia UK*." William K. Dougherty, l!:mi|.1t.n, V.v "In ?.! lant, tnT j-ouopMt chili), fi.iirtri ii i: "Mil. t i.lil, iiruun to have aorct Rattier <ui Ita IIPHI! and botly. We ap- (illt'tl nfrit(.|i- K-mciliei witlicut avail. T.II- ..i-t iiifn-ai>ril iu iiiitnlier .mil <)lfwl:r/r.| > t.|.it>uiily. A pliynu Ian ill -I, I. ut the atirt-a coniiniietl to iiMiliijily mail In K few Ui.'inhs tliry Dorfrml tlioi-liild'8 head ami lnxtv. \l Irjit c l..-t;:iu tli uiw of A;i r'.i Sar- il>:iiilla. In a fi-<v ila\a a m.n I ,1 ' ..iiii-^i- f. r t.i.- I.- n. r waa tnunif >(. '1 In- ^. ...> H.~ -i.ti ' i ; ; M-- i.rui ii'.v condition, llu: tiini daii'i* \VI-IB prndimlly <iun>n- ulii-tl, nn. I finally rt-nm-d allo^i ;lu. Hi.' i '.iH. I in livelier, Im nkln la ti ether, anil i'< a|.|r.iu- IM-HIT 1 1 an we liave ob- -r\eil .1 r ininiiliH." I'rauk M. Giilttiu, l.i:g t'l'int, Tt-xoa. "Th^ f.irn.tila of AJTT'H rmaparlllt prweintM, lur rhronlo alMWiea <( i.lnn.t every klml, H'.- I'.-"! rrmulv kunwn to the iiir.ln il wurlil." n. M. \ViUou, M. l> ' Y i flyei's Sarsapariila, Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lewoll, Mat*. rYc. 1 ; rii tH.iilM, l. Worth t) a bottle. BICYCLES THK - S A Farmers ! Business Men I Everybody ! The nmlenlftned baa etartrd a new carriacej inauufactury anil repairtnc khnp lu Klabi*rton, where you cau get your repairs dune on thort notice autl on reanouable torn 1 !. Carrlftge I riuuiiin-. PaintiiiK. RepuirlnK. and ererythlnf in the carrlafe making UIM. One mi a call. Batiaf action (uartnte4 Shop orer McTavish'a Blmck- smith Shop. E. T. Hamilton. Fleaberton. 1U. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. : Thi. ORE AT OH'tlll t -i.'KK.tUi. Micoas- ful ( ON>l'Ml'TIltN I I UK, IH witliont pmalli-l in the bixtory uf uifdiciau. All drugKiata i>r-- aulli..n/.i I tn nil it ou a poci- tivi- guarantee, a teat uo t.thor core can Kurci'i-lully ataud. If you hare a Cough, S.TK Tbroat, or lin.nfliitis, uae it. for it will cure <i.u. If .Tour cliilit tiai th Cioup, or \S liix'imig I'ougb, use it pioniptlv.aml relief ia aure. If you draail that iimi'lii-m iliavaa* CONSl Ml' I ION, DON'T rtiL to will fun- toll ur eal notiiiiiK- Ask >..u I'run ftlitfoi SlIlLiills t t liK, PIUT in ctr, 0" ct aud 91.00. If v..iir I.UIIK* are oi>r* nr liack Uuie.ute Builoli'a Poroua I'ltutor. 26e. of "COMET" Bicycle LEIDS THE VAX. All the best riders in tbe country ride the "COMET" IT IS THK, STRONGEST. IT IS Till. KAS1EST lU'NNlNCi. IT IS THE LJGHrEST Fl L\. ROADSTER. HM.K1> \Vrni SOLID (TSIIIDN OU PHEUBATIO T1RK. Bend for Catalogue. Comet Cycle Co. 24 Adelaide St, Toronto. 'i'^A I ai- to ac> quaint the inlinbiunta t>f Flfuhertou and Biirrc'iniilniK' Ciniiilry tliat Le liai pnroliaaed the Kluur K.i.l at .1 (In-rery Stori', fi.'iu Kirliard I'tillar, wlitre he will f. 'tiiu ue ti. kii-p en tiaud a g<.tl iu|<vly of I 1...I.,- I lour, Ki<d an.l (ir. i-riien.iil Lowell l'i it-it, t'.'iuiity and Squire IVuliuK will l-e the order of tbe tlv at f| ! \Ve !io|>e that the Old will fi'ittiiiui- to patronize tu and a tpriuk- liug it uen- onra. Taken iu Trade. Plowes' and Forda' Flour Always on Hand. Wm. Henderson. Lands for Sale Farm prop*rtl<. in,pro I anil unimproved. rieehertoa P.U a...o .Ilia.. prop.rtlM. A,,n.y t.,