Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1892, p. 1

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\\ 1 "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL. XL, NO 55f. PLESHERTON, ONT.. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1892. W. H.THUKSTOH, EO ice WATCHS AWAY D O W N peville. From our OITM A meeting of the "Chosen Friends" ^rV0 will Ssll A 3 UNCE ' PEN FACE ' 8ILVERORE. SNAP BEZEL, WITH HEAVY, FREXCB- CUT CRYSTAL. WATCU. FILLED WITH A SPLENDID, 11 JEWELED AMKRICAN MOVEMENT, KEY WIND. K >R $4.75. WE WILL FORWARD THIS SPLENDID WATCH TO ANT ON RECEIPT OF THAT AMOUNT ARMSTRONG BROS. FLESHEKTOX WATCHMAKERS Jt JEWELRS. $ 2. O . O O ! TWO THOUSAND DOLLAES In Clothing, Boots, Shoes-Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, Furs. Robes, Groceries, MI'STbr turned into 4' by the i.iih day f May Cumr lune with yar Mwney * ^.-. ur- -...nir of iii- B W.TRIMBLE. DISSOLUTION H O It only took the simple sentence - " Boots to be sold cheap, 1 ' And last month they moved in earnest, but still we have a few pairs left of No. 3. Don't miss this chance to se- cure a bargain if the size will fit. Along with these We nave a case of Tweed Slippers at 25 cents a pair. Also i^ cases of as fine an assortment of Boots as ever came to Flesheiton. If you are in need of these goods you will do well to examine. Overcoats at less than Cost! is being held m the village to-day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Blakestou were visiting at Mr. Richard Parslow's. Miss Ella Husband sad Miss Jaue Porter are also the gaeati of Sir. Parslow. Mr. McCntcheon, principal of Hill- side Academy. has given up his charge, aud is to leave on March 17tli. We are aocrry it is so. as the pupils seem to like him. and in fac* we have uol heard murmuring from any quarter. The section has decided to build a new school next summer. Mr. GK>. Parslow is the contractor. The site for the new school is still a bone of c intention, but is. -we believe, to be settled by a re-voting npon the matter , by the rate-payers uext Tuesday. Mrs. McLean, sr.. has received a severely brui.-ed face, by beiug struck by a door winch was blown shut by a gut of wind. Mr Roburt Black, who for over two | mouths been a prey to la grippe, it slowly recovering auJ la able to by around a little. Messrs. David and Hamilton Allen, are intending to leave fur the United States soon. We leara Mr. Husband is going to M. K. church this week. We noticed Mr. \rchie McMillan coming m the village with a broken sleigh lately. Don t load is heavy next time Archie. Mr. Kidal gave the young folks around the opportunity of tujoyiug themselves in a social gathering. The occasion being the birthday of host, which only comes once in four years. Feb 9th. Mr. Cooper has rented tut farm o! the late Alex. Mol'nald. Mr. Peter Fettes shows signs of be- ing one i'f the most prosperous far- mers of i'rj'.on. He lias juit bought the farms belonging to Mr. Beatou and Mis Ciranaiu winch makes 500 acres now in his possesioo. We notice thtf man with the tin box going from door to door ing the pv.<p!e the value of their sessions and Low ranch teat niiinioipalu? requires tLis year. Mr. Henry Milner is taking timber for a woodshed. Miss Wilson is vi*itin<> at Mr. Mil nor s. In there uol a poesibilhly that she may yet share the benefits of the woodsluti ? that but from saw mill to south bank for 120. Last Sunday Mr. Sykes' hone got loose from tbe cutter and moat of the harness, and started on a tour of in- spection. He was caught before do- ing any damage. Mr. G. Miller and Mr. W. Holling- head have both lost heavy among their sheep through disease. Mr. Williams, of the Collingwood Bulletin, paid a business visit to our town last Saturday. Things are a dull in his line. Mr. Moore, of Owen Sonnd, was here last week looking up j'liors. We understand Mr. F. C. Bruce has purchased a hay scale. It much needed. Mr. R. T. McGirr's trotting horse, "Black Diamond." has been very sick Be is HOW about all right. is Our Pnrevillr Baden From <>nCT We have beard several fanners re- i mark that feed' is getting pretty scarce with them. If so the numerous stacks of last vear's hay will eome very nwfnl . No doubt hay will be a \ carte article this sprint as there has been a brisk and sfc>adv demand for it p all winter, consequently a large qnan- ' tit T has been disposed of at a good FUR PIM TAILORING CALL ON The Merchant Tailor who has but the one line to study your in- terests in. G. J. Leitcfe, . MERCHANT TAILOR SAW LOGS W A NTED r AT- Mills, big tell pos the i i out Frum imr 0101 Ci>rrmpci^ni(. Wo are miich pleased, to kuow Mr. \Viu. tv-iui is korry that father's Kert ju ii*nn an 1 iMt so Last time we were wishing for i.. u uuker, but msU'il we got It was reoort^d the forepart of last that Mr Porald <*>i!1e. a West End resident, was .Wl. However npon investigation it w* fonnd that snch was no' t'-c <<>> -\< Mr. G. is still lirinz aril lik, ' ilthongh sonv>*h*t no ! r tlie weather lately. We understand that widow Ken- nedv is in verv drutitnte circumstances and hs to depend entirely npon the charitv of her neighbor* for the nec- rssarifs of life. However she has a son who could, if ff> inclined, earn his own living s ' leant, instead of lonnt;- invr aronnd the street, a burden to the villagers and hi* mother. Mr. Tlios. Rosin received a sever* blow on one of his visual onrans. from a chip last wf*>k. resnltinsj in causing him to Quit work for a frw days. Mr H>'Cf T McPon%M is bnsilven- ir*ce<l in taking ont timber fora barn. 45 \ 75. f >r Mr Robert Rlak<"'>n MM* F.''a Hnthand is rusticating among friMid< in Troton this week. Mr. and Mr?. W. J. hlakeston spent Saturday and Snndav of last week in Swinton Park. 'I, .Mill /I, .11. II :>niKlo> 31ATIO*. Abo aav qunUtv of ShmgU Bolte. R. R. TM- and L*lh Tunbtr, f. r which I un paving ib> bijht market pnw ID c in. I will klto !<! a UD of PLANING MILL Machinery 10 a fw wnki. when I will b pr**proi to Jo I1 kiods of work IB tb>i )m on tbort uotic. Partivi ooQtem- pUtiug bniMinx ill Jo w*U to call and * t e*tima u<l nlan bcforw Doors, Sash and Frames made to order. Will alo kep 10 itoc all kinds of nltiBK. 4 app oHud-i. Pol and Haiti-trade* srteral Fram <- W. H. Tavlor' ii!e camo off lant Fri.lny nd wn w*-ll attended, thin?* ffr'iTiij a* * <joo.i pri(*e. Mr. Honrv Wright, of Wrel:am. will hortlv m ivo to tin- fArni. Mrs. (."ornri.'ld is a little better this week. .VOUIIK dot-tor, lir. Scott does uot!, " "V.^" , W "k 7 l prwn ' i : 1 1 in IM Flo'lierUiii hv M.-<srs. Pn-dton Special attention gitn to euitoB *wmg. pUniotc tuJ uuthin. cu'.tiiig flr-uglc* ..J ltb. Bill* of lumber out to onUr. it*oa voramaiuhip ^ukrauUi nU piicM right. 1 . 1 ' I _. i l . EUGENIA ' PIATOG MILLS ! OIHISI giveu to fi-,'1 iilai med aixnit the tion, but thmks he may bo extra woik. Mi-s. Si-ott. Sr , of Mclntyre, has been visiting with her sou here for a time. A \\'uii,- Mill's Cornwall. sociatiou was organized 1 ere 011 '\'n,* day. l>ii>t Mareh. Short addresst-s were delivered by Messrs. Kells. llol ten, Scott and Ricliardsou. It was HkTing lt*eJ the *U-f mill* (or a term of TMF. rf.'iiii tb public lbt *e nuanfnar> an I lr\> >u v th (u'lowiojj : Sah. floor*. lrr*-l II. ...ring. Shretinc >rrll r.isl-. ll:iluiiT Hand Kailinit. orncr KliM-kK. I he !! f S|irucr >ol A. MoN.-vin Wo unit '-stand W..P ' p ce. Quite a nnmher of iv,ip!^ here complaining of colds just now. lr. are l'..i-. t, r.ui.l.i Filling*, i Design and Patterns of priiit for the Spring arl^ beautiful. Coma and sflq t.hflm JCj TV 0>f Editor of Ttu 4,1rHtt. l">iAt Sin. Your ariio'o in last wei'k'a isn> if T!>o .Mvatice. re in- creased gr-i 1 "* 't4i<ii:-il iKtnct ag- ricultural societies. I iliirk i quiti pr>^raturo. nd v>rv i;r;itisf<*tory ti> me. Imvovrr s.-o "< vonr intentions \Vo will have no early chickens this! '"'sl^lnvi ^-.MI. 1 am >)-iite selfish M r, - fioi.i Fleshertou very often aud will , uot leave any . Mr. ' M has purchased the Heron ('arm. and lias now one of the Ui;us in Opivy. Mis. H. A. Hrown lii\.<< been ailing for a time hat has almost recovered. Turniugs of all kinds done to order. All k n-l of M aMin<* k*(<t on hn4. >-J cMlnKK for m>,l- fiunh t tpt-. W* have th-> !'.<"t Jw^!i, - IM h U<1 * l:> beautiful. Gome aud see them. Underwear and Flannels at Cost ! We have on hand full !ines ol Shirtings, Cottonaiies, Cottons, Dress Goods, etc. Get them made before the Spring w;nk starts. Fresh Teas, Susjar, Can\uits, Haiiins and all Groceries ulw.ivs on hand. , . i-v.-i^i .- << T\ i t W"- III VV4 ^^ CVl* I M. Gr. l-:v\nn The Store on tlie Hill. tbt contract of placing the stringers T'losherton, Maicb 3. is >_>. our own | At a tneetiiig of tlie directors of tlu' Osprey Milling Coininy. is was iaaicUd to put in another water wheel for the sawmill. Messrs. Ho^s and Johnson are now busy completing the 'ob. Mr. Cioonje VV"h, ',!! so -urod uli t" take all tliccn-.lit due me if we have saeeeeded in ifctun^ an in creased ijraiit tit onr ^vielv. and will i cer'ain amount of pri.i.- fir the ortiot'rs of our society, tlie scln me having originated witli ns.and if yo-u aiiiiotiiioeinent bo c.inect. we havt pushed it to a successful issue Tnt you IIMVO civeH too inncli cretlit lo faiul tlu-r. !\v :,-n.iivil the civdit hu> t.i otlier officers of the society who li\v bcvn equally energetic in tiM'i^ fiir tins increase grant, and most especially our esteemed presi- ilent. whose influence au>l per*. \,-i ance in this matter cannot be too highly appreciated by tin- society. '8. 1'VMI PK. S,c. F.G. A. 8. f r v<. ur truly. Mpl-. i..,v~l. >, ft Kim u.l SV n; 1 uubfr taken 111 ichit>i|.'K (or work, Quantity of uod dry t'in* i>n fir- Ftbll.lMS.lrt The Markets. Carefully r*rrerlr4 I .n-li , . K. S T\ I - T , , 14.. !.- , MM rh U. IVrk. IU> (HT tuu H, U T rkr,. I C'bu-ku p*r pair 1 Wol I > to to k t-' W to to in to U to m to SO to l to IM> to IS to s t* S to IS to to U Ml t - - 10 4 1 U> 1 i IS* 10

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