the. FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. I* publlaha.1 Kvei-v Tliur KaoH nu Orncm SyJri'l i,n Street, - - TERMS OK HUBSl'Rll'TlON: 1 par auiinm when paid etrlctly In adtanc* 1 SO jir annum wueu iiot o paid. ADVKIITI.SINO KATKS. One column. 1 year, SM ; ball col., do., $17 f/iarUr col do . SIS Tranelent a I v.'rtlsenKuiU ehartji-d at the rate of Met*, per line for first insertion aud 3ct. per Uo oacli euUM)i| ut.ut llih.-rtl> n W. n. THUKSTON, Jiditor and I'ruprietur T11K SITUATION NOW. Dm ing tlie piist two weeks twelve bye elections liave taken place in various parts of the Dominion, wuli a reaulunt gain of three new eats for tbe government East Bruco. I'riuce Edward and North Victoria. In the former constituency llr. Trii.ii. the uuscated uieiubur, ocuret? the election Ust year by a majority of 114. Ou Thursday last Mr. Cargiil, the Conservative can- didate, was returned by the small majority of 10. A recount has bou demanded. In North Victoria Mr. Darrou (Reformer I secured the seat at last year's election by 20*2 of a majority, but on Thursday last the verdict was reversed, giving Mr. Hughes (Conservative) a majority of Liu. South Victoria rt-leotud a Conservative, as also did Mid- dlesex, and Halifax (two members). Peel re-elected Mr. Feiithmtone (Re- former) by au iucieased majority over list year. Ou Friday Mr. Ingram, Conservative candidate in Hast Klgin. was re-elected by a majority of 49 J, bis former majority having been only 40 This was a phenomenal gain. Saturday resulted in tliu ret ini of Dowers, the Hi-form member forDi^by, N. 8., and F. W. Uordi-n, Linn-ill, fir KiiitfM, N'. S. Thus, to i i|'itul.Ue, out of twelve- cotiBlitnoii cics in v. Inch bye-elections have l ' n In M, iiiuu return (.'murrvalive nii-iii- bcrH, making a gain of three s< uts for Conservative* and hix votes on a division. Hi fore tlieac elections mut- ters stood on an even footing, viz., six Cu:M>ivativi>8 and six JiVforment. Tho result catiHcs Const i-vati von to shako thcniHclvt's by the hainl an<l re I ixe F\ceeilni|r|y. Already 25 elections have In en held, cf which the Coiisi-rvativeH rimi.l 1! and the Idbonils fi. Of tin- I 1 .' in.-iiituoncicH yet vacant, Hirer only were held by ('onsei vulivoH, and lli l>y l.ihernlM. Hijiim of the litter Till in all probability be i. flolll .hi' <l|>|>l)Hllilin, SO lli:it III.' ll'ivi'i nnient lanil* n ^iiml i>riH|H>c: of counting titty on a division liefou- C'.OBC of next OI.LA I'OIUUDA Was it Orange Peul that m'ckrticil Mr. ,1.11 1, ..ii :' North Victoria citmo out of tho Km ron and minendcrod. Conservatives down t-ast aro par donable for shouting "Victory-a IK on is I" What's that about "Tlio nx *lmll W laid at I'm rjot of the troo ?" Tin:, has been exemplified in Knit llrnje. Ontario election will on Hatarday next, Mr. Tho South place John I. Davnhon, tho unseated Hr> f>iin ini<ml>er, and Mr. Win. Mmith, ('oniMiivativo. bi<ini{ tlio candidates Dr. Hnroiilu \ down llioro this weelc d iing ynoinuii waik, suoli as ho did in Ktt Hruoe. The Ml. Forest CoMfe.lerato has been purchased by Mr. MoMiillun, M. I'., who will place a oonple of young M>I> at the helm to turn the orank and grind off what bo bills Ihrin. No doubt the Confederate will be very in Cresting hereafter. It will probably pay lunch attention to goremmcnt pots.pans, kettles.and kindred weighty nibjects, The Montreal Witness (independent Libi-rall sayg : "The whole direction of the public opinion, which seems everywhere setting toward the govern- ment again, is amazing." The Wit- ness also affirms that never since 1878 was the Conservative party so strong in tie country as it is to-day. The Globe is frantically endeavor- ing these- days to extract a morsel of comfort from "THE EUROPEAN SITUATION," '' NEWS Ir'KOM WASHINGTON," " OOSSIP OF OLD LONDON," etc., in lieu of what might have been hud the elections only resulted other- wise. Sir John Thompson, Hon. Geo. E. Foster and Hon. Mackenzie Dowell have been in Washington during the past week opening negotiations with Secretary Blaiue with a view to se- curing reciprocal trade relations with the United States. Tlio conference lias ended and the deputation will re- turn homo this week. What the re- sult has been will, of course, not be made public for a few days. The Globe of Monday claimed the result to be wholly void of fruit and entirely unsuccessful. But then the Globe announced this as the inevitable re- sult long before negotiations were en- tered upon, aud that paper has, with others, by its evident desire to make a present of this entire country to the Americans, created an almost unsurmounuble barrier to the acquir- ing of anything like fair play to Can- ada in the negotiations now ponding. This paper has sufficient confidence in the pr. sent government of Canada to feel usiiircd that any arrangements entered into by it with our brcthurou to the south of in with regard to a treaty of leciprocity will be oue of ad vantn-e. to Canada, or nothing at all. If negotiations should fall tiirougli tl e great iiiHjoiitr of our people will nnilei stand perfectly woll tlu^why and when-fore, and where to place tho lUllK. .. Visit to Dundalk. Tin- Advance (iniil our sinter tirii, Dun I ill, a vint on Sunnily laat. It i ii-.irly tlmui years since wo vixitoil ihut ..* n .iii.l .- \-n- ati.inl it WnulJ li.ii /niwn of n i-iii;iiili,.ii.!iiit wt'to ,'tve y ilii.i|.|...mteil Iliniiii; lluil period a of liiiiiiUiune |IIII|'|IIIK havo lieeti . i. . tr.l, Init tliu |iU<:u bus unfiirliiiuti'ly -iitli-n .1 iri'j- iniieli In. n> tiivi, wlncli linn i.i.inteil Hi t*r<iwlli a.inii'Ulmt Tliu Ciiiiiiur nuii> in HII iirelutivtiiiiilly |ier- fert I :in. I ii rii'ilit In llu- ]I|III-K, lull .n fur iti 1-iiiinoiu wit nru lint m |niHitinii |im|>i<k. The imw lilork i-rei-lc.| liy M.- MH S ...i h ,!, ,^- i , nln,, n IniiiiUiiiiii' iti n. luiii, Kml ndila I" lln- In .inly of tin' |iU.'. Hut tin. , ,nii lniil.l in lnrli i.ilrlii-.i tin. i-yi- ami civ en llio vilUfc quite U iir of tuotri>|uili(itii ne- inity i tin- new elt-v.i'nr H)III-|I tnwiir* uj .ir ih- i iiimi Thin HIM. liiiililiiii; I||||| f() jil'l iVIll In ill.' n|i|.,-:ii:ilirr nl I 'illi. I ilk anil j.l.l, ,- nf I.IUM.I'-I M, ImH NnlrtllllKtHlllllllJ III! tlli-.i> e\ nli-lii-l-. <if |iri.^ro>Ki"ii SJMfMaMl ii.fniiiii-.| n* MMMSSI ilimni; llu' past |,-w niniitlin baa III-I-M very i|iu<>t. A haaly tfUnon iuti MHI nneiiiin i-f llrntluir Mill, nf tin-, tvvu.tltvl tlinUi't ilnl lii-.iil M.nilil 111. t miller fr.mi ennui wbilv HiK niili'i" tor wurk. HIII |.ili fylo waa i-ll lilleil ami Uumimra i* liruk with turn, wlllfll Tin. Ailvunni wan .;l.ul In HI-,. |ty i In- wity Mr. II ill liiu l..-1-ii MIIIIIIH nu I. .linn. ill- i.f latO unii" til illu. H vili'l llH.I jmt rvt linn il 1 1 .. MI Hi,- airk l-<l nf In* (Hi Alfrml, nt I>e IVr*, NVis , wlm n.n. we .in. liii|'|.y to Irani, on tliu huliway to ii'i-ovKiy. Other nld fiunnla aixl unw M'''|iimUh.-i- wliniii wo mot wurii Mr. I MM Itlakuly, wlm waa unmi'nuiil in tin. |.iiiiil in.t, mul u almi inli-ieni.-,! Ml KOIIIU . lien;. iniurHiien nebi'iiix ; Mr. Donn, I>HI< "f tlm rlcvwrvat litontry in. -ii uf wliii-h Pun. I. ilk ,-,in !>,. am, HIM! wlnwi' jn'ii has dono IIIIMO |ti>d work nn lli" In ! |nea iliirinij yfur* umit liy, iiiilalily nn tlie. ,-M (luiib', whom tliu wntur Hnt inniln hit ai'i|imiulano>>. Mr. I l.-ill. ll a 1111*11 *llU|l, Illll :i|.|..-.m til till a ti nil- iiiil nf |ir<i|Hirtimi In tin- aurrmiml- in.-- A (1. Iliintiir, Kai| ,iii>'ii(.ir,|iri>a- |iilur, lil.nui.tii, ate., WM lint in wlicii n i .illi'.l. and we wi'ie iln-ii'f,.i , inml'lii l.i 'lainilin In* a|in inii'iii nf otti*, oto., In. Ii we would linrii much hkii| In <<<>. \n ili.-i I'll UIIIIHII |.uliii,- man which wu liuinpoil HI airainit WM .1 VV. Mnrrnw, Kli| , I In- ' KIIIIIIH,' an. !i >i'ii i. ilKiT inin'iinil nratnr of lh liamy.inl. or what- fer you lik.i t call him. II,. it tint |iirli.-nlar wlint h* it , ll.-.l, >.. l.,,^. a* )|>U (In nut rail trin< |..n>r anrtinn. rr wlneli error there i little i!angr <>( any one who hai aver heard him, committing. He alo draws the line at "Grit. 1 ' lj> K life to him. The uiuul lari; quan- tity of furent products are beinx <l.-liv.-rei) at Dundalk thin seaanti. Altni;ether we spent four vry pleasant h"urs in Uun- dalk.and do n-.t intend hereafter to a'lnw the visits to our smiling sister village to bu ui few and far between. Land for Sale. Being part of Ix>U No. H and 0, in tbe 5th coticotreloil of the towithtnp of Arti-ni,-ila. hi tho coui.ty of Grey, coiiiaiiiiiig IT adtiieaKnrvineDt toKrlhor about one hundred acre* of i-xc ll< nt Un.l. On tlie iK*rt:on that IB to to auhl are cr- ected frni burn m.l utalle lUnn lam.- an. I c"iiini(>dioui frkiiia dwelliui;, well fli,i-li..-,i an.l uitable fort laru family On tho farm there U aacxHl bmriiitf orchanl wttli clmice fruit, a good well of excellent water ami alumt fa acre* of cloariDKi* and altoiit forty acruH of hinli, all bardwood . "i -mtiiiK of boroli, inai>l. -ltn and birch. ItNilintartce frotn Kleeherton Rtation, on the C. P. H., Ii only one mile, and x-lxxil liouav in at tbe front corner of the lot. Thift in oue of tin- l>ent farm-, in Artunienia, i alto convenient an I in n ii'xvl neighlmrhood. T. rum of pay- ment* will be made ruaonat'u to suit the |Mir.-)iwr Air. further inforination can be ohtained by writmtf or |>erHotially by applying to Mary Mrl'lml. Kiecutrix to tbe utatf of Archibald Mcfball, deceased. feblKit Klet bertou Station P.O. ArtoiuMU. F*l>. !(#.>. Auction Sale OF Valuable Farm Property In the township of \rtemedia, in tbe ooantyof Grey, there will b >old on At 1 o'clock in tlui afternoon luiiKlinw's Hotel in ilie Of I Ir^her I mi. By virtue of powaraof aale contained in a rcr- taln mortgage which will b produced at the aale. the following i>ro|>rtv : l.i.t .7 in the 3rd conceaalon aouth of Durham Road of the town- hip of Arteuieaia. in the county of Orey, con- taining HUacrei. more or len, timbered. TKHMK do per cent, of tha pnrchaae money to he paid down on the day of aale. For balance ternia will be tnadr known at the aale. For further particular* apply to Jones Bros. Sc Mackenzie, Solicitors, Toronto fit . Torocto. Or to R. J. Rpronlo. K.i . Fleeberton feblSM In Ihe natter of W. W Trimble of the ill. ,e of I II--IK nun in the nrral Merchant The Inaolvent ban made an aaaignment of bia Katat to the iin^crniKtiml. in puranance nf an A. t ra|>ectiii( Anaiiiunirnti for tlie benefit of Crwlltol -, Chapter 1*4. K S () . 1NH7, an.) .inni.l inn Acla. and Creditor* are notified to in." i at lliKiirftca of l>alUy. Wataou A Front St. Weat. on Tuuradav, h.l. INth. :.'J. at 3 oclifk p. in . to receive atatetueuta of bii affair.*, ap IKiint Inapt-cti.rm. and for the ordvritin of tliu affaire of the eatate Kent-rally. And creditor* are hereby notiflf^l to t* ml to K hamp^.ti par- ticulara in wntin>.' of thrir claitna proved by af*l lavit. witli viMii-hi-f.. if nv. purhuaiit to tbe i 1 Act. on "i t>'f< w tli.- .Int.. i.f the nai.t ui*-t- m Arid notice IH hereliy t;i v.-n, that after tbe tw.ntv nth da) of Mm. h ni'lt.the aald triiilno ill IM......-I to dlntrihnl.. tin- annrtnof the laid 1 1. l.t.'i ainonp tbt* partii>* f ntitln'l thereto, hav- [UK reiiard ..nlr to tin- i-laini* of wliich notice -hall have been given, and that they will not be liable for the aeu or an v part there. if > triluited to any pcnuiu or partona of whoa l.-t.t or claim they aball not tlii-n have had not ..... KlxiAll h \MPSON. Tru.tM K.I. 1. lil. 01. Frout St. wett, Toronto K.blWrt NOTICE. The biiainrta ht'tofora carriu.l on by MrOon- aid .t Kvan* a^ Q.'i..'1'al ni.'ri liantii in Fleahe:- ton. will bvcontinuud in future liv tin- .1(11.1,1 Ii i. t.\ ^^^ Vlotprt..n Kelv 4. 1SS8. f.-l.n it Farm for Sale. A pu'l.-ii li-l farm for nlr- on on i\ trnn, I>P.DK l"t I si.'ii .'), (>-4|ii*v <-DI it Killing I/ > . r. v iii-'i * or loH4. UiH>.l I mil tin.;'*, imw IM-AI L-i^ <>j\-h*t>l. \fll wntt'liil TlltH IH A prosit t'AiVHiri l.-i *..'int- .' Apply to tho uwur, A M.Ki i HMI- 1 . f. ! 11 u M.i\,..l I* i) . The Safest AND nnt powerful itlteratlva Is Aycr's Hraprllln. Young nnd .1.1 aro aliku 1.. n.-ntr,! liy its tiio. For tho eruptive dls- c.i.-51'i peculiar to rliil.lrrn r.olliing else U so rtfe.-tiie :- t!.; Mi'ili. il.K, v 'n! it s itgreea* I :. flavor innK.'s it easy to admin- ister. "My little boy Jmil \nriftt n.-rolii- lolH 111. . I < I'll III* lietk ii". I threat from lie rutli-rcd tfirihly. Two |iliy.iii-lars iitondt-d liiin, t.r.t ]; prow rontlnimlly i:inli'r llii-ir, mid leiylxKly \|'i-'t,.| In. \M'ii!il iiio. I li:i.l ti'.ii.l.'f 'h rrmarkablo rnrre effected b] v .i'< . nr:i|-a illu, nnd ilerliled to have tny 'I \ t.y it.. Shortly nft.-r ln li'-i;iiu to il. ' tl K in. i'ii .In-, tll llleelH r-itn- 'i.i'iire.l In-.-iliii ', inn I, ill! it iiMln^ aeviTal I ... ttl. i, I,. i u u* mlin'ly enii-.i. UK Is i o\v lu In-ahl'v ami itrimg -. any liny .( ln acp." William r. Dougherty. llani|>toii, Vn. "In M.iy lust, my yonn(fot rlillit, ("iirteeii inonilm old, rx-can to have 1 sorns iiln-r on Ita l.'-nd and Iwily. \V ap- |il e.l \iiil. MK niniplti reini'diea wiiliont ii nil. lln'mi'iKH in ri-ji-.f.l in tiiiinlirr 'in. I dim hurui-il .-o|'H'iel\ . A |>li) an iun 11. enllfd, Init the HOIK* roniiiiiird to i-nliiph until In a (> ini nil.* tln-y null < i. v. in.) tllio hi Id'* In Mil iili.l Uniy. M 1...I no l'i ;.:lll till UNI- o( Ajri'n S.U - *|iaillla. Ill a l.-wr iln .MI a nunki-d i' I-T the I.. HIT wnn inanlffst. Tlie ortin a,inllluril n more henlthv ., n.liii. n, Ilio di. Imr^i-n wer pniiliinlly dlniln- i in-, I, nnd Dually reuKi'd alti.Kt-tlinr. Iln. rlnld In ln.'1-.-r. ii- itkln la Irralmr, ..'.'I IU apprtiio I..-; i. -i i '-mi wn hax K ol>- n i \ . .1 .or inniiilia." Frank M. itilflin, l...ii(! 1'oint, Texas. " Tlio formula f Arcr's Raraaparllla |. .0 ii'iita, (or i hu.n'ii iliHr.t.Hfi if alninat r\nr> kind, tl... boat i.-m.-.U kni^vn to I!IK Mimllrul w.irl.l "- II. M. VlllKin, M. P.. >Vii;-, Arkauwia. flyer's Sarsaparilla, aWD t Dr. J. C. Ayer A (\>., Lowell. Mau, rHM1iHIMMea.a. Terlk | a WtUe, M. Kichurdsoii & ( 1 o, Dry G-ood Merchants. We have now commenced our ann-jril deirin.j; Sale People understand we mean business when we ad- vertise such a sale. We intend to continue it till the end of the month, when we commence btork Taking. IFU NEED Kemnants oi Dress Goods, Ginghams, Winceys, Flannels, &c., Ac., now is the time to buy. IE HAE SOIE LIKES TO OFFEB TUT WILL PIT TO TO IIT, Special drives in C/othing- Men's and Youths' Suites and Overcoats In Boot and Shoe Stock we offer big cuts while the stock lasts. M. Rickardsoii & Co. New Oarria&re &'. Bhu'ksiiiith Shop. The uni]rrigne<1 beg lear* to apqnaint th pnblio *ilh tho f^ct that th.\T IUT( UJ a ni'w carriage in. 1 bUrkxtuith shop in Klcsborlon. wlu-re everyth;nx in our line will be atttfiiitnl to in * prompt rummer ami good wcrkuiaiiliip ^narautfeJ. U'e nnikr a upvoialtr ..f H O R 8 E 8 II E I N G. And rrofesB U> hare * mechnnie who jiiri-A t-ntir.' nrn<f;i,- ^ tune. t:.iii to tfiuliT or contritvotetl ftH't, lulorforiu^ po>uiri>lv WOODWOBKING- tltin- In all Its bruichoa, Wa^on*. biiiij,''''.". nin.le to oiJ.'r. \\\-'re w* can work ii|< a |!iklbi)>ineiuin Fwisherlon hy (air an. I aqnare dVal'iii; ami car. (ul MoikiimiiKlilp, aii.l B'.luil tli.< i'U'.. I; t.' I .-: . in iiu'iiu in .-nr Turi.>;i lines. ori'osiri: rumJftTUMM ITAMMMOOM8, in nil iu sr WRITTEN & BLAIR. To OUIUTS of horses and The public in jjoneral. Heforo jjoiii); furtlior aiul o\Hiuiiio tlio larxe stock of Lortc- inon's ro(|iiisitC8 kfpt in stock hy tho uiulersigm il. Yon ami im-. wo inuko the K>ss HitrnoM it a Tory ro:isi'ii.-ili!e l't!,Muv. t! 'Oil WOl kllianlii|i, atul DO it ppivn tiers allowed to vippriiniMit on wvirk wt> put out. Thoro can bo no H^TTTrt nTMT^IATIO Tlit our took of siuuliios is complote, con- X W U W^JUllUIid gi.ti,^. O f si, ,^1, bolls, whips, trunks, Tlis. axle grcaso, curry combs, ami ov.'rytluiiij ooncoivuble which hois, men Call and oiauiiue and bo couvincoil D. CLAYTON, FL.ESHERTON The Markets. ar. iull> Corrrrtrel I ;i. h If Klonr ........ * 4 M to Kail \\ .......... M H|>iliiK \Vbeel. ............. W to Kailey l % aa l'iiltr Kmt. fre.h, Potato** be*. 1 "* Midi.* MesVaMM Tlirkov* t'tilokena |wr pair Otioka M M IS IS oo SID S 00 no to to to to to t to to t , rrfc. I I SO M 10 to * II 100 1 M 10 IS to Notice of DissolotioD of ParlDsrsliip, S.'tu-* ii hereby cUenlhat th partnr*lnp hervtofor* r\iitini liotufrn H.nii. MolVna! I an.l II II .Kralli t-airylUK on tin- IMI- in,< of pi n era! uierchauta under tbnaaineol M,-l>,.na! I . I <m In the *illa of Flahrton. in tbe I'.'iiutt of Orey. haa thinta) Ix.n K.>lTe.t bv mutual oouarnt All dl>t .. u ^ t,> tlie iai.l artMnklpStetelM l>ai.l t.. HO Kvaae al rlMht t.'n an afor*t.V aud all olaliaa a^ain- 1 laid paituemhip arc lo Is- |>r.,.i.l,l to tl e a I H o Ivaaa. b> whuui the tame will t, settled. Dated at V > < ei ton thin Murth .lav of Feh- rvar;. \. IV ISM. l>i'TUV' M.'>(1MALl) n o IVAN* Vltoeea-